Can Christians vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump? | Ep. 8


We know there are Christians on both side of this issue, but who is right? Can Christians vote for Biden? Can they vote for Trump? What about RFK? Is this a tough decision or does the Bible spell this out clearly for all believers? Pastor Jeff, Pastor Tim and Average Joe get into the details.


We don't know whether he's a Christian or not, right, but that doesn't matter to me I would love to have a
Christian president that would be way preferable But whether or not he is I'm not looking for government to be a pastor in our church
I'm looking for government to do its job, which I consider to be very small. I want a very small government so I want a governor who is going to punish evil and praise the good
And welcome to What's the name of our podcast again? I almost said off -the -cuff, but yeah tearing down high places tearing down high places
My name is Joe Gormley. I'm Average Joe Here's Pastor Jeff and Pastor Tim and this week.
We're gonna step back and take a 60 ,000 foot view of our voting options.
Mm -hmm coming up in November, but in New Jersey, we've got June is gonna be our
Opportunity to Vote for the Republican nominee who's primaries.
Yeah, completely set up for for any of anyone who's a Democrat They can be in the Democratic process or and third parties are really out which is shame.
Well, what about RFK? Isn't he a third party? Yeah, we got RFK. He's an option. That guy's interesting.
So he's anti -vax Yeah Or at least anti -vax mandate like he doesn't want the government pushing people to put stuff in their bodies, right
I like it Yeah, what else about this guy? Is he Christian? No, I think he he's probably pro -abortion and you know,
I think on par he's He's not the dude. He's probably Catholic. Do we know his name stands for or no
Kennedy? Oh, he's a Kennedy. He's a Kennedy Yeah, I didn't even know. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so Robert Kennedy died and this is his son
Yeah, right. Yeah, he's not JFK's. No, no direct to send his son nephew. He's a Kennedy. He's gonna be
JFK's nephew, but they're okay So he believes that like JFK was was assassinated by more than the lone shooter on the grassy knoll
Okay, I think that was conspiracy. Okay. Well, I did hear him talk about Ukraine And he's not happy with all the money.
We're sending over to Ukraine But I had someone else told me that he was a bit more of a war hawk and one of the things
I really like about Trump is how he kept us out of wars and and and tried to get us completely out of ones that were started by his
Predecessors. Mm -hmm, although not successfully. Well, he ended the war with Isis by just being decisive and strong Right.
A lot of people think he started that when you when you when you talk about Trump yeah, the really
President of peace. Yeah folks will say well he started that Isis war, but he didn't he Ended it with him short order.
Yeah. Yeah, and there was peace during his his time hmm, so what
What do you guys think about Trump? I mean, he's really the the nominee for the Republicans because we've already established
Yeah, we can't we can't vote Democrat, right? Right? Yeah, cannot should we say we should say for the record why yeah
It's because of what they have on their platform in their actual stated platform of what they're going for.
Yeah, right We're not saying that Republicans are all good. No one is good. Not even one, especially when it comes to political parties
And when you vote Democrat, you're basically saying you're checking off. I'm okay with this you're supporting
Yeah, and you would think that that would be a sin to do that Well, I actually thought about becoming a
Democrat and but the reason was I mean They're the only party that really has any
Power in New Jersey. Oh, I see it. I think I mean in the state representatives.
They're greatly at their Democrats greatly outnumber Republicans in Congress too.
I think we have we're down to just two Republican representatives and both of them are squishy
Wow. Yeah, very squishy So you decided not to compromise your principles just for power, right?
I just yeah, I turned down the power but no, I thought about it just because I would
I'm not the power of really just having the ability to go into primary and Make a vote that counts, you know, because really
I think that's you know, when you when you have a lopsided political. Yeah atmosphere There is really only the election happens within the primary
That's a good point. But if both of your options are upholding this platform then it's like choosing between two sons of hell
Well, thank you. Sure. Sure. Yeah. Yeah, but what good are you doing? Well, you're not but I mean that's not the actual election.
So the actual election is where you Could you might be you might say that voting
Strategically in a primary for someone who okay is promoting sin Yeah It's not sinful because you're not actually voting for them to be elected you're voting for them to be the candidate for them to be
The candidate which could strategically be better for the other candidate, right? Who is going to be the least sinful option
So this is like wise as a serpent innocent as a dove kind of Maneuvering. Yeah But you didn't do this.
Anyway, so this is all a moot point. No, it's just spec. It's just speculation. It's just thoughts I'm like, how do we you know, what do you do in a state where sure, you know communism and Socialism are upheld is the good.
Yeah when the debate is the freedom to read act, which is Should we let teachers and librarians distribute pornographic materials with immunity if that's what we're talking about?
You know this This thing has gotten so one of our listeners was talking to me about that and they were taking a position that I was actually trying to By taking the position we held that that bill should not be passed uh,
I was actually Trying I was doing something harmful to librarians and school teachers who have no control over what
Books go into their library It was insane argument, but but a faithful listener and we're grateful that you know
Yeah that we have people listening Yeah podcast. Well, I think that the idea is that whoever's doing this needs to be stopped, right?
Like whoever's putting this book in the library You shouldn't be able to do that or this librarian who's handing it to the kids needs to not do that, right?
You know, that's what the guy pulled the guy pulled a moses on me and he said well What if it's only two lines of pornographic text?
Is that enough to throw the book out? I'm like Yeah, it is How much do you value this child?
Right. That's the question. How much do you value the child? It's it's either pornography or it's not pornography, right?
So, yeah, it's it's it's just very interesting how the other side of these arguments ends up You know spiraling down.
So we we mentioned though We we I guess so really the only option for president is going to be it's going to be trump or it's going to be
Uh, j r guy. Is he an option or is he pro? I think he's just as pro abortion as the dems
So yeah, so can't vote for a baby killer. Yeah Yeah, so a lot of a lot of democrats and democratic christians, right or or you know, just democrats would say
Um, how can you vote for that man? Like right because the moral failures in his past.
Yeah, what's what's so what's the moral? Reason behind us saying okay vote for trump
Well, we're not voting for a pastor. We're not making a judgment on whether or not he's a christian We're voting for the good of people like who is going to bless
This country in the policies that he enacts and the things that he does that actually affects our lives, right?
Right. Yeah, so so trump's not a theonomist No Is he a christian?
That's another question. I don't think he is. I don't think he's I think I don't know.
He says that you know, he's gone to church and I think one time he says Someone came up to him and said trump.
You're the most Um famous person in the entire world. He said no. No, no, i'm not the most famous There's one more famous than me.
He said jesus christ But did he say that because he believed it or did he say that for a political posture knowing that?
Maybe believers are more prone to to vote for him so in in the 1860s there was a president named abraham lincoln who was not a christian according to the
History books i've written i've read not written a history book Uh, and apparently it's it said that he did become a christian towards the end of the civil war
Oh, wow before he was murdered. That's what some people say But he spoke a lot of christianese
Before that because that was the zeitgeist that was the spirit of the age, but I do respect that he at least acknowledged
Jesus christ in a position higher than him. At least he did that trump trump did that which which is honorable and respectable
It is it and then there's also the thing of like, you know We might not want yeah well
We might not want biden to be the president but there is an aspect of it was god's secret will that He ended up being the president.
So whether we wanted it or not you know, it seemed like god put him in that position whether it be for the total good or Maybe for judgment.
Yeah judgment. That's the one I was. Yeah, I think I was gonna say we deserve this country We're sure if you if you were to Think about the policies that we have in place the way we have
Rejected our own good laws. Yeah the way we don't even logically read our own laws our constitution or follow them
We deserve judgment, right? Absolutely. Yeah It's it's just an amazing testimony that god is gracious and slow to anger and abounding in love and kindness that a country that murders babies and has
Invented new forms of evil evil that the world had never known Until technology made it possible to to remove genitalia and things like that just the the levels of evil that this
Society has gone to and yet god is still merciful. I think it's on account of The righteous ones among right so in sodom
When abraham was pleading, uh with god if there had been even 10 righteous people there
God would have spared the whole city um on account of the 10, but there weren't
And even lot was, you know pitching his tent towards sodom and was very compromised by the culture But he was righteous lot according to the new testament
So, um, I think there are many christians left in america and and still pleading.
Um, With the lord still praying for this country praying for revival and I think the lord is hearing those prayers and he's been granting us mercy, but the
The threat of judgment and the looming judgment becomes more and more obvious.
I think that's the verse I was thinking of a few minutes ago, would you help me? Yeah, when when when abraham's, uh, yeah
Talking to god saying hey, what if there's only 50? What if there's only 30? I said, yeah, that's what
I was thinking about before but I said moses instead of abraham because i'm i'm just average joe And then there's probably people that think like okay donald trump christianity
America all the same thing all the same belief system when it's really not all the same belief system
We we look at jesus christ first and foremost and we love jesus and we want to be loyal to him
Our allegiance is in him. Our hope is in him and ultimately we see him as the highest authority the king of all kings
So it isn't like we love donald trump and and we're like worshiping the guy or anything like that We just see okay.
It's going to come down to joe biden or or donald trump and My estimation is that at least trump is a lot better than joe biden.
Oh, yeah From when I make a vote, unfortunately, I think because we have made we have we have we have shouted out our desire for a king
Not really a president There's so there's so much power that the president has I mean day one, you know
We see all these executive orders just flow through no matter whether it changes the whole country in day one Whether it's joe biden coming in or trump coming in The first thing biden did was eliminate so many of the executive orders that were protecting the border to some measure to stay in mexico and all those things he he came in and Totally opened the borders and now we have the problem that we do.
That's a presidential decision It makes a big difference. Sure. Sure And you think of israel back in the day one of the king just like all the other nations and then they
And then they gave god said okay, you can have saul, but it wasn't like saul was really the best for them, right?
So Yeah, a lot of people wanted biden we got him and I don't I mean the way
I look at it Is your is it are we better off than we were four years ago? I think the only way we're better off is if you're an illegal immigrant in that first Is it more important that israel wanted a king or that they wanted a king like other nations?
um They wanted to well I think it's good if they wanted a king if they see That god established the king or if they see that, you know, god is the ultimate authority but if they wanted to be like the other nations that's wrong because they were supposed to be a light to the other nations and Be more of an example to the other nations
So I think them wanting to be like the other nations and wanting to be like the world I think is not right but wanting to follow god and not be afraid and take a stand
And do what's right. I think that's commendable Yeah, it's interesting that you bring that up because in that I think it's first samuel 8
It talks about um, they want a king like the other nations to fight our battles for us
And what I and the reason that that the kind of gray church in the those who are opposed to any kind of strident
Moral teaching from the pulpit or in churches what they'll say is well, that's just like you
Political one, you know you want trump you want someone to fight your battles for you
You want political power? rather than just trusting god but Where do they get that from?
Because we do need a champion Yeah for our salvation in this sphere. We have a champion christ who fights our battles, right?
Now, what is the role of a political leader? We know it's only god who's going to fight our battles
But he uses instruments and the there's like this outrage against trump because of his rhetoric, right?
He's he's always ready to fight. He's always ready to But the question is should really be what is he fighting for sure and in this moment?
Do we need someone who's willing to fight right? That's ultimately what we need when there's extreme evil
You have to stand up to it Like if if i'm a homeowner and someone breaks into my home and is about to assault my children
That's a time to fight so there comes a time to fight. Well, if you have paganism overrunning the country
You need someone who's going to fight the evil so I think there is a place for strong rhetoric
But I think what we need to do though is just keep a strong distinction between these spheres government church
Family individual right? So in the government you have donald trump as a leader
We don't know whether he's a christian or not, right? But that doesn't matter to me. I would love to have a christian president.
That would be way preferable But whether or not he is i'm not looking for government to be a pastor in our church
I'm looking for government to do its job, which I consider to be very small. I want a very small government so I want a governor who is going to punish evil and Praise the good right?
It doesn't say reward the good in first in um, first peter 2 or in romans 13 It says praise the good
That that doesn't mean redistribution of money to to whatever good cause it means to to know the moral law of god
And be able to state that to praise what is good, right and to punish What is evil?
Yeah, and what are those things? Well, it's things like murder and theft And all the you know, the evils that are being foisted on our culture
Well, I think it's evil just to uh, you know have the government in charge of charity Yeah, because I think they're stealing from It's just pure materialism that you would think that any time
Someone's material needs are met that that's good. It's the bible wouldn't say that's good It's lacking in this the spiritual needs right and and god's design to bring
Material and spiritual needs to those who lack through people who have already experienced that god says we can comfort those
Uh who have experienced any kind of suffering right with because we know how to connect with god
Yeah, but not just with food. Yeah, just with money. Yep And it's not government's role to provide right?
So in Thessalonians, it's if the man shall not work. I mean does not work. He shall not eat
Right, you're you're to bring The food up from the ground and when there's somebody who it's not because of laziness
It's because of some disability or something that compassion that charity should be the work of christians and of everyone
We should we should be a loving people that and and it should first of all most importantly come from the family and and I think
I think the Puritans who first came to america. Yeah recognized that There when you had a socialistic system.
Yep. You you were breeding laziness Yeah, you were you were wait, so you were taking from those who were willing to work
And giving to those who wouldn't and their bureaucracy was tiny compared to what we've got now Yeah out of control bev sullivan my friend b.
Nathaniel sullivan, um wrote a book on that it's actually on the shelf Tim, can you look over there? It's like up leaning sideways to the right of my books there.
Can you hand that to me? I'm, not sure where it's at. Oh, it should be right around this corner. There it is.
Yep. This is it Yeah, I want to show it to the people. All right people. This is what you're talking about praise to the so important Heed the pilgrims.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. This book is called heed the pilgrims on socialism and critical race theory Events of 400 years ago that provide needed insights for americans today.
Yeah Sullivan s -u -l -l -i -v -a -n get this book. Wow. Heed the pilgrims.
Here's why when the pilgrims first arrived They tried socialism, right?
The system was was all arranged that everybody would work, you know each to each one According to their need need -based theory of justice and from each according to their ability
It's really what they tried and they almost starved to death It it shipwrecked completely and they realized it and that's when they implemented capitalism
As a as a system, which was more biblical. They found that back in the scripture They realized the principles we're talking about sure about if a man shall not work
He shall not eat and all of these things and that's when it began to thrive And so america was built after the first effort of socialism failed upon On the truth of god's word, so jesus isn't a socialist
Jesus is not a socialist Just read his parable about the workers in the in the field.
I have so many. Yeah christian friends that Uh really think jesus is a socialist and that that's that's because they really want him to be one.
Yeah Well, how's that happen tim I I don't understand it's because they don't know who the real jesus is
They these people that say that have never read the gospel before they don't even know who he is They see jesus as this good teacher
But they really wouldn't even know it because they've never even read any of his teachings in the gospel. They just got this
Teaching from someone else saying that oh, he's a good teacher good moral teacher. He might even be a prophet He's a respectable guy
But if you don't see him for who he really is the savior who bled and died And rose from the dead and had conquered the grave and is now
Seated at the right hand of the father and is coming back to judge the world if you don't see him as that Then you're never going to respect what he actually said you're going to look to What you already believe and try to insert that into a text that you never saw
Right So, I mean when I think about the voting the thing that I want the most
I certainly I just I despise Being involved in politics. I i've done some lobbying and it is not fun
It's not fruitful to be lied to all day long, you know, um or lied to over an extended period of time, um
I just want to love my neighbor and I I wonder Who is loving their neighbor more?
Is it trump? Is it biden? Is it? How do we look at that? Well, I think you have to look at each issue
Individually and then say what where stands it written? What does the word of god say about economics?
and if if one candidate is saying well, we need to Print more money and and forgive student debts
Which is ultimately to take away from the taxpayer feeling. Yeah, usually people who have worked hard to earn money
You take from those who work to give to those who took on a debt. They don't want to pay That kind of immorality has to be punished at the the ballot box.
Sure So that kind of thing you look issue by issue economics. The biggest one of course is abortion Okay, um the race kind of identity politics
There's one side that's all about that, you know, everything is demographics versus the other rejects it.
I'm, sorry No, jesus said um the poor you always have with you and you can give to them when you wish when you wish
You can give out of the kindness of your heart But what the government does is take from joe who has more and gives to jeff who has less
Without you know permission. It's just this is what we're going to do to make it equal when it's not equal
Right and that just fuels the fire for people to be lazy. Yeah, which is a sin
And it stirs up anger and hatred from the person who's being stolen from Like it's you're you're sowing division into the culture.
That was one of the good things I really liked about trump in in his when he was president is he eliminated dei right from all federal
Yes Federal bureaucracies, right, which was wonderful. Um, I think
I also liked that he got rid of The world health organization he got rid of that that was great
And then I really thought he was going to just flat out take the un out, but he never did If he got reelected,
I think he might try just completely just get rid of them or get rid of nato at least I mean think I think about one of the most dangerous things out there is nato expansion
I mean because that's really how we got in the ukraine, right? Right. Yeah, the whole united nations thing.
I was there in geneva for just a short period of time But visited a number of the different agencies of the un
And all I saw was that they hate us they hate Americanism They they want world government and the thing that stands in the way more than anything else is the united states of america
It's this the nationalism of this country that prevents them from going all in in this one world kind of order so yeah,
I think trump stands against that whereas Biden is for that. He wants more and more of a one.
That's what the ukraine is all about This is the this western bloc all uniting together as as a one
World government. So basically we don't want a one world government because that's the biggest government you can have.
Yes What does god say about and it will be headed by the antichrist, right? Where do you see in scripture, uh talking about a one world government or the establishment of nations?
What's what does scripture have to say to that? Why do we yeah, why why are we as christians? So and I totally agree, yeah, but I want you
I want to hear so revelation and seven revelation 17 and 18 Are about the religious one world system that arises and the governmental one world system babylon
And it's described in the most stark terms as utter wickedness
It's built on on money And that falls to their to their chagrin. They're all lamenting the fall of that that system of money that they built
Um, but it's it's a wicked system. That's really ultimately run by the devil himself.
Wait a minute jeff Yeah, aren't you a dispensationalist? I thought dispensationalists want one world government so that we can get to sr
Fulfill our eschatology so we're trying to speed in oh, that's that's interesting because What is our goal as the salt and light in this earth before that last seven year period sure?
Yeah, and I think we go out fighting like when When christ comes back will he find faith on earth?
Yeah, when when he calls us up raptures us up It's going to be the faithful remnant who are still fighting faithful to the end
Wait till I tell some of my presbyterian friends that we have optimistic Dispensationalism. Yeah, we definitely don't want to build the high places just so you know judgment comes faster, right?
Well, I think what what you have to do if you're going to go the post mill like super optimism thing Is ignore the fact that the trajectory of every?
Eschatological book that speaks to this is that it ends in really bad things So, how do you read the book of revelation and you're just optimistic about the last seven years partial preterism?
Okay, you're gonna have to I'm not going with you there, but that's interesting that you hold that that's why i'm partial
Dispensational partial preterist pan millennial all pans out in the end all pans out when jesus comes back in the thessalonians, right?
it's the what what happens the rise of the antichrist and All of the the wickedness and the apostasy the great falling away
I'm, not optimistic about that But here's the great thing about dispensation, especially pre pre -trib rapture
Is that we can be very optimistic about the what the church does until raptured so we can be the most optimistic people
We could be winning gloriously when christ comes because all authority has been given to christ
Yeah, but we also have this you want I don't know if you want to call it a dispensation or not But the actual tribulation period that seven -year period
The church is raptured out when all of that those horrible things unfold We might see birth pangs of it and we might have to endure suffering as christians have all throughout church history but we can be super optimistic because Christ is coming for his church.
We're not looking for the antichrist We're looking for christ to come and rapture us out.
We'll meet him in the air and be with him forever So we're going to win here as much as we can
Winning souls to christ building As much as we can and building church That's why I don't want to just have this one church here where we're we are together
We wanted to plant the rock and one day i'd like to see you pastor another church in the area I want to see us just multiplying right growing and then christ will call us out and then when the tribulation comes
Uh, it will be ugly. I love the optimism. I love that. We're looking for christ I love I think I really do believe in dispensationalism, but I am a partial preterist
I am however willing and i'm not sold on the rapture. I am however willing to change my mind mid flight
That's when you'll know i'm all in i'm all in. Yeah I used to tell I was working at a presbyterian church as a youth pastor for three years 2000 to 2003 and me and the pastor would joke about it
Um, because i'm dispensationalist and and he's covenant theology. Sure So he he would promise me that while we're being raptured if that happens, he's going to wave at me
There you go. Like hey, all right, you were right, but until then he's gonna hold his his view So, you know,
I stole that line, right from bill martin. Oh, no, I don't know where I got it I just got it from somewhere.
Yeah, that's probably Wilson I think it might be doug wilson. Oh, is that doug? I heard him say that The name that shall not be spoken.
Oh, you can't go wrong with I love doug wilson. I'm not ashamed to say it Yeah, I mean it doesn't mean
I have to agree with everything in every position, but I think by and large he's right I was I was chatting.
I was chatting ivan about this last night. Actually that doug wilson and moscow. Idaho is really
The what we want to do in south jersey or all in new jersey, right to to to pick some ground
Yeah lay our stakes there and you know Everything they say all politics is local all all religions local, right?
That's why we have a pastor on a school board Yeah, and he's making a difference there. Yeah, you know, and I think we we are making a difference politically in new jersey
Even with the freedom to read. Yeah, just just being willing to speak being willing to speak willing to take advantage of uh
A right that we've been given that we take too little advantage of. Mm -hmm. Amen. All right
Yeah, so what do you think about trump tim? Would you vote for this dude? We don't Yeah, I don't know if he's a christian, but i'd probably vote for him again
If I will say if there was a born again christian candidate From a different party or you know someone better than trump that would be a republican
I would vote for them um, but also Oh, man, well
I was gonna say without christian ethics. Yeah, that's really He was totally blue church. He was blue church.
Oh, totally so blue church Non -christian really even though he claimed to be evangelical. Yeah, but I think you got to make a judgment
But I also like to keep this verse in mind. It's proverbs 21 -1 the king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the lord.
He turns it wherever he will So ultimately god is in control so yeah, I don't lose my mind just because whoever
I wanted is gonna win the election Okay, i'll tell you what. I think. Mm -hmm. I think that the last year of the trump presidency was pretty bad.
Oh The response the operation warp speed and yeah um, and and just the the way it was just so much about him the whole time it was
I to me it got pretty pretty far off the rails. He's the king of the jab Yeah, he is
Yeah, he got that jab out quicker than anybody. He hasn't he hasn't said anything negative about it yet He hasn't recognized that it might have been the rushing of it to uh might have been a problem
And he was promoting fauci that whole time a lot of statistics look like, you know All that said he was not shutting down churches.
He never shut the churches down right in covet, right? Um, and it was really the governors that did it but biden was with murphy, you know
And promoting that kind of thing. So the things that affected us the most were the the lockdowns forced masking
I am still Angry about the fact that they forced children some of them who have trouble breathing out of their noses
They only can breathe through their mouth to wear a mask on their face for seven hours straight in a school
Horrible horrible. I'm i'm. Yeah, that makes me mad still to think about what they did to these children now
There's effects. Yeah. Yeah. No, I I hundred percent agree. It is get a little infuriating that they did that and then
They tried to force injections. Can you imagine that I think kids bounce back from a lot of uh medical things
What was the exception of what some of those injections went to but like just the wearing of a mask? Kid can handle that but kids are very much
Easily trained to be fearful. Yeah, and and the fear that still exists in in our youth because of that Yeah, not our youth at cornerstone, but no no in the culture no in the culture they're trained trained to be fearful and to be
Yes I mean, so we you know, we talk about submission in the church submission is good
But only if you're submitting to someone who's submitting to god. Yes Not submitting to an evil authority and not and growing up Unable to differentiate is a huge problem
I was amazed that people actually put the masks on to begin with I was like that was so shocking
I'm, like wow people are doing this and then like a week later like what they're still doing this
This is crazy. Like this isn't gonna last and then what was it? Like people are still wearing them. Are they still wearing them today?
People are still wearing not everyone but like I was like this is insane I felt like it was like, you know couldn't believe it on the earth.
I was like, I can't believe this many people Are not even thinking they're just doing what they're told i'm going to put the mask on Yeah with I guess because they maybe have no view that god is in control, right?
They are just like uh -oh I better put this on because you know, it'll be good for me because someone said so well
I think at first I mean I was expecting people to drop dead in the street. I was like, okay I'm, okay with government, you know doing this for like two three weeks
I think but when you believe in christ, you know that you know to die is even better because you still have life
Yeah, well, I still take medicine and stuff, you know, I still take medicine and stuff too, but you know when
You think of promises that god is never going to flood the earth again and things like that I just don't think if god's gonna do something.
I don't think just a mask walking around all day. It's gonna be right Yeah, I think you're talking about a spirit of fear.
You're not gonna have a spirit. I'm not gonna have a spirit of fear Yeah, I mean Definitely have to have faith over fear and when
I see the entire world the unbelieving world Putting on a mask so quickly that makes me want to think maybe that's not the right way
I think we deserve judgment though. Seriously, and I would not be surprised if um if god exerted his his his right to Judge us.
Yeah in that way. Yeah, and the tongue is so powerful and I just think that you know If we're supposed to preach the gospel, you can't preach
A gospel with a mask on like yeah, why is it you can't communicate? Well when everyone's wearing masks, what did you say?
Can you take your mask off? Yeah, like I don't like that and even the light of of the gospel carried on your face
Right, like we're reflecting the image of second corinthians four. Yeah that that that's we're deprived of that when someone forces you to veil your face
Right. Yeah. Yeah, don't like it. So I think we've only got a few minutes left before we gotta close up and I had a thought
You know, we're in new jersey and I didn't vote for trump only The first time
I was hesitant about voting for him for personal reasons, um some of the comments that he made on that bus and I didn't want my
Daughter to ask me questions about it and and but I still would have voted for him
I didn't have to because in new jersey, there's no way he's gonna win that way It was a it was you know, it was done before it started
Uh, and I and I really did like the constitutional Um candidate so I voted for him and I didn't want to give the republicans in new jersey the nod that hey good job guys
Because you know, that's all I thought that would do but then the second time I again I voted for a constitutional party
I don't remember his name, but this time i'm feeling like you know I really want to participate in a more meaningful way
I don't think I think biden's got it one. We didn't do anything about the mail and votes The mail and votes are still coming right so I mean
I wouldn't be surprised if you know Half million dead people voted, you know because of that um
So I think maybe I vote for rfk in new jersey Because I can't do that.
Can't do it. Well, I don't even I can't even listen to him because his scratchy throat Yeah, it's hard to I don't know his positions, but i'm thinking of myself strategically
You know, he could win new jersey. He could knock out biden So i'm kind of like take some electrical electoral votes away i'm just realizing that you know, i'm not the tailback
I didn't get the tailback job, but maybe I got the lead blocker job. Oh, you know, all right
So this is like innocent as a dog wise as a serpent trying to yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
I don't know I think it would be too hard to get everyone to to vote that way.
I think it would be Easier to try to get people to vote for trump. Well, I wouldn't want people in pennsylvania voting for rfk either
Right, right because they've that they've got a shot. Well, that's a swing state. Yeah You don't want to be influencing but I think it's even harder to to swing it.
I think you're thinking too deeply joe Yeah, and you don't want to like if he's a baby killer. I don't even want to even rfk, right?
Don't even want to check his name. Yeah Yeah, yeah, but that's going to the states So when when as the state elections come up, maybe we should talk more about about that Yeah, yeah, we can definitely do that.
Let me weigh in So I think we heard you would you're an rfk guy. You just blew my mind with that.
I'm rfk. What? What are you doing average joe? Do we have a new you now? I think i'm rfk.
I I think so. These are actually difficult questions because you're it's like a judicious issue, right?
How do you weigh things? um The covid vaccine and all that he pushed is that enough to say well he himself is is a pusher of big government totalitarian
Nonsense, so don't vote for him or the abortion issue He's not as solid as he even was four years ago when he was the one that helped us overthrow roe versus wade
Yeah, now he's coming at desantis So for someone because desantis had a stronger abortion law in florida
So if someone says in a principled way, I can't vote for him. I understand that I think it's it's a very judicious question here trying to weigh everything all of these different pieces
So, how do you take the word of god and apply it? to me I won't say it's a no -brainer for everybody, but i'm very
Very settled that I will vote for trump because I think God is using him to resist what is just a complete overrunning of this country at the border
Destroying babies and now pushing more and more laws, um to try to do more of that Um so much is is at stake
From the leftist totalitarian side that it looks to me like God may be using trump to stop a lot of that and to just Overthrow the apple cart because what's really happening is that you have this bureaucracy in washington dc that behind the scenes is running everything through the agencies and um, so that's where the the power is and trump is like Zeroed in on taking that down now because he's been the victim of it.
They the lawfare against him You know now that they're trying this it's like are we going to have a country if they succeed in in what they're doing?
So, I mean, I i'm just at a place where you need somebody to to turn back this monster that's growing in washington dc
And it seems to me that this could be god's doing so, you know, i'm gonna support it.
There you go. There you go Well, listen, we're really grateful that everyone tuned in today Remember we are we are still taking nominations and we're going to continue to take nominations for blood red church nominees for our event that we're going to have in the first quarter of 2025, that's the
Red church summit and leading up to the red church summit each week. We're going to nominate a new pastor
That did some red church stuff. So send your nominations into podcast At cornerstone sj for south jersey .org,
that's cornerstone sj dot org And uh until next time wait before you sign off.
Let me tell them next week. We have in studio Oh, wow, the red church pastors anthony parise anthony paris
Bible chapel, there you go hamilton and then uh a few weeks after that we have joe domico Coming in nice.
So we got a good line. We're gonna have more and more guys coming in. So this is exciting How about how about the event we have it, uh in in the church in the worship, uh
Oh, we better not even oh, it would be too late because this won't drop until after that But on this sunday, which will be passed when you guys are watching it.
Josiah queen here in church leading worship Yeah, well, they could always watch it. Let's go. Oh, yeah, they can watch on youtube You're gonna want to watch that you're gonna want to watch that.