Vaccine Propaganda and Fake NASA Photos

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So there I was, you know, I was minding my own business and just taking in a few
YouTube videos. I wasn't going to do a video today. I just, I thought I'd take a day off. It's been a bit, I've done a lot of videos this year and, um, you know, just feeling tired.
I was feeling, uh, just a little burnt out, a little bit burnt out. So, you know, I was going about my normal business and all that kind of stuff and I'm just trying to watch
YouTube videos. I was, I was watching a great YouTube video about the little super Mario, uh,
Legos that came out. That's so much fun. It looks like so much fun anyway. Um, and then
I see promoted in the corner, you know, just YouTube's algorithm. It's it's, they know what's best for me.
I saw a video from ABC news vice president receives the
COVID -19 vaccine on live TV. I think
I got to reconsider this. No despair thing. No, seriously guys, why, why, why, why is this happening?
Why are we watching video after video after video of people getting shots in the arm? And some of them, some of them, it's like a fake shot.
Have you seen those videos? I don't know if it's real. I mean, that's the, you don't know if anything is real, but it's like, yeah, some of them are getting like, they, they, they zoomed in on the syringe and it's just actually not even a shot.
And I know, I know, I know the defense is going to be, well, you can't actually do the real shot on TV. I mean, you got, it's too dangerous and it's like, why are we doing any shots on TV?
Why is this a thing? I really want to know why this is a thing. Look at how they present this. This is like breaking news.
Look at this. This is an ABC news special report now reporting
George Stephanopoulos. It's like, it's like, it's like ultra. It's like ultimate.
Like you would expect that to be like a announcement. Like the new PlayStation's coming out, like all special report
George Stephanopoulos. And it's just like, here's what it is. We're breaking in right now because vice president
Mike Pence is about to get the vaccine there in Washington DC this morning. He's going to get it along with the surgeon general
Jerome Adams and his wife, Karen Pence, hoping to encourage Americans all over the country to be taking this vaccine in the coming months.
I just don't even understand like he's got his arm, his beard, he's ready to get the shot and who knows what's in that.
Nobody knows what's in the syringe. This is just, this is like the most base form of propaganda.
Like who is this for? I want to know who the audience is for this. Like, is anybody happy with this kind of coverage?
Like, does anybody want to see this? Like, I don't care what they interrupted. Like if they interrupted Maury Povich, I would have been upset because nobody wants to see this.
Do you want to see this? Am I, am I crazy? I think I might be going crazy. I can't, like,
I can't be this different than everybody else. Like, like, am I? I can't be. In the comments section right now, let me know if you wanted to see this breaking news of Vice President Pence getting the
COVID vaccine. It's about to be approved by the FDA. We just heard that from Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, this morning right here on CNN.
There it goes. You get, you get it all clean. By the way, I love that feeling when you're getting a shot and like they, they rub that, what is that, alcohol on you?
It feels so good. Like it just like, it feels like nice and cool. You know what I mean? I might want to get some of those, those alcohol packages just every now and then when
I'm feeling down, just rub it like I'm about to get a shot. I don't know. I like it. I like it.
That was weird. I'm sorry for that. And then administered next week as well.
Of course, it comes on the heels of the Pfizer vaccine, which is the vaccine that the vice president. That's the, that's the girl right there.
This one. Isn't this the one that was, that passed out from getting the shot? She looks exactly the same.
You saw that video where she got the shot. She's talking about how great, you know, science is and you know, her, her
Lord and savior, the vaccine. And then she passes out like instantly. I don't know if it's real. I mean, nobody knows if it's real, but she looked just like this lady.
But I guess every, every, you know, white lady looks the same when they're wearing a mask. I think that's the point.
They just want us all to be numbers like, like, like the NPC meme, you know, look there as we see
Dr. Jerome Adams, the surgeon. Look at this guy right here. Is this, do you think this guy, like he's pleased, like he's on national
TV or do you think he hates his life right now? Like look at these people. Why are they here? What is this happening here?
He gets the first vaccine. He was talking to us on GMA earlier this week about the importance, especially for minority communities to be getting this vaccine.
There's some skepticism among black Americans. He was trying to combat that. Listen to this. Listen to me. Listen to me.
Okay. I, I was talking to my brother about this on Facebook. You were doing a little one of those
FaceTime things. And I got to say, don't be stupid. Listen, woke warriors.
Don't be stupid because you're the ones that have been telling us, oh, you know, the government has been screwing us left and right.
We gave a syphilis. What about the Tuskegee experiments? All this and that. And it's like, okay, okay, okay, okay.
I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Don't get the vaccine then. Because if you think the government's out to get you, don't get it when they're pushing it on you.
This is the thing. If I, I'm not anti -vaxxer guys, I promise you I'm not anti -vaxxer.
But the thing is, the more you push it on me, the less I want to get it. I don't think that it's probably good if you have to pay me to take it or if you have to twist my arm or coerce me or skew the numbers or, or put a black guy here because you know, that'll get the black.
That's what this guy just said. Stephanopoulos. You see, you've got to get the minorities to take this. You got to get, you got to vaccinate them minorities.
Guys. Seriously. Don't, I'm not woke. I'm not, don't accuse me of being woke, but don't do it guys. I'm not a doctor.
I'm not telling you what to do. But in my opinion, don't take the experimental vaccine, especially when they're pushing it on you.
When somebody is like desperate to do something for you in a way that makes no sense, like don't do it.
Like imagine if somebody came up to your door and they're like, Hey man, I got this. I'll give, I'll pay you $30 ,000 and all you got to do is one little thing for me.
And you're like, okay, what's that little thing? I'm like, hold onto this gun for me. I'll come back for it a month. I'll give you $30 ,000.
You just hold onto this gun for me. Like obviously you shouldn't do that because obviously there's a reason he's going to pay you $30 ,000.
Like if they're going to pay you a couple grand to get this shot in your arm, like, like, like any, any economic law that I know will tell you that that's probably not in your best interest.
I don't know. Call me crazy. Call me conspiracy theorist. I don't know. But this, the 80 Robles YouTube channel is about unapproved positions here.
This is not what you'll get from gospel coalition. Let's, let's listen in on how, how minorities are so stupid that we see a black guy on TV getting the shot.
And that means, oh, I guess we'll get the shot. Like that's what George Stephanopoulos was just saying. We're not stupid guys.
Don't be stupid. GMA and this morning, Karen Pence as well. We'll be getting the vaccine this morning.
Oh, I missed the whole thing with the alcohol. Oh, hoping to set an example here for the country that even though this vaccine came out so quickly, it is safe.
And we have learned in these clinical trials just how effective it's safe. We know it's safe. How do you know? Well, we just know.
And because Karen Pence is getting it. So that's how you know. How do I know? Karen Pence is actually getting it.
This is not just the shot of, uh, no, I don't know. You better keep my mouth shut.
It can be everyone mass and social distance this morning there at the white house. No word on when president
Trump is going to be taking the vaccine. He has not said whether he'll be taking. We do know that the president elect
Joe Biden. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Didn't Trump get the disease? So doesn't he already have the antibodies?
I don't know. Listen, I'm not a virologist. I'm not telling you how this all works. But I the way
I thought was when you got the disease, your body got the antibodies. Isn't that what this is all about?
Why would Trump get the vaccine? I mean, he's pushing the vaccine. This is kind of what like, like people always say, like, well, you're you're just one of those
Trumpists. You worship Trump. And I'm like, basically, every guy that I know that likes Trump is not getting the vaccine, no matter how hard Trump pushes it.
Everyone's saying, oh, this is a tremendous accomplishment. I know in the beginning we said we couldn't make a vaccine, but now we made one in record time.
And it's like, well, I'm not getting that. Yeah, but Trump is pushing it now. I'm definitely not getting it now. But I know we worship
Trump, but we just don't do what he says. Like we follow him blindly, except when we don't.
I guess is how that's how Trumpism works. Somebody call Beth Moore, let her know that the way that Trumpism works is that we follow him blindly as our
God, Kate, savior, except when we don't, which is all the time. We'll be taking the vaccine perhaps as early as next week.
Let's see the alcohol. This get bring on the alcohol patch. His shirt sleeves. They're to get his dose of the vaccine as he didn't even do the alcohol.
What's going on here? Oh, no, there it is. There it is. That's the good stuff right there. I don't know about you. Do you agree with me? That's that's the best part of getting a shot in coming days.
All concerned about the appearance of jumping the line. But this is important so that the government can function.
And there you see it. The vice president has gotten this vaccine. We're going to return now to our regular heroic many of you.
That is good. Thank you very much, George Stephanopoulos, for this very important report. Vice President Pence has appeared to get the coronavirus vaccine and there were no ill effects.
So therefore, all you peons out there follow their example and get the shot.
I know we don't really know what the long term effects are. I know that we don't really know anything about it.
And you might get Bell's palsy. Who knows? And by the way, if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you probably don't want to get this shot.
But no, no, no, no, no, no. Karen Pence and Vice President Pence have gotten it. And that black guy over there, he got it.
So, you know, blacks and Latinos, you got to get the shot, too. You just saw that guy did it.
So stupid do they think we are anyway? I don't know, man. I just here's another one that I found was stupid.
Let me just pause this. I'm going to get in trouble here. Just give me one. All right. My brother sent me this one. This is a this is
I found this on Dustin Benj's Twitter feed, but I initially saw it because my brother sent to me. He always sends me pictures of NASA all the time and I have to he's supposed to be a picture of Pluto.
That's what this is supposed to be. And I'm sorry to tell you break this to you guys. This is fake picture. This is obviously a fake picture.
It's red and blue. It looks like an ice pop. Like you remember the ice pops, the firecracker ones that had red, white and blue on it.
And when you were a kid and you would eat them, it was like lemonade flavored. This is this is fake. This is not a real picture.
Why do they feed this to us? This is obviously a fake picture. You know what it reminded me of? There's got to be something going on here because it reminded me instantly of Scary Stories to Tell in the
Dark. You remember that series? Well, there was one cover of that series that had like an old man growing out of the ground and it was like almost look like a skull.
It was so like ghostly and it was red and look, here's the picture. Tell me this is an identical color scheme.
Look at this blue, red, white. And then we got the Scary Stories skull guy smoking, you know,
I don't know who knows what he's smoking, but this is the same picture. I'm sorry. This is fake. Pluto is not red and blue.
Listen, I don't know what Pluto looks like, but it's definitely not this. Furthermore, this picture looks better than any picture we have of Earth.
So what's going on here? Why? Why are they expecting us to believe this? This is not an actual photo. Let's just be honest about that.
This is not what Pluto looks like. I'm sure Pluto is very magnificent. This is not a comment on Dustin's comment here.
He's saying the work of God's hands. What a magnificent God we serve. I agree. And I'm sure that Pluto, a real picture of Pluto, would look awesome.
But just give us the real stuff. I don't need to see this fake stuff. This is fake, guys. I'm sorry. This is fake.
Also the coronavirus vaccine. Anyway, I hope you had a good week. I hope you have a good weekend. I hope you found this video helpful.
No, no, no. This video was not helpful. I know it wasn't. But I hope you found it entertaining. God bless. You know, somebody asked
NASA, why do they do this? Why do they give us these fake pictures with fantastic colors and stuff like that?
We know it doesn't look like that. Why are they doing that? And you know what they said? This is what they said. The reason why they fake the pictures is because they want it to match what our expectations would be like.
They want it to be more magnificent. And I'm just like, guys, NASA, if you're listening, NASA, if you're listening,
Alexa, if you're listening, connect to NASA. We just want the real stuff, man.
You would say that. We just want the real stuff, guys. Give us the real pictures like the real pictures would be magnificent enough.
You don't need to embellish them and colorize them and all this stuff. We just no more fake pictures, NASA, please.