Niceness vs Controlled Demolition (Of Arguments)

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Being nice is a good thing. But some men are promoting things that need to be utterly owned and demolished.


I've been saying the last few weeks since it's become December that it is the glorious season, and I'm feeling super charitable lately
And so I wanted to talk about something that I've talked about before You've probably seen the tweets right where someone will say something like Well niceness is not a fruit of the spirit right like niceness is not the ultimate end of the gospel
Niceness is and it's kind of denigrating this idea that we need to be lovely men who just speak nice and Kindly to everyone and to every in every situation no matter what it's just all about being nice And I often will like those kind of tweets or those comments on Facebook and things like that because ultimately
I agree I think that that's a very silly way to live niceness Is not the end -all be -all of human interaction
You know I mean like like if you're being bullied or something like that right oftentimes You know all a bully needs is for you to stand up to him a little bit
And he will stop you know what I mean and often if you want to avoid a fight You know raising your voice and sort of asserting yourself a little bit will often avoid that fight
Because they're not people aren't expecting you to stand up to them people are expecting you to run away or to shy away or to look down or something like that and sometimes you just need to assert yourself a little bit and don't be nice and It'll avoid the fight so so so so men especially need to sort of cultivate the ability to control
Themselves in such a way that sometimes when niceness is not the right way to go They're able to do it in a convincing and and genuine kind of way so niceness is not the end -all be -all
But but I don't want to make it seem like niceness is not a good thing it can be a good thing I'm all for niceness.
I you know I'm nice to my kids. I'm nice to my wife You know I'm nice to people pretty much all the time.
I mean, that's that's just who I am I try to be nice as much as I can I think that's a good thing to cultivate
Because you know some some some people have a tendency to you know their their default is not nice You kind of we all kind of know that the people like that right where their default is mean their default is angry their default is
Curmudgeony you know what I mean, and that's not that's not good either, so I'm all for niceness, right?
You might be saying well. You don't come across as nice all the time ad What are you talking about and the reality is that you got to understand the internet into real life or two different things?
If anyone knows that reference by the way what I just said the internet and real life are two different things. Let's be friends anyway
Here's the reality though, so what I'm online right when I'm online. I'm talking oftentimes to people and about people that are like Let's just be honest like professional distractors professional obfuscators professional liars a lot of the time what people just lie all the time and The reality is that those people are foolish people that kind of distract and try to confuse the issues like like Like when when
Russell Moore at the at the SBC convention was asked about his old positions regarding Patriarchy and stuff like that and he answers with a non answer like that is a liar
That's a tactic of a liar someone who's attempting to confuse you. I I'm not gonna get into it here
I'm not gonna play the clip. I have it on my youtube channel. You could check it out But he doesn't answer the question at all.
It's also like in the founders ministry where he says Complementarianism should be about complementarity and it's just like dude like you're smart.
What are you doing? That's foolish. That's a lie. You're lying You can lie by attempting to confuse an issue that is actually quite clear
I think he was asked I think he was asked does complementarianism leads to abuse. No That's the answer no
Because because here's the thing guys like let's let's not be stupid here He claims to be a complementarian
Russell Moore he claims that that is what the Bible teaches and Therefore if it is what the
Bible teaches the Bible's teaching does not lead to abuse. It's simple now You can explain further but the answer is no
You don't confuse that issue If you do confuse that issue and you do it intentionally because let's face it
Russell Moore is a smart man You're a liar and you need to be confronted like a liar and niceness goes out the window.
It's time for a little How should I put this? directness harshness
Confrontations mockery That kind of thing. That's what it's time for for someone like that because these people they're trying to distract you over here
Meanwhile, they're doing something over here. This is it's a magic trick. They're magicians. You don't deal with the magician
The way you would deal with your grandmother Now I'm all for niceness But but the people that I criticize they're doing harm and many of them are doing it intentionally
For their other reasons for other purposes. I don't know exactly what Russell Moore is up to but he's up to something
Now here's the reality the Bible talks about this to the Bible talks about this to you might be say Where's the
Bible say that you some people need harshness? Well, here you go. You ready? Proverbs 26 talks a lot about fools right fools a
Couple a couple verses people are very familiar with these verses answer not a fool according to his folly lest thou also be like unto
Him and answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own conceit but those are great verses, but that's not what
I'm talking about ready for this one a Whip for the horse a bridle for the ass and a rod for the fool's back
That is not talking about being nice to someone who's being an idiot That is not talking about speaking in kindly gentle lovely words to someone who's distracting you and acting like an idiot
No, it says a rod for those people. No, I'm not intend. I'm tending to say that you should attack
Russell Moore with a rod but verbally There's a little more force that needs to be applied to a fool like that If somebody asks you does complementarianism lead to abuse and you believe that complementarianism is a biblical teaching the answer is
No, it's not a whole mess of words. That doesn't answer anything It's only like that if you're a coward,
I don't think he's a coward if you're an idiot I don't think he's an idiot or a liar
Trying to intentionally confuse people and That is when you need to bring the rod to bear on that fool.
It's just that simple. It's just that simple Anyway, I hope this was helpful.