Q&A - Am I Bitter About Not Being Healed?
In the second episode of his Q&A series, Justin Peters addresses a common accusation: that he is bitter about not being healed of cerebral palsy. Peters firmly refutes this claim, explaining that his motivation comes from a commitment to sound doctrine and the defense of the gospel rather than personal bitterness. He emphasizes the importance of understanding God’s sovereignty and expresses gratitude for how his condition has shaped his ministry. Peters invites listeners to submit their questions for future episodes, aiming to continue his mission of teaching and refuting false doctrine
- 00:05
- Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today
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- I want to thank you so much for joining me for this podcast. This is actually the Inaugural installment of a brand new series that I'll be doing on my youtube channel uncreatively entitled
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- Q &A I get a lot of questions from folks both in person and email and whatever and Many of them are kind of the same question.
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- I don't Mean that in any kind of disparaging way Just a lot of people have some very common questions that I'm asked
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- And so what I thought I would do is start a new series Q &A Where you can ask me whatever you would like and I will do my very best to answer those questions
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- So the way I see this Working out is is is thus
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- Email me Justin at Justin Peters org and if you would like me to answer your question
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- Put Q &A in the subject line. Okay, I get a lot of Emails and I'm not able to answer them all but I will be looking for those
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- Ones that have Q &A and I will compile those My expectation is that I will probably receive more questions and what
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- I'm able to answer I may not be able to answer every single one, but I will do my very best and So email me
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- Justin at Justin Peters org put Q &A in the subject line and I will compile those and the way
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- I kind of Envision this going in a in a non -prophetic sort of way is
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- I'll probably answer five to six questions per episode depending upon the length of the answers, of course, but a good handful of questions
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- I'll answer in each installment and So this will be a new series I will continue to do the other series that I have ongoing on my on this
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- YouTube channel Why are charismatic so weird the Inigo Montoya series? I've got several in the hopper there that I'm working on and and then just various sundry things as they come up.
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- So There you go now I thought I would start off by answering a question
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- Here on this inaugural installment of the new series Q &A by answering one of the common questions criticisms accusations that Come my direction
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- And it basically goes like this Well, the reason Justin teaches so strongly against the charismatic movement the word faith new apostolic
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- Reformation Anyway, that is because he is bitter. He's bitter that he wasn't healed as a teenager when he went to see faith healers
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- He's hurt you know, he's just experienced a lot of hurt in his life and that's why he's kind of you kind of bitter and kind of lashing out and that kind of stuff and so I'm a friend of mine forwarded me a screenshot of one such
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- Accusation I suppose and I thought I would share this with you let you see it and And tell you what,
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- I'm gonna blur out the lane the names just to Yeah, I'm just going to let this
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- This lady says it well, I guess I'll let the count of it they're two ladies, but She says
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- Oh of me speaking of me wolves in sheep clothing now
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- Not to nitpick but the plural of wolf is not wolves It's a wolves, but anyway,
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- I'm a wolf's in sheep clothing. I don't know That's the grammarian in me.
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- I kind of get hurt by stuff like that. Everyone Peters No apostrophe in my name Sorry Peters is a rat.
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- Look at his sponsors My sponsors, I'm not sure who my sponsors are.
- 04:02
- I didn't even know I had any sponsors. I Mean, I've got a pair of crutches back there that are made by Guardian, they're really good crutches guardian crutches, but they're not my sponsors and they didn't pay me to say that So anyway,
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- I don't know what she's talking about. But the super small amount of believers that actually have power now, let me pause there
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- That is that's a common belief amongst charismatics. They believe that they are the only ones that truly have power now super small the great majority of Professing Christians are charismatic to one degree or another
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- Unfortunately, that is the case but they they think that they if you're a cessationist you don't believe in the power of God well
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- Wrong Romans 1 16 Paul says what the power of God is right for I am
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- NOT ashamed of the gospel For it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes for the
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- Jew first and also to the Greek So the true power of God is not in Speaking in tongues because pagan speak in tongues in exactly the same way charismatics do by the way, it's not speaking in tongues
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- It's not fake science and wonders and like Todd White Lengthening people's legs by about a quarter -inch.
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- That's uh, there's no power in that. That's that's chicanery. That's Deception. So anyway, the power of God is
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- The gospel that's the power of God, but she says, uh, anyway The ones that are ready and most definitely not afraid
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- I've never met one. So anyway, so This other lady responds to her and she says
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- I believe Justin is a brother in Christ And we should treat him as such though in very serious error
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- Cessationism he believes the gospel But this is a very big blind spot for him and I pray that the
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- Lord would open his eyes and heal his heart from the abuses he's experienced slash
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- Seen So I can only assume that at least partly in mind she has that When I was a teenager,
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- I went to see faith healers. I went to see Nora Lamb and RW Shambock and then some other local yokels that you wouldn't have heard of indeed in hopes of being healed of my cerebral palsy and A lot of people who take issue with my teaching on this subject matter
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- They say well the reason Justin does what he's does is because he's bitter.
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- He's bitter that he was not healed as a teenager and Therefore that's why he does teaches against this movement, you know all around the world and it's kind of known for that a couple of observations without exception 100 % of the time people who make that accusation against me that I'm bitter about not being healed or bitter about having cerebral palsy
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- Without exception they that accusation comes from people who have never met me never met me
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- I Think I can pretty confidently say I would encourage anyone who thinks that I am bitter about not being healed as a teenager to Talk to someone who has met me who knows me on any level past my name
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- Who has been around me more than a few minutes I think they could I think you'll
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- I'm pretty confident in saying that I don't think you will find a single person who has ever Met me that would say you well, well, yeah,
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- Justin He's really you can just tell he's bitter that he wasn't healed as a teenager and he's bitter about having cerebral palsy
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- Dear friends. I don't think there's a person on the planet who knows me and and I don't say this in an arrogant way
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- I've been all over the world. I've preached in I Wish I knew how many churches
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- I've preached it. I wish I knew how many people all around the world I've met and have had Conversations and fellowship with there's a lot of people out there that that I've met
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- I don't think a single one would say that I'm bitter About not being healed as a teenager
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- Nothing could be further from the truth dear friends If I if I live a normal lifespan
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- If the Lord gives me say another About to turn 50 in a couple months if the
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- Lord gives me another 20 or 30 years or whatever if he does And I have to live the rest of my life with cerebral palsy
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- That's fine. I've got all of eternity to live without it So there is not a bitter bone in my body about not being healed.
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- I Don't do what I do Because I'm bitter about Being handicapped or not being healed as a teenager.
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- I Do what I do because I'm driven by the truth of God's Word The only thing that I'm bitter about if you want to use that term or hurt about you know, my heart's been hurters
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- The only thing that that pains me Regarding this issue is the reproach that is being brought upon the name of Christ The heresies that are being taught
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- In the word -faith in AR movement, which by the way Comprises the vast majority of the charismatic movement not all but it's it's not the fringe of the charismatic movement word -faith in AR That's the majority the great majority of the charismatic movement
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- It's the it's the heresy that's being taught it is the reproach that is being brought upon the name of Christ Ascribing false signs and wonders to the
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- Holy Spirit ascribing Speaking in unintelligible gibberish to the
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- Holy Spirit, which that is not the work of the Holy Spirit Bringing reproach upon the name of Christ upon the
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- Holy Spirit upon God the Father bringing reproach upon the gospel that is what pains me putting words in God's mouth that he emphatically did not say and That is the
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- Sorry folks, but that's the bread and butter of the charismatic movement is Saying God said such -and -such
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- God told me this God told me that I feel like the Lord says, you know, blah blah blah That's the bread and butter of the charismatic movement.
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- They're constantly putting words in God's mouth he didn't say and That's a big deal.
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- That's a serious deal. God takes that very Seriously do a little perusal through the
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- Old Testament and see how serious God actually takes that seriously God actually takes that so that is what pains me
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- That's what grieves me is the reproach that's being brought upon Christ not to mention the people who are being exploited by Wolves false teachers
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- Hirelings for personal financial gain that too, but and that grieves me But even that that pales in comparison to the reproach that's being brought upon the name of Christ in his gospel
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- That is why I do what I do and I am by God's grace Trying to teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict per Titus 1 chapter
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- Titus chapter 1 verse 9 and reach those people who are trapped in this deception and by God's grace
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- By his kind Providence. He is Pulling people out of this deception. I hear from him all the time and that Is a tremendous encouragement to me.
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- So all of that to say I'm not bitter about being handicapped I'm not bitter about not being healed when
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- I went to see faith healers as a teenager Because I now have a
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- A healthy understanding of the sovereignty of God. I see my cerebral palsy For what it is.
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- It is not in and of itself a good thing Because it is in the grand scheme of things a result of living in a fallen world
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- So it's not in and of itself a good thing, but I know that God does use all things
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- Good or bad all things together for the good in his Eternal decree in his in his kind Providence He uses things that in and of themselves are not good together for the good for our benefit and ultimately for his own glory and I have all of eternity if I have to live the rest of my life with cerebral palsy
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- I've got all of eternity to live without it. And I think I can honestly say Let me say two things
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- Are there times when I? Wish I wasn't Handicapped.
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- Well, yeah, I mean they're sure There are those times from time, you know,
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- I don't particularly Enjoy being handicapped if I had my druthers all things being equal
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- Sure, I'd rather live without it than with it but that having been said it is also something that I know that God has
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- Decreed for me to have now people are gonna take that and they're gonna run with it and Take it to conclusions that I do not intend
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- God is not the author of my cerebral palsy. He did not cause my cerebral palsy
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- But he is sovereign over my cerebral palsy and your cancer your arthritis your whatever you have he is sovereign over all these things and All of them fall under his sovereign decree
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- He's not the author of it. He's not the cause of it, but they do fall under his sovereign decree and God has
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- Decreed it that I have cerebral palsy for my own benefit
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- David said in Psalm 119 verse 71. He said it is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn your statutes
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- Not that the affliction in and of itself is good But it was good for him that he was afflicted so that he might learn his statutes
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- God uses trials in our lives to keep us dependent upon him And to grow us in Christ and we learn of God in an experiential way
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- Through trials, whatever form they they have they come in whether it's physical suffering or persecution or whatever
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- And because of my handicap I have been able to Were it not for my handicap.
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- I would not Be doing what I am doing now. God has used that to kind of set me on the track that the path that I've been on and Continued to be on it.
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- So um, so I'm if I can humbly say, you know I'm grateful for my handicap.
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- Not that I enjoy it necessarily. I'm not saying I enjoy it because I It's not enjoyable.
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- Trials aren't enjoyable. That's why they're called trials but I'm grateful in this sense that God has used it to give me this
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- Platform and ability to address the things that I address and again by his grace He is pulling people out of the deception that is the word faith new apostolic
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- Reformation movement prosperity gospel in the larger sense He is pulling people out of that And when
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- I think of heaven, by the way when I think of heaven and I think of heaven pretty frequently
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- I Rarely if ever think of Being in heaven and Walking and running on streets of gold and jumping and you know that kind of stuff
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- I rarely think about not having my crutches not having my cerebral palsy I don't guess
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- I can honestly say I've never thought I have thought about it But it's so rare so rare that those thoughts cross my mind
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- When I think of heaven what captures my heart what captures my attention what captures my affections is not
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- Being free of my crutches What captures my heart is?
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- Having all of eternity To be free of my sin to have all of eternity to enjoy
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- Christ and worship Christ unencumbered By sin by temptation by the trappings of this world free of all of that.
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- I will be in perfect worship of Fellowship with and service to the King of Kings the
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- Lord of Lords That is what captures my affections. That's what
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- I think about not being free of my Cerebral palsy though that will be a reality.
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- It's just not what captures my attention and you know if if the first thing you think about when you think about heaven is
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- Being free from aches and pains and you know having a big family reunion up in heaven
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- That's what so many people think about when they think of having a big family reunion if that's if that's what you think about Then may
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- I submit to you that your view of heaven is far too small your view of Christ is
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- Far too small. He is the joy in the glory of heaven. He is who makes heaven heaven
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- Okay, well Thank you very much dear ones. Hope this has been helpful for you again
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- Email me justin at justinpeters .org and put Q &A in the subject line
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- And I will start to compile those and begin a new series on this YouTube channel If you haven't subscribed already, you can do that.
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- I think that's the first time that I've ever actually mentioned Subscribing to my
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- YouTube channel on my YouTube channel, but you can if you would like if you haven't done so already Until our next time together may the grace of our