Who Cares About Racism? #MondayMotivation

AD Robles iconAD Robles


I don't. Neither should you.


Nobody cares how many black friends you have Sorry to break it to you, but but nobody cares and and I have listen this video is not really for For you white folks who have said this in the past to show how unracist you are because I get why you do it
You've you really look look People have gone through great lengths to make the accusation of being called a racist like one of the most powerful things that anyone can
Do to you if someone calls you a racist you might lose your job. You might be unemployable You might your income might be ruined and stuff like that And so I I get why you want to appear to be not racist, but here's the point
They don't care about your answer They don't care you could have ten black friends and it doesn't and no white friends
And if somebody calls you a racist that will never prove to them that you're not racist
You see racist today has a different definition. You got to understand that social justice warriors
Don't care about how you treat black people people How you if you have friends if you have family members, they don't care
You can be married to a black person and and in their opinion you could still be racist. They don't care How what your quotas look like they don't care
They just want to use this as a sledgehammer to bludgeon you now Most white people have figured this out because nowadays if you get called a racist it most most of the time it just rolls
Let me let me rewind this for sane white people sane white people don't care anymore
They've seen everyone and their mother get called racist and they know the world the word has no meaning anymore
They don't care if you call them a racist anymore and good for you. Good for you That's one of the best things that's come from this
Trump presidency. They've seen your tactics they think that social justice warriors think that calling someone a racist is the end -all be -all of ethical condemnation and You know what?
Nobody cares anymore Nobody cares and this whole idea is like like you could have a million black friends.
You could not treat anyone Differently based on their skin color you can do everything nice to black people
But you could still be a racist because why? Because you don't support their socialist policies or whatever it is that they're promoting at the time
Nobody cares about being called racist anymore and nobody should you shouldn't be
Racism who cares about racism? Let's stick here here here the definition of racism is so malleable these days that it doesn't matter
Someone can call you a racist and you can be the nicest person ever or you could be the most racist person ever nobody cares, nobody knows because it's just It's a definition less word these days
So nobody cares about being called a racist and I'm here to tell you you shouldn't be care You shouldn't care because racism is not in the
Bible racism is not a sin How do you like that racism is not a sin, you know, what is a sin partiality is a sin
Partiality is a sin The Bible says many many times that there is no partiality with God and so with us
Because we're made in his image because we're supposed to be holy as Christ is holy
There should be no partiality with us. Don't treat people differently based on their skin color based on their ethnicity based on their
Their income level their wealth level that's all it is Treat people fairly.
That's it. That's it. Don't treat me better because I'm Puerto Rican Don't treat me worse because I'm Puerto Rican just treat me without partiality.
That's it See partiality you don't hear a lot of social justice warriors talk about partiality and there's a reason for that Because partiality applies equally to them as it does to us and it applies equally to blacks as it does to white and the reality
Is social justice warriors don't want to treat people equal they want to treat poor people and black people and Latino people and women and and You know, whatever it is differently abled people whatever it is they want to treat them differently
They want to they want to have us to implement policies that benefit them and the
Bible says that that is not allowed and it Calls it partiality. It's a sin. It's a very very serious sin
So that's why they don't talk about partiality because it's they don't want it to be fair they want to treat people with partiality and so my advice to you is to stop caring about racism and Start caring about partiality talk only about partiality and every time someone wants to say well racism this racism that You have to talk about partiality keep it focused on the scriptures
Don't use these invented words that mean all kinds of different nonsense things who cares who cares like you say it's racist to have a disparity between your your leadership
So like let's say you have you know, five elders and they're all white and you live in a in a in a location
That's majority that maybe it has like 50 % whites and 25 % blacks and 25 % Latinos And therefore your elder board is racist because it's all white
You know what you should say Jimmy crack corn and I don't care Jimmy crack corn and I don't care show me where it's partial and Then I'll care then
I'll then I'll change my mind that you know We'll take the two or three witnesses and all that kind of stuff. But as far as your charge of racism is concerned
I don't care and that's as simple as that. That's my advice to you. I hope you found this video helpful