Isaiah Saldivar Says Christians Should Undergo Exorcisms / Can Be Demon Possessed Pastor Greg Locke


There is a growing interest in deliverance ministries. How does all this compare with the Bible? Article Link: Tags


This story is from protestia .com. Isaiah Saldivar, who is a famous charismatic
Pentecostal preacher and also a well -known social media influencer.
He is teaching that not only can Christians be demon possessed, but that Christians get this.
He says, Christians should go through exorcisms every few months, sort of like how your car needs an oil change every few months.
Okay, now, before I read this article and then comment on it, it's almost universally recognized that no, a
Christian cannot be demon possessed. The verse that I always heard people use to refute such an idea was 1
John 4, 4, greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world, or Jesus talking about a house divided cannot stand.
And you know, how can you be indwelt by the Holy Spirit and a demon that's just not possible.
Also our bodies, scripture says for the believer, our bodies are the temple of the
Holy Spirit. So how can the temple of the
Holy Spirit be possessed, controlled by a demon at the same time? So this is kind of a concerning thing because it's starting to get traction.
Isaiah Saldivar and his cohort, a man named
Greg Locke, they are teaching that demons, Christians can be demon possessed.
A lot of people are buying into this. So let's just read the article. It says deliverance minister,
Isaiah Saldivar, who was quickly becoming one of the prominent visible representations of the charismatic right on account of a rapidly growing social media presence.
He continues to teach weird and wonky things to justify his position.
He's a 34 year old revivalist and full -time social media influencer and content creator with 250 ,000 friends on Facebook, 642 ,000 subs on YouTube, 100 ,000 followers on Instagram and another 350 ,000 followers on Tik Tok where he has 3 .5
million likes. So that's a lot of people following this guy, a lot of people.
So we, and again, this article is from the people at Protestia. We have written about him previously after he claimed that a gospel presentation without signs and wonders is inadequate.
You realize what he's saying. If you're preaching the gospel, but you're not working miracles, that's an inadequate gospel.
Okay. And Saldivar said that the apostle Peter was actually demon possessed.
I bet you didn't know that. And on account of his bizarre beliefs, he says that demons can impregnate humans and make literal incubus and succubus or whatever the plural is for them.
That would be, by the way, that idea that a demon and a human being can create a hybrid offspring, like half human, half demon.
You say, wow, that's really far out. Well, that's, that is what actually a lot of people believe that that's what happened in Genesis chapter six, where the quote sons of God produced offspring with the quote daughters of men and they produced the
Nephilim. I think that's a total misunderstanding of the text. I do not believe that fallen angels can procreate with humans.
So I think that interpretation is wrong. I think Isaiah Saldivar is wrong that that can happen.
I don't believe that for more on that subject. You can go to our YouTube channel, Morse Corner Church, and listen to my sermons from Genesis chapters five and six, but back to the article says in a recent post on YouTube, Isaiah Saldivar reiterated his belief that Christian couples and their children can be inhabited by demons all the time.
And so families should cast demons out of each other every few months. Now I know there's people listening and you're like, who cares what this guy says?
This is crazy. And well, right. I agree, but millions of people, at least hundreds of thousands of people are listening to this guy and they're buying into it.
So here's the interview. An interviewer asked Isaiah Saldivar a question.
He says, how can a Christian who has the Holy Spirit also have a demon? How can a Christian who has the
Holy Spirit also have a demon? Tell people all the time a Christian could have whatever they want. Like they say, a Christian can't have a demon.
And I'm like, what else can they not have? Are they not allowed to have a donut? Are they not allowed to have a coffee? Like a Christian can have whatever they want.
When you get saved, you don't all of a sudden get a license to live however you want and be protected.
In fact, God never protects people in disobedience. So if you open a door, like if I opened my front door right now,
I don't get to say if a fly flies in, you're not allowed to fly in here because the door is open. A fly can come in, a wasp can come in, a rat can come in.
If you leave the door open, stuff can come in, whether you're a Christian or not. So a couple things we have to ask ourselves. Number one, is there any scripture that says a
Christian can't have a demon? Because at the end of the day, my stories or my experiences don't matter.
What matters is what does the scripture say? So is there a place in scripture where the Bible says a
Christian can't have a demon? And the answer is no. There's nowhere in the Bible where it says a Christian can't have a demon. In fact, the
Bible would point to and allude to the fact that deliverance is actually for Christians. I'll read one last quote from him.
Saldivar said in this interview, he said, I change my oil in my car every 3 ,000 miles.
So it's no problem getting the oil changed every few months. I would go through deliverance every couple months as well.
Every six months or so, it depends on how free you want to be. So basically what he's saying is you should get an exorcism every few months.
He says, don't be afraid to deliver or exercise your children. Like if you're out there in the chat, you watch these videos, you get, you get trained.
So Isaiah Saldivar is claiming that he can train you by watching YouTube videos to exercise demons.
And you can do this. You know, a husband can exercise demons from his wife, wife, from her husband, from the kids.
So if you get up in the middle of the night and you need deliverance, you don't have to go to a deliverance minister.
You can get delivered right there in your own home. Christian families cast family members, casting out demons out of each other.
Okay. So that's totally bizarre. That's totally, totally wrong. And, um,
I'm going to try to show you why from the Bible. So this is what Isaiah Saldivar is claiming and people are eating it up.
Why are people buying into this? Well, one reason is because people have problems, right?
And if someone semi -famous offers them a quick solution, people are at least going to listen.
So Isaiah Saldivar is also joined by another famous preacher, a man named Greg Locke.
Greg Locke used to be an independent fundamental Baptist, but after he left his wife for his secretary, he was no longer accepted in the fundamental
Baptist world. So he switched and became a charismatic. And then once he did that, his popularity only grew.
But Greg Locke is also teaching this, that Christians can be demon possessed and that one
Christian should be exercising demons from another Christian. Okay. So how do we respond scripturally?
While it's true that there are no explicit verses that say a
Christian can or cannot be demon possessed. First of all, that doesn't matter. I mean, there is no verse that explicitly mentions the
Trinity that makes no difference at all. The question is, does the Bible teach the
Trinity? So just because there is not an explicit verse that uses the exact words, that's not an argument for or against.
So that's the first thing. But here are some verses that I, I believe are relevant that make it clear biblically that a
Christian cannot be demon possessed. First Peter 1, 18 and 19. It tells us that we have been redeemed.
Believers have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. The Greek word translated redeemed means a payment was made.
And this payment is the blood of Jesus. God's people were bought back.
We were redeemed. Another way you could say it is we have been delivered.
When God redeemed us, he delivered us. We now belong to God, not the devil.
So the devil cannot possess people who belong to God. Isaiah Saldivar and Greg Locke may have a deliverance ministry.
They may call it that. But nowhere in the New Testament, I would say the burden of proof is on them.
Nowhere in the New Testament do you see the apostles or their associates going around casting demons out of born again, baptized believers.
That's just not a thing in the Bible. The real deliverance ministry in Scripture is done by the
Holy Ghost at the moment of salvation. Yes, the one potential comeback, someone will bring up Judas.
Judas was an apostle and yet the Bible says he was possessed by Satan.
That Satan entered into him. Well, that's true. But Satan, or excuse me,
Judas, Jesus called him a devil, by the way. Judas, here's the thing,
Judas was never saved to begin with. Jesus said in John 6, 70, did I not choose you, the 12 and one of you is a devil.
That was long before Satan entered into him at the Last Supper. So Judas, the point is, Judas was never saved to begin with.
I realize that many Pentecostals, and I say this with all due respect, but many
Charismatics and Pentecostals do believe that Judas was saved and then he lost his salvation and then he became demon possessed.
So within that Pentecostal Charismatic tradition, I think that's why this is being accepted that Christians may be demon possessed.
But I think there's a lot of good Charismatics who know better than that. This is just not true.
A Christian cannot be possessed by demons.
The other scripture I would point to is 1 Corinthians 6, 17 -20, which says,
But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him. Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body.
But he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? And you are not your own, for you are bought at a price.
Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are
God's. So in conclusion, the Bible teaches that Christians belong to the
Lord. Our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. God owns us. We are
His possession, not the devil's. So I believe that this idea that a Christian can be demon possessed, and that we can be taught by some guy on YouTube how to cast demons out of each other every few months, this, my friends, this is a false doctrine.
One last thing. Ephesians 4 .30 says that believers can grieve the Holy Spirit.
So if you have trusted in Jesus, if you are saved but you feel like something is wrong, let's say you might even feel afflicted, it may just be that you're grieving the
Holy Ghost. That's where you examine your life. The source of your problems, you know, our own flesh is responsible for enough.
We don't need to be blaming things on demons. But there is deliverance in Christ. So get in the word of God, pray, seek
Christ and His righteousness. All these other things will be added unto you. Confess your sins to God.
Be in church on Sunday. Attend a midweek service. Be around other believers. Find an accountability partner.
Do whatever you can. Stay busy for the Lord. Remember King David fell into sin when he hung back in Jerusalem and started to get lazy, hanging around the palace with nothing to do.
Get busy serving God. Christians are told not to cast out the devil. We are told to resist the devil.
I'll close with James 4, 7 and 8. It says, Therefore submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.