Does John 14:26 Teach that The Holy Spirit Will Speak In Your Heart?


Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith ( answers an email regarding John 14:26 and proves that this verse does NOT promise that the Holy Spirit will give direct revelation to Christians today.


Now this is normally our email music, but this message came to me via Twitter by the way, you know sometimes
I answer Messages on the air not only via email, but sometimes via Facebook or Twitter so keep that in mind
All right, so this particular message comes to us via Russell from Austin, Texas Russell from Austin, Texas It was a two -part tweet because you gotta understand if you're gonna send a tweet
That whole limit as to how many characters you can use he makes it so that long correspondence is just a little bit tricky
So this is you know, one message two tweets, but here's what Russell wrote. He says given your knowledge of the scriptures.
I Believe that there are much better ways that you could be spending your time well
Wow, wow, so much better ways that I can be spending it He says unless of course you actually believe all the hate that you spew is the truth
John 14 verse 16 seems clear. Why is hearing from the
Holy Spirit? Absurd now this is in the context of the statements that I made
Regarding Louie Giglio in the first session that we covered here at fighting for the faith where Louie Giglio is claiming direct
Revelation from God. Well according to Russell from Austin, Texas That well, John 1416 is clear.
And as a result of it, we should you know Christians should be expecting to be receiving direct Revelation from God.
So that's going to end. We're gonna use this next segment here to answer the question. Does John chapter?
14 teach that we as Christians should expect to hear
Directly from God the Holy Spirit now the verse in question Let me read just the verse itself in question because you know again, you know to be fair to Russell here
He's quoted at me. John 14 16. Let's take a look at verse 16.
See what it says. Here's what it says Jesus is speaking says and I will ask the father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever
That's it That's all that well John chapter 14 verse 16 says is that Jesus is going to ask the father and send another helper.
That would be the paraclete God the Holy Spirit so Does John?
14 at all teach that we should expect as Christians to be hearing Directly from God the
Holy Spirit now, I'm surprised he didn't quote a different verse But well, let's take a look at this in context, by the way
To know what the Bible means, okay, there are three primary rules for sound biblical exegesis they are context context and Context when when you read any message or communication you look at the context for instance
I mean if if I were to give you a copy of Tolkien's the Fellowship of the Ring, okay the the first Story the first book in the the
Lord of the Rings trilogy and I were to have you start at page 416 and only read to page 418
Would you be able to accurately tell me? What the Fellowship of the
Ring was all about if you had never been exposed to the story in other places Answered like no not at all
I mean, why would you parachute into you know, the the book, you know more than a third of the way through it and Expect to be able to understand what's going on.
You don't you'd begin at the beginning and you go to the end That's the idea So context is one of those things we all get when we're dealing with every other kind of document
That being the case the same ideas apply in scripture It's just it's actually kind of common sense, but unfortunately when it comes to the
Bible There's a lot of people not applying just basic understanding of how you do reading comprehension.
So What we're gonna do here is we're going to look at John chapter 14 and we're gonna start at verse 15
And I'm gonna keep reading for a little bit Okay, because Jesus is making a point here and if you're if if you have a copy of the
English Standard Version, which is the Translation I'll be reading from you'll notice that this section has a header entitled
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit Important to note this those little section headers are not inspired
Just want to say they're not part of the original text that being the case though. Let me read Here's what Jesus says.
He says if you love me, you will keep my Commandments now,
I'm gonna point this out along the way here as we read this passage Jesus is specifically and chronically referring to the written
Word of God if you love me You will keep now just so you that you understand what the word keep there means
That's from the Greek verb Tereo and that literally means to guard. It's it's a kind of a military phrase
So if you love me, you will guard my commandments. Where do we find Jesus's commandments the written
Word of God? Here's what he says. So if you love me, you will keep my Commandments and I will ask the father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever
Even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him no nor nor knows him
You know him for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans
I will come to you yet a little while and the world will see me no more But you will but you will see me because I live you also will live in that day you will know that I am in my father and you and me and I and you whoever has my
Commandments and keeps them again the Greek verb there Tereo guards them
He it is who loves me, okay, so notice here two times verse 15 and now verse 21
Jesus is Reemphasizing this concept whoever has my command. Where do where do we find the commandments of Christ?
Answer the written Word of God we continue so whoever has my
Commandments and keeps them he it is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and I will love
Him and manifest myself to him Judas not as scary It said to him Lord How is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world
Jesus said to them if anyone loves me? He will keep There's that verb again
Tereo guard keep guard my word Okay, notice the emphasis
This is the third time now in the short little discourse where Jesus constantly is making reference to the written
Word of God if anyone loves me He will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him
Whoever does not love me does not keep my word
Okay Notice again here Okay fourth reference now now thrown into the negative whoever does not love me does not keep my words and the word that you hear
Is not mine, but the father's who sent me these things I have spoken to you while I am still with you
But the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you now
This is the I think this is really the verse that Russell was referring to. I think he had a typo
I think he put John 14 verse 16 by accident. I think he really meant verse 26
So I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here that being the case. Let's listen carefully to this text, but the helper
That's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you
The fact that Jesus here is speaking in context to the disciples makes it very clear that this little this little
Promise especially the verb that is used Absolutely means that he's this is a specific promise to them that has a fulfillment in history
Let me read it again But the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your
Remembrance all that I have said to you. Okay Remembrance all that I have said to you now, let me read to you
What the Lutheran study Bible says it has a note here for verse 26 and it this is what it says.
I says Remember, it's all that I have said to you promise This is a promise that the Holy Spirit will help the disciples to discern more fully the words
They could not understand before Christ's death. Okay, so this is a specific promise to them that Christ would help them recall and Remember the things that Jesus said before his death, right?
And yeah, I would then throw in Lenski here Lenski the he's a New Testament scholar
Here's what he says. He says we'll remind you of everything that I myself said to you
This is his translation of the Greek here says the fulfillment is exhibited in the marvelous record of the four
Gospels Most notably in that of the Gospel of John which contains the extended discourses of Jesus It is humanly impossible to reproduce with fidelity even human words spoken during a period of over three years
When all the words are understood perfectly at the moment they are heard It is vastly more impossible to reproduce with exactness the many words of Jesus Which the disciples failed to grasp at the time that they heard them the promise of Jesus assures the 11 on this vital point by means of an immediate
Illumination of the Holy Spirit They will it will he will enable them to recall every utterance of Jesus in its true meaning
He will remind the disciples and in addition He will teach them what is contained in all of which they are thus reminded
So here is the answer to all the questioning in regard to the four Gospels the answer covers also the form of the of these
Gospels the verbal variations and reporting the words of Jesus and the Translation that Jesus said from the
Aramaic into the Greeks So here's the idea Verse 26 is not a promise that God the
Holy Spirit is going to speak into our hearts the clue there and the proof that that's the case is that Jesus is saying to them that he's going to send the
Spirit in the Spirit is going to bring to their Remembrance all the things that they that Jesus had said to them.
Okay, you and I Were not Present for Jesus's earthly ministry and all the things that he taught when he was here on Earth.
No, we weren't there. So we Not being eyewitnesses to the things that Jesus taught have no way of remembering
Experientially what it is that he said and taught so this is a promise by Jesus To send the
Holy Spirit and give the disciples, you know Kind of a use a contextualized concept here to give them the gift of of total recall
So that they can remember the things that he said and taught to them so John the
Gospel of John chapter 14 verse 26 is not a promise to Christians that God the
Holy Spirit is going to speak into your heart Nothing of the sort it's a specific promise to the disciples that they would have a
Special gift from the Holy Spirit to remember total recall all that Jesus had said and taught
Them that's what's going on in the Gospel of John chapter 14 verse verse 26
It's not a promise that we should expect that God the Holy Spirit is going to speak into our hearts
No, we have the written words and over and over again in that same passage
Jesus is Telling us that those who love him will guard his word
Where can you go to find the word of Jesus answer?
only in your Bible and that's where Jesus wants you to go to the words that the
Apostles wrote for us all That Jesus said and taught them.
He even made sure that they would remember it accurately and correctly Because the
Holy Spirit would miraculously recall to their mind their remembrance everything that Jesus said and taught them
That's what this passage is about John 14 16 and John 14 26 are not any kind of a promise or a statement that we should expect direct
Revelation in our heart from the Holy Spirit. That's not what this passage teaches at all
All right We are up on our first break If you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of fighting for the faith
You could do so My email address is talk back at fighting for the faith calm or you can ask to be my friend on Facebook It's facebook .com
forward slash pirate Christian actually click on the subscribe button or follow me on Twitter My name there at pirate Christian we get back.
We're gonna begin kind of a two -day Look at some of the teachings by Louie Giglio in session 8 from the passion 2013 conference.
Don't miss it. We'll be right back No, itching ears are scratched here.
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