There Is No Peace

AD Robles iconAD Robles


There can be none between the knowledge of God and the lofty opinions of the world. There is no peace....every thought must be taken captive. There is no peace....only unconditional surrender to God.


In Jeremiah chapter 8, God tells the leaders of Judah that they are going to be punished, they are going to be disciplined, and there's a there's a section that talks about how they're claiming they're so wise but that the law of the
Lord really isn't with them. They've rejected the Word of the Lord, and so that's one of the reasons that they're being punished.
They're not wise because they're going against what the written Word says, all while claiming to represent
God and to speak for God and all of that. He says, from prophet to priest, everyone deals falsely.
So they've abandoned the Word of the Lord. And here's the part that I think is interesting. He says, but they superficially claim to follow
God and they superficially claim to want the things that God wants. Here's what verse 11 says in chapter 8.
It says, they have treated the brokenness of my dear people superficially, claiming peace, peace, when there is no peace.
Now I want to warn you because the reality is that for whatever reason, the
Church in the United States is not in a state of peace. There are serious, serious problems here.
There are serious divisions here, and there are people that both claim to be speaking the words of the
Lord, saying opposite things. So clearly someone is not representing the
Lord correctly. I think all you have to do to decide who's who, I mean, obviously we need to be
Bereans. We need to search the Scriptures and have a Bible study to talk about what these things mean and who's correct and how can we have a more biblical worldview.
We can do that kind of thing. And we also need to have discussions, too. We need to have debates and discussions to talk about these things.
That's something that we have to do. And I think all you need to do to find out really who's looking to do that, who's trying to figure out what the
Bible actually says, is to look at who's begging for conversations, who's begging for some kind of interaction, and who's trying to avoid it.
And I really warn you for people that claim to be in the middle of this or are trying to act like they're in the middle of this.
Look, the Bible says we should be peacekeepers, but it also says that we should absolutely not claim that there's peace when there is no peace.
That's acting superficially. God judges that in this passage in Jeremiah, talking about people who say peace, peace, when there is no peace.
The fact of the matter is that we're in an ideological war. We're in an ideological war, and the reality is that there is no peace there.
There can be no peace there. So you can act like there's peace with people who are saying that God's law is the opposite of what it actually is, but there is no peace there.
It is all -out war. And if you try to keep the peace with people who are bringing arguments against God's wisdom and God's law, all you're doing is laying down your sword and you are losing that war.
There is no peace. There is no peace between God's Word and critical theory. There is no peace between God's Word and black liberation theology, or any liberation theology.
It doesn't have to just be black liberation theology. There is no peace there, so we shouldn't act like there's peace there.
No, we should actually be at war with ideologies that raise their wisdom against God's.
In fact, that's a command in Scripture. That's a command in Scripture. We talked about this earlier.
This is 2nd Corinthians, I believe, chapter 10. Let me just make sure that's right. Yeah, 2nd Corinthians chapter 10.
Although we are walking in the flesh, Paul says, we do not wage war. Hear that word, war.
We do not wage war in a fleshly way, since the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds.
And what are those strongholds? He's not talking about physical strongholds. Let's go back to the text. We demolish arguments.
And every high -minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
You hear the language of war here. There is no peace between any kind of ideology that stands against the
Scripture. Critical theory stands against God's wisdom, so there is no peace. Black liberation theology stands against the knowledge of God, so there is no peace.
And we need to be relentless in our warfare against these ideologies. It's not a fleshly war.
It's not a physical war. It is a war of arguments.
It is a war of ideas. So I want you to be suspicious of anyone who says that there should be peace with these other arguments.
That we should, you know, we
Now there's a time in war for retreat. There's a time in war for laying in wait.
It doesn't have to be all offensive all the time. There's tactics in war. And so we have to have different tactics.
You know, some people talk about separation. You know, we should be separatists. And that's a tactic that's a very specific kind of tactic.
And it should be used in a specific time. I think that there's definitely a place for that. There's a place for being a separatist.
And separating from everyone who has caved in to these strongholds.
Who has not taken thoughts captive when it comes to the issue of race. There's a time for that kind of stuff.
But then there's a time for offense as well. There's a time for battles as well. So there is no peace.
I want you to be suspicious of anyone that says that there could possibly be peace with critical theory and Christian scriptures.
I want you to be suspicious of anyone who says that there could be peace with Marxism and the scriptures. Or liberation theology and the scriptures.
Or the teachings of James Cone and the scriptures. There is no peace.
There is only warfare. All -out warfare. And it's not just some of the thoughts that we need to take captive.
It's everyone. There's only one solution. There's only one program for victory that God establishes in His Word.