The Virgin Conception


While we usually deem Jesus’ birth as “the virgin birth,” the birth of Jesus was a normal, natural birth. The most amazing thing was the virgin conception. 


There's the 13 -second punchline right there Mike Abendroth Michael Lee Abendroth no compromise
Radio almost change it to duplex gratia radio and still might I talked to somebody the other day and they said to me you know,
I vote for duplex gratia radio and Someone else said to me today.
I never listen to no co anymore. All you do is bash people So I'm gonna bash that person no
I Said it's it's all about the Lord Jesus now All most the time
I mean once in a while I might talk about Something that impinges upon the
Lord's glory like final justification Federal vision or something like that where you
I mean you have to Teach sound doctrine and refute those contradict but no co is really now about the
Lord Jesus Christ for pardon Christ for power That's duplex gratia We are after Christ's inner preaching.
We're after three uses of the law. We're law after law gospel. We are after By covenantal ism we can add in covenant of redemption there too with covenant works covenant of grace
Those are the things that we talk about mainly here on No compromise radio they undergird things.
It's the thing behind the thing So if we're talking about something, it's the thing behind the thing What's the thing behind the thing the things that I just mentioned, of course
If you don't know what to do, you just give more music There you go,
I have other music that I could play but that's the one that we have right now and we today Have a special on the sexual fidelity if you want to buy sexual fidelity off the website if you order a sexual fidelity
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So if you email I mean you go to the website and then we're trying to get a new website by the way for the church as well
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So I think it's $11 .99 for the one book two bucks for shipping I think it'll probably cost me four bucks to ship three books.
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What are we talking about today? Well, I'm in Luke chapter 1 and I'm talking about the virgin birth from the pulpit
Which makes me want to think about the virgin birth Now and why is it so?
Important and I could probably give you several reasons for the virgin birth and when I say virgin birth
I'm in including obviously the virgin conception and One of the things that I would say that why we need the virgin birth or what it helps us to think through is that?
Jesus is Fulfilling the Old Testament why is the virgin birth important of Jesus because Isaiah 714 that that would be
Something that I could talk about But I won't do that right now in the different words for virgin or mother or maiden or any of that kind of stuff
That would be one thing There's another thing that I can talk about when it comes to the virgin birth and that is this
Leading up to everything right now. I know I haven't really haven't really said anything much yet. You're waiting for me, right?
You're like, okay get to the punchline. You're four minutes into the show. And what have you done? I Want you when it comes to the virgin birth to suppress the urge to go beyond what the
Bible says To go beyond what the Bible says when I'm thinking about the virgin birth. I say to myself
Yes, it has to be supernatural. That would be another one and if you believe in God at all if you believe in the creation of the world if you believe in the incarnation
If you believe God raises people from the dead if you believe in supernatural Things and you're not a theological liberal as Machen wrote
Christianity to liberalism, you know, it's an attack Liberalism is against the supernatural nature of God and his acts as person
Well, you should have no problem with the virgin birth that it could be possible But here
I'm after what some have called a restrained explanation of how
The virgin conception happened the virgin birth. Hey Cramps water breaks
What do they call that contractions That's all That birth is the exact same with a virgin bearing and with a non virgin bearing
Right, what's the difference? There may be a little Discussion here or there about that.
But overall you think okay The key is the virgin conception now if you study pagan theology
There are gross Unrestrained lewd
Descriptions of God's impregnating women That's all
I have to say. I don't want to say anything more. This is a family show, right? This is duplex grotty radio, of course if it's we're talking about double graces.
We don't want to Talk about things that are inappropriate, but you get the point, right?
We have to be very very careful and I want you to be careful as you think about exactly what happened
Let me read you chapter 1 verse 35 of the gospel of Jesus according to Luke The Holy Spirit will come upon you.
This is Gabriel to Mary and The power of the Most High will overshadow you
Therefore also the child to be born will be called holy the Son of God Now anything lewd there anything vulgar a base
No, of course not and of course anything in the Bible We're able to read and even if it describes sinful things that are awful and base and you know
Rape or this that and the other an incest and and uncovering your father's nakedness all those kind of things
You know, it's proper for us to study but there's just this cloak this veil where there's not
The titillating details that maybe some would expect especially in light of Modern journalism and TV and social media, etc the
Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you and The child is going to be called holy the
Son of God I find that fascinating because we are going to say to ourselves things like this hmm
Did Mary? So her DNA Was involved and so was one of her eggs that were tainted by the fall right
Adam's fall What were one of those eggs? Uh Cleansed Did God give an egg
But that can't be because it's going to be her seed Genesis chapter 3. So how can there be a
Holy egg and from a sinful person Mary was a great lady, but she was a sinner.
You only get grace if you're a sinner and she was graced and You call God your
Savior when you know, you're a sinner. That's what she did it later in chapter 1 Well, what where's the male
DNA come from? Injected into the womb Sperm, I mean there's all kinds of things that people think about and think through and I just want you to realize
This overshadowing language as some have called it very delicate Opposite of Course base vulgar rude lurid
Overshadow What we get is simply this and that's why we need to suppress the urge to go beyond what the
Bible says and we see this restrained explanation she of course
Mary has never had sex with a man and She is told what's going to happen, but she's told in this way where the
Spirit of God Will come upon you and overshadow you now when you think of overshadowing you ought to be thinking about the
Shekinah glory overshadows in I think Exodus 40 you could think of the transfiguration where the glory of God overshadows
And it means to encompass or to surround and when the glory of God overshadows the temple
It's meaning something and it means this It means that God is present God is working
God is there God is present and Therefore this
God and the power of the Most High in the power of the Most High will overshadow you right the
Holy Spirit comes upon you and The power of the Most High will overshadow you and there's going to be a conception.
It's going to be a Virginal conception Virgin conception the virgin birth is one thing but we're talking about the conception.
It's supernatural No human involved on the male side, right it says even in Luke Chapter No, I can't remember maybe it's
John or Luke or it talks about you know, it gives us the details So we know for sure. This is not the son of Joseph literal son.
I don't know what you call him stepson That's not my point right now the incarnation
Supernatural virgin conception Supernatural and we don't need to know every one of these details.
God does not give us a precise explanation Ralph Davis said
God draws a veil of mystery over his work and we are to be content with that He goes on to say sometimes it's better not to know
And sometimes God puts us in that position Here for example, there are no intricate details about the virginal conception of Jesus This is rather typical with the
Living God We often meet conundrums the mystery of Jesus conception the mystery of the cross the mysteries of Christian experience
The perplexity of unanswered prayer are the quandaries behind suffering Some of God's mysteries may be intentional.
It may be that he does not Want to feed our curiosity but to lead us to worship
It is not that he wants you to be ignorant of things but to be content that he is competent Competent to counsel was
J Adams book Davis is content that he is competent He may not want you to speculate but to adore.
I think that's really an important thing when it comes to the incarnation yes, we needed a sinless sin bearer
Yes, we needed a holy and undefiled and blameless substitute to fulfill what the
Old Testament talked about with the lambs and and No spot or blemish
Yes, it is true that the Holy Spirit made sure that there was no fall involved with this egg
That's all true But how can we really go past that I have zero problem with the virgin birth with the virgin conception
I Don't never say to myself. How could that be? I just read this.
I Believe in God, I believe in his word and it has to make sense To me and for me to order and believe to believe it
All right. Let's put it this way. Can you even figure out what's going on and explain it?
When a regular sperm meets a regular egg and there's conception
I mean think about that Yeah We might be able to detail what happens and there's all kinds of science that's been going and growing and we could say
Oh, yeah, I'm understanding that better Ecclesiastes 11 6 though remains the same even 3 ,000 years ago into today when
I was written 2 ,500 years ago as You do not know the way the Spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child
So you do not know the work of God who makes? everything
I Mean, let's face it trying to describe the wonder of conception in Two fallen humans with two fallen humans, right the man and the woman it's actually in the woman, of course, but What are we trying to do
I think it was a wonderful opportunity for us to think about the virgin birth and Just Take it by faith
Yes, this can certainly happen and it had to happen because if you need a sinless Savior and you need a blameless substitute
Otherwise, you'd have to pay for his own sin and who would pay for our sins You're gonna need an advocate that's pure and righteous and in this particular case the child to be born will be called what?
holy HOLY Distinct it's different In the sense that he is pure and spotless and not tainted by Adam's fall
My name is Mike Abenroth. This is no compromise radio. We're talking about the virgin birth today more than that though I mean,
I just automatically say virgin birth But virgin conception by the way, if if Jay Gresham Machen can write a book on virgin birth,
I can call that too She did bear a child as a virgin, but that was not very
Spectacular all births are of course, but what was supernatural and spectacular is the Spirit of God Like he hovered over the waters in Genesis creation
Makes certain that we have a sinless representative and substitute the
Lord Jesus last show we talked about the extra Calvinistic um and the two natures of Jesus the
Incarnate One Divine and human and what was Jesus doing in the womb? Well, his human nature was in the womb and his divine nature was everywhere like his divine nature always is and we have two natures in one person
All right. What are we else we doing today on no compromise radio as I'm thinking about the virgin birth I'm also wanting to make sure we just Get our
P's and Q's right with the nomenclature of the Sun capital s son of man and son of God Here it says in verse 35 of chapter 1 of a
Luke Therefore also the child to be born will be called Holy comma the
Son of God Now we're talking about the incarnation. Why would we say Son of God? That's a very good question to ask
Son of God and Son of Man well chapter 1 verse 35 calls him the Son of God and I asked you this question the
Son of God refers to his deity or his humanity nine times out of ten, which one
Son of Man refers to his deity or to his humanity Yeah, nine times out of ten there may be exception here there, but in general the
Son of Man We would automatically default by saying well, it says man. So Jesus Here is discussing his humanity and Jesus's own self -designation
Is that the right way to say it his own self -designation? his designation His self -designation, but not
I don't think his own self -designation What how does he talk about himself mostly
Son of Man? So is he talking about his incarnation there? What about Son of God is it talking about his deity now?
Certainly Jesus is divine Jesus is human two natures, right?
We have to believe in that Assuming human nature eternal son, right took on human flesh
For us and for our salvation, right? I seen
Creed But in general when we think of Son of Man and Son of God we have it
Backwards, it's backward Remember sometimes we'll say towards but I think that's
English British. I think we say toward Backwards or backward we have it backward if we're not living on the island over there
You say how are you making this up? Well, what do you do when people think you're making it up?
Well, we do we do all kinds of things You want answers? I think
I'm entitled you That's all
I got free We go to RC sprawl if RC taught what
I just said Son of Man is talking about his deity most the time and Son of God is talking about his humanity most the time
Would you believe it then? Well, certainly the context here. He's wholly the Son of God well, of course, he's
Son of God as God Divine, but he's called holy even the
Son of God human Well, you see that's not very good argument What did
RC say quote? The tendency is for folks to assume that when Jesus referred to himself as the
Son of Man He was speaking of his human nature and when he's referred to as the Son of God.
He's referred to vis -a -vis his divine nature the title
Son of God RC said is given in the first instance in Scripture to those who manifest obedience to the
Father Sonship is defined predominantly not in biological terms
But in terms of being in one accord or submissive towards Remember Jesus himself in his discussions with the
Pharisees who claimed to be sons of Abraham Jesus rebuked them and said you are children of Satan.
You are the children of the one whom you obey RC said don't get me wrong.
The Son of God contains in certain references in the New Testament Clear indications of Jesus eternal sonship in his deity, so I don't want to overstate the case but this title
Son of Man is the one I want you to really pay attention to when you're reading the Gospels because it's so Often used in the
New Testament and all but three times that it occurs in the New Testament. It comes from the lips of Jesus Now if you start thinking about the
Old Testament It will help you is Son -of -man used in the Old Testament and where is the passage in the
Old Testament that talks about the Son of Man and of course It will talk about the Son of Man as divine we go back to Daniel and Daniel sees the
Ancient of Days Enthroned and Unto the Ancient of Days comes one like unto that a son of man who has the authority to judge the world
He descends divine authority Sproul said and when he returns to the presence of God in his
Ascension We remember that Jesus says no one ascends to the Father except he who first ascended from first descended from him
When Jesus says he's the Son of Man It most the time doesn't refer to humble incarnation human will human nature
He wants you to know it's a claim to divine authority and that's right from Daniel chapter 7
When Jesus said I did this that you may know that the Son of Man is Lord of the
Sabbath Only God has authority to forgive sins.
Jesus said I did this so that you might know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins
What a great title for the Lord Jesus. What an exalted title What wonder when you think in chapter 7 of Daniel as I read a section of that and as I looked
Thrones were placed in the Ancient of Days took his seat His clothing was white as snow and the hair of his head like pure wool his throne was fiery flames its wheels were burning fire a stream of fired issue a fire issued and came out from before him a
Thousand thousand served him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him the court sat in judgment and the books were opened
I looked then because of the sound of the great words that the horn was speaking and as I looked the beast was killed and its
Body destroyed and given over to be burned with fire and as for the rest of the beasts their dominion was taken away
But their lives were prolonged for a season and a time. I The clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man and he came to the
Ancient of Days and was presented before him and to him the Son of Man was given dominion and glory and a kingdom
That all people's nations and language should serve him his kingdom
Oh His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed
So when you read son of man, I want you to think Divinity and Most of time when you read son of God, I want you to think humanity
You're like I don't want to do that. I've been thinking the other way the whole time. I Do find it fascinating if Sproul's right and I think he is
Luke 135 there for the child to be born will be called holy the
Son of God. We're talking about the child we're talking about human nature and he's called the Son of God I Don't think he's necessarily referring referring to the eternal sonship there.
I'm thinking That sonship is defined well,
I act like my What I Act like I have a father who
I am submissive toward. I act like a father that I obey So that I obey him
I act like a human supposed to act but never act acted except before the fall of Adam before Adam fell he acted like a human should but then he
Mysteriously, and we don't understand all the details he fell and therefore Jesus the Son of God Says I have
God as a father and therefore I obey him and that's talking more in his incarnation than it is about his son of man
Self -designation as this great divine
Awesome God the Son of Man. Well, my name is Mike Abenroth. This is no compromise radio ministry.
We talked today about two things number one we talked about well, let's start with number two number two the
Son of Man Son of God and then also Suppressing the urge to go beyond what the
Bible says not just with the virgin conception, but probably many other things Don't forget you can order sexual fidelity online at no compromise radio .com
and then you can well That's the interesting music right there It had a pause you order one seductive sexual fidelity you get another free and things to go bump in the church