May 14, 2017 To Be Pleasing To God by Pastor Josh Sheldon


May 14, 2017 To Be Pleasing To God Romans 8:9-11 Pastor Josh Sheldon


I'll turn please to Romans chapter 8 As we continue
To study to preach to work our way through this great letter to the Romans from the
Apostle Paul The Romans 8 our text this morning will be verses 9 through 11
Because you may recall that chapter 8 when we got there made the point that chapter 8 is about the work of the
Holy Spirit In verse 2 of this chapter it is he the Holy Spirit who has set us free from the law of sin and death
A work he does in alliance with the Lord Jesus Christ to the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus And now we walk according to his ways, which is verse 4 tells us
Verse 6 tells us that the mind fixed on him on Christ by his spirit that mind is
Determined to walk in his ways, and then we'll have a life life and peace
This is the work of the Holy Spirit of God now in verses 9 through 11 our Instruction in the person and work of what we call the third person of the
Trinity the Holy Spirit our instruction continues So look down in your
Bibles if you have those open there to chapter 8 verse 9 And just these three verses for our text this morning
The Apostle Paul writes you However are not in the flesh, but in the
Spirit if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you Anyone who does not have the
Spirit of Christ does not belong to him But if Christ is in you although the body is dead because of sin the
Spirit is life because of righteousness If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead
Dwells in you he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit
Who dwells in you? And may God bless the reading and the hearing and the preaching of his word this morning
There is a change in how Paul writes here in chapter 8 of Romans There's a there's a whole shift if that I want to point out to you it's because previously he had been kind of general in his use of Pronouns he preferred for a long while a third person a bit of a distancing pronoun if you will
It's they it's he it's them and now if you noticed beginning
Here he Changes and writes directly to us From they from from him from those we get you we us
Even at the beginning of this chapter where he writes of those who were in Christ Jesus in the very next verse he
Betrays his unmistakably warm and personal connection to them
He says for the law spirit the law of the Spirit of life has set you free
And now in verses 9 through 11 as the Apostle instructs us yet further in the work of the
Holy Spirit This personal this warm intimacy continues. It's the
Holy Spirit who now has center stage as Paul expounds how the Spirit works in us.
He's going to build towards our ultimate hope Which is what? It's the resurrection.
It was right there in verse 11. That's where we're building to verse 11 the resurrection
He who raised Jesus from the dead is also going to give life to your mortal bodies verse 11
Gives us a promise That this is going to be our final end if you are in Christ Jesus if Christ Jesus dwells in you
This is the promise of God to you the resurrection You see the resurrection of believers is
More than just a propositional truth It is the promise of God Confirmed in history by the resurrection of his son
Jesus Christ from the dead and applied personally and Individually to the heart and soul of the believer by the life -giving
Spirit of God That's a fairly long sentence, but this is what we're going to see as we go through just these three verses
Let me say it again to you the resurrection of Believers your resurrection if you believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ It's not just a propositional truth It's not just a technical sentence or some conclusion like a lawyer going through a rhetorical exercise
It's more than that. It is the promise of God Confirmed in history by the resurrection of his son that if you are in Christ you will follow him
God by his spirit will raise you up as well There is in verse 9 a small but very very important word we've come across it before in Greek Just two letters.
We would alliterate it as de as death or day It's what we call an adversative.
It sets something off as distinct distinct from something else and here the way Paul uses it
It sets off what? Follows from what preceded so what preceded was this but then he uses the word but this
Adversative day and says instead of that now this verse 9 says you however
However is that word you however? Coming from that word death.
So you as opposed to something else are this as Opposed to that other thing that other condition you are this
Death other than that and we don't need to look very far for the antecedent
What is he setting us off from when he says you however or another way to say it would be?
But you has the same force the same meaning As opposed to what?
Well, we can just look at verse 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God but you are
Not in the flesh but in the spirit you However, but you you are not in that condition in which it is impossible to please
God If indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you you are not in that verse 8 condition
But adversative to that different from that opposite to that If you're in the spirit if the
Spirit is in you No longer that That disqualifying condition has been itself disqualified there is this qualification a very important one if in fact
The Spirit of Christ dwells in you if in fact the Spirit of Christ dwells in you
Then this is true of you Paul's not suggesting that they are not believers. What he is doing is he's he's restating something
We might call the sine qua non of Our faith that sine qua non Latin expression means very simply without which not it's speaking of something it could be almost anything you want to think of a
Battleship without guns is not a battleship. What is the sine qua non the without which not of a battleship must have guns?
Only those in whom the Spirit dwells are Christians Only Those in whom the
Spirit dwells are Christians It's just sine qua non without which not if you don't have the
Spirit you cannot be this and this is what Paul says Verse 8 those who are in the flesh cannot please
God Verse 9 you however are not in the flesh, but in the
Spirit If indeed if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you where he says the
Spirit of Christ without him Without the
Spirit of God without the Holy Spirit without the helper There's one that Joseph was reading to you about that Jesus tells his disciples about in his high priestly prayer at the end of John's Gospel without him
There is there can be no conversion There can be no coming to Christ.
There can be no indwelling of the Spirit Without the Spirit dwelling in you as simple as that sounds that's a very profound truth
The sine qua non the without which not you cannot be a Christian without him
We've made the point before I'll make it again Not it Not just a force not just an influence.
He the person the third person the Trinity God the Spirit No, they can't be conversion without him because to him to the
Spirit of God is attributed our Regeneration now without regeneration there can be no faith and without faith there can be no repentance and without repentance
There can be no pleasure from God Did you catch all that?
Without the Spirit of God there is no conversion And if you not converted if you're not
Regenerated there can be no faith because it has takes regeneration to bring about faith
Faith is not natural to us. God doesn't look at your faith and say I'm happy with that faith Therefore will regenerate your soul quite the other way around Regeneration impossible without the
Spirit faith impossible without regeneration repentance impossible without faith and all this dependent upon whom
Not what? upon whom the Holy Spirit of God The more distant third -person mode is at the end of this verse
Because here when he says, but you you however not in the flesh, but in the spirit he's speaking personally
He's speaking to those to whom he seems to have some confidence. The pronouns are to you Not them anyone though Anyone who does not have the
Spirit of Christ I said impersonal that distance again Those people
The ones you may know who do not have the
Spirit of Christ those do not belong to him It doesn't say if you don't have or seeing that you don't have it just says anyone anyone who does not have
So I'll take a moment and from this test text we can ask ourselves
How is it the people like you or I can please God If you ever let your mind just dwell on this for a moment
That a broken feet of clay as we like to say Sinner like you or me can in fact, please
God dwell on that for a moment The adversity of death in verse 9 he draws that distinction between those who are in the flesh who cannot please
God They can't do it It's impossible and then there's Paul's target our audience in verse 9
Those who are no longer in the flesh those who are not in the flesh, but in the spirit the Spirit of Christ That distinction has to do with their being their ontology as we call it you remember that from last week
Paul calls it that in verses 8 5 and 8 9 your Ontology your state of being your state of existence is either flesh or it is spirit and those in the one
Cannot please God Implying those in the other can and in fact do if verse 8 declares the utter impossibility of pleasing
God when the approach to him is from this fleshly state of existence this fleshly physical perspective verse 9 then
With that small two -letter word that death that sets it off different as opposed to that now this it
Declares the certainty of God's pleasure in those who come to him by way of his spirit in other words
Broken sinners Like you and me are pleasing to God think about that for a moment
Think about God in all his glory his holiness his perfection his absolute
Antithetical nature to anything even close to not good much less sin
Think of that God for a moment the heavens declaring his glory every second and now think of Yourself and pleasing to him
By Your works no By my qualifications of course not
Because of the indwelling spirit because as it were when God looks upon this broken sinner
This one who can't stop doing these things There's one with feet of clay. What does he see?
on the manner of speaking himself the indwelling spirit of God He The Holy Spirit has placed us in God's Son Jesus Christ this idea began way back in chapter 5 of Romans where we learned the difference between having been born in Adam and inheriting the consequences of his sin primarily death and then being in Christ that federal headship that representative act of his and inheriting inheriting from him the consequences of His obedience which is life
Death in Adam life in Christ Aligned with Adam by natural birth and in Christ and Christ in you
By the Holy Spirit's rebirth. Let me stop a minute
Think about this meditate quietly for a moment on what this really means
And really think about this for a second I think if we consider it rightly
If we stopped just had silence in here for 10 or 15 or 20 minutes Really thought about that.
I Mean Jesus Christ's prayer his what we call high priestly prayer. It'd be breathtaking
Should make us faint away think about some of the things he said John 14 verse 23 if anyone loves me this is our
Lord speaking if anyone loves me He will keep my word and my father will love him and We will come to him and make our home with him
John 16 verse 27 For the father himself loves you Because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God Think about this a moment we're speaking here from Romans chapter 8 verses 9 through 11 of the work of the
Spirit and Jesus here the night before his crucifixion Speaking of the
Spirit whom he will send to accomplish these very things that we're studying from the book of Romans The father loves those who are in his son with the love with which he loves his son
We did a whole sermon on this a couple of years ago when we were preaching through the gospel of John It's like an equal sign
God's love for Jesus Christ Equals his love for those who are in Jesus Christ now think of yourself compare yourself to God and Wonder at the beauty and the power and the love and the compassion of the
Holy Spirit of God Who converts our souls and then dwells within? Such that when
God looks upon his son Jesus Christ He who knew no sin his beloved son and The Holy Spirit as it were puts an equal sign on that love and points it straight to you where he himself dwells think on this
The next time you're feeling down and out How came we to be in this position?
Nothing, we did we said it last week neither you or I or any other person in history ever took any part in accomplishing this
This equal sign of the love of God pointing from his son to you It's not something that he did because he's pleased with anything we've ever done
No, this transference from flesh to Spirit from death to life is totally the work of and the realm of the
Holy Spirit of God the helper our advocate The one who comes alongside us the one who reminds us of all things that Jesus said
Jesus said of him John 6 63 it is the spirit who gives life
The flesh is of no avail the words. I've spoken to you are spirit and life
John 15 26, but when the Helper comes whom I will send to you from the Father the spirit of truth who proceeds from the
Father he will bear witness about me John 16 13 But when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth
For he will not speak on his own authority But ever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come
This is the Holy Spirit That Jesus promised and this is the Holy Spirit in Romans 8 9 through 11
That Paul says what about? He's come and If he has done his work of regenerating your soul remaking your heart if he's done this work
He's dwelling within you and all these promises are right now true of you
Romans 8 9 through 11 It gives us a clear witness not a single mention of the
Holy Spirit is made without connecting him to his joyful work of what? revealing Jesus Christ You see we're pleasing to God the
Father because God the Spirit has placed us in God the Son There's a Trinitarian work if you're a Christian if you by faith have repented of your sins fled to the cross for forgiveness
You're a walking embodiment of the work of the Trinity Father Son Spirit all included here
The Spirit as Jesus said he will bear witness of me When God looks at us he sees us through the prism of our immersion in his
Son Jesus and he loves those who are in Christ with the with the same love with which he loves Christ and The Spirit every mention here just in these three verses in Romans His every mention is connected to the one it is his glorious intention to reveal
Christ Look down at these verses again look down at verse 9 The Holy Spirit is mentioned there three times just in that verse
Do you see what he's called? He's called the Spirit When I stand at this pulpit, and I say the
Spirit you know who I mean I mean the Holy Spirit of God Paul calls him the Spirit, and then he calls him the
Spirit of God and Then he calls him the Spirit of Christ. He's a spirit. He's a spirit of God.
He's the Spirit of Christ in verse 10 He's simply called the Spirit again and here connected with his life -giving ministry.
He's the Spirit the Spirit is life But notice that verse 10 begins with Christ The one the
Spirit reveals look at verse 11 He is the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, and he is the
Spirit who dwells in you there's not a mention of the Spirit here and His work in you without connecting that to what to whom to Jesus Christ You see the
Spirit the Holy Spirit without Jesus is just an impersonal force or influence and Jesus without the
Spirit is what he's just a historical figure Romans 8 9 through 11 though is as Trinitarian as you can find anywhere
Paul transitioned so smoothly between each of the three persons of the Godhead Attributing to each the name of the individual person the
Spirit of God the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit Jesus prayer in John 16 adds this for us.
He's the helper. He's the Spirit of truth John 1 17 says grace and truth came through Jesus Christ Do you see how they're all in connect interconnected here?
Are you getting a vision why God would now be able to be pleased with you when he looks upon you and sees the indwelling?
Himself he sees the Spirit of truth in you He sees the Spirit of God the Spirit of Christ the helper the advocate
He's pleased because what he sees is himself anyone he says
Going back for a moment to the impersonal third person anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ Does not belong to him perhaps a warning
Perhaps a qualification he gives Perhaps simply a statement of fact so we glory glory and revel all the more
And what God has done? Like before the seemingly negative statement implies just as strongly the positive
If he says if you do not have the Spirit of Christ You do not belong to him and him could be God him could be
Jesus him could be the Spirit makes no difference You could see how easily they're just Intermixed here means all one in the same thing
If you don't have the Spirit you don't belong to him if you do have the Spirit you do belong to him
That's simple. We could just turn it around. That's exactly what Paul is saying here This is a personal warm Intimate relationship with God by and through his spirit
Where Paul spoke of the negative does not have he's speaking of personal possession of the
Spirit Now God we know is the initiator of this Ephesians 1 3 said it is he
God the father who chose us before the foundation of the world even so This is
God in his mercy by his spirit deigning condescending joyously
Taking up residence and that within such as us
You see it pleases God to see his will carried out in the conversion of sinners We know what
Jesus said in Luke's gospel. What happens when one sinner repents I Like to picture that he says all heaven rejoices all the angels rejoice before the
Father and the way I like to think of that is is as if God the Father said okay Hold it a moment.
We're gonna change. Holy. Holy. Holy and just for a second I want all heaven to stop and say praise
God Almighty who by his spirit did that marvelous creative work of regenerating a soul
And so all the angels with God's good pleasure Stop and give him glory when they look in wonder angels know nothing of salvation
Jesus didn't die for them. He died for you And they look and wonder so much so That when one sinner out of all humanity one sinner stops to repent heaven stops to rejoice before God the
Father It pleases God when sinners are converted
So pleased is he that he dwells with them and it's that indwelling that causes the conversion in the first place the word dwells
The word dwells in the Greek is okay. Oh, you don't need to remember that but it's used once in a
Verse 9 is used twice in verse 11 It speaks of something that fills a vessel
Whatever oikos is the dominant feature the thing that it fills You could go so far as to say that the oikos the dwelling entity will brook no sharing no dual occupancy
Remember what I read a moment ago where Jesus said if anyone loves me He will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him
Who dwells in you if you have the Spirit as I said before it's not just some impersonal distant force
Remember the change in pronouns From anyone from them from he she they to you to we
The Holy Spirit, he's the one the Spirit of Christ the Spirit of God if you speak of persons
They are all they're settled and pleased to be there dwelling within this person
If you speak of God, he is there present as the one true living God Indwelling the believer by his triune personage
You could say it any way you want As long it is a God the Father Electing people to be in God the
Son and benefit from his redemptive work and your heart made Knowledgeable of that by God the
Spirit it works and his proper theology and his good doctrine and what a support for our souls this must be as we walk through this world as We stumble and fumble and sin and need to go to God again and again for forgiveness of our sins
To know that when we go to God even in our fumbling in our stumbling He's pleased with us because the
Spirit of God is in us First ten says but if Christ is in you with all the although the body is dead because of sin the
Spirit is life because of righteousness It's more like saying seeing that Christ is in you
Seeing that he is in you and here's the result if Christ is in you Here's the result we live in bodies that will manifest the ravages of sin.
It's happening to all of us Some of you younger ones don't think so because it's not quite as accelerated process as it is for others amongst us
It's true of all of us all the while knowing that the
Spirit is working life in you as As you see the ravages of sin
Primarily death because as Alistair Begg said and I love to quote this one out of one.
It's kind of a startling statistic The Spirit within is working life because of righteousness
We cannot undo What Adam did not historically or literally?
He sinned he brought death and all who come after him will die Even Christians who possess and are possessed by the
Holy Spirit We all feel the effects of sin We age we grow weary more and more easily cancer strikes any number of maladies attack us
Gray hairs become more prominent even as hair itself becomes less. So the bodies we live in are dead because of sin
Dead and dying and It's not your particular sin though. The wages of any sin is death as We said as Paul has said it's
Adam's sin that brought death and it is this sin that's in view here Adams legacy is for all humankind.
We're all born in him. We all inherit his sin We all inherit that consequence, which is death being the one that is coming to us all
Then verse 10 does something that verse 9 did You see verse 9 turn verse 8 on its head
Remember verse 8 said those who are in the flesh cannot please God verse 9 starts. I said but you but you or in our
ESV you however Verse 10 follows on the warning at the end of verse 9
Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him With that same but that oh so important little word death
But if Christ is in you Which is to say if you are a Christian if your faith is in Christ if by faith
You've repented of your sin And if you trust and hope in God and all he is accomplished by and through his son
Jesus at the cross Where and where alone he suffered the penalty for your sin for my sin if this is true of you
If all of that is true of you Then the indwelling spirit is life the death sin life righteousness cycle comes as from From chapter 5.
I want to read to you three verses from there just to remind you Paul writes if because of one man's trespass death reigned through that one man
Much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man
Jesus Christ Therefore as one trespass led to condemnation for all men so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men
First by one man's disobedience the many were made sinners So by the one man's obedience to us is speaking of Jesus Christ is speaking of his entire life
But most particularly his cross by one man's obedience the many were made sinners
So by the one excuse me Let's get that one right
By one man's obedience Jesus Christ at the cross the many will be made righteous
Thank you for your patience the correlation of this idea of righteousness with life is an old idea in the scriptures
Psalm 119 40 behold I long for your precepts in your in your righteousness.
Give me life Proverbs 12 28 in the path of righteousness is life and in his pathway.
There is no death Proverbs 21 21 Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life righteousness and honor as a
Paul says It's the spirit giving life to our mortal bodies when he speaks of mortal bodies he's speaking of a present physical condition
That doesn't deny that you're in the spirit or the spirit is in you What it says is that as long as we are here until Christ calls us to himself
Or we pass away before he does so we are in these deteriorating states even while The spirit of life is within You see in one sense.
We are walking dead men Ephesians 2 says you were dead in trust the trespasses and sins in which you once walked
Or you can think of 1st Corinthians 6 with that long list of heaven preventing iniquities and then
Going back to Ephesians 2 for a moment says you're dead and trespasses sin But God being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us made us alive together with Christ 1st
Corinthians 6 after 6 after that long list these shall not inherit the kingdom of God There's no way they can they never shall but you were washed
You were sanctified you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our
God You see you've got to watch out for that little word, but It cancels everything
Our bodies are dead because of sin and then he says but but but if Christ is in you
The spirit is life because of righteousness. I ask you do you believe this?
Do you believe this watching our bodies fail under the ravages of Adam's sin might make it a little hard to believe
But how do we walk By faith not by sight
If our sight shows that the age is encroaching and its end is nearer now than it was before Our faith says that Jesus has conquered death and though you may die yet.
You shall live It's 1st Corinthians 15 Where Jesus Christ has conquered death
That's John 11 at Lazarus's tomb If you have faith in me says
Jesus though you die yet you shall live That God is a God of life
The indwelling spirit of God proves it ask yourself.
Why are Christian funerals so different and I would answer at least partly
Because we don't have to pretend anything We can acknowledge death and at the same time believe it is not the ultimate end
We don't have to pretend that death is anything other than horrible and It is bad.
It's Tragic there's nothing to celebrate when someone dies There's nothing to celebrate about that And because we have a realistic view of it because by the inner witness of the indwelling spirit
We look beyond mere succession of life of the biological functionings. We don't look just at that but with the eye of faith
We look upwards to Christ. We can give vent real vent to our true sorrow
Without contriving ways to make it hurt less. That's just one of the many applications of this
Because of the indwelling spirit of life Knowing that we will be Like Jesus one day
We can treat things realistically Can we say biblically? Because the
Bible pulls no punches about what a horrible thing death is how antithetical that was to God's original design
Finally there's verse 11 As we try to finish this up this morning If the spirit of him who raised
Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead Will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you.
We've talked quite a bit about this Here's our final answer here is the one answer which holds virtually all of our
Bible together What is it? It's the resurrection It's the resurrection verse 10 says that the spirit is life
In verse 8 to that's his name the spirit of life How important is this for us to apprehend?
to know To go in this strength when we leave this place and go on about our business in the world
How important is this for us? Just look at the repetitions in verse 11.
I Read it a second ago Listen again the spirit of him who raised
Jesus he who raised Jesus from the dead the spirit who dwells in you
They says though his spirit who dwells through his spirit who dwells in you and the middle of all this.
What does it say? Will also give life to your mortal bodies What is this it's the resurrection from the dead and This is the promise of God This is what means to be in the spirit and not in the flesh
There's much ethical behavior that the scripture insists upon as being characteristic of the Christian of The one in dwelt by this spirit of life
But without the resurrection without this promise without this hope what is our ethical behavior?
It's just ethics It's just ethics. It's just doing good and decent moral things but because of the resurrection
Because of the certainty that we will be raised up just as Jesus Christ was Our lives in these mortal and decaying bodies carrying importance far beyond what it would be otherwise
So let me close With a very simple statement. I said it before if you're in Christ Your resurrection is not just a propositional truth
It's not just a platitudinal statement to make you feel good if you are in Christ Your resurrection you personally no more them they others know you
Believer in Jesus in dwelt by the Spirit of God who is the Spirit of Christ who is the
Holy Spirit in dwelt by him If you are that one if he has done that work in you then your resurrection is
God's promise to you personally to you personally a
Promise confirmed by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, but in history by the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ himself
This promise is applied directly Personally to your heart by him by the life -giving
Spirit of God. I think you can see
That I was quite taken With these very small changes in language in these three verses of Romans 8
That two -letter word death, but however that negating word
The one that says no longer unable to please God because no longer in the flesh, but you are this other and Then the pronouns the pronouns you
Me Us we by the indwelling
Spirit Confirming this resurrection and applied personally to you by God who loves you
The way he loves his son Amen Heavenly Father give you thanks again for this day that you've given us this time together in your word
We thank you Father for the assurance that we have that all these words are true That your
Holy Spirit indwelling each of us and God willing all of us Witness to this truth
That these are more than words that God the Father has promised because he has placed us in God the
Son That God the life -giving Spirit will also bring us to the same place as Jesus is
For these promises father applied directly and personally and warmly and lovingly to us. We give you great
Thanks, we pray Lord that as we go on about our our weeks our lives that we will go in the strength of this promise