"Learning to Walk Away"


Ephesians 4:17-21


We take your Bibles and turn to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 our scripture reading this morning is verses 17 through 24
Ephesians 4 17 through 24 Courageous follow along in your copy of scripture as I read
Paul writes and he says this I say therefore and testify in the Lord That ye henceforth walk not as other
Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind having the understanding darkened
Being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart
Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness
But ye have not so learned Christ if so be that you've heard of him Heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus that you put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and Be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man
Which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Let's pray
Our Father and our God I pray that you would Show us in this passage today How it is we are to walk how it is.
We're not to walk this we pray in Jesus name. Amen As I'm sure, you know by now
I enjoy hiking and backpacking Look forward to doing some
I miss not when I don't get to do it and so forth But it seems the more I read about it and actually do it the more connections
I see with the Christian life one of them that is most obvious is evident in a couple of book titles
Bill Bryson wrote a book Chronicling his attempt at through hiking the
Appalachian Trail and he titled the book a walk in the woods Christopher Wren Wrote a book.
He I'm trying to remember. I think he retired and on his the day after his retirement he was living and working in New York City in Manhattan and the day after his retirement he took off and left his apartment in Manhattan to walk to Vermont and he entitled his book walking to Vermont a
Hike doesn't matter how long or how short it is It doesn't matter how easy or rugged it is a hike is most fundamentally a walk
It's a walk and that's precisely the way Paul describes life the
Christian life to be sure but life in general Now there are some other metaphors that Paul uses for the
Christian life in the New Testament He talks about it as being a race in the pur in the pursuit of a prize
He talks about fighting a good fight But those pictures are only used like three or four times in all of the
New Testament The idea of the Christian life as a walk on the other hand Occurs more than four dozen times in the
New Testament letters from Romans to the end of the of the end of the New Testament book of Revelation 48 times
I think it is that the that picture is used Now in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 begins with that idea of the walk
Paul Exhorts the believers at the church at Ephesus He says I beseech you to walk worthy of the vocation of the calling with which you have been called and When you look at the next 16 verses he expands upon that fact
He's going to do that the rest of the book, but particularly in these 16 verses we looked at the last few weeks he expands on that idea of The walk of the
Christian life and he says to walk worthy of this calling to which we have been called
It requires a thoughtfulness and an intentionality. It is a thoughtful and an intentional walk
It's not like you're just meandering along without any idea where you're going or where you are or why you're there it's like it's truly like You're you're you're wanting to do a through hike of the
Appalachian Trail you you have to be very thoughtful about that and very intentional if you're going to do such a thing and We know that it is a thoughtful intentional walk because Paul tells us in this first verse he exhorts us
I beseech you to walk worthy of this calling Well, if we're going to walk worthy, we have to think about that.
Well, what is a worthy walk? How do I do that? What would be an unworthy walk and so forth?
It's a thoughtful and intentional walk and verse 2 tells us that that walk is a humble walk
We're to do so with all lowliness and meekness with long -suffering Forbearing one another in love.
It's a humble walk, but the rest of that section verses 3 through 16 Indicate that this walk of the
Christian life is a church centered walk It's a church centered walk
He tells us we're to maintain the unity of the body in verses 3 and verses 4 verses 3 and following Endeavoring to maintain the unity of the spirit and he goes on talking about a sevenfold unity of the of the church
So there is that sense of maintaining the unity of the body but there is also the need in this walk within the body of Appreciating the diversity in the body that there's a diversity of gifts that Christ the gift giver has given to Those who make up the body of Christ we have to appreciate that diversity of the gift and then we have to actually employ our
Individual gifts within the body. We see that in verses 12 and following the the gifts of the pastor teacher for example are for the perfecting of the
Saints for the work of the ministry we are to employ our gifts in the work of the ministry and then is
This in this walk that is a church centered walk. We are to actually love the body of Christ and the members that are in that body all right, so the first 16 verses
Paul has been talking about a Walk that is worthy of the calling to which we've been called but now in verse 17
We just come we discover something that every hiker knows You can't simultaneously walk down two completely different divergent paths
So in verse 17 He says this I say therefore and testify on the Lord that from here on out you stop walking as other
Gentiles walk You cannot walk worthy of the calling to which you've been called and at the same time be walking as Other Gentiles walk you can't head in different directions at the same time so if you and I as Believers and followers of Christ are going to walk worthy of the high calling of being a
Christian Then we need to learn to walk away from a divergent path.
We need to leave that path behind and stop Walking down that path this is the exhortation here at the beginning of verse 17 and we're we see an indication of just how important and authoritative that exhortation is when
Paul says I Beseech you or I testify in the Lord. I testify in the
Lord that you don't walk down this way That the testifying in the
Lord is Paul is it Paul is it? It's He's expressing here the authority behind this exhortation.
This isn't just this isn't just my opinion now there are places where Paul Does say
I'm just sharing my opinion about this and then he goes on to share his opinion I think particularly in 1st
Corinthians 7 when he talks about the matter of whether or not to stay single or to get married and He shares his opinion about a particular matter
But here Paul doesn't do that. He doesn't say, you know, I think in my opinion It would be a good idea if you just didn't walk like other
Gentiles. Well, no, he says I'm testifying in the Lord I'm telling you this is the will of the Lord.
This is the Word of the Lord Stop walking in this way that makes this exhortation a very important and critical exhortation to follow but also notice that It is this this
Learning to walk away from this other path is an essential consequence of the worthy walk
Paul uses the word at the beginning of verse 17 therefore therefore Which communicates that when you look at what
I've just written Paul is saying if you look at what I've just written Therefore it follows
It is a consequence of what I've just written that you have to stop walking as other
Gentiles walk You have to leave that other path altogether These two ways of living
Paul is communicating here are absolutely incompatible with one another
So the one is a consequence this exhortation to leave the the path of the
Gentiles If you will is a consequence of the exhortation to walk worthy of the calling with which you've been called to which you've been called and Furthermore this exhortation calls for an immediate response.
It calls for immediate action he says that you henceforth that is from here on out and Then the command itself is in the present tense from here on out stop walking as the way in the way of the
Gentiles Now, what does that communicate to you? When he says to you, okay from here on out
Stop doing this that tells you something doesn't it that tells you that there's some who are reading this epistle
Who profess to be Christians? who are walking the way Gentiles walk and The sad reality is that in our churches as we gather together that there can very well be within our congregations within the sound of my voice those who are professing believers in Christ and yet are walking as Gentiles walk and Paul calls for an immediate response to that exhortation immediate action from here on out stop walking in this way and That then brings up the need for a radical departure a radical departure
Stop walking as other Gentiles walk So it's like okay you're going down this particular path and You realize it's the wrong path you realize it's taking you to the wrong destination.
So what do you do? Do you keep walking down that path? No, you stop walking down that path and you get back on the right path.
It's going to take you to the right destination Now here's the thing about What Paul the people to whom
Paul is writing? These are primarily Gentiles That is they're non -jewish people.
They're they're us Except for those of you who might have an ounce of Jewish blood in you somewhere You are a
Gentile. I am a Gentile a non -jewish individual and These Gentiles these non -jewish people are living in the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor What is now
Turkey and they were living? surrounded by in the context and culture of Gentiles so they are
Primarily Gentiles living in a Gentile world But what
Paul what is Paul telling him to do? Don't live like Gentiles living in a
Gentile world He's calling for a radical departure. It's like Maybe to help us put it into a contemporary context.
It's it's like when When a Muslim living in Yemen or in Saudi Arabia comes to Christ They have to radically depart from the whole culture and Way of life that they have known all their lives in these these nations these countries that are
Islamic Nations and the whole culture is built around Sharia law and all the rest of that and they they're now
Followers of Christ and there are simply some things that they cannot any longer do they there are certain ways
They can no longer live in the midst of that culture, they have to radically depart from that and Some of them are brothers and sisters in Christ in those places
They have lost their lives They have faced imprisonment Because they were willing to no longer walk as Gentiles walk
So he's calling for a radical departure now the the big reason why is the big reason why if the the need to radically depart from that way is seen in the rest of verses 17 through 19
And that is that former path of the Gentiles the the believing now believing
Gentiles The way they used to live the the way the other Gentiles live that that path is a miserable way to live
Look at how Paul describes it in verse 17 the last part of verse 17 He says walk not as the other
Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind my word vanity means
Emptiness or the futility the word futility is probably the best way to think of it
The Gentiles who walk in the futility of their mind Now think with me here how you think how you think determines how you behave
What you think what you think about shapes how you live
It's often been said this way You are What you think?
You are what you think? so when Paul says here at the end of verse 17 that the
Gentiles walk in the futility of their mind it Is he's dealing with how they think?
how the Gentile mind thinks and it is a futile way of thinking because No matter how you describe it on a specific and in detail way the bottom line is the
Gentile way of thinking the Gentile path is a path that follows a futile way of thinking because That path and those on it cannot answer the most fundamental questions of human life questions like Who am
I? And what am I doing here? Why do I exist?
Where did I come from? Where am I going? Where am
I going? You see how futile that is by the way if you don't know where you're going
How will you ever know if you get there or is that that dialogue in?
Alice in Wonderland and and Alice is talking to one of the characters. I don't remember which one and She asked the question.
How do I get to such and such which way do I go? She asked the question, which way do I go and the response is well that depends on where you want to end up Where you want to end up Well, I don't know
Then the response is well, it doesn't really much matter which way you go then does it? And that's that's the
Gentile mind That's a Gentile you you don't really know where you're headed if you don't know where you're headed
Then I guess it doesn't really matter which way you go You're gonna get there anyway one way or the other and and then that does ask the question
The follow -up question that there is no good answer for how do I get there? Where am
I going? I don't know. Well, how do I get there? There is no real settled confidence
About the path of life that is chosen along the Gentile path
And then the question This very fundamental question of life as we even as we look at the world around us today
Why is everything such a mess? Why is everything such a mess? as a
Rodney King asked decades ago now Why can't we all just get along?
Indeed why can't we all just get along? why is the the euphoric
Idealism of the mind that says well surely we can build a utopia where everybody lives in peace
And everybody just gets along and John Lennon's vision for a world at peace
Will be realized when he sings his song imagine that there is no and he goes all the things he and we're on the world
It's all at one It's a pipe dream and the Gentile path
It'll never happen Why not? The Gentile path doesn't have an answer to that question
So they walk in the futility of their mind can't answer life's most fundamental questions and In as a result it is therefore an empty meaningless
Purple it purposeless way to live most Accurately described by the existentialist
When he says something to the effect that listen, yeah, you're just a meaningless clump of dirt
That's it a meaningless clump of dirt when you die. That's it.
Nothing more William Hendrickson in commenting on this
Vanity of or futility of the mind He says this for the Gentile in the gentle on the
Gentile path. He says life is a long series of mocked expectations a pursuing but never achieving
Blossoming but never bearing fruit. The eye is never satisfied with seeing the ear with hearing
What a way to live futility Summarizes the
Gentile path and they walk in the Gentile path as a path of futility because of what
Paul says in verses 18 and 19 and it can be summarized in three words It's a futile path because of darkness alienation and callousness
Look at those three ideas in verse 18 They walk in the futility of their mind having and each of these three words is connected to these participles
Having the understanding darkened Darkness darkness
And what Paul is talking about is the inability to be able to perceive reality accurately
This inability to perceive reality accurately began at the fall follow with me here follow
Right after Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit. What did they do? They took off for the woods
But not on a very clear path. Did they they took off for the woods and they found some fig leaves and they covered themselves
And they said what did they say? We've got to hide from God we've got to hide from God and and that Action on the part of Adam and Eve tells you they did not perceive reality
Accurately because what the way they perceived God was that he is someone to avoid he is someone to stay away from Instead of running to him in repentance and falling upon their knees in repentance and the beseeching of forgiveness of a compassionate and merciful and gracious God They saw him as one to run from to hide from and to not be found
By that God began at the fall this darkness this inability to perceive reality
Rightly, and it has been perpetuated by the wicked one ever since as Paul tells us in 2nd
Corinthians 4 Verses 3 and 4 he says he says if our gospel is hid it is hid to them that are lost
Who of whom the the God of this world has blind the God of this world has blinded the minds
That they cannot see can't see the reality of the glorious gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ and This this blindness this darkness
I should say this darkness continues to the very present In the world in which we live this isn't something for the first century world and limited to that It's it's all around us today.
We've been talking in the adult Sunday school class about You know the developing of a Christian worldview in the last few weeks.
We've been looking at some non -christian worldviews and one of the threads the common threads that runs through all of those non -christian worldviews is a
Distorted view of reality an inability to perceive things the way they really are
Consequently, there's all kinds of different ways to Inappropriately live. All right. Now look the
Gentile path is a path marked by darkness the inability to perceive reality correctly
That is not the path of the Christian life Look back a couple pages in your
Bible at chapter 1 and verses 17 through 19 Paul is in the middle of a prayer for the
Ephesians and he says I'm praying for you that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the
Father of glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened
So that you may know What is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the
Saints and what is the exceeding? Greatness of his power to us word who believe what Paul is saying in chapter 1 is that listen you who are believers in Christ You are not
Walking in darkness. You do not have to be you shouldn't be leave that path of walking in darkness because as a believer in Christ you have at your disposal the enlightenment of the truth
The that the God of eternity can open your blind eyes that you might see things the way they really are
The Christian is not in darkness, but is in light you can see
So why go down a path? That is marked by darkness the second word that Paul uses back in chapter 4 verse 18 is that they are
Alienated being alienated from the life of God being alienated. There's our word alienated darkness and alienation
Alienation and this alienation is really because of our natural state as human beings you look at chapter 2 beginning of chapter 2 and He says
You who were dead in trespasses and sins Now we understand the concept that the one who is dead.
The person who is dead is alienated from life right They're not with us anymore they're alienated from the realm of the living and And those who are dead in trespasses and sins are by their very nature of deadness
Alienated from the life of God as Paul puts it here in verse 18 of chapter 4 alienated from the life of God But it's even worse than that Yeah, that's our nature.
We're born dead if you will in trespasses and sins Alienated from the life of God, but we're further alienated from the life of God because of our own willful ignorance of God Paul brings us out in the book of Romans.
So look at Romans chapter 1 and Look at these couple of verses in the middle of the chapter verses 18 and 19
Romans 1 verse 18 Paul says for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who look at look at what we do
Who suppress the truth who hold the truth down in unrighteousness
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it to them
He has revealed the truth. But what does man do? in his already state of alienation
Because he's alienated from the life of God dead in trespasses and sins He furthers that alienation by holding down the truth by suppressing the truth and look at what
Paul says in verses 22 and 3 He says professing themselves to be wise
They become fools they change the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to and birds and creeping things and so on and so forth they they profess to be so wise
In their suppressing and holding down the truth, but in fact are fools.
They become fools this willful ignorance of God it is rooted.
Look at look at it again in verse 18 in chapter 4 of Ephesians and look at where that that Alienation is rooted not only in our nature, but it's rooted in our hard -heartedness
He says being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them there's that suppressing of the truth because of The hardness literally there the hardness of their heart the hardness of their heart
So this alienation that is exacerbated by our willful ignorance is
Rooted in the hard -heartedness of fallen sinful men Let me give you an illustration of this hard -heartedness and how it is alive and well in our day came across an article this past week about An investigation going on in Finland and and listen just because it's on you know
Quarter of a world away Don't think that this has nothing to do with us because we're just a few years away from this exact same thing
Happening right here in the good old us of a So there's an investigation by the authorities in Finland against an evangelical
Branch of Lutherans, this isn't like the liberal. These are these are conservative
Evangelical Lutherans who believe the gospel believe in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Okay, and The denomination a denominational leader is under investigation as is the author of a booklet that the denomination published and the booklet has to do with the what the
Bible says about Human sexuality and marriage and Of course it clearly if you're gonna say what the
Bible says about human sexuality and marriage What the summary is this God made men and male and female and God intends for male and female to marry
Period that's it. You know, that's the one sentence summary and so the authorities launched this investigation against these individuals because Finland has enacted legislation that puts
Sexual orientation in the same protected class as things like race
So you can't discriminate or say anything that will incite hatred against people of a different race and now
Finland has included Sexual orientation in that list of protected classes. You can't say anything
That will potentially incite hatred against those who are
Homosexuals or lesbians or who are married of people of the same gender But listen to what the author of that book said after this investigation was started
She's a medical doctor and she said quote. I One Suppress the truth hold down the truth.
That is so obvious to him to nature. I Believe that ultimately the purpose of these attacks is to eliminate the
Word of God and discard the law of God It is very problematic that expressing
Christian beliefs is often seen as insulting in the West for example
Marriage between a man and a woman has become a concept that is understood as restrictive even threatening
She goes on to say I believe that every person has the right to hear the whole truth of God's Word both the gospel and the law
Only people who recognize their sins need Jesus the propitiation for our sins
Debatable themes such as immoral sexual relations have to do with guilt Guilt cannot be solved by denying it
But only by confessing it and receiving mercy and the message of forgiveness in Jesus sacrifice
It is impossible. She says to think that classical Christian doctrine would become illegal in the
West But why see why? Because in the
Gentile path The Gentile path wants to suppress the truth wants to make that doctrine illegal because we don't like it and That furthers the alienation from the life of God so darkness
Alienation and the third word in verse 19 the beginning of verse now Oh, by the way, by the way, that alienation is absolutely contrary to the
Christian walk in the Christian life Right just as darkness is contrary to the
Christian life of enlightenment alienation is contrary to the Christian life of having been embraced in adoption back in chapter 1 verse 5 you have been chosen to the
Adoption of sons where God the Father embraces you as his children not alienated from the life
But embraced into the life. That's the Christian life Darkness alienation and at the first part of verse 19 callousness
Here's our third participle who? being past feeling being past feeling and what
Paul is referring to here is The lost ability to feel shame and embarrassment about sin about one's sin a
Lost capacity to feel shame and embarrassment about sin and This marks the
Gentile path. We saw this extremely illustrated
Maybe you did I may if you didn't you haven't missed a thing. I saw this extremely illustrated this past week in a photograph of the
Democratic presidential candidate the mayor of South Bend Peter Buttigieg On stage at a political event with his husband they embrace and they kiss one another and the cameras are going off and they're all smiles and They're all happy about it, and they're showing the world
We are enlightened We have arrived
This is the new way to live no sense of shame no sense of embarrassment, but Proudly brazenly
Expressing the sinfulness of their lifestyle and interestingly ironically
Do you know what Pete's husband's name is? Chastened engaging in this with no sense of the need to be chastened
For what is done what is being done? now again, just as the darkness is contrary to the
Christian walk of enlightenment and the alienation is contrary to the
Christian walk of Being embraced by God as sons this callousness is contrary to the
Christian walk of increasingly being sensitized to the to the truth of God the grace of God The will of God the law of God and so forth.
So for example back in chapter 3 verses 16 and following Paul says
I'm praying that God would grant you According to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might in By his spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith
That you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the
Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know by experience the love of Christ which surpasses all
Knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of God having an increasing sensitivity to the love of Christ and walking living accordingly callousness
So this Gentile walk is a walk of futility because of darkness alienation and callousness
Then I want you also notice at the end of verse 19 how this Gentile path is Wholly Unsatisfying it is wholly unsatisfying
It's a life that is given over because of this darkness alienation and hardness or callousness it is given over a life given over to an attempt to Satisfy the senses this is wrapped up in that word lasciviousness given over to Lasciviousness That's an attempt to try to satisfy the senses.
It's a lifestyle that a lifestyle that Indulges in the senses without any restraint.
In other words, it says if it feels good We'll do it
If it feels good, we'll do it if it makes you happy Do it if it gives you pleasure then do it if it's if it feels good
Do it Does it don't let anybody tell you you shouldn't don't let anybody really put any boundaries
Around what you do if it's gonna make you feel good break through those boundaries if it's gonna make you feel good
Go ahead and kiss the guy right on the national stage for all the world to see if it's gonna make you feel good
Then do it then do it But then it's not only trying to satisfy the senses, but it's
It's trying to find something anything that satisfies
So as it says in verse 19 They've given themselves over until lasciviousness and to work all uncleanness all kinds of uncleanness and The idea is this it doesn't matter how deviant something is doesn't matter if You think it's gonna give you satisfaction
Then go for it it's kind of like again back in Romans chapter 1 verse 24 the same idea of of giving over to this
Romans 1 24 says wherefore God also Gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves
Doesn't matter how deviant If it's going to bring satisfaction go for it, but the thing of it is it never does it never does now by the way, what
Paul is describing here in Ephesians chapter 4 is Shall we say that the general?
the general path of humanity since the fall this is this is human society
Since the fall and I mentioned that because I mean you I mean I can think of a lot of people that I know
That are not professing believers in Christ who don't live utterly morally degenerate lives
But when you step back and you look at human society as a whole What path is that society headed on what path is it walking on?
What end is it heading toward see that's the question This is a human society as a whole
But this pursuit this pursuit of trying to find something that satisfies anything that satisfies
It never ends and you see that in the last two words of verse 19 when
Paul says they do this with greediness with covetousness with an an ongoing
Craving for something more It's like and you've probably experienced this at some things in your own in your own personal life
You you get you get a taste of this and you've got to have some more. It's like No, remember that old
Lay's potato chip commercial No one can eat just one. I know
I'm dating myself there's no usually what no, I never heard that one But yeah, I mean what's what's the whole idea behind that commercial?
It's the realization that Frito -Lay's Company made these potato chips and they produced them in such a way to produce just the right amount of salt and Taste to them that once you get a taste of that You've got to keep getting more and before you know it the bag is gone
You know the bag is gone And if you had another one there you'd open it up and keep going if you didn't have any restraint whatsoever
That's the picture here that there is this There is this ongoing
Pursuit on this Gentile path for something to satisfy
But everything that I think is going to bring satisfaction when I get it. It's just a taste.
It's just an appetizer There's got to be more and so Life has given over to this with greediness
Summarizing all of this Ian Hamilton says this He says the moral freefall that is increasingly defining
Western society Has its roots in the West's resolve to abandon
God and the Bible That's the path
That Paul tells you and me Stop walking down that path Stop walking down that path and in verses 20 and 21
He he again gets back to the idea that the reason you need to stop walking down that path is that that path
Absolutely contradicts the new path that you're to be walking on He says in verse 20 you have not so learned
Christ You haven't learned Christ in this way.
In other words, what he's saying is this You definitely have not learned
Christ as being an advocate of sin and selfishness of lewdness and licentiousness
Now Charles Hodge describes it you haven't learned Christ to live this way When you when you read the
Gospels and you hear God speak through his word you don't hear about a Christ Who is giving himself over to lasciviousness and Uncleanness and the pursuit of it all with greediness that isn't
Christ You haven't learned him like that Christ did not and does not walk the
Gentile path And he goes on in verse 21 to say furthermore
Christ hasn't and will not lead you down that path
He says if indeed you've heard of him if indeed you've heard him and you have been taught by him as The truth is in Jesus What is that truth that you have heard that you have been taught well he goes on in verses 22 through 24 to tell us what that is and it's a summary that he's going to He's going to expand upon in verses 25 through the end of the chapter.
What have you been taught of Christ? What has he taught you? He has taught you that you need to put off concerning the former way of life the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust that is the
Gentile path and Be being renewed in the spirit of your mind verse 23 and verse 24
Put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
What is that? That is the walking the path that is worthy of the calling to which you've been called
That is what Christ has taught you That is what he's taught you
Now, where are you headed? Where are you headed?
Are you still headed down that? that Gentile path that path of futility
Alienated from the life of God well, listen here the voice of Jesus as He says to you
Come unto me all you who labor you're striving after something to give you rest and satisfaction
You're not gonna find it except in him. He says come to me all you who labor in a heavy laden
I will give you rest. I will give you rest come to him Come to Jesus turn from that path of sin and selfishness and Self -righteousness repent of that Put your faith and trust in Jesus and what will happen?
He will snatch you from that dead -end path and he'll put you on the path that leads to life
Are you a follower of Jesus Profess faith in Christ as your personal savior
You profess to have heard Christ to have learned of Christ But are you trying to walk these two paths at the same time?
You're finding it's awful difficult, isn't it awfully difficult you find yourself frustrated conflicted
You find yourself Feeling the sense of guilt and remorse and the need for repentance
Yeah Yeah because Paul is telling us stop walking down that path
Stop walking down that path Walk worthy of the calling to which you've been called our father in our
God. I pray this morning that Through this passage of scripture you would challenge us about our walk
Where we're headed Why we're walking where we're walking and how Father if there's one here today who
Is on that path that leads to destruction. I pray by your grace open those blind eyes to see
Remove the darkness And cause them to see the light that is in Christ Jesus the life that is in Christ Jesus They turn from sin and unrighteousness
And turn to the savior who saves to call upon him Who has said if you call upon me?
You shall be saved Lord for the believer in Christ who's trying to straddle two different paths going in two different directions
The farther they go the more difficult it becomes the more split they are
I pray that you would challenge us To stop walking in that divergent path