Modern Black-Activism



Black-activism is NOT what it used to be. And if we’re properly assessing it correctly, it was never fundamentally good either. It has always been a leftist vehicle for socialism and the continued racial disparities it claims to end. In this episode, I invite you to consider modern black-activism and the worldview embedded within it. As Christians, no political, or social topic is outside of the realm of our consideration or responsibility. We have been commanded by our Lord to teach all nations. So, when the modern left, and it’s culturally brainwashed sect of black-activism try to disciple the nations on what justice, unity, peace and equality truly are, we need to counter the effort by raising the truth of the Scriptures and the Christian worldview against it! The devil has been hard at work, now it’s time for us to rise up and confront modern black-activism as another child of the Marxist giant impeding on the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe for more! SETH GRUBER MAERTIAL: BOOK: The 1916 Project ⁠⁠ [] FILM: The 1916 Project ⁠⁠ [] PODCAST: The Seth Gruber Show ⁠⁠ [] WEBSITE: The White Rose Resistance ⁠⁠ []   SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: YOUTUBE: TRUEOLOGY or @DrBlueTheTrueologist ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ [] INSTAGRAM: @StudyOfTheTruth / @YourMyBoiiBlue ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ [] FACEBOOK: Belushi Previlon ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ [] TIKTOK: @OwnLeeWonTrueBlue X: Bprevilon


Welcome to Truology, where we study Christian theology, philosophy, and apologetics.
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So, stay with us as we open up the Word of God and look into everything pertaining to life and godliness.
My name is Belushi Prevalon, coming to you from the Boston area. And right now, you are listening to Truology, the study of the truth, as it is in Jesus.
Welcome back to another episode of Truology. My name is Belushi Prevalon, and I am thankful you could join me.
On this episode, we will be discussing modern black activism, some of the cultural left, and many other things that have to do with all of that.
But first, just to stimulate the discussion today, I just want to ask a few questions, which we will be obviously expanding on as the episode proceeds.
And the beginning question is, where did the racial tensions between black and whites in America come from?
Who were the leading figures of this modern movement? How can the church address racial issues?
And does the Bible even address racial differences in the first place? What is justice according to Scripture?
All these questions and more will be explained and investigated as we continue in this episode.
But today's topic is, once again, modern black activism and some of the things of the cultural left.
I think the importance of this topic comes from the need to educate the church on dealing with cultural issues.
We live in a modern society. Things constantly change. New issues seem to arise every several years or so.
There are nefarious agents that are seeking to destroy the church.
Upend the authority, the moral authority of the church and the agency of Jesus Christ sovereignly over all things.
It is then our duty to grow in wisdom, which is knowledge applied, so that we can give an answer to the things that are going bump in the night.
And that is threatening our existence. I think there is biblical precedence to look around, learn, make observations, and then deal and act upon what we now understand.
For example, Proverbs 24, verse 30 through 34 says,
And the stone thereof was broken down. Then I saw and considered it well, and I looked upon it and received instructions.
So here in the Bible, we have a precept for looking around and making assessments and coming to certain conclusions about what we see as seen in the person who had written the book of Proverbs, being
Solomon, learning from his experience that just through basic observation, he can understand that there is, you know, the sluggard has a terrible life.
He's a bad steward. And therefore, you know, I can learn from that. I don't have to go through being a bad steward myself. I can look around and see how
I should grow from this observation. I think, you know, in our current context, as we look at the political landscape and cultural landscape around us as Christians, I think we can look around fairly and assess and say, yeah, there's something going on here.
There is this movement. There is this situation. And by making those basic observational assessments,
I think we can come to conclusions on how we should act and live in light of them. So it's important for us to be educated in dealing with cultural issues.
It's also important for us to reinforce the biblical concept or precept about race and mankind in general, because I feel like we're sort of kind of going quiet on that in the greater
Christian community. The Bible does address the idea of race.
It actually says that we are all born of one blood from Adam and Eve. There's one human race.
There's not multiple races of humans. There's one human race. But there are different tribes and federations and regional and religious identities, such as Edomites, Canaanites, Israelites, who obviously are diversified into 12 tribes.
And, you know, there's many cultures that are oriented in that same fashion even today.
But in biblical times, it was more so it was more prominent.
These days, we more identify as nations, and that's all right. But we are one human race.
But we are different ethnicities and different tribes and nations of people with different languages and different cultural identities.
But we are all one human race. And I would encourage, you know, maybe if you leave a comment, if you disagree with me on that and whatever your case would be.
But I think it's self -evident in the Bible that that's how the
Bible seems to portray the human race as coming from Adam and Eve and, you know, dispersing throughout the whole earth, which was made to be inhabited by God.
And I think beyond just, you know, those regional qualifications,
I think that the Bible addresses the biblical precepts concerning race and grounds them in the fact that all human beings are made in the image of God.
And that, you know, throughout redemptive history, the task of the Holy Spirit, the
Father, and the Son is to bring, you know, fallen mankind into God's kingdom, which transcends over all human kingdoms and relationships.
It's not the only thing that makes us relatable, but it does supersede much of our reality.
So, besides just the need to really educate the church on cultural issues and the fact that the
Bible already addresses the idea of race, I think the importance of dealing with modern black activism comes from the fact that we need to deception -proof our young people ahead of time by discipling them first in the home and then reinforcing that discipleship in the church, you know, allowing them to be able to build a worldview that can contend with the facts and issues of life.
We need to, as God's people, exemplify unity, justice, righteousness in Christ for them so that way when they leave the home or, you know, go beyond the walls of the church, they are not being discipled on what justice really is or what righteousness really is or what righteous behavior is without the context of believers and Scripture in the
Lordship of Christ. We need to train them to be able to engage by vetting them before they are on their own in the community of faith.
So then, in conclusion, the importance of this is vitally important because the church to some degree today has been discipled more by the world than by the community of faith on how to deal with social issues.
This has caused us to utilize the language, the method of the secular pagan idolatries rather than Scripture as the true lens for how we should see and handle these things.
And if we don't properly handle them here, our young people will continue to be in danger of straying away from the biblical view of mankind and societal matters.
We can't prepare the next generation if we are essentially assisting the adversary in strangling their worldview from them from within the walls of the church in the home.
There are probably a lot of excuses for why we use the methods we do, but if we don't correct our approach quickly, then we will lose our grip on the true solution to the problems at hand, which is the gospel and the proclamatory truth of repentance to the sovereign rule of Christ.
This is an important topic because it is theological, it is personal, it's societal, and it affects everything we do.
We can't simply whistle past a graveyard, nor can we stick our heads in the ground and act like we don't have any responsibility to engage cultural situations and issues and political topics just because we are, you know, the church and we don't get involved in quote -unquote things like that because they're worldly and secular.
But rather, I think because it affects so much, we have an obligation to address modern black activism because it has made disciples within the walls of the church, and it is leading people outside of the church, out of the church, and into this what
I believe to be demonic worldview and this destructive worldview. So, as the people of God, let's not abrogate our responsibilities to do what we are called to do, which is to be salt and light.
So, let's move on to our next topic as we consider modern black activism, which we'll do through considering the history of the matter.
You know, where have, you know, the tensions between whites and blacks actually come from?
Well, it has really come from, you know, the historical reality of slavery.
And before we can actually drive this to the point I truly want to make and why the tension exists, let's just give a quick survey of slavery in general throughout human history.
Here I have Mark Cartwright from worldhistory .org writing an article on the subject of the reality of history throughout human history.
And he says, slavery was an ever -present feature of the Roman world. Now, obviously this is during, just around the time of the
Bible's writing in the first century. He says, slaves served in households, agriculture, mines, the military, workshops, construction, and many services.
As many as one in three of the population in Italy or one in five across the empire were slaves.
And upon this foundation, essentially was built the forced labor. Upon the foundation of forced labor,
I should say, sorry, was built the entire edifice of the Roman state. And just so we're not confused on the definition of slavery here, slavery, that is a complete mastery of one individual over another, was so embedded in a
Roman culture that slaves became almost invisible. And there was certainly no feeling of injustice in this situation on the part of the rulers.
Inequality in power, freedom, and the control of resources was an accepted part of life.
So around the time of the Bible's construction, around the first century or so, and beyond that, obviously, and before that, slavery was just a human reality.
It did not, you know, it had nothing to do specifically with your skin color.
It wasn't about how tall you were. It wasn't necessarily about where you were from. Many people in the early first century and even before that, and obviously proceeding after it, were slaves because of many different reasons, whether it was wars, natural poverty.
Right. So slavery was a human fact for a very long time. And as we proceed into the future from the
Roman Empire point, we see in the Sene -Gambian slavery era, which is, you know,
Western Africa, sub -Saharan Africa, in one of the textbooks that I found, it says that, you know, slavery varied from society to society.
In some places, slaves were considered chattel property and were treated as harshly as they would be later in the
Western Hemisphere. So in Sene -Gambian slavery in Western Africa, before the white man ever set foot upon the continent of Africa, at least according to this history book, which is, by the way, this book is actually really left -leaning.
I've read through this book substantially, and it is not friendly towards Christianity and the
Christian worldview. But nevertheless, it makes the point that, you know, slavery existed before the quote unquote white
Europeans came to Western Africa. And it was black people selling other black people for the same reasons that, you know, we see it in later 18th century, you know, transatlantic slave trade stuff.
Right. Which was essentially just an economic endeavor. So here, but beyond that, we also see, you know, by the time of the
Renaissance in England, most were free. This is the same textbook, not slaves, talking about black people.
Initially, a handsome black person was a fashionable accessory, a rare status symbol.
This is a modern textbook saying this. Now, it further goes on to say, you know, slavery wasn't always monolithically, the monolithic ideal for black people, because in this same textbook, which is very left -leaning, it says this.
And Europe had a mixed culture, sizable numbers of blacks in the 18th century.
London were they worked in naval and military services as well as domestic services.
Interracial interracial marriages were not uncommon. So so this is, you know, you know, the modern idea that, you know, white people somehow invented slavery and and have used it to subjugate, you know, people of color for millennia is just, you know, demonstrably false.
You know, slavery is a human depravity issue, and it has taken place throughout human history.
Whether you're white, black, purple, yellow, slavery does not discriminate. It comes about for many reasons, including economic, whether just power struggles, governmental, you know, sometimes even religional.
Yes, that's right. But it does it doesn't discriminate just because of its skin color. That's actually a modern and new idea that has brought about the concept of slavery or justification for it because you're black.
Therefore, you should be a slave. That's a fairly recent thing in human history as a whole. Now, depending on how, you know, whether you disagree and how long humans have actually existed upon the earth, it's just novel to believe that white men essentially invented slavery.
So as we continue and the regards of and regarding the history of the matter, we we want to continue with the 18th century slave trade, which, like I said earlier, was economically driven.
More than just, you know, because white men were just essentially racist. Obviously, racism became a great part of that.
But these people just wanted to make money. And one of the ways to make money was to sell labor.
And it was a wicked act. And we should condemn it because they essentially wanted to see that they not only, you know, went to other
Africans that were selling Africans and trading goods for labor means.
But they were also, you know, going throughout the continent and, you know, essentially stealing people and kidnapping them and selling them off into slavery, which was wicked.
And we should condemn it. But that's just one of the ugly realities of history that some humans are capable of such depravity.
I mean, we should not be surprised. Nevertheless, in regards to the transatlantic slave trade era, it was economically driven.
It was it was part of the global structure of trade. And it it happened.
All right. I'm not saying it's good. But, you know, when when this is used to justify why, you know, it's
OK to rise up against, quote unquote, white people and, you know, to create organizations and political movements such as BLM.
And in our modern day, I think we're doing ourselves an uneducated disfavor and where we are aligning with something that is not thoroughly assessed correctly.
And it really just plagues ultimately on our emotions and our resentments deep down.
And of course, I'll get into that later. But as we consider the 18th century slave trade, which obviously led into some of the economic differences and cultural prejudices that existed during the
Civil War and, you know, leading all the way up to the 20th century and the proponents of the civil rights movement like MLK, Malcolm X, you know, all the way down, all the way up to, you know,
BLM and George Floyd. You know, I'm sure everyone remembers that this was, you know, George Floyd was essentially the catalyst for major riots in America.
There was this was during the time of COVID as well. So there was multiple layers of disruption in the world and particularly in America.
There was massive media propaganda during this time bringing about biased coverage of police brutality, making you think that everyone who was white was essentially, you know, binarily racist and inherently against you because you are non -white.
You know, this was demonstrably false as well because police brutality was not the number one killer of black people in America.
You know, black on black crime is. But no one wants to talk about that. You know, beyond all of this that has brought out the tension and strengthened it and made essentially divided our culture and between, you know, conservative and liberal, you know, whites and blacks and woke and, you know,
I guess conventional. You know, I don't know what whatever you want, whatever label you want to put on it, that was just just just a cultural, cultural division and separation in an uneasiness.
On top of that, there was COVID and we were dealing with so much at this time fairly recently.
It's only 2024. And that was like, what, three, four years ago. Right. So this is very recent and very important for us to understand.
And to be to be honest, we need to mature past because there are a lot of grifty proponents today that are trying to keep us in that little box to make us think that everything is racist and that we should hate our country and our history.
We should hate one another and should have protected prejudice against certain people.
It is just awful and wicked. And some of the proponents of this have been people like Ta -Nehisi
Coates, who is overtly a an overtly a historical writer, a racist slander and just a proponent of just such biased projects in his books.
I'm surprised he even has a platform from which he can speak. But unfortunately, we have elevated these, you know, fools to public view.
Another proponent of the modern black activism issues and movements that we've seen, someone who has actually really aggravated the tensions between whites and blacks and has really confused and persuaded many people on the liberal side, particularly blacks, about this false view of history.
And the race and racial tensions has been Nicole Hannah -Jones with the 1619
Project. You know, her 1619 Project, which obviously had more than just was more than just books and articles and things like that.
This has influenced the violent protests, the robberies, the brutalizing of police.
And I mean brutalizing of police. I don't mean police brutality, which is something completely different. This is the brutalizing of police and the harassment and murder of across America that had taken place in the last three, four years in our political landscape and culture.
You know, a lot of it had to do, you know, the 1619 Project by Nicole Hannah -Jones was instrumental to it.
If you've ever asked yourself, why do some people actually believe that America is inherently or systemically racist?
Nicole Hannah -Jones' 1619 Project is one of the driving reasons for that consideration and why some people seem like, for example, one of my history teachers this year, very progressive and liberal guy, not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
I remember him saying in one of our Zoom meetings in class that, you know, he believes the people in the
Mayflower essentially came here to perpetuate slavery. And at the time, I couldn't understand why he believed that.
I thought it was just so odd and stupid for someone with a master's degree in education to say, but he did say it.
And I just couldn't figure out, like, where did that idea come from? And after discovering Nicole Hannah -Jones and the 1619
Project, I was like, ah, there it is. That's where many people are getting this nonsense.
So I want to elaborate a little more on Nicole Hannah -Jones and the 1619
Project and the role it has played in modern black activism. And then
I want to move on to the good, the bad, and the ugly of modern black activism. Something by a book written by Seth Gruber, who is a
Christian apologist and social activist against abortion and other critical social issues, titled
The 1916 Project, was written to combat social issues such as this on the modern left.
And I want to quote extensively from it as we continue to explain the effects of Nicole Hannah -Jones' 1619
Project. The origins of this historical reconstruction, according to Seth Gruber, is in August of 2019, the
New York Times magazine published a series of essays entitled The 1619
Project, the brainchild of Nicole Hannah -Jones. The 1619 Project is an attempt to recast
American history as a tale centered around slavery. The goal of the 1619
Project then is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation's birth year.
Doing so literally requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of blacks, black
Americans, at the center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country.
Hey folks, thank you so much for tuning in to Trueology. My name is Belushi Prevalon, and if this has been a help to you in any way, please like, share, and subscribe.
And if you haven't already done so, right now on Spotify, you can vote for the next episode. Now, I already have a bunch of things lined up, but I want to give you, the audience, the opportunity to participate on what
Trueology will be covering next. So, go to Spotify, type in Trueology, vote for the next episode, and I will see you next time as we study the truth.
Thank you. So there you have it. You know, Seth Gruber documents that the purpose of the 1619
Project was basically to reconstruct American history. In terms of what they believe, the modern black activism and a lot of people in the modern left today, politically speaking, what they believe is these revolutionaries, according to Seth Gruber, I just want to make it obvious that I'm quoting here from his book.
These revolutionaries firmly believe that if an institution has racism in its history, then that racism flows through the
DNA of the organization to this day. It doesn't matter how things have changed or what good may have been done in the intervening years.
The rotten genesis of these institutions is all that matters. If the roots are speckled with racism, the whole tree has to be burned down.
And they don't just mean that metaphorically. BLM activists brought physical destruction to communities across the
United States. I would highly recommend you get Seth Gruber's, the 1916 Project, because he documents this so well and how we got here in our culture where people are just, you know, making race the centerpiece of all their contentions.
And how the modern left has just, you know, brainwashed so many liberal -leaning people, primarily blacks across America, to essentially just hate everything about the
United States and just giving them this false worldview upon which they're all currently acting upon, whether it be the black politician, the black activist, or the black pastor and churchgoer.
You know, many people in our culture today believe this crap, and they need to be rescued out of it.
And the only way they will be is if we combat it with truth and enlightenment from God's grounding in Word.
So, as we continue here in regards to the 1619
Project by Nicole Hannah -Jones, as Seth Gruber's commentary continues, the depth of this propaganda and how it has affected us today consists of a series of essays, podcasts, and ready -to -use
K -12 curriculum. And its army of content creators was somehow able to pack in all the major creeds and priorities of humanism.
The aim was nothing short of a social revolution. The Project, in all its various incarnations, praises abortion, socialism, defunding the police, revoking the rights to bear arms, and reparations.
Objective history was never the purpose of the 1619 Project. The goal had always been to mainstream progressive ideas, to upend
American institutions, to tear down the nation as we know it so it could be rebuilt into a progressive wonderland.
And believe me, they have been doing that pretty successfully.
And I think the election of President Donald Trump again into the Oval Office was essentially, as some have said, an orange middle finger to the modern left and the agendas that they have been supporting for, honestly, generations now.
Now, obviously, the battle is not over. It rages on, and we must be contending where it's at, and we must be at the forefront of it as God's people, the moral groundwork that is in the earth to be done by the church.
And it's not over. We must stay vigilant and press on. Now, obviously, the depth of all this propaganda was fueled by the
George Floyd death. And this just brought on, in a lower
C sense, catastrophic implications and consequences in America.
And I'm glad there has been, at least in terms of the election of Donald Trump, some pushback culturally that seems to still be alive and growing.
And I hope that the Christian worldview can continue to bear witness and refine that so that we can properly take care of it at the root rather than just through Christless conservatism.
Yeah, I think that's the best way to put it. So, you know, this massive propaganda machine, modern black activism, the cultural left, they're not alone.
According to Seth Gruber, again, there's massive sects of allies.
There exists today a network of unaffiliated yet fundamentally aligned institutions and associations hellbent on remaking
America into a secular, humanist, and socialist state. It includes everything from the legacy media, no surprise, to our schools, to Wall Street banks, to Fortune 500 companies.
There is no hierarchy, nor earthly general in the field giving orders across organizations to inculcate the culture.
And yet these forces do communicate and coordinate. The strategy of the robes, which we will discuss very soon, has worked.
And we are naive if we believe they're acting independently of one another or that the current state of affairs came upon us by mere chance.
Seth Gruber is right. None of this has happened by accident. Where we are today dealing with transgenderism and people who have high degrees and should be considered cogent thinkers not being able to define what a woman is, that did not happen by accident.
We got here pretty progressively, literally and politically.
We got here progressively. And as a Christian church, we need to orient ourselves to be first knowledge, made aware of the situation, how we got here, knowing the history, and being theologically grounded enough to make contact and collide with it and come out the other's end with our faith still untouched.
And the Lordship of Christ ruling and redeeming all that was broken.
So, because of this massive sect of allies, political propaganda, the modern left and their strong hold on modern black activism, all these things are in concert with one another.
This is why you have identity politics, which also explains
Kamala Harris' campaign and even Obama's campaign. When Obama became president,
I believe he got reelected when I was in high school. And I didn't know anything about politics back then.
I just assumed, oh, black man is running for president, of course he should be elected because he's black.
And as a sophomore in high school, that was my assessment of the entire situation, being absolutely ignorant of the political landscape.
And yet what I believed as a sophomore in high school was pretty much what adults believe on the modern left.
They absolutely believe it. And no justification other than for the fact that he's black. And in order for us to be enlightened people, we need to elect a black man to show that we do have the moral high ground and we have the objective worldview and we're not biased and we're not racist because we have a black man in office or a black woman in office.
And it's just, I'm so glad that pillar is crumbling quickly. Unfortunately, the whole thing can't fall quick enough.
But I hope that identity politics continues to get crushed as the
Christian church is made more knowledgeable on the matters and takes action to combat it.
So in conclusion, as we consider the history of the matter, slavery is a historical fact throughout the human race and it is an outworking of human depravity.
No surprise. We should not allow the mainstream media and political proponents to try to center social concerns primarily around their segmented viewpoints and personal biases.
We should be prepared, well -informed on how we got here, unapologetically embracing the good and understanding the bad, seeing
God's sovereignty working in and through human sin to bring us to this point in Western civilization today.
Propaganda is the instrument of the enemy, but truth is its dispelling counterpart.
We didn't get here by accident, nor are we going to rise out of the slew of secular pagan culture by simply clinging to our sociological traditions and with pietistic fundamentalism.
Be informed and take action. And if you're not informed, there essentially is no excuse.
God has placed you in a time and place to be responsible enough to learn and prepare to take dominion and to expand and live for His kingdom.
No one said it's going to be easy. But Christian, believe me, if the
Lord Jesus is truly ruling, and He is, it will be glorious. So be encouraged.
Now, let's consider the good, the bad, and the ugly.
That's right, the good, the bad, and the ugly. In regards to modern black activism, what should we know?
Well, let's consider the good. The good is that modern black activism, the cultural left, whatever you want to label, it is trying to decry cultural abuses and inequalities.
And as Christians, we shouldn't just act like those things don't really exist. They do. There's cultural abuses.
They're trying to address racial tensions. And in some way, we should count it a gift to see the cultural disruption in this fashion, because this is really exposing
Christian failures. We become hyper -spiritualized and hyper -isolationist, and we become anti -culturalist transformation.
We've allowed the devil to basically drive the ship. And then we sit in the back and wonder, why is everything breaking down around us?
Well, I think the answer is obvious. It's because, you know, we have failed in some areas.
We basically place ourselves in our little box called the church, and we refuse to engage in any other area of life.
And we wonder why things are going to hell in a handbasket.
It's really our fault if we refuse to be salt and light and to preserve and to guide the moral foundations of our culture and our nation.
So, it is a gift to us to see this stuff outside, because we don't have to guess where our enemy is.
We don't have to guess where the problem is. It is in the front yard looking at us. We don't have to turn—you know, we can't escape it.
It is in our areas of work. It affects us in business.
It affects us in politics. It's on the television screen. It's everywhere.
So, you know, I'm thankful that it is everywhere now, only in the sense that we don't have to guess where the enemy is hiding.
He has come out, and he's telling us who he is and what he's doing. Now, Christians, pick up your swords and your shovels and get to work.
So, that's the good. The bad is that—and truly,
I believe this is what we really should lead with—the bad in regards to Black activism today is that it is fundamentally racist, all right?
I think Vivek Ramaswamy—I mean, obviously, I believed this way before he said it publicly, but it is fundamentally racist.
You do not fight racism with counter -racism, which is still racism, right? It's so crazy how we can allow people to actually get away with this.
When you think that I am guilty by association just because of my skin color and that you put me in a certain category just because of my skin color, not knowing anything about me or my marriage or my character, that itself is racist, and that's exactly what the modern
Black activists do today. They have a paradigm called intersectionality through which they assess who is the oppressors and who are the oppressed, and they justify all their actions through that paradigm, and we allow them to do that publicly and not call them stupid for it.
And to be honest, I hope more pastors across America who are fundamentally grounded in the truths of Scripture will—before they want to present their intellectual arguments against this cultural foolishness, what we should do is we should take our fingers, point to them, and say, you're racist.
If you're really judging me based on my skin color and not knowing anything about me, then you are racist, and you should be shut down because that goes against our
American identity as a whole and our concepts of freedom and our
Constitution. Everyone is equal under the law, and yet modern
Black activism would say that the only people that are equal are those that fall into their ideals, and we need to reconstruct everything according to what they believe and yada, yada, yada.
But the bad, beginning with the bad here, they are fundamentally racist, and we should not hesitate to point that out and scream it back at them and expose them on that basis because they don't believe you should discriminate against people, but yet they're the ones who discriminate the most.
And beyond that, they're not just racist, but they're neo -Marxist. They're culturally Marxist.
Back to Seth Gruber here, in regards to the founders of Black Lives Matter, he says that both of them were mentored by the avowed
Marxist Angela Davis, a student of the Frankfurt School, whose founders and teachers essentially created the revolutionary strategy of the modern left.
They called it the strategy of the robes. That is, if they could capture the robes of the courts, the robes of the clergy, the robes of the academies, and the robes of the scientific institutions, the revolution would be perpetual, and no one need fire a bullet.
That's right. That's exactly what the modern left and the modern black activists believe nowadays.
They believe that they need to saturate their ideals into the court system, into the church, into the academies, into the scientific communities, the schools, whatever.
The political landscape, they want to take it all. They have a plan for all of that, and they're massaging it well into the reality we currently live in.
That's why we're bumping into it everywhere. And it did not happen by accident. It has been a slow progress, and boy, are they taking ground.
And I would like to just point out here, Christian, if you do not believe that we should be involved beyond the walls of the church in cultural issues or in politics, just remember the devil does, and his children are more faithful at obeying his decrees to disciple the nations than we are at obeying our lord and master to disciple the nations.
And that should bring you to shame. And if you've just left church, compartmentalized church, and just to Sunday morning or whatever it may be, just remember that in seven days out of the week, you only go to church less than two to five percent of your actual week.
Therefore, the majority of your life is spent outside of the church, and we should not refuse to participate in the areas that matter and have great influence because the devil doesn't believe that.
He doesn't believe his battles are only spiritual. No, he believes his battles are political.
He believes his battles are economic. He believes his battles are ideological, and he is taking ground.
And boy, does he have an army of people carrying out his plan. I wonder if we could wake up and actually carry out the plan of our lord and savior and do what he said, disciple the nations, teaching them to observe everything
I've commanded you. So as we consider the bad of the modern black activism, we see first that they're fundamentally racist, they're
Marxist, and they're happily so, and they're discipling the nations, and they're making it very obvious who they are and where they're going.
It's very eschatological, but they're not ashamed of saying it because even one of the founding members of the
Frankfurt School, who has contributed so much to what is believed today in these people, he says that the revolution will not happen with guns.
Rather, it will happen incrementally, year by year. We will infiltrate their schools and bureaucracies, transforming them into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.
Man, that tastes good. Right? No. See, these people are fundamentally racist and Marxist, and they are not ashamed of it.
They're putting it out in the open, and when your enemy comes out and tells you who he is, take him seriously and respond accordingly.
So beyond just being Marxist and racist, modern black activism is oppressive.
Why are they oppressive? Because, well, do you remember council culture? This is where they come from.
They cannot handle being challenged. If you talk to any liberal ever in your life, like a true blue -haired liberal, they do not like to be challenged.
They believe what they believe inherently, and whatever they believe, you must surrender reality to also believe along with them and participate with them.
And if you dare question them, they will use the arm of the government to shut you down. People, that is exactly what totalitarian dictators do.
They silence those that disagree with them. And yet the modern left wants to, in some sense, rescue people from oppression.
And modern black activism also believes in the same thing because they're fundamentally the same group.
But they're the ones who are perpetuating oppression, and they justify doing it because of their skin color and the category in which they belong.
Because they're the oppressors, they can justify any act of violence upon you because you are categorically the oppressor, and you should be taken down even by unfair means.
Folks, like Christians, wake up. This is not hard. We can knock these people off the platform very easily, and all we have to do is say these things, point out these truths, and expose them with truth and light, and call them to repentance and faith because they cannot last any longer.
Because according to Scripture, the righteous will live in the world, but the wicked and the unrighteous will be rooted out of it.
So, knowing that they have a short time, let's be faithful to our Lord, applying His word and wisdom and knowledge so that we can continue to combat and basically sweep them off the landscape of the earth until their ideologies are no more.
And there comes a day in which we can look around and say, oh, where is the wicked person? Where are they?
Remember that idea? Remember there were people that used to believe this? They're no longer around, right?
Because we need to redeem what God has given us. And right now, the enemy is very obvious.
It's blatantly in our face. It's politically naive. It tries to leverage people's emotions.
It is built on greed and envy and corruption, and it cannot be allowed to continue to take precious ground given to us by our
Lord and His great redemption so that we can use it to His glory. Let's not allow those things to be taken from us and before us in our generation.
Let's galvanize ourselves to take action rather than surrender, being in the backseat as the devil drives the ship.
Rather, let's wake up. Let's wake up and stand for righteousness and proclaim the gospel that we are commanded to.
So, the good, the bad, and now the ugly. What is the ugly?
Well, the ugly really is primarily spiritual and eschatological. The ugly of the modern black activism today is that it uses the government to carry out its plans.
It wants to steal from other people to give to other people. It is man -centered.
It has in mind this socialistic utopianism, which by definition does not exist, right?
It is demonic deception. It is trying to disciple your children so that they can be long -term believers in this nonsense.
It is a direct affront to the kingdom of God. It has its own plans to bring about its own realities, and it will try to level anyone that gets in its way.
So, what is the Christian church's responsibility then? Well, I think it's very simple and very clear.
I think we need theological discipleship. I think we need to teach our people what the
Bible says on race and how we can gain unity despite our different ethnicities and the different cultures we live in, and what it means to really be a nation, what it really means to have laws and justice and righteousness governed by God's laws, and what a consistent and stable worldview is and how to get it.
We need to engage in cultural apologetics. We need to train our people to be able to give answers to political issues and hot -button topics such as the definition of what a man is and what a woman is and what parental roles are and what the government's job truly is and what the relationship between the church and the state actually is and the family.
We need to engage in cultural apologetics, theological discipleship. But furthermore, what we really need connected with all that is we need a restoration of post -millennialism as a worldview and an eschatology that actually gives us the proper basis to get involved and see, knowing that we will accomplish something in this time and the work that we do.
Because I truly believe pre -millennial dispensationalism, which has more of a pessimistic view of history, is slowly starting to die, and rightly so because it is not biblical, but rather it has caused the church to abrogate so much of its responsibility while the devil has been running rampant in the earth.
No more. We need a restoration with optimistic and theological hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ actually manifesting itself through cultural redemption and governmental redemption and, you know, in many ways in reform of the church and how it takes care and answers political issues.
We need to keep the gospel proclamation at the center of what we do, and we need to keep in mind the kingdom and purpose of God and the earth as his people being salt and light for his glory and his glory alone.
And by his grace, can we do this? And I truly believe there is coming a time in which we will see all that God is doing.
If we will participate and be faithful today, we will reap the fruits of the grace of God given us today to take action in our time.
So I hope this has been helpful in just thinking about modern black activism and how some nefarious agents have tried to co -opt and leverage the emotions of black people and try to reconstruct history and try to inculcate itself into the church, even to train believers to think in racial categories and keep them straight, stray them away from the main thing, which is the gospel and the purposes that Christ has called his church to engage in.
I hope this has been helpful to you and that you would be glad to know that there is a solution and there is a proper critique and decimation of the things that are going bump in the night around us, such as modern black activism and its absolute foolery and bankrupt worldview.
So with that being said, thank you so much for tuning in to Trueology.
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Like I've said many times before, I have many things lined up that I want to talk about, but I want to consider what you would like to talk about.
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I know and through my experience so that God can do something through those that can benefit through this podcast for his glory's sake.
So with that being said, once again, my name is Belushi Prevalon. You have been listening to Trueology.
Until next time, keep studying the truth. Fear, threat, or worry.
Remember that the one that has called you according to his purpose and grace has also promised that all enemies will soon be placed under his feet.
Now, I want you to believe that not because I said it or because it sounds really nice and spiritual, but primarily and wholeheartedly and only and biblically, because it's the truth.