Historic Moment For Abolition & Exposing Pro-life Hypocrisy


Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we talk about the historic moment that just occurred in North Dakota. We also play some clips exposing Pro-life hypocrisy. It will shock you. Tell someone! Get your tickets for ReformCon 2025!!!! https://reformcon.org To give: https://ean.link/GiveEAN -Check out our new sponsor Page 50!!! https://www.page50.com -Check out our new sponsor, Rooted Pine Homestead! A family business that works to create natural wooden toys and herbal remedies. Their wooden toys/other wooden items are coated with only 2 ingredients (Coconut MCT oil and beeswax). Use discount code APOLOGIA for 10% off your first order. https://www.rootedpineshomestead.com/homeandgifts -Get the NAD treatment Jeff is on, go to ionlayer.com and put "IONAPOLOGIA" into the coupon code and get $100 off your first three months! https://www.ionlayer.com -Check out our new partner at http://www.amtacblades.com/apologia and use code APOLOGIA in the check out for 5% off! -You can get in touch with Heritage Defense at heritagedefense.org and use coupon code “APOLOGIA” to get your first month free! -For some Presip Blend Coffee Check out our store at https://shop.apologiastudios.com/ -Check out the Ezra Institute: https://www.ezrainstitute.com/ ad music: PIXYOEGMJ99LLG0N


We need to talk. It's been a rough ride from a culture bent on burning itself down to attacks from within But by the grace of God, we've been given a moment a chance to make lasting changes
We can rebuild what's been torn down, but we have to build with what will last the gospel of the kingdom this
April Let's sit down. Let's talk about what matters And together we'll build something that lasts
Reform con 2025 tickets are limited. Lord. William will see you in Tucson Non rock a bonus must stop.
I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it You're gonna bark all day
Are you gonna bite? Delusional yeah delusional is okay in your worldview.
I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional You don't chastise pigs for being delusional. So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly.
Okay, it doesn't really hurt Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage
Going to all the world make disciples not going to the world make buddies not to make brosives, right?
Don't go in the world make homies right disciples. I got I got a bit of a jiggle Nick That's a joke
Real message of truth. We cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not
He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous Are both alike an abomination to the
Lord Proverbs 17 15 What's up, everybody? Welcome back to the gospel heard around the world.
This is apology a radio You can get more at apology of studios comments a p o l o g i a studios calm
Also go to end abortion now calm for more information there. That's Luke the bear What Jeff the calm in a ninja and that's
Zachary Conover a director of communications for end abortion now important show We have for you guys today quickly want to point everybody to apology of studios calm
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It's all there for you guys lots and lots more being added Our app is in production. It is almost finished is what
I understand And so you're gonna have an app that is much easier to use and easier to track where you were
Don't forget also everybody very important You can get your free account for Bonson you one of the greatest
Christian philosophers and apologists in the history of the Christian Church Dr. Greg Bonson, we've been entrusted with all of his life's work
Seminary level education for free All I have to do is sign up for Bonson you at apology of studios comm and get to work
All right So lots of talk about today want to start the show off by telling everyone reform con is coming up reform con 2025
Tucson, Arizona end of April reform con dot o RG is where you go for all the deets and Get your tickets.
Make sure you guys get them soon. We have limited seating. So get your tickets come meet us in Tucson And we have an amazing time plan for everybody we like to do these conferences in a very special way
The last one we did was just absolutely epic love the time I had with everybody and it was just a fulfilling
Amazing time together. It's not your normal Christian conference. You're not just gonna be bombarded with talks, you know
Where you're exhausted by the end of the day? We have time to fellowship time to hang out time to party a little bit and it's just it's gonna be great
So Tucson, Arizona the dates are again April 24th the 26th and a reform conduct orgy is where you go.
We got David Bonson, we've got Andrew Sandlin. We've got Joe boot. We've got Douglas Wilson James White myself
These guys are all gonna be there and we J Yeah, lots and lots of great great stuff great weekend plan for everybody get your tickets reform condo orgy put your hand on our hands meet us say hi to us and Let's get out of the ashes.
That's the title of the conference. And so lots to say here I know everyone's getting on do me a favor if you would share this map episode episode share
Episode And the reason why is because we are getting closer and closer and closer to the abolition of abortion
You're gonna find out what I mean by that in this episode I'm not gonna go into it right now But just trust me when
I say it means a lot it changes a lot when you get this conversation It's a more in front of more people.
So please share this episode We need to expose some things and give you some encouragement. There are some big things happening right now
Everything's being transformed. And so please share the episode got to announce everybody a couple things
I'm sorry before you get I need to say some things about reform con. Okay, so we have some special promotions.
I Was hoping they were alive right now, but I know they may not be till later today, but two things one
You know, like you said the theme is up from the ashes and We really want to be able to speak into the lives of a certain group of people two groups of people actually one being pastors to being
Since we're close to the border and there's obviously some border issues right now on Saturday the last day on Saturday, we're gonna have a workshop on biblical borders so by the
Bible and borders I think is what we're gonna call it and There's these Bible's borders. Yep bees.
So we are we are we want our border agents That was let me back up.
We're offering free entrance to border agents Immigration officers first responders and Legislators if you fall into any one of those categories, we'll have a special coupon code.
I believe it's gonna be borders Matthew's literally I'm like Matthew text me quickly And so we want you there we want you there
We want to be able to help you understand this this issue and be able to speak into that in there He sent it to me just not yet so Border, that's the coupon code.
And then also I mentioned pastors. We really want pastors there. We're gonna have a coupon code as well for pastors
To get in we want you to bring your wives We are working on a special thing. Maybe have a little date night for you and your wife as well.
So pastors We want you there we're gonna get you in for free as well and so I believe the coupon he's just taking forever to type this out.
I believe the coupon code Matthew Suspense is building. I know so anyways, please we want you there.
We want you to come. We want you to bring your people and We are going we are announcing the after party too, it hasn't been up it should be up today
It's the oak and ash after party on Friday nights what we're calling the oak and ash sir Yeah, Friday and We will have that we'll have separate tickets for that where you can come hang out with us
Yep, so be looking for that by the way Happy birthday. Oh, thank you. Happy birthday to the bear.
Happy bear birthday. How old are you now? 44 44 years old. Happy Bert's Thanks, happy birthday
Ernie All right, guys lots is happening right now. You've heard us announcing that across the country right now
We have bills of equal protection abolition happening. This is just one of the many ministries happening an apology at church But it's an important one
It's a vitally important one and so we're in the first session of the year and there are lots of bills going across the country and so We are going to be announcing these over the weeks and telling everyone what's going on How close we are who you need to call and what you can do if you're in this particular state?
So Donahue Emory Donahue, I believe today Or tomorrow is dropping the bill for Georgia, it's filed now, it's filed in okay, it's definitely here
Okay, so no, it's okay. So that's officially filed. We're waiting for the hearing We got to get it plugged into the right committee and then we're waiting for the hearing and so We're gonna be letting everyone know who you can contact what you can do for,
Georgia I want to let you know also big news HB 523 is filed in the state of Kentucky equal protection in the state of Kentucky Representative Richard White is heading that up and we're gonna be getting more co -sponsors on that Lord willing, of course, but good thing
It looks it looking very good for Kentucky, Ohio should be dropping very very soon That's rude and McLean and that's that's next couple of weeks.
That should be in just pray for hearing for that as well We also got word that in Alabama We're gonna have one right bill of equal protection in both the house and the
Senate in the state of Alabama Ernie Yarbrough is running the house one on that one. Not quite sure who the Senate one is right now
But that's that's coming as well. We have a bill in Indiana happening right now Am I right about Missouri is a
Missouri Missouri is in Idaho is in South Carolina Iowa is in South Carolina is in Texas is in Oklahoma Oklahoma is in and all those states so Oklahoma get ahold of Dusty Deaver's faithful faithful man of God Running that just doing a great job in the state of Oklahoma and get ahold of him
So I'm gonna be actually heading out to Austin next week if you're in,
Texas come meet us. We need you there It is so important that you show up to these things I can't tell you what it does for the legislators to see the support and people rallying around a particular bill
So next Wednesday 11 a .m. In Austin, Texas at the
Capitol South side We're having a rally for money's bill in the state of Texas.
And so come join us if you're in, Texas You're like, I don't know if I should go the answer is yes, you should go It's that important that you show up trust me the legislators are moved by the audience and the
Constituency and the amount of people that are there in support of a particular bill you put the pressure
They know they have to move and so that's happening on Wednesday 11 a .m Next Wednesday at in Austin at the
Capitol South side and that's what's coming up We also got I was in I was in and I was in a deacon
Idaho's in Yep, working on a pastor's meeting, Idaho looking like two weeks. I think yeah, so we're trying to get that bill done
I think announce it as soon as we have Kansas also has a bill. Yes didn't want to forget that.
Yeah, so that's every Forgive us guys. There's so many it's happening so fast and there's constantly changing every day
So if we're forgetting guys, you know, we're behind you want to support you Even if it's not a bill that we're directly involved in putting in we want to support the bills
Of other faithful Christians that are happening across the country. This is a work of the church. And so we're all in this together
Alright, so great news. Great. Great great news, and that is that We had a bill in North Dakota.
It was representative Lori van Winkle Love that name.
Yep, and Lori van Winkle got the bill into the state of North Dakota It went first of course to the hearing stage
But the unique nature of how the legislature works in it's different in every state basically
In North Dakota is that every bill that goes through the hearing just has to go to the floor Anyways, and that's fantastic.
By the way, that is really early. That's really great But so that's how it got to the floor
So we as you guys know We've said that we've struggled all of us that are in this movement have really struggled in that we'll get bills in so many bills
Have already happened But they get killed or stopped or ignored before they can even get into a hearing or to a committee on walled
Stonewalled and the pro -life establishment is responsible for killing every single one of these bills
Universally in every single state. It's not like sometimes they have every single time
That a bill of equal protection for all humans from fertilization has happened in a state.
It has been thwarted by Stopped by and killed by the pro -life industry the pro -life establishment locally and Nationally, we're talking about red states red states.
I mean virtually all of them are red states Yeah, Republican supermajority is pro -life dominant
House or or or Senate literally North Dakota everyone that spoke against it was from the pro -life industry
There you go. And so what happened? I didn't even show up. They didn't need to Representative Lori van
Winkle so faithful Lori Wow, great job. She's great.
Wow. Wow. Wow, we're gonna play some of what Lori had to say on the floor yesterday And let me just say She makes a lot of male pastors
Look bad. Oh, yeah, it's an indictment in terms of her courage and what was she was willing to say and how direct she was
Lori van Winkle officially has bigger balls than most evangelical pastors Somebody had to say it.
So I didn't say it that's being generous and So really really thankful for you Lori grateful for your your courage for your faithfulness and for your boldness to speak the truth
It was I was at home yesterday doing work and listening to it live and I was
I don't know how many times I was Yelling at the ceiling saying Oh praise God. Oh my goodness. I can't believe this is happening right now
My twins were like I'm feeding my twins while I was screaming at the ceiling Like what's wrong with you dad and so so Okay, I don't know what's going on.
Sorry. Somebody said in the chat playing parenthood just deleted all their posts on Instagram That's weird. Yeah, interesting.
Let's keep our eyes peeled for them. Yeah, so North Dakota now I'm gonna bring everyone into this because I need you to tell
I need to tell you the history Which is briefly so that you know what to be praising God for and thanking him for and I hope this puts fire underneath you
To join us to join us and here it is when we started this
They were there been consistent faithful Christians doing this long before us But I think the main focus for them over the low over the last, you know
Decades was we got to save these lives at the abortion mill Of course, we need to work on abolition and get that going but we didn't have legislators courageous enough consistent enough to actually put bills of abolition and equal protection in now
They started happening to my knowledge. The first one was because of Senator Joseph Silk in the state of Oklahoma equal protection bill and faithful Christians worked in Oklahoma hard Joseph Silk Faithful worked hard and that bill was killed by Tony Lounger and the pro -life establishment in Oklahoma The legislature asked
Tony Who was the vice president of national right to life and the head of Oklahomans for life? I think is what it's called.
They asked him because he's the head, dude How do you want us to vote on this bill Tony and Tony told him not to pass it killed the bill
And so abolition was thwarted equal protection was thwarted because of the pro -life establishment There you go.
First one back when nobody knew what was going on. Really? Yeah, I was like we have lots change we have a legislator that's gonna put a bill of equal protection and it was like astonishing and so Yeah, amazing.
That's what birth and that's what and that's by the way The the Christians that were fighting for that bill in Oklahoma were being consistent and faithful and bold and they got what the pro -life
Establishment said you just can't get yeah, and it was through faithfulness without compromise. So all this
Bogus methodology of we just need to compromise, you know, we can't just get all that we want We can't just speak the truth.
We can't just call it murder We can't just work for abolition nonsense and the Oklahoman Christians proved that they proved it after that We were able to and other
Christians were able to get more bills of abolition so many now at this point I've lost count All right, we're talking about dozens of bills of abolition that happened over the last decade every single one of them killed by the pro -life establishment the unique one where abolitionists from across the country joined together on was the bill that we were able to get in with Pastor Brian Gunter in Louisiana got the bill into Louisiana.
The bill goes to the hearing it passes the hearing Overwhelmingly, which was like what it happened.
Yeah, everyone's jaws on the floor. What has God doing it happened? And then we had all yes votes all the yes votes that we needed a week before the bill went to the floor in Louisiana all of them we needed in the house in the house enter senator or speaker of the house
Mike Johnson Louisiana right to life and over 70 of the largest pro -life organizations across the country enter them
They convinced the all yes vote legislators to say no and change their votes
They did not want a bill of abolition and equal protection and it was that letter given to our legislators
In their hands walking around with it today the day of the vote from national right to life ERLs ERLC Louisiana right to life that was in their hands and It was the excuse they had was
Mike Johnson told me not to pass this and look at all these these these Organizations all said they don't want equal protection and what for?
The fatal flaw the pro -life establishment and what is that that they believe that though what's in the womb is fully human from fertilization
That all life is sacred That we are uniquely created by God and worthy of protection all of us
Although they say they believe that for votes and donations they want a protected class of killers a
Protected class to be able to do this with impunity and Immunity our bills by the way say nothing about gender or class nothing
It talks about conduct All it says is what's in the womb is for is human from fertilization and that all human life in this state will be given equal protection under the law
That's basically the bill who can argue with that. Isn't that what the pro -life establishment says that they believe isn't that how they get their donations?
Isn't that how they get their votes? Yes, but these pro -life establishments establishment types and Organizations came out and said that they do not want any
Legislator across America to pass a bill that would ever lead to the criminalization of the mother
Which is to say let's be honest about it, though Many of them are you know a little trepidatious about saying the word murder.
Some of them will still say it They still say though it is murder in the unjustified taking of human life
The mother must be able to do it with impunity and immunity. What's that mean impunity? No punitive nothing no punishment at all
She must be able to do it without punishment and she must be able to do it with the protection of the law
So when they write their bills even bills that restrict abortions, they'll even say things like in terms of criminalization but this shall not this shall not be applicable to the mother and so They killed our bill in Louisiana and I want to just bring you into this though we were like all of us
I mean everybody was there I mean everybody was there that everyone drew flew in and drove in to Louisiana for this unique moment
They were like guys it passed the hearing. It's going to the floor. I never had a had one go
Everybody was there. I mean you name the organization everyone from Texas the guys from abolition is rising Yeah, it was this this really truly amazing ecumenical moment
Really was it was glorious and And the hall was filled that day with Christians from across the country singing songs to Jesus Dusty Devers was there, right?
I mean, it's just a big moment. Rusty was there. Everybody was there and the only thing was is that Before you had yes
Absolutely To the bill and then okay, Mike Johnson says don't pass it and everyone says don't pass it
So that day it was a sad moment. You have Danny McCormick Courageous man Courageous follower of Jesus lover of these children on the floor that day in Louisiana and though a week before Everybody's on his side now.
Everyone's turned on him. And so it was Danny McCormick against the world's
He I mean everybody there that was even pro -life is lying about the bill
Challenging the bill telling everyone not to pass the bill Alan Seabum. Yeah, he lied big time is lying about the bill
He's repeating lies that were refuted a day before in a private conversation with me. He knew they were false he said him anyways because they were really strong emotional arguments and It was
Danny McCormick against the world and the bill died in Louisiana And it was Danny standing there like just dumbfounded like he looked like a deer in the headlights like what just happened to see everyone turn on him a bunch of Judas's Then Yesterday in North Dakota the bill gets through the hearing goes to the floor
Lori van Winkle so consistent and then she had a lot more legislators saying yes with her and arguing on the floor
Against the arguments against the bill. They were refuting the arguments against the bill
Somebody would speak up try to refute the bill or argue against the bill Somebody else will stand up in opposition say acts actually not true and they would argue against them and show that what you're saying is not true,
I Couldn't believe it was happening I'm watching the hearing and one legislator after another is saying vote yes in this bill go green on this bill and they were they were refuting the arguments against the
Bill this has never happened when McCormick was there on the floor. He's getting slaughtered and Everybody's against him now
Lori is there and she's got support of other legislators all around her arguing for the bill saying vote for this bill and they're being
Consistent. It's a powerful moment. So what was the end tally yesterday? It was it was 77 to 16
I believe 77 no's to 16 yeas But that was 16 yeses, right?
That was 16. Yeses We had 16 other legislators on the floor that day arguing on behalf of the
Bill of Equal Protection that's never happened before It's an historic moment It's an historic moment and arguing explicitly from the
Lordship of Christ. Yes scripture faithfulness consistency God's law telling magistrate magistrates that they'll be responsible to God for how they conduct themselves today
I just I can't recall. I mean this this is not the norm
I think is my point like Ben Winkle having Christian Legislators that are willing to stand on their their conviction to say
Jesus to say This is what God commands you to do, right? Yeah, and that was that's sorry.
That's that's the main that's the main point I want to make to beyond the fact that now we've got legislators to the tune of 16
Putting their careers on the line for the sake of these children saying yes Yes, absolutely
And then arguing against the bootleg argument arguments against the bill never happened before But then the other thing is you need to watch this hearing because and I'll tell you where you can find it a moment
Here because this was a moment where you have on The floor of the house someone pointing people to scripture
God's law and calling the legislators to repentance Towards Jesus Christ That is how it is done.
And this what you're seeing what you're about to watch right now. This didn't get here because of Compromise and soften the edges and let's stand on neutral grounds
No What happened in North Dakota yesterday and now is growing and it's gonna happen across the country and this is a lead to the abolition of abortion happened because Christian says said no compromise
Jesus says you're either with me or you're against me and So I'm gonna live like that Christians The church did this the church did this through faithfulness not compromise
So what you were gonna witness right now is as a result of the faithfulness of the church speaking the truth
And this is what it looks like when something's being abolished So people talk about incremental ism versus immediatism.
You guys have heard me say I think that that's a false Distinction. I don't think that's fully expressive of what's really wrong there.
But when we talk about like increments of wins We're gonna go with the increments of faithfulness not unfaithfulness not injustice
So I would see this as a pretty significant increment forward towards justice and victory because it's with faithfulness
It's it's true progress true progress Yeah It's it's demanding the actual thing to end and then that process repeating itself over and over and over and before you know it
The slave trade is abolished. That's right. And then slavery is abolished and then yeah So I would say just to bring people kind of into the understanding of North Dakota there
It's abortion is illegal in North Dakota similar to Louisiana except for the mother, right?
So the mother can have an abortion at will So a lot of people are going across the border to Minneapolis or into Minnesota to have an abortion and so that's kind of the where the things were as a state and it was interesting because Just you understand how
I'm doing this in quote pro -life North Dakota is as a legislature I think it was two or three bills before this on the house a guy tried to introduce a 15 week ban and it got slaughtered was like 90 something to five
Which was awesome to see it was like, well, that's fantastic. But then they get to our bill right and voted like some complete knuckleheads and so what was interesting and if you if you're able to see the hearing and then how it kind of Carried into the house floor
This really was about IVF They made that was all the arguments was about IVF that in criminalizing the mother
Those were the two main things that they the two main cards they played Which is really interesting and it was all false.
Like I was I was like yelling like Like when there's you know, like this is not really and and what what was unfortunate in the hearing in the committee hearing
Our people went first and then the opposed went second and so they were able to just spew all this
Nonsense and all these lies about the bill and then they weren't able to correct it So I think that's why it got there.
It was like 11 to 1 I believe do not pass in the hearing Thankfully the stuff was corrected on the floor in the house
But anyways, that's just kind of the background context of where things are out with this bill. Yeah. All right everyone
So I'm gonna start with playing for everybody Lori's Starting testimony about the bill, right?
Here we go Thank You. Mr. Speaker and members of the assembly
High rise today to implore you to recognize who we stand before every single floor session and Listen to prayers in the name of our
Almighty God and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we pledge allegiance to a flag one nation under God We believe in Morality we believe that our nation was founded on godly principles
And you heard the previous speaker say that well, maybe people didn't vote for this because of some unknown this that or the next thing but all of those concerns were addressed and Not a single one of them remains valid To continue to allow the murdering of innocent pre -born lives
This bill closes a loophole in North Dakota abortion law that keeps self -managed pill induced abortions legal
The type of abortion is still happening in North Dakota without HB 1373 up to about 220
North Dakota pre -born babies are still dying every single year how can we say we're pro -life and Still continue to allow that loophole and that provision
Because we want to say well, we can't criminalize the mother. I realized for 52 years we've been lied to and convinced that abortion is acceptable murdering the pre -born lives of children by the mother is
Has blanket immunity But good God in what other case in our law
Do we give blanket immunity to a class of people to murder another class of people without penalty?
even if they are 12 25 95 I'd feel sorry for my grandpa to murder somebody
But should he also have equal justice under the law? Yes, and that's actually the most merciful thing that we can do is to uphold the law
And the law is very clear that murder is murder For everybody and it should be for anybody and no matter what tool you use
Even if that tool is an abortion pill We have done an amazing job in North Dakota defunding
Planned Parenthood and passing bills that that got them out of this state and Yet we're gonna
Say that this is too extreme. This is This is harsh to actually penalize a criminal law is a teacher
Our law is in place to teach people what is right and what is wrong and to continue to leave a loophole
Allowing a mother to think that this murder is somehow Okay, and and are they just mercy kill even son because God is a
God of mercy No, absolutely not. He requires Justice and he requires us to repent of our sin and truly be sorry for it for that mercy to kick in and For that forgiveness to take place
We have an opportunity before us today to be the most legendary state in the nation to say that we'll actually
Stand behind our pro -life stance Instead of just go around campaigning for ending abortion in our state
We're actually gonna do it because the bill is before us to do it Now again, maybe I'm not the face who wanted to get credit for doing this but I'm asking and imploring you to do the right thing for these children to do the right thing and tell these mothers the truth and Pass this bill and be a light unto the nation to say we're willing to do
What seems quite uncomfortable? To undo a lie for the past 52 years
That even the public school has propagated because I recall in I think it was seventh eighth grade when we had the opportunity to do an argument
It was required to to write a paper arguing for one case over another case our class and every single class there forward was forbidden to Discuss the topic of abortion, you know why because it was decided by this lie
That Abortion is okay. We're not gonna let anybody debate it.
We're not gonna let anybody Decide to value life. We're only gonna decide for you that this is acceptable.
I Could take you down and I'm going to take you down the constitutional road Not only do we stand up here under God over under every prayer and pledge our allegiance under God to this
Awesome nation, but we took an oath of office When we stood here that we would uphold the
Constitution and under this article 6 of our Constitution under the authority of the
United States This Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the
Constitution or law of any state to the To the contrary notwithstanding the senators and representatives before mentioned and the members of the several state
Legislature and to all executive and judicial officers both of the United States and the several states
Shall be bound by the oath of office to support this Constitution let's flip over to the 14th
Amendment, which says no state shall make or enforce a law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States nor shall any state deprive any person of Life liberty or property without due process a law nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection
Under the law. I don't know how much more clear we can get that. There is no car vote for murder for anybody no matter what the tool an
Amendment 9 the enumeration and the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people
Our right to life is retained in this Constitution for everybody You cannot create laws that disparage them because somebody feels sorry for being pregnant because we won't tell them the truth
That maybe we should respect marriage. Maybe we should respect sexuality Maybe we should put it into law that it is murder for you
Also to kill your baby and I would venture to say that people would learn from that The 10th
Amendment the powers not delegated to United States by the Constitution nor prohibited to it By the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people
That means right there the only state right that we have is to make laws and rules that do not disparage the rights of others and to make
This carve out. It's always been unconstitutional. It's always been unlawful and The overturning of Roe v.
Wade proved that and We actually don't even have the state right to decide whether we want to continue allowing this murder to go forward
And that's why this bill is before us because we have to close the loophole. We have to be brave enough righteous enough and have enough integrity not only to our oath of office, but to all the claims of being pro -life and to being
Christian and Actually do what the Word of God says and in case you don't know if a baby at conception is human or not
I would like you to show me the first kangaroo or plant that came out of a woman's womb Psalm 139 13 through 16 is very clear for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful I know that full well my frame was not hidden from you when
I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the Earth your eyes saw my unformed body all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be
Mr. Speaker and members of the assembly Perhaps we have a workforce shortage because we're killing our children perhaps
Women are going to the IVF clinics because judgment is on their womb and God has effectively closed their womb
Because we are murdering Massive amounts of children in our nation and if we would repent and do the right thing
Maybe those people would actually get pregnant I can't promise you but I can implore God that he would remove his hand of judgment over this nation
Because he says if we will turn from our sin He will heal our land and I do believe he would heal the wombs of the childless
Thank You. Mr. Speaker. I pray and ask that each and every one of you will not be weaponized by popular opinion
You can't hide behind somebody else who told you to vote. No can't hide behind the governor who doesn't want this to pass
You will stand before God for your own choice And I I would ask you to go green on this bill and let's actually preserve the lives.
We say we care for Thank You Mr. Speaker Wow It's excellent, it's powerful
When's when's the When's the last time you heard someone speaking like that? On the floor of the
House or the Senate Just speaking that directly quoting scripture Calling people to repent of sin
Calling people to consistency and justice calling out the lies and the hypocrisy the inconsistency
There you go representative Lori van Winkle praise the Lord for you You'll be in the history books by the way for this
I mean God's gonna do with that what he will but you have to think that Someone speak in truth like that the
Conviction. Yeah that has to set in Yeah in the hearts and in the ears of everybody that's here and you know
Just reading from the Bible just reading Psalm 139 like letting that go forward across the floor
I mean, well, there's no prophetic vision people cast off restraint. Yeah. Yeah, big so much so many things that she said there like The like are we just is this is this like a mercy killing thing?
Like are we just making a carve out here because we feel sorry for them and and we're just gonna grant them this special privilege because Compassion, you know, this is just a mercy killing, you know, and man, so we need to just address
What's the issue? What's the problem? What does this keep happening like this and as if you've been following us
You know We've tried our very best to communicate Clearly and to distill the issues down and one of the things that we did last year or a year and a half ago
Is he put out a short? 30 minute long Online kind of tracked thing to explain the issue.
It's called the fatal flaw Lies laws and pro -life deception. So after this show go look it up an apology of studios on YouTube the fatal flaw lies laws
And pro -life deception we try to encapsulate the entire thing But Laurie brought it up right there when she talked about a protected class
That's that she's talking to a room of legislators who have ran on their pro -life stance.
They got votes Because of their pro -life stance they got donors because of their pro -life stance and what they argue for as pro -lifers is that what's in the womb is human from Fertilization that it's unjustified taking a human life.
And that's what you need to protect all Human life all human life is sacred and should be equally protected now they run on that and she presses on the core issue and that is that What we're saying here when we resist this bill is that we believe that there is a protected class of killers
That though we may call it murder And though we may say that yeah, if you kill a baby outside the womb you are guilty guilty guilty
No matter who you are They believe that though you kill somebody outside the womb as a mother you are guilty if you do it inside the womb
You're not guilty. You're a victim. Sweetheart. It's just amazing. Yeah, it really is. That's and that's the position
Look, no tinfoil hats here. No conspiracy theories. They have put it on the dotted line this is our position and if you watched the hearing stage of This particular bill in North Dakota.
You saw that that was what they were saying, right? It's the Catholic guy got ahead of the yeah, we're gonna play that.
Okay. Yeah, we're gonna play that's exactly right We're gonna play the show like this is their position Abortion is never being ended by the pro -life establishment
That's so far as their creed is what it is if they're not going to change their doctrinal statement then it's never gonna be abolished by them and it's because of what their creed is and their creed is that she is a victim and That she must never be punished and that we must protect her ability to do this without punishment.
That's their position That's their doctrinal statement. That's what they believe and that's what they fight for It's really not going too far to say that either.
It's a religious commitment at this point It for sure is you can't you can't pluck it out any other way because it's so deeply ingrained and deeply held
They hold it with fervor. They hold it with all the commitment that one would expect you hold a religious belief
Yeah, this is my primary commitment and I'm not letting that go. Yeah, it's part of their it's part of the list of commandments
It's their ethical system. That's what they believe This is how she should be viewed now from the Christian churches perspective
You tell a woman that she is not guilty for the murder of her child in the womb Then you are going against not only scripture, but the whole history of the
Christian Church. I mean from the earliest days That one of the earliest Christian writings we have is the
Didache and it mentions abortion calls it murder It's always been the position of the Christian Church. So this is murder that she's guilty.
She needs Jesus Yeah, it's documented if you tell her she's not guilty She doesn't need forgiveness like you don't you don't tell a victim to ask for forgiveness.
They're victims for crying out loud I mean, that's not what you do But what do we say like even though I you know, even though these people are saying like you're a victim, sweetie
I know that even within Roman Catholic even amongst Roman Catholic Communions Though many
Roman Catholics will say you're a victim, sweetheart. They have groups and talks and Communities where they actually try to minister to women who've had grief over their death of their child and they say you can have the
Forgiveness of Christ for that. So like which is it? Is she a victim or is it as in some of these
Roman Catholic groups? They're ministering to women saying I know you feel guilty. Jesus can forgive you for that. Which is it?
She a victim or she's forgiveness, which is it that she needs, right? and So that's the problem now just to illustrate it a little bit more of what
Laurie was up against and what we're gonna be up Against in every single state that we go to Here's a clip from the fatal flaw showing some footage from I think
Missouri, right? It was Missouri. Here we go Legislators are saying hey, you need to give us cover
So we're seeing pro -life organizations now coming out and opposing these bills publicly. Thank you.
Madam chair and members of the committee I'm Reverend Jeff Durbin I'm the head of end abortion now and I'm testifying on behalf of 60 million plus Murdered children in our nation.
This particular bill is just a bill of equal protection. That's it. It says something that's unassailable What's in the womb?
Of course, we believe is in the image of God what's in the womb? Incontrovertibly is a unique distinct human being we've been here in history before Members Only it was a different kind of human.
We used to say I know it looks like a person. It's not a person It's a black man. We drew a circle around ourselves and said it's human technically, but we can kill them
We can abuse them. They did it also in Germany. They said I know it looks like a human. It's not a human It's a
Jew. We all look back at those atrocities and that evil and tyranny and we say it's wicked
It's happening in our day. What this bill says is unassailable. What's in the womb is human from the moment of fertilization
I call you to establish justice. I call you to do your duty before God I call you to repent turn to Christ establish justice do what's right before God There's a day of judgment in history ahead of us.
I want to thank you so much for your testimony Missouri where we had we got a committee hearing there
And we saw that there were two of us that got to testify in favor of the bill
And then there were only two spots to testify against the bill and guess who it was It was the pro -life lobby
Missouri right to life Campaign life, Missouri came up and opposed the bill and said we do not support this bill
Go ahead when ready Thank You madam chair members of the committee for the record Susan Klein representing,
Missouri right to life I'm going on record in opposition to the prosecution of women
I believe that all of us are seeking the opportunity to save unborn babies
And we have done that in our laws We are part of the group of the national organizations as well as statewide organizations across the
United States That signed on to the paper that basically says we're we want to reach out to women and have compassion for them
And help them to see that they have alternatives to abortion But we don't want to prosecute them a lot of them are being coerced or forced to have abortions
And we are not going to participate in that so we were here for the bill SB 350 all right There's an example
We can multiply that over and over we have footage from Colorado the same exact thing happened in Colorado every year
It seems like we have new footage now to to show the world It's their position
It's the fatal flaw And this is why abortion is never going to be ended by the pro -life establishment not so far as they don't repent
Or so long as they don't repent of this inconsistency. What is the problem? We read at the beginning of the show today probably 1715 whoever
Justifies the wicked or some translations say acquit the guilty and Whoever condemns the righteous are both equally alike an abomination to the
Lord God sees it as loathsome detestable abominable For someone to say to someone who is guilty you are not guilty sweetie.
You're a victim yourself God says abomination And so as she mentions the you know the pro -life legislation that we're putting in that tries to you know
I mean honestly, it's regulating abortion is really what it's doing You know we're doing that in our laws
They're putting laws forward that are bills of partiality Unequal weights and measures.
I mean to what you can do a different ways to describe that I mean like you could say in respect to the fact that a law might say you can kill all the babies under 12 weeks
But not over 12 weeks or 21 weeks or whatever it might be well There's partiality there are unequal weights and measures in regard to the child you're saying
These kids but not these kids so not equal justice there, but then there's also the abomination of actually saying to a woman
Well, you are not guilty of murdering your child because you did it in the womb But if you had done it when it was outside the womb well, then you then would be guilty.
There's an unequal measure There's a there's a secret stone you're holding there's something that doesn't fit there, right?
It's it's not a it's not a proper weight It's not the same thing and so the whole thing through and through is something that God hates
And so what I've said oftentimes people say you know you're really gonna You're really gonna oppose these bills that like you know just try to incrementally bring it down I would say because they're unjust like that's it that it's give me a righteous increment
Give me give me something that is actual justice, and so why would you why would you oppose as a
Christian a bill? That says that you know you can't kill any baby over 12 weeks And I would say because it's partiality and God hates it on the last day
When that bill sits before the throne of God before the watching world in all of history God will
Show how much he hates that bill. He will condemn the bill as a matter of fact I want to put it this way because of what
God says in his word so clearly about his standards of justice These bills are so detestable in his eyes that the people who put them forth apart from repentance and Jesus for forgiveness and salvation
Will be judged by God forever for these bills That's how serious it is
Yes, these are bills that are an abomination in God's eyes. It is not justice. It is injustice
God hates it in Isaiah chapter 1 God says cease to do evil learn to do good seek justice correct
Oppression bring justice to the fatherless that's God's call to the people of God and so yes the church is supposed to be about correcting oppression and seeking justice and bringing justice to the fatherless and This is not faithfulness when you have a bill that says justice for the fatherless justice and equal protection and then the representative from the pro -life organizations in Missouri comes forward and says
No, not justice. Why because we need a protected class. The mother must be able to kill her child
What does she say? She said we want her to have choices Choices No, no, that's not that's not what we want.
We do not want her to have the choice To murder her child that shouldn't be allowed. We don't want to offer that choice.
We wanted to say it's criminalized It's wrong now Lori made a good point if you guys were listening to her testimony a little bit ago
Lori made a good point about the law teaching the law teaches people what is right?
What is wrong? I was so blown away. I got to find it. I got to find it play for you. I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna do it as a matter of fact Talk for a minute about the whole well
I find the video talk for a minute about the whole issue of the law teaching and being something that Stops people from doing evil.
Yeah, let's talk about that for the law. Well, the law has several functions You know, it is a deterrent.
It's an instructor. It's a teacher So it teaches us what's right because it defines a standard by which to measure the difference between right and wrong
And so when you're drawing the line in the sand you shall not murder There's God's standard and so you are teaching people by your law by implementing this law by continually proposing this law
That this is in fact the standard. This is what's right. And this is what's wrong and then coupled together with the
Sanction element when you break a law, there's a sanction right? There's a penalty for that That's what acts as a deterrent in God's law.
There are numerous descriptions of what happens when the just standard is Proposed and that is that it strikes fear into the hearts of people and it actually keeps them from doing evil
Right contrast that with Ecclesiastes. What does it say? It says that Because the sanction or because the sentence against an unjust deed is not carried out
The heart of man is fully emboldened to do evil. So there is in eagerness
There is a restraint taken away Because that sanction because that just law is not in put in place and it emboldens people to actually do evil
But the opposite of that would be the law acting as a restraining mechanism To actually hold back people's hands from carrying out injustice
So Paul tells us and in first Timothy chapter 1 that this is a chief function of the civil law
It is meant to act as that deterrent And then finally you have the law acting as something that does condemn us for those that do break it, right?
there is a sanction that the civil magistrate is to Carry out eventually for those who transgress
Yeah, I was gonna say we probably won't have time to get to all these videos today But that was one of the arguments being made on the floor yesterday.
Was this they acknowledged it. They said well, this is an enforceable Right. That was one of the arguments and it was like, what are you talking about?
And so it going off what you were just saying like it is a deterrent, right? This is a long place then there shouldn't be these things happening in there's in their argument was literally like well
This isn't enforceable How are we gonna enforce this and it was just it was an awful argument I've never I don't think we've heard that one.
I think that was the first I was a new one Yeah, and they all and they stand on this too
They say well women have been lied to for 52 years and now we're gonna go back and tell them that it's wrong
Well, yeah The law is a teacher. So if we've instructed them for 52 years that it's wrong
How do we turn the tide and instruct them? That it is against the law Well, you have to make a law that publishes the standard that teaches them that it's wrong
That's right. Maybe they think it's okay because for 52 years our laws have said this is okay to do.
Yeah when someone says a Stupid bootleg argument like that Best thing to do is just simply say now do slavery, right?
You can argue like that around slavery like well, you know Everyone thought it was and you know, you're just gonna you're just gonna abolish it trot that toddler out
All right, so I wanted to show this you guys if you I know many of you didn't get a chance to see this
But you need to so I want to just say that when I watch this
I had tears in my eyes because seeing where Abby Johnson has come from and where she's at now is
Such a blessing. It's such a gift to see to behold Abby Johnson well -known ex
Planned Parenthood worker quit Planned Parenthood started fighting. She's one of the most well -known
Talking heads of the pro -life establishment. She's got the movie. What's the movie called unplanned, right?
Yes, unplanned. I went to the theaters and everything's well -known pro -life darling and She now is consistent and It's upset a lot of people in the pro -life establishment
Yeah, she now is consistent and this was such a blessing to see because for years, you know and it's you know,
I can understand in some respects like, you know, Abby had made a lot of comments publicly about abolitionists and You know, there were a lot of abolitionists were rather abusive to her and I so I can understand in some respect like, you know her revulsion in in many ways
You know even just against the behavior of certain people that it came against her But at the same time there's a lot of people speaking truth to her and she was still just rejecting it flat -out and she was
Doing the party line saying, you know, you can't you can't punish a woman for killing her baby well Praise be to God Many believers were able to speak into her life
Yeah, and she was able to see the inconsistency and she's boldly turned from it And so this is Abby Johnson this and we talk about the law being a tutor
Yeah, Abby says it here right and I want you to hear when she's what she says this is her this is the press conference you see
Bradley Pierce is here money is here and Representative money and Abby Johnson Abby Johnson takes a moment here to speak and listen to what she says
My name is Abby Johnson, I am a former Planned Parenthood director and Unfortunately, I am also a woman who has murdered two of her children by abortion
There are some people in the conservative movement and even in the pro -life movement who would say that a bill like this is not
Compassionate but I have a response to that If abortion would have been illegal in the state of Texas I would have never ever walked through an abortion door.
I would have I would have thought oh my gosh If there was a possibility that I could have been criminalized for my actions
I would have never had an abortion and if I would have never had my first abortion
I would have never worked for Planned Parenthood and if I wouldn't have worked for Planned Parenthood I would have never had my second abortion if I would have never worked for Planned Parenthood I wouldn't have the souls of 22 ,000 babies weighing on my conscience for the rest of my life.
I Believe that the criminalization of abortion I believe that equal protection under the law for all
Texans is the most compassionate thing that we can do not only for the pre -born but also for mothers
So that they do not have the weight of abortion weighing on their lives for the rest of eternity
Bradley Pierce president There you go. That's the that's the compassionate position is saving women from a lifetime of shame and regret
That's the compassionate position. Oh, that was such a blessing such a blessing to see Abby Johnson Taking that position now.
Oh, well, you could see we're being We're being shadow banned right now. I think was that last week?
Yeah, that was two weeks ago two weeks ago. Yeah Look at the numbers you mentioned pro -life in the thing.
Oh, yeah, I saw that I knew it was gonna happen I mean YouTube is still on their thing with the algorithm. You mentioned pro -life and you're just getting killed.
Yeah So I wanted everyone to see that that's very encouraging so I wanted to play for everybody this particular clip
Well, let me let me do this for fun. First. This was a I love this man so much This was great.
This is This is
Bradley Pierce Well It was
Bradley Pierce. No, is this where he went? You got a you got a pull right there, but it's not I'm clicking it.
Nothing's happening Let's see, I'm gonna try to reset that and see if anything happens.
Nope. All right. Well scratch that we're not gonna get that today I think Zach sent the link for another there you go.
This one's gonna work Okay, so this one won't everyone to see this is let me read let me read a What they said the
Foundation to Abolish Abortion said this is Christopher Dodson a these the co -director and general counsel of the
North Dakota Catholic Conference Testified this morning against legislation in North Dakota that would equal to protect pre -born babies under the law
This was the hearing stage of the bill in North Dakota. This guy's a Roman Catholic he's the general counsel of the
North Dakota Catholic Conference and Let's just go ahead and play through his comments because we have a lot to say about them.
Here we go Co -director and general counsel of the North Dakota Catholic Conference and I can tell you there is so much with which
I disagree from the previous speaker but The Catholic Conference also opposes this bill
The conference is firmly committed to building a culture of life by advocating for legislation
That ends abortion and provides support for women in need so that abortion becomes unthinkable
Although we support some of the supporters of this bill desire to end all abortion. This bill is not an acceptable means to that end
The central problem with House Bill 1373 is the imposition of a criminal punishment on women who have abortions
There you go. He said it out loud No tinfoil hats here no conspiracy theories.
This is their position. It's their dogma. It's their doctrine. It's their creed So the central issue
The central issue is that a mother who takes life for child in the womb would be seen as culpable morally culpable and guilty
They don't want that so stop sending money to pro -life groups
Stop doing it. The pro -life establishment has a doctrine. They are in lockstep together
You have to stay in lockstep with them or you'll be like Georgia right to life Georgia right to life had to separate from national right to life and the other pro -life organizations because their thinking got fixed and They're no longer part of the club because they can't they're not part.
They don't hold to the party line They they're apostates. Okay in that communion. And so this is the central thing
It is the fatal flaw the pro -life establishment stop sending him your money. They are not trying to abolish abortion They don't want to abolish abortion.
They want the woman to be able to do this in perpetuity with impunity and immunity That is their position.
They do not want it to end with equal protection for the baby in the womb. He just said it out loud
The Catholic Church has consistently held that for pastoral moral and prudential reasons
The law should not criminalize the woman in most cases. If not all she is an abortion second victim
Our experience did he just say in most cases if not all hold on I thought
I heard that I'm reminded now of it. Let's try that again. Let me back it up Let's try it again. Not all she is an abortion second victim
Let's do it moral and prudential reasons The law should not criminalize the woman in most cases if not all she is an abortion second victim in most cases
If not all she's abortion second victim. How do you know that? This guy has never stood outside of an abortion mill.
Nope Or if he did he was too busy outside the abortion mill doing something else
Maybe praying rosary or something or sitting silently saying nothing because he was actually trying to communicate with the women going inside He would hear what we have heard
Hundreds and hundreds of times that they know that it is their baby and that they have a right to kill their baby if they
Want to I mean we have so many videos up of us on college campuses outside of abortion mills
Well, you've heard with your own ears and seen it with your own eyes the women saying very clearly they know it's a baby
They have a right to murder their baby. That's what they're fighting for and So when someone like this gentleman says this
I think have you not had a conversation? With a woman who's about to kill her baby via abortion because this is this is known and it's common
Everyone understands this who's out there trying to plead for the lives of these babies Second victim you're gonna equate the mother who willingly takes the baby into the abortion mill
You're gonna equate her put her on the same ground as her baby who is being dismembered. That is disgraceful disgraceful
Such an injustice to make a comparison between the child who has his head crushed and his guts torn from his abdomen you're gonna compare him to the woman who willingly and Unjustifiably took him into an abortion doctor to separate his limbs from his body
This is disturbing and I know in history when we're a hundred years two hundred years from now We look back on this atrocity at people will be so disturbed by these kinds of comments.
So disturbed Our experience as counselors spiritual advisors and caregivers to women who have had abortions
Tells us that the decision to have an abortion is often the result of intense pressure
Coercion by others and a fear -driven attempt at self -preservation all in a culture of lies
Let's talk about that. Yeah, that's Yeah Self -preservation we understand that Oftentimes I would say a lot of maybe
I don't even know what percentage to put on it But somebody who engages in murder at any age
Stage 25 30 35 40 they'd probably say the same thing in some way some form of self -preservation was the reason
Yeah, sounds like evolution. Yeah, right some form of self -preservation was the reason it's fundamentally anti gospel, right?
So you're you're my life at your expense. Yeah. Yeah, right you die so that I can live survival the fittest
Yeah, you die so I can live coercion Pressure coercion, right and your resistance sir to the bill of equal protection
That would provide justice for the child is actually aiding and abetting. It's helping the coercion
Yeah, because you killed the bill of justice for the children You work to kill it and you don't want equal protection for the child.
There is no meaningful legal remedy against coercion Here's why if the baby does not have equal protection under the law
Then you are allowed to coerce and to do it with impunity But if you give the baby equal protection under the law
Then the law can protect the child against the coercer the person who's trying to take the life of the child
That's how the law works. Yeah, if it's not illegal for her to do it It's not illegal for anyone else to force her to do it.
Yeah, and and so all the stuff of you know, they're coerced Okay, you want to stop the coercion give equal protection to the child that'll stop the coercion sex traffickers pimps all that stuff
If someone's trying to push that woman towards abortion put a gun to her head or something They kill this baby then she has a protection of the law.
The government can protect her from the coercer It is your position that actually aids and abets in the coercion of abortion it you you haven't helped the situation and so he says more and this is cooking this was
This was one of the arguments that they brought up on the floor was a legislator said well,
I'm not voting no because This doesn't punish the men
It's just misunderstanding It was corrected thankful on the floor, but it's it goes the same thing as what he's saying
It's like no. No, actually this would this would punish the man. Yeah, that's the whole point. Yeah Murdering anyone should be legal for everyone
That's it like there's the equal protection right there murdering anyone should be legal for everyone The everyone part is essential in this everyone man the woman the abortionist doesn't matter who you are
What gender what class didn't make a difference? It's conduct You cannot murder take the life of another human being unjustly.
You can't do it It's not allowed no matter who you are. That's equal protection. That's actual justice Yeah, find yourself in this discussion just summarizing it like that like what there's one side
Zeroing in on one party. Mm -hmm the woman and then there's the other side saying nope criminalize the action for everyone.
Yep seems simple enough We want full equality under the law
We want everyone to have their right to be a moral agent and participate in the justice system. There you go simple
About the choices before her and society that too often leaves her alone with her so -called choice
Criminalizing her only compounds to victimization and serves no purpose Yes, abortion is a grave moral wrong.
Not every moral wrong. However demands a corresponding penalty in the civil law It's a grave
Moral wrong, but it doesn't mean it needs to be punished never understood that Never understood the separating if it's a moral failure if it's a sin
God also calls it a crime. Yeah. So how do you separate the two the key issue here? Is that yes, there are
Sins in the Bible that are not crimes right, but every crime is a sin and So like someone says, what do you mean?
Like some sins are not crimes. We're like coveting, right? There's no there's no penalty. No sanction.
No sanction for coveting I mean before God you'll get it but not in this life.
And so there's that's a sin And so that's that's you know, that's that's important to note, but he says this he says specifically it's a grave
Yeah Moral wrong grave. Can you tell me any other grave?
Moral wrongs or evils that are not punished Like, you know, this this is what's important here to discuss when he will say it's a grave moral wrong
But like she should be able to do it without punishment. I want to say do you treat Any other grave moral issues like that?
Like can we put some on the table here? Can we say robbery or let's say rape rape or Kidnapping molestation
Are any of those grave moral wrongs? Yeah, and we criminalize those I want to see put put this gentleman's argument in a different class of crimes and say does it work there?
Right. Can you can you say in the say robbery context? Can you say you know, the problem is is that he's been lied to he grew up in the ghetto
He's been lied to his whole life He was raised in the context of just being lied to and so he's kind of a victim to the culture
He was raised and he's a victim to like the lies of the community around them You know, I know that he robbed and beat that person, but you got to understand he's a victim of his circumstances
And so we don't want to punish him, but nobody would say that nobody would say yeah You know being around evil, you know bad company corrupts good morals.
We understand that that doesn't mean that now You're no longer culpable for your immorality Right. You're still a culpable moral agent
You are in the image of God and we still punish that person even though yes without question if you took my son
Raised in a Christian home safely Under the hearing of the Word of God in the gospel and I planted my little five -year -old son right now in say a rough neighborhood
In DC or Chicago, he would have a heart attack putting him alongside some of the kids that are his age that have to grow up really strong and really tough and and and have
A particular culture they've been raised in where they have to like it many times. They're in fear for their own lives
They have to develop a certain way about themselves My son would be terrified because he's never been around people that have to be
Like that to survive daily like it's a hard place. I grew up in DC It's a it's a really dangerous place to go to Southeast DC It's very scary to be there at times.
And so yeah, I acknowledge that kid who grew up in the ghetto and Around this particular context.
I don't care what kind of ghetto was call it a white ghetto a black ghetto to make a difference It's just the culture in the context He has been raised around a certain community that believes certain things and there's bad influences
And yes, a lot of that's affected him. No question about that It doesn't mean that when he's 15 or 16 years old and he robs and beats up innocent person on the street that we say
Oh, well, you know, he's a victim of his circumstances. You say you're guilty and you are going to now see
The strong end of the law because of this that's how it works. This guy's would never make these arguments in any of the context
Why is he making them here? Right because in his mind he holds a distinction between the child in the womb
Yeah, and people outside the womb that's right exactly that's the answer is he holds a distinction that God himself does not hold
Yeah, God himself Treats people in the womb and out of the womb the same
Even using the same language to describe them in Scripture. Yeah, right human being from conception, right?
can't get away from that so you in so doing by holding this unbiblical doctrine are
Putting a distinction in place that God himself does not hold. Yes. Here we go Moreover civil law must further a legitimate purpose and extend only so far as necessary to achieve the desired end
Since she is one of the victims criminalizing a woman who has had an abortion does not further the interest of justice
So we can take down your argument easily here if your premise is wrong
Then the rest of your argument is wrong And so what you're showing here is not that you have a coherent argument and you're being consistent
It's that you have a presuppositional Commitment to a premise and that is that she is a victim.
So the rest of your argument falls apart, right? You say we can't criminalize her because she's a victim. I'm going okay.
I want to challenge that She's unjustly and willingly taking the life of her child in the womb that is not the status of a victim
It's just not and so you can say well, we can't criminalize her because she's a victim But I'm going to challenge that premise. Is she a victim?
Let's talk about that according to God's Word. Is she a victim? No according to all of our standards in the justice system as somebody who
Willfully takes the life of her child in an unjustified manner Are they a victim not according to our justice system not according to our justice system that has women behind bars today
For killing their children and taking their lives and just I just read an article today Just saw it just saw it today a woman who had four children
She shot and killed three of them murdered them and then murder -suicide killed herself, right?
Now everyone sees that and goes that's horrific. That is horrific. How could a woman do such a thing? Everybody that reads that story goes this woman murdered her children and everyone knows she's guilty
Right, everyone knows that if she had not killed herself, where would she be? Behind bars right now about to see justice
That's how we all see it. Even unbelievers see it that way and this man you said it right has a distinction outside the womb
Justice inside the womb no justice and that's the truth. That is the truth of his position No justice for the child in the womb.
They don't want it Stop, I pray you stop sending your money to these people.
They are lying to you They are not trying to stop abortion. They are trying to stop the abolition of abortion
That's why he was there. They're bigots with born privilege Hmm, they don't want the same or that they don't want the baby in the womb to have the same protections that they hold for themselves
It's bigotry. It's discrimination. Yeah Punish the woman as criminal is unnecessary.
It is enough to extend criminal culpability to the abortionist who is why? Why It's not it's not necessary for the woman.
It's enough to do it to the abortion doctor I want to ask this gentleman. Do you know of any abortion doctors that are running around neighborhoods?
Trying to look for kids to kill No, no, actually, it's the women. It's the women who make the appointments
Drive to the abortion facility and willingly offer their child as a sacrifice to the assassin
Abortion doctors aren't running around neighborhoods looking for children to kill they have air -conditioned offices.
Yeah, they're just receiving clientele Yeah, and who's bringing hired assassin who's bringing them? So why is he guilty from murdering the child, but she's not guilty
He can't answer that question and a man like this would never ever ever stand in public debate with someone like us
Because they could not they could not stand the cross -examination Their position is
Futile it is fallacious. It is inconsistent. He knows it and everybody who's listening knows it it's compromise the wrongful actor
To say that a woman who has had an abortion should not be punished in the civil law does not mean that she has acted without fault
Her acts is terribly wrong. However compassion not wait amazing.
Wait, wait, wait She's a victim the vast majority of them are victims
But to say that she's not at fault, you know, she's at fault. She's done something wrong Yeah, you can't hold both of them trying to make those things work
She's a victim, but she's at fault Which is it? Can't decide can you and the reason that you have this problem this tension?
Yeah It's not because this is really that difficult to work out is that you have a dogma you have a creed you have a doctrine you have a confession of faith worldview and These two things do not work together and this is why this man and people like him will never abolish abortion
They will never end it and this is why the church is actually going to abolish abortion and it's happening now
It's we're getting there people are being transformed because you know, people are seeing us and going That doesn't work.
Abby Johnson did Abby Johnson was in the same campus him until recently Abby Johnson was just like him
She made things very difficult. She made things hard for us and She's changed now praise the Lord for what
God's done in her and that consistency and People are leaving and they're seeing it now
Lila Rose starting to see it Abby Johnson starting to see it people are seeing it now and saying This is a major problem and this will never end abortion.
That's the issue Desire to punish should be our guide and our response to her.
We should be mindful Christ's response to the woman accused of adultery This is always the go -to this
You know, I can tolerate a lot of things I can tolerate a lot of things But abusing the text of Scripture in an effort to maintain the injustice towards children
This I cannot I cannot stand. I don't suffer this. Well the abuse of Scripture And the well, let's we'll get into that whether or not
The abuse of this story in an effort to to maintain the injustice against the pre -born is just is something
I cannot suffer Well here it is Either do I condemn you? This compassionate approach to post abortive women has been the approach of the pro -life community at large just before the release of the 2022
DOPS decision that overturned Roe v. Wade 75 pro -life leaders signed an open letter to state law
Urging them to oppose legislation that were criminalized or punished women for obtaining an abortion that was against us
Yeah, that was against our bill. That was against our bill. Okay back up here I thought he said more about the account of the adulterous woman.
I Feel like I heard him say more. He's referring to the neither do I condemn you, right?
I felt like he said more about it though. He might after this but let's start to address it So first and foremost the account of the adulterous woman the first thing is if you look in your
Bibles modern translations that section will generally be bracketed and You know limited portions of Scripture that are like this if you know the transmission of the text of the
Bible it is glorious It's amazing Nearly close to 6 ,000 Greek manuscript pieces and copies that are
New Testament coming up through history Some of them coming closely to the writing the time of the writing of the autographer
It's itself or themselves it the massive text of the transmission of the text is glorious So when you have like copyist errors misspellings or a scribe misses a line
You've got this whole other mass of testimony where you're able to see and get back to what the original actually said because you've got
So many copies you can compare the companies see copies see these were earlier this mistake creeps in we know that that's a later
Mistake and and so we know this was original you can get back to the original text because of the manuscript transmission
Okay, so you do have Some you have like the account of the adulterous woman the longer ending of Mark where you see that bracketed in some modern
Bibles what that means is is that those don't exist in the earliest manuscripts that we have and The account of the adulterous woman is something that's interesting.
It actually floats around in the manuscript tradition. Here's my view of it Okay, I think the account of the adulterous woman actually happened personally
I think that stories oral traditions and stories about some of the stuff that Jesus did pass down through Christian communities
Like for example the end of John John said Jesus did so many other things that like, you know If they were written down the whole world couldn't hold the books, right they couldn't hold all the material of what
Jesus did I think there's a lot of things outside of Scripture that Christians just passed down and I think the account of the adulterous woman is Probably something that actually happened, but it wasn't actually inspired and written in Scripture.
It just it Ascribed probably wrote the story into it because you know You don't have a lot to work with a scribe probably wrote a story of the adulterous woman the tradition passed down and then it just floats around manuscripts because everyone's like Where's that come from?
Where does that go? I don't know kind of see where it just sort of it just sort of moves around Manuscripts and then it finally finds a home and lands there
And so here's what I'm saying. I think the account of the account of the adulterous woman actually happened personally. I believe that But is it inspired
Scripture again? There's the debate however This man abused that story
This man abused that story That's not what Jesus was doing Jesus did not come and subvert the law of God listen if Jesus subverted the law of God Then Jesus would not be the
Messiah and in Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 through 19. Jesus says Explicitly do not think man.
I'm a set day. Do not even begin to think don't let it even enter your mind I've come to abolish the law or the prophets.
I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them and So Jesus says explicitly don't you dare even think that I've come to abolish the law?
You know what? The law says equal justice. I for I tooth for tooth your eye shall not pity in justice
Your eye is not supposed to feel sorry for somebody who is guilty of a crime. You must protect victims rights.
No pity No pity and justice. You were not allowed to do that. It's against the law of God. Justice is justice.
No pity I for I tooth for tooth equal justice equal scales. That's what the law of God says
It says you shall show no partiality in judgment That's what the Word of God says and in the story of the adulterous woman.
This is interesting. You have this mob also a violation of God's law a
Mob who in the streets brings a woman that they supposedly caught in the act of adultery, right?
And they're gonna kill her. They're gonna stoner. They're gonna give her the death penalty because adultery was a death penalty crime Alright, here's what's interesting about that story when they say we caught this woman in the act of adultery
Then question according to the law of God, where's the guy? Where's the at Right, where's the guy in the story?
Why isn't the guy there? furthermore, you can't just have mob justice according to the law of God happening in the streets if Jesus went along with what they were doing
He would be violating the law of God because you also need a judge You also need cross -examination of the witnesses the witnesses have to be tested themselves
People can't according to the law of God just suddenly say hey Jesus we found her doing, you know
Adulterous things all of us did sure. So can we kill her now? That's not what the law of God says You can't do that. No mob justice.
You cannot do that. Also, where's the guy again? We caught him and we caught her in the act of adultery
Where's he at right because that would also that would mean that there's two perpetrators two people that are up for justice Where's the guy?
Do you think that Jesus was gonna play into their mishandling of the Word of God and law of God? To get away with this.
No Jesus. I believe the story actually happened and I believe that it's a solid tradition and I believe that that story shows
Jesus knows the law of God. He's not playing into this He's not playing because he could say hey, yeah, you know, right?
She's guilty of adultery So, you know, it is a death penalty thing. So y 'all go ahead guys throw the rocks He'd be violating the law of God right if he said that right because mob justice not allowed.
Where's the judge? Where's this cross -examination the witnesses the victim has rights? Where's the other guy or where you know, the accused even has rights
So no, Jesus was not subverting the law of God and saying guys guys Look, I know she's truly guilty of adultery y 'all have clearly proved that according to biblical standards
And so, you know, let's just go ahead and give mercy. Whoever's without sin cast the first stone No, Jesus was confronting their their hypocrisy and actually they were violating the law of God.
This man just abused scripture He just abused the Word of God in that text in order to maintain the injustice against these children shameful shameful
Do you think that Jesus? The one who gives us the law is going to deny the standards of his own law
That says that it's life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth and that you shall not show partiality and judgment
Do you think that Jesus is going to subvert the standards of his own justice system? He's set up.
Do you think he's gonna do that? No way. Let me say Say this if this guy's position if we were to take it and say, you know
I think you got a good point then Jesus isn't the Messiah Right because Jesus cannot contradict the law word of God and still be the
Messiah He can't he can't and he said so he said I did not do not even begin to think that I've come to destroy the
Law of the prophets had not come to destroy them, but to fulfill them. He should in that moment He shows himself to be the champion of God's law.
Yeah, he's actually upholding it and saying well There's no legal grounds for a case here Right because these conditions are not met.
Mm -hmm Where are your accusers? Well, they're gone now. Yeah, right. So then
I don't accuse you right, right? Yeah resolved situation resolved Beautiful.
I thought we all should have handled the me too movement. That was like like the OG response to the me too movement
Yeah, like look at the example of Christ not being moved by the model. Mm -hmm, right not being moved by Not being moved by you know untethered empathy
Yeah, right just being steered and controlled through do this do this do this and noise and you know
Yeah, all the rest like we're gonna control you because you need to care you need to Join in on this
Emotional frenzy going on and show compassion, right? It's a powerful thing to think about The signatories include the u .s.
Catholic bishops National Right to Life Committee Susan B Anthony list the pro -life action league and virtually every major pro -life
Organization nationwide the statement is attached to you. And so there you go
That might be the worst argument for his position yet right there at the end was well the reason we don't support this is because 70 -something pro -life groups don't support it.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that was Bradley's assistant. We're sitting right behind him and He's a big old big old kid and I kept waiting as soon as that guy started saying crease
Have you seen get his phone out and he's like, yeah And I'm just waiting for me get like the hook like exit stage left with this guy.
Yeah Nice kid. Oh guys such an encouragement though To see what took place in North Dakota yesterday
If you guys are just hopping on to the broadcast do we get off here in a minute here? Do rewind this thing refresh it watch the whole thing.
See what happened in North Dakota with representative Lori van Winkle It was an incredible incredible thing everybody
Please also go to end abortion now calm to give because we have a lot of work ahead of us It costs a lot of money to go to these states to get these bills in and to make sure that they're gonna pass
And also to help all the churches globally that are starting this work to save lives at the abortion mill
We need your help. Please join us go to end abortion now calm to do so I wanted to also announce to everybody that I am wearing my my
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Next up also speaking of Bradley Pierce. You can go to a heritage defense org If you homeschool your kids, please sign up with them
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I'm excited to announce we have a new partner for the next 10 weeks up until reform con I talked to Stewart this last week.
He's actually a good. He's a pastor in Louisiana and a friend of Brian Gunther So anyone that's a friend of Brian Gunther is a friend of ours.
Yeah page 50 It's a full -service marketing and media production company that wants to help
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Who would have thought you can go to page 50 comm? Check them out. They do some great work and we're glad to be partner with them
They will be at reform con so you can come meet him in person. Excellent. All right, everybody. Happy birthday bear. Thank you
Don't forget everybody next week Meet me Wednesday 11 a .m. In Austin, Texas at the
Capitol Southside for our rally for that bill there Representative money don't forget also everybody announced that to HB 523 with rich representative
Richard White has dropped in Kentucky at In Kentucky tomorrow and at Frankfurt at the
Rotunda at 8 a .m You're gonna have Christians and pastors abolitionists meeting in Frankfurt Kentucky at the
Capitol at 8 a .m. In the Rotunda if you're in Kentucky get there they need you there
I know it's very last -minute, but that's how the things are working right now guys the bill drops We have to do press conferences or do rallies it is it moves very fast.
And so I know it's last -minute I just found out some of these details and some of these things and so if you're in Kentucky get there tomorrow 8 a .m
In Frankfurt at the Rotunda if you're in the state of Texas meet me in Austin next week
Wednesday 11 a .m At the Capitol Southside, that's the bear. Peace out. I'm Jeff the commoner ninja and that's Zachary Conover See you guys director communications the end abortion now.