“Good for Evil...” – FBC Morning Light (8/30/2023)


A brief bit of encouragement from God’s Word for your journey. Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 5-6 / Ephesians 5 / Proverbs 2


Well, a good Wednesday morning to you here in the middle of the week. We're reading in Isaiah once again, chapters 5 and 6, in Ephesians chapter 5, and the second chapter of Proverbs, Proverbs chapter 2.
And I want to focus on a couple of different ideas from the fifth chapter of Isaiah. And particularly, let's first of all notice what verse 20 says.
It says, Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Now, I suppose there are a lot of ways we could talk about this verse and how it applies in our day, but one of the things that came to my mind is that our state, the state of Illinois, and our illustrious governor, have recently signed into law, or I'm not exactly sure the technical approach to this, but have made available hundreds of thousands of dollars, and maybe millions,
I can't remember the specific right now, for the purpose of bringing women from out -of -state to Illinois to have an abortion.
So there are some states around us that have limited what, you know, how frequently abortions can be performed, and the details of that.
And so our governor and our legislature has determined that this is a terrible thing for these states to do, and it's an evil thing to put restrictions on abortion like this, and we don't want to do that.
We want to make abortion available to anybody who wants one. It's a good thing to make it available and make it easy for women to come to Illinois to kill their unborn children.
There is a good of calling something good that is exceedingly evil, and then calling evil that is the restriction of the murdering of unborn children, calling that good thing evil.
And that's not the first thing that our legislature and our governor has done to illustrate this point.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.
There is, in the effort to justify these things, there's the obfuscation, there's the clouding, the shrouding of reality and of truth, and presenting a mischaracterization of the...I
don't even know what to call it...the abhorrent action of killing an unborn child.
I think of that also in terms of the promotion of transgenderism and the mutilation of young children who, for some reason in their confusion, think they want to be the other sex.
And the mainstream wants to hide the devastation that that causes, psychological as well as physical, to those who go through this process of transitioning.
And instead, they present it in a very positive way.
This dark thing is presented as light, and it's for the good of these young people that they get to do this, and look how much better off they're going to be.
They won't try to commit suicide. Oh my goodness, presenting darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
There are bitter pills to swallow when a culture, a society, a people, an individual chooses a behavior of sin that he thinks is going to be so pleasurable, so delightful, so desirable, thinks it's so sweet, but in the end it's awfully bitter.
Oh, how many people you could interview who could testify to that very thing. The very thing
I thought would bring me such pleasure and happiness and sweetness has become horribly, horribly bitter.
So be careful. Listen, we're living in a society that is upside down, that is doing this very thing of calling evil good and good evil, that is presenting darkness as light and light as darkness, and is putting bitter for sweet, sweet for bitter.
So keep your eyes open, keep your wits about you, and don't be misled.
Our Father and our God, we thank you for your Word that is so practical and helpful, even in this 21st century.
Thank you for it, in Jesus' name. All right, listen, have a good rest of your