TLP 109: What Can Your Family Learn from The Pilgrims?

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Happy Thanksgiving! Today AMBrewster uses three brief but powerful lessons to help our families grow in their devotion to God.For What Should Your Family Be Thankful?5 Ways to Support TLPClick here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript. Like us on Facebook.Follow us on Twitter.Follow AMBrewster on Twitter.Subscribe on YouTube.Need some help? Write to us at [email protected]


Try asking your kids this one. What does Dad need to sacrifice to love the family more?
What does Mom need to sacrifice? Welcome to Truth. Love.
Parents. Where we use God's Word to become intentional premeditated parents.
Here's your host, AM Brewster. Hey everyone. It's great to have you with us here today. I love
Thanksgiving and I really hate how the world seems to skip right from Halloween to Christmas. I mean, I enjoy both of those days as well.
Obviously, Christmas is my favorite, but I really love Thanksgiving and believe it's detrimental to our understanding of God and His Word for us to miss or abuse this holiday season.
Of course, my passion may also stem from the fact that my ancestors were the ones who celebrated the first Thanksgiving.
I don't know. You decide. But today I have two purposes. The first is that I want to share briefly that for which
I am thankful and I want to talk a little bit about my ancestors and the other pilgrims and give you a couple tidbits you can share with your family as you prepare for the holiday and some great lessons you can learn from them.
But more on that in a minute. I really love the new Apple podcast app and no doubt you're enjoying it as well if you're using it.
Most of you use it to listen to TLP and we think that's great for two awesome reasons.
The first is that the new app makes it super easy for you to rate and review us. You can easily pause the show, leave a review, and be back to the show in no time.
Go ahead. I'll wait. Not really. It's worth it. When you write and review, you add to the testimony of what
Truth Loved Parent is trying to accomplish and make it easier for new listeners to join our mission to become intentional premeditated disciple -making parents.
And the other thing the new app does is it makes it super easy to share podcast episodes on social media.
If you'd love to be a blessing to us and to your friends, I highly suggest you share our episodes on Tuesday and Friday.
Lord willing, the content will be just what your parent friends needed. Okay, so for what is
Team TLP thankful? Let me start by thanking you. Whether you've been with us since the beginning or you're new to the show,
I want to thank you for investing your time. There are millions of other things you could be watching or listening to or doing right now, but please know that you are loved and valued and appreciated.
We do this for God and for you, and we praise God for you. Thank you for listening, for writing us, for supporting and encouraging us.
You guys are amazing, you're fantastic, and I am very thankful for you. Second, I want to thank the
Lord for his continued sustenance. We just celebrated our one -year anniversary, and I can't tell you all the ways
God has made it possible for us to continue recording new episodes every week. If you want just a snippet of the crazy awesome things
God has done to keep us going, you can listen to a TLP snippet number four called We Won.
I'm also thankful for my wife and kids. I know this is a personal one, but I really think you should be thankful for them too.
All the time I pour into the show is time my family is not hanging out with me. They love what I do, and they participate, and it's a sacrifice they gladly bear so God can speak through me into your parenting, so I think we can really all be thankful for that.
I'm also thankful to Victory Academy for Boys. I believe that God has used this place to equip me to produce these shows in a way that I couldn't have been equipped in other places.
I also want to thank the TLP family. Our closed Facebook group is pretty small at the moment, but I thank
God for the encouragement and prayer that's going on over there. I also encourage you to check it out. Just head on over to truthloveparent .com,
sign up for the TLP family, and you'll get access to that Facebook group where we ask questions, share our burdens, and encourage one another.
I also want to thank everyone on Team TLP, past and present. Your sacrificial, voluntary work on behalf of Truth Love Parent is an act of worship to God, and I couldn't do it without you.
And lastly, a huge thank you goes out to our patrons and sponsors. Your monetary support is used by God to help
TLP minister families all over the world, and I cannot thank you and thank you and thank you enough.
Of course, there's so much more for which to be thankful, but I want to keep this short because I know you're busy right now. You're getting ready for Thanksgiving and all that, and I want this episode to be helpful, but not too heavy.
Okay, so how can your family benefit from the example the Pilgrims left us? Here are my thoughts.
Number one, the Pilgrims sacrificed everything to worship God. I mean, these people left their homes and families and comfort zones because there was nothing more important to them than worshiping their
God the way He outlined in His Word. What about your family? How can you take this lesson and lead your family into a closer relationship with God?
There are so many things you can do, but here are just some quick suggestions. After sharing this lesson with your kids, you can ask them the same question
I just asked you. Our God is so amazing. Is there anything in our lives keeping us from worshiping Him the way we should?
What could we change to make God's Word more important in our family? Likely, you won't find anything keeping you necessarily from worshiping
God that's as dramatic as what the Pilgrims faced, but if you're not going to church or engaging with God's Word in your home, then you're the one making it hard for your family to worship
God in a corporate setting, and it's making it hard to worship Him in a daily life setting as well.
If your children don't know the truth that He wants them to live by, how can they follow it? So, the first lesson is that we should sacrifice everything and anything that short -circuits living in the reality of God.
We need more time with Him and the body of Christ, not less. Now, number two, the
Pilgrims sacrificed everything again to stay faithful to God. You see, the Pilgrims didn't come to America so they could biblically worship
God on Sunday. They found that freedom in Holland. They left England and they went to Holland and they got that initial freedom.
The Pilgrims decided to leave Holland so they could more easily worship God on every other day of the week.
You see, the culture in Holland was very similar to ours in that there was much temptation. I don't want to belabor this point, but the
Pilgrims left Holland because they realized it would be more difficult to worship God by living a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way, if they stayed.
So again, you can ask your children, what things are there in our family's life that make it hard for us to stay true to the
Lord? What things would it be a good idea for us to remove from our lives because they distract us from God or because they lie to us about God?
Now, likely, if your children are young, the list they come up with will be short or nonexistent. That doesn't mean you don't ask them, though.
They need to learn to think like this. However, our older children likely have many influences in their lives that need to be re -evaluated.
The Pilgrims chose a grim and difficult course simply because their main mission in life was to know
God and grow in their relationship with Him. If that's your family's mission, what hindrances are there in your home that are keeping you from thriving in that mission?
If you say you don't know what your family's mission is, I encourage you to sign up for our parenting course, 25
Days to Becoming a Premeditated Parent. Early on in the study, we discuss how to biblically formulate a
Christ -honoring purpose for your family. Proverbs tells us that without guidance, a people falls.
I hope you don't want that for your family. So, we need to sacrifice everything to follow
God's truth, not just on Sunday, but every day of our lives. And number three, the
Pilgrims sacrificed everything for each other. We all know about the Pilgrims' first winter.
We know that half of the population died, but did you know that there were only a few people who didn't get sick that winter? Did you know those men and women cared for everyone else?
In addition to trying to survive that winter, they did all they could to help others survive as well. I'm sad to say that too many families are not on the same team.
They may all live under the same roof, but they have their own plans and their own gods. Try asking your kids this one.
What does Dad need to sacrifice to love the family more? What does Mom need to sacrifice? What do the brothers and sisters need to sacrifice in order to be what the family needs and do what the family needs?
No doubt this question will spur a lot of valuable and perhaps not so valuable suggestions. Use their ideas to help them create a framework for biblical thinking.
Talk through it. Go back and forth. Why do they want what they want? If you don't know the answer to that, as a parent,
I highly suggest you listen to episode 98, entitled, Why Do Your Children Want What They Want? Listen, the
Pilgrims weren't perfect. They made many bad choices. They were sinners, but they set a positive example by being willing to sacrifice everything to love
God and love others. I think those lessons will be good for my family, and I think they'll be good for yours.
If you click on the episode notes link in the description, you'll get a bunch of conversation prompts to help utilize these lessons with your family this
Thanksgiving season. I hope those are a blessing to you. And please do not miss our next episode, Parenting is
More Than a Formula. Dr. Jim Neuheiser will be on the show, and you won't want to miss it. We can so easily become overwhelmed and even depressed by our parenting responsibility, but when we look at it biblically, we realize where the pressure genuinely lies.
And if you're looking for more Thanksgiving ideas, please listen to, For What Should Your Family Be Thankful? It's a short four -minute episode from our pilot season that outlines one of the greatest blessings we too often take for granted.
All you have to do is scroll down and click, For What Should Your Family Be Thankful? Happy Thanksgiving! Truth. Love.
Parents. is part of the Evermind Ministries family and is dedicated to helping you become an intentional premeditated parent.
Join us next time as we search God's Word for the truth your family needs today.