Joni Lamb & Daystar Involved in Necromancy?


Daystar released a video of Joni Lamb claiming to receive a prophecy from beyond the grave from her dead husband Marcus Lamb who has something important to say to her and her new husband Doug Weiss. My friends this is further proof people need to tune out these hyper charismatic televangelists and get into a good local Bible believing church! Tags Pete Heresy Jimmy Evans Daystar Television Network Abuse Alleged Julie Roys


Hello and thank you for watching. We're going to do one more video on Daystar. I know I said I wasn't
I wasn't planning on doing any more about Daystar unless something big happened. And then I stumbled across this and this is big.
Joni Lamb, the leader of Daystar. She claims to be involved in necromancy.
Now she doesn't call it that, but that's what this is. She is speaking with the dead and she claims to receive this word prophecy, quote unquote, about the future.
And she received it from a dead person. Okay, so Joni Lamb claims to have this vision from beyond the grave where she is receiving words about the future and Daystar television network is promoting this as, oh, hey, look at this wonderful thing, even though the
Bible strictly forbids this and it calls it the book of Deuteronomy. The Lord calls it an abomination.
So we're going to look at Joni Lamb involved in necromancy. Here's the video.
We're using this under the fair use doctrine. So I'll play it and I'll stop and comment as we go.
Watch. I didn't know that I would share this virus. I'm sitting here. I felt like the Holy Spirit said, yeah, you can share this.
I had a it's this has been a couple of months ago, actually. I had a vision, a kind of a waking vision where I I don't know, it's a dream or vision.
But in the vision, I heard the voice of my late husband, Marcus Lamb. Okay. So someone trying to defend
Joni Lamb, let's say, well, it's just a dream and anyone can have a dream. She called it a vision. Okay.
She called it a waking vision. And yeah, anyone could have a dream, but she's telling the world this.
A matter of fact, she said, the Holy Spirit told me to share this. The Holy Spirit said, it's okay to share this.
And this isn't just a dream. She's calling it a vision. And she's, here's the point.
She's presenting this as though it really happened. And this is why it matters. She's presenting this as a true prophecy that the whole world, you should be looking for this event.
That's going to happen based on my dead husband. And he came to me and spoke to me and she's going to have a conversation with the dead.
This is called necromancy. Let's continue. I heard the voice of my late husband, Marcus Lamb, and it was very clear.
And it was, he sounded, I remember I didn't see him, but in the dream,
I heard him. And he said three things to me. The first thing he said was, um,
Joni, what was the number one thing that I taught you? And I immediately said persistence.
And he said, yes. He said, you must be persistent. Okay. So this is a real conversation.
He's not just talking to her. She's speaking back to him. So again, this is called necromancy.
We are not to communicate with the dead. Okay. This is strictly forbidden.
Uh, now the Catholic church is known to do this, where people pray to Mary, people pray to Joseph, people pray to dead
Popes. So people are now there are Catholics today, and this is nothing against Catholics.
We love them. We pray for them. We want them to come to understand the true gospel of salvation, you know, grace alone, faith alone in Christ alone.
But there are Catholics who pray to dead Popes. So there are Catholics today in the world who pray to Pope John Paul, the second, and this is not allowed by scripture.
Anyone who dies. Okay. They're either in one of two places, and there's no communication between us and them.
And you shouldn't try to have. Now, again, you can say, well, this is just a dream. And, uh, someone will, someone will try to defend her.
But again, she's saying, this is a vision and she's presenting it as though this is real.
It really happened. And a real prophecy, according to her is going to be uttered. Let's continue. He, the second thing he said to me was, it's okay to remind
God about those things that he's promised. It's okay. Not to keep asking him, but to, to remind him about those conversations you've had.
And then the third thing he said, which relates to what we're talking about now is he said, it was interesting because he said, you and Doug need to watch.
And it was something specific, like an international event. He said it's happening at 10
PM. So she says it's specific. Okay. This is a specific prophecy, but what is it?
An international event that's happening at 10 PM. That's not very specific.
Okay. That could, this is how these false prophets operate. They give a prophecy that's so vague.
Okay. It's so vague because let's face it. It's, it's always 10 o 'clock somewhere.
Right. There's that song. It's always five o 'clock somewhere. Well, it's, it's always 10 o 'clock somewhere.
And well, it's an international event. Well, the event has to happen in a specific location, but if it's international news, you understand the point.
This could literally be anything that happens anywhere, almost at any time, but maybe it has to happen at 10
AM or 10 PM. You know, at this, I don't know. It's so, again, it's so vague that it could pretty much be anything, but let's continue watching.
Wow. Wow. Well, I don't even know what that is.
Oh, 10 PM. Joni 10 PM is two hours before the midnight cry.
What's the midnight cry. Now maybe that's a big thing. Maybe that's an important thing. Maybe I should know what that is.
I don't, I have no idea what the midnight cry is, but 10 PM. Oh, that's two hours before the midnight cry.
And the host of the program's like, wow. Wow. Why is that?
Wow. Why is that significant? I mean, what if it was three hours before the midnight cry or six hours?
Joni, that was six hours before the midnight. So what? She doesn't explain why that would matter.
I can't see a reason why it would. And what is the midnight cry? None of this makes any sense, but she's putting this for, again, this is what false prophets do.
You know, they, she puts this forward. It's, it's nonsense, but to the naive gullible, you know, viewer of Daystar, wow.
Oh, two hours before the midnight cry. I can't even believe it. That's amazing.
Why is it amazing? Well, I don't know. Let's let's continue. 10
PM is two hours before the midnight cry. And anyway, in it, he said, you and Doug pay attention internationally, like keep your eyes, like what you, what you're saying here, take heed and really pay attention.
And so those were three things that he said. And I knew when I woke up that I wrote,
I wrote him down because the Lord, you know, speaks to me prophetically through dreams. And I knew there was an urgency even in heaven.
Okay. So that's not true. Joni is not hearing from God. I don't believe that for one moment. You ask, is she making this up?
Is she consorting with a demon? Is this someone will say, well, it's like a
Saul and Samuel and the witch at Endor. This really is Marcus Lamb. I mean, the Daystar viewers,
I'm sure are going to buy into this because they buy into everything else that she's selling them.
So here's the thing about Saul and Samuel, how did that work out? So this is how the encyclopedia
Britannica defines necromancy communication with the dead, usually in order to obtain insight into the future.
That's exactly what's happening here. This is the textbook definition of necromancy.
So what does the Bible say? Deuteronomy 18, by the way, this is the chapter that warns about false prophets.
That's no coincidence because false prophets are often involved in necromancy.
So Deuteronomy 18, 10 through 12, this is God speaking. He says, there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire or one who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells or a medium or a spiritist or one who calls up the dead.
And this is essentially, while Joni doesn't use the terminology of medium or necromancy, she is claiming to act as a medium because she's the medium and she's getting words from beyond the grave to her and she's communicating them to the living.
So dead to the living, she's in the middle, she's the medium. That's the claim without actually using the occultic terminology.
Verse 12, for all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord. That's what the
Bible says. Now, again, I can already hear people looking to defend
Joni Lamb and Daystar. They'll say, well, it's just a dream. She can't help what she dreams.
Again, she called it a waking vision and she's setting this forth and Daystar is setting this forward as a prophetic word.
I mean, I opened up the video with the screenshot of their YouTube video and it says right there,
I mean, they're claiming this is a prophetic word. So if somebody had a dream, let's say you had a dream and someone who is deceased is in the dream and they're talking to you.
Okay, people wake up, they think, oh, that was weird. And they forget about their dream or whatever.
You don't go, you don't go to other people. You certainly don't go on TV and tell the world this is a prophetic word from beyond the grave.
Like you don't do that. But that's what Joni Lamb is doing. That's why I'm saying this is necromancy.
She's not just saying, oh, this is a weird dream I had and that's it. It's just a dream. No, it's far beyond that.
You have to admit that. So in conclusion, this is how these hyper charismatics will often operate, that they hear from God and you can hear from God too.
They're getting visions and revelations and you should seek after these things as well.
And that's how people get sucked into this heretical system of theology. And I want to be clear,
I'm not saying this about all charismatics. There are many people who believe that the sign gifts of tongues and healings continue today.
And many of those people love the Lord. I'm not saying this painting with a broad brush against all charismatics.
But the people who lead the movement, especially the word of faith, televangelists, these people are wolves in sheep's clothing.
They give false prophecies. They live lives as we're seeing of greed and corruption.
So in conclusion, a lot of problems here. I could I could go on and on. But this is dangerous, dangerous stuff.
We need to get into a local Bible believing church. Tune out these people, these televangelists.
Read the Bible for yourself. Seek God. God is still speaking, but he speaks to us through his word.
So if you want to hear God speak, read the Bible. If you want to hear God speak audibly, read the