The Tabernacle, Pt. 2 (11/14/1999)


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


The Tabernacle, Pt. 3 (11/14/1999)

You're Outlined there. We look at the tabernacle its meaning and its construction.
We'll start to getting into some of the more fascinating details The tabernacle, of course was ordered by God To be set up in the wilderness its plan of this construction was giving in the very minute detail to Moses It was attended, of course to be the official dwelling place of God in the midst of the nation of Israel it was a symbol we say a picture a
Type a foreshadowing it also as a prophecy of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross of man's redemption
The subject of the Bible is what the subject of the Bible is God Man and redemption.
I mean that generally speaking many other aspects of that The object of the Bible is where God comes to redeem sinful man
From his sin to redeem fallen man through the blood of his son The purpose of the
Bible the written word is to what Revealed to us the living word that we might see
God's Son understand God's Son and to know God's Son 2nd Corinthians 5 21
For he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin That we might be made the righteousness of God in him first Peter 3 18 for Christ also has once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the
Spirit as we've said the Tabernacle was God's visual aid to salvation what
God was doing He gave them a picture of it in the tabernacle Hebrews 8 5 says this who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle for See saith he that thou make all things according to the pattern show to thee in the mouth
So the writer of Hebrews tells us That Moses was going to do this and it was a shadow
Based upon God's divine pattern as I've said, it's called the temp of the testimony
It stood in the midst of the children of Israel to reveal them God's plan and God's purpose for them in Numbers chapter 9 verse 15
It says this and on the day that the tabernacle was raised up reared up the cloud
Covered the tabernacle namely the tent of the testimony and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire
Until morning so at dusk every evening until morning there was the appearance of fire over the tabernacle as God's presence
Indicated itself to these people as I said, the key to the tabernacle is Christ The key to the tabernacle is the
Messiah Remember, he came unto his own his own received him not but Romans 1 16 is still applicable
For I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ It's the power of God and salvation to everyone who believes to the
Jew first and also to the Gentile is for the Gentile But it's to the Jew first everything went to the Jew first and God has him
I'm sorry to say for you if you have otherwise and you're thinking but God had them in his mind first and God has a
Plan for them on this earth that has really nothing to do with you and me God has a plan for these people and he will deal with them according to that plan
Now the tabernacle was their gospel that occurred 1 ,500 years before it was ever done on the cross 1 ,500 years prior to that they had this picture now
We talk a lot about creation and creation is extremely important to us Isn't it that God created everything in the beginning
God created the heavens on the earth? But there are only two chapters in the Bible devoted to creation and yet you can't go to any school
Christian school, especially I mean, they spend weeks studying Christian and that's fine. We need to understand creation
But in the book of Exodus and the book of Leviticus alone, there are 43 chapters devoted to the tabernacle 43 chapters devoted to that Exodus 25 to 28
God tells the people how it should be built He tells about should be built and in Exodus 35 to 40
He tells them how to build it tells him, you know That should be he won't you I want you to do it and then tells him how to do it now in your
Bible 17 times the tabernacle is mentioned in saying that God told him to do it 17 times it said the
Lord told him to build it the Lord told him to build it now you and I who studied biblical Numerology, we know something about 17 don't let me give you a little fascinating fact 17 is the number for eternal security
Eternal security wherever you find 17 in the scripture It'll always have a connotation of security now if I would ask you you could probably give me but what would be the
Old Testament passage? That deals with eternal security They're probably several but let me just give you one that's best known
Psalm 23 Psalm 23 now there are 17 references the pronoun in there 17 and we know that what?
That God is the one that overlooks us and God is the one that takes care of us and it was the Lord doing all
Those things in Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd. Yeah, all these things we talked about Well, let me ask you a question, what is the
New Testament passage on eternal security Romans chapter 8 verses 37
Specifically 30 39 and there are 17 entities that says that can affect you as a child of God Neither height nor depth or width or breadth or limit nothing can why because you're in Christ Jesus Eternal security and I'm not surprised when
I come to the Bible that 17 times The Bible says that Moses made that according to the way God commanded
Because that was their security with God. It is constantly referred to in the New Testament and yet I'm astounded at how many people don't know much about this and many preachers don't see any significance in it
The book of Hebrews is not understandable without an understanding of the tabernacle You cannot understand the book of Hebrews without understanding the tabernacle.
It just doesn't mean anything It is the New Testament Commentary on what was going on in the tabernacle and yet if you and I can understand the tabernacle a lot of people
I've taught Hebrews as some of you have and it's amazing people say I don't understand it. I I read the book
I can't understand the book of Hebrews Hebrews. That's because you don't have a foundation the tabernacle is the foundation
So we're going to look at several things concerning the tabernacle. First of all, let's look at the meaning of it again
It is the place where God met the sinners Exodus 25 You have those scriptures in your outline Exodus 25 22 29 42 to 43, but where does he meet us now?
He meets us now in Christ doesn't second Corinthians chapter 919 he meets us now, but he met them there.
It is the place where God revealed himself to sinners But how does God reveal himself today?
Obviously, he reveals himself to Christ in him dwells the fullness of the Godhead Bodily, and it's the place where God dwelt with sinners
I mean those people were sinners and yet God chose to come down there and dwell with them And now what
I mean God speaks to us in Christ It is Christ through him that God speaks there.
God spoke to them personally God dealt with him on a personal level But today God doesn't deal with you basically as he did then he deals with us through his son the
Lord Jesus Christ It's a place where God accepted the sinners Leviticus chapter 1 verse 4 now
We are accepted in the beloved the book of Ephesians tells us we're accepted in Christ We know we are if we're a child of God, we don't have fear about that We know with all of our failings and with all of our faults
We are accepted by the beloved and then it's the place where God forgives the sinner and now he forgives us in Christ I wish people could understand
And I'll not go into all the details but it is just really astounding to me of how so many people are trying to turn us back to Rome and back to the
Roman Church and how people I met a lady called me the other day and talked to me about Counseling and about her family and all these things like this and her husband is a practicing
Roman Catholic And she says well, don't you believe that the Roman Catholic people are born again? I said
I believe that a Roman Catholic person get born again Sure, but they won't stay in the Roman Catholic Church because the
Holy Spirit leads into light not darkness He won't keep you in darkness. He won't let you stay in darkness and they said well, we know a priest that's born again
I said well if he's still a priest and back to the mass he's not because he's violating the Word of God There is no way and yet I can tell you today the whole movement is to move towards it
But if people understood the tabernacle and just understood what God had told these people and then follow that through the scripture
There's no way they could hold to such a thing and yet they do it's the place where God receives sinners
There is no salvation outside of Christ. And if you add anything to Christ, then it's not Christ There are many people teach the blood is not sufficient
I mean the blood of Christ is fine But you got to have something else in there and you got to add this to it and there are people who devoted to that We know that we are totally received in Jesus Christ.
Now. Here's the question Let me just go over it with you briefly why I studied the tabernacle What difference does it make and I'll promise you that if we're taking a survey in any church in town and said
Would you like to study these subjects and listed? prophecy self -esteem
Being a good mom and dad divorce sex Drinking murder violence
Columbine and stuck the tabernacle in there. I will guarantee you never would have checked the tabernacle
Most of you would not have checked it maybe wanted it, but most would not and that's true anywhere Why we don't understand the significance of the tabernacle.
First of all, it's part of the Bible My Bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of God man shall not live by bread alone
But by what by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God away minute. Does that mean just the
Gospels? Is that just Corinthians? No, it's from Genesis to Revelation And yet most people you can't get them out of the
New Testament get them in the Old Testament Understanding that the Old Testament is the foundation for the new not being critical.
That's just the way it is So if it's a part of the Bible, I want to study it Don't you we want to study if it's part of the
Bible also as I've said It's one of the major themes of the Bible and it pictures the major theme of the
Bible the work of Christ for man's redemption Here it is. What did I say earlier? What does the
Bible spend more chapters talking about than anything else right here 50 chapters?
There was no subject in the Bible that has 50 chapters 50 chapters in the Bible that are devoted to the tabernacle.
You got whole books of the Bible that aren't 50 chapters You got a lot of books in the New Testament that aren't 50 chapters and yet God spends 50 chapters of dealing with this thing called the tabernacle
We know that it speaks of the Lord Jesus Hebrews 10 20 by a new now watch this by a new and living way
Which he has consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh now If you just read that and never heard of the tabernacle through the veil would mean nothing to you would it
I mean through the Veil, what does that mean? Where's the veil? You got to go back to the tabernacle You gotta go back to the tabernacle and then the temple to understand something about the veil
So that scripture has meaning for us if we have a concept of the tabernacle It was designed by the
Holy Spirit Hebrews 9 8 it was a made according to the heavenly divine pattern Hebrews 9 23 and 24 says it was therefore necessary That the patterns of the things and the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these for Christ has not entered into the
Holy place that means nothing if you don't understand the tabernacle does We don't understand the tabernacle in the temple
We have no that verse means nothing Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands which are
Figures of the truth. That's what we say. It's a picture of the real that's coming It's real, but it's a picture of a really real when it comes and it says which are figures of the true
But into heaven itself now appear in the presence of God for us He doesn't go in there. He doesn't go in the temple anymore didn't go in the tabernacle.
He's in the very presence of God On our behalf now you and I as I've said could not understand the book of Hebrews without the tabernacle
You have to understand the tabernacle and the book of Hebrews will explain the tabernacle
They one are tied in with the other and the tabernacle completely portrays all the work of Christ His dealing with sin atonement fellowship with God and man's final destiny
And I'll promise you that a complete study you get any person that will study the tabernacle in depth as we're doing here
And hopefully you'll take the notes and go back and study on your own it is a complete antidote to the poison of unsound teaching of the new morality and the new theology and All of those things.
I promise you if you study the tabernacle, you'll never get caught up in this no liberal Theologian can accept the teachings of the tabernacle.
He cannot do it It is an antidote to liberalism and that's why you don't find it taught.
You don't find it preached You don't find books on it. You've got a hunt for them. That's not what's selling today. It's not what's on the market
That's not what they advertise on TV They advertise all sorts of things and yet it magnifies the inspiration of scripture
It magnifies that God wrote the scriptures God controlled the writing of the scriptures
So let's look at the construction Of the tabernacle And I'm not going to refer to this,
I'll just let you look at it now remember this right here is the tabernacle That's the tabernacle and this is the temple built around and I had a young lady
I didn't draw these I have no gifts or villages but I had a young lady who did this and wanted to give them to me and So sent them to me the general appearance of that tabernacle was an oblong box
As you see it there's an oblong box 45 feet long 15 feet wide and 15 feet high so 45 long 15 high and 15 wide and that of course is not an exact replica of it
She was not up into blueprints and planning or anything She just drew this because she had some abilities.
Now the tabernacle was divided into two sections Inside there it was called the holy place and Then there was a veil and behind there was called the holy of holies that we hear so much about The outside section was 30 by 15 feet and inside was 15 by 15 feet 30 feet by 15 and 15 by 15 now
It was constructed of 48 boards of what the King James called steam wood
Which actually was an acacia wood we believe it was an acacia wood Which is an incorruptible wood we are told that two things about wood
One is we're told that the olive tree and the acacia tree will not die You can't kill one of them
You can burn it. You can burn it to the ground and it'll sprout back up again It just sprouts back up again, and there were 48 of those boards that were used to make this 20 on each side
Six on the western end and two on the eastern end and they lapped over one with another now each board was covered with pure gold
Pure gold and it had two tenons Which were mortised into two sockets of silver and those sockets of silver each one weighed 90 pounds
So we're not talking about a flimsy little structure here 90 pounds. There were 100 of those sockets 100 of them of bases of silver 96 for the boards and four under the pillar of the veil and those boards were held in place by 15 wooden bars covered with gold five on the north side and five on the south side and five on the west side and It was covered by gold three long bars went the whole length of the construction on Three sides twelve small bars four on each side
Reinforce the wall the Holy of Holies and the holy place were divided by four pillars of wood
And they were covered with gold and on that one divider hung that beautiful tapestry that you see that's called the veil
It hung on those four and the entrance to the holy place was basically called a door
The scripture refers to it as a door it was a linen curtain that had blue Scarlet and purple and it hung on five pillars of wood and they were all covered with gold
They were all covered with gold now The Holy of Holies in there we said was what only the
Ark of the Covenant We'll see it in a moment The Ark of the Covenant was the item that was in the Holy of Holies and you remember only the high priest will talk about him
But the high priest alone could go in there No one could go in there at the point of death. Anybody went in there would die instantly and he never went in there without what?
blood He better take some blood of the sacrifice with him if he went in there or he would have been killed instantly
According to the dictates of God now in the holy place. We say that what there's no light
There are no windows and in the holy place. There was the table of showbread or the bread of faces as it's translated
The table of showbread and also the golden menorah but golden candlestick
And then there was the altar of incense the altar of incense and those three things were there
Now for an outer covering and it's interesting to me that when you go to Israel today When you go to the
Bedouin Society down the Negev desert a friend of mine Introduced us and we happen to have met a sheik
Abu Hassan Roger who's over 36 ,000 Bedouins He's the chief sheik that is over the
Bedouins of the Negev desert And when you go down there where they live and most of them still live and travel around like they did
They cover their tents just like they did in the tabernacle. It's interesting how they did it for an outer covering
They used badger skins They had badger skins and under that was a covering of ram skin and those ram skins were dyed red
They were dyed red and that was significant to me that they had to be dyed red and beneath the covering of those were goat skins
Now when you go to a Bedouin tent They'll fold that thing back up if it's in the heat of the day and you'll see all those layers that they have now surrounding this building was a court and this court
Surrounded the tabernacle as such and it was a hundred and fifty by seventy five feet So it's a hundred and fifty feet by seventy five feet.
It was enclosed by hanging a fine twined linen Pure white linen and the fence was seven and a half feet high too high to climb over they came down too low for you to go underneath it and Too low to crawl under and the hangings were supported by sixty
And if you want to use the word brazen some people use the word brass pots and they had hooks and fillets that hooked with and they were all pure silver all
Pure silver now if you just turn your mind the gold that we've just talked about and the silver that we talked about the wealth
That was in the structure It was again not a cheap flimsy little structure hastily thrown together out in the wilderness
The gate was on the east side and the gate was 30 feet wide The gate was 30 feet wide and the hangings were made of fine linen again, but it also had
Scarlet it also had blue and it also had purple and it was home for post
Now we know the tribes of Israel were gathered around there and there's some contingent by some but I think the scripture tells us
They were in a divinely arranged order God told him exactly how he wanted those tribes to be and we know that the tribes of Judah Issachar and Zebulon were on the east.
We know that Dan and Asher and Naphtali was on the north We know that Gad Simeon and Reuben on the south and Ephraim Manasseh and Benjamin were on the west and in a moment you'll look at a
Picture that I put in your outline there and the tribes of Levi Will camp adjacent to that and we'll look at that in a moment.
The tribes of Levi were on each side where the tabernacle would be Moses Aaron and the priest and they were out just behind the leading group and so Adjacent to the tabernacle on all four sides and Aaron and Moses their families
They were in there now on the Mount God told Moses what materials he wanted to use
Moses just didn't figure this out Moses thought none of this out God told him what materials he wanted him to use in Exodus 25 verses 3 to 7
He specifically told him now where was he gonna get the materials? He said you get the materials from the children of Israel who came out of Egypt So they brought this material with them as they came out here's what it says in Exodus 25 to Speak unto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering of every man that gives it willingly with his heart you shall take my offering and Probably that's where Christians got they got taken up offering somewhere.
They took up offerings. And so they brought those now Here's what it said. Here's how these people did and the children of Israel did according to the
Word of Moses Well, it was Moses, but Moses got it from God So it's actually the Word of the Lord wasn't the spokesman and they borrowed of the
Egyptians jewels of silver jewels of gold and Raymond Exodus chapter 12 35 now, we don't know for sure if they're very estimate
But it is estimated by some of the best authorities that as it was constructed back then it was valued about two million dollars
Back then now what's a new imagine what inflation has done to something like that.
It's estimated that there were 2 ,400 pounds of gold 8 ,400 pounds of silver 8 ,400 pounds of brazen material there were great quantities of fabrics great quantities of wood stone spices oil and all of that and they brought more than enough the
Scripture says Exodus 36 5 and they spoke unto Moses saying the people bring much more than enough
For the service of the Lord which the Lord commanded to me You have never ever been in a religious meeting where they took offerings where anybody said that Where they said don't bring any more
Don't give any more We've got plenty We've got plenty There is no such animal in human nature than I know anything about the more you give the more they want
Now as we look at this, let me just give you a glossary of terms Some of the words that we're going to be used first of all the metal
Gold always and ever in Scripture symbolically is a picture of deity It is always a picture of God always a picture of the deity of Christ if we use him the
Messiah Silver is always a picture of redemption You know The Bible talks about whenever we stand the judgment seat of Christ 1st
Corinthians chapter 3 it talks about what some people's lives Be wood hay and stubble, but others be gold and silver and precious stones.
Well, what are those you and I know gold? God anything I do to glorify God silver is always redemption anything
I do to redeem people and get people to come to the Lord precious stones Peter said in 1st Peter He said that you are a holy habitation being built up as precious stones
So anything I do to enhance the body of Christ anything I do to build a brother sister up in Christ I get rewards for that anything other than that is wood hay and stubble no matter what it is
I don't care what it is selling light bulbs Planting flowers on the street. So girl scout cookies.
It doesn't matter. It is wood. Hay and stubble as far as God is concerned It has to fit one of those three category
And so what I'm saying is gold and silver and then the brazen some people call it Brad some people call it copper
It is always typical of judgment wherever it's mentioned the brazen serpent that God told him to build out there
And if people look up the serpents that bit them then there's fine twine linen We know pure white would indicate to us the righteousness of Christ Revelation chapter 19 verse 8 says the bride has made herself ready and says that what the garments that she had is what they are
The righteous acts of the same. So if you're gonna have a garment then you got to do righteous acts and talks about that And then blue Christ comes down from heaven.
We'll talk about that later Scarlet represents Christ dead his blood shed on the cross and in purple a combination of scarlet and blue is always required
And God's Son from heaven shed his blood that he might be our Lord and then I talked about this would this a case is shitty
It's called incorruptible because you can cut it down to the ground and a sprout will come out now
What is the Messiah Christ is called what a root out of the dry ground. He just came up out of deadness
He came up out of nothing and wherever you cut one of those trees down it will come back It would sprout up olive tree do the same thing
It just comes back and so consequently we have that picture of incorruptibility in the wood
Then we have the gate to the door. We'll talk about that. Then we have the door It's called the door to the holy place
The veil is the door to the Holy of Holies and all of these would say Pointed to Christ all of these pointed the way into God's presence always and ever
God came from here first But man's gonna get to God. He's gotta walk this path and we said they were in the shape of a cross inside here
There would be three across here there and it would be the shape of a cross six pieces of furniture We're in this place six pieces of furniture now six you and I know is the number of man
Six in the Bible is always a number of man and it shows that man has to come to God If man's gonna get blessed, he's got to come to God He's got to get to God and then we know there were four horns of the altar four is the number of the world
The number of the world so what for God to love the world that he gave his only begotten son So salvation goes out into the whole world
But they all no matter who they are have to come by the brazen altar But I was in one of the seminaries that I attended and I've shared this with you before but I was in the seminary
We were studying the book of Romans and I'll never forget it as long as I live There were some 40 50 people in this class and they were all going to be pastors
They were all going to be ministers of education ministers of music and the professor said how many of you we were talking about Romans 1 and you know how
God had turned some people over reprobate mine, etc, etc But I'll never forget he asked the question How many of you believe that you can be saved even though you've not heard the gospel preach that you can be saved
Although no one's actually presented you to Christ. I'll never forget it People raise their hand Now those 32 people don't go out in the ministry
They're going to go out into churches and they're going to multiply themselves They're going to multiply they're going to duplicate themselves here people there is no two or three ways to get saved one comes
God's way or doesn't come and Jesus Christ is the only way for a person to come into the presence of the
Lord There's a teaching today about my people Israel and there are quite a few people who hold to it
That they're saved under the Abrahamic Covenant is all Israel going to be saved. Yes one day They will be all that's left, but they will be according to Romans chapter 11, but this
I know They're going to be saved by faith in the Messiah They're going to be saved because of the
Lord Jesus Christ because there is no salvation any other way That just isn't and yet there are those who believe that because of the
Abrahamic Covenant They are saved under there now olive oil in the scripture Usually this typical or picture of a shadow of the
Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit the badger skins This was the love of that they brought with them
They evidently were going to make some clothes and shoes, but we know that God set it up So the shoes wouldn't wear out so they didn't have to use the badger skins
They were therefore able to use the badger skins for the covering of the tabernacle Now the altar of the altar is nothing more than a place of killing.
That's essentially what it is. It's a place of dying it's a place of death and the brazen altar was where the animal was killed and the blood was shed and That's where judgment occurred the altar of incense inside here always as ever
It was continually burning is that picture as I said of the intercessory of intercessory prayer always ascending to the father
But it's always based upon the blood you don't get here without here So there has to be blood and then we talked about a half a shekel of silver as we go through this we'll talk about that and that is the atonement price and that had to be paid by every
Israelite male a Half shekel of silver had to be paid its redemption money You find that in Exodus 30 verse 16 and other passages of Scripture.
The labor was God's wash basing wasn't It's worth cleansing. John 13 said
John 13 said it's by the washing of the water of the word There has to be cleansing even though my sins are forgiven
The holiness and the righteous God without cleansing that's why it says if we confess our sins
He's faithful just to forgive you but also to cleanse you because uncleanliness cannot approach into the presence of God and then that altar of course was followed by the labor so sin judge and then there's cleansing and It was there and then going to the holy place and there would be the showbread
And then also there would be the altar of incense now the tabernacle was in the wilderness
But when they got to the Holy Land, what did God give them the temple the temple? So the tabernacle in the wilderness and then we had the temple in the land and the tabernacle was in the wilderness
Why because again, it's temporary. They were not going to stay there. God was moving them But once they got into the
Holy Land, they got a temple which is permanency God permanently going to dwell with his people now
I said, I'm gonna be showing you some things and tell you some things that that perhaps you've not heard before We know that in the scripture also one of the sacrifices was a goat
They take goats and a goat was part of the sacrifice in Leviticus 16 verses 19 to 22
We have an episode that's called and you need to study that about the scapegoat. Remember that you remember the scapegoat?
You've studied that I know you have and there'll be two goats Now isn't it let me let me just pause and insert something here for you
Where does the word love first appear in the Bible Just guess
Where would the word love? What would you where would you think? I mean you would think you'd think you you would think
Adam and Eve. I mean you'd think something occurred. Where does the love first appear in? The Old Testament or in the entire
Bible. Well, we're talking about a goat in Genesis chapter 22
Genesis chapter 22. I'll just try to give it to you. You can look it up It's a story of Abraham and he had a son named
Isaac and God told him to do something didn't now here's what he said now watch this carefully
God said Abraham He said here am I? Anytime God spoke to Abraham.
He listened. He said here am I he said now take your son Your only son
Whom thou lovest that's the first time the word love appears in the Bible and it appears how a father
Loving his son now watch this loving his son three times
God said Abraham take your son your only son whom thou lovest.
I think when he said take your son I think he's implying son you love. I mean love was always in it man.
So take your son Your only son whom thou lovest and go offer him up now, you know the story well
But you know how Abraham went with a man and that young boy is really inquisitive as Jewish people are he said, you know
Father I see the wood and I see the knife and you got the fire, but I don't see the animal
What's going on? And I've always said if my dad told me well, I'm gonna offer you up. God told me too I said no, there's no way
I'd go with him But that boy's in it. Now, what did Abraham say? Abraham says
Son God will provide and most people say himself a lamb for the offer But when you read that in Hebrew, that isn't what it says
What it says is God will provide himself. The emphasis is on himself not lamb God will provide himself as the lamb for the offer in a way minute, but it wasn't a lamb that he saw it was a ram a ram is not lamb a
Ram is the strong one of the sheep family The ram is the male figure and it was a substitute and he was caught around his head now when you say well
Well, what there was a mate? Let me take you to the New Testament. Where does the word love first appear in the New Testament? This will be on the test
What did they God say Abraham take your son your only son whom thou lovest three times God told him about that son when you come to Matthew Mark and Luke three times.
God said this is my beloved son This is my beloved son now, where does the word love first appear in John in John's gospel you can get it
John 3 16 Three times in the New Testament God said this is my beloved son
But the fourth time God said but I will offer him for the sins of the world Now when
Jesus stood in John the 8th chapter and he said Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was glad What's he talking about?
He's taking them back to Genesis 22 because Abraham knew these things Abraham was not a dunce
Abraham knew these things and God revealed those things to him and then God gave them manna
We understand that that Christ is our bread from heaven the bread of life on our earthly pilgrimage as we go through the tables of the law law demanded death for sin and God was preparing a way for man to come back and then
Aaron's rod that budded a Significant speaks of resurrection and we understand that so when
God would take these people out They had a certain way that they would always go there would be Judah Issachar and Zebulon and they would be that the pillar of cloud would be in the front if you want to say the pillar of cloud a cloud or the fire of night but the pillar of cloud and God will lead the way in the
Judah Issachar and Zebulon and then there would be Gershon the Gershonites who are Levites and then they would have two wagons and those two wagons would carry curtains and coverings and hangings and gate and the door
And then there would be the mirrorites who also were Levites and they had four wagons and they would carry the sockets and they would carry the boards and the bars and the pillows and the court pillows and the pins and the cords and all
Those and then following them would be Reuben Simeon Gad and the koathites who also were
Levites and they would then be bearing the ark and the ark would be right in the middle of them as they moved about and Traveled the ark would be right in the middle of them
God in the midst that table the candlestick the altar of the labor and so forth and then they would follow Ephraim Manasseh and Benjamin Dan Asher and Naphtali now
Always endeavor As we said The tabernacle and furnishings
Exodus 25 1 through 9 Hebrews 9 from the ark to the gate is God's approach to man as God would move and come forward from the gate to the ark is
Man's approach to God and that's man's responsibility Man had to enter through the gate in order to make his offering at the brazen altar
God from the mercy seat then moved to save man who was alienated from him now in redemption of mankind
We have to keep remembering that God always starts with himself God always begins with himself as I said the tabernacle of 45 by 15 by 15 foot had the appearance of an oblong box had the seven and a half foot high wall of curtain around it and It had to be approached through a gate that was 30 feet wide and it was made of pure white linen with blue purple
Scarlet and white which hung on four pillows Which basically tip a fat as we say our picture the four
Gospels now as I said, there are six pieces of furniture and two doors in the tabernacle now again
When you start with God the Ark of the Covenant is where the scripture starts when you go in the Bible It doesn't start with the gate.
It starts with God and that's where the scripture starts Exodus 25 1 through 22. It was a chest that was three and three -quarter feet long
Three and three -quarter feet long two and a quarter feet wide two and a quarter feet high
It was made again of casea wood and it was overlaid with pure pure gold
It contained two tablets of the Ten Commandments It contained a pot of manna that they had had and also
Aaron's rod that buddy It was covered with a mercy seat Which was again a pure pure gold it was the principal piece of furniture
It's the main piece of furniture in the entire tabernacle without this nothing else really matters
Because this is where the presence of God was and it represented God's presence in the midst of his people now
God gave Moses the details for it and God made these things Exactly to the details.
I've heard professors in seminary and I've heard preachers talk about the Insignificance of it a bunch of Jews wandering around out there
Built them something because they wanted something where they could worship God and all these things as if they did it on their own everything they did they did according to the commandment of God and God detailed them
Exactly three and three -quarter feet God wanted three and three -quarter feet and they did exactly what
God told him to do and Moses Built it according to God's plan. It will again was built by the freewill offerings of the people.
It was the people It was known I mean, you know God just said this is the way it's going to be done and then it was covered and it's the only piece of furniture in the
Holy of Holies Again, it was made of a casey or shoot them would typical of a perfect incorruptible humanity of Christ The would be humanity and then the gold in reference to deity.
So here we have the God man It's a picture of the dual nature of Christ the Messiah man and God would humanity and gold glorified his humanity the humanity became more valuable if you covered it with Deity and so we have that and then we talk about the ark
It had two tables of the law part of man on Aaron's rod But it the two tables of stone had the
Ten Commandments. They were evidence of what God's covenant with the people God's covenant with the people the law is first Always remember that law is first and mercy is next not mercy first Law is always first law always precedes grace.
Grace does not come first law comes first and Because of God's law.
He activated his grace and the law the two Tables of law stood for the righteousness of God Christ was made under the law
He had the law written in his heart the scripture says he lived according to the law
He fulfilled perfectly all the requirements of the law He bore the penalty of the broken law of all believers in all ages and he is the end of the law
To every believer and you know, we had this pot of mannum people became dissatisfied with it and understand the story
But it was a memorial to them. They kept a pot of it It was a memorial of Them and to the coming generations of how
God fed their fathers in the wilderness with food from heaven Don't make the mistake and I know you won't don't make the mistake of thinking all the
Israelites rebelled and complained. They didn't there's always been a godly faithful remnant of Israelites always has been and they kept that as a
Reminder that God provided and we also know that the Messiah Jesus is the bread of life in John chapter 6 and then we have
Aaron's rod that budded numbers chapter 17. You remember the sons of Korah They rebelled they didn't like Aaron.
They didn't like the fact that he was going to be the high priest maybe one of their group should have been selected and they complained and they griped and they murmured and so God dealt with that rebellious band
Of people by letting Aaron take his rod and his rod not only budded
It bloomed and it bore almonds Now you and I know something about that don't we because we know when you go to the
Holy Land The first tree to bud every year is the almond tree In the
Holy Land It's the first tree every year and it always is the first one to blossom and therefore do what?
Announcing that the dead winter is past and the new life of spring has come And so every time they would see that rod and remember that it was
Aaron's the deadness Of the wilderness the deadness of Egypt and new life has begun
Resurrection life and that's why Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life in John chapter 9
Now the crown of the Ark of the Covenant We didn't close that Was the mercy seat the mercy seat is here and the angelic creatures are overlooking it
They're looking down facing each other and it is the supreme feature. It was 27 inches by 45 inches 27 inches by 45 inches and it was made of pure gold which speaks of the deity of our
Lord a cherub stood at each end as you see the Legion looking down at the
Mercy seat and also facing each other with their wings overshadowing As they faced each other it rested upon and completely covered the
Ark God's promise concerning the mercy. God said three things one is he said I will meet with you
I will meet with you at the mercy seat. God also said I'm not only meet with you I will commune with you communicate with you
You can have communication with me and then God also said I will give you commandments for Israel God always dealt with them in such a manner now the meaning of the mercy seat was what it's a symbol of the throne of God it is a symbol of the throne of God The gold is the symbol of deity and the cherubim's righteousness and justice
Righteousness and justice at the throne of God there is righteousness and there is pure justice at the throne of God Nothing that you and I would see down here.
It is there and so Resting upon that art that contained the law
Suggests that the throne of God and God's dealings of man are based upon the law The scripture says to declare
I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus justice and righteousness are met in God and if you come to him in Christ Then God considers you just God considers you righteous and he puts that to your account
And so how does Christ fulfill that? Well, we know he was divine. That's gold Christ was divine
Isn't it instant that they've got a whole new group of theologians now that they've come out and they're rethinking
Jesus now and and now they're not too sure that he was divine Some of them don't know when he became divine.
Some think he became divine in the River Jordan Some think he became divine here He assumed and now there are those who also have told us through the years that he's not the only son
They're probably other sons He's just one of the sons and then there are others who try to tell us that Lucifer and Jesus are brothers
They they were brothers and and so all of these things go on But we know that he embraced both righteousness and justice pictured by the two cherubim
He contained the law in his heart. He lived the law He paid the exactions of the law in every detail and it's through his shed blood that God can be the just He also can be the justifier of those that he would justify
You need to read sometime at your leisure Hebrews chapter 4 verses 14 to 16
Salvation again is through the death not the life Almost every sermon that I have heard preached in the last month as I surf through television of all of mine
I don't care which ones you watch where you watch TV and where I don't care which ones you watch Almost their whole emphasis is on the life of Christ and that's wonderful But dear people you are saved by the death of Christ not the life of Christ.
It is through the shedding of his blood That you and I have Salvation and it is veiled in human flesh and the hanging veil was a barrier to me
And there was a veil that prevented people from coming into this that we'll see in a moment So, how would we get there?
well that veil has to be dealt with and we know that we today meet God through him Hebrews 9 and other places and His blood is sprinkled there.
We are told every law is satisfied and every penalty has been paid
And so you can draw close to God and thanksgiving and confidence and assurance But just remember for this part of the covenant was there
There was a veil that you could not see this when you stood out in the holy place The only person that ever saw that was the high priest when he went alone in there once a year
And he took blood in there that veil was there the veil and let me just Let's cover this and then we'll quit and I know you can eat this beautiful curtain hung between the holy place and the holy of holies
I don't give you something. It was made of fine linen blue purple and scarlet it had cherubs angelic beings
Exquisitely worked within the embroidery into the threadwork of it. It was hung on four pillows of a case of wood
It was covered with gold and it was set in sockets of silver The veil shut
God in and kept man out Shut God in kept man out.
And of course as I said gold is deity silver redemption blue heavenly scarlet sacrifice and purple
Kingship fine linen his spotless perfect humanity and then he uses the work their cunning work
Talks about the cunning work that they did Would you be a picture to me of the work of the Holy Spirit that you don't see necessarily?
but he is doing those things and the beautiful veil pictured his flesh and Remember that it was torn in two from the top to the bottom when he died on Calvary it happened simultaneously when he died
Signifying that now believer could come directly into the presence of the Lord You have the scriptures there and your outline as I said, his life does not give you access to God his death does
His death gives you access to God now Remember the veil was running to how it was hanging between heaven and earth it was hanging picture in your mind
It was hanging between heaven and earth. It was rent from top to bottom by who by the hand of God By the hand of God that he rented not the hand of man.
This veil was four inches thick I measured it and that from there to there on my hand is about four inches
That is thicker than a phone book And it was four inches thick and we are told that two teams of oxen could not split that day
Two teams of oxen would not have been able to do something now. It was not torn down It was split
From the top to the bottom, but it wasn't torn down Still there it would just split now the death of Christ was the act of God from what from above?
He was slain from the foundations world actually 223 said this Jesus by the hands of To bruise him now.
When was the veil of the temple rented to? We know the time of the evening sacrifice was three o 'clock in the afternoon
Three o 'clock in the afternoon that lamb had to be killed We also know that three o 'clock in the afternoon.
The father's would also kill their life at three o 'clock in the afternoon It had to be done
We believe that Jesus died at three o 'clock in the afternoon And when he said it is finished
He said it is finished at the very moment. Those lambs would bleep their last and that veil would be rent from top to bottom
When he said it was finished because anything else he couldn't say it was finished The typology the picture the foreshadow would have been broken down and yet he fulfilled everything perfectly perfectly and So it was rented three o 'clock in the afternoon
Jesus our lamb was dying and he says it is finished the price is paid the barrier of sin is
Removed and the veil rent changed from a barrier to an open doorway to the presence of God No longer a barrier to shut
God in keep man out split. He's still there, but he's opened an access He's opened a doorway whereby you and I have open free access into the presence of God You need no priest other than he no human priest.
No rabbi. No preacher. No, you don't need anything like that No ceremony need any longer the end of the law for righteousness but Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believed the
Jewish ordinances as far as Everyone keeping them has been abolished. You don't have to worry about that.
That is fulfilled And it's a foretaste of entrance into heaven itself now in just our closing time
Let me give you some information that you don't have about the veil Purple is the color of Kings and I know you know that purple is the color of Kings.
The Hebrew word is ah come on And it is a word that is a different word than we normally use for purple because we talk about purple we usually talk about a bluish purple, but this word means a fiery reddish purple a
Fiery reddish purple. It was very costly and Extremely distinctive and you could only get it one place in all of the world
You could only find it in the Mediterranean Sea and the little creature from which you got it would only secrete one drop
Never anymore. Never two. Never three always it ever It would only give one little drop and that little shellfish is called a
Murex trunculus And it's only found the Mediterranean Sea has never found anywhere else in the world
And whenever you found that shellfish, you could only get one drop Now you just tie that in with Christ Tie that in with Christ.
I heard a young man up in Oklahoma I was up there for a meeting and I know I'm not a very corrective person I don't like to correct people unless it's just a gross error
But I do get corrected when people stand in the pulpit and start saying things to people I know aren't true And he was talking about how it took every he says it took every ounce every drop every iota of the blood of Christ To wipe away your sins, but see that's not true
He didn't shed all of his blood one drop of his blood is holy One drop of his blood is all you would ever need and that's what
I picture here in the Murex Trunculus when Jacob went down to Egypt He saw his son
Joseph clad in royal robes and a crown upon his head and he had a purple mantle on his shoulders
Made from the same identical thing then scarlet That's interesting because the word scarlet is not sometimes like we think but it has more of a crimson color to it as more of a crimson color to it and the
Hebrew word is Torah shiny and It is a word. It's very interesting because it indicates
Brilliancy of color the scarlet is brilliant. It's not a dull red and Torah is the
Hebrew word for worm Now when you go to psalm 22 verse 1, it says my
God my God Why hast thou forsaken me? and then you go right on down into the middle of that particular psalm and you go down to 22 7 and he says but I am a
Worm and no man and that's the word he uses That's the word that he uses that particular word and so the scarlet when he says
I am a worm and no man You know, there's a hymn in the hymn book It used to read such a worm as I But they took it out.
They made it such a sinner's eye because he could be a worm but not us I mean, you know We we can't we can't handle that in our culture society and then blue Blue is similar to the color of the celestial throne
The Ark of the Covenant went on the move was completely covered that whole Ark of the Covenant was covered with blue it was totally colored blue whenever they began to move it now
Josephus the Jewish historian and Philo the famous Roman historian both say that the ancient symbol of the sky was always blue Always blue and then we have white of course, which is righteousness and which is perfection and these threads go into the
New Testament As I said, you know, the New Testament gives us so much insight in so much light If you could see the purple dripping from the brush that Matthew Used whenever he was divinely commissioned to paint the portrait of the king
That's what Matthew does is Matthew shows us that Jesus is the rightful heir to the throne of David Isn't it interesting when he talks about these are the generations of what?
He talks about the generations of and you would think that he would put Abraham first, but he doesn't does he puts David Because it's upon David's throne that Jesus will sit one day in the thousand -year reign
And so that's what Matthew did when he said behold the king Then you follow the scarlet crimson trail and you see the portrait of the suffering
Messiah the suffering Redeemer The suffering Savior that's painted in scarlet by Mark and that's what
Mark talks about as a servant Now Mark's record has no genealogy. It doesn't tell you where he came from or anything.
Why because the servant who cares a Servant doesn't deserve a genealogy in those times
I'm going to serve and had no gene then nobody worried anything about he doesn't need any and Action is the characteristic as evidenced by the occurrence of the
Greek word euthos or you fails It is constantly used through Mark's gospel and it means straightforward.
It'll be translated sometimes immediately sometimes anon Anytime you read the same straightforward or immediately it's always you feel sorry fails
Action and that's what Mark talks about and he'd simply declares not my king But he says behold my servant so he talks about a servant now according to an esophagus
Who was another historian? He says that Luke not only was a doctor, but Luke was a painter
The sulfur says that Luke was a famous painter Well, whenever I look and see what Luke whose name was
Lucilius when I see what he did his name means born His name means daylight.
He was selected to paint the portrait of what the man from heaven because Luke talks about that He started he wrote that he gives his genealogy and he goes all the way back to Adam He'd take you all back.
He takes Jesus all the way back. Luke says what behold the man, you know the famous painting Eke homo
You see him standing out and Pontius Pilate pointing his finger that very famous paintings in the
Louvre. He says behold The man and that's what he talked about the ancient greeting in Hebrew was and still is shalom peace now on the cross
There were three languages up. There was a Hebrew Latin Shalom is peace.
The ancient Roman greeting was safety and the ancient Greek greeting when they would greet each other.
They would say grace Rome didn't have a word for the hand Grace now when
I take that and tie that in with my New Testament when I hear behold the man I Gaze into the face of him who is the
Prince of Peace? Who is the very embodiment of God's grace who is the only one that can give you eternal safety
Why do those three languages up there on the cross? Well, I'm sure you know, there are many reasons
But whenever I bring everything into eternity and put the stamp of eternity on it Can you not see all of these things in him who loved you and gave himself for you?
And when I go to the Bible and I go to the scriptures We'll talk about this a little more as we go through But I'm talking about this a case.
He would talking about humanity I thought by being overlaid with pure gold showing his divine character and then
I see the man of sorrows But it's not a man of sorrows now. He's glorified in heaven. He's not there with that crown of thorns
He's not there to be received or rejected free He is king of kings and Lord of Lords where the one recognizes it not he is he doesn't become one because I make him one he is and When I look at the altar of incense that was continually always and ever burning and as we look at those things always look at your
Lord and Dear people just think what an amazing and astounding thing that God did
With the children of Israel that he told Moses to build that and then they record
Recorded it for your and my learning and these things helped me appreciate him
More and more and more and more and if all I had as much as I love the gospel if all
I had was the Gospels Knowing how I am I'd get bored. I Shouldn't but I would
Because she's read it over and over and don't you go in and you say I already read that and you just flip that page I already read that that's human nature.
It isn't correct, but it is human nature But to go back into all of those beautiful areas and find him where the average
Christian never finds him Will strengthen your life and it'll give you confidence and it'll give you boldness
In him who loved you and gave himself for you and then we remember if he did all that for you
Do you think he's just gonna let this world do what it wants and forget you? He's not gonna forget you
He's never forgotten you and one of these days he's coming back to me One of these days he'll come back and get us and it'll all be over Until then there's much to be done.
I understand that but dear people. Do you have confidence in your Lord this morning? Do you know you're his and if you know you're here's do you know his presence and if you know his presence?
How does that affect your everyday life? How does that affect the way you think and the way you act the things you do the places you go?
The friends that you have and that you converse with who dominates the conversation who controls the conversation is it you and I?
Can we control that conversation to the point not being obnoxious but drawing their minds around to the
Savior Would to God would to God that even we could be as faithful as many as these
Israelites were In the wilderness, they didn't have near as much to go on as you have They didn't have all these thousand years of history, they didn't have a
New Testament They didn't have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them God said I'll meet you over the mercy seat and they trusted that he would
God said I'll do this. They trusted that he would You and I have been born again, and we have trouble trusting that God would
But God's not gonna forgive you dear people God says he will and he will will he not amen he will
God will what a wonderful wonderful Lord we have and it's all wrapped up in the person of the
Lord Jesus Let's pray father So much material and so Much information
Lord to look at and still to look at but I thank you again for your gracious people Lord what a wonder you are what a marvelous thing you have done for us that recorded in your word
From beginning to end all sorts of glimpses and shadows and types and promises and prophecies
Foreshadowings of the real reality the Lord Jesus how we thank you for give us discernment give us wisdom give us understanding
God give us a learning heart give us an open mind and father as we go back and forth through your word
We thank you that it'll always reveal to us the living word and father that there's a plan and a purpose for everything
You've put in there help us to see it help us to learn it help us to know it Then help us to use it in our everyday life