More proof of what abortion is really about
Is Donald Trump wins the election? The left is showing that they really know that abortion is nothing more than birth control.
- 00:06
- So, I just want to do a quick video because, well, it's always interesting when the left lets you know exactly who they are.
- 00:18
- So what we see now is that the left, as I previously mentioned, with Donald Trump winning, the left were showing us what abortion is about when they were saying that women should stop having sex because Donald Trump is going to put a stop to abortion.
- 00:40
- Think about that. Well, they've gone further because it is always fun to watch what the left will do when they get a little bit wacky and reality slaps them in the face.
- 00:54
- So yes, what is the left doing now? The left is encouraging women not only to not have sex with men, which by the way, every
- 01:04
- Christian conservative says amen to, please stop having sex outside of marriage, and then abortion won't be an issue, but, and by the way, neither would sexually transmitted diseases, but the thing is that now they are having, they're having their flutopian tubes removed because of their reproductive freedoms.
- 01:31
- Um, think about that because once those tubes are removed, you no longer have any reproduction.
- 01:39
- Yeah. So the left has lost their minds yet again and are encouraging women to permanently sterilize themselves so that, why?
- 01:49
- Because if they can't have abortions, yes, that's right. They are admitting it, that abortion is their form of birth control and nothing more.
- 01:59
- That is why they fight for it. Not because they care about life or choices, it is purely because they want to have sex without consequences.
- 02:11
- That's what it's about. Now I kind of find it interesting, side note, uh, if the
- 02:18
- Democrats succeed in basically getting all of the women that vote for them to not have children ever again, yeah, not only are they killing off their future voting base, they're also preventing a future voting base from even being conceived.
- 02:38
- So yeah. What is it all about? Well, they're making it clear they want sex without consequences.
- 02:45
- That's what abortion is. So any argument that you hear of, you know, abortion or Planned Parenthood being needed for family planning or abortion being a healthcare, it is not.
- 02:58
- Because if it was, they would not be removing their fallopian tubes or denying sex just because of the fact that they want their abortions and they realize they may not be able to get them.
- 03:12
- By the way, the reality is they're also revealing that the reason they're going and encouraging women to have their tubes removed is very simple because they realize they don't want to stop having sex outside of marriage.
- 03:27
- That's what this is all about, folks. Let no one be deceived. Just a quick message from Striving for Eternity to remind folks that the left will always tell you what they really believe.
- 03:40
- We just need to start letting people know that, yep, they're admitting it. So why are people thinking they don't mean what they say?
- 03:52
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