LGBT 'Christian' Releases “GAYEST” Worship Song?!

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Hey guys, Colin here. And welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about LGBT worship artist Semler. She recently put out a tweet, saying this, "...the
person who broke my heart for Jesus might be surprised to learn that I channeled that hurt into the world's gayest worship song.
God is love, happy pride month, be yourself." And this tweet is especially notable because I believe it's actually the first time that this many unbiblical and self -contradictory statements have been made in such a short amount of time.
Incredible stuff, really. But in all seriousness, let's compare this statement, as well as the song it refers to, to the
Word of God. First, Semler says that someone apparently broke her heart romantically for the sake of following Jesus.
And to that person, wherever you are, whoever you are, I just want to say, great job. You did the right thing.
2 Corinthians 6 .14 does say, "...for what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness?"
As a Christian, that was a wise relational decision to make. Second, the next thing she says is that she has concocted the world's gayest worship song.
Her words, not mine. I think she meant this to sound provocative and clever and kind of cool.
But in reality, this sentence should be used as the dictionary textbook example of what the word oxymoron means.
Because her words contradict each other at every level. Biblically, if your song is gay, then it's not biblical worship.
If your song is biblical worship, on the other hand, then it's not gay. Let me explain what
I mean. Romans 1 .26 -27 condemns the sin of homosexuality as a carnal and unnatural lust to repent of and to flee from.
It is a sin, according to God's Word. It's that simple. Hebrews 12 .28 says this, "...therefore
let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe."
So proper biblical worship is done with reverence and awe for the Lord. How can you be showing reverence to the
Lord, though, in a song, if in that song you are blatantly contradicting His Word? Of course we know that if a song utterly contradicts
God's standard of morality, then it's not true moral worship of God at all. But make no mistake, it is worship in a sense.
This woman is worshipping in that song, and don't forget it, but she's worshipping the demonic prince of the air.
She's worshipping the flesh, the idea of living in individualistic rebellion against God.
Her song is gay, and her song is worship, but it's not the type of worship that pleases the
God of Scripture. Rather, it's the type of worship that once brought His wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah.
As Charles Spurgeon once said, "...concerning homosexuality, this once brought hell out of heaven on Sodom."
So now that we've covered all that, let's take a look at this gay worship song. Her song, entitled
Raise Up, says this, "...bring me your weak and weary, bring me your sick and cold.
I come for hope and healing, that you won't feel alone." Wow, this kind of sounds like Hillsong or Bethel, honestly.
It's hard to tell the difference. But she goes on, singing this, "...I am the way, the truth, and the life.
I am justice. I am all that is right. Carry on now, carry on." Not only is this song celebrating sin, but the lyrics of the song cannot be called biblical worship at all.
Sembler demonstrates here only that she can take a passage out of context and use it to misrepresent
Jesus. That's pretty much all this does, that's the extent of it. She quotes John 14, 6, where Jesus says this, "...I
am the way, the truth, and the life." I think you'd have to be spiritually deluded beyond belief, which is probably the case here, to believe that Jesus had gay worship songs in mind when he said this.
But understanding Scripture in its context has never exactly been the strong suit of progressive
Christians. That shows time and time again. But more than this, notice that the passage talks about truth.
That's a good topic to cover, and I'm glad it was brought up, because it's actually the solution to all of this nonsense.
Let's compare the worldview of this song to biblical truth, shall we? Sembler's song speaks for Jesus, saying, "...I
am justice, I am all that is right." Pause right there, and let's ask a question.
How do you know that Jesus is justice? How do you know that Jesus is all that is right?
How do you know these things? The answer, of course, is that the Bible says so. 1 Peter 2 .22
says, "...he, Jesus, committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth."
So we know that Jesus was ultimately sinless and perfect and righteous. He was just and good.
And the Word of God has demonstrated that. And it seems that Sembler is treating the Word of God as if it's a
Subway sandwich of sorts, picking and choosing which parts are easily palatable and digestible, and casting away whichever parts don't agree with her appetite.
When the Word of God says that Jesus is just and perfectly righteous, she supports that. She even quotes it in her song.
But when Romans 1 .26 -27, the same Word of God condemns homosexuality, well, that simply won't do.
We're not going to quote that. In other words, Sembler is not genuinely trying to find out the truth about Jesus through His Word.
Instead, she is using the Word of God rather clumsily to paint a picture of Jesus as someone who agrees with everything she does, as someone who approves of her entire worldview.
And of course, this is plainly false. Her position contradicts itself. You see, if the Bible is true, then her position is false.
And if the Bible is untrue, then she has no reason to quote it in support of her position in the first place.
It's as simple as that. But her song goes on, saying from the perspective of Jesus, quote, Raise up, raise up, raise up.
I have told you that, end quote. And Sembler could be referring to a number of different accounts here.
I don't know if she is. Perhaps she's referring to Luke 7 -14, where Jesus tells a widow's dead son, quote,
Young man, I say to you, arise, end quote. Perhaps she is referring to Luke 8 -54, when
Jesus, quote, Taking her, Jairus's daughter, by the hand, he called, saying, Child, arise, end quote.
Again, there are several things she could be referring to. But all of them would have to be taken dreadfully out of context to be used here.
Jesus did not go to an unrepentant homosexual and say, Rise up, and continue in your sin, brother.
No, of course not. There is no such account in Scripture. When you look at the story, for example, of the woman caught in adultery in John 8 -11,
Jesus tells her at the end to, quote, Go and sin no more. You see, it is interesting that Sembler does not reference in her gay worship song, apparently about Jesus, a passage like Matthew 4 -17, where Jesus says, quote,
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, end quote. Here's the point. Notice how she praises
Jesus's righteousness, his justice. But she does not praise Jesus when his righteousness or just character calls the world to repentance, or her to repentance.
She wants to tell you that Jesus is loving, but not if his love contradicts her opinion. Then we just don't talk about that.
In short, Sembler does not worship Christ. She does not worship the Jesus of Scripture.
We can say that confidently. She has created an LGBT -affirming idol, and she's wrongfully called that idol
Jesus. But my encouragement is this. Go back to the Scriptures. The Word of God refutes all of this nonsense easily.
And we've demonstrated that in this video. You don't have to cower in the face of progressive Christian falsehood, the type that we see in this culture all the time.
They may quote Scripture at times. They may be passionate about their beliefs. But their worldview is still fundamentally corrupt and self -defeating.
The Word of God, on the other hand, is entirely consistent and life -giving. It is obvious here which worldview is bankrupt and which worldview is true.
And please know this. I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Sembler that she would stop this deception by God's grace and that she would turn to the truth of God's Word.
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