Ibram Kendi Sits in Front of the Refutation of His Own Teachings


Went over a number of smaller items, Tweets and the like, at the start of the program, but eventually focused in on Ibram Kendi’s presentation at a church recently wherein he described the difference between Liberation Theology and what he called Savior Theology, and how to be an “antiracist” is to reject Savior Theology. He made these comments while seated in front of the inscription of The Great Commission from Matthew 28 right behind him, which, if considered properly, is an excellent refutation of his position. Also, don’t forget this coming Thursday we will be joined by Dr. Joseph Boot of the Ezra Institute, author of The Mission of God, to discuss a whole gamut of topics, from Bill C6 in Canada to R2K Theology. Join us! Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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Well, greetings and welcome to the Dividing Line on a Tuesday, I believe it is.
We did so many programs last week, it's hard to remember where we are. But we are here on a,
I don't know, sort of, it might actually rain just a little bit. There was a little, radar showed a little bit of rain, but it'll be up in the,
I was looking at the forecast, mid -upper 80s, starting at the end of the week, and that's pretty much where it goes from there here in Phoenix.
The Inferno returns, it's, yep, that's just how it works. I gotta start off with something fun,
I'm sorry, but this is, you just have to. This is, let me get it back here to the start, snap.
This is, you know, years and years ago
I would have loved to have had, like, I was really fascinated by radio -controlled aircraft.
And I've liked watching some of the videos, I mean, if you've seen some of the B -17s and jet -powered stuff, but then when they crash, you just, you wanna cry, you know, cause who knows how much money went into that thing.
But these drones that you can do today, not, personally, I'm practicing how to shoot drones out of the sky, but that's for other reasons.
No, not the ones that, didn't you see the stuff where they were, some police department was asking people to stop throwing stuff at the drones, and they had this freeze frame of these two portly white folks in their backyard throwing beer bottles, there's a beer bottle like right here, you just have to hit the drone, you know.
And so no, not all of them are all that big, but anyways, drones are pretty cool.
And I've certainly wanted to get a real one, someone actually gave me a teeny, teeny, teeny tiny one at Christmas, and I just crashed that thing all over the place, so I suppose you start with the cheap ones and move up from there.
But anyways, what you can do with these things as far as recording video is pretty intense, and so I don't know where this is, but this is said to be,
Mount Doom is real, okay? So if you're a Lord of the Rings guy, check this drone footage out here.
Alright, here we go, come on, there you go. So you follow the river of lava, which of course is uber cool, there's some people over on the left,
I didn't even notice them before, they're crazy. And then, hear your head, and notice it's climb, climb, climb, and I can just hear the guy going, climb, baby, climb, climb, baby, because here it comes, whoa, zoom, and one went right over the top of the, oh, no, it's up in the air.
It's not gonna be, I mean, if it, obviously if it gets hit by the lava, that's gonna cause a problem, but yeah, just zoomed.
He's probably down that group of people, I'd assume, that were over on the left, I should have looked a little closer, but I was like, go climb, baby, climb, oh no, that is so cool.
That'd be fun to do with one of those, another thing I haven't gotten is one of those virtual reality thingies you can put on your face, and you should never touch one of those, because I remember when you played
Descent, you just about puked all over the computer 10 times just doing
Descent, so you do not need a virtual reality anything, ever, just skip it.
Tried it once for about 30 seconds, that pretty much, that was it, mm -hmm, yep, yep, I figured, mm -hmm, that's, if you wanna find that video, it's on Twitter, at underscore
Helen Dale, one word, but capital H, capital D, I guess she's an
Australian reporter or something, but oh, I'm sure it was probably toasty, but yeah, that was great, that was super duper,
I had to share that with you, if you hadn't seen it, it's pretty cool. Also, just two other little
Twitter things here, starting off the program, Democratic Senator Duckworth, Tammy Duckworth, as you said, on the effort to get more diverse nominees, yes, quote,
I am a no vote on the floor on all non -diversity nominees, you know
I will vote for racial minorities, and I will vote for LGBTQ, but anybody else, I'm not voting for.
There was a day when you really would have gone, how did this person get elected to the
Senate, but that day has long passed, and this is what you've got, and yeah, and then right below that is a tweet says, in 62 days,
Joe Biden incited a border humanitarian crisis, which by the way, I think I very rightly pointed out that a certain pastor in Texas, who for four years, every time you tried to talk to him about anything, all he would do is talk about kids in cages at the border, that was,
Trump was just the worst person on the planet, because there are kids in cages at the border, well, that was nothing compared to what's now, and I took the time to look through this guy's feed, 10 days back, not a whisper, not a whisper,
I mean, Central America is emptying out into the United States, and it's all for, this is, if, it's just so obvious that I sometimes, when people go, no, that's,
I just want to sit there and look at him and just sort of go, you are really naive, aren't you? This is all about establishing one party rule.
It worked in California, it worked, you do realize that Ronald Reagan was from California, Ronald Reagan was governor of California, you do realize that when
Reagan ran for the presidency, he won California, okay, no
Republican can win California today, there are, no, he couldn't do it today, there are no
Republicans holding any high office in the state of California, it can't be done, because the left knows how to rig the elections, not just steal elections, but rig the elections, so that even, like, you'll have a runoff situation where only, it can be only two
Democrats or something like that, they know how to do this, they know how to establish one party rule, and they have in a number of states, there are a number of states in the
United States, doesn't matter how good your ideas are, it's not possible, the system just doesn't allow it.
So I said, last year, I said, this will be our last free election, unless people wake up, and what was the process?
Process would be, open the borders, flood the system, then say, well, we have to give citizenship to all these people, it's not 11 million, it's more like 27 million, that's a couple states' worth, right there, voters,
Washington, D .C., I just saw, on, if you drive I -10, right before you get to the airport, here in Phoenix, there's a billboard that says that making
Washington, D .C. a state is a matter of racial justice, everything now, on the left, doesn't matter how absurd it is, it now is racial justice, because that works, no one's against racial justice, right, doesn't matter how you define that, it could be this, it could be
Senator Duckworth, I will only vote for racial minorities and LGBTQ, those are the only people qualified to do the job, no, qualification for the job is irrelevant anymore, it's all identity, it's all who you are, not what you do, it's the exact negation of judging them by the content of their character, now you judge them by the color of their skin, or their sexuality, you know, so yeah, there's a, the whole idea is, get two new states in, so you got four senators, all
Democrats, you control the Senate that way, so one party rule, from now on, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, and that way you can completely ignore the
Supreme Court, you pack the Supreme Court eventually, the Constitution is done, and you, we become the easternmost province of China, the
Chinese are just so happy with what's happening here, it's incredible, but so anyways, inside a border humanitarian crisis, so Central America is just emptying out, and they're not even hiding it, put kids in cages, tripled the price of insulin,
I didn't know about this, but that wouldn't surprise me in any way, shape, or form, because have you checked your grocery bill recently?
It's flying up there, and there's one simple reason, gas prices, if you live in a city, it's got to be transported to you, and when the truck costs twice as much to fill it up as it did only two months ago, passed on to you, so doubled the price of gas, tripled the price of insulin, got outflanked by China, North Korea, and Russia, carpet bombed
Syria, and revived violent Islamic extremism, all in 62 days,
I don't blame Joe Biden for any of it, I don't think Joe Biden remembers what he did yesterday,
I think Joe Biden walks out there, he reads the teleprompter, I think they probably give him some meds or something that allows him to do that, and then they hide him away the rest of the day, until they have to trot him out there to do something else again,
I don't believe the man's functional, I'm sorry, I don't. It's just obvious, the 25th amendment will be brought into play, probably by the summer, that's what
I was saying was sometime over the summer, probably be the time to do it, a couple more falls down the stairs, we'll take care of that, and there you go, and then you got
Kamala Harris, and of course, it's the leftists that are running all this in the background anyways, I don't think
Joe Biden really knows what's going on around him at all, but yeah, there you go, one party rule, and there you go, poor
Chris, our friend Chris up in Reno, Chris Honholtz, I was gonna try to establish a radio link with Buddy the
Elf, the secret spy drone that I have in his house, but we've got bad weather here, and that messes everything up here in Phoenix, even our internet stuff gets messed up if a cloud rolls by here in Phoenix, but he wants a video of me shooting drones out of the sky,
I keep forgetting he is a law enforcement officer, so there's probably a reason for this, he figures he can use that to forever, get me to stop people from sending him
Buddy the Elf stuff, which I think is absolutely hilarious, Chris has to recognize, just to show how many people love him, there are dozens of people that wish there were people out there that cared enough to send them even funny gifts long after Christmas, and I just keep saying, all
Chris has to do, set up a room in his house, invite the kids in, the
Buddy the Elf room, have little tracks to give them on the way out, you know
Chris, have you thought about writing a Buddy the Elf themed track? I mean, there you go, why haven't you thought about this?
I don't know, but there you go, that's how it should work. Anyways, I should turn
Twitter off, huh? Yeah, I probably should. Great to see our brother in Canada, James Coates, temporarily out of prison anyways, maybe
I'm just the realist, I'm very thankful he gets to be with his family,
I'm sure it is awesome to be out of that place, but there's still a trial coming up, and the government hasn't given up on all this stuff, and there are a lot of other people that could be facing similar things, there's a man in Canada in prison right now for using the wrong pronouns, because some idiot judge, some evil judge, not idiot, this person's not stupid, but they're evil, told him that he can't use the proper pronouns for his own child, has to pervert truth.
I mean, this is Western culture, this is what we are facing, and it is truly astonishing, it really, really is.
Anyway, all right, so I've got a bunch of stuff here, there has been some interesting follow -up, you'll recall that on Thursday we talked a little bit about the
Jory Micah thing, Doug Wilson chimed in on that and did a blog, a
May blog about it, but there's been a lot of interesting commentary on so -called
Christians who would want to turn other Christians in, but again, that ignores the central thesis of Machen's book from long ago, and I remember
I mentioned Machen to somebody, well, he was a racist, so therefore everything he said about everything automatically, and of course that's the whole thing today.
What the witness does is they say Doug Wilson's a racist, James White's a racist, and therefore you don't have to engage anything they say, because we just use this terminology.
Most people are starting to get the idea that if there were as many racists as people are accusing people of being, then the word doesn't mean anything anymore.
It's become, you're a human who has different thoughts than me, that's what racist means now. You're a human with different thoughts than me.
Because the actual meaning of the word, the idea of prejudice, the issue of character, intention, all that stuff has been flushed right out of the word, and it has been rightly said, a racist is anyone that a liberal is losing an argument to.
So that's fundamentally how it works. But we certainly saw with the
Jory Micah thing, we just have to recognize Machen was right when it's
Christianity or liberalism, they're not the same thing. And if you saw Thomas Horrocks going after Samuel Say, what was the first thing?
Making money. You're selling your people to make money. That's just how the leftist mind thinks.
In the back of my mind, I'm sitting here thinking into the past, going, these people eventually eat each other.
They really do eventually eat each other, but it's always ugly until you get there.
It's always ugly until you get there. Then, I don't have this one queued up, but Jory Micah also posted a statement that said something along the lines of,
I'm just shocked at how many of these churches have been open for months now.
I'm sure that in her circles, that would be something to be absolutely shocked about.
There are certain churches that I am glad are not open, to be honest with you, and those would be some of them that would be better to stay shuttered and closed personally.
I can't believe that some of these have been open for months now. Some of us never closed, actually, but there you go.
She's something else. Just a couple of things before I dive into Ibram Kendi and the
Woke Preacher clips. If you don't follow these folks,
Woke Preacher at Woke Preacher TV on Twitter, for as long as you can.
I'm really surprised, to be honest with you, that these folks are still doing what they're doing and haven't been kicked to the curb yet.
It'll happen eventually. I wrote a series of tweets in response to a statement by Dwight McKissick, who
I was referring to earlier, in response to this tweet that said,
What's interesting is no respondent has denied a strand of Calvinism. James White's strand believes chattel slavery was ordained by God and the horrendous incident in Atlanta also was.
The reason no one has refuted or contradicted it is because it's absolutely true. Well, that's true. And so I wrote a series.
I started off quoting Ephesians 1 -11, then I quoted from Lundvall's Confession of Faith, and I said, We've been teaching this for a very, very long time.
This is being taught before I ever took my first breath. I didn't originate it, but I most definitely believe it, and so I'm not sure why this is really overly relevant, but I would like to just challenge
Dwight to tell us, in light of his commitments, did
God know that was going to happen? How about Boulder last night? Not last night, yesterday. Boulder. I wrote to a pastor friend up in Boulder, because I used to go up there fairly regularly back when the world was still sane, and asked, you know, how's everything going up there?
And lo and behold, the shooting was about a mile from his house, and he knew the police officer that was killed and had witnessed to that police officer.
So you can have some hope there, but y 'all noticed,
I hope, that they suppressed the name for quite some time of the shooter, and I was just before the show started,
I was looking through some threads, and there had been video of the guy, and so his leg was bleeding.
He obviously had been injured or shot somehow in the leg. There's blood all over the place, but he's in shorts, no shirt, and he looks really white.
And so everybody's like, see? He's alive because he's white.
If he was black, he'd be dead, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Another white angry man with a gun, take all the guns away, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
The whole, let's go, go, go, go, go. And then his name came out.
He's a Syrian refugee, and he's a Muslim, and he's an anti -Islamophobe.
And so all of a sudden, it's like, oh, so would you expect any of these folks to be retracting what they said, apologize?
Oh, not today. Not today. Instead, it's like, well, doesn't matter.
He still looks very white. That's why he survived. Yeah. So these things take place.
Let's think about Boulder. I don't know who died in Boulder. It was at a grocery store.
There are a few human beings that go to a grocery store at the same time every week. They're rare.
Let's be honest. Most of us go to a grocery store when it's like, eh, we're almost out of that.
I'm almost out of that. Honey, could you, you know, so most of us do not go at the same time.
So if something's going to happen, do you go at the same time? Why? Oh, okay.
All right. Well, I'm, I am refraining from making any commentary about how odd people are who go to the grocery store at the same time.
Just so you know, there are some, they are very rare. Just like being the most famous French person from Prescott is very rare.
Strange, but rare. Anyway, point is for most normal human beings, that's a random group of people in there.
Really unpredictable as to who's going to be there. So when you think of the 10 people who died, now think of all their families and friends, all those circles, and see those concentric circles spreading out and the impact of this event.
And then ask yourself the question, if God wanted to accomplish certain things in and around Boulder and he wanted to use one of the people who was shot, now he can't.
Is he going to plan B? Is he now rushing around going, I wonder if I could use this somehow to do something good?
Maybe make something good out of this because I didn't see it coming. You are fundamentally left with the impossibility.
Now, there are certain people who try to say, you're just saying God's not smart enough to figure all this stuff out. I listened to a program.
On Friday, I did this insanely long ride. And part of the time that I was on bike,
I listened to the interview of John Sanders that Warren McGrew did.
And it was funny to listen to Warren McGrew becoming an open theist right before my ears, I guess would be the way to put it.
Because he had been saying, well, dynamic, this, that, and then Sanders going, well, that's open theism.
Same thing. There's really not much of a distinction here at all.
And there are obviously gradations amongst open theists and stuff like that. But he's an open theist.
So I'm listening to this. And of course, the thing that I wish had been asked, and I don't expect
Warren McGrew to listen to what I have to say, I'm not really going to be doing much more interaction with him because it's gotten to the point where when
I hear him describing what I've said, it's nowhere near what I've actually said.
Very frequently when someone who is in process of apostasy, in process of abandoning their former faith, which is what he's been doing for quite some time and just going farther and farther down that road, and you try to warn them about it.
For certain people, eventually, they just become so defensive and so focused upon certain aspects of things that once you can't even recognize your own position anymore, they're so willing to completely misrepresent everything.
They're not listening anymore. They're not hearing anymore. And so when I'll see him saying,
James White says this, I say, no, I don't. Eventually, it's just like, well, we'll see what happens 10, 15 years from down the road.
Anyway, in fact, it's interesting. I was having a conversation with another fellow that I first listened to in 2015, so six years ago.
And I said, in 2015, this guy's not going to stay Orthodox. And the conversation we were just having, that's exactly right.
He has pretty much abandoned every aspect of the Christian faith. He still pretends to be religious, but it no longer has any connection to historic
Christianity or anything like that anymore. It's not overly, overly astonishing.
But anyway, the point was, the one question that needed to be asked of John Sanders that Warren McGrew, I still don't know if he even fully understands it, is the question that came up in our debate with John Sanders years and years ago.
Because I wanted to know, has he changed his position? Because some of the things John Sanders was saying almost sounded like he was saying
God knew what his character would be. Now, the only way
God can know what your character is going to be is if you exist in the open theistic perspective.
He can't know that from eternity past. And that was John Sanders' position when we debated anyways.
I think it still was when we did the Unbelievable Radio broadcast just a couple years ago. And that was,
God cannot know who is going to be born today because that is the end result of free choices.
And the whole point of Sanders' understanding of open theism is the freedom of God, the risk -taking of God, that's his own terminology, the risk -taking of God is found in the fact that God cannot know what free creatures will do.
And every one of us is the result of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands, millions of free choices of free creatures that cannot be known.
They could have gone any which direction. And he's not big on the
Molinist, possible worlds stuff because I never heard him bring up or posit the idea of middle knowledge because that really doesn't fit in that system at all.
So it was very interesting to listen to, but it really verified so many of the things
I said. But that question would have been good to listen to hear the answer to at that point in time.
So in answer to Dwight McKissick, I would love to know how do you deal with something in Atlanta or Boulder or council people if you're basically telling people, well,
God did his best. God did his best. He didn't see it coming. And it falls apart eventually.
It certainly isn't derived from the study of Scripture. Okay, so everyone today is talking about the same thing.
So I actually wanted to get to it before everybody else stole my stuff.
Again, Woke Preacher Clips posted sections from a video.
The video is up online. Ibram Kendi is an extremely popular young black scholar who is really the, not the architect, but the primary promoter, the key person right now in promoting anti -racism.
Now, unfortunately, as is the case across our society today, words no longer are transparent as to their meaning.
This is a term that has been redefined into the opposite of its actual meaning.
And so it is a complex of beliefs derived, you know, critical race theory, intersectionality, oppression, power structures, white privilege, white supremacy, every element of neo -Marxist um,
Frankfurt School, Derrida, Foucault, put them all in a blender and throw in some
James Cone and liberation theology and the noxious stuff that comes out is anti -racism.
And the whole idea is that you have to be an anti -racist, which means you have to be somebody who accepts, if you're white, then you have to accept your own guilt.
You have to pay reparations. You can never be forgiven. It's, remember when we've read, people forget, but we've read from James Cone where he said, can, you know, what about white people who say they want to be a part of our movement?
Well, they never get to tell us what to do and they never get to say anything other than we tell them to say.
And, you know, they're always suspect because there is no redemption in this system. There is no forgiveness.
As long as you're in this life, you are the oppressor. It doesn't matter what you do. You will always be the oppressor.
You will always be wrong. You will always be sinful. You will never be redeemed. This is woke religion.
It's just, it's, thankfully it contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction, but that destruction can happen in slow motion, especially if God wants it to happen in slow motion to bring about judgment upon people.
So anyways, this video, there's this young lady in a blue dress, a black top, long black hair sitting there, and even
Kendi is sitting on a chair. And what's fascinating to me is that, yeah, there we go.
You can't see it in this screen, but I blew it up and posted it on Twitter this morning.
It's a nice backdrop, to be honest with you. It really is.
But it is the Great Commission. It's Matthew 28 in the background.
And so what you got up there and it's fully readable is the
Great Commission. All authority in heaven and earth has been given to go therefore and teach all nations.
So if you really think through what the Great Commission is saying and make application of it, it is the solution for this anti -racism racism.
Isn't it sad we have to abuse language this way? Orwell got it again.
It's Newspeak. It is Newspeak. It's the
Newspeak dictionary. Anti -racism is actually racism. So peace is war.
War is peace. It's the whole nine yards over and over and over again.
And so here's Kendi sitting there in front of the refutation of his own position.
Not really seeing that. And I'm afraid the vast majority of people watching it weren't seeing it either.
They don't get it. Because when you think about what Jesus says, there's nothing about white privilege here.
Because there weren't really, at least by today's definition, any whites involved at the time.
The Caucasian regions would be evangelized in the coming centuries.
But for the majority of the early church, this wasn't an issue.
There would have been Roman privilege. Definitely would have been Roman privilege. Greek privilege.
Yeah. But how'd that work in North Africa? Augustine would have been considered to have had privilege, but Augustine was
African. But African doesn't mean black. And nobody back then would have even been able to understand the simplicity, the childishness, the infantile childishness of the modern situation.
They just wouldn't have understood it. They couldn't have understood it. And so when
Jesus says, all authority has been given to me, he doesn't put this in racial categories. He doesn't leave any doors open until you understand that it's all about systems of oppression and power and whiteness.
No. There's one command to the church.
And it's true. It's very, very true that very often the great commission is disconnected from the great commission.
What? That is what I, back in my
Southern Baptist days, heard the great commission pronounced.
It was go. Go, therefore, and make disciples.
Go on outreach. Do all the witnessing stuff. And there was always a new program.
There was always a new witnessing method, a new tract, something to get people excited that would last six to eight months and then slowly fade away.
And you'd wait for the next one to come along. And what
I mean by the great commission being disconnected from the great commission is, is there's a therefore.
There's a therefore. Since you have that down, let me, and that's good. That's, I'll bring it back up in a, in a, in a second.
But if you have your Bible, Matthew 28, 19 has an un.
Un is therefore. Therefore.
So why, why do you go? Because of the therefore.
What's the therefore? Jesus coming up to them, spoke to them saying, all authority has been given to me in heaven and upon earth, in heaven and upon earth.
Therefore go. Now I wasn't planning on doing this today, but when you think of the trilemma that CS Lewis presented,
I've subscribed to this little thing. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it, but there's this little thing where it breaks down nonfiction books for you in about 16 minutes, about 15, 16 minutes, you can get through an entire book and get all the major points.
You know, that's, that's, that's useful. It's sort of like the old cribs and crib notes and stuff like that.
What was that? No, it wasn't crib notes. It was anyways, those little yellow and black booklets you could buy at Walden books and stuff like that, that would give you the summary of great works of literature and stuff like that.
It's a little bit like that, except on audio. And I was listening to CS Lewis and man, I was reminded that there was some really lousy stuff in mere
Christianity. It's just really bad theology in there. But anyway, he gave the trilemma, you know,
Lord, liar, lunatic. These are the possibilities of who Jesus, Jesus was. You certainly look at this text and you do have to wrestle with the grandeur of the claim that Jesus makes here.
All authority has been given to me in heaven and upon earth. So obviously this is the risen
Lord. This is the same risen Lord who in Luke has gone through all of the biblical texts, the ancient prophetic texts from Moses to the prophets that point to himself.
And so God has done something big here. And in fact, as Paul's going to say, this is the center point of history.
Everything looked forward to it. Everything looks back to it. And you don't divide it up into incarnation.
And then that's all different from ministry, which is all different from crucifixion, which is all different from resurrection, which is all different from ascension.
They're all of one together. And it's been God's purpose from the beginning to do this.
I truly feel for people who think that God came up with this because somehow
Adam messed it all up. And it's like, okay, well, plan B. And then it's really not plan
B because it's actually like plan way, way, way down the road someplace. Because certainly there are lots of folks who messed up along the way.
So God keeps having to adjust things. I feel sorry for folks like that. Because here
Jesus makes a claim. All authority.
That was said to a small number of confused, frightened individuals facing the might of the
Roman empire. Only a matter of days before that,
Jesus had led the disciples out on the hillside and showed them.
And I can show you where the hillside was outside of Gethsemane. You can see the
Temple Mount. You can see all the beautiful buildings. It was one of the most amazing buildings in that part of the world.
And Jesus said, not one stone left upon another. In this generation,
I know I used to jump through hoops, try to get around that too, but no, that's what it says. It's all going to be leveled.
It's all going to be leveled. That was one of the main arguments that the early church used of Jesus' prophethood.
It said, look, Jesus said Jerusalem was going to be destroyed. Guess what? It was. And once you change all that now today, that's one of the main arguments used against Jesus' being a prophet.
Hey, you messed it up. And you'll find Christian writers going, yeah, Jesus really expected that, but you know,
I don't know how you deal with that. But anyway, not the subject I was getting into. Jesus tells them this is what's going to happen.
So they are aware that the system with the
Temple, it's going to be destroyed. Jesus already told them that. The Romans, they already know how powerful they are.
And Jesus stands there. I'm leaving now. Yes, I'm the one that fed 5 ,000, but it's going to be up to you guys now.
And I'm going to send the spirit, but I'm leaving now. But I want you to know that all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
Caesar, did you catch that? This guy, there's a conflict there.
Heaven and earth. That's what Jesus says. That's what Jesus says. Therefore, go and make disciples of Pontata Ethne, all nations.
He doesn't say, if you're white, go to white nations. If you're brown, go to brown nations.
If you're black, go to black nations. Doesn't say any of that. And Justin Bullington asked a wise question last night or this morning on Twitter.
He was asking Southern Baptist leaders who are buying into CRT, given that you're saying this has merit and stuff to it, don't you think we should stop sending white missionaries into brown countries?
Because your system seemingly is telling us that that's a bad thing. So haven't we been doing this wrong all along?
I doubt he's going to get too many answers from that, but it's a very good question. And Jesus' words leave no room for any of this foolishness, this infantile foolishness.
He says, go. You go. And that means they're going to be going into places where they're now the ethnic minority.
Some of these Jewish apostles went into places where they were despised. Didn't matter. You go.
Make disciples, all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you. Oh, there is a substance to the message preached.
It doesn't get to be, and you know, let them reinterpret it, whatever way they feel fit that, you know, just sort of fits into how they like to do things.
No, that's a great commission. And that is what is in the background as Ibram Kendi says these things.
So let's take a quick listen here. It's less than two minutes long, but I want you to see here, let's do it this way.
Let me bring this one over and go like this. Check this out.
Here's Ibram Kendi. Racism is death. Anti -racism is life, to which
Osha Davidson, an author, hiding behind a mask, said, for white people, anti -racism is rebirth.
Does that sound like sort of like a new religion to you? It sounds like a new religion to me.
Very, very religious categories being utilized by these folks.
And I think you will get that very clearly as we listen to Ibram Kendi as he explains his position here.
So let's listen in. Liberation theology. In other words, Jesus was a revolutionary.
And the job of the Christian is to revolutionize society. That the job of the
Christian is to liberate society from the powers on earth that are oppressing humanity.
Everybody understand that? So that's liberation theology in a nutshell. Savior theology is a different type of theology.
The job of the Christian is to go out and save these individuals who are behaviorally deficient.
In other words, we're to bring them into the church, these individuals who are doing all of these evil, sinful things, and heal them, and save them.
And then once we've saved them, we've done our jobs. And to me, anti -racists fundamentally reject savior theology.
That goes right in line with racist ideas and racist theology in which they say, you know what, black people, other racial groups, the reason why they're struggling on earth is because of what they're behaviorally doing wrong.
And it is my job as the pastor to sort of save these wayward black people, or wayward poor people, or wayward queer people.
That type of theology breeds bigotry. And so to me, the type of theology, of liberation theology, breeds a common humanity, a common humanity against the structures of power that oppress us all.
So there you—I mean, I appreciate the clarity of the statement, and it is useful, and it is educational to us to understand.
And it's pretty much the case. Liberation theology, especially as it took form,
I remember in seminary coming up on 35 years ago—I was in seminary 35 years ago, so yeah—we discussed liberation theology.
A lot of its proponents were primarily in South America. It really developed in a distinctly
Roman Catholic version, which is the background of the current pope, by the way, so you see what the connection there is.
And liberation theology does not have a biblical anthropology.
It has no concept of man as sinner. Instead, you have, again,
Marxist categories of oppressor and oppressed. And so sin is redefined as having to do with class, oppression, power structures, rather than violation of God's law.
Therefore, atonement becomes something completely different. And so you hear this in what
Kendi's saying, anti -racists—that's him—reject
Savior theology. Now, there was a misrepresentation, obviously, in the
Savior theology presentation. There was no discussion of sin, there was no discussion of the wrath of God, there was no discussion of atonement, any of those issues.
And it's not that, well, once you've got that done, that's it. Well, there are forms of evangelicalism that have done that.
There's no question that in history, because of social gospels in the past, you've had a reaction to that that says, get him saved, and that's it.
We don't have anything else to do with the world. So there wasn't a holistic view of the
New Testament as a whole, application of lordship of Christ. And of course, any evangelical system that is anti -lordship has no foundation whatsoever.
If Jesus isn't even Lord in the church, in the sense of the individual believer being under his authority as Lord in their lives, what basis would the church have to say to the state, oh, you're killing millions of innocent children?
You will be judged by God for this. So you can see how those elements of evangelicalism just haven't had anything to do with this conversation whatsoever.
But there you have this. So to be an anti -racist is to be opposed to savior theology.
There's nothing here. I didn't see any Bibles up there. That's his book on his lap, not a
Bible. Like I said, the closest they could have come, he could have turned around and looked at the wall, because right there it says, teaching them to observe everything that I've commanded you.
That's the lordship of Christ. Jesus did not command social justice warriors.
He did not command Marxism, neo -Marxism, or anything related thereto. And his commandment was that the oneness that we would have would be found by being identified with him, not with our ethnicity.
And so could have gone there, didn't, couldn't, because that text sitting right behind him is a literal refutation of what it is he's spewing out to these folks who obviously are,
I didn't play it to the point of the applause, but you get applause for all of this kind of stuff.
And he's traveling around giving these talks all over the place. And he has significantly greater monetary privilege than most other people do, but we don't get to talk about that.
That's just part of reparations, I guess. I don't know. But this is the stuff that is being crammed into our seminaries,
Bible colleges, and these young guys are coming out and they're just repeating this stuff.
It has no depth to it, so it can't survive long, but the damage it's going to do is huge.
And you're hearing this, you're seeing this. If you dare, I mean, think about the, over the past week,
I played Ali Henney's leave multiracial churches, self -segregate, build up roots of bitterness, divide from Christians rhetoric from the witness.
And I said, this is sinful. This would have destroyed the early church.
It fails the Scythian test in every possible way.
But in our day, that is an old white guy whose last name is white, criticizing a young black female, her intersectionality score makes her theology unquestionable, which is why
Christianity has to reject this because a Christianity that capitulates so as to allow its theology to be determined by intersectionality is a
Christianity utterly foreign to the spirit of God, the scriptures, and the work of Christ.
But that's what we now have. That's what is all around us and creating this massive confusion.
And so I have responded to that and said, this is sinful. We take it by what standard?
We take it to the standard of scripture. Now we have Ibram Kendi, a young black man, and I'm saying, this is a different faith.
This is a fundamental denial of what the gospel is all about.
This results in the destruction of that which gives unity to the body of Christ, a meaningful unity, a unity that can transcend time and culture and border and language.
And so for many people today, that's it. That's it.
They won't listen. All they have to hear is that James White attacked
Ali Heni and Ibram Kendi. He's a white supremacist. That's it. Finish.
And they actually believe that they're doing a good thing to make sure that they don't listen to what
I said. Don't analyze the argument. Don't refute the argument.
The new morality and ethics is don't listen to the argument.
That's where we are. Yes? I found it fascinating, listening to him, how he defines
Savior theology. He lists three groups that, quote, need to be evangelized.
What was telling was the group, ethnically, that he didn't mention at all.
Apparently we don't need to be evangelized. But the Savior theology, which
I gather that's what we're doing? Yes. Yeah. So the only groups that we focus on, he mentions.
But if you're a wealthy white guy, we're not worried.
You've arrived. Right. And so I ask the question, to what end?
What is exactly are we trying to evangelize these people in his world from and to?
That he doesn't say. But yet, he has to paint evangelism in this racial lens, and it's so incredibly broken, dishonest, and you just show this man has absolutely no comprehension of what he speaks.
Well, it's not a matter of a lack of comprehension. It is the overriding acceptance of the categories of oppressor and oppressed.
And so you don't worry about the oppressors, and that's why he focused upon LGBTQ.
And that's why he could even talk about wrong behaviors.
In other words, sin. And you were sitting here in a situation where we're coming into the warmer months, and that means that over the next seven months, about 3 ,000 black people will die in Chicago, and 2 ,990 of them will die at the hands of black people in Chicago.
Not going to do anything about it. And you're not allowed to say anything about it. You're not allowed to go, this
Asian violence stuff going on? Vast majority of it's being perpetrated by blacks.
So, nope, can't talk about it. Because if they're oppressed, there is no moral standard that would be applied to them, because these are the categories.
So that is literally why you could see memes a couple weeks ago with video and stuff like that, of that black guy that ran across the street, plowed the
Asian guy over and killed him. And so you've got the victim and the perpetrator.
They had three of them. Three Asians killed, three black guys that killed them, or I think one of them was put in the hospital.
And then you've got people saying, stop white supremacy. And we all sit there and go, because we are still behind the curve.
We are still thinking it has something to do with whiteness. And the shooting in Boulder, the initial pictures were of a guy who looks like he's white, but he's actually
Syrian. And we're still behind the curve because we're going, is there a logical connection here?
And there isn't a logical connection. The whole point is that it is the categories of oppression created by white supremacy over history that have created the black men that are killing the other black men and the
Asians and so on and so forth. That's why it's white supremacy. It's still white supremacy. That's still the answer, which is why
Chicago will remain Chicago. Because until we break this cycle and go, no, it's not white supremacy.
Every human being will stand before God to be judged by God.
And you're not going to be able to sit there and say, but I didn't have as much money as that other person. It doesn't matter.
And Jesus even told parables about this. Until we say, folks, you want to see more people, you want to see more black people die, then keep believing these lies.
Ignore the issue of family. Ignore the issue of fathers. Go ahead and just keep repeating the mantras of the left that have created all these disastrous situations.
Just keep repeating it and saying, as long as it's somebody white saying it,
I'm not going to believe it. And you will continue to perpetuate the situation, which is exactly what certain people want to have happen.
And they have political reasons for it. Just got to look around, got to open your eyes, got to see it. It's there.
It's there. Well, anyway, there you go. As I announced last week, we on Thursday at a different time.
Now make sure this is right toward the end of the program. We're going to mention it. It's going to be 3 p .m.
Eastern Daylight Time, noon our time. But on Thursday, I will be joined by the author of this tiny little booklet.
How many pages was this, baby? Let me see here. 683.
Almost 700 page book called The Mission of God. Dr. Joseph Boot will be with us.
And we are, we'll be in the, well, of course we'll be in the big studio so that we can have him on the screen.
And, you know, I have been thinking maybe for some of these interview things, maybe a soft, comfy chair would be okay.
You know, we got a blue one. Oh, yeah.
Well, that's not really blue, but it's teal. It's very teal. I'm not sure teal goes in there all that long.
Okay. Well, it has a blanket over it. Anyway, we're going to be doing an interview with Joseph Boot.
Obviously, there's much to talk about in Canada, but there's a lot of other issues that I want to talk.
We could go a long time. I'm not sure how much time he's going to have, but we could go a very, very long time.
There are certain chapters in this book that beg for further discussion and questions and stuff like that.
My son -in -law is leading a study of this book, actually, at Apologia.
So I've told Eric, hey, if you want to ask some inside questions, let me know.
And so, Eric, if you've got some questions you want me to throw into the interview, you only got two days to get those to me.
But I think everybody will enjoy that on Thursday. So make sure to tune in and join us for that.
I don't know what's coming. I know Friday's super busy. I've got teaching over in Germany and all sorts of other stuff going on.
There's a lot of weddings going on and all sorts of stuff happening. And one last thing.
We don't have the details on how this is going to work out yet. But somehow,
I'm going to be speaking in prior Oklahoma the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd.
What? I'm not hitchhiking to Oklahoma. But I will be in prior
Oklahoma on the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd with our good dear friends there.
I've been down there numerous times before. We haven't fully decided the topic yet for the conference and things like that.
But we will get that information out to you. And the reason that we're doing it right then is because on the 20th...
Did I tell you about this? I think you know. On the 20th... So prior is like 20 minutes outside of Tulsa.
May. No, I think I did. But on May 20th in Tulsa, Kelly and I are going to be there
May 20th in Tulsa because Skillet will be live in concert in Tulsa on the 20th.
And we got backstage passes, baby. So we'll see how that works out.
But John and I are hatching plans and things like that. So if you're in the area, you might want to be tuned in.
We're going to be looking at Skillet on Thursday. And then Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Like I said, it's about 20 minutes out to prior from Tulsa. And so that's going to be coming up.
So like I said, I'm not sure I'm going to be getting there yet. This would be the time to do to test the little thing we've been thinking about doing as far as, you know, the
RV thing. Because I got to get to G3 in September because I'm speaking at G3 at the end of September too.