Hey Gospel Coalition, Partiality is Still a Sin!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


The new argument to support the segregated women's event at #TGCW18 is to make an excuse for partiality. It doesnt work. We must not use the world's strategies to solve our racial issues because the world does not understand what the issues even are and they reject the only possible solution. We must submit to Christ's lordship in this area. Partiality is never okay, even when their are past historical injustices.


Gospel Coalition leadership? Good evening. As a duly designated representative of the local
Protestant Christian church, I order you to cease any and all segregation and partial activities and return forthwith to a place of biblical fidelity or to the nearest convenient secular institution.
I need to make sure that I'm not going crazy here.
The action or state of sitting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart to enforce separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment.
Separation of pairs of... Let's go to Merriam -Webster. This is more official,
I think. Separation or isolation of race, class, or ethnic group by enforcement.
Or voluntary, as it is in this particular area. Barriers to social intercourse. Yeah. Still means it.
Okay. So not surprisingly, there's still a lot of pushback about this segregation thing. I honestly can't believe that there are so many people out here that think that this is a good idea.
We don't understand! It's so blatantly, obviously, apparently a horrible idea.
But people seem to be pushing back. And one of the main kind of points of pushback now, which is shifted from earlier when people were saying, well, you know, whites can still come.
Now that it's clear that whites cannot come to this thing, and they're not invited, they're specifically disinvited.
Now the new most common response is actually directly from the article that we looked at yesterday.
And here's what the article says, and this is what the pushback is. It says,
Most importantly, we must seek God and ask Him to search our hearts as to why the exclusivity of an event for women of color would be offensive while an event for women would not.
And that's the pushback. So it's like, well, you see, it's okay to have an event for a certain group because we have events for women, and that's okay.
So why is it such a big deal that women of color can't have an event? And, um, okay.
I can't even believe this really needs to be gotten into. But let's get into it a little bit. Because those two could not be more different.
And so here's a couple of reasons why. That argument just doesn't work. It's completely crazy.
And so you can ask God to search your heart all day long, but I just don't think that you're going to get the answers that you want.
The very first thing is that a women's group, and this is the easiest sort of response, right?
A women's group, you know, if you had a men's group that was meeting, it wouldn't be a big deal. Nobody would bat an eye.
But if you have a people of color group in this context, in this cultural context, that's fine.
But if you were to have a white women group and people of color were not allowed, people would lose their minds.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes.
The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.
Absolutely they would lose their minds. Understandably so. And so that's a very easy way to sort of dismiss all kinds of racism.
Just to say, well, just switch the races and see if you would still support it. It's very easy. It's done to death. But it works every time.
You could not have a white women's group like this. And therefore, this is textbook partiality.
It's okay for one set of people, but it's not okay for another based on skin color. The stupidest kind of divider of all time.
And so, yes, this is partiality. This is textbook segregation and textbook partiality.
It's not biblical. What do you mean biblical? What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor. The Bible says that you can't show partiality to the great or the small.
The poor or the rich. The oppressed or the oppressor. You can't do it either way. It doesn't matter about the history.
It doesn't matter about what they used to do to you in the past. You cannot show partiality now. You cannot abhor.
You cannot treat people differently based on the past. It's just that simple. And so you can try to defend this all you want.
And you can try to ask God about this all you want. But God will reveal your partial heart. And his word says you cannot do that.
A second reason that this is crazy is that it goes against your stated goals.
We're talking about everyone from this perspective is talking about bringing the ethnicities together. Bringing in multicultural situations.
And then you have a fellowship event that's segregated, that's divided. Intentionally so. And so it goes against your stated goals that you want to have a unified church.
No, you don't. No, you don't. We don't believe you. You want to have spaces where people of color can come and do whatever it is they want to do without white people there to poison it, to pollute it.
That's what you want. And so you can tell us you want ethnic harmony. You can tell us you want unity all day long.
But as long as you're acting as if you don't, we don't believe you. It's just something that we don't believe. It's like Eric Mason saying he wants unity but at the same time wanting to have a council to call people heretics that don't agree with him on this.
We don't believe you. Your words can say one thing, but your actions say something different. And so it goes against your stated goals.
And so it's a ridiculous situation. But actually, there's a very easy way to sort of dismiss this whole idea.
Well, why can we have a women's conference but not a people of color conference? Well, the
Bible actually specifically addresses women. So it says women, older women, teach the younger women.
So women should teach women according to the Scripture. And actually, this article knows this because it quotes the actual verse where this comes from.
Titus 2, verse 3. That's where it says women should teach other women. They actually quote it in this verse, so they know exactly why it's different.
There's no comparable verse where it says that people of color should fellowship and have fun with only people of color just so that they can have the freedom to say whatever it is they want.
In fact, there are verses that say the exact opposite of that. When you get together and you're fellowshipping, you do not segregate.
It's just that simple. I can't believe this even needs to be said. It's outrageous. Absolutely outrageous.
The other thing is, too, that I find it hard to believe that there are a lot of men wanting to go to a women's organization.
But there are specifically women, white women, that want to go to this thing. The article says so.
It says that white women want to come and learn. And you are saying no. No. Look, this whole deal is never going to work out if you keep doing things the way the world does.
The world loves to do this kind of thing where they have separate spaces for blacks only or Latinos only or whatever it is.
They love doing it. That's a worldly strategy for ethnic reconciliation. And it's no wonder that it's completely the opposite of what ethnic reconciliation would look like.
It's no wonder because the world doesn't understand any of this stuff. They don't understand the problem. They don't understand the solution.
And so we wouldn't expect them to get the right strategies to accomplish it. This is a worldly strategy.
The Gospel Coalition and this Legacy Disciple thing, this is a worldly strategy that they're employing.
This does not come from the Bible. You cannot search the Bible and come up with a law or a principle or a guideline that says, here's a great way to reconcile the ethnicities.
Separate them. Separate them and let them do their ethnic things. And that's how you do it. You won't be able to find it.
This is not how you do it. This is not how you do it. If we're going to come together, we actually need to be together.
I can't believe this actually needs to be said, but apparently it does. And so this whole idea of segregating the fellowship at this conference, this is a sin.
If you are a part of this and you're promoting this, you are in sin. And I would encourage you to go to God.
And not to ask Him why we can't have a people of color event but we can have a women's event.
That's a silly, ridiculous question. What you should go to God and ask Him is, why is it that I'm okay with this kind of partiality?
Why is it that in my heart, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, if there was a whites -only event at a conference, that I would lose my mind.
I can't, but I don't lose my mind at a people of color event. You know what? It comes more from critical theory than anything else.
Critical theory allows for partiality. Biblical law does not. What do you mean, biblical?
Critical theory allows you to treat people with different scales, depending on whether or not they're the oppressor or the oppressed.
Biblical law does not. He means this Old Testament, Mr. Mayor. The scriptures say, look, you cannot hate your former oppressors.
You can't do it. You can't do it. It says, do not abhor an Egyptian because you are a sojourner in his land.
Replace Egyptian with white person and you've got a very good word from the Lord of what to do with your hatred of the oppressor class.
This is not biblical. This is sin. This is partiality. This is something to be repented of. I urge you to repent.
Look, there are not too many people that are conference speakers that will tell you to repent. And you know what? That's a shame because they are not caring for your soul the way they ought to.
I'm telling you, look, if this is something that you're engaged in, you like this partiality, I beg you,
I beg you, I beg you. Life as a minority is hard enough. We do not need people encouraging you in sin, encouraging you in bitterness and partiality and other sins.
I beg you, please do not engage in this kind of behavior. Don't do things the way the world does.
Do them the way God says to do them. If you're uncomfortable with white folks being at your event, go to God and ask him, why is my heart partial?
Why do I have hatred in my heart? I urge you to repent. This is why we do not believe your ideas of ethnic reconciliation and multicultural churches.
I think there's a different agenda here because if that was your goal, you would actually want to do it. If you want to be together, you actually have to be together.
You can't segregate and say, well, we want to be together, we want to be together. Not a good look, not a good look.