A Word in Season: Preaching to the Bones (Ezekiel 37:4)

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Subscribe to A Word in Season on Apple Podcast (bit.ly/WISPod) or Spotify (spoti.fi/AWISPod) For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind of th


The evangelist knocks on the door of a house and it creaks slowly open and a skeleton falls out
What is he to do? The preacher stands up in the pulpit and looks out at the congregation only to find dry bones on every seat skeletons slumped there utterly dead
The preacher goes out onto the street to make known Jesus Christ as crucified and he sees nothing
But dead bodies lying around him. How ought he to respond? if under those circumstances
That preacher and teacher began to make known the word of Jesus Christ and to exhort these skeletons to live
To stand to serve then you would think he was absolutely insane And yet there is something in that very much like what a true preacher
Must do when he brings the good news of god to sinners dead in their sins It's like what happened to ezekiel in chapter 37 of that prophet's history when the hand of the lord came upon him and brought him out in the spirit of the lord to a valley that was full of bones and the
Historian there the prophet emphasizes that these bones were very dry They were well and truly and long time dead and the question is raised
Can these bones live? And the prophet shocked and humbled simply says oh lord.
God, you know And the lord god gives ezekiel a task
Prophesy to these bones and say to them. Oh dry bones hear the word of the lord
Thus says the lord god to these bones. Surely I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live
I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live
Then you shall know that I am the lord And so ezekiel begins to speak and there's a great noise a rattling and the bones come together
And the bones are clothed with sinews and flesh and skin but still no breath
So the prophet speaks again Prophesy to the breath says the lord prophesy son of man and say to the breath
Thus says the lord god come from the four winds Oh breath and breathe on these slain that they may live and so he speaks as commanded
And breath comes into them and they live and they stand upon their feet an exceedingly great army and god himself
Makes explicit that this is a picture of what's happening in the house of israel in ezekiel's day
There's no hope there's no prospect of life and yet the word of god is coming to the people
And there's the parallel When the preacher today looks out he may see nothing but dry bones before him
When we go out and take the gospel onto the streets of our homes and our towns and our villages
We're we're preaching to those who are dead in their trespasses and sins and we might say it's a pointless task
How can I say to the dead live? And it is by the same virtue that ezekiel spoke
We are commanded by god to bring his good news to those who are dead in their trespasses and sins
And we do so in dependence upon the spirit of god who is able to bring life from death
We preach a crucified christ he who died but rose again for our justification
And the same power that was at work in him is at work in those whom god raises from the dead
The holy spirit brings life from death so that those who are dead in their trespasses and sins
Under the word of god and by his power are made alive together with jesus christ
And so the preacher's task is not a hopeless one He may sometimes feel it is difficult
But he needs that faith that conviction that certainty that the message he brings is god's word of life
And that if he preaches that word in dependence upon the holy spirit then god by his great power
Is able to bring those who are dead to life in christ and to make them an army
To serve their god and their king Now is this not the energy is this not the life?
Is this not the the blessing the the heavenly miracle that we desire when we preach?
That though we go as to dry bones though we go as to dead men and women that nevertheless
Because of the god who sends us because of the christ that we preach and because of the spirit upon whose power we depend