Hold Off on the Pitchforks (Probably) but Criticize with Force (Definitely)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Some thoughts on arguing.


So it is the glorious season and you may have noticed my videos have you know,
I think that they're the content is Similar or the same as has always been but I've been feeling a little extra charitable lately.
I'm not gonna lie But I wanted to just talk about something that I I've been thinking a lot about actually since I think it was last week
Something I read from Toby Sumter that had got me thinking and I really like Toby's words
I think he's a very clear Thinker and very helpful in many many different ways
I obviously like the cross -politic guys in general, but Toby man reading his stuff is so helpful a lot of the time
Anyway, um the other day on Twitter. I Wrote this I wrote quote.
How dare you criticize X? Unquote unless you put Christ in that blank space you have an idol
Some to a lesser degree some to a greater degree you can usually tell by the level of vitriol But it's true.
If you are you are actually claiming a form of blasphemy against a created thing And then
I said this in the next tweet. It's very easy to put yourself in that blank space You don't even have to think it through it just comes naturally and we don't always know that we're doing it what
I meant by that is Oftentimes you'll hear people say how dare you criticize so -and -so you sir
How dare you like who do you think you are criticizing Russell Moore or something like that? I've heard that many times
And oftentimes like you know, you'll get that from people. That's very respected someone who's you know
Quote -unquote proven themselves a brother and stuff like that as this idea that there are certain people you don't criticize
I actually had a friend a personal friend who I have since lost as a friend said that it is sinful if you ever criticize a brother in Christ I Couldn't believe when he said that I just absolutely couldn't believe he said that number one
It's indefensible biblically and number two. I know he's criticized brothers in Christ. So and obviously this
Talks goes into how you define brother and stuff like that, but whatever so All that to say is when you say that someone is untouchable.
You can't criticize them. You can't Even if you like them, you can't quibble with them publicly
It always has to be private with their theology and their public statements that that's essentially setting up a blasphemy law
Look, you can't criticize God, right? You can't say to him. What have you done?
That's something that's true but but that is literal blasphemy criticizing something that God does or something that God says or Something that God believes or whatever it is
Like that's blasphemy, but when you say that about a created thing or a person that's setting up a blasphemy law for something
That's a created thing. That's Idolatry, that's an idol and we do this with ourselves all the time and we don't often think about it or enunciate it this way
We don't say like you can't criticize me But we often act like it right like when somebody dares To refute something that you said or say something that you said is stupid or something like that We often act like how dare they how dare they
I've thought this through you know what I mean? That's that's idolatry. That's idolizing yourself.
That's putting yourself in the position of God Maybe in a low -key way sometimes. It's low -key sometimes.
It's not low -key, but that's idolatry So there are no sacred cows here. It doesn't matter who it is doesn't matter how respected
They are doesn't matter and you should respect people. I'm not saying you shouldn't respect people You should give honor to whom honor is owed with all due respect
That's not just a saying that we say that that's something that we should actually Try to embody when when someone that is in our elder or someone like that says something we don't agree with we should be respectful
But criticizing them is not only Allowable, but it's necessary for us to get after truth when you when there's a certain person that can't be criticized
That's that's one way to really shut down the search for truth. So there are no sacred cows everyone's words are
Criticizable everything is on the table in regards to that except for gods Okay, so we can all agree with that But as we criticize people we have to understand and we have to really think about this because I've Been guilty of this in the past, right?
I've been really guilty of this in the past. I'm gonna give you an example Toby Sumter talks about titanium theology stainless steel theology.
We can't treat theologians so people and Theology so ideas, you know systematic theologies that we kind of you know
What we want to systematize the the beliefs that are in the Bible We're trying our best to be as biblical as possible
But we all know that there are probably areas where we're wrong We all know that but we don't act like it a lot of the time
And we we act like we expect people to have titanium theology That is that is that is perfect and preformed and fabricated and Toby if I'm getting this wrong this idea wrong.
I'm sorry I'm not trying to misrepresent you but but this is kind of how I thought about this like We treat people like they have to be perfect in every way
They have to think about things and and and and prefer wording and things like that in a perfect way And that's just really not fair.
We don't treat ourselves that way Why would we treat others that way? It's a biblical principle, by the way.
Here's what Toby says He says the first general point he's responding to a blog about federal vision It's a blog that actually liked and actually shared a lot of the concerns that this
Baptist had not all of them But some of them he says this he says the first general point is that theology and theologians are not made out of titanium
This may seem obvious But I think Brandon's analysis suffers from assuming that theology comes in large pre fabricate
Fabricated slabs of metal on their way to Boeing It is simply not true that someone who quibbles with the language of quote covenant of works has necessarily
Redefined what justification by faith alone means now, is that possible? Sure, it's possible.
But a lot of careful work needs to be done before arriving at that conclusion Especially when a particular man is insisting that he has not denied justification by faith alone
Much less redefined it while it has been a long time since I've read Shepherd. That's who they're talking about They're talking about Shepherd that has said some in my opinion
Confusing and controversial things right? He says since I've read Shepherd based on the quotes he listed
I would want to make various and sundry Clarifications and qualifications to this Shepherds quote and I don't recall if Shepherd made those clarifications or qualifications in other places
But my point here is simply that I don't think it's helpful to think in terms of a stainless steel system I certainly agree that faithful systematic theology is working towards a thoroughly consistent biblical system of thought
But even a cursory reading of church history ought to give us a bit of patience and humility in that project
Count me among those who are very concerned to preserve the doctorate doctrine of justification by faith alone
And I'm not talking about some kind of neonate no me and redefinition of these terms I mean the straight whiskey kind of justification by faith alone that Luther would have been pouring during his table talks.
And so Here's what he means by this We got a look at church history with with with eyes of humility
And this is actually one of the things that's very in my opinion helpful about the objectivity of the Covenant stuff that a lot
Of people think is very dangerous I think one thing that's helpful is that it doesn't we don't have to try to put our
Quote -unquote stainless steel systems of theology on top of people from the past Because if we did that there'd be a lot of heretics back then
I mean Did true Christians even exist before Baptist came along? You know what I mean? I'll tell you when
I kind of realized this this is this is a true story about myself When I first heard about the
Federal Vision I started reading about it and I was very troubled by what I saw very troubled by what
I saw I saw people say well, did you know that they believed in baptismal regeneration?
And I'm just like wow That's heresy. I Can't believe it and when you think and think about that, you know
Then I found out more about what people were saying what people were meaning by baptismal regeneration Then I found out more about you know, what the
Confession said about baptism, you know Real grace is exhibited and conferred by the Holy Ghost at baptism or not necessarily at the point of baptism
But but that's what baptism is and all that kind of stuff Started finding out more about that and and and why people were saying these things and stuff like that And it's not exactly the same as the baptismal regeneration that Catholics sit talk about for example
And there's there's nuances there and things like that and I started realizing that what like what Toby said This is not titanium.
Like it doesn't come in pre -formed thing. So if somebody wants to say You know baptismal regeneration.
Well, what do they mean by this? You know what? I mean? You have to you have to do a little bit more work and and that's important But even if they did mean what a lot of people meant in the past Is that the test of of heresy or not?
Is that the test of whether or not you're in covenant with Christ or not? Is that what we're really going with because if you do that All of a sudden a lot of your favorite theologians people you quote a lot of your favorite
Christians from the past are literal heretics So if it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander if it's good for people today
So if Doug let's just say Doug Wilson believed in baptismal regeneration exactly how everyone accuses him of let's just say okay
He doesn't first of all, but let's just say that he did the exact same way that Roman Catholics and all
Is that you see a heretic a lot of people would say yeah, that's the terror see But if you're gonna do that You got to look at all of these people from the past that also believe this that you don't treat the same way
You don't say that they're heretics. Look theology is not made out of titanium
Theologians are not made out of titanium. You know what I mean? So like I Think a lot of us have to come with come to the terms with this idea
This is we always talk about Semper Reformandum right always reforming right? But do we act like that's even possible?
Because I love the Westminster Confession, right and everyone would agree that it's possible to improve upon the
Westminster Confession It's theoretically possible but how many of us act like it because the first time someone starts using a different word than maybe the
Confession does or the or the catechism does that's when the pitchforks come out and it's like, okay. Well, let's let's slow down here
I think it's very helpful to be suspicious of Someone who starts bringing in new words or whatever.
I think it's very helpful to maybe apply a little extra scrutiny but Let's put away the pitchforks for a little bit, right?
I mean, let's put away the pitchforks for a little bit I think that's the point because theologians and theology is not made out of titanium and keep in mind guys like like Every Person that you attack in this way
Oh, he's a heretic because he said something slightly different than the confession says, you know I mean like like that kind of stuff
You gotta remember like that person has a lot of people under his care And I know that you are thinking about that and that's why you're you're kind of coming so hard on it
But remember like if you're gonna call that person a heretic There's a lot of other people that you need to call a heretic as well.
Do you really want to do it that way? I know I get a lot of heat for this because I don't typically call people heretics
I don't typically say that people are unbelievers. You might be like, what are you talking about Adam? You do that all the time on your YouTube channel. No, I don't
I Really don't there's a handful of people I could probably count them on one hand that claimed
Christianity that I've said I just don't believe their confession a handful I know that kind of goes against some of my objectivity of the covenant stuff
But but there's a handful and it's not based on what they're teaching typically. I mean, obviously there's exceptions, you know,
Martin Luther King He taught, you know ridiculous things heresies about Christ clear heresies, right?
You know, but but most of the people that I've said, well, I don't believe their confession It's not because they teach things that sound like critical theory to me.
It's not because they teach, you know poorly on partiality It's not because they teach poorly on justice or the law of God.
That's not why I call them heretics I call them heretics because of their behavior because of their complete lack of Forgiveness, you know what
I mean? Like that's that's that's what I think kind of identify as someone who actually loves
Christ and someone who claims to love Christ You understand what I'm saying? And I don't pretend to make any final determinations, of course
But it's just like I don't know I'm not saying lay your weapons down because we need to fight and Toby knows this too.
We need to fight We need to talk about this. We need to critique Everybody agrees with that anyone that's worth their salt agrees with that But can we put away the pitchforks for just a little bit?
It's just a just an idea just a humble suggestion. I'm not going soft I'm not and I've taken heat for not calling people unbelievers because of what they taught
I've taken heat for that and I'm okay with That I'm okay with that because I'm committed to You know taking that covenant seriously taking those covenant marks seriously
Anyway, I hope this was helpful I kind of felt like it might have been a little jumbled and if I have to do a further Clarification on this
I will but I hope this is helpful. God bless Something to add real quick,
I've said this many times before but I think that's worth mentioning again in this context This is not to say that that, you know, everyone has to draw the same lines.
I do and everyone has to you know Wait as long as I would to call someone a heretic.
I recognize that there are I Listen, I can't be the standard for what is and isn't you know heresy?
I'm just asking for a little bit of Patience, I guess I could say we could we can put away the pitchforks for a time
And it's not like the pitchforks are gonna rust and we're not gonna be able to use them later Like we can always pick them back up It's not that big a deal to wait a little bit
And I think of this especially with like a guy like Doug Wilson because because like I don't know
I mean call me crazy But but but people that are literally trying to get others to believe perverse things you would think that they would own that right like it's not like like like like I would say that a lot of heretics like They they're okay with people believing that they believe certain things.
They don't try to hide it typically at least forever I guess you could say I don't know that may
I'd be wrong there, but but that's fine I mean, this is just a plea or a request for a lot of us
I mean doesn't have to be all of us because I think there are some people that this is What they like to do and this is what they're good at and it's
I'm fine with that I'm just saying for a lot of us, especially those of us who are you know, not pastors not theologians ourselves
You know things like that. Let's just we can we don't have to join that mob We can put the pitchforks away for a minute.
We could still be strong in our critiques. There's nothing wrong with that I'm not saying don't stop doing that. In fact,
I'm saying you should do that Let's do it in a way that you know, we can still kind of recognize our brothers for what they are and not you know