7. Logical Fallacies: Ad Hominem

Reformed Rookie iconReformed Rookie


Using Jason Lisle's book, Logic and Faith and Discerning Truth, we go through some of the most common logical fallacies that are used in arguments today. #shorts


8. Logical Fallacies: Faulty Appeal to Authority

8. Logical Fallacies: Faulty Appeal to Authority

Next is the ad hominem fallacy. The phrase ad hominem in Latin means to the man.
Okay, add to hominem the man. The fallacy is so named because it directs an argument against the person making a claim rather than the claim itself.
The critic hopes that people will reject his opponent's claim simply on the basis that there is something objectionable about the person making the claim.
So it's not, they're not objecting to the actual claim itself. They were attacking the person making the claim.
And we get this all the time. Like if someone, if we say, well, we believe the earth is young.
Oh, he's a Christian, right? They try to attack the person.
Oh, he's one of those, those loony tune creationists, right? Rather than addressing the argument, he tries to tear down the man.
Again, another example. You cannot honestly accept John's claims about politics because he can't even find a job.
So what's, what's the person doing? He's attacking the man's ability to get a job and saying that that disqualifies him from making a logical statement.
However, John's inability to find employment is logically irrelevant to the political claim he's making. Okay. Here's a good example.
That can't be true because you're an idiot, right? Unfortunately we're laughing, but this happens routinely in debates, right?
You're, you're making attack an attack on the man or they'll, they'll, they'll attack their credentials rather than the argument.
So if I have a PhD and the other person doesn't, you know, I'll just, you know, you can come out and say, that guy doesn't even have a bachelor's degree.
Well, that might be true, but is that attacking his argument or is that attacking him and, and, and his, his understanding, right?
Him as a person. I mean, you don't need a bachelor's degree in order to come to a conclusion scientifically, right?
No. So again, that's a, that's a trying to tear the man down so that it would stain his argument.