Overview of the Book of Romans

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The overview of the week for this Sunday is the book of Romans. Romans was written by the
Apostle Paul somewhere around 57 to 58 AD and the theme of Romans is simply the gospel.
And in Romans, which many believe to be Paul's masterpiece, the gospel is explained in all of its fullness.
Now Romans is placed first among the epistles because it is the most clear and comprehensive work detailing the central truths of Christianity.
So if you want to know what Christianity is all about, read the book of Romans. The Apostle Paul is very methodical in how he lays out the letter to the saints in Rome.
He says this in chapter 1 verses 16 and 17, So the gospel is grace alone, faith alone, in Christ alone.
So before he describes the gospel, which means what? Good news.
Paul first explains why the gospel is necessary. So before he gives the good news, he starts out with the bad news that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God.
You could outline the book this way, chapters 1 through 3 speak of condemnation, chapters 4 and 5 justification that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone.
After justification comes sanctification in chapters 6 through 8. Chapters 9 through 11 speak of restoration, that is the restoration of the children of Israel, the nation of Israel.
Then chapters 12 through 14, that's the application, how
Christians are to live. And then finally in chapters 15 and 16, you find the culmination where Paul greets and encourages his friends and co -laborers in the gospel ministry.
So the book ends with this great benediction. Paul writes, Now to him who is able to establish you according to my gospel in the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began, but now made manifest and by the prophetic scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting
God for obedience to the faith, to God alone wise, the glory through Jesus Christ forever.