Catching Up on the March of the Secular Monster


So we webcast on two platforms now: YouTube and Odysee. We have freedom to talk about vaccines, Covid, mandates, and the outrageous behavior of the left, while on Odysee, but not on YouTube, which censors anyone who would talk about those things from the “wrong” viewpoint. This means I no longer really have the freedom to do a few stories on this topic, then do a Bible study on another issues, all in the same program. Instead, I have begun to save up articles and issues and have to roll them all into one program, like today. So we revisited the past week’s worth of craziness, from Novak Djokovic and his horrific mistreatment by the thuggish tyrants of the Australian regime, to new data on the now utterly worthless vaccines, to the open letter from the Israeli immunologist basically saying, “We told you so—when will you finally admit the failure of your approach?” Next program we will go back to primarily theological topics, start piling up the others, etc. Enjoy!

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Well greetings welcome to the dividing line it is a Tuesday. It's an unusual time for us, but it's it's a week before I head out for nearly a month on the road and That means
I've got lots and lots and lots and lots of things to be doing so we just got to Stick stuff in where you can
I don't know if any of the rest of you saw this yesterday, but all of a sudden
I started seeing a letter sent by the major airline carriers
To the Biden regime and especially to the most qualified Transportation secretary that has ever held the job here in the
United States Pete Buttigieg mayor Pete Basically saying that if tomorrow
AT &T and Verizon switch on their C band 5g Which I guess is the next
The fastest thing that will allow you to like, you know Use your phone to play video games or something.
I don't know In real time online. I who knows anyway, that They will shut down.
Basically, they will not be able to fly in and out of the airports where this is available and I'll admit
I'm I missed out on this. I mean I I heard stuff about 5g a long time ago Didn't really follow a whole lot of it
But I was just doing some some reading and basically and make a long story short
The the C band stuff for 5g the airlines are concerned that it will interfere with their with the
Radar System that their aircraft use in landing in low visibility
Now I've landed. I mean I ain't flying no more, but I've certainly landed in low visibility in the past It's a little nerve -wracking
I've had a few go -arounds I remember once in California. We had three before we finally we finally got down and I don't know
Seeing those buildings that close to you while the engines Little nerve -wracking.
Okay. So yeah, I want stuff to work there. I want I want the airplane stuff to work there and You know the phone would be nice to work there too but of the two
Obviously far more important to have the airline stuff working. So anyways, they have they have delayed switching that stuff on I guess they had already worked out a buffer zones
Where they they won't be using it in that area So if you want to if you if you have a virtual reality thing
Which I've never had on my face and to be very honest with you the way things going I never will If you've got your
VR mask and you just have to as soon as you get off the plane Get back into your first -person shooter game
You May not be able to do that until you get a few miles away from the airport
Because you landed safely But I I honestly last night as I went to bed.
I was reading some of this stuff going, you know, I don't know Do you really feel super comfortable with Pete Buttigieg as the as the head of the you know, transportation transportation secretary
Does this is he overly concerned about this kind of stuff? I don't know. But anyways, yeah, that's the kind of stuff we've got to going on today that every single day brings new insanity and You know what?
I've noticed we tend obviously and this is Understandable.
We tend to gravitate toward the sources of information new sources things like that that Echo our own thinking there's there's no question that we tend to do that um
The reality is that that means the mainstream media is is pretty much dead to me these days including
Fox to be very honest with you And and right now
Any a lot of a lot of smart people who prognosticate the future who missed everything going on now but prognosticate about the future
Are really wondering what does mainstream media mean anymore? In light of the fact that Joe Rogan's podcast is
Like 11, is it like 11 times larger than CNN's list highest listening audience?
I think one podcast Yeah, yeah, yeah let alone
MSNBC which is you know a fraction of that So the future is gonna be different obviously but You I hope you noticed or maybe you didn't but I'll tell you about now there was there was a lot of voices calling out for Spotify to Basically put warnings before and after Joe Rogan's broadcast because he's he's interviewing people that are not supporting the narrative and science and We literally live in a day where science is now being defined by politicians
Most of whom failed every science class they ever took obviously if they took any at all and So Now it's you know the science the result of this is that what we're seeing is
There there were people years ago talking about the fracturing of the societal structure the
United States. Well it is In bad shape it is fractured and the fissures are growing larger every single day and There are people with crowbars
Putting their entire might into getting those fissures to open up more and more Because they want it to fall apart so it can be replaced with something that will be much more amenable to the global elites
But even they and this is part of our hope Lord Even they are not all on the same page.
I Mean it's it's obvious that China is not our friend China's not anybody's friend except China's and not even
China China's not even the friend of China When you think about it Chinese people are horribly abused by their leaders
But China also Recognizes that if the United States economy collapses there's collapses right along with it big time
So there are people who do want our economy to collapse I don't think China's amongst them China wants to control us
China wants to use this But I think China recognizes we if our economy collapses theirs goes with it and that tenuous
Balance that they have of keeping their people somewhat happy with Life as it is under their control
Could be broken if their economy collapses and all of a sudden They're basically doing the bread and circuses thing they are entertaining their people into quiescence they recognize that where the
Soviets blew it is You couldn't keep people happy if they're starving to death If they're cold in the winter and they're hot in the summer and they they can't buy a new car for 27 years and They can buy one everybody's got plenty of money.
It's nothing to buy with it they realize that's where that that's where it all fell apart and So They've put enough free market stuff in to You know keep their people distracted and with enough stuff
That they put up with it rather than going into the streets and and doing what needs to be done
So anyway what that has resulted in this division United States Because we pretty much just we sort of in our in our area once in a while all of a sudden you'll see something and you'll go
I Didn't know the hatred That is being ginned up around the world for the unvaxxed has tremendous parallels in the past this this is how leftist governments have dealt with their enemies for a long long time is to objectify them lie about them turn them into the enemy and now that we have the in my opinion anyways the greatest
Aid to the destruction of human freedom and liberty that has ever been developed called secularism
Secularism that human destroying Human flourishing obliterating concept
That you are a cosmic accident with no transcendent value You have no reason
To spend any of your time Looking at who's come before you You have no reason to treat those who've come before you fairly because they were cosmic accidents your cosmic accent connection between you is just Biological there's no other meaning to it whatsoever
Part of that is to break down national borders by the way so that you don't have any pride in being Scottish or pride in being an
American or whatever That's another part of it But you don't look to the people in the past Because what they did back then
Should not only be judged by your standards today, even though they may have had the same standards back then But it's meaningless to you today
Because there's no transcendent meaning that can be communicated from them to you. There's nothing you can learn from them
There's no value in a culture that they would develop And looking the other direction
Why should you care about the future? Get yours now That's why children
Children who needs to have children in fact you should stop having children You should not think about the future you should not build
So that your great -great -grandchildren Will look back upon you because again, you're all just cosmic accidents
It there's no there's no purpose or meaning. There's no objective truth. It's being communicated and it has value and This is this is what secularism is secularism is the most anti -christian anti -human
Anti -beauty Anti -truth Concept that has ever infected the sin -sick minds of men and We are in its greatest
Apogee of power right now It has the it has never had the kind of power that it is
Has gained and is seeking to consolidate Right now and as a result
People who are infected with this mental disease of secularism Which destroys all foundations upon which you can build a meaningful society a meaningful epistemology a meaningful anything
People who are infected with this disease are easily controlled by simply making appeal to their life now
It's Joel Osteen your best life now, it's works with secular people sadly
Because that's all there is is your life now Once you're dead nothing else matters to you.
There's gonna be no judgment There's nothing to pass on to a next generation and If you pretend that you can you're just made it's just fantasy anyways
So people who think that way Easily and and fully understandably embrace
Safism as a religion Why because this is all I've got is my life now
That's why in our society right now in Western society as a whole and really globally
We are sacrificing our children on the altar of our convenience
One of the most disgusting things that has come out of All the kovat panic and everything else is what adults will do to children
To keep the adults safe It's not for the children We're not doing this for the children we're doing it for the adults and really only the older adults primarily and a certain class of younger adults that That either genetically have
Issues their health or Just don't work enough at staying healthy
We will sacrifice our children. They're literally places now that are requiring n95 masks now look we talked about this stuff in July August of 2020 we started talking about mask studies and stuff like that and We said then
The studies demonstrate that cotton masks are not only irrelevant they're actually a negative and the n95 are for medical use and They can only be worn for a certain period of time because obviously the greater the level of filtration the harder
It is to expel waste. That's what your breath is and To take in oxygen you're trying to get rid of the carbon dioxide and you're trying to take in oxygen
And so you have to you have to work harder the more effective the mask is and That's why if you're gonna wear an n95 mask in a meaningful fashion.
I have to be clean -shaven You have to be clean -shaven Beards are
Beards will be made illegal in the not -too -distant future Just what just watch you're crazy
Been doing pretty well for two years actually We've been proven right over and over and over again on so many things you just watch if this continues before some level of sanity kicks in Beards will be outlawed because you've seen you've seen guys with big full beards with these little
Everybody knows it's not doing anything But the reality is an n95 mask should be changed frequently
It has a high filtration rate, which means you For anybody with any kind of asthma or something like that.
It's just a no -go There are school districts in California requiring n95 masks for kids, even though the
CDC website specifically says children should not wear a n95 mask Doesn't matter Doesn't matter.
I mean look at these teachers unions man If we if you haven't learned anything about teachers unions over the past number of years,
I'm you're not you're not paying attention so We said a
Year and a half ago that eventually this is where it's gonna go. Oh, no. No, they'll get the vaccines
Well now Pfizer's saying I don't know if you saw it. Look it up. There's story going around right now.
It's true story someone has dug out the reality that 12
Yeah a little over 12 years ago, I think Pfizer's veterinary arm
Was selling a vaccine for cows That would supposedly keep them getting a particular disease well all of a sudden this strange disease started hitting
Herds in the UK and Europe because that's where they were selling it Where cows to be born and they're bleeding from everywhere their eye is in their mouth and everywhere and they eventually die and They eventually found out
These were always the offspring of the dams the cows that had been given the
Pfizer vaccine and so like two days before Germany was going to start
Investigating they stopped selling in Germany, but they kept selling it elsewhere. They eventually pulled it
Without ever admitting any wrongdoing in regards to the loss that people had had from that from that vaccine
It was a Pfizer based vaccine the head of the veterinary arm of Pfizer then is the
CEO now of all of Pfizer Same guy.
So now Pfizer says we're gonna have an Omicron Vaccine at the speed at which
Omicron is flying through the population masks or no masks Vaccines or no vaccines.
Nothing is stopping it nada niched this stuff goes everywhere and Everybody's getting it
By the time the spring comes here, we will have all had it and it will be irrelevant but watch what will happen
It will be required for everyone including everyone who is already had it they will be this will be added to the to the list and Then the next one after that and will always be one step behind it
Which is why we never ever ever ever ever ever did this before We knew
That you could not do it. We would guess at what the prevalent virus strain during the flu season would be and We would put out a vaccine based on that guess
But we never thought it was it was never in anyone's mind until 2020
That you could actually wipe out a respiratory virus using vaccines. We just knew you're always one step behind.
It's too fast Can't do it well now you have science now you have
Anthony Fauci and now you have we We will rule over nature.
We will demonstrate our superiority And if you have to die in the process, that's fine so you've got the military refusing to give exemptions even when medical
Information is submitted to them that demonstrates that this particular vaccine Would be deadly this person because they have an allergic reaction to what?
To the medium in which this mRNA stuff is inserted in your body. They still say you're out
You're out. You won't not gonna do it They want a
Compliant military that will do whatever they're told that's frightening to be perfectly honest with you when you think about what these people are willing to demand
So anyway in the midst of all this You've got poor
Novak Djokovic Arguably the one that well, he's certainly one of the top three men's tennis players in in the world right now
He is a dominant player And what has happened to him in Australia Australia should be absolutely ashamed of itself as how it is behaved toward him
But it's not just that it's it's not just hey boycott it Don't watch it. Let it die on the vine.
And I think I think every single player Should just pull out just just kill it.
You're not gonna let him play. He just had COVID he's not a danger to anybody you told him he could come he did he crossed every
T dotted every I and then You'd realized oh, wait a minute.
He has natural immunity. We don't want people to trust natural immunity So we're gonna go back on our word pull out and kill it the
Australian open kill it Let it come back next year and stand for something. That's that's what
I say But this poor guy one of the greatest players around Perfectly healthy not a danger to anybody the hatred that I have seen expressed for him by people on the left
Irrational animal level hatred and It's because The this is what the government wants
They want you to hate the unvaccinated or I think given that that they changed the definition of vaccination
Vaccination used to be something you would you would be injected with something that would make you immune to a particular disease Well, that's not what this stuff is
So I think we should have natural persons and genetically modified persons that that that's a much more accurate
Description you have natural persons using natural immune system versus genetically modified persons where you have genetically modified their their immune system and that's why the the
Israelis are going in The fourth shot. No, it's they recognize this stuff messes with the immune system and all this
Sudden extra mortality has nothing to do with COVID -19. Well, we all know where you come from.
Yes you do You know exactly where it's coming from. It messes with the immune system You're killing people right and left.
They don't care hundreds of billions of dollars. They don't care You can't you can't prove it
It's amazing Because it's almost like well, I took it And so I don't want admit that I did something dangerous and so I'm just gonna get really angry anybody else
That doesn't do the same dumb thing. I did and that's the thinking that's the thinking so a
Couple days ago. I'm not sure when this was January 14. So three days four days ago Professor a hood
Kim Ron head of the Department of microbiology and immunology at Tel Aviv Universe and the Israelis have been all over this.
I Mean this has been Wow sort of scary For people who think that Israel is this great place of wonderful democratic freedom
That's what sure Anyways, Professor a hood Kim Ron head the Department of microbiology and immunology
Tel Aviv University one of the leading Israeli immunologists Wrote an open letter to the
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health it's time to admit failure in The end of truth will always be revealed and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed when the destructive concepts collapse
One by one there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic. We told you so Two years late.
You finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail
You do not admit it because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years Still in retrospect it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame
Despite years of observations and scientific knowledge. You refuse to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves
You insisted on attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions and so through false propaganda
Over through false propaganda you overcame the plague and again you defeated it and again and again and again
You refuse to admit that mass testing is ineffective despite your own contingency plans explicitly stating
So pandemic influenza health system preparedness plan 2007 page 26 You refuse to admit that recovery is more protective than a vaccine despite previous knowledge and observations showing that non recovered vaccinated people are more
Likely to be infected than recovered people You refuse to admit that the vaccinated are contagious despite the observations based on this you hope to achieve her being herd immunity by Vaccination and you failed in that as well
You insisted on ignoring the fact that the disease is dozens of times more dangerous for risk groups and older adults than for young people
Who are not in risk groups despite the knowledge that came from China as early as 2020 You refuse to adopt the
Barrington Declaration signed by more than 60 ,000 scientists and medical professionals and other common -sense programs
You chose to ridicule slander distort and discredit them Instead of the right programs and people you have chosen professionals who lack relevant training for pandemic management
Physicists as chief government advisors veterinarian security officers media personnel and so on You have set up an effective system for reporting
You have not excuse me You have not set up an effective system for reporting side effects from the vaccine and reports on side effects have been deleted from your
Facebook page Doctors avoid linking side effects of the vaccine lest you persecute them as you did to some of their colleagues
You have ignored many reports of changes in menstrual intensity and menstrual cycle times
You hid data that allows for objective and proper research. For example, you remove the data on passengers at Ben Gurion Airport Instead you chose to publish non -objective articles together with senior
Pfizer executives on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines Follow the money folks
Irreversible damage to trust However from the heights of your hubris You have also ignored the fact that the truth would be revealed in the end and it begins to be revealed
The truth is you have brought the public's trust in you to an unprecedented low and you have eroded your status as a source of authority
The truth is you have burned hundreds of billions of shekels to no avail For publishing intimidation for ineffective tests for destructive lockdowns and for disrupting the routine of life in the past in the last two years
You have destroyed the education of our children and their future as school principals around the country attest You have made children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, drop out and quarrel
You have harmed livelihoods, the economy, human rights, mental health and physical health You slandered colleagues who did not surrender to you
You turned the people against each other, divided society and polarized the discourse You branded without any scientific basis people who chose not to get vaccinated as enemies of the public and as spreaders of disease
Sounds familiar In an unprecedented way, you promote a draconian policy of discrimination, denial of rights and selection of people, including children, for their medical choice
A selection that lacks any epidemiological justification When you compare the destructive policies you're pursuing with the same policies of some other countries
You can clearly see the destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus
The economy you ruined, the unemployed you caused and the children whose education destroyed are the surplus victims as a result of your actions only
There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a condition for two years now because of lust for power, budgets and control
The only emergency now is that you still set policies and hold huge budgets for propaganda and consciousness engineering
Instead of directing them to strengthen the health care system This emergency must stop
Professor Yudi Kimran, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University To which you will hear people saying, yeah, but we just believe the science
He touched on all sorts of important and vital things in that context
There was a report and it couldn't be verified because the media will not report on it
That's another thing One of the biggest things I've learned over the past couple of years is the blessing of an actual functional media
A journalistic class that seeks to investigate and to fairly...
That's gone Are there still some journalists out there? Yeah, I suppose so But in general the idea that the media will hold any government accountable for the lies it tells is done
The mainstream media is simply an extension of a political perspective
And that has left all of us at times scratching our head going, can
I trust this? None of us have the ability to dig through everything and find out, is this a reliable source?
Where did this come from? I don't know It's very frustrating But in France, a life insurer has refused to cover a vaccine death
Although vaccination is recognized as a cause of death by doctors and the insurance company It has refused to pay out.
The reason is because the side effects of the corona jabs are known and published They argue the deceased took part in an experiment at his own risk
The insurance company justified the refusal of payment of the family by stating that the use of experimental medication or treatments
Including corona injections is expressly excluded from the insurance contract The family's subsequent lawsuit against the insurance company has been unsuccessful
The court allegedly, and the reason this can't be verified is because only the family is reporting this
The media will not run the story and get any other side So this is a quotation given by the family
The side effects of the experimental vaccine are published And the deceased could not claim to have known nothing about it when he voluntarily took the vaccine
There is no law or mandate in France that compelled him to be vaccinated Hence, his death is essentially suicide
Since suicide is not covered by the policy from the outset, the insurance refuses to pay out Well, why not?
Well, but what if it is mandated? Well, that's the point, isn't it? That's the point
But we can't necessarily verify all this stuff because the media won't cover it
Now yesterday, I'm just going through the stuff that I saved for the programs that are not on that other channel
Rich will always write to me and he'll say, so, we'll be on that place or will we be on the safe place?
Yeah, I know I can say that I know I can say that, I just don't want to, you know Anyway But I put all this stuff together and then get to run through all of it every once in a while I don't know if you saw,
I linked to it, the Heartland Institute along with one other
Let's see, who was it? Anyway, there was a survey done and yeah, and Rasmussen reports
So Heartland Institute and Rasmussen reports And the scary part was here, 58 % of voters would oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine
Americans who choose to not get a COVID -19 vaccine Only 58 % However, 55 % of Democratic voters would support such a proposal
Compared to just 19 % of Republicans, I don't even know who those Republicans are, but I guess I can guess who they vote for Here, 59 % of Democratic voters, 59%, almost 60 % would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times except for emergencies if they refuse to get the
COVID -19 vaccine Think about that, 59, 6 out of 10
Democratic voters polled support the idea that you should simply lock natural persons in their houses unless they're willing to become genetically modified persons, 59 %
Now, given the reality that the
COVID strain that is currently running amok through the population is not only untouched by the current vaccines, despite the fact that the
CDC says they're working very well Again, only if you redefine working well and vaccine
They're working really well Given that these things don't do anything, they don't stop you from spreading it
And there is evidence that after a certain period of time, they actually make you more susceptible to getting it
There is not a single rational argument that can be put forward for vaccine mandates in any context right now, none
Any government, any business that mandates vaccines in this context is doing so against all meaningful science, against all of it
It does nothing Oh, but you might not get quite as sick Again, you might not even get it if you don't have the vaccine
That's the one thing they won't talk about is, well, wait a minute, there seems to be some evidence that there's a deleterious impact upon the immune system and so that the vaccinated are more susceptible to getting it
So isn't that important? No, no, no, no, no, no What you have to buy into, the only narrative, the only thing they've got left is, well, you're more likely to end up in a hospital if you don't
That's it, that's all I got That's all I got According to some study, somewhere, you just have to believe us when we tell you because we're demanding this of everybody 59 % of Democratic voters would say, yeah, lock them all up, stick them in their houses, don't let them out until they do what we've done
They need to think like us, they need to act like us Yeah, someone, yeah,
I did, I was aware There is another element to the story down in Australia That player has won the
Australian Open nine times Nine times You would think that if there was some
Now, I don't, look, I don't know I don't know anything about the people who run the
Australian Open, okay, I don't And they may be the wokest people on the planet, they just may be, there's nothing we can do about this
A bunch of government thugs showed up at our office and said, do this, I don't know There's one thing for sure, the
Australian government is run by thugs I mean, it's a thugocracy
And so I wouldn't put it past them for a second to do that, no doubt
But you would think if they had anything, they'd be, this guy's won nine times, you know,
I mean Maybe we could let him go for number 10
Because I guess he's within range of winning the most majors in a career
And this will clearly make that more difficult for him to do, he's not getting any younger
And so, but the memes running around are the only professional player who has been banned for not taking drugs
It's true, that's what's going on with him, it is absolutely amazing
So I suppose I should go ahead and just mention this straight up I was not surprised at all that recently a video came out of, you know, when
Trump spoke He was very defensive of his vaccines
And telling people that they need to get vaccinated and all the rest of this stuff
And it just reminded me of what
I'd said during his presidency That egomania is not a good thing, it's a negative thing
And obviously I've never thought that Donald Trump possessed the ability to analyze himself
And did not possess the humility to go, well, I was wrong about that I don't know, the worst case scenario
The worst case scenario, because I don't know if you saw, Tucker Carlson did a thing on Here Comes Hillary And I'm just like, could you imagine, if you wanted the most doomsday scenario ever
It would be Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton 2024
It would be like one of those really bad scenarios in Star Trek There was actually a really good
Star Trek Next Generation episode where they were caught in this time loop And they kept going around this time loop
And they eventually broke out of it, obviously, since the series continued on That was a really good one, but that would be what
I would feel like If once again it was Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton Oh my goodness, huh?
Groundhog Day, oh okay Anyway, yeah, no, that would be worse
But that's the worst case scenario Any scenario that has Donald Trump running in 2024 is to me really, really, really bad
If we do not have young leaders who do not have the baggage that Donald Trump has on the right, we're done
And everybody's automatically thinking about DeSantis I'm not sure the Floridians would want to lose him, to be perfectly honest with you
But yeah, the man cannot admit that he was completely buffaloed by what hit him
And he did not handle it well And he's still defending what he did And his own vaccines, which, hey,
I get it The Democrats were running around going, I ain't never taking that vaccine, it's the Trump vaccine
It's horrible, and then as soon as Biden's off, everybody's got to take it Okay, I get it
Finding hypocrisy on the left is not really a major discovery Because that's just the way the left is
That's what it functions on It happens on the right too, but not in the systemic way that it does on the left
But I, Lord deliver us I hope and pray, honestly, that we will not be dealing with a
Donald Trump candidacy I expect we will be, but I'm certainly praying that we will not be
In any way, shape, or form Did you hear? I wonder how widely this stuff gets disseminated
But did you hear that Sotomayor will not attend in -person court proceedings
But will only do so remotely because Neil Gorsuch will not wear a mask That makes me like Neil Gorsuch much more
And also makes me realize that Sotomayor is as clueless about the realities of things
As she proved to be during the course of the hearings that resulted in the overturning of the
OSHA regulation But not the HHR stuff, which was a mixed bag as far as the result of that particular situation
And that was a shame But there you go, there's what's going on in there
Interesting I will mention, and I'll try to remember to link to this stuff
There was an article that came out yesterday, I think, Daily Wire That sort of summarized some of the goings -on on Sunday When many of us, and did you notice, did you follow this?
I found this fascinating, I'll have to admit We had Joe Boudin, our program, and he was a part of the original pastors group in Canada That came up with the idea of the
January 16th emphasis To basically say to the state, we will not submit, it doesn't matter if it was unanimously passed
We will not submit to this, we cannot submit to this, and here's why And so we had him on, when was that?
I don't know how long ago that was But we had him on a number of weeks ago And I contacted my fellow elders at Apologia, and I said, hey, if I'm in town
I hadn't gotten all my plans put together yet, I leave in less than a week But I would love to preach on that subject
I've certainly spoken about it many, many times in many contexts in the past And did,
I did preach upon it Sunday evening And so a number of people have been going, you know
There should be a website someplace where you sort of gather together those sermons
So that people can access them, and it's not going away It is a part of secular culture to seek to reject
God's plan for human sexuality And so what I did, you can sort of guess there's 20 or 30 passages at most
That would lend themselves in a meaningful fashion And then there are, if you limit that just to homosexuality and transgenderism
You know, less than a dozen that I could think of that you would find to be particularly, specifically on topic
And so what I did is having already spoken at Apologia within the past year to 18 months
On a similar subject, I wanted to expand that just a little bit
And so I did sort of a pan -canonical Genesis 1 and 2 to Matthew 19
Continuing validity of the teaching that man is made in the image of God And that God defines male and female, and it is good, and it is foundational
And therefore to reject that is to reject the authority, not only of the Christian scriptures
But of the risen Savior himself, the King of kings and Lord of lords And then to use the connection between Leviticus 18
Now that's not the first reference, you can go back to Genesis 18 and 19 But Leviticus 18, right at the beginning of the
Holiness Code There's a difference between Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 A lot of people look at those two and since very, very similar language
They sort of go, well it's just repetitions, no big deal No, Leviticus 20 is a part of the Holiness Code and it is specifically for the people of Israel And therefore there is penology, there is a penalty attached in regards
It's toevah, it's an abomination Leviticus 18 is not a part of that code
And it's a part of the explanation, now it does give Leviticus 18 is pretty much all of the relationship boundaries
That are precluded by God's law in regards to incest and things like that Are there in Leviticus 18, but it's in the context of You shall not do what was done in Egypt and you shall not do what is done by the people in Canaan I despoiled the gods of Egypt, Exodus, now you're going into Canaan And you're going to wipe them out
And this is my judgment upon them and the land is spewing them out Because they did all these things
And what's really important there is It's not like God sent a bunch of prophets into the land
For decades, warning them And now they're guilty for these things because they knew
No, there were no prophets sent and they're still guilty for these things because they did know In other words, this is a part of the law written upon the heart
This is a part of the law that's written upon the heart And so there is a real need to recognize the differing context
Between Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 Because Leviticus 18 demonstrates this is something that is Speaking to mankind in any context
You can't just simply dismiss this as some kind of cultic law Just simply for the ancient Israelites And saying, hey, before the
Israelites even came along Before the name of Yahweh was known amongst them They were defiling themselves
They were defiling themselves, they were defiling the land The land's spewing them out You're now going to take possession of that land
Because they have defiled themselves in these ways So you don't do this So it started there
And then demonstrated by going all the way to 1 Timothy That this remains the consistent understanding
One thing I forgot to mention as I think about it It's interesting how you can remember Sort of what you
Not necessarily what you said But you do remember what you didn't say Is I did not point out
And should have at some point Even though it was an hour and six minutes long Jeff has ruined me I used to be able to do 50 minutes
I can't do 50 minutes It was an hour and six minutes long Which apologia is just, that's standard fare
An hour five to an hour ten Is pretty much where we go And I wasn't looking at the clock The clock's too small for me to see in the back
So there you go But I didn't mention That you would not find any
Jewish person In the days of Paul In the first century That had any other understanding of this
Than what he had, what Jesus had What the apostles had And it would be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years
Before anything like that developed So I didn't mention that But that is another thing to put into it
But one of the things I did do Is I did say that if you are ever
Brought before a magistrate Over this issue Because you have said certain things
That are now considered Let's say they get the equality bill passed And it becomes illegal in the
United States To cause the harm Like C4 in Canada The conversion therapy ban
If a magistrate is ready to pass sentence upon you You need to look that person in the eye
And bear testimony to them That they may be passing judgment upon you
Based upon man's law But God will pass his judgment upon them
Based upon his law At that great day And there is nothing they can do
Nothing they can do To avoid that day Outside of repentance and faith
That is There is a higher law And they are violating that law
And that therefore I have no guilt For obeying a higher law
While breaking a lesser law That is in violation of that We need to have that Prophetic voice
We need to testify to them And hope and pray At the very least
If you were to do that You know what your hope would be? That a year later
You are sitting there Out in the exercise yard at the Gulag And who comes walking up to you
But the magistrate that sent you there Because they have been sent there too Because your words were so Used of God to bring conviction
That they Got in trouble themselves And now they're there That would be a really good thing
That would be a very encouraging thing To experience because if enough people happen Then maybe the whole thing gets
Straightened out But anyway we are We are truly looking at a situation
In our nation right now Of such great division
And What I'm looking for And what I think you need to be looking for Is not the existence of the division
We already know that's there What I'm looking for Is hearing more and more people
Rejecting The anti Human Concepts Of secularism
As the reason For why they are Standing up in resistance
Against where the culture is going Hearing Quote unquote conservatives
Saying that they're going to vote a certain way Or we're going to have A red wave
And we're going to You know I'll be honest with you
When I look at the Leadership in the Republican Party today Primarily They didn't know what
To do when they had the majorities In the Senate and the House The last time they had them They didn't accomplish anything
And it's because They're mainly secularists too What I'm looking for What I want to hear
Are young people Who are recognizing We have to be willing
To sacrifice To go another direction And that is a direction
That recognizes That everything That we have been invested in In identity politics
And critical race theory And all of this stuff That it is to be rejected
Not because it hurts the economy But because It is not itself true
It is a false Narrative And Once Generation Z Recognizes the emptiness
And the destructiveness Of the false narrative That has been force fed
Into them The question becomes Will there be people
Who are standing up And are loudly Proclaiming From the rooftops
Something better Not a return To 1950s
Leave it to beaverism No one around anymore
Knows anything what that would be The old style Surface Religiosity But a vital
All across culture Recognition That we are made in the image
And only the gospel of Christ Will give that And that's why
I just I keep seeing Dear brothers They're still holding to some
Older views But they can't be consistent Because they likewise see
That You can't have A culture That enthrones secular principles
In its music And in its art And in everything else And then over here You've got the kingdom of Christ No, the kingdom of Christ Is over all of this
That doesn't mean you don't recognize Different spheres of authority But the kingdom of Christ Is over all of this
And Jesus is lord Over the arts Jesus is lord Over government
Jesus is lord Over all these things And the day's gonna come
When the insanity We're experiencing right now Is collapsing upon itself I don't know when it's gonna be
I pray for sooner Rather than later But When you see what's going on In our own military today
I Lord What can you say?
Lord protect us? Why? For what reason? Well, for the sake of my children
My children's children It's the best you can say But you better be teaching
Your children And your children's children What it means to live Under the lordship of Christ Between now and then
Because that's the only way To invest in that future That's the only way To invest down the road Have those eyes heading that way
So there was a bunch of stuff And there'll be more stuff That will happen today
Where once again If nothing else What you need to see
Is that secularism Is the exact opposite It is the polar opposite Of the claims of Christ And see what it's doing
See what it's fruit is And ask yourself the question How can
I be offering help? Not an escape But how can I offer Hope and help
To those made in the image of God Who by his spirit Come to realize This is emptiness
And they're looking around And they're going to see The people who continue To have hope
And they're going to ask What's the reason That hope is in you? And that's when we give The reasoned answer For the hope that's within us
That's what Peter Was actually talking about And that's what we need To be doing too So thanks for listening
To the program today What? Yes sir Well, I don't have that stuff
I did mention on Twitter I mentioned the name Of the church Don't remember what it is But Biggest things that I'm doing
On the trip Obviously, I'm in St. Charles I believe the
Wednesday night Before I'm in St. Charles I'm in Springfield I put it on my
Twitter thing Just for the evening Just a quick stop there In Springfield Friday, Saturday, Sunday Will be at Covenant of Grace Church In St.
Charles And We're looking at Possibility of Something in the middle
Of next week Maybe In Texas Haven't worked that out yet But The next weekend
I'm teaching at Grace Bible Theological Seminary And I'll be preaching There in Conway On Sunday Where?
I'm not exactly sure yet But I've gotten Some contact on that And Then the next week
Is the debate In Houston On Molinism With Dr.
Tim Stratton And I am supposed to be Preaching that Sunday morning In Houston Before I start heading back
I'm not speaking anywhere On the trip back Because that would make it A really, really, really long
Trip to get back So That's what we're doing On the trip
And we'll be doing lots of Dividing lines Along the way As long as We don't have another
Snowpocalypse Like they had last year And all the electricity went out And everything With the ice storms and everything The long -term
Weather forecast I've been looking at Hasn't had any of that Thankfully So, anyway So Yes, sir?
So on the Donation front If I We began yesterday
Sending out an email Form The receipts For last year's donations
If you have not received Your donation receipt Via email It's because I probably
Don't have your email address Or I did discover Some yesterday That are
They're not good addresses So you need to contact me Either call the office Or Email me at rpierce
At aomen .org That's R -P -I -E -R -C -E At aomen .org
And get me that information We are sending them out This week So we're getting them out As fast as we can
And if I don't have your email I need to get it So that's What's going on there
And As far as the schedule That's on the website I will be working on that This afternoon
Trying to Extrapolate Extract Information From A rock
And Get that Up there So that folks know Where you're going to be
And can Come by So that's all I've got There you go So Lord willing
One more program Before we head out On the road I'm not sure It'll actually be in here
I mean I will have I will have the unit Out of storage So it might be
Might be one That I actually just do From the unit Just test stuff Make sure that stuff's working Get the camera
Functional again All the rest of that kind of stuff Probably be a good thing to do To test things And We'll see
But one more program And then we're off Across the United States Prayers Appreciated for Traveling mercies
And No mechanical breakdowns And Playing tag with Crazy drivers