

Why every Christian should be a big foot enthusiast


You can say what you want, but you won't around me. Black sheep among misfits.
A misfit in the trailer park at night. A misprint with the sixth sense. Been sick ever since my brother died of an
O .D. My two cents never made sense. Either to me or anyone else inside of the sheep fence.
My 9th Smith on my right side. Why you staring at your cop dot sign and my
John Hancock on the dotted line? Tell me what's the bottom line. The bottom line is
I'm not right. I'm not left, but this elephant won't fight. There's nothing left but the spotlight.
Hold my beer, you can find me in the moonlight. You can say what you want.
You can say what you want, but you won't around me. You can say what you want. You can say what you...
I'm what's in the deep end and I can't find my assigned seat to sit in.
My theology don't fit in. Black sheep of the Reformation sheep pen. To the
Reformed, I'm just another Baptist baptized again. The bastard child of Anabaptist.
Host to child of Reformation society. We don't need your education. Give me a
Bible and a bookshelf of dead men. Cigars, bourbons and beer cans. Bow ties, tattoos and bearded men.
Making Reformation great again. You can say what you want. You can say what you want, but you won't around me.
You can say what you want. You can say what you want, but you won't around me.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Open Air Theology Show. My name is
Jeff and I am one of the hosts. I am also one of the pastors of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church in Tallahoma, Tennessee.
If you're ever in the area, we would love to have you to come by. And I'm going to pass it over to...
Let me see... Let's go with Mo Haps. Introduce yourself. What's up?
This is Haps Addison with Covenant Reformed Baptist Church. And coming live from Tennessee.
And I'm also the host of Open Air Theology in our R &B studios.
And I'm so glad I'm here tonight. We're having a blast. I'm sorry, man.
I don't know if you're doing a mic drop or not. Well, I'm Pastor Braden.
I do not live in Tennessee, unfortunately. I live in Southern Idaho in Hagerman.
I'm a pastor at a church called Valley Baptist Church. If you live in the area, it would be a blessing for you to come join us.
We meet weekly on Sundays as well as Bible studies throughout the week. But Sundays at 11 o 'clock.
So come join us for fellowship and worship to our triune God. And also super thankful to be here with the brothers here on Open Air Theology today.
So smoking a delicious pipe as well. Who made that pipe? Who made this pipe?
Somebody way too creative did. Donna's Oak Company, baby, it's me. Donna's Oak Company.
That's really cool. So we haven't done a podcast in a while. Man, we've been really busy.
So we're going to try to do something. Well, we're doing something tonight, just something fun. And we're hoping to try to get back regularly.
But who knows, right? So let's just see how things go. So I forgot.
What's the topic of tonight's podcast? What are you talking about? It's Jeffrey Rice related to Bigfoot.
Well, you know, you saw that picture, right? I could see it. Yeah, so we're talking about Bigfoot, right?
And how I think that every Christian should be a
Bigfoot enthusiast. Now, that's what I think. And I'm going to give my reasons here in a minute.
But as far as I know, Braden is the one that's weird in this discussion, right?
He's a non -believer. He's a non -believer. He's a non -enthusiast. Look, I grew up with a lot of fairy tales being
LBS. And I can smell it when it comes to this. And you're not going to fool me. Well, sorry, you're not going to fool me on this.
He's going to shy. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Is that what you're saying? Shame on me. That's exactly right. Yeah, exactly right. So perhaps, are you a believer?
Are you an enthusiast? I'm a believer. All right. Now, Braden, since you are the unbeliever tonight, we're going to have you to say, why is it?
With all the evidence that you don't believe that there is a Bigfoot?
Who do you want to start on this? I'm pointing at you. Yeah, you. You're pointing at me right now?
Yeah. All right. I'm just going to come out, and I'm shooting from the hip on all this. I don't have a strong opinion, to be honest with you.
Yeah, you do. I will say I do lean on saying that it's a bunch of baloney.
The reason I think it's baloney is that if Bigfoot does exist.
So let me put a big caveat. If he does exist, I don't think he's just like a normal creation of God.
But I think that he is a demonic power that people call upon when they're in the woods, and they see that in those ways, and it takes their vision or their intention away from God.
And so that's where I would lean to, and I have some reasons on why
I would think that. Now, you just made it weird -der. Yeah, you just took it out there.
I did. It's the same thing with aliens. If somebody sees an alien, I'm thinking it's demonic powers that they're witnessing.
For real. So you think it's like a Joseph Smith character in the woods asking for a sign.
Let me give you an example. That's what happened. I know a person. I don't know him physically or anything like that, but I know an individual who has a certain book who records an encounter that they had with Bigfoot.
And this book is called The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer Kimball, a high -up person in the
LDS faith from a long, long time ago. And it's reported that on this horseback ride, he runs into Bigfoot, and Bigfoot tells him that he's a descendant of Cain, all this kind of stuff.
And so my mind immediately thinks is, one, they use that to justify their Mormon doctrine. So if that individual truly saw
Bigfoot, it's being used as a way to justify their Mormon doctrine. So therefore, it's against Christ.
Therefore, it's demonic in origin. Second of all, if it was a true Bigfoot, if it was a true
Bigfoot, if it was a true Bigfoot, he wouldn't know anything about the
Mormon doctrine and have gone into depth because Mormon doctrine is a bunch of baloney. It's made up. It's false, not really biblical at all.
So those are two super solid reasons. In fact, let me ask you this.
It's more evident than you have for Bigfoot. Listen, you are a believer in God Almighty, correct?
Yes. But Joseph Smith also claimed to have seen Jesus Christ and God.
All right, so does that make God horrible? Okay, so let's think about that.
So all the Mormon claim comes from a man who went out to the wood and was calling to an entity out in the woods.
What do you see with Bigfoot? I think that Joseph Smith had a demonic encounter, potentially had a demonic, or he just made it up, one of the two.
So I'm saying either Bigfoot is a demonic entity or it's completely made up. Just, it's consistent.
You gotta give me that. No, no, no. So let me get this straight. Just because, go ahead.
Hold on, let me just get this straight. So my brain just started hurting. Are you saying that Bigfoot's a
Mormon? I'm saying that it's demonic. No, no, no, no, no, no.
He's in like Mormon literature? Yes, yes, yes. I've discovered that as well.
How do you guys feel being a part of, whoa, whoa. How do you guys feel being a part of that? That's God right there shaking you up, telling you, don't be putting it on him.
But listen, just because someone that's an idiot goes into the woods and makes up stuff, right?
Doesn't mean that it didn't, that the thing that he is speaking about isn't true.
I agree with that a hundred thousand percent. However, then I would lean upon all the evidence about how we have never captured a
Bigfoot. That it can be easily faked. Like all those kinds of things is then what I would lean into. Okay, now tell me how it can easily be faked.
Somebody making noises out in the woods. Okay, the same consistent noises every time.
We're talking a certain kind of noise that they make with their mouth. Wood knocking and rocks, like big rocks being thrown.
Now listen, they're throwing rocks the same way I can throw a football. Or Peyton Manning can throw a football.
Yep, there's some strong ones out there. No, come on. If I was to grab a rock that size and throw it,
I'm going to stretch here. Let's say I can throw one 20 feet.
I probably only get about 10, maybe 5, 10 feet.
Let's say I can throw one 20 feet. We're talking about rocks being thrown half a football field.
Yeah, but let me push back on that. But no one's ever recorded somebody, a
Bigfoot or a Yeti or a Sasquatch or whatever they're called, throwing a rock a football field away.
No, no, no, no. From in the woods, rocks are flying out and hitting cabins.
And it's the same story from everyone. Okay, okay. I'm trying not to go too deep into my argument.
I'm trying not to go too deep into my argument real quick. You're showing restraint. You're showing restraint.
That's awesome. Julie mentions that I'm showing serious restraint, and I am. Trust me. My heart is beating over here.
I want to jump through here and smack Brady like that, you know, and just smack the Bigfoot into him.
You've got to understand Jeff would dress up as Bigfoot as a child. Halloween, Halloween.
Why does he have to be a child to do it? He would totally do that today. Yeah, yeah. So tell me, how is it that someone could fake it?
Okay, first of all, I have seen all the Bigfoot series on the History Channel or whatever channel that they do that on when it's
Bigfoot Hunters, right? And so I already know that they teach on there. You've seen them all. Pretty much, right?
You've seen one. You've seen them all. You've seen the big dude that walks around. I can't remember his name. Brady, you're only 26 years old.
You haven't seen all of them. Hey, I'm 27. I was like 19.
I've seen a lot. Okay. I'm trying to tell you this. I've seen a lot. And the people on there describe how there's different vocal picks, like different vocalizations that the
Bigfoots do to talk about the different things that they're trying to do. So I take that, and then I take what they just showed me on the line that they're saying
Bigfoots do. I can go out into the woods, and if I hear somebody hollering and hooting, I can give them one right back, right?
Or I can join their party, and I can holler and hoot right next to them to get them thinking that it is. Or I can have my cabin, and I know
I can get recognition. So I go out and grab a big boulder. I put it in front of the house. I throw another rock at it, break the side of the house the way that it looks like that rock would be, clean it up, and then say, look, it was a football field, right?
I just don't see, like, there's too many. How do you explain the footprints? The footprints.
Like, people come out and said that they fake those all the time. Yeah. No, no, no. Yeah. I know that people have faked them.
Yeah. Yeah. But they haven't really faked them. You have tried to fake them.
Look. Explain to me, how is it that someone, because here's the thing. Here's the thing. So if I was to take a piece of plywood and, you know, take my router and cut it to where it's the size of a big foot, right, and I was to tack my shoes onto it and go out into the woods.
First of all, I don't weigh enough to make a prominent imprint into the ground, right?
Second, whenever I take my steps, my steps are not four foot to six foot away from each other, right?
Third, each step that's being taken doesn't match the previous step, because whenever you step on, like, if you're barefoot and you step on the ground, let's say you step between a rock, and that rock can make your toe move out, right?
Or the mud can spread your toes out. That's what's being shown, that with each step, the toe can be positioned a little different.
And it has that kind of step instead of it being like this, like you can see there's a groove where the heel will be planted first, all right?
That's detailed in the pattern that they're finding in the ground, whether it's in mud, whether it's in snow, or whatever.
There's no way that you can take a piece of plywood and cause the toes to spread through the mud or through a rock.
As a leather worker yourself, don't you think somebody could become creative enough to be able to figure out a way to put leather on the bottom on plywood and make it start doing the same actions that our feet do?
I don't. I don't. I think it's possible. I think it's possible. It's not possible. I just can't get over Bigfoot's a
Mormon, dude. That blows me away. No, he is. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew he was a Mormon, dude, for some reason.
There's probably some encounter in the Quran and the Bigfoot was recorded in that, just like in the
Book of Mormon. The Mormon has heard about Bigfoot through the Indians. All the
Indian tribes spoke about Bigfoot. They had different names for them and stuff like that.
But there's witnesses of Bigfoot all over the world, and they're all saying the same things.
Same noises. I haven't practiced my
Bigfoot call, right? So I'm not going to attempt to do it right now for you. Yeah, you are.
No, you are. Absolutely. You just said it. We all know you are. We cannot proceed until you do it.
Trust me, I'm not. Look, I'm saying I think that those encounters could be demonic.
I'm saying that there's a possibility that those things absolutely could be demonic. But I do not think it's a creature that we can go out and catch that's like something recorded in the
Bible. I think it's demonic in nature. Well, I'm not saying it's recorded in the Bible. I do think that –
All right. But I do think it's a creature, and it could be something from the
Bible. All right. Now, we'll get to that later. People are calling you out.
They want to hear the Bigfoot call. No, I'm not doing the Bigfoot call. You've got to do it. But also the wood knocks.
Like everything – so like you got someone in California that has an experience, and someone in Florida has the same experience.
Look at him. He's running. Just run away, Lou. We don't understand you.
Hold on. Someone's got a long message here. Let's see what it says. You're like Bigfoot right here. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, I can hear you.
How's the audio? It's without a headset, so. The audio sounds fine. Yeah. You want to read it,
Jeff? Go ahead. Alicia Trejo, I hope
I said that right. You say, I lived in Oklahoma for a couple of years.
My best friend and I came back to where we lived and saw a creature, large and dark, cross the road.
We stopped in our tracks. We could hear softly breaking branches all around us.
And the stench that arose was not any wet dog we've ever smelled.
The dogs came out and sat at our doors, preventing us from opening them until we stopped hearing anything.
I believe you, yo. I believe you, yo. I'm just going to ask a question.
Were you guys sober? You know, we got to ask that. Hold on, hold on, hold on,
Haps. Dude, you are flip -flopping. No, no, no. I'm not flip -flopping. You're flip -flopping.
No, you got to ask this thing. Pick a side. Pick a side. No, I believe, I believe.
I believe drugs are real, too. I'm going to give you an old parable. It's a straight parable.
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you cannot wipe your friends on your sleeves. I thought we were down.
We are down. You're wiping me on your sleeve, bro. Are you kidding me? I believe in Bigfoot, and Bigfoot believes in me, all right?
He believes in me, too. I think he's the world champion in hide -and -go -seek, you know? All right.
No, no, no. All serious aside, you know, you do hear the same stories over and over and over again.
Over and over. And that's what I want to get to. Hold on. This is before you have written accounts from China all the way to Florida.
All over the world. All over up in Canada. He gets around. He's got a very large family.
Maybe he knows how to swim. There's a bunch of them. And this is why I think it's demonic. Because if it was an actual animal, you cannot tell me for a moment that with all the infrared and all the things that the military has, that we don't have a specimen.
Dude, have you ever went hunting for a wolf? Have you ever went hunting for a wolf? Yeah. All right. Here's the thing.
There's an old saying that when you go hunting for wolves, the wolf is hunting for you. Yeah. All right?
Yeah. Just think about the deer population in the world. There is so much deer that we are allowed to hunt and kill them.
But think about the woods can be full of deer. And the deer hunter goes into the woods to hunt for the deer.
And he might see one or two. Sometimes they don't see any. But the woods that he's in is filled with deer.
That's because the deer, for the most part, knows that the hunter is there. But just because we don't see them doesn't mean they're not there.
But to push back on that, though, how many deer species have we not been able to find in the woods today?
There is a video taken in 1968, I believe it was, of Maddie, a female
Bigfoot. Is that the one that's from Roger Patterson or whatever the guy's name is? Yeah, Roger Patterson.
Yeah. That guy came out and said that he faked it. Bullcrap. Yes, he did. I've watched 30 hours of that thing.
He did, too. You are full of it. He said that I faked it. You are full of it. Go watch.
He has on a lie detector and he says so. I'll send you the video. No, no. Send me the video. Send me the video.
Because I'm about to pay $130 for a photo of it. Okay? Send me the video. So everybody is saying.
Don't buy that photo. You're getting scammed. No, I'm not either. Everybody is saying on here that I'm flippity -flip -flip -flop.
You are. You're a flip -flopper. You're a flip -flopper. But I just want to point out,
Elisa Trejo said, yes, we smoked afterwards. You serious? Afterwards? Maybe it was before.
So, no, no. No one is listening to you, man. Listen. Listen.
Listen. Listen. If I told you there was a group of men and women that were going out in the woods, doing weird seances, calls, trying to get somebody to call back to them, you would say that's witchcraft.
And I'm saying it is. And that's what's happening. No, no, no. Well, I'm not saying people aren't going out there and doing weird things.
When it comes to the Patterson thing, there's been experts on costumes of that day saying there's no way that they can make a costume look like that.
Roger Patterson's friend came out and said he was the one wearing the costume. No, no. And he walks like him.
I heard. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. I love it.
Okay, now here's the thing. Here's the thing. Do you believe in the evidence of two or three witnesses?
Yes. Okay. Now, our court system will prosecute someone on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
Now, if you were talking to an atheist and they're asking not proof of God, but proof of Jesus Christ, what evidence would you give them?
You tell me. No, tell me. What evidence would you give them that Jesus of Nazareth was a real man?
That there were eyewitnesses that recorded it? Oh, eyewitnesses. Hold on. Oh, he said eyewitnesses.
Look, you cannot compare the resurrection of Jesus Christ to Bigfoot. No, no, no. I'm just saying the evidence of two or three witnesses.
That's what I'm trying to say. The evidence of two or three witnesses. If someone was being charged for murder and they had as many witnesses as there is a
Bigfoot, they would throw that man in a slammer. No doubt. And yet you got people all over the world with the same exact testimony, and you're refusing to listen to the testimony.
I'm not throwing out every witness. What I'm saying is that people do crazy things. Like people say that they see
Jesus today, right? And we throw those things out because we're like, that's a bunch of baloney because the Bible tells me so.
Right. What I'm saying is that there's some that could be legit, but it happens to be demonic instead of natural.
As long as one is legit. So look at this.
Look at Brayden. Yeah. We can't be questioning the
Native Americans after everything we've done to them. Now we're going to call them liars. They stole their land and now they're liars.
Stole their land and now they're liars. I'm calling them out right now. I'm calling them out.
Just throw them out there. Some of the
Native Americans even have a tale that says this. It says, do not kill the big hairy man or within seven years you will die.
So, okay. So Native Americans also have some crazy things about gods and creation and all this kind of stuff.
Should we believe everything that they said though on that stuff? Did you not listen to what I said 15 minutes ago? They gave us corn.
Look, all I'm saying is Bigfoot is a Mormon if he exists. And if he doesn't, it's within Mormon theology not to exist.
Don't ever tell me you ho to the evidence of two or three witnesses. Oh, I see.
This is how denominations are made right here. This is how it all happened.
Right here. Bigfoot Baptist. Did you hear him? Bigfoot Baptist. Earlier, I don't remember if it was on the show, if it was before the show, but aliens were brought up.
Right now, I'm not saying that I believe that there's a planet and the aliens are traveling into space.
Two or three witnesses. Listen, listen, listen. But I do believe that these people are seeing something.
You see what I'm saying? I would not say, I would not throw away their testimony.
I believe they're seeing something. All right. There's too many witnesses of this for me to say they're not seeing nothing.
They're crazy. They're smoking peyote. Right. All right. They're seeing something.
Now, what it is, I don't know. All right. So, so I believe that these people who are who are spitting out, you know, we've seen aliens.
I'm not saying yes, they're aliens, but I don't think they're from another planet. Maybe it's some kind of dimension.
I don't know. I'm not getting into that conversation right now. But they're seeing something. Something's going on.
All right. It could be people dressed up in alien costumes. Right. I don't know. But they're seeing something.
Point is, you have thousands of people with testimonies that they saw, heard, or something dealing with Bigfoot.
And you're just not listening to it. It's demonic. Like, it's just, it doesn't make any sense.
It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense. Two or three witnesses. On the evidence of two or three witnesses, something big and hairy that's ape -like and man -like is living in the woods.
That's making weird noises with their mouth. And they're taking tree branches and hitting other trees with it.
And they're throwing big rocks that we can't pick up. It's happening. That could still be demonic.
That could still be demonic. Well, you know what? Maybe, maybe. Let's get, let's get, you know, I see
Greg Morning Jr.'s on here. I think he's a, isn't he a, he's not a dispensationalist, right?
No, no, no. He's pretty male. He's a borderline dispensationalist. Yeah, he's a dispensationalist.
And we still love him and everything, but. Anyone that's pre -millennial is borderline dispensationalist. Yeah, yeah.
I think. I'm just kidding. That shots, that's not. I think, I think, I think he can agree with me on this.
I think it's a Nephilim. Yeah. See, like if you were to ask me, does the
Bible say anything about them? I would, I would, I would say they're probably Nephilim. Right.
They're giants. They were, they were in the world even after the flood.
Right. So I think personally, I think they're Nephilim, but I wouldn't die.
I wouldn't die on that hill. I would die on the hill of what I'm arguing right now.
And that is on the evidence of two or three witnesses. I am unwilling to, to disregard it because thousands of people, thousands of people have the same exact testimony.
And because they have the same, same exact testimony. I'm stuttering a little bit. I believe there's something that's very large in between seven to nine feet tall, hairy.
I'm not saying they're half man or half monkey. That's not what I'm saying. But they're, they're ape -like and human -like because they stand up on their feet like they're walking on two legs.
So, so by that, human -like. So, so from what I'm, what
I'm tracking, this is where I'm, where I'm coming with this. So like the Nephilim, if, depending on how you look at this person.
No, I'm not dying on that hill. No, I know, I know. Yeah, yeah. But what you, let me just understand this a little better. So Nephilim since, so in the interpretation that they are the offsprings of fallen angels.
No, no, no, no, no, no. Where do you get that at? I'm just, I'm just, I, this is a popular theory for what
Nephilim is. That's what I'm saying. I know, but that's not what the Bible says. Okay. I'm trying to clarify what you're saying that that might be what it comes from.
I don't know if that's where you're coming from. I prepared for this. I listened to Chuck Missler all day today about the
Nephilim. So I've been, I've been studying all day long. Look, if you got it from Chuck Missler, he's got the
Nephilim wrong, brother. No, Haps is correct on this. Let's hear what he has to say. Okay, bring it out,
Haps. Okay. I got a question. All right. So if you found a baby
Bigfoot, a baby sand squinch, all right. Sand squinch? Whatever, you know. Whatever.
If you found a baby Bigfoot, would you raise him as your own?
You know, would you like wash him up? Put a collar on him? No. You're letting a demon into your house,
Jeff. It's not a demon. Yeah, maybe he's some type of a big old monkey.
You know, a really smart monkey that knows how to play hide and seek really good. You never know. But no, no.
I'm just saying, you know, like, you have so many people out there that think, that fall into this camp of, you know, it's a
Nephilim. Like, you have all these sightings. I mean, like tons and tons of sightings of giants all over the world.
And some of them had hair. Some of them have red hair. Some of them have six fingers. And we find evidence of their skeletal remains.
That's a fact. That can't be denied or whatever. Now, these
Bigfoot, whatever, are in these jungles and stuff like that.
I think that we haven't found their remains of their bones, just like we haven't found a lot of remains of animals after they've been devoured and eaten.
But the evidence is very, very clear. And most of the continents here in the
United States, I mean, in the world, have some form of a giant with hair on them, you know, like either red hair or, you know, and I believe
Chuck Missler. I believe Chuck Missler. That's just a demonic entity that doesn't have a soul, a red -headed
Bigfoot. Or it could be a primate. It could be a primate. Let me answer Jacob real quick. Jacob, I lost it.
Where did it say it at? It says... Yes, yes, like the Special Forces story.
Yeah, so he asked me a question. He said, do you believe the Mormon testimony of the burning in the bosom?
I believe they have a burning in the bosom. I believe they could have eaten beans that night, and it's gas.
So I'm not denying that they feel something, but I am telling you that it's not the
God of Scripture. It's not the Holy Spirit. It's not the Holy Spirit. So I would not deny the fact that they had a burning in the bosom, whatever that means.
I mean, I can watch a movie or, you know, I can watch a commercial and which, you know, and feel something emotional take place, right, or a movie and feel something emotional take place.
So that's all it is. But yeah, but I don't think it's anything like that. So I do believe the testimony that they felt something.
I'm just saying it's not the right something. All right.
Now, so what I believe concerning Nephilim. So let's just read it real quick.
Genesis chapter six. It says, now it happened that when man began to multiply on the land, and daughters were born to them.
Now, Hunter, before I read this, I want to go ahead and point out what, you know, the interpretation of Augustine and the city of lights.
I mean, is that what it's called? City of something. I do not take the reform position.
I think that position is absolutely garbage. So let me go ahead and put that out there.
The sons of God, which I believe are angels, saw the daughters of man were good in appearance and they took, so this is the angels, took the daughters of man, wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
Then Yahweh said, my spirit shall not strive with man forever because he indeed is flesh.
Nevertheless, his day shall be 120 years. Right here. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days.
So right now we have the sons of God, which are angels and the daughters of man and Nephilim.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days. And also afterwards, when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and bore children to them, those who, the antecedents to the, those are the children to them were the mighty man who were of old, man of renown.
So it introduced something else. So you have the sons of God, daughters of man,
Nephilim, and the sons of renown. So the
Nephilim is not the sons of renown. So my argument is that they're not the offspring of, they're not half angel and half human.
So that would be like, like if you were to go into the alien argument, I would say that, you know, maybe that could be what they're saying would be the sons of renown.
So what you're saying, like, let me, let me track this because I do have a legitimate question about this. Right. Is that the
Nephilim are not those, those ones, the offspring of them. Right. There's something completely different that existed.
Completely different. Prior and after. Why is it that they still existed after the flood and everything was created?
The Bible doesn't say. It does say that they existed after. Yes, they were on the earth then and afterwards.
So why did they exist after though? I don't know. It doesn't say, but I can tell you they didn't die in the flood because it says.
Chuck Missler does. See what I'm saying is, is if they were. It says in afterwards, it says and afterwards.
The two prominent theories that I've heard is that the sons of God is taught giving a title of kingship or majesty to an individual.
And so it's talking about Kings who were not following their rule. And so they went in and had intercourse with the anyway, there's that theory.
And then there's also the theory of fallen angels having sex with women as well. Right. Whichever theory you go with on that, that can be explained post flood because those things could still be happening post flood.
So Nephilim still could be existing post flood. But if they were something that existed prior to the flood, prior to even the fallen angels prior to all that stuff,
I don't see how they could be existing after the flood because all things, but it says it, I don't like it. It says it.
Let me ask you this. Do you think that there were two Bigfoot that got on the bark? Maybe I wouldn't argue against.
I think there was dinosaurs on there. Hmm. I mean, I wouldn't say that there was. I mean, I wasn't there.
I can, I can only say what the scripture say. Say it. I would appreciate consistency, but I don't,
I don't think that. Okay. I think baby. Now there is a, now there is a legend out there that whenever the, because there's,
I'm not the only one that, that again, this is not a hill that I would die on. That thing. I could be.
No, no, it's not. You're a Bigfoot Baptist. Of course it is. I'm not the one, you know, but there's a theory out there that whenever the earth flooded, that they, they hid under like, like in the, the mountains under the caves.
And, and it's kind of like, you can take a bow and put it under water. And, or, or like I can take a, let's say
I can take a cigar and I can put a bow over my hand and put my hand in water and come back out.
And that cigar will still be lit. But the issue I have with that theory though, is that means something escaped the wrath of God in that, in that day.
And I don't, I don't think that that's the only way to escape. And after. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
I just don't see how that could be possible. I'm not saying that I agree with that, that I'm just telling you what other people are saying.
So again, it being a Nephilim is not a hill I would die on. But if I had to go to the Bible and say, well, this could be this,
I would argue for Nephilim. It wouldn't be something I'd die on.
Just like if I had to, you know, like if I was to talk about aliens and what could aliens be, is it mentioned in scripture?
The only thing, it could be the sons of Renown. Is Bigfoot somebody that you can evangelize to? Well, he's a
Mormon, of course. No, I wouldn't evangelize to my dog.
Okay. That's fair enough. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't saying that. No, no, no. I think there are animals.
I think it's an animal. It's an animal that walks on two legs. An animal that's intelligent enough to avoid detection for years upon years upon years.
Absolutely. Hey, Brayden, send me after this, send me the link to that book about Bigfoot.
It's The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer Kimball. Now, I know we are a theology podcast, but we're getting more hits off of this one thing than we have any of our theology podcasts.
I'm not sure if it's a slide on us or a slide on those that are listening.
No, because people believe in Bigfoot. Well, I mean they should. I think every Christian should because of the – only because of the evidence of two or three witnesses.
Like you cannot say you ho to the evidence of two or three witnesses and deny that people are seeing something big and hairy in the woods.
But the issue that I have with that though too is that that's how Mormons justify the
Book of Mormon. They say look at the – have you ever – so seriously for both of you guys, have you guys ever read the first page of the
Book of Mormon that they hand out? It's a signed document from the first people that say that we saw the
Book of Mormon in the golden plates. We touched them. They're true. And I'm saying I still believe in the premise of two or three witnesses.
I'm just saying those guys were lying, and they changed their story later on. Yeah, yeah. Of course.
I went to a Mormon church for a long time. When I first spoke with you,
I told you that I'd go to my Baptist church. When it was over, I'd go to the Mormon church, so I know all about it. Now –
Ooh, good questions right here. Hold on. Can I – Yeah, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Let me answer this one.
So I would say that two or three people can conspire together in lying.
Yeah. All right, and bear witness. But we're talking thousands of people documented from the –
I mean, if you go back to the times before the Mayflower, stuff like that, when it was the lands of Indians.
So they – Okay, so I don't know if y 'all know.
There's a famous Viking. I can't think of his – Man, I can't think of his name. But there's a
Viking, too, that has a testimony about seeing – Ragnar. Yeah, well, it wasn't
Ragnar, but it's – It's Ragnar. I have too much information going through my brain during the day that it pushes out other information, right?
I know y 'all have the same thing. But the point is the testimony isn't just since the 60s.
It's been hundreds and hundreds of years that people have claimed to see something very big, ape -like, man -like walk this earth.
The noise that they make is the same. The hitting stuff with wood, throwing rocks, it's all the same.
And we're talking thousands of people that haven't conspired together, haven't gotten to a room together and say this is what we're going to say it looks like.
This is what we're going to say it sounds like. This is what we're going to say it does. Right, right, right. But, okay, so that's what leads me into thinking that it's demonic.
So follow me on this, right? Because there's thousands of people that have seen UFOs that have never talked to each other, that have never conspired together to say such a thing, right?
And so my thinking on it is that if that has been the case, so I'm saying when
I'm talking about Bigfoot, UFOs, aliens, all those type of things, I'm not saying that is of the physical creation.
I'm saying I think that that more goes in the demonic spiritual creation of God.
That these are things that are trying to take away people's focus on God, trying to take people's focus away from the cross.
And so that's why like Hapsa, there's cults that go after Bigfoot, right? Like that's a very prominent thing in culture today is believing in that.
And that's where I'm saying like I don't think it's a physical creation. It's not something that we can go out and trap. It's not something that we can go out and grab onto.
I think it's demonic in nature. You think it's more if I'm so when
I hear, you know, when I think of demonic, I think of spirit. Yeah. And spirits don't have flesh.
And so they are. But no, no. What I'm asking is, is so do you think these are like, you know, like how people see apparitions?
You know, they see ghosts. To a certain extent. No way. No, no, no, no.
I mean, I'm just asking, do you think? Because but there's examples of angels being seen physically in the
Bible several times. Right. And so what what is the the issue with saying that a demonic entity that's a fallen angel, some kind of follower of Satan is not able to manifest himself in a physical adaptation that leaves behind evidence like feet or anything along those lines.
Footprints, all those kind of things. I'm saying that that's possible. I'm saying, though,
I'm very skeptical most of the time, just like I am with a lot of UFO things. But like, like, let me like,
I don't know if I should even share this story. So, like, I had a really weird encounter when I was LDS a long, long, long time ago.
And I look back at it now and I see that it was demonic in nature because I was literally praying nonstop to the false god of Mormonism, saying,
I want to have a revelation or a an interaction like Joseph Smith did in his bedroom.
Right. Like, I want that. I desperately want it. And I know that is something that Mormons crave all the time. I know several
Mormons that do the exact same thing that I was doing. And I had a very strange thing happen to me one night.
I won't get into details about it. But I look back at that now and I say, that was demonic. Even though I saw something that was there in front of me.
That was. I've only told Emily about this. It was one night in the middle.
I can pick your nose, but you can't tell your friends on your sleeve.
Jeff, I'm going to call you out. If I tell this story, you've got to give us a Bigfoot. Bigfoot owl. No, my, my, my son.
Okay, well, then that's it. Can't do it. Can't tell you the story then. So everyone who is commenting, there's no way that we can read everything.
So please. Here's a good question right here. Somebody asked. All right. And I think this is really good.
This is a good one. It says they said, let me back up. Was Bigfoot a clean or unclean animal in Leviticus?
Again, you're asking questions that the Bible doesn't give answers for. And does
Bigfoot meat. What does Bigfoot meat taste like? Tom Shepard said chicken.
Everything tastes like chicken. Everything. I wonder what he would taste like if he was a physical animal. I'm not saying he is, but if he was.
Do not tell me you hold to the evidence of two or three witnesses. Oh, my God. I'm going to go back to that one.
Yes. That is my linchpin. Okay. What if they taste better than pig and that's why they're not around?
Well, again, I also think that they're that I think they're nocturnal.
I think they're only out for a couple hours a day. And I think they also can climb trees. So a lot of times when people are out in the woods looking for them,
I think they're hiding in trees. So there is. I think the same thing. Yeah. So there's this
Joe Rogan episode and it has this guy on there and, and, and I don't know all the details.
Like, I don't know the name of this guy or whatever, but I'll watch the episode or a clip. And this guy was in the jungle living with a lost tribe, right?
Some kind of a lost tribe that a lot of people don't know about. And he was talking about the, you know, they were running on the ground.
They were running like on trees, like rocks. And I'm talking about like trees that have fallen. Right. And they're just running on them like it's nothing.
And then him and his cameraman, they're kind of like trying to walk and behind them and they're falling and they're tripping.
And he says, there's no way that they could keep up with these, with this tribe.
And they're running barefoot. And then he showed a picture of their feet and their feet were like that.
Like their toes were spread out like that. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, that was a baby feet, a baby baby.
Yeah. Yeah. But the point that I'm trying to make is, is that they would use their, you know, like their toes are spread out so they were able to climb trees.
Like they could just, you know, run up a tree because their, because their, their toes have like deformed, like when the baby's born, it doesn't have feet like that, but just running around and climbing, doing everything barefoot, their, their feet kind of get disformed.
And whenever you're looking at these tracks of these big foot, their toes do that.
I mean, their toes look like if I took, I took a picture of my foot and showed it, you know, back when
I was roofing and how like my foot is like Crayola white. And then my leg is like, you know, brown.
Right. If you pay attention, my toes are like together, like there's no separation, you know, like, like a lot of people have control over their toes.
Like my dad used to be able to like pick up stuff with them. Like mine don't be like, I might be able to separate them.
Like, you know, just a little bit, right. Like, there's no separation. I always have something on my feet.
I don't walk around barefoot at all. Like, like right now I got my slides on when I'm, I mean, boom, baby,
I got my slides on. There's always something on my feet. I got some tender feet. Like if someone spills salt on the floor, but, but I'm just saying like these big feet,
I mean, the big foot, the reason why the, you know, like the, the imprints that they make into, into the ground, right.
I'm talking about when I step into a mud puddle, like it's deep, it's deep because their weight is like six to six to 800 pounds.
All right. If I were to, if I was to take these slides right here and nail them to a piece of plywood that looked like big foot feet,
I couldn't make an imprint like that, nor would my toes separate over mud. And so there's just no way to fake what's going on.
There is no way. And it's on the evidence two or three people. I see your hand. I see your hand. Are you going to get to me?
I feel like a Pentecostal pastor. I see that hand. I'm a big foot
Baptist. Now. I just wanted to let you know, I gave my heart over to Bigfoot. Bigfoot.
There's no way. The reason why their feet are the way that they are, you know, like whenever they, whenever they do walk their toes spread out.
And then the next step could, the toe could be angled different because of the shape of the mud that pushes in between their toes.
So did we have those? Okay. So you're talking about like cast pictures. Right.
Yeah. Were those the same type of cast that we were getting 30 years ago on these types?
Yes. Yes. I don't think so. I don't think so. Like now, now here's the only difference is the.
The material, whatever you want to call it, that they're making the cast cast with. So that has changed over the years.
But the, and the shape of the toes have changed, but the fact that they're big giant feet.
Okay. I got two questions. Okay. One is a challenge. The first one is a legitimate question.
Okay. So the first question is if you have a group of big feet, big foots, is it big foots or is it big feet?
Is it plural, plural and big feet or is it big foots with an S at the end? I think then
I would say a group of Sasquatches. No, no. We already discussed this as Sasquatch.
What did you say? Sasquatch. Sasquatch. We already discussed that.
So yeah, no. Okay. And then my second one is you need to make a Facebook poll and I'm challenging.
You should make a Facebook poll and you should say is big foot by nature, creation or by nature, demonic.
And say, I'm going to start. I'm going to start a page. I'm going to, I'm starting a page.
You didn't call it. I did not know.
I did not know that Jeff was such a big foot podiatrist.
You know, he knows a lot about their feet. Yeah. And so. I'm highly impressed.
And we should have. On here. Oh, man, we need, we need, we need Dr. Schultz on here. He's got it.
We should have, we should have brought him on. Yeah, we should have brought him on.
We should have brought him on. We should have brought him on. And I think demons are creation too.
So I'm, I guess what I'm trying to do is differentiate. Well, let me just say it like this. Also in the witness, when people have seen them up close, there is a smell that they can't, so bad.
They cannot describe. All right. A smell that they cannot.
I mean, like they said, it's worse than a wet dog. Like it's, it's just, it hurts your nose to smell.
What they smell like. And so I, you know, like if an angel or demon, or something was to appear,
I wouldn't pay it, man. I wish they would award deodorant. Right? Like, I don't think that's something that I would say.
Our man, they need to take a bath. Like you're talking about something that's living out in the woods. So, so I have a dog named
Tulip, you know, Calvin is to, you know, and, and Tulip is a, an inside outside dog.
Right? So she's always, we have a big backyard. So she's always wanting to go outside. And let me tell you something. There's, there's times when that dog can, can stink, right?
She's been running around. It's hot outside and, you know, sweating and the dog can stink. This big foot would make my, my dog smell good compared to the testimony that, that that's being given about the smell.
And so, so let's just lay out the evidence. People are seeing something anywhere from seven to nine feet tall.
Weighing anywhere from four to four, six, 700 pounds, right?
That there's, they have cast a feet anywhere between 15 to 18 inches long.
And like five to six inches wide, way bigger than any man. They're hearing sounds.
And the sound is the same sound all over the world. That that rocks are rocks. The size of footballs are being thrown.
You know, further than a man can throw them. And, and there's always tree knocking and they stink.
It's the same testimony. And there's also evidence. There's also evidence.
If, if I, if, if I remember correctly, the Tibetan monks up in the
Himalayas, they had actually the skull with the partial of the skull with the hair, red hair still on.
No, I'm dead serious. Go, go look it up. I haven't seen that. Oh man. Let me tell you, dude, I did a lot of drugs and I was all into this stuff like big time, but, and demonic things, but no, no, no, it's yeah.
So you have Tibetan monks, but let me say something to Jacob real quick.
Jack was a good friend of mine. We, we go back and forth sometimes, but he's a dear brother. So a silverback gorilla has the strength of 10 men.
They say, right. So let's say that, you know, cause I am an enthusiast, so I believe they exist, but I'll be willing to bet that if you put a
Bigfoot and a silverback in the same room and only one of them are going to walk out, that Bigfoot would rip that silverback into pieces.
All right, man. Let me tell you something. If you were around one, you would be in so much fear.
Probably like me. I poop. I want to see one really bad. I don't really want to poop myself, but that's probably what would happen.
You know what I'm saying? If it took place, it would be so giddy. You'd want to go up and get an autograph. Don't lie. You wouldn't listen.
Like, sir, can I get an autograph? Yeah, I do the same thing. I have it to sign it.
Now, now, now I come from a street background. Okay. Like, like gang violence, street background.
I've had two drive -bys pulled on me. I've had a gun put to my head. I took the gun away, beat the guy up.
Like, like, like I've had a background that most people have not had. Right. And so I am not scared of a man.
Like, like, I'm not scared of a man, but I would probably be shaken with everything in me.
There would be more than a burning in my business. Right. That'd be poop in my pants. If one of these things were to stand up in front of me.
And there's no way that I'd be able to catch it. If I saw you pulled out a gun, it take the gun away from me and beat you to death.
Dude. If I saw an eight, nine foot, Harry Borman, there is a video.
So I'd, I'd lose it. I'd crap myself. That's just me. Okay. Look, if you had the opportunity to meet
John Calvin or any other great reform. John Calvin would drowned me.
Okay. Let's okay. I'm not going there. Yes, that is true. That is true.
I'm not kill me just because of the baptism. He would do that. Yeah. Yeah. The best of men are
Batman at best. Right. But regardless of that, would you rather meet somebody that is
Nehemiah Cox, right? What, whoever it is, you should name the person that you want to meet. Would you rather meet that person or Bigfoot?
Well, I would say Bigfoot because I'll meet my cocks in heaven. Yeah. Hey, it's just like,
I mean, I don't think I'd really be scared. Cause I'm like one of those guys that just, you know, like I, if I saw
Bigfoot, I'd break out my phone and go, Oh, the same way. If I saw a midget. Dude, you'd be so freaking terrified.
You'd be pooping your pants, man, dude. If anything happens to me, I'm going to heaven, homie.
You know, if you were in a, if you were in a jungle and all of a sudden a lion came up, would you be grabbing your phone or running up a tree?
First off, I want to go to a jungle. Irene wanted me to go to China. I was like, I don't want to go to China. Let's go to Korea.
I don't want to go to Korea. What? You're flip flopping again. I'm not flip flopping. What I've seen is, is
I'd love to see one, you know, I believe they're real, but I don't, I believe
I know how to actually see one. A Bigfoot. Yes. So here we go.
So you go out to the woods and you start doing seances by making haulers and inviting demonic possession to come on in.
I know how to see one too. Now, this is how I would do it right now. It's never going to happen.
Cause my wife won't let me, but, but, but, but if, but if I was able to, right,
I would go out there because like, like when you watch these videos, you got like a group of 15 people, a camera crew, they're going out there.
They're making all kinds of noises. And she's, you see what I'm saying? Like, I think you need to, to, to go into the woods, wherever it is that they are, are, are those sightings go into the woods and become the woods.
Have you ever seen that, that, that, that movie? It's got the hunted, the haunted or haunted.
No, no, the hunted. It's called the hunted, haunted. No, it's called the hunted. Anyways, listen to me.
Listen to me. Oh, I'm not done. Okay. So go into the woods and, and, and, and actually become a part, you know, you know, like, like, like let the smell of the woods become a part of you because, you know, you're a human to them.
You stink into, into us. They stink, right? They're going to smell you. You're going to smell them. You need to, to read yourself of your humanity smell, right?
Find a place, set up, have camera on your head. Like a, a push button thing right here.
Right. So, I mean, I can be pooping myself and do this, right? I know, but if they're up in some place and stay right there, but if they're up in the tree, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'll tell you this. I had a picture of one.
And I knew for sure, that if I showed this picture, this evidence. That the, uh, our government would go in there.
And next thing you know, put them in a zoo. I wouldn't show the picture why were supposed to take.
Yeah. No. No, no, yeah do that homie. Yeah, if I had a hundred percent proof, but I knew for sure our government would put them in the zoo
I wouldn't I wouldn't Gotta get their DNA create more make a little
Bigfoot army. It'd be awesome. I bet you that's what China's doing They caught him they're making a
Bigfoot army. It's all in Revelation, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I Hear ya Hey Anyways, I think I've proved my point. I think
I proved that that that Brayden is a nutjob Did you just self -proclaim that you proved your point in that?
Yeah that I won this debate You just know and that perhaps they started out on my side ended up flip -flopping
You need to start a Facebook poll right as soon as we get off this live thing You're not invited
I'm invited To be honest,
I don't care about I mean, I like watching the stuff and everything like that, but I think it's just some animal maybe
I think they're like the whales and they can communicate with one another like I wouldn't yeah
Yeah, like monkeys, you know monkeys. They throw poop at each other bang on rocks Yeah, but I do think if you put one of those and and and a silverback in the room
That it's gonna rip the silverback to pieces because I think that you know It has way more strength than the strength of ten men
I know but if you stop and think about it, so my quick, you know, like we were having I'm being real right now
When we were having our discussion on Sunday when you just came alive when Bigfoot was brought up.
Yeah Then we had our discussion and everything and I was like, I don't understand why people don't look up in the trees
But then I started thinking You don't see silverback gorillas And their mass climbing trees
You see the smaller primates because of their weight and everything, you know, so I don't think
I would think they'd be like Ground burrowers, you know almost like bears that going into the ground and to hibernate
So, I think they're more like animals well, well I heard someone give a testimony that they saw actually three a male a female and Male female and child timeout because there was a small one.
There was a small one You want to hear the story that I was going to tell
Flag flag continue on with your story. I'm just gonna do this in the background We should have never got off the topic of Mormon Bigfoot because that that's where the story is right
No, keep on going. Keep on going this Person was able to see the anatomy of a male
Bigfoot an anatomy of a female Bigfoot and a pre -bubescent Yeah, cuz the females
I'm just saying They're not like worms or asexual. They just have sex with themselves and produce some guys have man boobs.
I'm just gonna say Alright anyways, he saw them climbing a rock wall and he said that what would take us
Hours, or maybe even a day to climb they climbed it in a matter of 30 minutes
Mmm, and he didn't have any time to get a video or a picture. No. No. No, this was a a a
Long time ago before we had the technology that we have now. Mm -hmm. So this is an old video
Brain if he if Braden would have saw one of those he'd have him in his sights You're gone away from them baby hands and beat you with It because it's a demonic possession
And I would've been like what the heck And he took the bear carcass
He cooked its head Remember we saw on Facebook and then he took the skin the bear rug skin and he wore it as a cape
And he drove around town with it. I thought it was Kill it and I'd ride around on my motorcycle with its skin.
Let me just be straight honest with you That's why you're not gonna go with me when I go Listening or those who are watching the future if if you know of a way that I can get on one of these these group going
Please don't feed into this guys Whatever it is that they do where they go looking for Bigfoot if you know of a way that I can get on one
Of those teams, please reach out to me Please Cuz I I actually try to look it up online.
I couldn't find anything. I kept finding Bigfoot thing for messing with demons You're messing with demons. You know what?
You know, you know who would be the first to join probably James White I Doubt it
You know Andrew Rappaport does well, I mean I think all Christians should
But he's a dispensational pre -millennial that also believes If you hope to the testimony of two or three witnesses, you have to believe that that that something is out there
Like I just don't want to hear about I hope you can feel my eye rolls through the camera at you right now
Well, you're you're All I know is
I want one I want to be If Jeff you are invited because I want us
I want you to see when I shoot it It don't bleed because it's right in right and remember I told you I've trained
In fighting for over 20 years, and if I saw you pulling a gun out on the Bigfoot, I'd jack you up, son
Over brother Wow, I would you know throw him so fast We got we got a couple options tonight we neither end the podcast here and do another topic on this again in the future
Or we can hear a Bigfoot howl from Jeff and I can tell my Mormon story of seeing something crazy
We got those two options Judo throw him if he did that right now.
Yeah, my wife and She's Okay, how about this the next podcast we do we do
Bigfoot 2 .0 you do a howl I'll tell my Mormon story Dude, I'd have to practice and I don't have you got a week
We're gonna end Bigfoot here and not bring them back up again Oh Maybe in passing
Maybe Look it is what it is. We got how many comments on Facebook right now.
This needs to continue we have 111 comments we are doing another starting a group.
Okay, there's gonna be comments, but you're just not gonna be in it. Oh And if someone got in there and they saw fish flopping like hats you getting box.
Okay 1689 Bigfoot Club No, I want to welcome the
ESPYs and the assemblies and the confirmation Yeah You got a
Bigfoot demon. We're gonna cast you out. I'm thankful. We were able to create another denomination Bigfoot Baptist That is quite an accomplishment always
We can't Calvin Knocks everyone's rolling over in the grave right now.
I'm telling you All right, well we're gonna set this down thanks everyone for checking us out and Please check us out when we're talking theology to you.
Hallelujah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I need to mention so I was supposed to have a Debate coming up in September the 16th dealing with Calvinism Turns out that the guy is not going to be able to debate me that night.
And so right now Layton flowers is a prospect. So I think him and I might debate concerning Regeneration.
I'm also wanting to have a debate with a Presbyterian on the issue of baptism
But I don't want to have one with just any Presbyterian. So I want to have one with someone who is well known
Meaning that people are going to watch the video So if you know a Presbyterian who is well -known who wants to have a debate, please reach out to me
So we can make it happen With that said and hold on and remember we have the open -air theology conference coming up Oh, yeah, where you need to get your tickets and Bigfoot if you're out there come
I want you to come we want you to come Bigfoot because we want you to get the the real gospel
Yes, so also concerning the conference the pre -conference will be on the dangers of full preterism
The conference is going to be on Calvinism It's going to be called why Calvinism and we're also are filming a documentary on why
Calvinism? So it's going to be a lot going on in February. You want to come hang out with us?
We're going to be renting out a cigar shop or we're going to be kicking it and we're gonna rent out Yeah, so Thursday night.
We will rent out a cigar shop Friday night We're probably gonna rent out a restaurant and we're gonna has it'll have a stage
We're going to be doing some some Psalms and Psalms and hymns and beer. It's gonna be awesome.
So I probably shouldn't have said that some people aren't as reformed as we are and they might get kicked out of the church
Oh All right, y 'all want to say anything before we leave god bless don't go in the woods seeking demons