How Do Churches Do This Ministry?


Watch as Pastor Zack Morgan explains how to do this ministry outside of the mills. This is a very encouraging and challenging message that we pray moves you to partner with our ministry and to join us as we work to save so many more! This was delivered during our mission to Scotland. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


Let me pray and we'll begin father We thank you that you are so good and gracious and merciful to us each and every second
We breathe only because you caused us to we live only because you you grant that to us every day
You're God full of mercy and grace and goodness and we worship you and exalt you and we pray that as time goes on and the
Church becomes active that you would be even more glorified and honored Lord I pray that you would
Allow your words to ring true within the hearts of your elect within the hearts of your people and I pray all the words that I would have to contribute would just fall to the ground
I pray and everything that I say you would be glorified and I pray that you would motivate your church always to action
It's in Jesus's name. We pray. Amen So it is extremely encouraging to see everybody here because you're here.
I think to be educated on how you can Rescue your unborn neighbor Now what we have to understand and make sure we remind ourselves as Christians is that God never uses the majority to do his work
Sometimes in this church, even though it's beautiful. We look around and see not not too many Christians side -by -side and we can become
Unnecessarily discouraged but because if you look all throughout Scripture God always uses the few to do the much
Of course, you see that in the life of Gideon this pastor Luke already explained But we don't worry about the people to our right and our left.
We just say God I'm gonna be faithful with the commands that you've given me I'm gonna be faithful to what you've commanded me to do and that's all
I can worry about. So it is It's extremely encouraging one of the most discouraging aspects of even though in light of the small numbers one of those discouraging aspects of the fight is is the
General attitude of apathy within the church in the in the states we have thousands of abortion clinics and it's discouraging to know day by day that precious image bears who got her being destroyed torn apart torn apart in their mother's wombs and Not only the baby is destroyed in the wombs, but they did, you know abortion destroys everything
That's why we go because abortion brings nothing but but death. It's a plague It's a scourge upon any nation that has it going in its nation.
So that's why we do it but But even in light of the the prevailing apathy of the
Greater Evangelical Church, there has been a positive increase in Christians willing to crucify their themselves really willing to To go before this culture with an attitude of love and in the power of the
Holy Spirit preaching the gospel so again, it's wonderful that you hear the federally sanctioned hell of child murder has been unleashed upon your nation and Believe me you'll be in our prayers because as Abortion is really active within a nation
Then comes the judgment of God then comes the effect abortion is a scourge and actually the scriptures say that the blood of the innocent
Cry out to God for justice the blood of the innocent cry out to God for justice
It's like abortion is a cancer upon any nation where it's legalized.
So we're gonna be praying for you as this Unfolds but it's our duty as pastor Luke said it is the duty of the church to confront this
Proverbs 8 or 31 8 through 9 says open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction
Open thy mouth judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and the needy you've heard this verse
Many times you're gonna hear it again Proverbs 24 11 12 of thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn into death and those that are ready to be slain if thou sayest behold
We know it not doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it and he that keepeth thy soul doth not he know it
And shall not he render to every man according to his works So it is our duty because no one else is going to do this work.
It's our duty to love our pre -born neighbor It's our duty to confront this great evil against our
God and our neighbor because again No one else is going to do it man in his natural state
Depraved because of sin corrupted because of sin. He hates God He doesn't want to do anything for the glory of God and because man and his sin hates
God. He hates his neighbor Because his neighbor bears the image of the God that he hates So as you look upon the ills again that are all throughout the nation, whatever they may be abortion and sex trafficking
I mean the list goes on and on we can only handle one at a time as a church But as we look at all these great evils
It's never our duty just to shrug our shoulders and believe that we can pass that buck of responsibility to a different person it's our duty and unless we as the church rise up and And obey the duty obey the commands and attend to our duty.
Then the evil just continues to Vastly proliferate all over the land.
We are not God does not have a plan B. The church is his plan and really
The Involvement of the church all down throughout history and even today The in involvement of the church or again the cowardice of the church in activity
The church always leads to the destruction and the decay of a nation all world suffers when the church is
Inactive all world suffers when the church follows after other fleshly pursuits rather than again intending attending to the the commands of Christ So the purpose of my message today,
I'm going to try to move through it as quickly as I can My preacher gave me some good advice
My pastor when I was training how to teach and preach He said you son you need to stand up speak up shut up and sit down So that's
I can I can almost see him looking at me so many years ago So I'm gonna do that just that so I'm gonna be talking about foundational principles that will ensure
Effective abortion ministry now right off the bat our situation in the
States is much different than yours So these are principles that are transferable regardless of where you are.
So the logistics are very much different. I was talking to Pastor Peter's wife and she said well, we don't have clinics here.
We have maternity wards where these things are happening So again, I don't expect to know all the details
But I'll I'll promise you this all you have to do is go to end abortion now Calm and you can go to the contact page and if you'd like my help in figuring all of this out
I will be happy to help you I've done it to I've done it for many other ministries and many other many other history or issues
So all you have to do is help but I understand it's different But I want to give you principles that you can stand on that will that will absolutely make sure you're gonna be
Effective because we know that if we're not standing on principle Then it dramatically affects the ministry that we endeavor to do
Before we get into the principles I think I'd be remiss to not go into the cost of this type of fight because no matter what we do as Christians It always comes with a cost
As you go out and you figure this out and you go to be a light at these killing centers, which we must
There are places these are these are places where our neighbors are being destroyed and the presence of the church
Must be at this place because the darkness will always increase if there is no light
The church with the gospel the church loving their neighbor at these killing places is the light that dispels the darkness
So if we don't go to these killing places, then the darkness just becomes increasingly more dark and it's compounded it
Compounded effect we must go to these killing places when you go out there you can expect verbal abuse
Possible physical abuse we've been spit on punch -shoved guns have been pulled on us
Death threats good friend of mine lost his job attack on your reputation law enforcement comes out and tries to push their weight around in a very aggressive and abusive way personal property damage
We've had people try to run us over many many times as well as our all of our property
They've succeeded and and destroying much of our gear vehicle damage theft just the deep depression in The heartache of day by day going to these places and knowing that moms and dads are killing their own offspring actually
Paying someone can you imagine actually paying someone to kill their own precious beautiful baby daughter or baby boy in the womb?
It's Unthinkable and unthinkable. That's what we've dealt with and that's what you are dealing with now
And so what we want to do is come here in Dramatic humility not and not as if we figured all this out
We learned from our mistakes and we hope by what we've learned we can you can avoid many pitfalls that we've run into Even though it's difficult to go out there and it costs it's very costly and there's a lot of pain involved
Jesus or the scriptures never really falsely romanticize Serving Christ.
It's always been hard and costly and it will always be hard and costly We have to we have to face that fact because I know in myself
I'd rather I'd rather pursue the comfort the comfortable route. I'd rather be loved by people than hated
But if we pursue that then we in turn cannot obey the commands of Christ Look what
Paul says just about general ministry in 2nd Corinthians 4 7 through 11 He says but we have this this treasure and earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us
We are troubled on every side yet yet not distressed We are perplexed but not in despair persecuted, but not forsaken cast out, but not destroyed
Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body
For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus's sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh again
God does not promise a comfortable life for Christians as we pursue that Comfort over duty it leads to apathy and apathy leads to indifference and indifference always leads to in Inactivity no,
Jesus makes it clear how we're going to be treated Especially in this battle for the pre -born
He says in Luke 21 17 and ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake
So we just might must know I'm gonna be hated for this I'm gonna receive abuse for this
But obeying Christ and his commands honoring God and obedience is worth is worth at all
John 15 18 to 20 21 says if the world hated you You know that it hated me before I hated you if you were of the world the world would love his own
But because you're not of the world that I have chosen you out of the world Therefore the world hateth you Remember the word that I said unto you the servant is not greater than his
Lord if they persecuted me They will also persecute you if they have kept my saying
They will keep yours also But all these things they they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him who sent me as We learn from history very quickly from history 150 years ago in my nation.
Of course, it was legal the To buy and sell slaves or african -american brothers and sisters that we know that when
Christians do choose comfort and pleasures To the neglect of Jesus's commands our most oppressed neighbors will always suffer
It has happened and it will happen So now the pre -born baby in the womb is the most oppressed people group and because they're the most oppressed people group
They require our immediate attention there are levels of urgency within Ministry endeavors there are levels of urgency and I think that this issue with child murder
Has a very light how it has a very high level of urgency and it needs our it needs our attention
So we learn throughout history We choose comfort it equals oppression.
It equals the degradation of society all around us but when Christians come out of the salt shaker right and be the salt of the earth and the light and simply obey
Jesus Then by that activity of the church what we've learned and we will learn in an increasingly greater way as time goes on That God puts great
Injustices like slavery and even abortion. He puts these things under his feet as We would do what
God has called us to and not Humbly and respectfully stay within the four walls of the church where we're protected
Would go out into the culture and confront that culture empowered by the Holy Spirit Abortion ministry is not only
Incredibly difficult. I think that you need to hear that before you get into it, but it's joyful I mean thousands of pound upon thousands of babies have been saved thankfully for the through our ministry and all of our ministry
Partners. I mean, here's the the big argument for abortion. No ministry when you go out to these places of death
You know what happens? Babies are saved when you go out to these places of death and You begin to serve in the capacity that you can and again it starts out everything within the kingdom
Starts out like a mustard seed starts out small, but you go out faithful God will bless your efforts and he will save babies
It's just there's so much elation and joy when you're out there preaching the gospel and pleading for the mother
Please don't don't murder your baby. We want to help you. Let us care for you There's you can't imagine the joy when the mother drives out of the driveway and she whispers to you
I'm not gonna kill the baby. I'm gonna let the baby live There is joy out there even in light of all the pain and suffering.
I was privileged to officiate the marriage of parents who? Who let their twin baby girls live and these twin girls are so so beautiful little curly brown hair and just precious little baby
Babies running around as we were doing the the wedding and they would not be alive today.
They would be dead They would have been discarded in the medical waste bin or their body parts would have been sold to the highest bidder
If Christians weren't simply out there in fear and trembling pleading with the parents to not kill the baby
Preaching the gospel lifting up the name of Jesus if they had not been out there Those twin baby girls would be dead now as well as thousands of other children running around this earth at this moment
If Christians had not been involved and I think it's a man What I take great joy in every time
I get prepared to go to these killing places Every week is the fact that this is the honorable thing for me to be doing as a man.
There's no greater There's no greater feeling of satisfaction Than to to be doing the honorable thing to be doing the right thing
That this is what this is the great evil of the day at 150 years ago. It was slavery. I wasn't there
I would hope that I would have risen up and and fought against that wickedness in 20th century
Germany I hope as my Jewish brothers were destroyed. I would hope that I would have risen up And actually fought against this great wickedness
But now what I can do in this day against this great evil is I can make the honorable decision be the man that God has
Designed me to be not a timid man Not a timid man that falters and falls away to cowardice and compromise
But actually stands his ground and lets his family know what a true man is a man of honor So there is no greater satisfaction
Than doing the right thing and this is the right thing to do So what I have for you the remaining time there's six principles that I can apply to you again
Whatever nation you're at and whatever situation you might find yourself to be in Foundational principles biblical principles can never be compromised or neglected if we compromise foundational principles
Then we will not have any type of effective ministry whatsoever to feet have to be firmly planted on principles that we pull out of the scriptures because right principle always drives right practice right biblical principle
Will always drive your practice that how it fleshes out and of course in front of these killing places
Psalm 11 3 says that the foundations be destroyed. What can the righteous do without these foundational principles?
We can do nothing the first Principle which is it's crucially important is we work to rescue babies for the glory of God We work to rescue our neighbors for his glory and his glory alone.
First Corinthians 1031 says Whether you therefore you eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God So what comes under us like an umbrella or over us like an umbrella is everything done for the glory of God in Submission to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit We do it for him because he gives his glory to want to know other
Isaiah 42 a says I am the Lord That is my name and my glory. Will I not give to another neither my praise to graven?
Images abortion is a wicked wicked evil against our neighbors But if we were to do this the right way, we have to understand this is a wicked evil against our
God This is a blight against him. It's a blight against his name This is ultimately that ongoing
Attack of the enemy against God because he is so desire of his desirous of his glory.
Why? Why are people so prone to kill babies because they are their father the devil, right?
they are of their father the devil and we know that he wants to dash and smash and kill as we all see all
Throughout scripture image bearers of God because he's jealous of that glory that only is reserved for the one true
God But we go out there and it might sound a little different we go to the mill primarily for God primarily for him for the sake of his name for the praise of his name for the proliferation and the dissemination of his good gospel and Secondarily is for our neighbor go to glorify and honor him and the results
We leave to his divine prerogative and his divine will we leave that to his sovereign choice and his sovereign pleasure?
John Quincy Adams was our Sixth president an amazing man. I would really encourage you to do some historical research on him but he fought against the slavery or the the sin of slavery and He died in 1848 the emancipation proclamation was signed in 1860 1865 he he unfortunately didn't get to see the results of all his work, but for 18 years
Every single Monday morning John Quincy Adams would stand before Congress and he would preach the law in the gospel to them
Commanding them as the magistrates to do their duty and to protect their nation's inhabitants 18 years our sixth president
He was a fiery guy He was a they used to call him the hellhound of heaven and they would do everything
They tried to get a gag order because he was just relentless in his preaching and his Confrontation of the nation with this great evil, but they couldn't do it
But he said this great quote he said duty is ours really simple results are
God's Duty is ours results are God. We got we have to understand is in this fight We cannot be results focused so many
Christians say if only I could see the quote -unquote Fruit of what I'm doing. I think we really have to understand what fruit means biblically
But they say if only I could see the fruit of what I'm doing Maybe save babies or save souls even those those things are outside of our ability to do
No, we are not driven by results or fruit. We're driven by faithfulness If we set our minds on glorifying his name and not ours
It affects all that we do and it aligns all that we do But if we set our minds on using this type of ministry just to glorify glorify ourself
Then it it detrimentally affects what we do if we get into this ministry for our own namesake to acquire the praises of men or to Impossibly like unfortunately so much of the
Roman Catholic Church to merit our own salvation through religious activity We do all that then we are doomed from the get -go
All of our efforts will fail miserably and will be burned up when we stand before God if we are doing this
With self -centered focus James 4 6 is but he giveth more grace Wherefore he saith
God resisted the proud but giveth grace to the humble Can you imagine this all the work that you put in all the effort?
Especially in this ministry where you're dying to self and having to go to these horrible places Putting all the work in for the
Lord When God says I was resisting everything that you've done because you've done it all for yourself
You did it all for the praises and accolades of man So we can't do this for our own praise.
We have to do this for for his praise Or we will be impotent and all that we do second
Second principle, we must love everyone involved with child murder as we work to rescue babies
We must love everyone involved with child murder as we work to rescue babies some people easier to love than than others
Right, so that might be in your own household It's sometimes it's hard to love people and in this environment
Out there when you're receiving so much abuse when you're receiving so much Hostility from people that you're simply trying to help and lay your life down for and they give you that hatred
It's it's hard to respond and love but it's absolutely crucial because again if we are not loving in this ministry endeavor in this in this effort
Then all that we'll do will be all for not and that's what the scriptures explained first Corinthians 13 1 through 3 says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity
I Become as a sounding brass or a tinkling symbol and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge
And though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity I'm nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not
Charity it profiteth me nothing. That's how God sees ministry Can you imagine all the work that was put into that all that giving and sacrifice?
But the Apostle Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit He says if I'm not loving through all of these activities motivated by love and all these activities, then it's nothing.
It's nothing to him if we're not motivated by love and Being loving important being loving towards the workers moms
Even the abortionists our abortionists likes to run almost run us over as he enters the clinic
Then our efforts will be worthless. Good question is how do we love them? How do we love?
Them primarily love is not just something that we say. It's not some emotion that we feel
I think one of the best definitions for love and I think the best biblical Explanation of what love is is that love desires to give to others at the expense of self?
That's what love is, but we share the truth according to God's Word and the gospel
That is how we love our neighbor at the highest level is when you open your mouth
And you share the good news of grace in Jesus Christ when you share the true gospel
That's how you love them those who love their neighbor In and out of the womb at the highest level those who share the gospel with them the greatest lovers on this planet of course are
Regenerate Christians filled with the Holy Spirit knowledgeable with knowledgeable and equipped with the true gospel
Giving that gospel because we are attending to our neighbors greatest need and that is the healing of his soul that is his
That's his that's a soul We love them not only by Sharing with them the truth, but we love them by speaking.
This is important speaking the truth in love with them We know and I know you could just go on YouTube if you ever gone on that We can hear a lot of preachers who might have a lot of good truth that they are speaking forward or forth
But they're not speaking the truth in love. They're speaking the truth in hatred But the
Bible commands to speak the truth in love Ephesians 4 15 But speaking the truth in love make may grow up and unto all things which is the head even
Christ it does matter especially in this this battleground of abortion mill ministry to be speaking in a way
That's biblical and speaking in a way that's exemplary of of Christ and how he would speak if we're
Destructively combative out there or we're condemning not self -controlled out of balance overbearing harsh or Graceless, then we're not speaking the truth in love.
And as I said This ministry can affect you Dramatically, I've never known a ministry environment that can affect you
So dramatically and have a tendency to pull the worst out of you just because it's painful to be out there the darkness and the evil of that place is so palpable a good friend of ours says it's the gates of hell and it is the place where the enemy is so Successfully doing what he desires and that's to steal and to kill and destroy
But the darkness you can be overcome by the darkness of the place That's why Romans 12 21 one of the most important Verses in this fight for the pre -born is so important says being not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good
We can be overcome by evil in that place not responding in love with patience and kindness
But responding with vitriol and in vengefulness just responding to the flesh
So I want to encourage you that we must love everyone out there And make sure that we are not being so taken over by this the darkness of that place
That we were respond to our even our haters With hate Jesus says do good to those who persecute you do good to them show them
Kindness third principles and it's it's simple, but it's it's very important We work to rescue babies because God has commanded us to do so you're gonna get a lot of questions
From even your family members. I've been up and down the roller coaster I think we can all attest to we have
Christian family members and unsaved family members and when you start Fighting for the unborn or talking about things like abortion that can you can really get into disputes
With your family members you can get kind of get questions like this. What do you what are you doing? Why are you spending your time on this?
Why don't you get a job? This is what we hear out at the mill on the public sidewalks. Why don't you do something?
That's more meaningful Why is this any of your business? So that's gonna come at these killing places as you go out
It's gonna come by the closest people around you But the simple answer and please don't be afraid just to trust in God's Word God does not call us to change anyone's mind evangelism is
Primarily declarative rather than argumentative it is biblically but don't be don't be afraid to just tell the simple truth of what the scriptures say and leave it at that and Leave the work of regeneration of the
Holy Spirit in the heart of that person. But our Answered to the question, why are we involved is because true
Christians obey the commands of Scripture out of love for God and love for neighbor It's simple. I'm a Christian and this is what
Christians do This is how Christians act in the face of the great evils that are thrust upon our nation
And are perpetrated against our neighbors. This is what we do as Christians Jesus says in John 14 15 if you love me keep my commandments in Proverbs 24 11 says if thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death and those that are ready to be slain
So Jesus says if you truly love me, it's not Demonstrated in words.
It's demonstrated in your obedience to my commands and here is his command The commands of God to rescue those who are being delivered to death
Because God commands each and every single one of us and this is very important to love our neighbor
That means each and every single one of us must be involved in this great atrocity
Against our neighbor now, that doesn't mean that everyone of us in here are called to say to do the same thing or called to Perform the same role.
What did Paul say in first Corinthians 12? He says we're the body of Christ and we all consist of different members
One's an arm one's a leg one's a hand one's a foot. We all play different roles
We all have different giftings and capabilities that the Spirit of God has given us, but we can all play a part
It might be support or a prayer. My wife has never been to these killing places not even one time
But she's so instrumental and how she serves to care for my children and to care for me as I go out
But it's important that we understand That this is something that we all have to attend to One of our good friends
Jeff Rowe says this abortion mill ministry is not a calling But it's a crisis and sometimes in our desire just to avoid the pain and the cost of ministry and service to Christ We'll say things like well, this is not my calling
I'm called to do something else and isn't it? Isn't it funny most of the time when we say that we're called to do something that's more comfortable than this more times than not but when there's a crisis
In our land in a crisis of this magnitude that moms and dads are actually
Paying someone to kill their own offspring that we actually can bring human beings
That are human from the moment of fertilization To a place and pay some people to go up inside the womb of the mother which should be the safest place on the planet
Which should be a place of life and not death that we can pay them to rip apart a human being it's a crisis of incredible magnitude and So whenever there's a crisis of this magnitude, it requires that all hands be on deck
This principle is simple, but I hope it encourages and motivates us in the light of all the death and destruction
I was asked a good question at lunchtime. What do you guys want to accomplish? Of course, we want to serve the church
We understand the key is always the local church. The key is always the people of God We're here in humble service to the church and at first in Ireland and now here in Scotland What do we want to accomplish?
We just want to be fellow brothers and sisters that through what we say which is only the
Word of God it would inspire and Encourage you to be active in this fight.
No matter who you are gender age Background that it would inspire you and encourage you to be in this fight that's what we that's what we would hope because many of us
I know pastor Luke and Pastor Jeff myself as well There's a lot of the a lot of the guys and a lot of the network that we deal with in the
States that we were Sitting there just like you actually I was in 2013 at a street preachers conference
Just like you when a man would come up and preach on this subject and God took the word and just changed my life and For I've never been the same.
He just used the power of the Word the Spirit of God To to enlist me in this battle and I pray that you would that's what we hope is accomplished
Okay, the fourth principle the work to rescue babies requires constant prayer and preparation
Now as I was saying It's not going to be the same for us in the States as you here in in Scotland So it requires your your prayer and your preparation
We think about it I know it's a simple principle But we're completely dependent upon God as we as we serve out there and we so we must continuously commit ourselves
To prayer we're praying that the Lord would be glorified and all that we do and no reproach would fall upon the name of Christ Due to our activity that the
Lord would be gracious to save souls and rescue babies The Lord would soften the hearts of mothers and dads the
Lord would give us boldness and words to effectively communicate The Lord would bring us this child murdering clinic to an end
We also pray of course in precarious prayers on these places of destruction and death But prayer is absolutely essential without prayer.
You will have no power You must must must commit yourself to prayer as you're preparing. So we're not only
Committing ourselves to prayer, but we're memorizing and reviewing the pertinent scriptures related to this fight.
There's a lot here I'm not going to go through all the scriptures, but we must commit these Scriptures to memory so we have them in our hearts to give as we go out there to minister
Proverbs 6 16 through 19. I think a portion of scripture that I have
Pleaded and preached at the killing centers hundreds of times if not thousands of times now
But it says these six things doth the Lord hate He's seven are an abomination unto him a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked imaginations feet that be swift in Running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among his brothers that God hates
The shedding of innocent blood. Why are you here out here? You'll get that question because God hates this abominable activity, but it's amazing if you would look through those three verses everything that God hates
Happens regularly out at the killing centers everything a proud look we get the proud looks from the moms and the dads and even the
Abortionists as he zips in a lying tongue. Of course, they they lie to you murderers or liars as well a
Heart that devises wicked imaginations or wicked plans That's that's the mom and dad actually planning to go in there feet that be swift in running to mischief
That's one of the most painful things that have that happen as you plead and you preach and you you offer all that you have
So that they would not kill their baby instead of doing that. They don't come to receive your help. They run headlong
They run fast through those doors Everything it's almost as if he had this in mind when this was
When this was written a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among the brethren
That's one of the most painful things is when Christians actually come out Professing Christians come out and tell you that you're doing it the wrong way and that we should not be out here doing this
Proverbs 6 16 through 19. So so important Revelation 21 through 8 says but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and Whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in a lake which burneth with fire and brimstone
Which is the second death now in Revelation 21 21 8 But the fearful can also be translated the cowardly and that is something that we do
That we do specify and that we do Share to the people going in especially the father's going in Because it is a coward is a man who knows the right thing to do
But he doesn't do it a coward is a man that doesn't run to the aid of somebody and help He just turns his turns his head and walks the other direction
So as we go out to the mills and we see these men Hold their girlfriend or their wives hands to bring them through the doors
We say sir, God sees you as a coward at this moment Of course, it's not a personal attack because we're no better than anybody else
Calling him by that name but we want him to see how God sees him in that moment that even though Planned Parenthood and all the abortion supporters are patting his back and ushering him in to kill his baby that God is not approving of this great evil.
No, we want him to hear sir. You are playing the coward From us out of our lips because in the day of his judgment, he doesn't want to hear coward
Department for me for I never knew you when he stands before God These scriptures are so important to get into your heart and in your mind
Isaiah 1 15 and we spread forth your hands that will hide my eyes from you Yeah, when you make many prayers that will not hear your hands are what full of blood
Isaiah 5 20 well unto those that call evil good and good evil and put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter.
There's many many more you can actually go and look up this online You can find a list after list after You know crucially important Bible passages that you want to have hidden deep within your heart
So you're effective when you communicate we must Immerse ourselves in the Word of God So not only do we prepare with prayer continuously in the
Word of God constantly But we also want to prepare logistically or practically and that's going about the work of reconnaissance and research
So we understand the ins and out of a particular abortion facility what we never want to do as Christians in any time
Of our lives or in any state or any nation to say it's so bad I just can't do anything or I don't have it like you over here in a different nation.
Therefore. I can't do anything now I understand it's very difficult for you But what we have to do when there's a crisis of this magnitude is we have to simply figure this out
That's what a young man said the last Saturday night. He said, excuse me. You have abortion clinics.
We have maternity wards What do we do and my simple answer is? Figure it out young man
Figure it out Because whatever we have to do and of course, it's not gonna be the same
God will bless So if it's you have to stand at the maternity ward and you have to hold signs that say will adopt your baby
We love you. Please. Let us help you if you have to do that. God will bless that but we have to figure it out
You're gonna ask yourself questions. Like where do I go? When do they kill these people?
What time do they open and they close who was the abortionist? What are the laws or ordinances when it comes to?
amplification Where I can stand and where I can't stand very very simple
But it's important questions that you have to answer as you prepare for this type of work You can go to your city website and I'm sure that you can find the property lines of whatever
Building is killing these babies if it be the hospital or wherever but this is the type of ground work Just very simple research that you have to do.
We're typically restricted to public sidewalks We can't block the sidewalks with our signs or with our bodies.
We can't block the driveways But again, you figure it out.
Sometimes you have to call these places and ask I have my little sister Who's a fiery? She's a she's got a lot of Irish blood in her
She's a fiery little lady But she'll call this these places because they tend to give more information of women than men and just ask questions
What is happening? What are they killing? When are they doing the surgical abortions? When are they giving the pill things like these but as you would call you'll find out this information
The preparation also requires that you have materials that you bring with you literature that's focused on revealing the truth about abortion according to God's Word because they're receiving lies about abortion
That you go into abortion clinic and they're not showing the pictures of little dead babies being torn apart
They're not showing any of that They're doing all that they can to conceal the truth because all they care is about the money that goes into their pockets
They every woman that goes in there to get an abortion. They they just see as a dollar sign or a pound sign
Right, that's what they see. So they're revealed. They're concealing that truth or hiding it away
So that they can take advantage of them and it's our job as Christians to go there to reveal the truth and we do that With literature we simply stand where we can stand we say, can we please let us help you?
Let us give you the truth about what you're getting yourself into There's movies out there that explains their 180 movie by Living Waters is an excellent resource abortion related gospel tracks
We have to do this and this is such a crucial part of your preparation You want to find life -affirming institutions or churches or wherever it may be?
They're gonna be able to help a woman So say you're standing there at the maternity ward where you're standing with the sign that says babies are murdered here or will help
Will help you if you allow us to and they come to you You have to be able to actually help them You'll probably be surprised the first time a little bit shooken up, but you have to be able to say
Okay Now let me help you and so what I would encourage you if you don't have the resources to adopt which not all of us
Do you do your research before you get a list of places that will adopt or will provide financial help?
Or will provide material needs or whatever it may be but get that list going before you go
So you can actually give them legitimate help when they need the help amplification devices if you're allowed to use that make sure you have a
GoPro camera or some type of camera for your own protection and that camera is also going to capture all of your conversation and all your activity because as Pastor Luke already said we want to use media as a tool.
It's a God gifted tool We want to use it as a tool to get it out there. It's important We also and I just mentioned it briefly
Signs babies were murdered here in abortion. Now. We'll adopt your baby. It's important to have these signs I think I can't remember who said it
But it's almost up into the 70th or 80th percentile of women that drive into a clinic and if they see the signs
They'll just simply drive away So as far as long as we've been doing it there must have been thousands of thousands of women who would go in see the sign see the presence of the church and Simply drive away what
I'm saying is if you just start out there holding a sign, it's powerful. It's powerful we do use graphic signs and this is a question people have and a lot of the church says why are you using pictures of Dead little babies and showing them that because that's abortion.
That's what it is What's so amazing and so ironic as so many people that are just hate the signs out there
And of course our horrible signs we hate looking at those signs. We hate it every time we have to go out there we actually have to put them in our cars and look at them and Bring them home and even having them at their home.
It's a horrible thing that you have to Broadcast but in the scripture, it's never it's never biblically right to conceal sin
We always are called to reveal sin right to reveal it That's a command Ephesians 5 11 says and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness
But rather to expose them abortion is murder it is in the grizzly graphic signs
They bear witness to that fact Good quote from one of our ministry friends. He says what the nation has made public policy
We shall make public display so you could sum up this principle Prepare prepare prepare and if you need help in preparing we're there for you as well
Prepare figure it out. What can you do? These are the questions you have to ask yourself but again, we must have a presence there regardless of who we are and Regardless of what we can do.
We must have a presence there the fifth principle the work to rescue babies requires us to constantly communicate the truth
Constantly be communicating the first rule. The most important rule is always be preaching the gospel
I'm not going to get into this too far because pastor Luke has already spoken on this at great length but we must be preaching the gospel it is the means by which
God regenerates and Softens the heart Roman 116 for I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God into salvation to everyone that believeth
To the Jew first and also to the Greek if we're not proclaiming the law and the gospel the truly as Francis Schaeffer said the truly true gospel not a fragmented gospel not a gospel
Subtracted of all its essential components, but the true gospel. We're not preaching that gospel along with the law
Then we're not doing anything at the mill. We're actually accomplishing nothing One of our good friends
Sherry Pierce a mentor in this battle She she helped me prepare and she wanted to say this to you over here in Scotland She says always remind them that God commands them not to murder and an abortion is murder at any age in any stage
Preach the gospel numerous times and always share it with the moms You're able to speak directly with as well
Expect that someone else will do it very important if we don't share the gospel then we have not really loved them again as Pastor Lou got into failures the pro -life
Movement the biggest failure of the contemporary pro -life movement is their gospel this methodology
They actually believe that using the Word of God in a battle, which it's isn't it funny.
It's called our sword They think that using the Word of God and preaching the gospel is
Counterproductive to this effort and that it won't accomplish anything But that's like heading into battle can imagine leading a troop of men into battle and right before you get to the front lines where all the enemies there with all their weapons
Pointed at you the captain says now throw down your arms and turn and in charge forward
What would happen not a whole lot of good? I don't think I'd I'd have anything to do with that type of captain now when we throw down the gospel we throw down the
Word of God and think that we can win this fight and some some Neutral ground as if there was any then we've lost from the get -go
We the gospel is our arsenal the gospel and guards God's Word is our is our weapon
Now the enemy will always want to get you to shut down the gospel It'll always want to you're gonna get people trying to interrupt you and have debates with you and get into conversation
But I want to encourage you is if you have a preacher out there somebody who's pleading Make sure that they continue doing that have somebody on the side and we do it constantly
Somebody comes up and says hey, he's preaching the gospel there. Let me let me help you Can I answer a question never let the preaching the gospel cease?
It's it's absolutely important three vital component components of our communication is the law and the gospel again that abortion is
Murder and that we can provide physical help So we're preaching there's just like a loop constantly law and the gospel what
Jesus has done in his life and death and Then the fact that abortion is murder, you know facts about abortion, but then also we're here to help you we're here to help them financially medically materially and Whatever it may be.
It's a couple important tips before we move on to the last Principle and I'm gonna wrap this up pretty quick Only have one person calling out at a time
So you're gonna be there you might have multiple people and in that environment when people are hurling and abuse at you
It's just so normal to just yell out and if you have a whole bunch of people Trying to speak at the same time.
It does nothing happens You know God is a God of order and it needs to be a clear distinct sound and that should be coming from one source
I would encourage you don't let a lot of people be talking to the same person at one time Respect law enforcement and obey the law as far as you can
Respect them befriend law enforcement officers. We have a good friend of a detective in the city of Phoenix We feel
God is specifically stationed to be a helper You know, we think that he's actually got us out of a lot of jams or potential litigation issues but befriend them but in the
In at the same time that we befriend them and respect them We don't want to let law enforcement walk all over us.
Don't let him infringe upon your God -given rights So we want to be respectful, but we also want to be firm and uncompromising and say no, sir
I'm not gonna do that because that's not the law It's important because law enforcement will try to call your bluff and we've had them make up all sorts of laws out there
No, this is what the law says and then like no it doesn't say it I'm you know, this is not our first rodeo here and then they go in their car and they act like they're you know
Looking for this law and they may go away because we call their bluff. So don't let them do that. They'll do it a lot
So when it comes to communication do not revile when being reviled don't Don't give her to with her.
I don't respond with with abuse and vitriol and Anger when that's poured out upon you
Which it will be a couple of the most important verses I feel in this fight first Peter 2 23
Who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judges righteously 2nd
Timothy 2 24 through 26 and the servant of the Lord Must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient and Meekness instructing those who oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and that they may recover
Themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him and his will God grants faith
God grants and gifts mercy and repentance right mercifully gives repentance and faith
That's something that man cannot conjure up and say he's dead in his sin he's dead, but isn't it amazing that in the sovereign gifting of faith and repentance our
Response to men is all wrapped up in that whole process It is so we want to respond not hate not hatefully or vengefully what we want to respond gently and kindly and meekly last principle
Consistency is absolutely essential in this fight in all of evangelistic efforts, right?
Consistency is absolutely Essential. I think one of the most wonderful things about abortion mill ministry is as far as any ministry within the kingdom
Is that you don't have to be an academic a highly educated person highly intelligent God Uses the base things of the world to confound the wise right?
He's the meek things Make things of this world, but it's not about some high capability in us
It's just about simple obedience to the commands of Christ We have to be committed to consistency one of our heroes of the faith
John Barros is a man That's been in this fight for ten years. He by God's grace he
Got over cancer and then he went out and stood in front of a mill and I think for three years He stood by himself for 40 plus hours a week.
I don't know how he did it other than the Spirit of God He's just an amazing human being and he's seen thousands of babies saved because of this man's effort
This old man later in his years in the twilight of his life Just got done with cancer if you would talk to him
It's just like talking to your dad or your uncle or just some guy down. He's just a regular guy But it's just his consistent faithfulness that God blesses
God blesses consistent faithfulness He doesn't just bless superstar academics or intellectuals
He just he bless always blesses consistency and faithfulness Friends Stephen Smith out in Augusta.
He was just a drug addict and from the world's perspective. He's just He's useless
He just spent all of his time on on drugs and himself and God saved him and because the last years of his efforts
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of babies human beings are saved precious little girls and boys because of his consistency and the most effective abortion mill ministry workers abortion mill workers are retirees on this planet people who are in those years were ever retired they have
Generally the resources and the time to be consistent and it's just so encouraging because I don't know how
Retirement is defined in this nation but in America you just work work work work work as much as you can to make us you know to make us again as much money as You can and then you just sit and play golf or look at birds or go to the zoo or whatever
Maybe it's just like work work work and then stop and you're done And I don't think that's congruent and that does not mesh with the biblical worldview
God does not call us just to work work work work make a lot of money and then we get in a certain age We just kind of deem ourselves unworthy of doing anything and we sit and die
No, what we have to do is absorb in a biblical worldview of our lives regardless of what age that we're at and I want to encourage you to tell you that if you're in the retirement years your best most effective years may be ahead of you if you would just adopt this ministry and go out and say
I will spend my time rescuing babies and obeying Christ How do we ensure in consistency?
You create a calendar and you commit to the calendar and create it I think one of the great changes that needs to happen in the evangelism evangelical church regardless of where we are
On this planet is that we may need to move from an event oriented understanding of ministry
Which in America is just okay, January 22nd We we preach one sermon against abortion and then we give some money to a pro -life
Organization that are horrible at what they do anyway, and that's our work We pat ourselves in the back and we say
I did my duty That's not how it works within the kingdom you think about your own sanctification and becoming more like Christ It's built upon the consistency of spiritual practice
You don't just read your Bible once and then you're done for the year or pray or fellowship It's got to be something you're consistently doing and as you consistently do these things you grow from it and God Works through it evangelism at the mill must be a process oriented.
We're doing this Constantly God will bless it just like anything else in life Really you make the calendar and if you stick to it, then
God will bless you Six principles, I hope that it blessed you because right principle always drives the right practice
I don't know what's headed for you and believe me as we go from here after hearing your history and and all that just the rich What the rich history and the rich work that the church has done in this nation for so many years
I'm I'm excited to see how you'll respond to this I'm excited and I hope that you would rise up and in the steps your forbearers
Confront the culture confront this culture of death You may do all of this work and serve and we've done
Hours of thousands of hours of work and we've seen minimal fruit We can go through months and months and months of seeing nothing absorbing nothing
But hatred and I'm absorbing nothing but attack and not seeing babies saved not seeing much
Fruit the fruit that we would like to see but you have to understand that your labor is never in vain
It isn't if you were You're driven by the commands of Christ if you were stepped your feet solid on biblical principle then you
You will bear the fruit of it eventually first Corinthians 1558 says therefore my beloved brethren
Be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the
Lord So the question I have to ask you is in line with pastor
Luke's question is are we as a church Are we gonna rise up and take responsibility for this for this great evil
Evil spreads and rolls over the nations Whenever the church is inactive it will never ever change
We can either bemoan the great evils and just point out how horrible they are and kind of Be depressed about them and go about our business or we can say no
I am the church the same Spirit of God is in each one of us I'm a part of this and I'm going to be accountable to play my role
We can make that decision or we can allow this nation as well as all the other nations to go to hell
But I I for one I'm gonna fight and so the question I have for you are you gonna fight too, let's pray
Father for this cause I bow my knees and of the father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth
His name that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith That ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the
Saints What is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ which path is?
Knowledge that ye might be filled with the fullness of God Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think
According to the power that work in finis and to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end