What should be the focus of Christians on Thanksgiving? | GotQuestions.org

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How should Christians celebrate Thanksgiving? In this video, we answer your question, What should be the focus of Christians on Thanksgiving? Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/family-priorities.html


Hi there, many others like you have asked, what should be the focus of Christians on Thanksgiving?
Let's find out, shall we? You can discover this answer and more on GotQuestions .org.
The original Thanksgiving celebration was held by the Pilgrim Settlers in Massachusetts during their second winter in America, December 1621.
The first winter had killed 44 of the original 102 colonists. At one point, their daily food ration was down to five kernels of corn apiece, but then an unexpected trading vessel provided for their severe need.
The next summer's crop brought hope, and Governor William Bradford decreed that December 13, 1621 be set aside as a day of feasting and prayer to show the gratitude of the colonists that were still alive.
These pilgrims gave thanks to God for helping them find 20 acres of cleared land for no hostile
Native Americans in that area, for their religious freedom, and for his provision of a native interpreter.
The colonists and over 80 natives celebrated for three days with feasts, prayers, games, sermons, and songs of praise.
From that time forward, Thanksgiving has been celebrated as a day to give thanks to God for his gracious and sufficient provision.
President Lincoln officially set aside the last Thursday of November in 1863 as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our
Beneficent Father. In 1941, Congress ruled that after 1941, the fourth
Thursday of November be observed as Thanksgiving Day and be a legal holiday. Scripturally, we find things related to the issue of Thanksgiving nearly from cover to cover.
Individuals offered up sacrifices out of gratitude in the Book of Genesis. The Israelites sang a song of thanksgiving after crossing the
Red Sea. Later, the Mosaic Law set aside three times each year when the Israelites were to gather together.
All three of these times involved remembering God's provision and grace. The harvest and tapernacles feasts took place specifically in relation to God's provision in the harvest of various fruit trees and crops.
The Book of Psalms is packed full of songs of thanksgiving. In the New Testament, there are repeated admonitions to always give thanks to God.
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Be anxious for nothing. But in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Therefore, I exhort, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.
Of all of God's gifts, the greatest one He has given is the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.
On the cross of Calvary, Jesus paid our sin debt so a holy and just judge could forgive us our sins and give us eternal life as a free gift.
The Apostle Paul says, thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. In conclusion, we, like the pilgrims, have a choice.
In life, there will always be those things that we can complain about, but there will also be much to be thankful for.
As our society becomes increasingly secular, the actual giving of thanks to God holiday is being overlooked, leaving only the feasting.
For those who know Christ, He works everything together for good. May He find us to be His grateful children.
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