Should Celibacy Be Recommended for Individuals Who Are Tempted towards Sodomy?


EPISODE SUMMARY In this installment of Iron Sharpening Iron, Pastor Tim seeks to answer a sincere question from an individual who recommends celibacy as the standard counsel for those who are attracted to the same sex.


Warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Be your discretion is advised People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of Salvation any hope of heaven
The issue is that humanity is insane and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head. They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
And welcome to Bible bashed where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions
You're not allowed to ask Listen and enjoy this installment of iron sharpening iron as pastor
Tim answers your sincere questions. Here's pastor Tim On this episode of iron sharpening iron
We're going to be answering the questions should celibacy be recommended for individuals who are tempted towards abominable sexual practices
Now this is a follow -up to our podcast should Christians counsel gays to straighten up and marry a member of the opposite sex
In response to that episode we had the following post No So should
Christians counsel gays to straighten up and marry a member of the opposite sex this commenter says no No, first and foremost
Christians should admonish those that deal with SSA Notice deal with SSA notice the therapeutic
Victim language that's present in the way that that's phrased The Christians should admonish those that deal with SSA to follow
Christ as this is the main imperative of the Christian faith Jesus was not married, but he was holy.
So note what's being said there that the the admonition essentially is to say that this in this is part of what's happening in the
Celibate gay Christian movement the the standard SSA tropes that are being now presented to us in evangelicalism today
This is the kind of thing that Rosario Butterfield is noted for saying that heterosexuality is not godliness and you know
Individual should not be it's a heresy to you know It teaches them to mortify this set of sinful desires and attractions, but essentially they should be taught to follow
Christ the end period end of discussion and part of part of the issue with that is
That it is our contention and the Bible Speaks to this very issue that that if you are to follow
Christ then one of the things that you would want to do is follow his teaching and One of the things that he teaches is that for the vast majority of people
Alive on the earth the normal expectation for humanity is that human God's design for mankind is that that men and women come together in the
Union of marriage and to procreate and have offspring in order to fill the earth and subdue it and be fruitful and multiply
One of the first commands that man has given in the garden After man's single state is described as not good.
The Bible says it's not good for man to be alone one of the first commands that man is given is is the command to be fruitful and to multiply and to fill the earth and Subdue it, you know for this reason man will leave his father and mother hold fast to his wife the two shall become one flesh marriage is designed uniquely by God as a fix for sexual temptation and It's designed to to accomplish
God's purposes of filling this world up full of people who will exercise Dominion over all creation and one of the things you'll notice about that be fruitful and multiply is that it comes to us in the
In the imperative mood. It's a command the commit. There's a command given to us to be fruitful and multiply and It's a command that God has given to the human race
It's what I would describe as a corporate command just like the Great Commission is a corporate command is a is a command that's given to the entire
Human race and it's the command that we should be encouraging other people to pursue
And if if an individual has a certain set of deviant sexual
Temptations that are coming from his sinful heart You know this the primary counsel that would be biblical to give would be to mortify those sinful temptations and to Put on godly attractions and godly affections as you would do with any other sin in life now part of the reason why this is so offensive as we said in our podcast is because In part what what's happening is that we have certain sets of unshared assumptions now
One of those assumptions is that this homosexual orientation is somehow a fixed move unmovable feature of an individual's life that that Has little to no hope of changing we challenge that assumption in our podcast that this orientation is is a fixed unmovable characteristic of certain individuals that created feature anything else it is a deviant set of Poles that is able to be by God's grace to be mortified just like any other set of deviant poles
Another part of the problem though is that you're living in the society this post -sexual revolution With easy access to birth control and so in a society like that one of two of the things that have happened in that sort of society is that marriage and children are seen in this kind of society and there's great culture pressure to view them that way as evidenced by the fact that marriage rates are on the rise and the birth rates are plummeting that marriage and children are viewed as purely optional pursuits that an individual may engage in if you know in the charismatic language they feel led or You know in a more crass secular sense if they desire to pursue those things
But then part of the problem with that is it's just it doesn't pass The exegesis tech text of the opening chapters of the
Bible we're looking at something that's obviously Written to us in an imperative mood is the command and so we need to do something with it
That's the problem. So the Bible tells the human race be fruitful multiply. We need to do something with that. That's actually a command
So if we're gonna follow Christ We need to follow his commands in the scripture and and one of his commands
Seems to be our corporate commands seems to be that for men and women to come together in marriage and have some babies
That's what it says So now the problem there is the parent and this is the problem that's brought up since Christ was single and Paul in some sense encourages singleness
Wouldn't if following Christ mean following Christ example, well, obviously if everyone followed
Christ example Here's the thing Then we would have no new people and essentially human race would die off So in order to follow
Christ example it seems to me that we need to follow his commands that we find in the Old Testament and the opening chapters of the
Bible is designed for humanity But then there seems to be that there is this gift of singleness that we have to figure out what to do with and so Is that a contradiction is is a gift of singleness a contradiction with the command in the
Old Testament? What do we do? Do we become red red -letter Christians ignore everything in the Old Testament?
Do we make silly arguments to say? Well, it's in the Old Testament and Christ came to overturn the
Old Testament Knowing that the Bible says Jesus didn't come to overturn the law, but to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.
What do we do? well, if you do not wish to engage in the Marcionite heresy where you cut the
Bible in two and Obey one to the detriment of the other one of the things you might want to do is attempt to harmonize
This corporate command that you find in Genesis with the gift of singleness now when you attempt to do that Christians have always had an explanation
Readily available in order to give single people who are discouraged because they're unable to find a spouse
We've always had counsel to give that sort of individual to determine whether or not they have a gift of singleness
I can't tell you how many people particularly in a time where we're a marriage for the the age of First time marriages is so dramatically on the rise due to a variety of factors
I can't tell you how many times I've had individuals who come to me and say I think you know I just is impossible for me to found a spouse
I must have the gift of singleness and the problem is we've always had counsel to give that sort of individual
But when it comes to the individual with the deviant sexual temptations, we overlook everything we say in the one area and give the the
The the person struggling with sodomite sodomy a completely different answer So so how how would we normally counsel individuals who are asking that sort of question?
That's the question Well, that's how would we normally counsel the kind of individual who is wondering do
I have the gift of singleness? Well, here's how we would normally counsel them there's two passages that we typically go to if we're going to try to answer this kind of question for the
Individual in question 1st Corinthians 7 is one of the passages and Matthew 19 now
After Jesus gave his strong stance on the permanence of marriage in Matthew 19
The disciples basically said to them as such as the case with the man and his wife It's better not to marry, you know
If if divorce is not permissible for any reason including the burning of the toast in the discussion that the rabbis were having at that time if marriage is not permissible for any reason, but only
Permissible on account of sexual immorality the disciples look at him in verse 11 Matthew 19 11 They say not are in 10 and say if such as a case of a man with his wife
It's better not to marry But he said to them not everyone can receive this thing But only to those whom it is given for there have been eunuchs who have been so from birth
So eunuch is being used in the standard sense of an individual who is missing certain parts at that point
There have been eunuchs have been so from birth there have been eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men typically in the ancient world if you wanted to have
One cruel former point punishment was to turn a man into a eunuch If you wanted men who are gonna guard your harem for you, you would typically castrate them if you were a king
In order to keep them from expressing their sexual desires He says there have been eunuchs have been so from birth their eunuchs have been made eunuchs by men and their eunuchs who have made
Themself eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom. No, that's being the only instance in the passage that's being used in a figurative sense
Meaning not that men have castrated themselves for the kingdom. Although some have in the course of church history
But there are those who have intentionally pursued singleness or The absence of offspring for the sake of the kingdom of heaven
He says let the one who is able to receive it receive it So in this passage, one of the things that you find is that if an individual is going to have the gift of singleness
This is going to be the kind of individual who is intentionally pursuing the advancement of God's kingdom and Believes that he can better pursue the advancement of God's kingdom on this earth
By not being bound to a particular wife over and against Pursuing marriage and so there are opportunities are available to a person through marriage to advance
God's kingdom and there's opportunities Available to singleness Paul was able to evangelize the known world at the time because of his he
Intentionally did not pursue marriage, but in pursued the advance of the gospel. He He was constantly in danger of imprisonment and danger by robbers in danger by toil and danger by snares he's in danger from the
Romans and danger from the Jews like he's constantly being beaten and whipped and tormented and Stoned, you know and shipwrecked and everything else
But then if you had to care for a wife and drag along a family and make the kind of travels that he made
They would have been a liability to him in advanced in gospel So the first question we typically tell
Individuals who are wondering do they have a gift of singleness is is we ask them the question. Are you attempting to?
Do you do you have a desire to pursue full -time? Vocational ministry in some sense.
Are you are you you know, you wanting to be a missionary you wouldn't be a pastor Now are you wanting to advance the gospel to areas of unreached people groups?
Not just you don't ask him. Hey, you know, do you you don't want to spend your life? Building a secular corporation or something like that now that's where they work and that's fine
But that's not the kind of person this has in mind the kind of person that has in mind is the one who wants to give all of their time and all their attention to The spread of the gospel and in a very intentional way, so if you look at the person who's
Wondering do they have the gift of singleness because no one seems to be taking them up on marriage first thing you ask is are you wanting to give your life to the advancement of the gospel and the spread of the gospel and Need more time to be devoted to it and typically the answer is no now the second kind of question that you normally ask a person in those in that kind of scenario is
You ask him are you free from sexual temptation? Are you free from sexual temptation? So here's the thing
Paul says in 1st Corinthians 7 he says now concerning the matters about which you wrote It is good for a man not to have sex sexual relationships with a woman.
That's the question that they're asking him essentially, is it good for a man to To avoid sexual con contact with a woman does that defile individuals?
You know as the Greeks are saying is does that defile a person to have sex with a woman is it better to not
Paul says but because of the temptation to sexual immorality each man should have his own wife in each woman her own husband in other
Words God created man and he gave them man and women sexual desires And he did not intend for man to sit there and sit on those sexual desires forever
To delay the fulfillment of those desires until their late 20s and basically spend, you know a good 10 to 15 years post -puberty
Frustrated with no lawful outfit Outlet for sexual expression one of the things that God's designed is he's designed to give us these overpowering at times sexual desires but then he's given us a healthy outlet for him and the more that you sit there and try to Suppress them and try to pretend like that you're there the more that you feel cursed
I can't tell you how many single people Who have come to me and basically told me that they feel cursed and they wish
God would just take their sexual desires away And remove them because they're tired of burying him and they would like to get married and they can't and they don't know what to Do and they're just praying
Lord. Just take it all away. Just take it all away That's the kind of individual that God has not given the gifts of singleness now the person who is the
SSA Attracted Christian to use the neutral therapeutic language who is struggling with SSA The issue there is that we have had counsel we give to single people for a long time
And let me suggest in the nicest possible tone that we should apply that same counsel to individuals who
Have temptations that are coming from their own sinful heart towards abominable sexual practices
The same thing that's true of every other sin you would tell them to do
There's a put off to put on dynamic you put off the evil desires you put on righteousness holiness faithfulness goodness truth
Far from telling it like one of the things to realize is if you look at that person with those desires and you say hey
You're gonna be cursed forever and ever and ever to basically burn and Bible says it's better to marry than to burn
You're gonna be cursed forever and ever to burn because there's God has no hope for you with the changing these illicit unlawful abominable
Temptations you're basically consigning that person to a life that is going to be filled with substantial amounts of frustration
And not only that they're not going to be faithful to God's created design for them. They're obviously an individual who desires sexual they have sexual desires that are able to be lawfully pursued and There's no reason not to pursue them and if you adopt some sort of homeless or hopeless
Framework there that basically says that you're there's no hope for you that that Will become a self -fulfilling prophecy if you tell them hey this will never change and there's no hope for you
And you're just gonna have to pursue celibacy forever Many people will throw their hands up in despair now obviously here's the thing not everyone who has
Sexual desires that are unmet is Guaranteed or promised marriage from God for some people that truly is their cross to bear
Meaning the kind of individual who have lawful sexual attractions that they're not able to do anything with That may be their cross to bear and there's there's all sorts of counsel that you would give that kind of person
It's better to live to live as Christ and to die as gain You know there's many people who?
You know died not in faith not receiving the promises And you know sometimes the
Christian life cost you something sometimes faithfulness cost you something However to tell an individual that they are barred from marriage or they discourage them from pursuing marriage at all
Would be a gross mishandling of the scripture one of the things that we need to do as it relates to this topic is stop treating
This deviant sexual desire as if it's some fixed immutable part of a person's character
That is either neutral across the bear some sort of temptation that they can't help anything else if you if you consider it
What it is it's a it's a wicked pull from a wicked heart that may sound mean But there's great hope in that because if it's a wicked pull from a wicked heart
Christ is able to cleanse you from the other to the other most and it's my hope for those who
Have fed those abominable desires who have fed those To have who have grown those sets of temptations in their mind
It's my hope that they find true another deliverance from that not only put off the evil desires
But learn to put on the good desires And I can just tell you from my own life that God has helped me do that with a great many sins
And that's my hope for you as well This has been another installment of iron sharpening iron as Always if you would like to have your question included in one of these midweek episodes email us at Bible bash podcast at gmail .com
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