The Truth About Sarah Young And "Jesus Calling"!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So for those of you who don't know,
Sarah Young is a self -described Christian missionary and author. She wrote the wildly successful devotional series entitled
Jesus Calling. Many well -meaning Christians have read this book, and some have even enjoyed it. But over time, it has become abundantly clear to those of us who compared the book with Scripture, that Sarah Young's writings are deeply flawed and unbiblical.
Indeed, the methodology of the book is dangerous to the point that it must be rebuked publicly for the sake of the
Church. It genuinely hurts me to tell you that today, at the time of this video, I can confirm that Jesus Calling has sold over 30 million copies.
Not only have these millions of people who've read the book been exposed to false doctrine, but you'd have to assume that most of those people, the grand majority that is, are professing
Christians. So in this video, let's try to undo, at least in some small part, the damage that Sarah Young has inflicted on the
Church with this terribly unbiblical book. And let's do this by critiquing the book using three points.
Number one. Sarah Young's book, Jesus Calling, was written as Sarah received direct revelation from God in private.
In Sarah's own words, she says, I began to wonder if I could receive messages during my times of communing with God.
I had been writing in prayer journals for years, but that was one -way communication. I did all the talking.
I knew that God communicated with me through the Bible, but I yearned for more. Increasingly, I wanted to hear what
God had to say to me personally on a given day. In other words, Sarah was not comfortable with the degree to which
God spoke to her through the Holy Scriptures. According to her, she read her Bible diligently, but she, quote, yearned for more.
This is a serious problem. She suggests that God's Word is not sufficient for us. She suggests that some sort of audible revelation in your own mind from the
Lord is the only way to achieve a better, fuller, more complete relationship with Jesus Christ.
This is not only untrue, it's dangerously untrue. It threatens many people's very relationship with their
Creator. 2 Timothy 3, 16 -17 says, quote, End quote.
This passage clearly says that the Scriptures are perfectly capable of making the man of God complete.
No extra -biblical revelation is necessary to accomplish that task. But Sarah Young still yearns for more.
Beware of these kinds of people, people who look at God's Holy Word and say, yeah, that's okay I guess, but it's not good enough for me.
I need more than just that Bible stuff. These kinds of people lack trust in God's Word, and they spread their doubt to all the people they come in contact with, like a disease.
Just to be clear, the Bible obviously says that Scripture is perfect and that God can use it to complete the man or woman of God in any way
He deems necessary. When someone tells you that more revelation is required, they're speaking falsely and unbiblically.
Remember that. 2. Sarah Young's Jesus Calling book claims to be offering direct quotes from Jesus Himself which are not actually in Scripture.
Here's an excerpt from Jesus Calling which speaks from Jesus' perspective, quote, I do my greatest works through people with grateful, trusting hearts.
Rather than planning and evaluating, practice trusting and thanking Me continually. This is a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life.
End quote. Here Sarah is claiming to have direct quotes from Jesus which are not in the Bible. And this is probably my biggest concern with the book.
John 1 .1 says, quote, In the beginning was the Word, that is, Jesus, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. The point here is that Jesus is God. So when you're offering words that are spoken from Jesus' point of view, you're quoting the
Lord of the Universe. And when you quote the Lord of the Universe, hopefully it won't surprise you to know that these words have authority.
They have divine authority. Therefore, to write down words that God said when He did not actually say those words is not only unbiblical, it's a deception.
It's a lie. It's a lie about God. A lie about His very Word. And that is not something that God takes lightly, according to His Word.
Deuteronomy 18 .20 says this, quote, But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name, that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
Sarah Young's false quotes, which she claims are from the mouth of God Himself, are actually an unbiblical revelation.
She has spoken presumptuously in the name of the Lord, and that is a sin. In fact, the whole premise behind the
Jesus Calling book is sinful, and the Bible makes that clear. Understand this. If Sarah Young had lived in Old Testament times, she would have been stoned as a false prophet, and rightly so.
So perhaps we should think twice before we read her literature or recommend it to others. Number three. Sarah Young has had to edit and correct her book at times.
Not all the released copies of Jesus Calling are exactly the same. Matt Slick, over at his Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, has written an excellent article with proof of this, which will be linked in the description.
Matt demonstrates in the article that the entry for August the 23rd in Jesus Calling is different when you compare the 2004 version to the 2011 version.
Now that can only mean two things. Either she misquoted Jesus, or Jesus was wrong the first time he spoke.
If she misquoted Jesus, that calls into question her entire book. I mean, after all, the entire premise for the book is quotes from Jesus.
And so if she cannot be trusted to quote Jesus accurately, then that means the whole book could easily be inaccurate.
On the other hand, the only other explanation is that Jesus was wrong the first time he told her something, and he had to amend his previous statement.
He had to change it. This becomes an even worse problem than the first. Psalm 1830 says the following, quote,
This God, his way is perfect. The word of the Lord proves true. So here's my question.
If the Bible says that every word of the Lord proves true, then why does Sarah Young have to edit the word of the
Lord or change it in any way? Wasn't it true in the first place? Wasn't it true the first time it was written? You see, if Sarah is suggesting that God had to change his words, then
God must be imperfect. And if he is imperfect, then he cannot be our Savior. That's the problem. So here are the facts.
Sarah Young changed her alleged quote from Jesus from one version of her book to the next. This either means that Sarah Young is totally incompetent, or Jesus is not perfect.
And I think the first option is obviously the one we should go with. Either way you slice it, she's a false teacher who we should not listen to.
That's the point. So in conclusion, Sarah Young is a self -proclaimed missionary who wrote a heretical book called
Jesus Calling. In this book, she contradicts the sufficiency and authority of Scripture both at the same time.
She calls into question her integrity and that of Jesus himself. And it is for those reasons that all
Christians should avoid Jesus Calling and any other writings offered by Sarah Young. And Sarah, if you happen to be watching this, please know that this is not meant as an attack on you.
This video is simply a warning to the Church about false teaching. This is not a hopeless situation.
You can always be forgiven in Jesus Christ. So let's pray for Sarah Young that she would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.