Beth Moore’s HORRIBLE Theology!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. Here we go again, folks.
The woke Christian brigade is back at it again, but this time, leading the charge is popular evangelical female
Bible teacher, Beth Moore. Beth recently made waves after leaving the Southern Baptist Convention in a way that was, let's just say, not quiet.
But that's neither here nor there, because today I want to talk to you about Beth Moore publicly liking a tweet that represents a terrible trend in evangelical
Christianity. By the way, I am not suggesting that we should question Beth's entire theology on the basis of one tweet that she liked publicly.
Obviously, that would be very flimsy evidence and an unrealistic standard to hold someone to if it was offered all by itself.
It is not this tweet alone that concerns me about Beth Moore, rather, it is this example in conjunction with all the other theologically inaccurate statements she's made over the years.
The truth is, when it comes to reasons we ought to avoid Beth Moore's teaching, we have an abundance of reasons.
So in this video, I just want to compare the argument that Beth Moore presents that she agreed with here, rather, to Scripture and see what happens.
Here's the tweet that Beth Moore liked. It says, quote, Christians, do not treat the
Black Lives Matter protests as a new mission field. Do not go to love on people or to lead them in prayer.
Do not go to be a Christian voice in the crowd or to share God's love or to witness to people.
Go to fight systemic racism and racial violence. The end. End quote. Yeah, just in case maybe you thought you heard that wrong, that was a tweet that told
Christians to not go to Black Lives Matter protests in order to pray, share God's love, or witness to people.
And the irony here is that I personally see those as some of the only valid biblical reasons a
Christian would ever go to a Black Lives Matter protest. So let me explain in three points though exactly what is wrong with this statement biblically so that you guys know how to respond to this stuff when you hear it.
But first, let me just say this, I am wholeheartedly against Black Lives Matter as an organization, and I actually believe that woke liberal
Christianity is one of the biggest sources of false teaching that we have today. And if you want more biblical proof of this, go check out the channel called
Conversations That Matter. It is led by an individual named John Harris, and John is a solid
Bible -believing Christian gentleman who compares woke Christianity to Scripture and demonstrates how truly bankrupt this system of thought is.
I will link his channel in the description. Let's get into that tweet. Number one. The tweet says, do not go to lead people in prayer.
1 Thessalonians 5, 16 -18, on the other hand, says rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. It says it is the will of God for you to pray without ceasing.
That's what the Bible says. But Beth Moore seems to believe that the Bible should be disobeyed here in order to make way for her political ideology.
And I would add to this another argument, that even if the mission and methods of Black Lives Matter were totally biblical, which they're not, then they would still be biblically commanded to pray at their gatherings.
Why? Because the whole point of their protest is that certain minority groups feel persecuted in this country.
And what does the Bible say about those who persecute you? Matthew 5, 44 says to, quote, pray for those who persecute you.
So here's the deal, folks. No matter which way you slice it, if you agree with BLM as a Christian or if you don't,
Christians are biblically not just recommended to pray at their protests. They are actually required to pray at their protest, if, of course, they happen to find themselves attending one for any reason.
This is an attack on the sanctity and importance of prayer, no matter which way you look at it.
This statement effectively says that it is better not to pray as long as your political perspective is more important than prayer in that moment.
I have a statement for you which should not be controversial in the church whatsoever. No political position is ever more important than prayer.
End of story. Number two. The tweet that Beth Moore liked also says, quote, do not go to a protest to be a
Christian voice in the crowd. In response to this, I have a few questions. Which voice should the
Christian then be using in the crowd? Should they be doing their best impression of an atheist voice, Beth Moore?
Is that what you would prefer? How about a Hindu or a Buddhist voice? Would those voices suffice? Would those be better than using their
Christian voice? And my most important question of all would be, should a Christian ventriloquist also change the voice of their dummy?
These are all very important questions that Beth Moore ought to answer, but probably won't. Let's just add them to the whole list of questionable things about Beth Moore.
That list seems to be ever growing these days. But again, I digress. In all seriousness though, guys,
Christians should be a Christian voice everywhere they go. If a Christian finds themselves at a
Black Lives Matter protest, why should the content of their speech cease to be Christian? And I might suggest to you that urging
Christians to check their faith at the door at a BLM protest says a lot more about how unbiblical this movement is than anything your opponents could possibly say.
First Corinthians 10 .31, though, says this. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
As a Christian, you don't have the luxury of changing your character based on who you're around or what political party happens to be supporting you at the time.
That kind of faith is shallow and lacks true commitment. We are commanded to be Christian in all things, as the passage says, and suggesting anything else is just plain heresy.
Number three. The tweet that Beth Moore liked indicates that she does not see the gospel as the solution to this alleged problem.
Rather, she sees social upheaval and really revolution as the solution to this problem.
And this is the most important point. If one agrees with the message of BLM and claims to be a
Christian, my next question will always be, what do you think the solution is? Is the solution a purely secular social uprising absent of any
Christian values, or does the solution involve changing hearts and minds with the gospel of Christ and allowing
God to direct our steps? Second Corinthians 10 .5 says that we ought to, quote, take every thought captive to obey
Christ. But 99 % of the time, woke Christians are applying unbiblical solutions in ways that are absolutely foreign to scripture.
And that is exactly what you see here. The strategy is not just something that scripture doesn't really recommend or doesn't really touch on.
It goes much deeper than that. This type of strategy actively silences the word of God and manipulates it for political gain.
Unfortunately, that is something that Beth Moore has become very accustomed to these days. So Christians, if I could leave you with two pieces of advice, here they are.
One, stay away from the alleged teaching of Beth Moore. The reason I say alleged teaching is that on the rare occasion where Beth Moore has ever offered good sound
Bible teaching, there's a good chance she did it by accident. No one should be taught about scripture by an egalitarian who clearly can't even understand or doesn't want to understand the clearly defined gender roles of scripture.
Instead, she tries to find loopholes by saying that she's not a pastor, so she's allowed to teach men and women.
As Paul says in 1 Timothy 2 .12, Two, bring your political view into submission to Jesus Christ.
If your political views have been largely shaped by people who are not Christian, I think you should analyze them and see if they're truly as ethical and accurate as you think they are.
I don't know of any good worldviews that arose purely from the sinful mind of man, so be careful when you start to involve yourself with those kinds of worldviews politically.
And pray for Beth Moore as well as the writer of this tweet that they would stop this unbiblical nonsense and submit to the
Word of God. Thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed that video, don't forget to like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.