F4F | What the Evidence Shows Regarding Prasch's Ancestry


Footnotes: My PowerPoint Slides from this video https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsf11smgro9edkv/Prasch%20Ancestry.pdf?dl=0 The Document James A. Prasch, Jr. attempted to pass off as Israeli ID but turned out to be an application for ID that he'd lost in England in 1983 https://www.dropbox.com/s/stok4du3703al29/Screen%20Shot%202020-07-13%20at%201.43.59%20PM.png?dl=0 The Document James A. Prasch, Jr. attempted to pass off as a government certification of his family tree but turned out to be a copy of birth certificate complete with a Nazi eagle and swastika https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkiigkj6szhvmem/0.2.png?dl=0 Selling Satan: The Tragic History of Mike Warnke https://web.archive.org/web/20110629063019/http://www.cornerstonemag.com/features/iss098/sellingsatan.htm Mike Warnke: Spiritual Fraud? https://www.crossrhythms.co.uk/articles/news/Mike_Warnke_Spiritual_Fraud/36762/p1/ The History of the Jews in Europe during the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries https://www.un.org/en/holocaustremembrance/docs/pdf/Volume%20I/The_History_of_the_Jews_in_Europe.pdf Jewish Emancipation Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_emancipation Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bibl... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro.
I am your servant in Jesus Christ. This is the program that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now, unfortunately today, we've got to do another James A. Prash, Jr.
That's his real name, update. And unfortunately, we're going to have to do this in two parts as well.
If you are not aware, James A. Prash, Jr., that's his real name, last week put out a three -hour -long video attacking me, which, by the way,
I knew he would do that before I ever began critiquing him. In fact, knowing that he would do that is going to be part of tomorrow's or the next installment of Fighting for the
Faith. Hopefully, we can get it done tomorrow. But the next installment of Fighting for the Faith, let's talk about that one first.
The name of that episode is going to be, James Prash defeats an army of 666 straw men, because that's what he did.
He misrepresented what I believe, he slandered me, Justin Peters, and others, and the things that he said in his own defense, he didn't even rightly address the actual charges that people are bringing.
All of that being said, there is some concern by people out there, and I want you to understand,
I understand the concern, and the question is, Chris, why are you doing this? Because to some, it looks like this is a personal vendetta, or that I'm angry, or that I'm lashing out, or as one person accused me of,
I'm white -knighting other people, and nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is this, is yes,
I've come under attack by James Prash in the past, as well as Joshua Chavez in the past, and you just either ignore it or move on.
But what I did notice a while back is that there are a growing number of people who are listening to James Prash and Joshua Chavez, and are thinking that their slander is truth.
And that's the problem, is that they believe their slander is truth, and you go, well, how do you know it's slander?
Because I know who I am, and I know what I've done, and I know when I'm being slandered. And so the reason why
I'm doing this is really for their sake. Let me explain, I know that might seem kind of counterintuitive, but the reality is this, is that Scripture is clear, that sin is slavery.
And when you are lying, and slandering, and acting in hatred and malice, yes, you are hurting other people, but you're also endangering yourself, and you're hurting yourself.
Lying is something that universally is considered to be wrong. It doesn't matter if you're a
Christian, it doesn't matter if you're a Jew or a Muslim, lying is sinful.
Deceiving other people or slandering them maliciously is considered wrong.
It's considered a sin. And so you're going to note then, the truth itself is worth fighting for, but it's also worth fighting the person who's slandering for their own sake so that they can be set free from these sins.
Let me explain it to you biblically first. In fact, let me pull my Bible up, and we'll start here, a couple of passages.
We'll start in the book of Proverbs. Proverbs 6, 16 says this, there are six things that Yahweh hates, seven that are an abomination, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, yeah, a lying tongue is one of the things that God hates, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
This is exactly what James Prash and Joshua Chavez do. They bear false witness against people, and if you don't believe me, just look at the latest video by Justin Peters, where he answers, and his
Board of Accountability answer the false charges that were leveled by Joshua Chavez that Justin Peters was hiding emails regarding Doreen Virtue.
It's not true. It's now been proven to be a lie, and the one who was lying wasn't
Justin Peters. It was Joshua Chavez. And Joshua Chavez has made a career out of slandering people who are preaching the truth and preaching the gospel, defending the faith.
He is a slanderer, and so is James Prash, but it goes a little bit deeper with James Prash, and I'll explain that in a minute.
Scripture, Jesus tells us that kind of like the native language of the devil is lies.
As Christians, we should not be speaking this language, where we cannot employ the language of the devil, the native tongue of the devil, in the defense of the truth.
Jesus says to the Pharisees, you are of your father the devil. Your will is to do your father's desires.
He was a murderer from the beginning. He doesn't stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar, and he's the father of lies.
Scripture cannot be defended with lies, and when you are slandering and maligning people or telling falsehoods regarding yourself, yeah, you're speaking the language of the devil, not of Christ or of the
Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4, 30 says, do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Because we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, let all bitterness, wrath, and anger, and clamor, and slander be put away.
Let it be put away from you, along with malice. Slander and malice go hand in hand. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven you.
So I want to make this clear up front. I don't bear a grudge against James Prash, who's slandered me horribly recently.
In fact, I'll let him know right now, I forgive him. I forgive you, James Prash, for lying about me and misrepresenting my theology.
I forgive you. And my prayer for you, and my prayer for you for a while, has been that you yourself would be set free from slavery to lies.
And I assure you, the peace that you want in your life, you can find it, but you first have to confess your sin.
Confess your lies, your deceit, your false narrative about your ancestry, and be forgiven.
Christ has bled and died for all of these sins. So you'll know, I bear you no ill will.
In fact, the reason I'm doing this is for you, not because I'm against you. I am for you.
I want you to be forgiven. I want you to have the freedom of the forgiveness of sins, and I do not want you to suffer the consequences of your lies.
I don't. I don't desire that for you at all. And that's going to require you to own up. And so today's video is going to be a hard push for you to tell the truth, and you'll see that in a minute.
So be tenderhearted and kind towards one another, forgiving one another, as God and Christ has forgiven you.
Colossians 3 says, You must put away all anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.
Don't lie to one another, seeing that you have put off your old self with its practices and you've put on the new.
It is not appropriate for Christians to operate in malice and slander. We are to put these off. These are not the fruit of the
Spirit. These are the fruit of the flesh. And so Peter, in his epistle, says, Put away all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander.
And so you'll note, part of standing up for true religion, for the truth of Scripture, is to stand against slander, is to stand against lies and those who are telling them.
In fact, I would say it takes a little bit more discernment when it comes to addressing people who are slandering, and a lot more factual information, because it's not necessarily a case of comparing biblical texts.
It goes a little bit deeper than that. So that's the heart and soul as to why
I'm doing what I'm doing. So defending the Christian faith against error includes the sin of slander and misrepresenting yourself.
Now, all of that being said, I'm going to remind you about a little bit of Christian history that maybe some of you have never heard or you may have forgotten.
This is Mike Warnke. So when I was in Nazarene, when I was an evangelical attending
Maranatha, Maranatha Christian School in Sierra Madre, California, living in Arcadia, California, well, you know,
I went to the Christian bookstores and with regularity, aside from my copies of Petra albums and things like that,
I had some Mike Warnke albums, and I thought they were hilarious. And this guy's past, his testimony is a major reason why he had the credibility that he had.
This guy sold millions of albums, millions. And his testimony was that he was a satanic high priest.
And he had a whole stand -up comedy shtick regarding that. But as it turns out, it wasn't true.
It wasn't true at all. In fact, back in the day, in 1992, Cornerstone Magazine wrote an article called
Selling Satan, The Tragic History of Mike Warnke. And this also plays into why
I'm doing what I'm doing. Two of my apologetic mentors were
Bob and Gretchen Pasentino, who worked very closely with Walter Martin. And they worked behind the scenes for this particular article for several years.
And while they were working on it, I was aware of what they were working on because we would talk about it from time to time.
And so I knew where this was going long before the article was ever published. But the name of it is
Selling Satan, and I want you to listen to the opening paragraphs of this. This is the story of a well -known comedian, evangelist, and professed ex -Satanist
Mike Warnke. Known as America's number one Christian comedian, Mike Warnke has sold in excess of one million records.
June 29, 1988 was declared Mike Warnke Day by the governor of Tennessee. The Satan seller has, according to its author, sold three million copies in 20 years.
And his 1991 Schemes of Satan quickly climbed the bestseller list. Mike Warnke's press material includes credits for appearances on The 700
Club, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, Focus on the Family, ABC's 2020.
Mike has won numerous awards from the recording industry, including the 1992 Grady Nutt Humor Award.
He continues to perform 200 live shows a year. He is truly a figure of national prominence.
Now, I want to make something clear that what's going to follow next doesn't take away from the fact that Mike Warnke did preach the gospel.
He did. You would hear him preach the gospel. The problem is, is that his credibility was based upon a lie.
And so it doesn't take away any of the good that he did. It doesn't.
But the problem is, is that lies are not tolerated within the body of Christ. So here's what it goes on to say.
Mike Warnke's ministry and public profile are based on the story he tells of his previous involvement with Satanism.
As written in the Satan Cellar, the story goes like this. A young orphan boy raised in foster homes drifted from whatever family and friends he had to join a secret, all -powerful
Satanic cult. First, he descended into the hell of drug addiction. Then he ascended the Satanic ranks to the position of high priest with 1 ,500 followers in three cities.
He had unlimited wealth and power at his disposal provided by members of Satanism's highest echelon, the
Illuminati. And then he converted to Christ. But here's the problem. That whole story is totally fabricated.
That's not the truth of his past. And so this then goes on to document how his entire story, which gave him the credibility, made it so he can sell all these millions and bazillions of things, the whole thing was a lie.
And as a result of this article, Mike Warnke's career came crashing down.
And so I'm going to note here that this was a necessary thing to do at the time.
And what I'm about to do right now is as necessary as pointing out that Mike Warnke's past, that he fabricated, wasn't his past.
In fact, I would say that Mike Warnke and James Aleutius Prash Jr., that's his real name, there's some similarities here.
And I want to make something clear, that I'm not denying that James Prash has done some good and has benefited people and ministered to them when he's taught the truth.
He has. In fact, I'm going to note this, that James Prash has boldly spoken out against false teachers when many were silent.
And that he should have credit for. But the problem is, is that it's time for the lies that he's telling about his past to come to an end.
And because the lies that he's telling about his past are giving him credibility, that he's then using to lie about people today, including myself and others.
And that's got to come to an end. Lies cannot be tolerated within Christianity. And so it's in that spirit.
This is why I'm doing what I'm doing, and you need to know that.
Because people out there claiming, oh, this is a vendetta. Oh, why are you doing this? The reason is because the truth matters.
And it's the same reason that motivated these people to expose
Mike Warnke's false background, those same reasons make it so that I'm required to do what it is
I'm about to do. So let me put this, hang on a second here. I'm going to put this down here.
And we are going to be spending some time doing some genetic research.
And what I'm going to do here is I'm going to pull this document up, and I'm going to put this over here.
This should self -correct. There we go. So here's what we're going to focus on today. And it's some tedious research, but it needs to be put out there.
The question on the table is what the documents show regarding the paternal ancestry of James A. Prash, Jr.
That's his real name. A stands for Aleutius, and I'll explain that in a minute. So I want to talk about what we're going to do here.
And I'm going to note this. All the documents that I'm going to show you are publicly available.
No private information has been accessed or shared. None whatsoever. And this is not doxing.
So if anyone says, Chris Roseborough doxed James Prash, that's a lie. This is not doxing.
I'm not telling you where he lives. I'm not telling you to go out and order him pizzas or any nonsense like that.
This is me just walking through the public information. And I'm going to show you my methodology on how
I did what I did, and then we'll consider then the implications regarding the claims from James Prash that he is 50 %
Jewish, half -Jewish on his father's side. So that being the case, let me talk about methodology.
When it comes to this kind of research, documents matter. They absolutely matter.
So here's my starting point. In research of this type, you need a firm anchor point, and you need to know who
James Prash's parents are with absolute certainty. There can be no ambiguity. There cannot even be a question of,
I'm not sure if these are his parents. Okay? So exhibit number one, and where we're going to begin, we're going to begin with the obituary of Maureen Prash.
This is James Prash's mother. This obituary can be publicly accessed at Legacy .com.
Now that being the case, I want to make something clear. We are going to blur the photograph of her out of respect for James Prash's siblings and other family members.
So you need to know that. But all of that being said, one of the things I was able to do was able to confirm that the obituary that I'm going to read to you, that a former employee of Moiriel and one of James Prash's siblings have confirmed that this is in fact the obituary of James Jacob Prash.
This is his mother. Okay? So all of that being said, let's take a look at the documents.
We're going to walk through these, and we're going to see what the documents really show. Now, real quick, because I need to go over...
Let's see here. There we go. This is the obituary of Maureen Prash, and I want to read part of it out so that you can see what it is that this document says.
There's very important information here that we can then use for further searching and fact -checking the paternity of James Prash.
All right? So Maureen A. Prash, Nii Connors, she was 86 when she passed away on April 28, 2018.
This took place in 2018. All right? She was born and raised in Bayonne, New Jersey.
That's going to be an important data point we'll take a look at later. And she also liked to travel the world.
For a living, she was a retired scheduler for the New York and New Jersey Port Authority. She lived very close to New York City.
She loved New York City, spent much of her free time there enjoying it. Patriotic American who bore a deep love for her
Irish heritage. And you'll note that James Prash acknowledges that his mother is
Irish Catholic, and she was. She traveled to Ireland many times and was an avid fan of its music, dance, and literary culture.
And she is the beloved mother of James A. Prash, and pay attention to this part,
Jr. James A. Prash, Jr. So this obituary tells me
James Prash's father's name as well. Inadvertently, but it does.
Now you'll note then that she's the grandmother of Beth Miel and Eli Prash.
Those are James Jacob, and I'm putting that in air quotes, James Jacob Prash's children.
That's what their names are. Beth Miel and Eli Prash. Those are their names. So we now know some important information, and we've gleaned it from a public document, and we know the name of James Prash's mother.
It's Maureen. We know the name of his father. His father's name is James A.
Prash, Sr. That's how Sr. Jr. works. And we're looking for Maureen and James Prash, Sr.
in Bayonville, New Jersey. That's where we're looking for them. So let's go back to my document, and I have confirmation from both an ex -Mauriel employee as well as one of Mr.
Prash's siblings that that is indeed James Prash's mother's obituary.
This is undeniable. So like I said, we've noted that this obituary identifies that Mr.
Prash's name is James A. Prash, Jr. His father's name is James A. Prash, Sr.
And we're looking for Maureen Prash and James Prash together, and that they would have lived together in Bayon, New Jersey.
Bayon, New Jersey. All right, well, let's take a look at then what
Ancestry .com says. This is all public information. So James Aleutius Prash.
James Aleutius Prash. That's not only
James Prash's father's name, it is James Prash's junior's name.
So if we were to see James Jacob Prash's birth certificate, the birth certificate would read
James Aleutius Prash, Jr. Now, I'm going to point this out.
Aleutius is a strange name for a fellow if he's Jewish. So we're going to search
Google for that, and here's what we find. Aleutius is, well, this is a name that invokes
Aleutius Gonzaga. Aleutius is a popular name given by people who are
Roman Catholic, especially Irish Roman Catholic. Keep that in mind, is
Aleutius an Irish name? Because Aleutius is the name of a Roman Catholic saint. So that being the case, my immediate question is, why does a man whom
James Prash claims is Jewish, why does he have a middle name after a popular
Irish Roman Catholic saint? At least he's not an
Irish saint. I think he was an Italian saint, but popular among the Irish. You just have to ask the question, okay?
So coming back then here, let me show you this also real quick while we're at it.
James Aleutius Prash, Sr. is married to Maureen A. Prash. So there's no doubt who we're dealing with.
And he was born on August 16, 1926 in Bayonne, New Jersey. There we go.
And he was married to Maureen A. Prash. There we go. So we can see the couple together.
There's no doubt about it. This is James Prash's parents, okay? We know who his parents are.
We know who his grandparents are, both paternal and maternal. We know who they are.
And we're going to just follow the paternal line because James Prash claims that he's
Jewish via his paternity, not his maternity. Does that make sense? So let me come back then here, and we'll sum up things here.
James Aleutius Prash, Sr. married to Maureen A. Prash, correct? Lived in Bayonne, New Jersey, check.
We're dealing with the right people. Aleutius is a Roman Catholic saint. This is true. This is an odd middle name for someone who is alleged to be of Jewish descent.
In fact, to be practically full Jewish. So this means that Mr. Prash's birth name, like we said, is
James Aleutius Prash, Jr. And this, by the way, is the name on his birth certificate. It is.
And it's fascinating to me he hasn't shown that birth certificate. But also a little bit more information.
This is the name registered for him at St. Mary's Star of the Sea, the Catholic church where he graduated in 1967.
Let's see if I have that handy. Here it is, St. Mary's Star of the
Sea, Bayonne, New Jersey. There's no doubt about that. And we'll note something here as we look for Prash, that in 1967,
James Aleutius Prash, that's the fellow who goes by James Jacob Prash today, that's where he graduated from.
And you'll note that this is his name, James Aleutius Prash.
So that's what the document says. And St. Mary's Star of the Sea, keep that in mind, that name will come up again here shortly.
So then, knowing then this, we now know who his paternal grandparents are. And again, I'm focusing on his paternal grandparents because that's where he claims he's half
Jewish and he has Jewish descent. So his paternal grandparents, the parents of James Aleutius Prash Sr.,
they are George Conrad Prash, and he was married to Ann Jane Flynn.
Okay, now a little bit of a note. George Conrad Prash spent time in St. Mary's Home for Boys in Baltimore, Maryland, after the death of his mother.
Ann Jane Flynn, a tragic story, died very young in her late 20s, and so it's very sad.
So George Conrad Prash spent some time in a Roman Catholic boy's home.
Now let me show you where that is. And so when we go here, so here we've got the facts regarding George Conrad Prash, and so that you can see the paternity here.
George Conrad Prash and Jane Flynn are the parents of, and we're looking specifically at George Conrad Prash.
So let's see here, those are their five children. So we got Junior, we want
James, there we go. So they are the parents of James Aleutius Prash Sr. Okay, George Conrad Prash and Flynn, parents of James Aleutius Prash Sr.
Got it, okay. And here's a note then in here at Ancestry .com,
and the note says that George Prash was placed in St. Mary's Home for Boys in Baltimore for a while after his mother died, and which at that time housed another kid named
George Babe Ruth, the baseball king. This is a true story reported by James Prash's brother, and so there you go.
That's in the documentation at Ancestry .com. Okay, we continue then.
So James Conrad Prash is buried at Holy Redeemer Cemetery in Baltimore, Maryland.
Let's go back to the information and we'll check the facts regarding George Conrad Prash, and at the bottom it says he is buried at Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
That's an odd place for somebody who's totally Jewish to be buried at.
Odd, because Roman Catholic cemeteries back in the day, the Roman Catholics only allowed
Roman Catholics to be buried there. Some strict ones like that still to this day. So the best
I can tell then, George Conrad Prash dies a Roman Catholic in good standing.
That's what the documents show. So let's go back then to our thing.
So here's my question for James A. Prash Jr. For James Prash Jr., how do you explain these facts?
How do you explain that your paternal grandfather is buried at Holy Redeemer Cemetery in Baltimore?
How do you explain that? Okay, now regarding Ann Jane Flynn, this is his paternal grandmother, and so James Prash would have never met his paternal grandmother,
Ann. She's the daughter of Thomas Flynn, and according to the 1900 census, both of Thomas Flynn's parents were born in Ireland.
So Ann Jane Flynn, she's, yeah, her father, totally
Irish. Her mother, I think, is English, English -Welsh, but you'll note that that's kind of an interesting part of this, so let's take a look at the census data.
And so we're going to go over to the information for Ann Jane Flynn. Let me again show you her life story.
She's married to George Conrad Prash, and she is the mother of James Aloysius Prash Sr.
That's the truth, okay? So what do we know about her? Well, let's go back to the fact that I'm looking for, that her father,
Thomas Flynn, they were born in Ireland. So let's take a look at Thomas Flynn. And in fact,
I can do this this way. So let's go back to facts. So this is her father. We'll go to the 1900 census, and let's view the actual document itself.
And they are down here at the bottom. Thomas Flynn, and his birthplace is
Ireland. Father's birthplace is Ireland. Mother's birthplace is
Ireland. Now, that's very fascinating information there. So you get the idea here.
So there's a strong Irish connection there. And what else can we then glean from Ancestry .com
as it relates to Ann Jane Flynn? Well, here's coming back to this.
And by the way, I'm going to make these documents available down below. You can check my work. And you'll note that there's a big difference between how
I operate and how James Prash operates. And that is that I give you access to the documents.
Always. In fact, when I'm reading a biblical text, you can see the biblical text.
When I'm reading out the biblical languages, you can see the biblical languages in front of you. You can always fact check me.
You don't need to give me the benefit of the doubt. You need to look at what I'm saying with an open mind. You just need to follow the evidence.
It's all there for you. Okay, so here's what it says. Ann Jane Flynn, her obituary states that there was a solemn high mass held for her at Our Lady's Star of the
Sea. Our Lady's Star of the Sea is the same place where James Prash graduated from, the Catholic school there.
And her body was buried at St. Mary's Cemetery. Let's take a look and see if that's true.
Okay, so when we go to Ann Jane Flynn, let's go to facts regarding her.
And her obituary is in here. Ah, here we go. So let's take a look at view regarding her obituary.
I'm going to click on view record, and I want to view the image, and it'll take me right to it. So here is the obituary from the
Herald News from, you know, what's the date here? The 21st of January 1964.
And let me zoom in here. Ann Prash, Ann J. Prash entered into rest on Monday, January 20th, and talks about her, who she was married to, who her children were.
Let's see here. She was in Bayon, New Jersey. She was the wife of the late
George C. Prash, loving mother of Mrs. Mary Mueller and Kamara. Got it, okay.
Let's see here. She's got grandchildren. Also, here we go, James Prash. So, you know, we got
James mentioned here. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral. A solemn high mass will be held at Our Lady Star of the
Sea at 10 a .m. Internment at St. Mary's Cemetery in Perth, Amboy, New Jersey.
Well, okay. So let's go back here to our governing document, okay.
So Ann Jane, her father is Irish, 100 % Irish. Her obituary states that there was a solemn high mass held for her when she died, and she was buried at St.
Mary's Cemetery. So my question for James Prash Jr. is, how do you explain these facts? This is odd behavior, and I mean odd behavior, for people who are
Jewish. And this is his paternal grandmother, okay, married to his paternal grandfather.
Now, a little bit of a note, Ann Jane Flynn had a sister. Her sister's name was Isabella, and according to the records,
Isabella was baptized two weeks after her birth. In fact, she was baptized on St.
Patrick's Day. I wonder why that would be. I think it's an Irish thing. She was baptized on St.
Patrick's Day, March 17, 1892, at St. Patrick's Church in Union, New Jersey.
Yeah, let's see. That seems like an Irish thing to do here. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only thing more
Irish than baptizing your child on St. Patrick's Day in St. Patrick's Church would actually baptize your child with Guinness on tap, on St.
Patrick's Day. Just saying. But let's see if that documentation actually pans out.
So I'm going to back up here and go back to the facts regarding Ann Jane Flynn, the paternal grandmother of James Prash.
And we're going to see if she has a sister named Isabella. Yep, we do.
Here we go. Birth of sister Isabella. In fact, she's born, like, 11 months.
So Ann Jane Flynn is born the 2nd of March, 1891, 1892, 29th of February, leap year.
Isabella is born, and let's take a look at the information regarding Isabella. Give me a second here.
So here's Isabella. Birth on the, you know, no, that's George Washington.
Hang on a second here. Here's Isabella. Isabella, baptism. So born
February 29, 1892, baptized just a couple weeks later, 17th of March, St.
Patrick's Day, at St. Patrick's Church, Elizabeth Union, New Jersey. Odd thing for a
Jewish family to be doing. Yeah, so clearly, James, Lucius Prash, Jr.
has some strong Irish descendants on his mother's side as well as his father's side.
Now, on his father's side, it's not completely Irish. In fact, the name Prash isn't Irish.
It's German. Okay, so let's, okay, so let me close up Isabella here.
And I think then I can close up Anne, I think so, which will leave us to George Washington, George Washington Gray.
We'll talk about him here in a second, but let's go back to our government documents.
So Anne, she's Anne Flynn. Her father, Thomas, is 100 % Irish. She was buried at St.
Mary's Cemetery. Her obituary says there was a solemn high mass held for her. Her sister Isabella was baptized as an infant two weeks after her birth at St.
Patrick's Church, got that. Okay, so great -grandparents, moving on. Okay, great -grandparents.
Ferdinand M. Prash is paternally his great -grandfather, and his paternal great -grandmother is
Sarah A. Gray. So Ferdinand, born in the United States to parents who immigrated from Germany, this is true.
His obituary states that a requiem mass was held for him at St. Michael's Church, and that he was buried at Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
Let's take a look at the information regarding Ferdinand M. Prash. This is going to require me to go to Conrad.
Hang on, I'm going to go to Conrad. And we're going to go down the line then to Ferdinand M.
Prash. Here's Ferdinand M. Prash and Sarah Gray, that's who he's married to.
And so let's see if I can find information regarding his obituary. Here's the facts, and I do believe his obit is in here.
Let's see here. Here it is. And let's view it. Open the image.
Here we go. View the image, voila. And let's zoom in.
So, Ferdinand Prash on January 3, 1933, husband of the late
Anna L. Prash, funeral service from his son's home, a requiem mass at St.
Michael's Church at 9 a .m., internment at Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
Okay, that's pretty strange behavior, religious behavior, for paternal great -grandparents that are supposed to be
Jewish. So I'm just saying we've got a big problem here.
Let's come back to our governing document. And then Sarah Gray's father is
George Washington Gray. Okay, so Sarah Gray, she's an interesting character in that finding her heritage, it's not easy to pin it down, and I'm not sure
I've done it, but I've got a good guess. Hang on a second here. So James Prash Jr.'s
paternal grandmother, Sarah Gray, her father is George Washington Gray.
He was baptized at the age of two at the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
Okay, let's take a look at that. So coming to Ferdinand, it'll go back to life story, we're going to look at his wife,
Sarah Gray, and we'll let that refresh, and then we're going to go to her father,
George Washington Gray, and look at the facts regarding his life. George Washington Gray, born the 24th of July, 1838, baptism on the 6th of September, 1840, he's two years old.
He was baptized at the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
Okay, that's strange behavior for somebody who's supposed to be of Jewish descent.
Have we seen any evidence of any Jewishness here at this point?
Answer, none whatsoever. So we continue. How about the great -great -grandparents of James Prash Jr.?
This would be Jacob Prash, the real Jacob Prash, okay? And you'll note that James Aloysius Prash Jr.
is not named after this relative of his, he's not. But this is his great -great -grandfather, paternally, through his father.
He was married to Elizabeth Recklin, and the two of them came over from Germany.
They both came over at different times, they married here. But these are his family members, paternally, who immigrated to the
United States. So Jacob Prash, the data shows that he and his parents were born in Germany, and Jacob Prash's daughter,
Margaret Ann Prash, is buried at Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
Okay, so let's take a look at that. So coming back here then, I'm going to close
George Washington Gray, and, well, I had him open on a couple of occasions, but we're going to open up Jacob Prash, and we're going to look for his daughter.
Specifically, we're going to be looking for Margaret Ann Prash. Margaret Ann Prash, his daughter, here she is.
Let's open this up, open link in new tab, and let's pull her over.
And she's born 2nd of October 1867, and she is buried 2nd of April 1937 at Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
Okay, you'll note the consistency of the appearance of Roman Catholicism.
It's very much on both sides of James Prash's family, maternally and paternally.
It's very well exemplified, easy to document, if you would.
Okay, so we got that. So then you'll note, then, kind of summarizing this portion of the data, as far back as the 1840s, there's no evidence of Judaism in Prash's paternal ancestry.
None. There is no evidence of Judaism in Prash's paternal ancestry.
Instead, there is documented evidence of Christianity, at least, you know, in the broad sense of the term.
So my question, then, is how does James Ellucius Prash explain these facts?
None of this lines up at all with an ancestry that's
Jewish, and him being half Jewish. It doesn't add up at all.
So it gets worse, though. Okay, so let's just kind of do the ethnic mix. When you do the work on this, figuring out, all right, so what is
James Prash, you know, genetically? Well, when you consider, you know, this heritage here,
James Ellucius Prash Sr., we know that he is 25 % confirmed
Irish. He may be more, but we got 25 % confirmed Irish in him. 25 %
Welsh English. This is true as well. 25 % German, and 25 % that's kind of up for grabs.
Let me explain. Sarah Gray's ancestry. Gray is a surname that can come from a variety of origins.
However, it's typically found in Scotland, Ireland, and England. So the best guess is that Sarah Gray is
English. Here's why. She grew up in Baltimore. Maryland is originally an
English colony. Her father's baptism was in a Methodist Episcopal Church, which kind of screams
English heritage rather than, you know, than Irish. So, you know,
I just say probable English or Irish, so we know that. And then, according to James Prash, his mother
Maureen is totally 100 % Irish. Now, that's overly simplistic, but we'll just go with it for the sake of this particular exercise, all right?
All of this, you can do the documentation too. You can follow along.
You can fact check this. All of this is public information on Ancestry .com.
It's public, okay? If you don't believe me, walk the exercise yourself.
These documents, they're all available to you. I showed them to you. You know where they are. You know where you can get them, okay?
So that's part of this, all right? So what does this mean then for James Prash, Jr., the fellow who calls himself
Jacob? Well, James Ellucius Prash, Jr., well, he's for sure 62 .5
% Irish. That's just a fact, okay? He's 12 .5
% Welsh -English, 12 .5 % German, and he gets his name through his German heritage, by the way, and he's 12 .5
% probably English, potentially Irish. So this is how it breaks out.
Now, when you do the further work here, and I kind of want to show this to you.
So I want to go back to Jacob Prash. Jacob Prash, this is the real one, okay?
So when we go back to life story on him, he was married to Elizabeth Lizzie Recklin.
Kind of a cool name, Lizzie Recklin. It's just awesome. All right, so his father was
Johannes Jacob Prash, and we'll watch the dates on this as we work back through.
Johannes Jacob Prash, he lived from 1778 to 1850, and watch what his father's name is,
Johannes Jacob Brasch. So he gets his name from his
German line. So although James Prash is only 12 .5
% German, this is where he gets his surname from, how it descends down to him, all right?
And so we're going to pay, again, close attention here. So Johannes Jacob Prash was born of Johannes Jacob Brasch, and Johannes Jacob Brasch was from 1741 to 1794, and you're going to note then that the rest of the
Brasches, that they are from Bad Orb in Germany, which is near Frankfurt.
Bad Orb is near Frankfurt. I have family from Wiesbaden. Bad means bath, so it's a small town, a tiny, tiny, tiny town,
Bad Orb, which is just to east, northeast of Frankfurt, whereas Wiesbaden is to the southwest of Frankfurt.
So you get the idea. And so Johannes Jacob Brasch, his father was
Johannes Conrad Brasch, and now you know where George Conrad got one of his names.
It's a family name, okay? And Johannes Conrad Brasch was 1697 to 1755, and he was born from Heinrich Brasch.
Heinrich, and again, note they're all from Bad Orb. That's their family. His ancestry is deep in Bad Orb.
It's 1654 to 1750, and then we got Adam Brasch.
Adam Brasch is also from Bad Orb, April 5th, 1627 to 1789.
Then we get to Bartholomeus Brasch, and we know he was born in 1595, we're not sure when he died, and then
I can't even pronounce this fellow, and this is where the trail ends. We know he's from Bad Orb, this fellow,
H. Brasch. No, he was born in 1542, and that's it. That's all we know.
So now that's the extent. That's the extent of all of this. That's the extent of all of this, so let's kind of sum it all up then.
So James Lucius Brasch Jr., 62 % Irish, 12 %
Welsh, 12 .5 % German, maybe English, potentially more
Irish. That's what he is. This is what his heritage shows.
That's the facts. It's just that simple. And so he was not born with the name
Jacob, and there's no evidence that he's Jewish, and all the evidence is is that every one of his descendants, both
German and Irish, and also English, they were all practicing Roman Catholics.
So yeah, you get the idea. So all of that being said, let's go on to the next thing.
So here's our paternity. Again, we just walked through this, and you'll note that the change from Brasch to Prasch took place in the 1700s.
That's just how the data works. Okay, so all of that being said, let's then take a look at one more thing, and I think
I'm going to put this here, and let's see here.
I need to grab a video, and I believe the video is here.
Yes, it is. Okay, so going back to our Mike Warnke information. Just a reminder, again, this is not a vendetta.
I'm doing this for the same reason that the people who exposed Mike Warnke's lies regarding his past did it.
It's because of a love of the truth and a love for somebody who is in sin, that they repent and so they can be forgiven.
So all that being said, we're going to take a look now at part of what I would consider a dog -and -pony show, which is not a positive term, it's a negative term, that James Prasch engaged in in his 666
Virtue of Chris Roseborough three -hour -long video. We'll get to other parts of it in the next video, because I think it's very helpful to kind of point these things out.
But he talks about the fact that I claim that Jacob isn't his real name.
Yeah, I claim that, and I knew this, all this evidence before I ever said that publicly.
I just walked you through it. So all that being said, now we've got a problem, and that is that Jacob, you know, let's see here.
Yeah, Jacob. Jacob here is going to take issue with the fact that I say that he's not
Jacob. He's not. And let me kind of ask you this question up front. If I were to tell you that my middle name is
Jingleheimer, it's not. But let's, for the sake of argument, let's pretend that I told you that.
I said, yeah, did you know my middle name is Jingleheimer? You would say, what? Your name is
Jingleheimer? I'd say, yeah, my name is Jingleheimer. My middle name is Jingleheimer. They'd say, come on.
Roseborough, you're making that up. And I said, no, I can prove it. And if I asked you, all right, what document would you like me to provide to you to prove that my middle name is
Jingleheimer? The document you would want to see is my birth certificate. Why?
Because that would prove my parents are stupid enough to name me and give me a middle name of Jingleheimer, okay?
So we're going to note that what Prash is going to do is a dog and pony show, and the document he's not going to go to is his birth certificate.
That's the one you need to produce. Show me your birth certificate. Your birth certificate says
James Aleutius Prash, Jr., because your mother's obituary says that that's your name, and you were born to James Aleutius Prash Sr.
and Maureen Prash. But he's not going to go to his birth certificate. We're going to get a runaround here.
So let's watch as we get the runaround in the dog and pony show, and we're going to take a close look at the documents that he's going to provide that he says verifies his
Jewish ancestry. Then he goes on and you say, my name is not
Jacob. It's not. It's James Aleutius Prash, Jr. We have already established this.
It's not my legal name. It's not. My father is Irish. He is
Irish and German and English. And I assumed the name
Jacob in order to assume a Jewish identity for the purposes of the ministry.
Correct. I do say that because Jacob is not your legal name. It's not the name your parents gave you.
It's a name that shows up much later in your lifetime, and it has nothing to do with any heritage that you have, unless you want to talk about Jacob Prash, the
German fellow who immigrated from Bad Orb. Okay, so yeah, but you don't talk about being related to him in that sense, but let's keep going.
I lived in Israel for years. Okay, yeah, I know you lived in Israel. And also, here's the thing.
Living in Israel doesn't prove anything. We know that you married a woman who is the daughter of Holocaust survivors.
She's fully Jewish. We know this. And so it appears that after your marriage to her, or before your marriage to her, you were living in Israel, and then you stayed living in Israel with her.
Okay, that's completely plausible. No one's challenging whether or not you lived in Israel.
I wasn't born in Galilee. My wife's the daughter of Holocaust survivors, as I've said. My name is not
Jacob. Well, I'm not going to show you the number, but I'm going to show you my passport.
My American passport, because it's the country of my birth. Why don't you just show us your birth certificate?
Now, not only do I have... All right, so it says James Jacob. James Jacob.
Now, I don't know how you convinced the U .S. State Department to put Jacob on your passport, but I can tell you it's not on your birth certificate.
I know that for a fact. Two names. I actually have three.
He's got three, okay. My Israeli ID. Now, this next part,
I'm going to back this up. I want you to hear what he says this document is. He says that this document is his
Israeli ID. That's what he says about it. He says this is his
Israeli ID. And I'm going to tell you right now what he says this document is and what it is are two different things.
This is not an Israeli ID. And I'll demonstrate it to you as we go on.
Here we go. Is Yaakov. Yaakov. It's how you say Jacob or James in Hebrew.
Yaakov. I have Israeli ID that says
I'm Yaakov. The photos you will see is me at quite a younger age.
Now, I want you to notice something about this document. Hebrew reads from right to left.
But you're going to note this document has blanks that have to be filled in. He says it's his
Israeli ID. Yeah, that's a photo of him from 1983. But this is not an
Israeli ID. So when I saw this, I took screen grabs of it.
And I solicited the help of people via social media, those who read modern
Hebrew. Now, I can speak a little bit, a little bit, a little bit of Hebrew.
So I can speak a little bit of modern Hebrew. But I don't read modern Hebrew because I don't read
Hebrew without the Nakud. So that being the case, I need the Nakud. Otherwise, I can't read it.
So I'm not capable of translating this document. So I sent it off to people, several people, at least five who could, okay?
And every single person noted this. And that is that this is not an
ID. This is an application. This is an application. In fact, let me show you what this is an application for.
So this is not an Israeli ID. This is an application to replace lost immigration documents.
Here's a translation of it. The State of Israel, the Ministry of Absorption and Aliyah, Department of Certification and Immigrant Rights, display this before a registered judge or clerk in the event of lost or theft of an
Aliyah immigrant's rights certificate. I, citizen Yaakov Prask, and that's how it's pronounced there, the way the
Hebrew works out, declare that upon verification of my identity, it is incumbent upon me to speak the truth, and if I do not do so,
I'll be liable to the penalty established in law. I declare in writing as follows, that my certificate of Aliyah immigration rights, which is numbered, and the number is not in there, which
I received from the Ministry of Absorption on the November 18th, 1983, in my or in my spouse's name, has been lost or stolen.
That in spite of my conducting a search, the aforementioned certificate has not been found, but if it is found,
I will immediately inform the Ministry of Absorption and the Office of Taxes and VAT. And then it says that the certificate was lost or stolen in England.
This is not an Israeli ID. This is an application to replace a lost immigration certificate or document that he lost in England.
So saying that this is an Israeli ID would be like me saying, I filled out an application for a pilot's license from the
FAA. And here's the application with my signature on it. This means
I can now fly airplanes. It doesn't work that way. So this is not an
ID. This is an application. And for him to say that this is his
ID is not honest. It's a lie, and there's no other way around it.
He's not telling the truth. Why didn't he just produce his birth certificate?
His birth certificate tells us his real name. His real name was listed in his mother's obituary,
James Aleutius Prash Jr. Gets worse.
And I mean, it gets really worse. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to back this up. I want you to hear, now that you know what the document is,
I want you to hear how he presents it and what he says it is. And, you know,
I'm sorry, but there's just no way to justify this. So here he goes. My Israeli ID is
Yaakov. That's not an Israeli ID. Yaakov. It's how you say Jacob or James in Hebrew.
Yaakov. I have Israeli ID that says
I'm Yaakov. That document, you wrote in the name Yaakov.
Those you will see is me at quite a younger age. But it is an immigration certificate.
And I have something called the Teuda Ole that says I'm of Jewish descent.
Why don't you produce your Teuda Ole? Why don't you produce it? That would just put an end to all of this.
Instead, you produced an application for a lost document, a document you lost in England.
That's not this, but it goes with this. Let me read what it says. May the
United Israel the State of Israel. It does say that, by the way. It's not what he's going to say.
He's reading it out correctly. It's what he doesn't say. That's the problem. He doesn't read out that this is an application to replace a lost document that he lost in England.
HaMisrad Lekritot HaOlim. The Ministry of Absorption of New Immigrants.
Mm -hmm. Okay. Maklachat Teuda Zehut. The Department of Identity Certificates.
Correct. The part you read does say that. That's correct. I've had five people translate it.
They all say the same thing. It's the fact that this is an application, and you're trying to pass it off as an
ID, and it's not. Now, this next document,
I don't know how else to prepare you except to say, I hope you're sitting down.
I'm going to let him explain what this document, what he claims it is, and then I'll tell you what it really is.
Because what he claims it is, and when you know what it is, whew. Yeah.
Let's watch where he goes next. No, Prash is not an Irish name.
Right. It comes from your German ancestor, Jacob Prash, who, you know, in the 1700s,
Prash was changed from Brash. We already established this.
So yeah, it's not Irish for sure. It's simply not an Irish name.
Actually, it comes from the Hebrew Leforesh to interpret, but that has nothing to - Yo, how do you get that?
How do you get that? With me. The original family name was Brash, Brash, according to my family tree, which is legally certified.
Okay, so he's holding this document up that says that this is a legal certification of his family tree.
Is this a legal certification of his family tree? By the way, he's right that the
Prash family from Bad Orb back in the 1600s, in the 1500s, in the early 1700s went by Brash.
This is true. And then in the late 1700s, you have the first Prash. True. Absolutely true.
The question is, is this a government certified document validating his family tree?
Listen again. But that has nothing to do with me. The original family name was
Brash, Brash, according to my family tree, which is legally certified. So this document legally certifies your family tree.
And I want you to notice where his pinky is pointing, okay? His pinky is pointing to a seal that has an eagle on it.
We'll talk about that in a minute. All right? Brash, this legally certifies his family tree, he says.
He's going to zoom in on the document. Now, as he's zooming in on the document and holding it up, I want you to notice how much his hands are shaking.
Last time I pointed out that when he was lying regarding the Metatron, I mean, the word salad he spit out, he looked absolutely nervous.
If this was poker, it would be a tell. This is another tell. And I'm going to say, in my opinion, because I know what this document is, his shaking shows that he knows that he's lying about what this document does.
He claims that this certifies his family tree. Government certification of his family tree. Here's the close -up, and look how much he's shaking.
I'm named after an ancestor called Jacob Brash. No, you're not.
After an ancestor named Jacob Brash. You are named after James Aleutius Brash Sr.
That's who you're named after. You're not named after Jacob Brash. And I don't think there was a
Jacob Brash in the list. Hang on a second here. Let me go back here. So Jacob Brash, he's the guy who came to the
United States. He was the son of Johannes Jacob Brash. He was the son of Johannes Jacob Brash.
Johannes Conrad Brash. Heinrich Brash. Adam Brash. Bartholomeus Brash.
And we'll just say H. Brash. You were not named after Jacob Brash.
You were named after your father, James Aleutius Brash Sr.
Okay, now let's talk about the document. He claims that this document, which is a government certification of his family tree.
Okay, do you notice anything odd about that eagle? Do you notice anything odd about it?
Yeah, that looks a lot like a Nazi eagle. And yeah, that's a swastika right in there. Okay, notice that?
This is a document dated June 5th, 1939. June 5th, 1939.
So that is a Nazi eagle. So I just have to ask the question, is James Aleutius Brash Jr.
really claiming that the Nazi government certified his family tree and that his family tree is
Jewish? Because the
Nazis had a special interest in people who had Jewish descent, and their interest was not for their good, for their harm.
So already we've got just this information looks kind of funky. Something ain't right.
Something ain't adding up. So what is the document? Well, I was able to get some pretty good screen grabs from it.
And so let's take a look at the document, shall we? And the document itself, let's see if I can zoom in.
There we go. And this requires me to go this direction. This document is dated the 24th of August 1905.
What is this? This is a copy of a birth certificate. It is a copy of the birth certificate of Adolf Brash of Leipzig, whose parents were
Kaufmann, who was a merchant, Wolf Brash with two Fs, W -O -L -F -F, and his mother,
Fanny Haas, H -A -A -S. And both of Adolf Brash's parents are identified as Moshiach, as Moses, or as Jews.
So you're going to note that. So Adolf Brash, 1905,
August 24th, and Wolf Brash, important names here.
But here's the thing. When I went through all of James Prash's known direct lineage,
I found nobody related to him named either Adolf Brash or Wolf Brash.
And we're going to note here that these Brashes are from Leipzig, and that the
Brashes that James Prash is related to come from Bad Orb.
That's an important bit of information. And I'm not going to go into it, but if you want to know why that's even more important information,
Google the phrase Jewish Emancipation. A lot of Americans do not know this part of European history, that until the middle of the 1850s,
Jews lived in ghettos, and it was a requirement. They were not allowed to participate in society the way normal people do.
It's very much akin to the segregation that took place in the South against African Americans after the
Civil War. Jews experienced that for centuries, for centuries.
And in Germany, there were very limited places where Jews could live, and Leipzig would be one of them.
Bad Orb? No. In fact, what I will do is,
I will make available a couple of resources down below where you can read up on Jewish Emancipation, and you'll recognize then that Bad Orb would not be a place that Jews would have been permitted to live prior to emancipation, which took place in the middle of the 19th century.
All right, so let's go back and let's listen again. Now that we know what this document is, I want you to watch
James Prash, James Aleutius Prash Jr., what he claims the document is, and who he claims he's named after.
An Irish name. Actually, it comes from the Hebrew lephoresh to interpret, but that has nothing to do with me.
The original family name was Brash. Brash, according to my family tree, which is legally certified.
So the Nazis legally certified your family tree. A Jewish one. Okay, let's come back to this real quick.
Beloved mother of James A. Prash Jr. James A. Prash Jr.,
and let's see here, let's go back to this real quick, that Maureen Prash was married to James Aleutius Prash Sr.
Okay, we know who James Prash was named after. Let's go back and listen as he explains to us who he was named after.
I'm named after an ancestor called Jacob Brash. No, you're not.
You're named after your father. You're junior and he's senior. And that document is not a
Nazi certification of your family tree. You're not telling the truth. One article,
Cross Rhythms, back in the day in 1992, wrote an article,
Mike Warnke, Spiritual Fraud. America's biggest selling Christian comedian and evangelist,
Mike Warnke, made up his testimony concerning his life as a former satanic high priest. According to a leading
Christian magazine, further allegations were subsequently made about the financial affairs of Mike Warnke Ministries by an
American newspaper, which has resulted in the IRS revoking Warnke's charitable status. Promoters across the country have canceled
Warnke's concert appearances, while his record company, Word, have announced a suspension in the sale of Warnke's albums and videos.
So what we're dealing with with James Aleutius Prash is that he has made up his
Jewish ancestry. His Jewish ancestry plays a big part in his credibility as a teacher of midrash and an understander and teacher of things related to Judaism and how they relate to Christianity and prophecy.
But the problem is that the documents show that he's not
Jewish. He made that up. He's not named after his descendant,
Jacob Prash, who came to America. He's named after his father,
James Aleutius Prash Sr. And the sad part is that he held up in front of the camera two documents and lied.
He did not tell the truth about what they were or what they said. That shows intentionality, and that shows that this fellow has no qualifications.
He's disqualified from ministry. He may have done good in the past, but what he's doing is evil.
And he's using his platform, which in part is built off of the lies that he's told about his ancestry, to attack other people and to slander them.
Slander people like me, Justin Peters, Phil Johnson, Todd Friel, Doreen Virtue, John MacArthur, and the list goes on and on and on and on.
And we'll talk about his pattern in our next video. The next video will be titled, James Prash Defeats an
Army of 666 Straw Men. But this pattern of his, of attacking other people, of going on these witch hunts,
I think of Bill Randles, Amir Sefarti. I think of other people. You think of Deborah Menelaus and her husband, whom he's viciously gone after.
Anybody who has challenged him, he has set out to destroy them. And much of his credibility and authority comes from the story that he is half
Jewish. But he's not. So let's kind of wrap this up and show what the conclusion is, by the way.
So I will note then that no one in Prash's paternal ancestry is named
Adolf or Wolf. Not one person. So I ask the question, how are Adolf and Wolf then related to James A.
Prash Jr.? He hasn't even established that this document has anything to do with his paternal ancestry.
This document is not what Prash says that it is, and this is a fact. This is a legal certification by the
Nazi regime of James Prash's family tree. It's not. If this were, then this document proves that Adolf and Wolf Prash are
Jewish, which by the way, it does. And then we need to understand then, and we need to have him explain how
Prash's Jewish Brash ancestor survived the Holocaust, and whether that relative is his grandfather or his father.
Those are really kind of the only two options, really. Is Adolf Brash your father? He's old enough to be your father.
He's slightly old enough to be your grandfather. Well, how is it that he doesn't show up in your ancestry at all at Ancestry .com?
Those really are the only choices that we have due to the time period of the document. So here's the conclusion.
The documents show, and I've given you the documents, and you can do this yourself too.
All of the information is publicly available. The documents show that James Aloysius Prash Jr.
is the son of James Aloysius Prash Sr. That's who he was named after.
Prash's paternal ancestors are primarily Irish and German, not half -Jewish as he claims.
I saw no evidence of them being Jewish at all. They are Roman Catholics, and this is well -documented with kind of one exception, and they left no shred of evidence of being
Jewish. The documents that James Prash Jr. held up to the camera are not what he claimed them to be.
The application for the replacement of lost ID is not Prash's Israeli ID, and the copy of Adolf Brash's birth certificate is not a legal certification of James Prash's family tree as he claims it is.
Sadly, James Prash, kind of like Mike Warnke, has a lot of explaining to do, because when you follow the evidence and you fact -check the things he says, they don't add up at all.
So let me say this to James directly. I know he's watching, and that is that,
James, I want you to know I love you, and I forgive you, and that Christ has bled and died for all of this.
It's time for you to recognize that the wall, the facade that you've created with these lies about your past, they've already been destroyed, but they've been destroyed for your good.
They've been destroyed so that you can be free from slavery to these lies now.
The time has come for you to tell the truth, to confess your sins, and to know that Christ has bled and died for them.
You have anxiety, clearly anxiety, as a result of all of this, and that anxiety can go away by the blood of Christ, by the forgiveness of sins.
Say the truth about yourself. It's time for you to say what everyone else has been saying, and that is that you have not been telling the truth.
You didn't tell the truth about yourself, and you've been lying about others. The platform that you've built off the false narrative that you gave about your life, you've been using to hurt and to harm and to slander good
Christian brothers and sisters. So it's time to repent. It's time to be forgiven.
It's time to live in the truth. There is peace when you do that, because there is forgiveness in Jesus for you.
So I want you to know, personally, the sins that you've committed against me, I forgive you.
I would never hold them against you. Just like I don't want my own sins to be held against me.
I want you to be free. And I want you to know that I did this for you because I love you, not because I hate you.
This is not a vendetta of anger. It's a vendetta of love, a vendetta of grace.
So it's time to repent, to say the truth. The gig is up. The game is over.
The documents show it's checkmate. So recognize that.
Repent. Be forgiven. The next day will be better than today. But it's time for you to finally say and live in the truth.
I hope this helps you. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share it is down below in the description.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of us, for all of our sins.