Spiritual Transition to the Gospel from a Light Bulb

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So, this is the part where we're going to do our spiritual transition game. The way we play this game, for those who may be new to this, is what we do is those who watch the
Striving for Eternity Academy live, 8 o 'clock Monday nights, Eastern Standard Time at strivingforeternity .org,
and we get to give me something to transition from whatever they give me to the Gospel.
And the reason we do this is because often we kind of feel that we pray,
God, please give me an opportunity. Let me have an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone.
And what we don't realize is the more that we practice this game, we don't need to make that prayer anymore because we can turn any conversation into a
Gospel conversation. And so, what we're going to talk about tonight is the topic
I have is a light bulb. Can I transition from a light bulb to the
Gospel? So, you're having a conversation with someone about a light bulb or whatever, and you want to get into a
Gospel conversation. How would you do it? This is what's coming to the top of my mind right now.
You know, when we look at a light bulb, a couple of things with a light bulb. One is technology has changed quite a bit, and what we used to have is the iridescence, then we went to the fluorescence, and now we have the
LEDs. They're getting cheaper, they're lasting longer, getting more expensive too, by the way.
But what we end up seeing is that the technology changes, but there's one thing that we see. Even though the technology's changing,
I mean, they now have, I don't know if you know this, but they now have Wi -Fi within light bulbs. It kind of makes sense because you have light bulbs all over your house, all over a building, and if it's sending out a
Wi -Fi signal, isn't that kind of cool? So you have Wi -Fi everywhere there's a light bulb. Kind of neat the way technology's going, but you know what it still requires?
It still requires electricity. Here's the thing to ask yourself, cause and effect.
You flip the switch in your room and the lights go on. Now, we understand that the flipping of the switch actually caused the light to go on.
Why? Because electricity made a connection and shot straight through, giving the electricity to the light bulb, which generated the energy it needed to lighten up.
With the light, we can see. Here's the problem. You know, there are many people who don't understand the
Bible. Many people say it doesn't make sense. Many people think it's a fairy tale, a book of fairy tales, make all kinds of claims.
You know why that is? Because the switch hasn't been turned on. They're still in the dark. They don't understand because what we understand from what the
Bible says is that it's not until a person is born again, that means that they've been regenerated, converted.
They've been changed from an enemy of God into being adopted into His family, from being someone who broke His law into being someone who's righteous.
That happens when God enters a person. And when God changes a person, all of a sudden, the
Bible makes sense. That doesn't mean that we can't understand things in the Bible. Everyone can read the
Bible and understand general things that it says, but there are things that the unbelieving world just don't get.
Why? They're still in the dark, loving their sin. And what we have when the
Holy Spirit enters into us, bingo! Light goes on. Now we can see.
Now we can understand. The reality is that many do not understand the
Bible because they're still in the dark. The only way to avoid being in the dark with something as important as where we're going to spend eternity is to have the light turned on.
The way that we do that with Christ is to recognize that Jesus Christ paid for our sins. Jesus Christ, Almighty God, came to earth as a man.
We know Him as Jesus Christ, died on a cross to be the payment of sin that we could be set free.
Though we're guilty, we broke His law, He did the punishment. He lets us go because He pays the fine for us.
That's the reason that only in Christianity have God's justice and His mercy combined. Just like we have the electricity and the light generated combined, well, sort of.
But in this case, we have a way of seeing that God is just because someone did pay the fine. He's merciful because He paid it
Himself as being the only one who could. No other religion can honestly claim both
God's justice and mercy. It's always one or the other. Either He's letting criminals off and that He's merciful, or He's going to have to be perfectly just and have no mercy.
Can't have both unless you have Christ and Christianity. So that's how I would transition from a light bulb to the gospel.