Matt Slick Q&A 4/19/2017




We're live. That's good. Okay back welcome back everybody. It was really exciting. We had a great time in between You laughing about anything?
I'm funny -looking. That's for sure when I used to work at the hospital registering patients in the
ER I would make him laugh and Tell him jokes and stuff like that you can do it to everybody one time this guy
I think I told a story here before the guy comes in and He's got cracked ribs, and so I could tell right away.
He's pretty cool guy So, you know, he's typing away name And I said, okay.
He's like, oh man, those stupid, you know, he's okay, but he's like He's kind of chuckling and I said something stupid.
He kind of chuckled so I knew it was alright, so I said Okay So and he's smiling he goes, oh don't make me laugh
I go I Said so what happened? Okay, and he says well
I was changing a light bulb on a chair put my foot up on the chair and the chairs blink and I fell down the Side of the chair cracked my ribs
And so I go like this I go That's what you want me to put And he starts going
Dude this is gonna be a permanent record and you want this on your permanent record that you fell off a chair
Changing a light bulb and he's going And I said
I could put something better in there and he starts to laugh, you know, he goes What you already know
I go shark attack Shark attack in a living room ago. Yeah Just give me the word.
No sweat, but right under a shark attack, you know, I'm gonna make a win there Make was a good sharks, you know,
I think he started to laugh and he goes The chair, okay So I put the chair thing in there, you know, and so he had to go in the back
So about a 20 minutes later. I took a break And what I'd often do because I have a way of calming people.
My voice is soothing They tell me and so I go in there and hey, how are you doing? And so I walk back in I go back and I had to code to get back in the
ER I go back in there and this guy he's in one of the beds You know with the curtains halfway drawn and his wife is there and he goes that's the guy right there and I'm like And she goes.
Well, you make my husband laugh and I said, yes And he's laughing.
She's trying not to laugh, you know, you know, he has cracked ribs. I go Yeah Hey another joke he's good
So, you know just having fun You know the ology
I made you laugh really gets a skits going back, you know
But you know you heard revenue articler haven't you okay Okay, so this is
Reverend the articler you want to hear all right Hello, ladies and gentlemen, this is
Reverend D Coming at you from the feelings tabernacle today's message is from do direct to me 1313.
Oh I think I I think I'd write out a verse for what do it every 1313 Then I have one about he says do not listen that do not miss that heretic match slick on the radio, you know
It was on anyway So we got any questions from anybody out there a couple.
That's it. Make them good Don't bore me. Those are good
Tangello's, huh? Oh You're gonna read them
Uh -huh. Okay. We've got a lot of people watching. I wish they were here. It's always better. I like to play out the crowd
Pinnick will you watch the debate on? We watch the debate on this
Friday between James White and Inglisia Nicristo, oh no way
I didn't know no, I didn't even know he's having a debate with anybody from a glacier Nicristo Where's the debate gonna be held?
I'm curious in America or in the Philippines Because if it's in the
Philippines, I'd be worried about him if he's there because they'll beat him up They're aggressive, but I didn't even know about it.
So I don't know. Maybe I'll watch I'd love to debate them. I would oh, yeah One is
Tulip doctrines of grace question. What is your take on Hank Hanegraaff converting to Greek Orthodox?
Biblically, is there any hope for him when you turn away from the gospel? Well, if you turn away from the gospel, there's no hope but that would be because they never were of us
I met Hank years ago, and I used to work not work, but I did some volunteer work at the
Christian Research Institute Where Walter Martin was the founder? I met
Walter many times and I sat under him for studying at Melody land which was across the street from Disneyland off of Harbor Boulevard and did that for years and Then when
Walter Martin passed away Hank got in there and Let's just say
I knew people inside of CRI and stuff and I'm not gonna give you the specifics
But let's just say I was not impressed I was definitely not impressed with him and I'm not surprised and He's moved into heresy and to the
Eastern Orthodox Church because he wants that feeling I need to write an article on this and do a video on it the feelings that That kind of associated with it.
I'm gonna I need to write something on it, but bad news It's I'm being very generic on purpose
But you know, he's apostate Here's another question If God isn't in time and is timelessly eternal
Then how could he change from one emotion to another that's a good question because what we're talking about here is
Timelessly eternal. What does that mean? I don't know. How could he express emotions? Don't know He just does it in the
Bible as he tells us in that time frame reference to us So we have a strong disparity to be able to explain those things because we just don't know how
God can do that There are things in scriptures Which we don't understand and we can't provide answers for because God just doesn't give us the answer
And this is those kind of things are are the problems as it was talking about the issue of impassibility and stuff like that with God the other questions
Slow night tonight What is with them
Yeah, that's all right, we don't have any questions we can end it so what Okay, you got a question
Good How do we
I Guess the the by the world view in science the arguments against the
Bible like the 6 ,000 years I know you don't know if you believe it's a literal 6 ,000 year old earth
But a lot of the you know evidence in the science today. How do how do we go about talking to them about it?
Scientists and people that disagree with the Bible per se You know, how do you deal with people who are scientifically minded in the
Bible if you're gonna talk to Mormons You guys study Mormonism you talk to Jehovah's Witnesses. You gotta study
Jehovah's Witnesses Islam. Yes, you know Muslim study Islam So what you have to do is study this stuff
You've got to do that. You have to be able to speak to some degree some of the language that they understand
So for example, I would recommend That you get a book called icons of evolution and it's very critical of some of the evidences of evolution
I've been going through it for the again and Be familiar with some of the terminology in there
I'd also get a books on intelligent design, even though a lot of a Lot of Atheists and scientists say that intelligent design is no is not to be taken seriously
I believe that it's a knee -jerk reaction because Intelligent design has a lot of good a lot of good things to offer.
I mean it seriously. I've read books by Intelligent design authors. So how do you deal with all this stuff?
Well, you have to pay attention and Learn how to ask the right kind of questions
So, for example I think I talked about this a few weeks ago there's a thing called homology in evolution and they use homology to try and establish common ancestry and So Say this the right way
So those you know a bat has five digits in its wing a human has five digits in his hand The porpoise has five digits in his flipper
So what they'll say is if that's signs of a common ancestor Because how do you know because it looks like it because each has five digits and I'll say see
That's exactly what you'd expect if they came from a common ancestor Okay, that makes sense
Except you say the ask questions. Well So you're saying to me then that it's a common ancestor because it
Looks like it Yes, is that scientific Just because something looks like it
That's not scientific. So they're leaving science in order to hold a philosophical position a faith position and They'll say they're actually keep committing a circular reasoning.
How do you know? It supports evolution because our theory says that's what you'd look for. Oh, so that's what you look for and you find it
Right that that validates itself which validates the theory which validates itself so you go into a circle
Plus there's a problem in that different genes that are not related know what they're going to often do is go to could
I think it's cladistics and Genetic morphology and some other things they're going to go into areas and say well certain genes have certain relationships
And we can trace a history of certain genes By genetic analysis and we can see ancestral commonality
Except that when you study that you find out that there are non related genes that produce homologous structures
Why well if they're non homologous genes produce related structures How do you know that the genes that you say are related to other things in?
descent are Actually by descent It gets a little more complicated.
I'm trying to exemplify even though I've been reading on this lately. It's a hard to articulate So what
I'm going to be doing what one of the plans I have is to read several books discussing evolutionary theories
Geological stuff haven't got into yet very much and I'm going to condense into statements with quotes and Documentation some of the issues that are at hand so that give
Christians more of what they need to be able to deal with these issues As far as the earth being 6 ,000 years old.
I have no problem with the earth being 6 ,000 years old I have no problem with it being a lot older than that. I don't in my personal opinion
I'm not convinced that the Bible requires a literal 6 ,000 year period I have no problem with it being 6 ,000 or 8 ,000 or 10 ,000.
I don't believe it's millions and millions and millions I don't hold to that And I certainly don't hold to the theory of evolution being true we have too many
Problems with evolution the Cambrian explosion cannot Work according to the present theory of revolution new
Darwinian ism. It just does not work What that is the Cambrian explosion is about 530 million years ago
For about anywhere from 5 to 40 million years range That there were new file a new phyla formed a phyla is a body type of fish bird
Insect Human horse, and so these are body types and something like close to 40 new body types formed quickly with what geologically speaking that's blink of an eye 5 to 40 million years and The genetic alteration is too great
In that period of time to enable Roughly 40 new phyla types let alone one
It's a it's a problem so the evolutionists came up with what's called punctuated equilibrium that there were super great sudden jumps
So the reason I'm talking like this is because this is the kind of stuff you got to talk about You're gonna talk like this.
You have to get into stuff into clades. What's a clade? You know, what's DNA? What are proteins where protein folds?
What is RNA? What is information how does it form what's archaeopteryx
What is? Irreducible complexity You know all these things you got to learn
So it's tough to talk to them because a lot of times these guys will have learned specifics
Read some articles and they'll throw it out of the Christian. You don't know what you're talking about. What do you do? Our argument you said to why you could hold a six to say 10 ,000 elder
Did you say your arguments because Jesus made wine? Because in John chapter 2 there were six water pots and John the
Apostle actually drew a comparison between Genesis chapter 1 and John chapter 1 in the beginning the word light
Salvation things like this and then there were six water pots and then six days of creation
And what Jesus did was he created those water pots wine mature bang? I think that's a very strong evidence for six days being
Short periods that where God created things very immaturity. What's why not do that in the universe?
Why not? No problem. Jesus did it right there wine wine takes time to ferment bang.
It was ready He created a man, yeah, that's right, so he can do things in completion and Maturity, so I have no problem at all
Biblically with the earth being created in six days or even less or six seconds.
God could he's gone. Oh, there it is Why do you believe that there are things of the scriptures written in such a way that those who do not have eyes to see
Will not What science is is a philosophical approach to learning it's a philosophy
People understand that about science it is absolutely without a doubt of philosophy Because it presupposes the uniformity of nature that all things are going to behave in a consistent manner
They can't prove that they assume that they assume the laws of logic You can't prove it without assuming them
These are philosophical endeavors that they impose upon the natural world and then they have what's called pragmatism
Well, how do you know that the scientific method is true because it works doesn't mean it's true They just know that it works and so they are able to obtain predictability, but predictability doesn't mean you've got something that's true
So they're basically philosophical or pragmatists and they're naturalists. They presuppose
Naturalism which ultimately self -refuting so the scientific method is
A philosophical endeavor and when you really kind of expand out what's going on. It's a health. It's a self -refuting system
But what they do is they don't think critically deeply Philosophically about these issues they stop and they say well
We can predict that when you shoot a bullet because of resistance and terminal velocity when it falls and the rate of this and that We can predict exactly where it's going to hit
Why because they assume the uniformity of nature they assume that they can examine these things with the laws of logic
They can assume mathematics will be the same They can assume certain things and so and so doing they don't realize they're being philosophically minded
But what justifies our philosophy what justifies our philosophy is that it works? Their work because it works that's what they they assume that's the right way why because it works, but that's fallacious
So they're actually working on a fallacious system Philosophically, but they don't care because it works, but that's a problem
It doesn't mean they got truth It means you're discovering something works and when you do that and you exclude
God then all you're doing is learning How does this work? And it's by definition then the scientific method excludes
God's existence now, they'll say no It doesn't exclude God's existence Functionally, yes, it does
Because you are saying how will the paper fall? How will that rock fall? How will that bullet fall?
How fast will it go you don't need God for any of that so it presupposes a worldview that doesn't have
God but philosophically it necessitates God the uniformity of nature can only be properly defended philosophically if You assume a single being who's out there in the universe who made the universe and you can trust him in his regularity
And that's how you can know that all things are going to work in the universe because God is beyond it and behind it
That makes sense philosophically or the laws of logic which are transcendental abstractions Which require mind you need a universal transcendent mind for that.
Well, these things presuppose God's existence So what the scientists are doing ultimately is putting blinders on themselves and saying
I only want to see how it works And because it's working and God's out there Undergirding or underwriting everything that they do the table that they're doing their experiments on rests on The ground which
God made and is held together by the word of his force and yet they're saying see there is no God Huh, because we can't detect him
And so what they do is they get a microscope for example, and they're looking at a cell and say see
God's not there But they don't know what to look for What do you look for when you find God and I've written an article on this on karma if you're to look for God What would you expect?
What you expect if you look for him you expect to find? Uniformity the transcendental laws of logic transcendental laws of morality
You would expect to find things like that You'd also expect not to find him in merely a
Petri dish under a microscope or in a telescope Because he would not be restricted to the physical laws. He's beyond them
But what they do is the arrogance of the scientists when they start saying things like no way
Because we can't see him. Therefore. He's not existing because it's not pragmatist not pragmatic pragmatism leads to deception
And I have ways of illustrating that with a tiger that jumps over the cliff and things like that I just read an article a couple days ago.
I Can't remember the Asian astrophysicist theoretical astrophysicist And I just read an article where he affirms
God exists And he said most of these guys up in that level of astrophysics
And they look at the universe and said most of them they believe God exists because if the universe is too well designed
See, they're not restricted to the Petri dish. So to speak in the microscope They're looking at too many things that just cannot add up unless there is a universal being behind them and authoring them so Yeah, I like science
I really do I wish I Was younger so I could go. See ya. I Wish I was younger so I could go get a science degree.
I mean, I love science. I really do I want to get a degree in evolutionary biology. I Would with a minor in geology
That'd be so much fun I'd be in class. Um, excuse me.
I'll tell you a story Why I could
I could do it Let me tell you how you do this this
I know the guy did this I was in my cultural anthropology class I took two years at a community college cultural anthropology class and the woman teaching it was an obvious evolutionist
Obviously and so that's fine. Whatever and I can regurgitate answers what she wants
I can regurgitate them on the thing, but what I decided to do Was to do a little bit of research on one of the hominid ancestors and I think it was
Australopithecine and so in a while like 30 years, so I Researched and found out that this particular hominid.
I forgot which one it was Was not a hominid human ancestor and that the evolutionists themselves were saying this wasn't part of one
So I had a documentation. I'm not gonna do research on every one of them I had the documentation. This is no no exaggeration.
This is what happened. I'm in the class and Every now and then ask a
Semi tough question, but not you know, whatever. There's nothing problematic And then she said evolution was true evolution was true evolution was true.
It's a fact. It's a fact. It's a fact and I'm not kidding She actually brought up the exact hominid ancestor.
I studied and had documentation right there I mean, I was like, are you kidding me? and so Raised my hand
And I was turning she goes. Yes. I said what you said that's blah blah blah blah
I said the class is listening and I said According to dr.
So -and -so the curator curator of the British Natural History Museum Blah blah blah, you know, he's degrees from here and he like he says about that.
No, no, no Also, here's a I did this like three or four quotes. I mean, how you gonna get around this stuff, right?
Just destroyed what she said Destroyed it. So she said after what she was done.
What's he gonna do? She said They're all wrong That's what she said so this is what happened so I go like this
I go I raised my hand We had like 20 minutes in the class left before time to class to get over.
She wouldn't call on me So for 20 minutes, I had my hand up 20 minutes
I kept shifting hands like this for 20 minutes. I was gonna ask her what she wouldn't give me the chance
So, why is it that you Know more than these guys. I give the documentation and you just say they're wrong.
You dismiss it. Why should I trust you? To be objective of what you teach That's what's gonna ask her
Of course that would be a very condemning question because she's stuck and I busted her and So I get my hand up and for 20 minutes the students occasionally would look at this jerk
Just sitting in the chair 20 minutes, right? It's right. That's right
It's right. Just like that. It's so So this is what you do.
That's what I did. Okay, I said I said, okay I said so that the time would time to go so we got up.
She goes class dismissed. So I very slowly Closed everything. So I was the last person walking out and I walked by her and I said
I Said I'm looking forward to coming back to class I'm gonna keep coming back and she knew that I meant that she flunks me
I'm gonna take her class again and again and again and I'm gonna be there with the questions all the time
And I I would that I already had a reputation in that school of asking difficult questions, and it wasn't malicious but I would ask questions and She did not like that.
I could tell in her body language and then a day later I saw her in the hallway and I walked by I just walked right towards her and she just Just did wanting to do with me.
So I'm in class and I basically I told her without saying it if you flunk me out.
I'm back here for your class I'm I'll be here. I'll be here.
I got stories about stuff like that philosophy philosophy classes what happened
So what do you think about Christians who believe you have to adhere to the literal six days?
If they believe you have to adhere to it, I'd say for what reason for what purpose you have to adhere to it
To be saved? But they'll say you're not trusting in the sufficiency of the scriptures if you're you don't adhere to it
I'd say how do you know what I'm trusting in and show me where it has to be literal six 24 -hour periods
You show me that scripture. I'll believe it but you show me exactly where it is That's it. They can have good arguments.
But you know, the seventh day though is is not 24 -hour period The seventh day we have 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th and the 7th.
These are ordinal numbers And then the 7th doesn't have the end So if the argument is that whenever it's with art ordinal numbers, it always means 24
Then why is it that doesn't apply in the 7th? That's it. That's my answer. That's my response
Maybe it is 24. I had no problem, but you can't prove it from that argument So stuff like that got more questions
You know, whatever you want a six -day creation not seven, but if they want to refute it fine
They can what they're gonna do is they'll quote geology They're gonna go through geology. But how do you know how old certain things are?
I'm not an expert in this But how do you know that that how do you know how old the fossils are by the rock strata?
How do you know what rock strata ages by the fossils in them? That's actually one of the ways they do this
They have found boots with human feet Fossilized Trees that shoot their eight ten twelve different strata.
I talked to it some evolutionists about that They had a name for it and what they were saying. It was was not really trees come on, they are too, but they'll dismiss data and if people who are listening
If you're into evolution and all that stuff don't for a second think that these evolutionists and these scientists don't falsify
Information because they do and it's been proven and don't think for a second that they don't have their way of excluding contrary evidence
Because they do Just don't think that all of a sudden because you're a scientist that means that you get all the answers and your objective
Don't buy that for a second. You just find out what happens when someone casts doubt on the
Neal Darwinian theory of evolution They lose their tenure. They lose their ability to to teach a lot of cases and they don't want to say anything because they've studied the evidence and they're not convinced of it and they
Have PhDs and they're not allowed to say anything. Yeah, don't don't be thinking you guys all have all the answers.
You certainly don't Fossilized footprints Debate about that they'll say it's not and they'll say some different stuff about it, but if I understand the rock strata can't be refuted but anyway
Nicholas Davidson from Facebook asked what is energy and how does it relate to God?
Wow, I think one of the definitions of energy is the ability to perform work then you define what work is
How does it relate to God God would be the source of energy? Christians harming themselves arming
I Got two arms right here. What's wrong with that? No, I have no problem with Christians arming themselves
Jesus said in Luke 22 36 to the disciples. Do you have a sword? No, we don't we have two cloaks. He said sell a cloak go buy a sword
Luke 2236 you have the right of self -defense. So I've taken kung fu.
I've taken judo and I've taken Krav Maga so I've taken three forms of martial arts in order to defend myself and I have no problem with someone carrying a gun if they want to be responsible
For the right of self -defense you don't have the obligation to you have the right to Remember Luke 22 36
Jesus said by a sword Bob Ritchie from YouTube He is really stuck on the emotion of jealousy when way back when you began the
Bible study So he's jealous of my teaching He's asked this question multiple times.
I'm gonna try to sum it up if God gets jealous then jealous of who Satan Unbelievers he can have anything he wants.
What would he be jealous for the jealousy that God? Expresses is his desire that we be faithful to him and he's talking about jealousy in that sense of I want you
To be faithful to me because this was best for you. I'm jealous for you. And that's the context
The kind of context that he talks about it's not a jealousy as in an envious jealousy
Like Cameron might have a nice World War two Jeep or something that I've coveted Okay, that I want to ride in sometime
I don't know if it's his or something. He might be like so that would be that's yours Dude, and now
I find out oh man, that's you should have let me know a lot of it sooner than that Well Wednesday's at the bad day
I gotta study and everything else but we'll figure it out Okay letter question nice hat
We there's like no, there's nobody here. Okay, we're gonna have to move this just just to the house or something
Do it this way Just go to Facebook and YouTube because that's where everybody is Yeah, we could
I'm gonna gut one of my girls rooms in a couple of months when she goes to Japan and Paint do all the stuff and make it so they
Figure it out Dude you got to come on over Do you have an eater?
Okay, we got to figure that out We'll do a some party with pizza and a movie or something sometime.
Maybe this Saturday, whatever you guys let me know You know, maybe you don't want to see baby pictures, okay We've had a we had a such a deal with this past week that you may know about it
I'm gonna ask you about it Mike Moore from YouTube. This is a repeat
He would still sometime like you to please address salvation in the Old Testament such as regeneration and the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit in I'm gonna say Psalm 33 4, but I don't believe that's it or Psalm 50 51.
I can't remember No, 33 4 is not a joke. Anyway, do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Okay, can people be saved in the
Old Testament? Yes, they were saved in the same way. They aren't a nil by faith So you can go to Romans chapter 4 verse 3 and Abraham believed
God and was credited to him as righteousness So he had trusted in God and he was justified by faith and Paul the
Apostle quotes that in Romans 4 3 so The salvation was ultimately by faith why the sacrifices the sacrifices were necessary in order to Point ahead to the true sacrifice of Christ the high priest later on The I think it's
Hebrews 10 for man the blood of goats and bulls does not cleanse from sin I think that's the verse might not be and so we know that the
Old Testament sacrifices were not able to cleanse us of our sin So the only way to be truly justified is by faith which the law is a tutor that leads us to Christ Galatians 3 24 so the law and all the sacrificial stuff in it
Simply shows us the insufficiency of those things to truly save us Abraham was before any of that law was instituted and he was justified by faith
So that's the demonstration there Paul brilliantly brought that out now Regeneration What does regeneration mean if it means in doing of the
Holy Spirit once you've been cleansed then they couldn't have been regenerate Because if it means when they were cleansed by faith in Christ Then they couldn't have been regenerate if you mean regenerate is indwelt by the
Lord God Then they could have been regenerate because the Lord God could have indwelt them But the
Bible doesn't talk too much about that in the Old Testament So I really can't get into any more specifics than to say those seem to be the possibilities
When David sinned he said don't take your Holy Spirit from me. What does that mean? Does it mean the
Holy Spirit was indwelling him and that prior to the covenant of Christ sacrifice on the cross? Does it mean that in that Old Testament context and covenant the
Holy Spirit could be taken from a person you could lose your salvation Or does it mean the anointing that he might receive could be removed?
We don't know what that means either and so we really can't give a solid answer to that There's a lot of speculation and some debate about it
But as far as I understand the scripture nothing is definitive and because I don't see things definitive in scripture
I can't say anything definitive in scripture either They were just but I can say they were justified by faith Ultimately as they looked ahead to the cross we look back to the cross or justified the same way
We are by faith They didn't have all the info that we do but they had faith in God and what he provided and that justified them
Was that there's a ton rolling in now Now they're rolling in Okay man, some of these are
Really deep. What are your thoughts about theosis? Theosis becoming god and godlike depending on how it's defined in the eastern orthodox position.
I don't agree with it um The roman catholic I don't agree with it But what they generally mean is that there's an indwelling of us to such a degree that we're going to become divine
Divine That there's a divine quality added to us in our nature I don't agree with that because our nature is fallen.
Our nature is human. We cannot become godlike period In a sense of being divine in our essence of nature, but then most people who hold a theosis don't hold to that either so Depending on how it would be defined by which particular group then we could tackle
Um the nuances of it, but generically speaking, no, we're not going to become divine
Okay in any way shape or form we'd be indwelt by the divine and our nature is still going to be human and that's it
They're talking about here on earth here and Yeah Samuel myrie from facebook says hi.
It's samuel from jamaica Wait a minute Wait a minute
Is that the guy from the taxi on the side of the street or somebody else? He's acting like he knew you or the seventh day avenue sky
Jamaica because my wife and I were walking down a street in jamaica and this guy was passing I had literature and I immediately started to talk with him and uh
He was thrilled Thrilled that somebody Knew the bible they could talk to him
And uh, he just loved it because he nobody knows this stuff nobody talks like I can't believe
I met somebody, you know, he was ecstatic. I don't know if that's the same guy or not His question is nothing was promised to us but salvation.
So should we still pray for things pray for what? Of course we should because god tells us to Pray for patience
Yeah, careful pray for the salvation of others pray for the deliverance of others God ordains the means as well as the ends
Obviously, we should be praying for everything if we're only supposed to pray about the issue of salvation Why even pray for that?
It's guaranteed. Basically, it'd be don't pray at all Pray for the will of god jesus prayed
Uh in luke 22 42 not my will but your will be done. He didn't want to go through the crucifixion But he prayed that the will of god would be accomplished
Even though he was god Can you still hear me sitting down?
Yeah, you're fine All right, can you hear you yeah, you're good
Well, i'm trying to go in the right order that they're coming in from facebook and from youtube so again
Just go. Okay, just whatever. Okay. Ryan people like this. He's like firing questions Yeah Jamaica, okay
Uh, joshua sinopulos says can you explain genesis 30 37 through 43?
Wow I don't know if I can Because it's a lot Come on, okay genesis 30 37
Then jacob took oh Fresh rods of poplar and almond flame trees and peeled white strips in them exposing the white which was in the rods
To the rods and the peeled in front and uh The flocks came to drink When they were mating,
I don't know Different theories have been offered. I got my dry throat here Different theories are have been offered one
It could just be a miracle that god had caused that to be Others have said that maybe there's something to do with the way the rods were arranged
And there was some seeing issue with the uh, the uh
Habits and the abilities of those goats and those things at that time different theories have been offered
And I just don't know But I do I think i've written on it. That's that's been a long time so and uh
I could read some commentary And those things could mean something too But that's been that's a good question.
It's been a long time since i've looked at that one Okay Ryan fulking from facebook
What do you think of the regulative principle should the methods mentioned in scripture be normative for the church or if it's not prohibitive?
Then it would be allowed The regular principle is the principle of how do we properly worship before god?
There's a lutheran regular principle and the reformed regular principle The lutheran regular principle says you can do anything unless the scriptures prohibit it
The reform says you must do what the scriptures tell you to do so I was just reading the other night the reformed position
If it says that Then we are obligated to worship the lord with 10 stringed leers
Because I just read a couple nights ago Worship the lord with a 10 stringed leer
So if we just take it for what it says then we should have a 10 string leer in church And if that's the case
We should also have symbols And we should should be dancing And we should be raising our hands
And we should be shouting psalm 100 And we should be using horns Chauffeurs So the if the
Then then the question becomes how literal do you take each one of those positions? So does a 10 stringed instrument mean no guitars because it's only six strings
I think what generally the principle is uh use stringed instruments horned instruments drums cymbals and things like that and raise your hands and shout and And just be joyous to the lord.
I think that's generally what's going on um And I think there's pipe There's pipes also the flute so then you can use the flute
You can use organs and things like that and piano is a stringed instrument so you can use pianos But no amplification, but wait a minute a chauffeur amplifies the sound so, you know, how far you can take this stuff.
Um, The lutheran says you can do basically anything you want. So can we have bikini clad girls in the worship service?
As an example, i've actually heard an emerging church where they actually got nubile females
Who were in very tight small bikinis and went up and did worship that way obviously
Not a good idea. I wouldn't be looking or thinking about the worship All right. Um so That's where the regular principle of the reform one would guard against something like that with the lutheran one would probably
Could be twisted to say that it could allow that but of course they would say no That caused lust and caused problems and we're not to do that obviously so it's a tough thing um,
I prefer Uh the freedom of being able to worship, um, which in a way you want to whether it's hymns or praise songs
And some people say praise songs are not biblical. Yes, they are Because we're
I forgot the verse new testament worship each, uh, speak to each other and hymns songs
No hymns psalms and spiritual songs From youtube, are you fine with the idea that people existed before adam?
What are your thoughts on genesis being? ancient near eastern text It's being a what?
A polemic addition Yeah The polemic has to do with fighting and war and stuff like that and an aggressive kind of a commentary or whatever a defense for what for a near eastern text um
Not sure what they mean by that. I'm just going to say this adam was the first man created And so there weren't any people created before him.
I don't care what uh, Anybody else says or shepherd's chapel says, um, there weren't any people before adam
He's the first and the first man adam became a life -giving soul first good at 15 45 to 50 40 to 50 range
Talked about the first man Actually find that verse go ahead next What is the place for science in a little bit yeah, what is the place for science in hermeneutics
What's the place for science in hermeneutics hermeneutics is a proper understanding of scripture and how to exegete
What the scriptures say? Science is relegated to understanding understanding patterns
Uh in the revelation of nature So hermeneutics should govern science not science governing hermeneutics
So the bible tells us for example in romans chapter 1 verses 18 through roughly 20 21 That's the invisible attributes of god are made known in creation
So then we would have the bible shedding light on creation on the material world
Incidentally, a lot of people don't know this but that's how science got started was by christians who understood that God was behind things and we could discover his wisdom and Secrets that he had embedded in creation because they then knew they could trust god to be regular
Because science so to speak science at that point was not christian based Science believe it or not.
A lot of people don't know this and the scientists the arrogance of the atheists in particular Science this science that well the science
That was without the christian worldview Taught things like like a spontaneous generation
That life comes from non -life and things like that And so it was the christians who said no let's look for regularity because god is there so they could trust
Their experiments to find things out. That's how true science got started um, so science does not
Illumine scripture scripture illumine science. That's how it's supposed to be Is there any scientific method?
No hermeneutics has to do with literature but um A scientific method has to do with just observing natural a natural realm
Method to the bible then Who's that? It's a method to do a hermeneutic lesson sometime, too
Have you heard anything about uh revivals sweeping through orange county? With guys like greg groeschel and levi lusky or anywhere, california
You know greg i've heard the name Orange county, california
I haven't heard Yeah Um again puts on a big thing in angel stadium every year
Greg I haven't heard anything about that at all If anybody's got information i'll have to see but I i'd be suspicious of it
Because I used to live in orange county for many years And certainly god can do a revival and we need it and that would be a good place to start one in orange county but um
I have my reasons for going. Okay, let's check it out I haven't heard anything about it
Church is actually out of montana But he comes in every year to help her glory with the you can't remember what it's called but cool
Skipping that one. Yeah, do you think oh, man, do you think that is daniel lundy from facebook asks
Do you think that it's possible that there was a judgment on the earth before creation after genesis one verse two?
Yeah, it's called the gap theory Um, no I don't think it's possible
Because the bible doesn't say so But then what they'll do is they'll say uh, the people who support that will say
Uh, and the earth was formless and void and god's is a way it's worded that implies they say implies a reforming
What? Yeah, he talks about that Uh, but nothing in scripture that i'm aware of tells us that i've read the arguments years ago
Uh formless and void darkness was over it was formless and void um
Yeah, the gap theory between genesis one and two that some say that between there that's when the fall of satan occurred and therefore
Creation was affected and there was a judgment that fell then and then they had to remake things Some say that's where the dinosaurs were
It gets them all kinds of theories. I just don't know but I don't believe in it
I've read the arguments. I'm, just not convinced. It's my opinion michael Williams from facebook asks
Was the main purpose of the flood to wipe the nipple the nephilim off the face of the earth?
if so Why did god allow them to be around after the flood could the nephilim still be around today?
Oh, I love that question um Uh, yeah, they could be still be around because jesus says in matthew 24 luke 17 as the days was the days of noah
So it'll be the days of the coming of the son of man So, um, if you look at the nephilim as being the half -breed between angels fallen angels and women
Uh, if more women were after the flood the angels are still around. Hey, let's try it again And so why not?
I mean that's a theoretical possibility that could still be Uh going on and some a lot of people still believe that is the case
And then that gets into some interesting ramifications about all kinds of stuff but um, could it be that that's the case that uh,
Fallen angels are still interbreeding with women and doing stuff maybe You know, we have the anunnaki which uh, the reptilian aliens are interbreeding with nazis in underground cities
And then when they get enough population they can take over the earth That is an awesome theory.
That is so good It's like I want to get a t -shirt. I want to believe in the anunnaki
It's such a good theory that he's just how could you not want to believe something like that You know like this.
I don't believe it. It's just like Come on reptilian aliens Breeding interbreeding with nazis in underground cities
Yeah, it's like v that's right. Yeah It's a theory that that's why that Blm wanted that land out in oregon is because there's a tunnel in combat land that leads to one of the underground
I can make a big sense of oregon And now we're alex jones, yeah, that's right
And Sheila dinucci from facebook asks i'm looking at the personhood of the holy spirit and I was wondering
If the old testament saints could be indwelt That's the question we were talking about earlier. It seems that that is the case um
But I don't know of anything specifically that says that the holy spirit indwells A saint in the old testament it might be there.
I just i'm just not aware of it Uh, we know that david said don't take your holy spirit from me.
We're talking about that earlier Does it mean that the holy spirit was indwelling people don't be taking or was it an anointing?
Don't don't take the holy spirit from me in that sense. Don't know it's Holy spirit is also god.
Then. How did he change in the new covenant as it relates to the new covenant? He didn't change ontologically with a new covenant
The covenant has ratification. This is one of the studies i've wanted to get into Just don't have the time it'd be a very detailed and a very laborious covenant
Examination what are the stipulations of the old testament covenant? And that would I believe would be a 10 to 20 year study and i'm not joking because they're so involved
Uh, i'm sure that there are guys who have studied that women too We studied that but at any rate how does it relate to the change of the covenant hebrews 8 hebrews 9.
Um I don't know It's just not an easy question. It's a great question, but it's not an easy question to answer
But it would seem that With the offering of the atonement that all who had by faith trust in that atonement would then be ceremonially cleansed by the sacrifice of christ and then
Actually, I should say actually cleansed and then it would make sense to say that the holy spirit could indwell you then
That's why some people say that the holy spirit couldn't indwell you in the old testament The same way in the new testament because the blood of christ had not been offered so that you couldn't be considered cleansed by the blood of christ
Since the blood of bulls and goats doesn't cleanse us of sins. I think that's hebrews 10 4 again Um, I gotta remember which one that is
Keep quoting. I don't want to quote it wrong So anyway, I hope that helps I mean Those are good questions, those are very good questions and then they don't have good answers from youtube
Who I can't pronounce Who are your top three pre -suppositional lists jesus
Paul John Good job.
Good answer He asks also what are your thoughts about the lesser form of eastern orthodoxy in second peter 1 4
Of theosis in eastern orthodoxy. Whoa Second Peter So that guy's an eastern orthodox person for by these he has granted to us the precious and magnificent promises so that by them
You may become partakers of the divine nature Having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust
Um, the lesser idea of theosis depends on what they define it as as is always the case.
You don't define your terms How do we know what you're talking about? So if I'm going to make a suggestion for the people there if you have a specific definition you want to work with Then so you can read the definition and then we can talk about it lesser theosis.
Well, what does that mean? Well, you know, it's a pretty standard verse, you know by the partakers of the divine nature second peter 1 4.
What does that mean? What does it mean to be a partaker of the divine nature? Well, i'm a partaker of the divine nature in his indwelling
But does it mean i'm divine no So what does it mean? Partakers of the divine nature.
That's one of the things we got to deal with and so we just don't know children Gosh, look at these guys over here.
Just haven't just I'm waiting for Kevin parker from facebook asks
What was the significance of scripture pointing out? How john beat peter in a race to the tomb?
Did john feel more loved than peter do you think What's the significance why they would do that?
Probably just historical fact And maybe it's an attack on the papacy.
I don't know and uh But john is also called the disciple that jesus loved even though there's no proof of that But that's pretty much everybody agrees.
That's where it was and maybe the true love motivated him to be quicker or Maybe he's just a faster runner
And i'll say he's just faster Okay Daniel hamilton in the old testament a king is mentioned with lions around his throne
And i'm confused If there are 12 or 13 lions around his throne and did they have any symbolic meaning lions?
13 lions around the king's throne. I don't know. Um, I have to see the context 12 was a number of governmental perfection 13 is a number of sin
Lions are generally seen as being something of great power and force
Uh, jesus is called the lion of the tribe of judah So if a king's going to have 12 lions around him, it would be symbolic of his great power and authority
If a king has 13 lions, one of the things that I would be concerned about is is he a false king?
Because 13 is a number of sin What I mean by that But when you take the hebrew letters and the greek letters, which are also numbers and you add them up add words up Uh, you get a gematria like for the word fish
The value is 1224. What that means is that uh, it's not in, you know, fish we have english
We also have one two, three four, but in greek the letters are also numbers So whatever you write a word you're also writing numbers
So the word ichthus in greek is 1224 that's the all the letters which are numbers added up.
That's the value It turns out that um when a pericope
Is discussing satan? A pericope is a section of scripture that uh
It can be long long or short but the section of scripture discussing satan That when you add up all the letters of all the words in the pericope, they're divisible by 13.
I haven't verified that 13 seems to be the number of sin and the 14th of nisan
I've gone over this before do it one more time so we have a Clock, you know, and so here is sundown here at 6 roughly p .m
So this is midnight So from here, this is the 14th of nisan for the jews but for the
Egyptians it was the 13th So it changed here so it's a 13 it's the 13th for both until sundown for the jew
And it was the 14th but on the egyptian calendar. It was uh, still the 13th and this is the day
This is the time the 14th of nisan is when the angel of death came over In egypt and so that was friday the 13th some say
So, uh for the egyptians bad day for them 13 number of judgment.
So that's why I would say I just wonder 13 lions Does that mean a false ruler? Don't know just check could it be a textual variation?
I don't know check Um, we only have one last question but it was also from the first guy who asked what energy was and he's getting into some
Pretty deep thinking okay might just have him Contact you but we had someone just walk into the youtube page brian stevens
Is uh seemingly confused possibly atheist or an unbeliever he has he wants evidence the bible is
The word of god. How do we know jesus? Is the word of god? How do we know?
You want to know this and the bible is the word of god read it The reasons to believe
Read it Here's how it's going to work. It's a spiritual book
If god's going to give you the mind to see eyes to see Ears to hear you'll recognize it
Otherwise you won't if you want evidence you want to scale What do you want?
want prophecies You want textual reliability? Then it becomes subject to your preferences your subjective idea of what you want to be sufficient evidence
The word of god is powerful and it's meant to be understood by the elect those chosen by god for salvation
Read it i'll tell you A lot of it's going to be confusing because a lot of us just history
But a lot of it has great truth Just read the gospel of john for example Read the book of galatians.
They're short You see what you think? If it speaks to you great the evidence
This is subjective The evidence is that internal witness of the holy spirit and bears witness of the truth of who christ is
Because the holy spirit according to john 14 26 15 26 bears witness of who jesus is and the truth
And uh, if you're not meant to hear it you won't That's what it is the evidence
Is it itself the bible is its own evidence? What's that?
He's read it Good No more questions
Nicholas davidson's talking about photons and if you said that The definition of energy is the ability to do work a photon is energy.
It is a thing It even has mass. So are you saying that in ability? has mass
What is energy I gave a basic thing is one of the definitions I said is the ability to do work Okay So you could also say energy
I think one of the definitions is a difference in A difference in the momentum of things between states of all these technical stuff of what energy is
You know I'm a theologian.
I'm a scientist even though I want to be a scientist Product of energy like energy photons are emitted, right, right
Right, but I understand that when you have an electron And an energy is added to the electron then it goes to a higher higher valence orbit
And when it's reduced back down to photons emitted That's what I understand, but I don't know if that's true or not for a long time
Leds are going straight to that instead of Where with the light we heat it up to force that action versus using a different thing to force the light out
That's why we have less heat with an led There we go. I've also heard rumors that if you take a
Set of plates of a certain material, which I don't know the material a few angstroms apart Which I don't know the distance and then you send photons into that gap
That what happens is a field is produced and a field tends to negate to some degree momentum
Which could have effect on gravity and force? They've made a thing using
I think a similar Ideas is that but it looks kind of like a funny disc And they shoot lasers into it and that shoots it up in the air, which is light
Laser light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation Yeah I like lasers
When I preached at a church a couple weeks ago, I used laser on the overhead I said these things are great and they're also good for pointing at planes at the airport, you know
People laughed People are putting the smack down on this guy who's
You know they can do that I'd like to have it sometime where it'd be kind of fun to have a setup on the screen
And just go and interact with the people that do stuff and just do a an interaction thing
Uh people that can say stuff and i'll just go huh? Like sunday night Yeah, except different because sunday nights we have someone who moderates takes one person comes in.
I have a long discussion I think it'd be good. Just the text comes in. I read the text, you know, there's mad dog You know read that and that's that's the you know, just go