Romans 12, “How Do You Live?”, Dr. John Carpenter

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Romans 12 “How Do You Live?”


Romans chapter 12 will be reading the whole chapter hear the word of the Lord. I Appeal to you therefore brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice
Holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual worship Do not be conformed to this world
But be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern.
What is the will of God? What is good and acceptable and perfect? For by the grace given to me
I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think with sober judgment
Each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned for as in one body
We have many members and the members do not all have the same function So we though many are one body in Christ and individually members one of another
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us let us use them if prophecy in proportion to our faith if service in our serving the one who teaches in his teaching the one who exhorts in his exhortation the one who contributes in his generosity the one who leads with zeal the one who does acts of mercy with cheerfulness
Let love be genuine Abhor what is evil hold fast to what is good love one another with brotherly affection
Outdo one another in showing honor Do not be slothful in zeal be fervent in spirit serve the
Lord rejoice in hope be patient in tribulation be constant in prayer Contribute to the needs of the
Saints and seek to show hospitality Bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse rejoice with those who rejoice
Weep with those who weep live in harmony with one another do not be haughty but associate with the lowly
Never be wise in your own sight repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to what is honorable in the sight of all if Possible as far as it depends on you live peaceably with all beloved never avenge yourselves
But leave it to the wrath of God for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay says the
Lord to the contrary if your enemy is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him something to drink For by so doing you will heat burning coals on his head
Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good May the
Lord have his blessings the reading of his Holy Word. I know who
I belong to she said She professed to be a Christian. That was her profession of faith.
She said she belonged to Jesus I know who I belong to there's Jesus. There's me and That's all she was responding to the question as to why she hadn't been in the church that she committed herself to We hadn't seen you in a while, oh she responded
I know who I belong to So she was saying don't worry about me. I Belong to Jesus and that's all that matters how
I live is between me and God I an individual belong to him
Mark Devere commented that Jesus and me looks a lot like just me and there are
Christians who take the great truths of Romans that we've been looking at ever since January now and conclude that since I am saved by my faith alone and I believe in Christ alone on the basis of what
I read in the Bible alone that I am justified now because I belong to some group but Alone, how do
I live? Well alone and then they wonder why they're so alone At the end of the unfolding of the gospel in Romans 1 to 11 is
God's plan Really just about you and Jesus alone That is what many modern
American Christians believe how I live is my business Many therefore simply drop out of church one lady named
Susan said she is an introvert and struggled for 35 years to go to church Forcing herself to do so because she said she felt it was her duty
But finally she says it dawned on her and she wrote quote that God was not asking this sacrifice of me
So she stopped going and now she reports a tremendous peace joy and happiness as Though she has been set free
Now she's alone. Oh the joy of just Jesus and me which looks a lot like just me
Others don't physically drop out. They keep going but more because of a habit because they feel they should maybe they're more
Extroverted and so they don't really mind mixing and mingling but they're sure Because of what they think
Romans teaches That it really is just Jesus and them alone and they're being part of a church isn't important now
Maybe going is but belonging isn't you'll have some people that'll go to several different churches go here there
We've got the newest show the newest person guest speaking or whatever But never never commit to one in particular the church might offer advice on how to how to live and I have
Inspiration it even maybe it even offers some help in living but it is not in itself
How you live after all we live by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, so can't
I do it that live that is? alone Is that really the conclusion that really the ethics the outworking of the great truths of Romans?
Well, we see the answer to that here in Romans 12 in four parts First, how do we live? physically second mentally third corporately and finally
Mentally -socially How do you live first physically in verse 1
Paul appeals to them by the mercies? plural of God Say mercy that God has had on you.
He urges no sees. I urge you that in other words, this is urgent He urges them to do what?
Accept Jesus into your heart Have a spirit of faith Say the right confession sing passionate praise songs
Learn sophisticated theology. No, not just the n -word not just the verbal but the physical
Present your body You put your physical self on the altar for the
Lord a human sacrifice not of course by killing yourself, but by giving it a living Sacrifice a living offering of what is physical about you of this what can be touched and seen and felt
Not just your heart some like to say well give your heart to the Lord if they mean well
Give your heart to love and serve the Lord. That's great But how are we to know that you have done that by what you do?
physically Who you do and do not have sex with what you do with your hands what they touch and give
What they grab and what they let go of where your feet walk what your eyes see
What you listen to? What your mouth eats and drinks where your dollars go where you're sitting
Including on Sunday morning that Paul says is your spiritual worship spiritual worship is physical
It's also reasonable the word there's translated spiritual can be translated reasonable it's only logical that if Jesus gave his body for you
That you give your body for him Only then does God see your worship as holy and acceptable
How do you live second? mentally Living for God includes the mind
Now that's not just what you know the right facts the knowledge you have and that you can gain
But how you think in verse 2 don't be conformed to the world Don't let it shape you shape your ways of thinking your assumptions your attitudes your values
The way you way you judge things as good or bad as valuable as not valuable You live in individualistic consumeristic culture that tells you if it feels good
We'll do it that man is the measure of all things that you should follow your own heart everything outside of you every relationship exists for you to consume
That it's there for your individual pursuit of happiness So that's all that matters and if any commitment anything outside of you appears to be crimping that well, then ditch it.
I saw a professor of ethics Who's in the wrong profession, but that's about the point professor of ethics say that he hoped if ever he was interfering with his wife's happiness
Did she would leave and divorce him? He wanted her he said to be a consumer of marriage
I think probably was setting her up for something of course Christians recoil at that idea of radical individualism the assumption that happiness comes to Consuming everything in every relationship for myself, but the same ethic they denounce and worldly professors
They live in the church showing that they've been conformed to the world I know who I belong to meaning. It's just Jesus and me and Church, this is this for my my consumption
It's all really just me And so they live just as individualistically and switch churches like they switch restaurants our phone service providers
We are to give our bodies as living sacrifices, but our bodies follow our minds So our minds the minds of Christians must be transformed.
It's a command Transform your mind Telling us that our minds are not that way naturally our minds need to be changed
We are naturally already conformed to the world. The world has taught us how to think It's been been training us how to think all the time how to see ourselves and life around us
What is valuable what should value what you want what to pursue money pleasure ego?
It's told us what is pleasurable and rewarding it's told us who we belong to mainly ourselves and All of that will need to be emptied out and replaced.
You can't pour anything into a full cup And our minds come full of the world's ways of thinking and the only way you're going to change that is to empty your mind out of these worldly ways and God's ways be poured into you use another analogy if you have a yard full of weeds
First you need to kill the weeds. You got to get rid of the weeds first got uproot them don't just chop off the leaves because they'll grow back get the roots and then you got a plant with good seed and then with transform minds you'll be able to test and to know the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect and Then knowing it we give our lives as living sacrifices to do
What is good acceptable and perfect you will live for the Lord physically and mentally
How do you live third? corporately starting in verse 3 Corporately from corpus meaning body means to think about the body
Not just yourself We're all members of one body in verse 4
It's the as the opposite of the selfish individualism That only thinks about what what I want That way of thinking that our culture loves and inculcates on us from young that trains us in it
That that I can be anything I want to be all I need to worry about to think about is myself what
I won't want what I feel satisfied in doing Untransformed minds try to sanctify that as well.
It's just Jesus and me I know I belong to which is really just me Here are living sacrifices everything to do with the way we live with others we live corporately and we see that here in two parts a first what we live corporately with and Second how we live corporately
What do we live corporately with? Well our gifts and for those gifts to be used as God has assigned notice the emphasis here on this
One body but with many gifts, of course, he talks about since the first Corinthians 12 Too, but for as in verse 4 for as in one bought one body.
We have many members right, he talked about that first Corinthians 12 with ones an ear wins an arm and the members do not all have the same function so Different members have different functions that everyone does the same thing and so we though many there's the emphasis on many their variety are one there's unity in Christ and Individually, there's the variety the many
Individually members one the unity of another having gifts variety that differ
There's variety according to the grace They they differ according to the grace the gift given to us and then he goes on listening like that What we live with we live with these gifts
Depending on what each of us has. How do you know what your gift is? Well, what has
God assigned to you to know that you have to have a transformed mind that thinks soberly in verse 3
Sober think soberly about yourself that is unintoxicated Unimpaired judgment you're not drunk on your own ego
Don't live under the influence of arrogance. Stop thinking so highly of yourself that this body
Exists to make you look and to feel good or satisfy your fantasies about what you think you can be
Maybe you really can't be to recognize your greatness to give you a fancy title like a parcel
Chief Prelate, I like that one a reverend doctor to always listen to you and do what you say to put you in the spotlight or Or just to put on a good show for you entertain you.
Well, that's the worldly way Let's be transformed change your minds from the world with its pride where you're the customer
The customer is King right? You're the customer customer is King. You've got to have your way You've got to be satisfied think clearly about your place in it think differently than that Think think about the body your place in it and your impact on it
One of the biggest problems in churches now is when people think too highly of themselves
Maybe they think they can do something. They really can't They think they can be a singer and they really can't or are they they think that they're they have more wisdom than they really
Do or they imagine that their pet issues whatever they're obsessed with the color of the carpet or whatever
It is are more important than they really are Often they think of themselves so highly they assume that they deserve to get their way
Maybe about everything Here in verses 3 to 8 Paul tells us first transform your minds
Remember that transform your minds by replacing that natural pride with Sober thinking that is a clear view of who you are.
You are one member in a bigger body The church you aren't a body all to yourself
You aren't detached. You can't live by yourself. You can't do everything
But you can do something each member has a gift Right and he lists there seven gifts prophecy service teaching exhorting or encouraging giving leading and mercy
And there are other gifts in other places His point here isn't to describe all the gifts But to say that everyone has one no one has them all everyone is a part of the body and you should use your
Gift and you use your that's why he says all this If service and is serving the one who teaches and is teaching.
Oh, is it that's your gift do your gift Think soberly about what your gift is and do that one
That's not the one. Maybe you want to have the one you fantasize about having But the one you really do have sober thinking when
I was in seminary in Los Angeles I did the internship at a Methodist Church there which decided to refurbish their sanctuary
They had to make a decisions, you know The color of the carpet and interior design and all that kind of thing and one lady in the church and this is near Hollywood Hollywood sign was nearby had actually won an
Emmy Believe it or not. I believe it's an Emmy or maybe it's an Oscar I think I confused now in past but it's one of those big awards for best set design
Imagine that this is Hollywood. I mean, these are the people who are all about looking good They may not be very good underneath but as far as appearances go they know how to make things look good and this lady won an award for making things look good and This church wants to make things look good.
All right, so who are you gonna turn to to make things look good? Well, you you should turn to her I saw the trophy myself when
I was at her house there was but you would think then that they would Delegate well those decisions are we want the sanctuary to look good.
Take it away. It's all yours She's one of the best in the world after all she's a gift for it but no
Other people thought too highly of themselves. They didn't we weren't thinking soberly that they were just as good as she was
And they had to have their way Let's be different. Let's not be like the world that has to have its way.
It's know our limits Acknowledge others people's gifts see their gifts
Even if they didn't get an Emmy a trophy award and let them let them be used
Think with sober judgment that is judging yourself Accurately not like the world just so full of pride they exaggerate themselves
They think too highly of themselves Without craving to do what the world to the world conforms us into thinking
What is the most important and then if we're like the world then we want to do what the world tells us is most important And this culture many people see preaching is the most important Probably what is equivalent here least when comes to the church?
Preaching is the most important probably what is equivalent here to prophecy in verse 6 and so they long
To be a preacher even if they don't have a gift for it I think where he says them each according to the measure of faith in verse 3
That is that the spiritual gift is activated by faith to do it So people have different gifts assigned by God and some people have different gifts in greater proportion greater measure
They've given more Ability to prophecy or to preach or to serve or to give than others and so they should do it even more
Some people have gifts of preaching or serving and if there's a need for serving there They have a gift but that kind of people they see a need they'll go meet it or teaching communicate well information get other people's minds or Encouraging that is motivating people or giving or leading or showing mercy, but if we have untransformed minds
If we're worldly we were conformed still We see the church like a theater. So this is a big show going on right now and the preacher is the main actor
And if you're worldly You want to be a star right? Everyone wants to be a star Who wants to be an usher or janitor or just a bit player?
No one wants to do that. Everybody wants to be the star. That's the worldly way of thinking The worldly way is you know, I don't care what the body needs.
I don't care what I can do I want to be in the spotlight. And so with this culture
We have so many men who aspire to be preachers, but who can't preach many of them. They could do other things
They could give we need people who can make money and give that's one of the gifts here give or serve
We need deacons, you know take care of practical things around the church people who can share the gospel often one -on -one
You got to develop relationships, especially in our ministries at Jim jr. And Jim We have a great opening for people who can do that People can visit.
Mr. Perry the nursing home to give to mercy Or visit members who are missing church too much and encourage them courage them to do better motivate them to be more faithful They could do any of those other things
But if they're if they're worldly, they're conformed to the world They're not thinking clearly about how their particular gifts meet the needs of the body.
They are thinking corporately They're only thinking individually of themselves and so they go looking for a spotlight somewhere
The Puritan William Perkins wrote quote, here's some 16th century English. So got to pay attention whom
God calls To them he gives competent inconvenient gifts or knowledge understanding
Dexterity to do this or that and such like and thereby makes them able for the performance of the duties of their callings
Test that I'll read it again whom God calls to them He gives competent inconvenient gifts or knowledge understanding dexterity to do this or that and such like and thereby
Makes them able for the performance of the duties of their callings in other words
God equips the called if he calls someone he equips them and Perkins continues
Contrary wise They that enter into any calling being on being utterly unable to perform the duties thereof
Were never called by God That is if God hasn't equipped you with the needed skill
He hasn't called you to do that thing So applied to preaching for example someone who lacks effective public speaking abilities
Can be discouraged from ministries which require frequent preaching you'd be talking less. It's not your gift do something else their lack of skill
Suggests a lack of call to do that Calling is not some kind of just mystical experience just subjectively and my own soul individually
Determined only by how I feel and you just have to believe me like I identify as something you okay
You're that People have been saying I identify as a preacher. I can't see it no, it is demonstrable calling is demonstrable verifiable and subject to the
Corporation the body It would be like a football team in which every player only wants to be a quarterback it doesn't matter if they already have
Tom Brady on the team and if they can't even throw a pass or If there are 300 pounds and slow, but they're great at blocking or they're kind of scrawny, but they're great at kicking
They insist on being the quarterback and they will not do anything else other than the quarterback That's what churches are like when they're full of people with untransformed minds who are still thinking just like the world just about themselves and not corporately
When I was a junior in college I was on a partial athletics scholarship meaning that the college paid me by deducting money from the tuition to be an athlete
They also required me Along with every other student to take a PE class Which I thought was kind of ridiculous because they're actually paying me to work out strenuously and then they required me to take this class
Which made me work out hardly lightly if you call that working out, but I didn't really mind it was easy class
Our last requirement for the class was to go to the track and to stay moving stay moving in some way walking or running
For half an hour. That's that's it Easy like I said, I started running and tried to coach the other guys, you know, stay with me.
Come on. I'm going about six Minutes per mile something that like it's just a matter of willpower
You can make yourself run with me if you really want to of course they couldn't They didn't have the gift or the training.
We can't do what others are gifted To do if we don't have that gift, we can't do it
Even for running some people think if you just try hard enough you can get fast No, you can't it's a certain amount of giftedness and you either have it or you know
As he says here in verse 6 having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us
We each have different gifts and it's different for each of us. We just can't make ourselves do some kind of ministry
Just by sheer willpower by choosing it I once told the church that not everyone has a gift for evangelism
Some of us just don't have a gift to easily share the gospel with every waitress that serves us now
We can all share the gospel the opportunity comes but some of some people can kind of open up conversations easily and share the gospel
Like that and go door -to -door engaging evangelistic conversations with people They just met some people could do that very naturally and you're gifted for it and some others can't
Someone told me well, I was wrong. I Did I shouldn't have said that that we can all do it.
It's just a matter of willpower. It's a matter of dedication He didn't understand that we have different gifts that we can't all just will ourselves to do something
I Can't by sheer act of will Be a good musician
It's not gonna happen. Others will never be effective preachers. They don't have a gift
We we don't need to make people feel guilty For not doing what they're not gifted to do
But we're all gifted to do something So the church can have an evangelistic ministry that you can use your gift
Whatever it is to help and so you are then Helping evangelism, even if you're not personally gifted to share one -on -one kind of evangelism understand second how
We live corporately in the church in verses 3 to 8 with our different gifts, but how we are to live is
The same in verses 9 to 13 Verses 3 to 8 about our diversity different gifts all kind how we what we contribute is all each different And verses 9 to 13 is this is what we should all do
We all together are to let love be genuine. You don't say I don't have a gift for loving Genuinely, so I'm not gonna love genuinely
I'm gonna be a fake or I'm gonna be rude because it's not my gift. No, you don't say that in other words Let love be genuine don't don't be fake not empty words not a show
We don't talk about the church family and then leave like we're trying out a new restaurant. We don't say like one lady
I love this church so much I'll never leave unless the Lord audibly tells me to go elsewhere and then a couple of months She leaves just because he feels like it and then she presents those who remind her or her earlier words.
That's fake It's Keith Green wrote in the song. We just heard I make my life a prayer to you
I want to do what you want me to no empty words No white lies no token prayers no compromise
And our life together shrink from evil abhor what is evil in verse 19.
I hate it detest it Don't tolerate it. Don't turn the church into a sin club Right.
Some people think church is a sin club. You know what the first rule of sin club is don't mention sin club Turn the church into a sin club.
It's the first rule you no one mentions your sin We all become enablers of each other's sin because our relationships are so shallow
That if I dare mention your sin, or you dare mention mine, we'll get mad and leave instead of verse 10
Philadelphia in verbal form brotherly love one another warmly
That's how it knows the emphasis of that Brotherly love that's already family -like and then do it warmly
Like I gotta do it no, you know warmly brotherly love be familial family like not business like Not like we treat our
TV service provider and if it gets too costly or the service is poor We just ditch it and get another one.
No put up with each other like you put up with family and do it warmly affectionately
I'll do one another and showing honor Literally it says are in honor preferring one another in other words prefer to give honor to others in the church
Rather than get it In verse 11 do not be lawful and zeal otherwise don't let your zeal
Flag don't excuse losing that first love revive it You know if you become lukewarm if before you remember those days while back you would never miss church you'd pray and you'd read the word and you listen to sermons and sing praise songs and you would give and Now all those habits are slipping away
And you're just too distracted By work or relationships or sports or the newest thing and you're tired of the songs and the sermons
You've got to pay attention take that when you see those signs Take that at least as seriously as you would take bad medical signs
High blood pressure high cholesterol spot on an x -ray
Revive your fervor for the Lord serve the Lord he says That will look differently depending on your gifts how you serve the
Lord may be differently than how did I do it? But each of you can be serving the Lord somehow in verse 12
Rejoice all of you no matter your gift. You don't have a gift for depression. No one has that gift Rejoice because you have hope
Endure under affliction when you're being pressed when life is hard with relationships have disappointed you keep enduring especially persevering in prayer
Some may have a gift for generosity Like Mary's friends in Singapore who gave generously so that we could have it in your lease that for the down payment of this
Building and and so that we could refurbish it so it looks decent the same two friends by the way also have a gift for mercy which made them go visit
Mary's mother and They were key in her confessing Christ They they had their gifts and they did them.
They didn't say well the pastor he gets paid to do this stuff I'll let him they had the gifts and they did them
Right. They have a gift. Some people have a gift for generosity in verse 8 Remember each one has a different gift and so making and giving money is their gift
But that doesn't mean well, I'm off the hook because that's not my gift so I'll I'll does not give
We all have the responsibility in verse 13 to give to the church verse 13 contribute to the needs of the
Saints think Individually if one of our church members is in need or corporately as the church
God's people fellow believers There are the Saints and seek to show hospitality notices seek
To be hospitable not just be hospitable with opportunity comes your way Go seek and go out of your way
Looking for opportunities to show hospitality the fellow members of the body have an attitude that Whatever you have spare bedroom
Something a ride you can give time you can give you want to share it with the body
You can't obey any of these If you don't know who you belong to Now some say because they say they're saved by grace alone
I know I belong to but no they don't They don't know because their mind hasn't been transformed.
They're still conformed to an individualistic world. They don't know that if you belong to Christ You belong to his body the church.
How do we live? forth We live socially From verses 14 to 21.
That is we live in Societies and we are to live for God as transformed living sacrifices because of his amazing grace in the world in Societies in worldly societies.
We're not trying to flee the world now for over a thousand years the ideal of what many people thought many
Christian professing Christians anybody thought as The way for Christians to deal with the world.
They're really committed the way they dealt with the world Was escaping you get away from it.
You void it as much as you can. They're really committed You're really a believer and you're gonna love the
Lord you become a monk or a nun and you live separated from the world in A monastery or a convent that was the path they thought to true spirituality
But here the Apostle says live in the world, but don't be conformed to it
Don't be conformed. So you're just as greedy as materialistic a self -centered as as individualistic as consumeristic that everything is for my
Consumption as the world instead live in it and be transformed socially in the world but different in The world but not of it the old preachers phrase
First realized that as non -conformist to the world We will be different if you're not different than the world and there's a problem with you conforming being non -conformist different You will be persecuted
You may be as we heard about when looking at chapter 1 Banned from distributing your materials on the campus of a nearby college if you tell the truth about some sexual behavior
If you call a man and you're claiming to be a woman a man you just tell the truth about biology
You will be banned by some social media You may be cursed Don't curse back verse 14.
You don't seek vengeance in verse 19. Now the world loves vengeance even kind of whole genre of Movies and TV series about vengeance
Revenge movies or series are popular was the hero suffers. I've got a horrible injustice and then goes about getting his revenge
I recently watched the Amazon series Terminal list which is a nothing but a gory revenge show.
I think I suffers Horribly, and then he goes about getting his revenge on everybody.
There's really no higher moral to the story Compare that with what starts out as a gory also a gory kind of vengeance movie the first half of it man maybe the first Orifice of it, but man on fire with Denzel Washington Have you ever seen that he gets his revenge, but ultimately it's not his wrecking bloody revenge on everybody
That saves the girl that he was getting vengeance for and the end it is his sacrificing himself that wins
And so it's a much better Movie we can be justice seekers, but not vengeance seekers now vengeance is not necessarily wrong
Tells not to seek it But it doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong since God says vengeance is mine if it were wrong.
It wouldn't be his would it He never says God never says murder is mine Adultery is mine.
No, he doesn't say that it's not always wrong, but it's not for us to seek more on that next week
Because we're living in the world We might be persecuted if we're bakers people might sue us if we don't bake a cake that help with them celebrate sexual perversion
They might ban us they might insult us But we don't escape to some
Christian commune where we'll never have to worry about running into those kinds of people Just so totally separate from the world
But what he's saying here is no you live in the world even if sometimes you suffer persecution you're insulted and he says your response to that not to escape it if you're
Cursed you bless that as you say good things about or your persecutors That's what the Lord Jesus told us in Matthew chapter 5 verse 44.
Love your enemies Pray for those who persecute you Not go escape to some communes where you never have to run into anybody who persecutes you
That you may be sons of your father who is in heaven We live in the world we participate in the life of our community we rejoice with those who rejoice
Weep for those who weep in verse 15. Now if this were just two verses up In that section on how to live together as the church.
I would that would be easy. It would be like you Sympathize with each other's ups and downs in the church, but it's not it's about living in the world
Just after living with persecution and just before avoiding vengeance. So in this world
Rejoice for those who rejoice Weep for those who we sympathize with people even worldly people
Sympathize with their victories and their losses be part of the community go to their weddings and their funerals a
Few years ago when I asked when I was asked to write a letter of recommendation for Mike and Nancy to the
US Immigration Department I Sympathize how they made themselves part of the community they employed local people that give the local charities
And so now do some of you others you live in the world not in secluded enclaves when
I lived in Singapore some of the Americans there live in their secluded American enclaves.
It's in their kids to American school They go to the American Club They work for their American corporation and they go out to eat in American restaurants and the only thing about Singapore They ever see is that they're curious looks outside their car window as they're traveling from one place to another in Singapore, but they're really in this enclave secluded from Singapore they're in it, but Not really knowing what it's about What are you saying here?
No you live in it You participate in the life of your community try to live in harmony.
He says in verse 16. Don't be arrogant Don't see people some people in the world is below you He says associate with the lowly
Obviously in this part of the country, they violated this when they saw this is one race We're not gonna associate with them No All you associate with all kinds of people and their day think about Paul's day was written
There were some people who were aristocrats in society high up and there were others many others who were slaves
And he's telling this people. No one is below you associate with all kinds of people. Don't think you're a higher class than those others
Seek if you can to do what is what people think is right. He says what what they think is honorable
Do that, of course as long as it's not wrong in God's eyes, for example, they think it's right now to recycle plastic bottles
So do it That's not gonna hurt you verse 18 if possible so far as it depends on you live peaceably with all now
It may not always be possible because it doesn't always depend on you But in so far it is up to you don't have feuds and fights with fists or insults or lawsuits indeed echoing the words of the
Lord Jesus if your enemy is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him something to drink and By doing that you'll keep burning coals on his head.
It means you'll make him ashamed Perhaps bring him to repentance The Christian is not to be an angry hothead
Looking for a fight And kind of projecting this image that no one nobody better mess with me because I don't take nothing from nobody
That kind of attitude. No be peaceable Finally, how do you live?
if we curse If we repay evil for evil if we get our revenge Then because all those responses are evil then
We've given in to evil we've been sucked into it We've been overpowered by it as Martin Luther King said darkness cannot drive out darkness
Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate Only love can do that.
How do you live? If you've been to that mountaintop and gotten a glimpse of the depths of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God You live a transformed life thinking and loving and valuing differently physically
Sacrificed to God mentally renewed your gifts used in service of the body of Christ with sincere love
In this world, even when it tries to overcome you with evil, even when it persecutes you but take heart
Jesus has overcome the world if you belong to Jesus you belong to his body and so you live every day and every relationship and situation in the church and in society in business and in family as a sacrifice holy
Acceptable to God He gave his life for you now
How do you live for him What's the only reasonable thing to do a