Bathrooms, Man-parts, & Lady-bits


Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we are joined by our friend, Douglas Wilson. New Saint Andrews college recently put out an ad for their school and used the new downtown bathroom for a backdrop. This ad created a bit of controversy with the Mayor of Moscow. He felt the need to respond on their public page with his disapproval that people were going into the designated side in the commercial. Seriously. He did that. Doug joins us to talk about it. Here's Doug's program on the subject: You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


Non -rockabodas must stop. I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it
Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite? We're being delusional. Delusional?
Yeah. Delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional. You don't chastise pigs for being delusional.
So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay. It doesn't really hurt. It's hung up on me!
YES! What? Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men.
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage.
Go into all the world and make disciples. Not go into the world and make buddies. Not to make brosives. Don't go into the world and make homies.
Disciples. I got a bit of a jibble neck. That's a joke, pastor.
When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not.
He answered, have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.
So they are no longer two but one flesh. That's Matthew 19, guys.
Matthew chapter 19. That was the Lord Jesus, that was his perspective on men, women, creation, male, female.
It's apparently not very popular in 21st century to think like Jesus about body parts and gender and, well, you know, basically
I mean science. You could say Jesus or you could say science. It's science. Hey, I'm Jeff Durbin, the
Komen Ninja. That's Luke the Bear right there. And you're alive. I am alive. We had to field,
Luke had to field phone calls today from I guess apparently a call across the country. Someone had sent a message off to a pro -life organization saying that I had died.
Still not sure where that came from. No, well, no. Haven't traced it all the way back yet. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm still here.
All right, so hey, ApologiaStudios .com is where you guys go to get more. A -P -O -L -O -G -I -A -Studios .com
Hey, and just, I want to get through this quick because our guest today has limited time with us, but just a forewarning, we don't know what the future holds and, of course, you all know we believe in the victory of Messiah's kingdom.
However, we might have a little sliver of time and moment where we're at, where things get pretty rough for us. And so, remember that website name.
ApologiaStudios .com because there's no guarantee that we'll be on Facebook or YouTube for very long. Especially with episodes like this one.
So, you all saw the title of today's show.
It is Bathrooms, Man Parts, and Lady Bits. Bathrooms, Man Parts, and Lady Bits. All right, so I'm going to put this up here.
This is from an old movie. That's from when I was a teenager. That's definitely a 90's film.
This is sage wisdom. I mean, there's very, very good wisdom right here from this child, and I wanted you all to see it.
Now, Miss O 'Hara is going to talk to you about something very important. So, I want you to pay real attention to what she has to say, okay?
Remember, no fear. Thanks. Yeah? Boys have a penis.
Girls have a vagina. Wow. You taught them the basics.
The basics! The basics. That's good because you would think those are the basics.
The amazing thing about it is that was actually I'm pretty sure about that. That's the 90's. So, it doesn't take very long for a culture to decide that that's not the basics.
Okay, so I'm going as fast as I can and I'm going to show you all this controversial 22 second commercial which caused the controversy that we're going to be talking about today between Christchurch, New St.
Andrews and the city of Moscow, the mayor of Moscow. So, here we go. This is the controversial which you haven't seen yet.
You haven't seen this commercial yet. No, I haven't. Not much to it, but it seems simple enough. That's a great commercial.
I love the zipper sound. It's a great commercial. It's a great commercial. The amazing thing about that is that there's a ginormous man and a ginormous woman on the bathroom.
Huge. It's not a door. It's man and then woman. Then they go into their respective spaces wearing actually similar clothing.
So, we're going to talk to Doug Wilson about it. Doug, welcome to Apology Radio. Glad to have you on today, brother. Thanks for having me.
Good to be with you. I know your time is short. 22 -second commercial. It seems obvious enough. Men, women, and there's even a dress in the symbol.
The mayor of Moscow did a public post in the city of Moscow's Facebook platform and talked about the fact that he's proud to serve as mayor of Moscow, culturally diverse, welcoming community.
Very welcoming. He says, I steadfastly support the person's right to think differently than I do.
Except you, Doug. Apparently. Apparently, yes. Except people's right to think differently, but there are limits.
There's definitely limits. There always is. As you always say, Doug, I've used it a lot since you taught it to me.
It's not a question of whether we're going to have a law that governs us, but which law, and whether we're going to have a God, but which God. You can talk about tolerance and all the rest, but at some point, people are going to protect their creeds and their confessions and their dogma.
That's right. So, Doug, talk to us about the city of Moscow and the mayor's response to your commercial.
Yeah. The irony of this is that we made this ad, and the ad was a sticky...
It went places. It's over 330 ,000 views so far, so it was an ad whose time had come.
Apparently, yes. So it was an effective, sticky ad that way. Well, it really took off, and a bunch of our local intoleristas were apparently upset by it, and a number of them made counter -ads or parodies.
They tried filming the same public bathroom, doing different things, and apparently got to the mayor.
The mayor issued a declaration of inclusion and tolerance. Well, the thing that is striking, as I said in my blog post responding to this, that bathroom, which is right off of Friendship Square in Moscow, and is right next door to New St.
Andrew's College. It's right there. Well, that bathroom is very new. It was just built within the last year or so.
It's maybe a couple years old. So it's a very new bathroom, and it was built under Mayor Lambert's tenure, during his watch.
They built this little hate space, this little hot hate spot, with sex -segregated bathrooms, where it's very clear the men go over here, and the women go over here.
Then we made a commercial which showed a man going into his assigned space, assigned to him by Mayor Lambert, and the woman goes into the space assigned to her by Mayor Lambert, and then he attacks us for not being inclusive.
That's right. The thing that bogs the mind is it seems so simple, and it's such a convoluted, contradictory world that we're living in right now.
I can't even believe you're having this debate, Doug. I know. My grandson wrote to the mayor and told him basically that you're being inclusive in a way that excludes every major world religion.
Yes. Your idea of inclusive is simply
North American secularists. If it fits within that little tiny space, then you want to include it.
If it doesn't, you won't. Right. He says this, Doug. He says, in Moscow, we are a community of acceptance and inclusiveness for all.
The words for all are there. He says our public policies support this philosophy, and we openly promote our community's social and cultural diversity as a wonderful and invaluable asset.
All this is said in the space where it's attacking the ad and the Christian culture that accepts male and female.
The truth is it's not for all, and it's not everyone's cultural diversity. It's secular humanist diversity claims.
We don't accept Christian culture. That's the humanist, the secularist humanist dilemma because the deity must be one basically.
Ultimately. If Demos, the people, if humanity is the deity, then humanity must be one.
That's the decree. That's the dogma that goes out. We are all one. What do you do with the people who say no, we're not?
That's right. You've got to shut those guys up because they're disrupting the party.
If we want to continue to say humanity is all one, we're all the same family of man, then you cannot tolerate the people who are maintaining that there's the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.
Right? Yes. That's a powerful thought. Very, very good. I know that I'm going to link to your last couple things you've done this week.
I think you did a podcast on the subject. I know you wrote a blog on it. I absolutely loved your response.
I'm going to link to that so everyone gets a chance to see it. You mentioned there were some swirly things coming through Moscow.
I'm not going to say it was a tornado, but there were some swirly things that it doesn't deserve addressing. What's been the result after the mayor posted this and heralded their inclusiveness and attacked your perspective, the
Bible's perspective on gender and things like that? I heard that there was some vandalism or attempts at vandalism at Christchurch property.
Yes. One of the restaurants that's owned and operated by one of our members on Main Street, it was vandalized.
It wasn't a major vandalism, but they pulled over a great big flower pot and dumped it out on the sidewalk in front of our church office.
Wow. I tweeted about that and said I can't figure out how they figured out that that was our memorial to Robert E.
Lee. Gosh. That's awesome.
Any response? Obviously, you even responded, I thought, clearly and graciously under the mayor's post and tried to help him to see.
Any more responses from the city of Moscow or the mayor? Well, we have several things going on right now because last
Sunday, the irony of this is last Sunday at Christchurch we have three services.
We have a Christchurch downtown service and then we have two services in the field house,
Logos field house. Well, we're preparing for the fall. The elders decided some time ago, independent of coronavirus and everything, that we wanted to have two services in the summer that was all the services together.
Yeah. Which we did last Sunday. We had one big service at the field house and that was last
Sunday. And then on Monday we had the mayor come out with his statement against Lucy and Andrew's ad but within the same breath, basically, the mayor also issued a seven day decree that everybody in Moscow has to wear a mask all the time.
When you go out, you have to wear a mask. Down the street? Down the street. Basically, you have to wear a mask or maintain social distancing.
If you're standing out in the street all by yourself, you don't have to wear a mask. But if you interact with people, you've got to either wear a mask or distance.
This was pretty clearly aimed at our church service the day before.
Well, the thing to notice about this is the juxtaposition. On the same day,
Mayor Lambert said you've got to bow to the trans gender agenda so that we can feel safe.
And you've got to wear masks all the time so that we can feel safe. Now that tells you that there's some sort of deep connection
I think here because they want to define as I've said many times our culture wars are basically a battle over the dictionary.
How are we going to define terms like safe? Who determines what is safe?
Who determines what is not safe? Who determines what is unsafe? Mayor Lambert says it's unsafe for us to not wear a mask because we might spread the virus.
But he also says that it's unsafe for us to have boys go in the boys room and girls go in the girls room.
That has to fit within his definition of unsafe as well.
Now there's one other little wrinkle here that I think that Christians need to be careful to think through.
At my house, we don't have separate bathrooms for men and women. It's just a common bathroom.
You may have been in restaurants where they've gone to unisex bathrooms, which
I have no problem with because they're one -seaters. The issue in all of this is when you have multiple stalls and a little five -year -old girl going in and then a six -foot -six transvestite guy going in after her, that's the issue.
That's the issue. The issue is not... Nowhere in the
Bible does it say that men and women have to use different potties. The issue has to do with protecting women, not protecting space for men and space for women.
It's protecting women from predatory men. That's what we're talking about.
The secularists don't want us to protect our women.
They don't want us to be able to protect our women. That's what this is all about. Also, if you notice, on the
Me Too movement and on the Black Lives Matter movement, all of this has morphed over time into...
I saw how quickly Black Lives Matter morphed into Black Trans Lives Matter.
Of course. This is the most massive cultural appropriation of all time.
White, pervy men have co -opted the civil rights movement, feminism, every movement that has come before them, somehow winds up with their transsexual perversions.
That's where this is all driving. Wow. That's a powerful thought.
Doug, thank you for that. That's actually very, very important to communicate that truth, that what this is really ultimately about is protecting women.
That's the main issue. We've already seen, of course, the news reports of little girls being attacked in bathrooms because they're welcoming this sort of a thing, and women being attacked in bathrooms.
I can't even imagine the things that we haven't seen in the public square as a result of these insane policies.
Doug, that's a good point. I think that shows that kind of pastoral concern that the mayor of Moscow would probably want to hear about, that this is really about protecting women.
Why is it that it's the Christians wanting to protect women? I thought we wanted to lower their status and destroy them and put them under our feet.
Especially Doug, I've heard. Oh, yeah. Doug's that guy. Here's Doug saying, no, we want to protect the little girls and the women.
Doug, can I ask you a question? I know you have to go here soon. Sure. On the video, there are as big as the people, it looks like, almost, ginormous signs.
Look, Luke. Did you see it? Ginormous. Yeah. Men. She's got a dress on.
He didn't have a dress on. She follows the sign with the dress right there.
Did you use CGI? Post? Conflict?
That's just the way it is. Big as life. And it says in big, bold letters, men!
And then, women! It's huge. Not a small sign. You can't really miss it. This is a reminder of what we all used to know.
Yes. Very much so. Anyway, I wanted to get you on, Doug, and thank you for your time today.
Sorry about all the technical issues. I wanted to show everyone this and talk about this. I'm going to put links to the stuff you've done to us last week.
I thought it was amazing commentary. I want to encourage everybody. Doug's a good friend of ours.
We love Doug. He's someone we greatly admire and respect. There's great things
God has done in Moscow and continues to do in Moscow, but this is that conflict that must take place.
Christchurch is a very, very faithful church. If you're in Moscow, head over to Christchurch. And if you have kids that are going to college,
NSA .edu. Don't do the gov. And one last plug.
If you're listening to this, later today, on Facebook 3 .30, New St.
Andrews is dropping another ad that this thing we've been talking about was one of a series. We're dropping another ad today on abortion and Black Lives Matter.
And that ad is a throat punch. Oh, 3 .30. I'll make sure to turn my alarm on for that one.
Alright, Doug, thank you. Look forward to seeing you soon. God bless. Thank you. Alright, so there you go.
I have, on a number of occasions, kind of chuckled to myself. You go into some of these restaurants or stores and they're like braggadocious about their unisex bathrooms.
Like what Doug was saying, you only have one toilet in there, so so what? But they're like, look at us, we got unisex parties.
Right, there's one. You didn't accomplish anything there. That's not the fight we're trying to have. Except the only problem is, and every woman that knows it's a unisex bathroom is, did they put the seat up or did they put it back down again?
And generally, when you do share a bathroom between male and female, it creates some difficulties. There's conflict there.
There's conflict for the women. We all know what we're talking about. It's the sort of thing that I have to constantly chastise my young male children about.
You know, you live... Well, not him. I will. I'm sure one day I'm going to have to tell them, you live with women, you share the bathroom, love your neighbors, and make sure that...
I'm the only dude in my house so... But I'm sure you've been instructed. You will protect the seat.
Everywhere I go now, I just automatically, because it's ingrained. You will protect the seat for the women.
You will protect... See, what is it with all the Christian men that are trying to protect the seats for women and trying to protect women from the pervs?
I like how he said the pervy white men. The pervy white men. He's right though. He is right.
He is right. I can't wait to see that new commercial. Singer, you know, she wasn't a man, but she was a perv.
And white. That is true. Hey, I want to show you guys this. One of the things you will note from Doug, Doug's presuppositional apologist, so are we, and Doug does a fantastic job.
One of the things I've always admired so much about Doug, where he's really helped me, is seeing how
Doug is able to stand on that position from the Proverbs that says, answer the fool according to their folly.
Doug's taught me that a lot, in terms of being able to listen to what a person is saying and to look for the foundation that they're supposed to be standing on, but they're really not.
Look for what they're forgetting. And that's been a tremendous help to me in terms of evangelism and apologetics in the world, is being able to spot that.
And it's something that of course is taught. Like you teach people Proverbs 26 4 and 5, says, don't answer the fool according to their folly, lest thou be like unto them, lest you be like them.
And then it says, answer the fool according to their folly, lest they be wise in their own conceit. So there's the standing on your position and not budging, don't be like the fool, don't adopt their principles, don't adopt their worldview, their methodology.
But then there's the contrast in terms of methodology, we call it apologetic methodology, and that is where you do the internal critique of your opponent's position where you answer them according to their folly.
And one of the things that you'll constantly see in Doug, in his blog, by the way, highly recommend Doug's weekly podcast and blog.
Blog and Mayblog is incredible. Because here's the thing, like I say, it's not something that's just taught, it's caught.
Like you have to sort of like immerse yourself into the conversation and watch it done. That's I think one of the best ways to learn apologetics and why you and I have always had the practice of recording conflict and then putting it up online so believers can learn from that.
It's not just, you know, here's the principle and always apply that. Some Christians are like, I don't know what you mean by that. But if they're seeing it in action they go, oh,
I get it now. I feel it. Doug is masterful by God's grace at doing that.
And I want to play this because you see in Doug's response to the mayor of Moscow, one of the things that he does is answer the fool according to his folly.
He steps into his position. He shows the convoluted nature of it so there's nothing left to stand on. And then he can come in with gospel truth right after that and show like, hold up, now this is beautiful.
What you're saying is not beautiful. It's not truth. This is beautiful and this is true. Your position is bootleg.
So this is actually one of my favorite parts of atheist Christian debate.
This is something, I don't even know when I actually heard this for the first time. All I remember though the moment that I heard it
I was like, that is one of the most epic takedowns because what the unbeliever does
I'm going to set this up for you. The unbeliever will always try to borrow emotional capital from the
Christian worldview, use it against the Christian, and then sort of, you know, victory now, victory over the
Christian because I've appealed to emotions that I'm not really supposed to have. I don't have any basis for them, no justification for them but the
Christian does. So, you know, I'll give you an example of how this will work in the unbelieving system.
Say, take on the issue, I'm afraid to say the word now because YouTube is reading the words now and they'll demonetize or suppress videos.
You take on the issue of how you say in sign language right?
You know, it's an A word. Taking that issue, they'll say things like, well, we should be able to allow we should be allowed to have this we should be able to commit murder like this because of the issue of rape.
That's why. What about a woman who is raped? She should be able to do this.
So they'll take emotional capital that only really makes sense in the Christian worldview like the idea that rape is a moral atrocity and in scripture, there's a death penalty for rape.
You get that from Christianity. You're welcome for that. But they'll take the idea that rape is a moral atrocity and again, you can't have in their perspective or their worldview consistently and they'll use it against the
Christian who's trying to defend life and they'll say, what if she was raped? And you just sort of have to step into that position and go
Christian, that bothers a Christian because we hate rape we think rape is a moral atrocity it deserves a death penalty and so they use it against us and we're like, oh no, rape that's an awful, horrible thing.
Yeah, it's terrible. She's got to be hurt and that's got to be an awful experience but remember, they're not supposed to have that but also step into their position ask questions like, well, what makes rape wrong?
You apparently think rape is wrong why is it wrong? And they'll say it's violating another person's body it's doing something to their body against their own will nobody should have a right to do that to somebody's body without their permission oh, very good pro -life argument, thank you for that so it's stepping into their position and showing the inconsistency of it and saying things like well, okay, so rape is wrong do you believe that rapists deserve the death penalty?
and it's amazing, you talk to most leftists today and you ask them the question, do you believe that rapists deserve the death penalty? They'll say no in my experience, largely you're not going to find many leftists that are saying they're for the death penalty in the first place but especially for rape, they're like, no, put them in jail for this long or that long, or whatever the case may be but if you challenge them and say, okay, so for rape, do you at least believe in the death penalty for the rapist?
they'll say, well, I'm not really for the death penalty oh, but you do believe in it for the kid yep so you believe in capital punishment, not for the rapist but for the child, the innocent child who's the son of the criminal, so we, in your system should actually kill the children of criminals for the crimes of the father that's your system, do you see how this works?
but they start it with the emotional pull oh, rape, and you go yeah, that's mine we get to say that's an atrocity that's a moral evil not you, but separate from the position, so all that to say
Dan Barker has we've had him on Apology Radio before early on in our history he's a real peach
I think one of our intros actually has Dan Barker admitting that rape isn't ultimately wrong ultimately there is no cosmic right or wrong so he admits that as an atheist, but he doesn't act like that in debate he uses a lot of emotional capital from the
Christian worldview so one of his chestnut arguments is he uses the passage from the Psalms that talks about dashing the children against the rocks well, he used it against Doug big mistake yeah, this is good yeah, big mistake so Doug turns it around on him by stepping into his position so I wanted you guys to hear it because it's an important one
I'll make sure I don't have those blaster ears out ok, here we go I'd like to ask,
I guess first if you have an objection to what God said in the Psalms when he commanded the
Israelites to take the enemies of God and take the babies and dash them against the rock yes
I do, that was immoral, that was wrong on objective moral principles so it's wrong to take an infant's life for any reason well, it's it is wrong to take a baby in your hands and pick it up and throw it against the rocks that is wrong, that's what happened there suppose
President Clinton approved it well then that would be wrong, of course to pick up a child and throw it against the rocks ok, now take the same baby, put the baby in the womb is there an objective moral response is there an objective moral objection to taking the life of an infant yes, of a born viable infant, yes there is are we debating abortion tonight?
no, you were objecting to God being pro -choice you introduced you introduced the whole subject and you said
God can't take the innocent human life, but we can, is that the idea? well, regardless of whether you think it's right or wrong if you think it's wrong to commit abortion then you also have to agree that it's wrong for God to do what
He did no, I don't grant that you think it was right well, you're supposed to answer go ahead absolutely,
I refer back I think it's a legitimate question God said in the scripture that the people of God when they were doing this were blessed when they conquered the enemies of God and the one who took the children of the enemies of God and dashed them on the rock was blessed by God that's in the bible and I have no apologies for it you think that's not a cruel thing to do?
you think it's a good thing to do? God is the definition of good and because God is the definition of good since we begin our reasoning from this position we reason from what
God says to our morality now my question for you is if you object to God doing this and He is
God and then you deny His existence or deny any satisfactory proof for His existence on what possible grounds can you object to this sort of behavior?
because physical harm is undesirable it hurts the basis of morality is that which causes unnecessary harm is something which we should avoid inside the womb or out?
either way it's not my I'm not a woman I'm not going to make that choice but either way even if I feel that abortion is wrong
I don't feel it is right for me to impose it on a woman but the nervous system involved the baby who is being slaughtered has a different nervous system than the woman and you've said that pain to human beings is objectionable and I want to know why you think it's objectionable because we are human beings and our nature is that we don't we flee from pain pain is useful to us for survival so pain is by definition something that we want to avoid and so morality is basically wrapped up in the avoidance of unnecessary harm sometimes harm is necessary sometimes there is a real moral decision that comes not from a simplistic list of do this or don't do this a real moral dilemma comes when you have a conflict of positive values it's no big deal to say should
I stab you or shouldn't I but the big deal is what are the relative merits of the positive values involved so sometimes a surgeon for example suppose
I were to walk up to you with a knife and start cutting into your body that would be immoral, unethical I'd probably go to jail for it unless you had a tumor within you if you had a tumor within you that needed to be excised then this cutting into you would be deemed a good thing it would be causing harm but it would be unnecessary harm for a greater good so morals are relative to the situation and there are situations where a woman may decide for herself that she knows this is not a child she knows it's not a baby this woman knows that this is a developing fetus and she's deciding most women who do have abortions really struggle with this but she's deciding that she's weighing the life of her six kids who are born would need her she's weighing the relative merits and she's making a decision
I'm satisfied that you've not answered this question I'd like to ask another I'm satisfied that you've not answered this one it's amazing too think about what you have to catch in those little moments where the unbeliever hangs themselves just that moment where he says she knows this isn't a baby within her and he goes but you know a lot of women really struggle with this why?
why mention that? she knows it's not a baby so she can dispose of this life but you know a lot of women really struggle with this why do they struggle with it if they know it's not a baby see how he contradicts himself you just have to wait for the unbeliever to get enough rope to hang themselves she knows it's not a baby she knows that, she's just a developing fetus fetus is latin for baby it's a developing baby then he goes you know a lot of women really struggle with this well which one do
I believe Mr. Barker which one do I believe that they know it's not a baby or that they really struggle with it well we all know they really struggle with it because they're moms and it's their baby they use a noose to hang themselves that's also used to open a garage door do what?
did you not see that? oh my goodness I can't believe you missed that I know what's going on okay so this was last week we didn't have a show last week because we had a lot going on that race car driver you didn't see that?
I heard something about what happened I can't believe you missed this oh my gosh so apparently now they know what happened but there's like a pulley he's a race car driver and to open the garage door there's a rope and it has like a loop on it
I mean it's like a little loop with a rope there's a picture where the rope's there and then the rope's gone and apparently his team like the rope broke off and they found it in his garage
I think he's mixed race but he's black so everybody's like someone threw a noose in here it's racism it was this big deal everybody's supporting him all the race car drivers literally pushed his car around the track and they got the
FBI involved and the FBI came back and was like yeah it was your thing and then they were like oh sorry everyone sorry it wasn't who we thought it was all those guys that wore themselves out pushing that car were like say what?
oh my gosh it's funny what I was gonna say was one thing
I love about Doug I think he's good it's almost like remember Candid Camera? it's almost like whenever Doug's in a debate or he's blogging or whatever he leads someone along the way and then has that moment where it's like nope you're on Candid Camera and they're just like oh!
that time with Barker everybody's laughing it kind of makes me think of that he's good at that gotcha moment the internal critique well we're gonna go ahead and cut the show short today let's talk about Ken and Karen real quick oh yes let's do that I forgot
I just remembered I've only seen the pictures and I know they were defending their property so oh man and they're democrats which makes it even better I just learned that yesterday so if you guys don't know what we're talking about there was a situation
I believe it was in Oregon I think where the mayor some people had written letters to the mayor saying we need to defund the police and all this
I didn't see the video but apparently the mayor read these letters and somehow she made it known who these people were and what their addresses were that wrote these letters in so needless to say a mob, a
Black Lives Matter mob Antifa whoever they were they actually were being peaceful from what I understand there's no weapons but they come into this, it's a gated community so they're going to the mayor's house to protest her it's a gated community and so that's when they the
Ken and Karen people that were the first house when you walk in so there's this mob of people walking down the street and then you know they come out barefoot they're injury lawyers and Democrats and they come out with very very poor trigger discipline
I did see that, she had her finger on the trigger and she's just waving it around and I guess
I didn't catch it, somebody zoomed in he had the safety off of his AR so they're barefoot, the pink polo just yelling everybody to get off the lawn
Isaac you can show everyone it's on my screen I love the meme, did Brian make it? his buddy made it
I came here to cut grass and drop brass and the mowing is done
Ken and Karen oh man I love it I'm loving stuff like that I don't know the details around it but I would say that in light of current circumstances these mobs and all the riots and all the looting that's going on if a crowd came down my street started making their way towards my house
I'd probably be armed and ready to defend my property I'd definitely have trigger discipline though you're not going to be waving it around with a finger on the trigger, waving the gun around she's clearly never shot that thing don't do that I saw somebody made a fake movie poster for it, that's when
I first saw it I literally thought it was fake I thought somebody posed for it and they were making this thing and Cheryl, my wife, was like no that really happened
I was like shut up so I had to go watch the actual video they named them like Ken and Karen Chadbro my recommendation in a situation like that is if you have a mob running through your street or a crowd of people it wouldn't be wrong as they're making their way towards your fence or past your fence to be ready with a weapon to have it on standby and ready to go if people aren't making a threat towards you or at you and coming into your yard
I don't think it's appropriate in any way to start waving your gun in their direction well that's a felony you can't wave a gun in someone's direction that's not a threat to you and also finger on the trigger guys, if you know anything about guns most of you probably do put your finger on the trigger that's a commitment to kill so that's the rule trigger discipline is finger off that trigger unless when you put it over the trigger you are making a mental commitment that I am ready to kill
I'm ready to use deadly force because that's what a gun is so I would say for sure if you're in your yard definitely you have the right to protect your property having a weapon on standby is good but pointing the gun at protesters just simply walking by not a wise choice not a good decision get your finger off the trigger and to close out the show
Chunk is gone now Chunk, Chop, Chaz, Fudge Chunk, Chop, Chaz, Fudge you made a good point about this the mayor the mayor of Seattle was like it'll be the summer of love it's an amazing thing and all these businesses and I imagine there's probably residents and apartments in there
I don't know anything about Chop, Chaz, Chunk, or Fudge whatever the place is but all those people suffering for all those weeks and I heard that those businesses are filing a lawsuit now against the state they should be because you didn't try to protect us we lost all those businesses and our livelihoods whatever the case is, whatever's going on there
I'm sure people live there but they didn't do anything and the mayor was like it'll be this great thing, summer of love and they're just peaceful protesters well my understanding is that when they started actually making way to her house then she labels them as dangerous and it was like within 24 hours we're clearing you out when you're affected it's the same situation with these sleazebags these sleazebag politicians that are just career politicians they're not citizens that are trying to represent the people in the interest of the people in law we know this world there are fraudulent people in these positions and you've got the
Chicago mayor that's like everybody stay home Beetlejuice we'll take you and we'll throw you in jail we'll treat you like a criminal and stay home, stay home, stay home it's easy to say that when you're getting paid did you stop taking a paycheck for all these weeks?
bet you didn't she got her hair cut too and then she says stay home, you have no right to do this and she's getting her hair cut and then when she's challenged on it in front of the public in the public square her only response is this absolutely asinine response where she says well
I take my personal hygiene very seriously now I'm in the public eye I need to look good sort of a thing it's like do you hear yourself talking?
like up here I need to look good I need to make sure I take care of myself but you lowly peasants you have no concern for your personal hygiene and you don't need to look good
I need to look good and let me just say if you were trying to look good you failed can
I be straight about that? there's just certain things we all notice and I wouldn't have even noticed that she had a haircut but apparently she did somebody caught her doing it but I guess my point is why say all these things and why say it in such a harsh way we have to say these things in a harsh way because of the times that we live in it's not the time to just simply play nice with people's lives people's lives are at stake they're being destroyed by career politicians that don't have the interests of the community in mind they don't care about the law they don't even know the law if you ask them who makes laws in this country
Supreme Court they'd be like yeah I think so they wouldn't even know that many legislators don't know the
Supreme Court can't create law they don't know they're career politicians it's not that difficult there's certain hard things about it it's not that difficult to get on a ballot and to start getting something running so just because somebody gets to the position of mayor or governor or whatever the case may be doesn't mean that they understand the law completely or that they're really qualified for that position some people get into that position because they had enough money to do it are we talking about Joe Biden?
some people it's true they get into this position because they have enough money to really kick start it and many people in the communities all they know is
I saw that name on a sign a bunch of times and that's my color it's red or it's blue I saw it enough and that's what they're looking for at times too when you get a mailer politicians put a mailer in the mail they just want you to have the 10 seconds from the mailbox to the door where you just saw the name so that the name is burned into your brain you may not know anything about the person all you know is that person,
I've seen the name and they're my color so on the ballot you click that box doesn't mean the person's qualified or that they have any right to be there but that's just the way that our country works right now and we've got to speak against it but my point is is these governors, mayors these officials, legislators need to be called out, confronted and confronted of course in a righteous way with a righteous standard which is
God's law and we ought to be doing that because if you're living say pick a place you came from a nice little town
Chicago was obviously difficult and you have what was the name of your city?
Griffith nice place it is a nice place a lot of families you're in a place like that maybe you're not feeling the pinch of all this tyranny that say people in Chop Chaz Fudge and Chunk were feeling you're not feeling it like them and if you're in South Dakota right now you're probably not feeling much of anything a good governor cares about the
Constitution there but my point is Christians you have to speak against this sort of sin and tyranny or it only escalates and it grows because the
Christian witness in light is removed from the darkness and so you do have to speak against it and you do need to call out something like the mayor of Chicago's statements that are just so offensive and the mayor of Seattle I think that's the right person the mayor of Seattle the fact that she does nothing to protect these people and these businesses and then all of a sudden when it starts to come close to home literally we're going to finally say something how about our governor?
Doocy did you watch his press conference? the most recent one?
yeah so he put us back into phase one which is just it's him this is talking about career politicians it's clear he's just covering his backside because it makes it look like he's doing something but then when you actually look at stuff what he's actually saying and the rules it's like you're not really doing anything you're just making it look like you're doing something but the thing that made me really upset as I started watching his press conference just right off the bat he says something like I know we're asking a lot of our people it's like no no no you're not asking you're telling you're not asking people you're telling people you are telling businesses which kudos to mountain fitness or whatever who's standing up against that but you're telling people that they can't work and that they can't operate their businesses that they need to survive because of some stupid awful quarantine thing that doesn't do anything and so I don't know if you saw my post it reminded me of when we were a kid
I played a game called kick the can but the point is it's like he's just kicking this further down the road
COVID -19 is here you just keep kicking it we're going to quarantine a little bit longer when you un -quarantine and you start mass testing again you're going to start seeing more but it's not just a game it's not just a game you're actually playing with people's livelihoods and that's where I think finally people in Arizona are fed enough well you're right that's the point people's livelihoods it's a big deal to shut your business down not be able to feed your kids that's kind of a big deal and the thing that I've said since the beginning of this is
I'll have more respect for the politicians the governors, the mayors, whatever the case may be who say
I'm not going to take a paycheck either but they're not doing that I'm not going to take a paycheck as long as I'm telling you to quarantine to stay home and to not work and risk your family's financial situation as long as I'm telling you to do that I'm going to do it as well
I would actually say some of the things you're doing are ignorant but kudos to you for trying to be consistent and live with your community and do what's right at least you're trying to be consistent but you don't see that these people continue to get paid they continue to feed themselves and care for their needs and then they're telling all the lowly peasants you guys, don't worry about your businesses don't worry about shutting down if you're going to suffer, you're going to suffer and it's like Grandma Gugu does a thing she does this live video where she opens up these uber expensive refrigerators and shows all the delicious ice cream she has at the bottom of her thing she's like I'm really suffering at home sure you are in your expensive home with your expensive kitchen your expensive fridges while everybody else is suffering they're supposed to suffer but you're really suffering
I'd like to spend a week in her house I'm sure it would be a great airbnb rental it would be a lot of fun but it's difficult
I guess we are going to do a full show today so the issue with COVID -19 and coronavirus right now we want to be cautious how we say this because we want to respect people and we understand that people have loved ones who have significantly suffered from this we've said from the very beginning it's a very serious illness it's not a hoax the virus is not a hoax the virus is real it's a real virus, people are really dying from it but the mortality rate is so low that it is comparable to or less than things that we deal with on an annual basis and consistency would say if you're going to shut the world down and destroy everybody's lives you're going to have to do it again in November, December, and January when we're dealing with the other issues that's not saying this is the flu no, it's not the flu it's
COVID -19 but we looked at the mortality rate and early on, the big concern with all the governors and mayors and all the media was the mortality rate this is the thing that scares us this is a serious issue and so this thing gets pushed further and further down the road and all of a sudden people start saying we're going to die, and people are literally dying from being shut down like this and so we've got to open up and look, the mortality rate is not as high as you said it was, why are we shutting down like this?
and so everyone goes, yeah, we need to open up and we'll do it with caution, and everyone says, yeah, that's fine we'll do it, we'll care for each other, be protective and do what we can, and then they open back up again and then all of a sudden they go oh my gosh, the
COVID -19 cases are out of this world, they're rising and it's like because you're doing all the testing because everyone's doing all the testing and you made us stay inside when we should have been out and they're demonstrating clearly and this has been admitted by the organizations themselves we're talking about CDC and other organizations that the
COVID testing the rates of positive are actually inaccurate now when you know that data is there look, they're admitting, yeah, you know the
COVID testing stuff, it says positive but the accuracy in that is like lower than we thought it would be so you've got to take all those things and say wow so what you have as numbers of COVID -19 positive cases is rising because of course the virus is here it's going to spread, there's no way out of it there is no way out of it like Luke says, you're kicking this thing further down the road, you're going to have to have this virus spread and I hate to say that but it's got to make
I'm not saying, hey everybody, let's go ahead and get it I'm saying, there's no way out of it now it's here it's here to stay, it's going to work its way through there's just no way out of that that is a scientific fact, you could talk about well, let's flatten the curve you can only do that through just basic protections but you're not going to erase this thing and not have it as a reality by having everybody shut their businesses down and go back hiding their homes again it just doesn't work that way and then when you look at all the cases, you're like well, because everybody is testing now and you go, oh but even the cases that we have many of those are just false not really positive and you go, my goodness what are we doing?
what are we doing to our neighbors by destroying their lives their livelihoods for this?
now, you've heard us talk about this we had a sermon to the governor to Doug Ducey, I said this is serious, we need to take it seriously but we need to love our neighbor as the primary thing that has to be first and foremost and it's all of our neighbors if this were something like, say, the
Spanish flu or if it was something like the Black Plague if we're talking about losing one out of every three human beings in our state you're going, whoa this thing is serious, it affects everybody the same way, whether you're young or old it's going to hit you the same way we've got to do something and protect but even still, you've got to say we don't want to destroy the whole world because of it so you have to be very precise and wise in this case it's admitted that this affects this population in our country and everybody goes okay, so let's protect those people that's what you should be saying let's do everything we can as a community to surround these people with proper social distancing and love them and protect them most of all let's take all resources and protect those people the ones that are most affected by this that would be a sane, rational way of handling this to say, hey, everybody in America right now let's get our country back and let's protect the people who need us most let's give them food let's invest money in their protection let's do everything we can and let's zero our sights in I bet you all these companies that have lost millions through this would go,
I'm in for that let's open back up and let's all invest all the millions that I would have lost into protecting that community let's send them food let's do whatever it takes to protect them instead of destroying the whole lot of us
I think that's a more rational wise, loving thing to do when you have the data that specifically says, yeah, it's a fact it affects these people over here elderly immune systems compromised but, question why'd you destroy the rest of society?
that's the question that has to be asked and especially in this case now, Luke Doocy says and this is the thing that got me and of course,
Mountainside Fitness said this they said, so you picked fitness clubs and tubing?
tubing? like the Salt River? first of all, listen anybody who is tubing in the
Salt River has an immune system of steel because we call that Poo Poo River because listen,
I'm going to make sure everyone understands this there's a lot of brown trout there's a lot of brown trout in that river and here's the deal
I got invited, I went to Salt River one time in my life, I will never go back have you ever gone?
nope, I don't plan on it because let me just say, my experience of going to Salt River nobody told me no one told me, they were like, hey let's go tubing down Salt River it's such a blast, everyone loves it
I'm like, great, so you get on the tube and no one tells me that you're going to float down this thing for four and a half hours
I'm like, I'm an hour in when does the thing end? and they're like, oh no, we haven't even begun the trip and I'm like, what?
and there's like a million people and people created these rafts together and they blasted music and I look over I'm sorry, this is going to get a bit this is a revelation just imagine
I look over at my friend like two hours in and he's sitting in the donut and he's acting kind of weird and squirrely and I'm like, what are you doing?
and what do you think he was doing? he was using the, because you have to use the bathroom you're floating down the river for four and a half hours you've got to use the bathroom there's a lot of beer being consumed where are you going to use the bathroom?
and I was only like 19 or 20 at the time and my friend is using the bathroom to get a go and so he's using the bathroom and it's not number one and he's floating down so all that to say anybody who spends time in Salt River and tubing you've got an immune system of steel you're not getting
COVID nothing is penetrating, if you spend time there nothing is going to kill you because you are immune to everything your immune system is amazing you have a better chance of catching an
STD than you do COVID that's true but here's the deal what have we been told about COVID -19 in terms of especially
Arizona we're like one of the most blessed states because when it's 111 degrees outside they've said
COVID -19 it has a certain lifespan where it can hang out in that kind of heat and that kind of sunlight so when you know that why are you picking the tubing?
why are you picking that thing when you've got all this sunlight, all this heat it's something that you go why that?
and people are asking that why don't you just randomly, arbitrarily pick tubing and then fitness clubs with no evidence that the coronavirus is spreading because of the fitness clubs the deal is,
I guarantee you this and this is what we said about church those fitness clubs that are opening up you know they're saying we're having all these extra sanitizing stations we're doing these cleaning things constantly people are even wearing masks we've reorganized the whole club where there's massive social distancing you are guaranteed to be quote, safer from COVID -19 spread in that club than you would be at Walmart or Home Depot or Costco or whatever the case may be but he randomly picks, arbitrarily picks this one, this one, this one, why?
so it looks like he's doing something when in reality what I like to see is the courage of the governor in South Dakota where she's yeah she's just saying look, it's serious take precautions, everyone be smart everyone be safe, but with the numbers that we see right now we realize we can't destroy everyone's lives because of this and the constitution matters it matters, and people's freedom matters and we can't sacrifice freedom for security and safety and in this case she's trying to say the balance is, looking at the data we know about COVID, what's a fact and then going, yeah
I can't destroy my state because of that that's a wise governor I like to see a governor a mayor, a sheriff
I know I've seen some stand up and just simply say I'm not buying it like I see through the inconsistencies and I will not destroy the lives of my people as a result of this, and I think what
Doug should have done Governor Ducey should have done is he should have basically pushed back against the narrative that the media is spinning it goes from death rate, mortality to high coronavirus cases, he should have just pushed back against that, and just spoke the truth about all the data and said ultimately, look, what do we want to do do we want to be dealing with coronavirus in December like you want to be dealing with the same shutdown in December, January, or February because if you don't we've got to start opening now we've got to start opening now, we've got to start loving our neighbors, protecting one another, of course but opening up now so that we can deal with this thing which is already here it's already spreading among us it's like everyone lives in a fantasy like somehow if we all stay home coronavirus is going to be erased it can't be, not at this point it's spread and it's going to make its way through the population many people and I'm of this persuasion believe that it was here longer than we initially thought that many more people already had this, and that's being confirmed with the evidence as well that many people didn't even realize they had it and so that's something to consider before we close, did you see
Rand Paul destroy Fauci the other day? I did pretty epic. That was pretty epic you can always depend on...
I'm not an expert on this that's what everybody's saying they said you're the expert in the end our concern is loving all of our neighbors, that's our concern in the midst of this, it's saying love the neighbors who are affected by coronavirus,
COVID -19 love them, love them well and then love everybody else too, they matter as well matter a lot alright guys, apologiastudios .com
is where you guys go to get more make sure you sign up for all access go to endabortionnow .com to get your church signed up can we share that?
I want to read that to everybody so before we leave I want to give you this really encouraging message that we just received so in light of us saying endabortionnow .com,
go there sign up your church check this out Kelly said just wanted to update you on where we are now after your generous gift over a year ago that got us started when you sign up with your church we send you out training and kits and everything you need to do this and we don't ask for anything from you, it's all from us to you and to help you and we have ongoing training and support as well, she says this about 44 babies saved and 3 moms repented and believed the gospel off the sidewalk how do you like that?
how amazing is that guys? a little over a year ago, this church signs up this group signs up 44 babies saved through this one group praise
God so we want you to get started as well we want to help you, we don't want anything from your church we want your church to go out and start saving lives we're prepared to support you to give you training, resources, all that's necessary to do this work you go to endabortionnow .com
to sign up and that starts the whole process and we'll be behind you guys the whole way that's one church, 44 children in one year and 3 women that came to Christ should you be doing this?