Encouragement for Kevin DeYoung - Press On Brother

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right. Well, I just want to do a really, really quick video because I have to be done for the day very shortly.
But I just wanted to make this comment for Kevin DeYoung, just to encourage him.
If any of you know him or follow him or whatever, feel free to share this with him because I think you'll find it encouraging.
I do. In fact, I sent him a copy of my book. I like Kevin DeYoung. I don't know if you guys knew that, but I've done videos about Kevin DeYoung, things
I like. I don't agree with everything Kevin DeYoung does or says, obviously. It's stupid for me to even have to say that, but I just feel like the need to do it.
I don't know why. He's definitely Big Eva. There's no question about it. But if I had to single out the single best
Big Eva person, it would be Kevin DeYoung. Kevin DeYoung has done some really good things in terms of the opposition to the gay pastor stuff in the
PCA. He's been a force to be reckoned with on that. I've done content on that before.
But anyway, the reason why I wanted to do this video is because Duke Quan, the guy who sounds like the dude from the
Jonestown guy, he sounds like the Jonestown guy when he preaches.
And then Greg Thompson, that soy boy, typical Big Eva guy, they did a book on reparations.
And it's a topic that I've addressed many, many times. And Kevin DeYoung did a review of their book, and apparently he critiqued the book.
And as you might imagine, Kevin DeYoung, he does it from his perspective of very winsome, measured, nuanced, all that kind of thing.
And so they didn't like that. They didn't like that one bit. And I wanted to just read this quote to you about Kevin DeYoung.
And I just feel like that this is just so typical of the woke church perspective.
They get by saying that they oppose people like me because of the tone. I've had so many people say, it's not what you say,
AD. It's how you say it. And I've always known that that's a lie. It's about what
I'm saying. And I think they've kind of revealed their hand here a little bit. Listen to what they say of Kevin DeYoung's critique of them.
Quote, put most simply, our view is this. While Reverend DeYoung's subtitle indicates that he believes his review to be an expression of a theological project, we believe his review actually to be expressive of a cultural project that seeks to perennially to justify itself on theological grounds.
And that cultural project in one inelegant and highly disturbing phrase is white supremacy.
My kid is having some issues there. Let's pause this for a second. I guess he's okay.
Anyway, so he says this. He says, here's what we don't mean. We don't mean in any way that Reverend DeYoung in his private views, personal relationships or public ministry believes or behaves out of the conviction that white people are inherently superior or that non -white people are correlated, correlatively inferior.
Indeed, the review itself explicitly declares his convictions to the contrary. We believe him to be a good and faithful man who resists such heresy and who powerfully proclaims the universal glory of the
Imago Dei with integrity and truth. But here's what we do mean. Though we believe that he neither sees it nor intends it,
Reverend DeYoung in his review methodologically centers whiteness at every turn. Let me just get to the quick here.
Reverend Kevin DeYoung, according to these two psychopaths, is a white supremacist, even though he doesn't think whites are supreme, even though he doesn't think blacks are inferior.
And even though he doesn't know it, he's still a white supremacist. He's still centering whiteness. And even though he says his problems with reparations are theological, really, it's just racial.
It's racist is what it is. He's not doing theology. He's doing white supremacy is what they're saying.
And so, guys, let this disavow any of you. When you get called the white supremacist bigot, when you get called a racist and they say, well, it's just how you're saying it or anything like that, it's not.
It's because you're not woke. So if you're not woke, then you're a white supremacist. There's no middle ground when it comes to these crazy people.
Duke Quan and Greg Thompson, they're devils. They live to accuse the brethren.
Even a guy that's so measured and calm like Kevin Young.
I mean, when it comes to style, me and Kevin Young could not be more opposite. We have very similar theology, not perfectly in line, but very similar theology.
But when it comes to style, we're the opposite. We're polar opposites. And it doesn't matter what your style.
It's because you disagree with them. And it doesn't even matter if you measure it or nuance it or or even say, hey, look,
I'm not a white supremacist, but this Bible verse seems to contradict what you're saying. They don't care what the
Bible says. They're going to say, I know you say it's theological. I know you say it's the Bible verse, but that's just because you're a racist interpreting the
Bible in a racist way, even without any evidence. There's no evidence. There's no there's no real reason.
It's just because you're disagreeing with their woke project. Then notice Greg Thompson is white, but he's completely cocked, obviously.
So so he's OK. He's a white guy. That's OK, because no matter what the woke church says, he's like, yes, sir.
Absolutely. You need me to do anything else like that's Greg Thompson's position. So as long as you're just willing to just say literally whatever you say,
I'll do it because I'm your I live to serve you black people. If you do that, then you're fine with them.
But if you don't do that, then you're a white supremacist centering whiteness. That's the position of the woke church.
It's that it's just that simple. It sounds stupid. How could it be that simple? It is that simple. If you agree with them at every point, except for one, let's just say you agree with them on everything except for reparations.
Well, you're still centering whiteness no matter how many verses you bring to the table, no matter how much good theology you bring to the table.
It's not about theology. It's because you're a white supremacist bigot. I hope this encourages Kevin Young.
I saw Dr. Andrew. He goes by respond with the quickness on Gab. He said,
I hope this encourages him to go further with his critique to do more that needs to be done because it's liberating almost when you realize that it doesn't matter how many
Bible verses you bring. It doesn't matter how airtight your logic is. It doesn't matter how good what you're saying is objectively because it's sometimes it's literally
Bible verses that don't really need to be nuanced too much or interpreted that aggressively.
Obviously, everything needs to be interpreted, but it's pretty straightforward. It's not a complicated Bible versus what
I'm trying to say. When you realize that their problem is with what God says, and it's not really with your tone or your style or your skin color, well, it is your skin color.
It's kind of your skin color, but when you realize that it's not really how you're saying it or anything like that, it's just they literally have a problem with the
Bible. They call biblical theology white supremacist. When you realize that that's what they're doing, you are free to say whatever needs to be said.
Kevin DeYoung, I really want this to encourage you. I think that you're doing a really good job with a lot of different things.
I think you could do more, and I pray that God encourages you and emboldens you through this ridiculous attack.
Obviously, they have no evidence that you're centering whiteness or you're a white supremacist.
None. They have none, because otherwise, they would have used it. You know what I mean? A lot of times, they just make up evidence, but I think they're trying to woo you to their side, which is why they're saying this in kind of like a ...
They're saying you're a white supremacist in a nice way, and instead of the way that they do with a guy like John Harris or a guy like me, they just make stuff up to make it seem like you're a white supremacist.
I remember one person told me that I was for sex trafficking. I was pro -sex trafficking. It was this lady.
Obviously, that's not true. I mean, I think that the kidnapping should be a death penalty offense. Obviously, that's not true, but they just make stuff up.
They don't care. When you realize that you're actually free and their real problem is just with God, you can say anything.
You could say whatever the Bible says, just believe it, and it's just liberating. When you actually are sold out to the scripture, it's actually kind of fun, because I know that God created the world in six days not that long ago, and it's great to say that.
It's like, no, obviously evolution didn't happen. That's stupid. It's freeing to just be able to say that.
You don't have to worry. I'll go, maybe, what about these millions of years? You don't have to worry about that nonsense. But anyway,
Kevin DeYoung, if you ever see this, I hope people will share it with him. I want this to be an encouragement to you. You're going to be attacked in increasingly aggressive ways, especially if you don't cave.
I don't think you will. I think you've got scruples. I think you've got backbone, even though you're way more nuanced and winsome than I am.
I think you've got scruples. You're going to be increasingly attacked, because they see you as a threat, because even normal people might not listen to the
Eddie Robles YouTube channel, especially because I do crazy music videos and entertaining type stuff.
But normies listen to you, Kevin. You've got a hearing with the normies. I think that they're going to ratchet up the rhetoric with you.
God bless you, brother. I hope you find encouragement in this and that you continue to do the things that need to be done.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. 10 minutes. God bless you all. And well, that's it. Well, I guess
I should sign off the way I normally sign off, right? I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.
Wait, not yet. I'm not doing it yet. Just want to say shout out to all you people who are in the comments.
Shout out. I'm not going to name you, because I don't know if you guys want to be named. But God bless you. Psycho Woods. Eggshell walking woke white folk.
God bless you, brother. Nicholas Proclaimer Messiah. You too. You have a name that's anonymous and also abiding in Christ.