Are Christians Domestic Terrorists?


There have been changes in the US government. Are Christians being targeted? That will be the topic of discussion, along with your questions. So, please join us live with your challenging questions or just things you always wanted an answer to.


It's that it's fascinating to me how easily someone in one religion can find the fallacies and biases in another religion
I think that what's fascinating your raise your razor -sharp on your your your criticism of Islam here
Yeah, and but what I find fascinating Jeff is that you recognize that with other religions
But you don't do it with your own because I that may be the case And there's that confirmation bias coming up again
Welcome to apologetics live we're here to answer your questions and challenges about God and the
Bible meet your hosts from striving for Eternity ministries Andrew Rappaport. Dr. Anthony Silvestro and pastor
Justin Pierce We are live apologetics live here to answer your challenging questions
Anything you have about God and the Bible come to apologetics live Live .com Thursday nights 8 o 'clock
Eastern Time and we are here to answer any question you have That's we're here for we are here to take your challenges your questions anything you have.
Maybe you were Evangelizing someone and you were asked a question. You just don't know the answer to you were stuck
Well, that's what we're here for. We're here to help you in your apologetics. This is a ministry of striving for eternity
I'm your host Andrew Rappaport flying. Well, I'm flying solo from our regular co -hosts
Dr. Silvestro is doing a creation training with Mike Riddle at Creation Training Institute down.
I forget actually where that is Somewhere in the Midwest. They're they're doing that. I won't say, Arizona But they he's out doing that training pastor.
Justin Pierce has been He has started his next semester of school.
He is tied up with that and Justin Peters. Well, he just got back from Finland.
So He needs a day of rest, I mean it's not like this is different than you know
Joe Biden who goes overseas and they can't explain why he's not doing anything
So it's like oh, he's got COVID and he recovered for a day and went. Oh, no No, he really can't we got to hide him away again.
So he's got COVID again. That's my theory I'm just I'm sticking with it, but I Think that's what explains how someone gets
COVID recovers in a day and gets COVID again, you know, but with that This is a ministry of striving fraternity
We hope you go to striving fraternity org check out everything that we have there If you have any questions challenges, please come into apologetics live .com
That is the the hope and the goal, but I do have some some Guys that are here in the backstage.
I'm gonna bring in the guys from matter of theology Drew and Chris welcome to apologetics live again.
You guys are filling in as co -hosts helping me out. So I'm not flying solo You know, so let's let you you guys got your podcast
Let me first let you guys give a shout out to Matter of theology and what you guys are doing over there because for those who listen to this by the way you drop something
Chris that you were saying. Hey, you know, can you guess what our topic is right responded? Hey if you listen to apologetic live
We knew what was coming so we I didn't guess it of course because you know, I had the inside scoop we get the
You know the inside scoop here from you guys, so what's going on matter of theology? well matter of theology our podcast typically is a long -form podcast where we address church and cultural issues from a biblical standpoint regardless of what the
Popular movements of the day may teach that's our tagline that drew wrote years ago And so we've we've got a couple of other a couple of other ventures that we are we're embarking upon And so we just launched this week a devotional style podcast.
It's 10 to 15 minutes. It's called mana for today And so that those are dropping every other day this week and then again
Monday and Wednesday of next week and then we'll re -evaluating and we'll record some more And then we've got we've got something really exciting really fun
Dropping on Monday. And so what we'll do drew and we didn't talk about this beforehand if you're okay with this
I say we go ahead and give the apologetics lives listener. Just a little taste of what's coming on Monday.
Are you cool with that? I'm cool with that. I mean, I mean, we're we're pretty much regulars here on apologetics
We're a part of the Christian podcast community. So we might as well let it go right here.
All right All right. So starting on Monday matter of theology presents the dead guys readers
Society And that exists for those you have to be dead to read this no, you just have to read dead guys
But like real dead guys, yes, not spiritually dead guys like yes Very very good point my brother see see he's on it
So the dead guys readers Society exists for those who profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and love to read the dead guys
Those those precious brethren who are no longer on this side of heaven But whose ministry and writings have stood the test of time those who through their writing through even their sermons still encouraged lift up and contrary to what some pastors
Mark Driscoll And and Dollar General Mark Driscoll, you'll hear more about that in the first episode What they've stated recently is the dead guys do argue with you and they still admonish you through the written word and or spoken word from sermon, so That is dropping on Monday That's that's
August the 8th. I believe is the date on Monday I don't have a calendar right in front of me
So but yeah be on the lookout for that and the intro episode and episode 1 will drop
I'm not gonna tell you what we're gonna do for episode 1 you're gonna have to is drew gonna be involved in this He is involved in this.
Yeah, I'm just asking because I mean I could be mistaken, but Drew's kind of backed out of Hosting co -hosting matter of three times like I'm working on this.
I'm not gonna be podcasting anymore. So I need to get back to working on the book
That's true. So so I stepped away. That's true. And then I came back and but what
I really did was I just like a week So I get
I kept saying, okay, I'm stepping away this time and then Chris would go Hey, man, let's talk about this and I think you would bring a lot to this episode
Like let's record some and I'd be like, okay sure. I got some time and I was gone, but then
I really wasn't gone But what I did do was
I kind of turned everything over to Chris Yeah, so Chris is more at the forefront that way
I can go if he says hey, man, I got this idea. I can I can go You know what you go ahead and handle that.
I've got other stuff over here I need there have been some there have been some time That's happened.
So Anthony Justin and I have taken longer absences from apologetics live than you have
Just for the record, okay And then you know, it didn't help things
I started another podcast, yeah, it's true you did So I have another podcast called for life and godliness, no, no, no if that's not a member of the
Christian podcast I don't even know why you know, really, you know,
I did promote this podcast on that pod. That's true Oh, well, see it's not on the
Christian podcast community feed. So I didn't hear it Do you do you know that we produce on Christian podcast me if you just get that one feed?
we produce about I think it was 50 episodes and 30 hours of content a week
Wow, I don't know. That's a lot. We have over we have like 56 podcasts now.
Some of them are monthly Some of them are daily most of them are weekly but That's a lot.
Yeah, and you know what one that's really good Voice of reason that's a good one. Yeah And I told him to get in here but he's he's like I just got off of work he's probably driving home listening to us driving home
Let me Marco Polo Chris Hough And later
I'll be home and Chris will be like, oh, okay. Thanks for that hour -long Marco Polo Why lie do
I lie you speak truth, okay? All right, so so We do have someone backstage who is not
I don't see they're they're full like they're connected I don't know if they're their cameras working or if they can chat but uh so I'm gonna give it a little bit before they get in because it looks like they're not fully connected because I just see the
Little round circle with the so I don't know if we'll get audio. So I'll leave The one person right now backstage until we can make sure that your camera mic is is working
And Other than that, I'm gonna drop a link here that will at least go to the
YouTube channel and should go to I think the
Facebook Page, I don't know if it'll make it to I Think it only goes to the actually it just goes to the
YouTube channel because Facebook doesn't like it All right. So what this is this is a link that I wanted to cover this is good.
This is back From 2001. This is now June of 2001, but this is called the national strategy for counter domestic countering domestic
Terrorism now reason I want to bring this up I've I did a podcast and if you go to rap report org go to my rap report just do a search for national strategy for counterterrorism and basically, the full title of that episode is national strategy for counterterrorism against Christians and I titled it specifically and the reason
I want to go through this is in Recent weeks actually ever since the
Roe vs. Wade Decision was overturned there has been a
New term that we've been hearing all over the news called Christian nationalism and for many people they listen to that and and they don't really know what it means and They don't know what's behind it
But for those who are listeners in my rap report podcast you in that we're listening back in June of 2021
You're going. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you guys predicted this so Basically, we're not gonna waste your time here on these on these
On these episodes on this podcast because we give you content that is months ahead of the curve
I dealt with going through this. This is a strategy from the Biden administration I'm dealing with counterterrorism now
We would often think counterterrorism. That's a good thing. We want to be against domestic terrorists here in the
United States people who want to do harm but as we go through this we may we just may have a different definition of what a terrorist is and So, let me first define terrorism because this is a term
Well, I can't I was gonna say is a term being redefined, but nowadays everything's being redefined
No, but it is though brother. You're right. And I think I think it's good to just like with anything You got to define terms.
You've got to define you've got to define What terrorism is you have to define what an extremist is and you can find define what?
Domestic terrorism is because also just just this week the
FBI project Veritas And I'll send you this link so you can put it in the or I'll just post it in the
YouTube channel as well but but but project Veritas released this This leak from the
FBI that leaks domestic terrorism symbols guide. Yes, and and let me just tell you that a
Lot of us would be labeled according to this According to the FBI would be labeled terrorist
In fact, in fact, I mean there are people who have served this country in special operations and I think of one is a guy named
Mike Glover who runs a field craft field craft survival and then he also runs a couple of other organizations that he established in in 2020
Right after George Floyd and BLM and all of that exploded. He it's called American contingency
This man fought for our country was in special operations and worked for the CIA for over 20 years his company
His company and it's all about giving resources to community and citizens is on this document that the
FBI has his own Government has labeled him as a domestic terrorist. Mm -hmm because of this stuff.
Sorry, man. Go ahead. Yeah. No, you're right so so let's let's evaluate some some terms a terrorist has historically
Been known I say historically because you know, like a recession was historically two negative quarters suddenly, that's not the right term a woman historically was a
Adult female which by the way, you know Wikipedia redefined if you go to Wikipedia for the word recession
They've redefined it and they no longer define it as two negative Quarters, but I did my bride said hey, what do they have on Wikipedia for what a woman is?
And so I went out and they still have woman as defined as an adult female
So I know that Wikipedia is now hearing this and they're gonna go run and change it and then lock it down like they did recession
So no one can correct it, but what did they put for a recession though? They put like a long period of time of of negative number.
I forget Well, let's let's look it up Would two consecutive quarters be a long period of time?
I Would think but So, let's see a recession now is defined in economics a recession is a business cycle
Contraction when there is a general decline in economic activity
So it's a general decline it's not as well, I guess then that we're we were in a recession after the
Right, so Instead of saying two quarters. It's no longer sound that's quantifiable, but just some general terms so that oh, yeah
So it's in transition is what you're saying. Yeah kind of like many things so the historically the definition of a terrorist terrorism is the idea of taking some of using fear terror to affect a
Political agenda and so that's the goal that we end up seeing
Let me see I see our Longtime friend here Michael the Canadian atheist and so many job.
I haven't read it. So I'll just put this up Hey striving for Tony there long time hope all is well
Andrew We vehemently disagree on a lot but to call you a terrorist of any sort is preposterous.
Okay. Well, I appreciate that And and I but I think that as we get to this new definition that's been out there for some time
I mean this this document this strategy came out in June of 21 so This had been in the works and it takes it you don't develop these things quickly, you know it takes time of work and developings, but The idea of terrorism is when you use fear
Basically this is we often think of Muslim extremists that are threatening to blow up buildings use planes as bombs things like that to to Cause us to be afraid
So that we would change our stance on political things Okay now domestic terrorist would be a terrorist
That is within their own country so someone who is resides in America and is looking to use terror or fear to elicit a political agenda
Antifa well, it's interesting you'd bring that up because What is not listed in there is black lives matter organization here the
Organization not people that use this the the slogan black lives matter do black lives matter
Yes, black lives matter white lives matter babies in the wombs lives matter police lives matter all lives matter
Come on. Okay, in fact, and I did a podcast on this on the rap report if You don't believe that all lives matter.
You're not gonna believe that black lives matter Amen, it's only when you have respect for all human life.
Yep, and you respect all lives Yeah, but when you start to decide that certain lives have a higher quality or should count more than others
Whether they're black white or whatever You lose respect for all lives
And you ultimately lose respect for the argue for those that you're arguing for now those who argue black lives matter
They don't argue for black lives in the womb, which is the largest killer of black rock, that's right.
That's right. No Hey Andrew real quick. So one of the things going back to a couple of things
I want to point out along this line with with BLM Antifa and and and and then compared to What we're going to get into with Christians and like Mike lovers organization.
So according to the Patriot Act in 2001 a Domestic terrorism is defined and I quote as activities that involve acts dangerous to human life
That are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any states or any state appear to be intended to one intimidate or coerce a civilian population
To influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction
Assassination kidnapping and occur primarily within the territorial Jurisdiction of the
United States that was sums up the summer of 2020. Yes That's exactly right because this was and and this was supported by Democrats.
Yeah, correct. Okay Democrats celebrities You know all the all the black squares all the people on social media.
Yeah, we stand with you The issue though is is that what was their they were very clear on their goal they wanted a policy changes
They wanted to deeply police They want it they they were saying that the that America is a race is based on a racist system of capitalism and we needed to Throw it out and start over that is a political agenda great as they were benefiting from capitalism
Yeah, of course, of course and what they wanted to Marxism Yeah What they wanted to do was
I mean people were afraid to go into cities People were afraid for their lives if they lived in the cities because now the police aren't there
They're being defunded. And so this became an issue where what were they doing? It was using fear
To change a political agenda. In fact, we saw this recently what was happening outside of the justices houses
Yep before the final decision they they were being encouraged by Democrats and if it wasn't for the fact that there was a
You know, the Supreme Court has people to protect the Supreme the justices Because the
Congress wasn't protecting them, but if it hadn't been for that someone was planning on killing a justice
Yep, I can't enough and so had that happened that would have been
The very thing that the Democrats are saying on the other side with January 6th, what do we have let's let's do a quick comparison
January 6th versus chop you remember right? Oh, yeah. Yes Chaz Chaz.
Yep. It was first Chaz and then chop Yep, but what they ended up in Seattle saying that we've blocked off a bunch of city a bunch of Blocks of the city and we are now a different country
They've they've basically said we are not America, right which
I Autonomous. Yep. My opinion at back then was I think what Trump should have done is accepted that Just accepted that and say to get out of that country.
You need a passport from the country. Yeah, just cut off all services What what got the gas cut off the electricity cut off cut off water figure it out.
Yep Your own country figure it out figure it out and and I that was my thinking of what they should have done
The the reality is is that they were demanding changes and Saying we are not
America. That was there's a definition of that. It's called an insurrection, correct
That was actually an insurrection within America. Yeah And this was where we see in in every city
Violence murder Robbery looting
This was commonplace for the purpose of Changing a political agenda and it has because and and and one of the one of the effects one of the effects of Black Lives Matter Antifa and everything that I just read from the
United States Patriot Act of 2001 It is affecting us today they affected the change they wanted to let me give you one example
Uvalde, Texas Yep, Uvalde, Texas There would not have been 19 kids and two teachers would there have been death and and and absolutely absolutely
Unfortunately, and that's awful but the fact that those police officers did not have the training the
Training they needed and the leadership they needed in that moment is a direct effect
Direct effect of the domestic terrorism place. I have thousand twenty -three. I have to disagree
Because I have a different view on that Maybe not a popular view But I actually think that somebody wanted that They wanted gun control.
So they allowed it to happen and that's why no one was sent in Someone had had to give the order for them to stand down and I still haven't heard
Yeah, there's so so if you listen to Jocko Willink He went through a whole bunch of things that did not add up with that whole
Scenario the fact that the police chief shows up and he doesn't even have a radio to communicate with all the other officers
And the radios weren't even working though. Yeah, that's also a problem Yeah, I mean the only thing that adds up is that someone wanted mass murder so that they would be able to push through which was what they they basically tried to do is push through a
You know gun control 1808 house bill 1808. Yes. I posted this on Twitter.
I Put a poll out and If you guys want to follow me on Twitter, it's it's a
I'm at Andrew underscore SFE But I it was very interesting. What I asked is are there more mass shootings in America than in the past years and It was very evenly split thirty two per thirty two point seven percent said more
Thirty -six point five percent the largest one said same and then thirty point eight percent said less
Now it's interesting because the ones that were right were the fewest number the thirty point eight percent say less
There's actually less shootings now In in recent years than we've had in the last like decade
So so the reality is look at this and go that doesn't seem right because we hear a lot more about it.
That's right That's what's happened. We're hearing a lot more about it Yeah, you hear a lot more about that But you don't hear a lot more about the the murder that takes place in Chicago places like Chicago Her in Atlanta where we are
Every weekend. Yeah No, goodness gracious. No, it's it's it's getting just as bad as as places in Chicago But you're not hearing about that because it doesn't fit the narrative
Yeah, and the cook can patrol here says almost every mass shooting is a complete hoax
Look look into crisis actors now There is a valid point to be made here because we have actually seen
Some of the same people in multiple of these mass shootings, which is kind of interesting How did they
I've seen that too? But I'm gonna err on the side of not going down that road because there are people that have lost their lives
Oh, no. No, I'm not saying it didn't happen. I There are people, you know, there are people who?
You know like that. I forget the guy's last name David who he's he's an anti -gunner David David Hogg who's been it
School shootings like in high school. So so he managed somehow to be at the high schools of two in two different states
You know Oh, okay. I mean it it does raise questions and it is interesting that usually we hear about these things in an election year
Correct. One of those things they're trying to get pushed through during an election year, but then especially the
Uvalde incident How does this kid with no job with nothing have all these magazines and all these rounds of ammunition and this very expensive gun
Daniel defense AR and he had an Smith and Wesson When someone calculate all the price of that was several thousands of dollar
It was at least five grand the rifles alone were five grand But what what has been this world and then the accessories?
Well, the red dot that came the red dot came on the the Daniel defense AR and an M &P 15 comes standard with it, too
But the but the the ammo alone, I mean 1600 rounds Oh, absolutely, man
Magazines, you know all the magazines, but it came out that he used his grandmother's debit card in her account
And a credit card to any purchase them, you know, he purchased them after he turned 18. So Yeah So so what we end up seeing is there is a strong contrast that I'll make between what we see
What's defined as terrorism today versus what really is right? All right You know
J 316 ministry says good evening from Lexington, South Carolina I was called a
Christian nationalist for saying that salvation is available through Christ alone
I'm not surprised by that. He also says domestic terrorism would be synonymous with progressive left and that's who's generating this and What you end up seeing is
I'm not surprised that they would say if you say That salvation is in Christ alone
That means you're actually a Christian The idea of Christian nationalism is is somehow
Christians want to it's almost as if they they're trying to say all Christians are theonomists
That that we want the So, I mean because it's the
Theonomists would be the ones to say we want to have enough people be be Christian in America to be able to Have a
Christian nation to be able to You know basically enforce
Christian values that is what they think is what is what they're explaining is what what
Christian nationalism is that we want to force Everybody to go to church on Sunday I mean, that would be nice, but you'd be damaging to the church any true
Christian does not want unbelievers in the church Like filling churches, we want them getting saved and coming to churches
But if if we're gonna force people You know to come to church.
It's gonna it's gonna radically, you know water down the church And that would be a problem
Have non -believers in the church is to not have a church Correct is the the church by its nature is the bride of Christ.
It's it's the body of Christ So it's only those who have been called out from the world and brought into the fold of God So to have non -believers in the church is to not have a church now when we start talking about theonomy and God's law
There's there's a couple different ways to view it There are some of those that are that top -down very heavy -handed authority.
That would say we need to get people in in in Government positions and we need to force
God's law Like I hear you, but maybe not right.
I'm more of a bottom -up kind of guy where I believe it begins with self -government self -government and then the government of my home and then we move that to the government government of the church and then it begins to As we move in our sanctification and discipleship of one another actually correct our society and communities that we live in so it
I mean but you know at the end of the day if we even believe in the Ten Commandments as God's law then and some point some way
Is there there's a theonomic view it just depends on how far you go and and where you're willing to draw the line
Yeah, yeah, that's a good point brother and I and I and I agree with you as as you know And I think everybody who knows us knows that I'm not a post -millennial.
You are I'm pre mill and I agree with what you're saying and that's why when we when we
Ask this question or when we we we broach the topic of Christian nationalism or our
Christians domestic terrorists. We first have to define What a Christian is because because what you end up seeing in in the whole of the professing evangelical church today
Is when you ask the question, what is a Christian the responses you get will will astound you So at the outset, we need to look at what a true believer who?
Possesses what they profess looks like and so what are the scriptures teach as far as what a
Christian is? well a Christian is a person made in the image of God who was an enemy of God and Who through no merit of his or her own has been granted justification repentance salvation faith and all the promises as an heir of God Through the completed and ongoing work of the
Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins We see this in Paul's letter to the Ephesians in chapter 2 that we were once Alienated hostile in mind a child of the devil and a child of wrath.
We were sons and daughters of disobedience and We were on a crash course at breakneck speed to spend an eternity in hell enduring the eternal never -ending wrath of God but God He stepped in and while we were his enemy while we were a child of the devil
He applied the life death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins
This is what's known as penal substitutionary atonement to us and then he went a step further and applied the righteous life of Christ to our account and And because of his that being that being
Christ works counted to us as righteousness. We are righteous in his presence
That's a Christian That's someone who is a Christian someone who? Has had their nature completely changed someone who has had the heart of stone replaced with a heart of flesh someone who now
Looks like and and and puts on the divine nature And so now that we've established that we have to look at what the
Christians life should be marked by Concerning our behavior Concerning our conduct in the world.
So a true Christian has a new heart a new nature a new mind and desires that are fueled by a love for their
Heavenly Father and They want to be obedient to their father's command. They want to obey God's law
They don't view God's law as burdensome But it's something they desire to obey a true believer in the
Lord. Jesus Christ is marked by that divine nature And will become more and more conformed into the image of Christ That's Romans 8 29 a true
Christian has been set free to obey God's law which which is what the
Holy Spirit uses to conform each of us more and more into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ a True Christian will not be marked by deeds of the flesh.
We see those in Galatians 5 19 through 21 Okay, a true Christian will be marked by the fruits of the
Spirit our works which have been set apart by God before the foundation of the world are fueled by and they're a result of his workmanship, that's
Ephesians 1 Ephesians 2 10 and And they'll be outwardly visible to our fellow saints
But then also to the outside world and you can find the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5 22 22 through 24
Also see the Apostle Paul like he lays out masterfully in Colossians chapter 3 what the life of the
Christian should look like and then it culminates in this verse that has been something I've tried to and failed
Tried to adhere to and failed multiple times throughout the time I've been a believer but Colossians 3 17 and whatever you do in word or deed you do all in the name of the
Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him a Christian's life is to be marked out by gentleness
Being peaceable and living lives to the glory of God in all things That is the means that is the means of our justification
The means of our justification is the glory of God and to live for the glory of God. We've been marked out
We've been set apart before the foundation of the world to live for and to be a slave to his glory alone
That's what a Christian is. That's what a Christian's life should look like And as Jason Cave says amen if you see a little icon, by the way folks that next to Jason Cave's name
It means he is a member on YouTube. He supports us that way a lot of different ways. You could support striving fraternity
That's one way. So just a shout out to him But yeah, I mean the the problem is is that when we talk
Christian nationalism a the world doesn't understand what Christian is, right? Be they don't understand what nationalism is.
It's because they're redefining That's good man Nationalism is not that we're trying to change
The government system, which is what the left wants to do. They they want to change our government system.
That actually is anti -patriotic National. Mm -hmm.
We just want to support what is the founding of this nation? the
Constitution We actually want to support that and keep that in place That's like a proper definition, but they're not using proper definitions anymore.
So Let me get to this this document and you can go to White House Gov and just do a search for the national strategy for countering domestic terrorism so they lay out a plan and and what they have
They do have a fact sheet. That's a shorter version, but they have four pillars
Pillar one is understanding understanding the share the and shared domestic terrorist relate related information pillar to prevent domestic terrorism recruitment and mobilize mobilization to violence pillar three disrupt and deter domestic terrorism activity pillar four
Confront long -term contribute contributors to domestic terrorism now
We look at that and say all those sound really good. Don't they? I mean, this sounds like a good model
Until we dig into what they define as a domestic terrorist So we're gonna go through some of these things but their first strategic goal, right?
So this is under pillar one understanding and share domestic terrorism related information
If I'm if you guys see me looking over to my right it is because I'm reading on that monitor so I know that's probably not good etiquette, but You know,
I mean it is Andrew after all. Yeah That's just excuse I got
I got some back so strategy goal 1 .1 enhance domestic terrorist related research and analysis
Now this is really interesting because what they want to do is they want the ability to use this to get private information to be able to research you and what you do and Look for anything that they're gonna deem then they get to deem it.
What is what defines a terrorist? Now, let me give you I'll give you some of the things now
That defines a terrorist and see if any of you happen to fit into this Okay, so a terrorist have any of you used?
apps like signal or whatsapp or Anything like a proton mail anything that does end -to -end encryption
If you have used anything that does end -to -end encryption in other words if you don't want
You know Joe bad guy who wants to steal your identity to have your identity and you're a little bit concerned about that You might be a domestic terrorist.
I Feel like this is the Jeff Foxworthy skit. You might be a domestic terrorist. Yeah Well, I don't get the references but okay
Is that some pop culture that is like a movie or something comedian music who has this skit? It might be a redneck, you know,
I saw him recently and the guy who opened for him was actually a lot funnier than he was
That's always bad for the main guy. So if you use end -to -end encryption
Now does that mean you're domestic terrorism? Well domestic terrorists and actually many bad guys
Want to use things that are encrypted encrypted phones encrypted emails because they're doing bad things is that a
Reasonable thing sure it is Okay, I have a you know a background for folks who don't know
I have a background many years ago where I used to do you know basically cybersecurity
You know, I have a background in Basically catching bad guys online knowing what people do
Right, and there's there's certain things you end up doing and noticing that bad guys will do they they want to try to hide what?
They're doing does that mean that everybody who uses these things are a bad guy. Well, we'll know because quite frankly
There's a lot of people out there that are looking to steal your passwords your email addresses your phone numbers any
Information they can get on you and then they're gonna go get some credit cards They're gonna get themselves some accounts so that they can get free stuff on your name and ruin your credit not theirs
Right that happens so having a little bit concerned with that you you use gmail
Gmail is free Now some folks in this audience may not remember when email was actually had to pay to have an email service
Okay Gmail came out and hotmail and it was free when it's free.
Guess what? You're the product Okay, they're they're selling you they're selling you what you say and that's why when you use gmail
Whether you realized it or not you agreed That they could look into any of your emails and do what they want with it.
Yep there was someone who I was listening to a podcast and he said he never talks about Nixon ever and He was just Happened to mention something about Nixon and just mentioning
Nixon all of a sudden. He was getting ads like on Facebook about going to the Nixon library and So, you know, it can be trouble actually speaking of trouble here.
He is What's the reason radio That was kind of funny because he knew as soon as I said speaking of trouble he started to laugh he knew
So two Andrews and two Chris's you're right. Actually the in the Andrews are on top of the we're wearing blue That tells you
That looks black blue Trigger some folks
You want you you it's done else you were gonna do and trigger you're gonna clean something and Sure was
So When we so that's one of the elements one of the other elements some really interesting things if you believe
That the elections in 2020. We're not the most secure elections ever your domestic terrorism
No, no, you think about that and go well, I mean if you watch the movie 2 ,000 mules Uh not saying from that that Biden didn't win the election.
I Mean it is kind of a mathematical miracle
That Biden, you know had got enough votes to win the election. Don't quite know how that that could happen
But I remember that in math class Sure. Yeah, how'd you how'd you even arrive at the answer?
It just appeared. Yeah It truckload of ballots just appeared Yeah, so if you dare to question no, it's interesting because every time a
Republican wins Democrats are declaring Guys in for you know,
Chris drew in your state. Don't you have a governor that or an a Candidate who still has not conceded to her the guv that she lost the governorship that woman is the devil incarnate.
Yeah But but not like her like nobody questions when she says she still has not conceded
I know but she's running again If Trump doesn't concede then clearly there's a problem.
Clearly. It's it's insurrection, right? Okay Well, I mean even after me so look at 2016 right almost immediately
After Trump won the election in 2016, the Democrats were calling for impeachment because they believe he stole the election.
Correct Correct. I mean the narrative for the left never changes. It's just you know, it's always the same thing
It's just they they whatever happens in reality. They just go. Oh, that's because you know
Republicans are bad, right? Right, that's that's their their their talking points are like, oh, he's the same
But one of the other things if you questioned the kovat vaccines
That makes you a domestic terrorist Okay Chris you're just in a bad bad spot.
I've checked I've checked all these boxes. Yeah When we look through this
I just as we look at these different things they're talking about This is what they're referring to people who question the elections
Question the vaccines who use who use things like encrypted email or encrypted messaging systems
It's like look I I use a VPN Okay a virtual It's basically what it does is it allows me to on my side
Whenever anything goes out of the computer it encrypts it virtually sends it to a private network
And that's what VPN stands for on the other end. It decrypts it Sends the information out to wherever I'm going on the internet brings it back in re encrypts it and sends it across So my
ISP that the internet provider cannot see
What I'm putting out there. They're not able to see it because it's encrypted They can see that I'm on a
VPN and that's it now the VPN They can see where I'm going and what
I'm doing But guess what? I have ways where Google and others They're they're not able to see what
I'm doing. Why because I don't need them to know my information I don't want to know that just because I mentioned
Nixon that they're gonna come up on the Nixon library, right? It's it's it's an amazing thing that ends up happening and you could try because you have this device called a cell phone
And you keep your your, you know, Facebook at that app up and I've actually done this
You have Facebook and it is still activating your microphone. Even when the app isn't there it's it's a known fact that That a lot of bad guys have been caught overseas by hacking phones and just listening
Just gathering intelligence and gathering information By by just listening.
These are to quote. I mean, it's a fiction. It's a it's a work of fiction, but the
The book the terminalist by Jack Carr. They're little tracking devices that happen to make phone calls
Yeah That and that they are. Yeah. Well, there was a there was a movie years ago called eagle -eye.
Yeah and And the basically the idea was the NSA or government whoever was was able to Monitor where he was using tapping into other people's cameras and phones conversations and while they were filming
Shy said I don't believe any of this is actually possible the
NSA who were consultants on the movie Pulled up a phone conversation from like three or four years ago and played it for him and he freaked out
Yeah Yeah, and and they're listening to us right now. I'm sure Well, I don't believe
I don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Just say correct Don't get me started on that Extra credit points.
Don't get me started on that. Don't get me or Chris started on that And then forward.
Okay Back you know, I actually met Side note
I met the author and one of the consultants on that movie when I was in Dallas was just thinking last year
He had a new book out that showed some some additional photo evidence They found a roll of film that had some additional photos on there that weren't able to be developed in 1963 and then beyond And he got him developed and posted a new book and he was there and so I had a fantastic conversation with him
So Chris you trying to say son no from Voice of Reason, okay
Okay So so I just as I go through this I just want you to realize who they define as a domestic terrorist
They're they're not defining the people who? Robbed stores broke into stores looting and rioting
You know every night for a year and a half. I mean until the election Right every night this was on the news all weekend long the summer of rage
They were looking for another one of them. They were calling it that again but I guess people excuse me are not that interested in abortion that they're going to go right over but the reality is that The that that was as they said to to affect the election to affect the country
That is the very definition of terrorism now, do they fit into this? No, that's not who they're going after Because if you happen to get off of Facebook Well, you know, that's that makes you a terrorist humble clay says the most peaceful rage
And so this this gets Chris what you were saying you were gonna send out but KT says don't they think the
Betsy Ross flag is dangerous and and that's one of the icons I sent that out when I mentioned it and it didn't show up.
Oh Really? Okay, let's try it again. Send it to me and I'll Interesting send it to me and I'll see if we can get at least
I think I think project Veritas has been shadow banned from YouTube Wonder if that's
I just posted it again and it's not there. I'll text it to you injured. Okay interesting Well, I will put it in the show notes for the podcast
So you guys could if you get if you follow the podcast politics live, you'll be able to to get that That's quite interesting.
So we'll see. All right. Let me see. I will try this and see whether or not
Maybe it's just that I I can only I could post links. Let's see There it is.
Yeah, you did it So maybe that's it we we we don't want to think bad things about them until Until they actually shut you down.
Yeah Well, we can think bad things. They've done it over and it go for it. Yeah So we're just gonna be careful with this particular claim
As we go through this these strategies I want you to see that this is something that if properly defined we wouldn't have an issue with yeah
And and so my question would be you look at this and say Had this been applied to black lives matter organization and Antifa Which I personally think
Trump shouldn't just declared them as a terrorist organization and that would have radically changed the discussion It wouldn't have changed people who would vote for him or not.
Yeah You know the people who don't think that they're a radical organization They're not they weren't gonna vote for Trump anyway, so it doesn't matter right, you know
He should have just declared them a terrorist organization and written you know and and and dealt with it because then the whole discussion would have been different because people would have seen as they're they're
Riding on the streets every night that this is a problem Yeah, so so the first strategy strategic goal and this is again under pillar one is just the understanding
So this is to understand so with this is the goal of this is that they call understanding is how do we take?
Your freedoms away from you Now the first step of it they said is enhanced domestic terrorist relate terrorism related research and analysis so they want to work with different government forces and outside companies now that becomes very interesting because What they're what they're doing and actually they wanted to set up something within the
Postal Service as Part of this which was a strange thing So why the Postal Service?
Because the Postal Service is the only part of the government that is both private and in the private sector and public sector
That's a difference. They were they were made private is semi private many years ago and Because of that they can kind of breach two
Areas, so as a private company they can work with Facebook and these other companies
As a private company, but as a government they can then share that information with government entities
Because there's supposed to be a division there And what you see and we've seen this since I mean this has come out since I've did the podcast on the rap report
Dealing with this national strategy for counterterrorism When we dealt with it, we talked about the fact that what they're what they're doing is wanting to use
Private business as an arm of the government. See the government has limitations.
The government cannot limit your speech You have a freedom to speak
Even if they don't like what you say, that's part of the government. But a private business can a
Private business can limit your speech The issue though is is that what we see now and and this administration has said it
Publicly that they're working with Facebook and Twitter and YouTube to take down the government is telling them
Posts that they want taken down and now we've seen a Freedom of Information Act where those have been exposed
So we now know that Facebook and Twitter and others are are acting as an arm of the government
Doing what the go at the government's behest and therefore they're now in a state of acting illegally
But that's exactly what this first strategy is Okay, it's to get is to enhance the research the strategy 1 .2
is to improve the information sharing across all levels within as well as Outside the federal government.
Well, this is what I was just sharing It there is a 14th amendment that prevents the federal government from looking into your privacy
They are not allowed to do that and yet they're using outside companies to do that and saying well
It's okay because they're a private company not when they act as an arm of the federal government.
That's right. That's crucial That's right. And so when they're saying in this that they want to improve information from those outside of the federal government
Those companies are acting as an arm of the government and breaking the law Because now what they're trying to do is they're trying to use the the ruse of the private business
To be able to do what they legally can't do strategic goal 1 .3
And you guys could jump in just raise your hand. Let me know and this is good brother. Keep going strategic goal 1 .3
is illuminate Transnational aspects of domestic terrorism
So so this is the idea that they they're gonna now highlight they they they get this information they want to be able to highlight this and And be able to they say this we have already increased our focus on information sharing with state local tribal and Territorial partners by providing more information with more details more quickly
So in other words, they want to get this information better information quicker information But remember they want to get this from Outside of the government.
Yeah, and and just remember that prior to 9 -eleven Information sharing was rather limited that one of the big reasons that 9 -eleven happened is you didn't have a
You didn't have the ability for a lot of organizations to share information What are the Patriot Patriot Act do opened up those avenues and made it possible for different agencies and entities to do that?
And a lot triggering me And a lot of folks at the time, of course, nobody really thought about oh, yes
It's all meant for two ever for those terrible terrorists overseas And it wasn't until we began to see the the federal government using those same tools upon their own citizens
United States began to realize how bad that was and That that's when you hear something like this think back to as far back as Patriot Act Because that's what is allowing not only are they using private entities to gather information
Which when you do that and you're now working in your conjunction, they shouldn't be able to do what they're doing You're now using that Which you aren't allowed to do and you what you not used to be able to do
Now because of the Patriot Act you can do so you're getting you've got it on multiple levels Where they have set up very various layers over time to now make this possible
Okay, so I get it. I get to address that well and before you but before you do Andrew just a second
So here here here's something that's that that is also concerning. Okay, and that that same section
Moreover the Department of the Patriot Act that you're reading from huh? No, I'm not reading from Patriot Act. Oh, you're reading
Okay, I'm reading from this from from the from the thing from the White House moreover the Department of Treasury in coordination with law enforcement and other interagency partners is exploring ways to enhance the
Identification and analysis of financial activity Associated with domestic terrorists and their foreign counterparts as well as enhancing engagement with engagement with financial institutions on domestic terrorist financing including through existing provisions of the
Bank Secrecy Act Yeah, now you remember what happened up in Canada you drove up.
They're trying to do here Okay, so so a bunch of things to deal with right so first off Kate KT is saying
I think we all want Andrew on our law team. I Think I'm the only one in my family not a lawyer.
So All right. So here that's why you argue like one got it
You have to understand son being raised Jewish the Jewish people we we debate we don't actually
You know just as you know, my dad would could sit around dinner table and just be like, okay Andrew You're gonna you're gonna take the pro -slavery.
You mentioned my brother. You're gonna be against slavery go for it, right? And there's no emotion to it this is the hard thing for me because social media everyone has so much emotion when they're debating and and I don't have that and I've realized people don't recognize that like Like everyone thinks
I got some emotion when it's like because if I disagree, it's like no, it's just sharpening skills. Okay, so Okay, you mentioned
Patriot Act Opening up the communications the reality is those communications used to be open
They got shut down And a lot of people don't know why they got shut down I had a real problem when they did after 9 -eleven they had a panel discussion or a panel that that to investigate the whole thing with You know, what caused what was the the cause of 9 -eleven and they attributed it to a memo
That put a wall between the CIA and FBI to be able to communicate Okay, here's here's the reason
I had a real issue with it the reason I had an issue with that is because The person who was running that committee
Was the one who wrote that memo that's a conflict of interest
Hmm. Yeah, just a little Why did she during the Clinton administration write that memo and restrict that?
There was a name most most people here probably won't know this name Charlie tree If you know who it is, you you know immediately what
I'm talking about Charlie tree was someone who had helped to fund Basically a million dollars that came from the
Chinese government to the Clinton reelection campaign The CIA had him basically
Clinton was playing rough with China China didn't like it. No one could find
Charlie tree and all of a sudden Charlie tree just is dropped He's dropped in America FBI have him
CIA has information on him and all of a sudden They can't communicate anymore and when they couldn't communicate
Because of that memo They had no case against Charlie tree the
FBI had no case against Charlie tree and had to drop everything So what caused 9 -11?
Bill Clinton did because he wanted to protect himself and Wanted to be able to make sure that he didn't get in trouble for taking funds from another country
Hey, wait, wait, and there was someone in the comments earlier that talked about Hunter Biden. Wow, sounds familiar
I don't want to discuss Hunter Biden, but what's on that laptop him saying they got 10 million dollars from a foreign country huh, could that be a
Influencing some of the things we have going on Well, let's see. We just gave huge amounts of oil reserves to China to a company that Hunter Biden owns 10 % of we know that he worked on a board and Ukraine and we're suddenly giving them
Millions upon hundreds of millions of dollars to fund a war that we're not involved millions
Kind of makes you wonder What's going on? And so? So, all right, we got we got someone backstage
I'm gonna have to I'm gonna just have to bring them in here because I just from the looks of it and the name
I This I just don't know but let me Listen in I am a blue general
Akbar Go to meet stick
Well General do you have anything for us?
You have any questions for us tonight general I do not I will give you backstage, we may not have chickens, but we do have abalone.
I don't even know what to say. With his goat meat stick. With his goat meat stick, it's always great, it is always great to bring
Josh in, we never know what to expect. Definitely, I'll give you that. See, I have the advantage as a host to be able to see backstage what's going on.
And usually if we don't have Chris on screen or John on screen, it's always entertaining for us.
KT says hilarious. It's fun to watch, we get to see
Chris, the facial expressions that Chris does when he's not online. I do not hide the expressions well, they just come out.
Eyebrows. Last week. Oh yes, those eyebrows, man. Eyebrows.
All right, it's back to serious stuff now. All right, let me get some of the comments.
Yeah, so let me get to some of the comments. So here Kathy is saying, greetings from Pennsylvania, thank you for covering this.
Watched it on The Wrap Report also, so thank you for that, Kathy. J316 Ministries has given a lot of comments tonight.
Humble Clay usually is the one giving most of the comments. Jason Cave always gives a lot, but J316 has given a lot tonight.
He says, the left spent decades weaponizing the judges basically, the whole justice system, but I'm gonna expand that to say law enforcement because we're now seeing the
FBI, the State Department, and all of that acting on the whims of the
Democrats. So basically trying to enforce a one -party system.
But let me get back to what J316 says. In order to advance legislation, they couldn't get through Congress.
All major companies are notoriously left spewing on the same agenda of the progressive left, tear down the institutions established by God, gender, marriage, sexuality, family, in order to usurp
God's authority. And he's right on. This has been a longstanding pattern and plan that they've had.
People have said this is what you can, we can predict what's gonna happen and it happens. Why? Because the game plan is clear.
And this is their plan. And they are using it to basically get, as we're seeing in this document, it is to silence anyone who's going to disagree.
What is January 6th really about is very simple. It's about silencing any more protesters that would dare, dare to stand up and question what the
Democrats do. There are people still in prison that were arrested and have not been shown due process per the
Constitution to this day, on January 6th. And that should be, and it used to be illegal, at least before Obama, that was illegal.
It's still illegal. I was about to say that. It's still illegal per the Constitution. They're just ignoring it. And the problem that this boils down to is this is what you see with every totalitarian regime.
They have their useful idiots, and I hate using that term because it sounds like I'm being mean, but it's what it is.
You are a useful idiot. They will drum up support from their base to get somebody to do something.
We saw this, Hitler had his SS and RS. These were the people that would go out and cause commotions where there were speaking events that they disagreed with, and they would cause mass problems.
Why? So that he could get people to support what he was doing and blame the other side.
And that's what's happening. When you have Antifa, when you have BLM, and all these individuals, they're given preferential treatment so that they are the ones that are seen as the heroes.
They're the ones standing up against injustice, et cetera, et cetera. Then you see people who, whether they were tricked or coerced into doing it, or they were stupid and they went into the building.
Either way, they did nothing compared to what these other individuals done, but they are the ones portrayed as, this is what
Antifa and BLM are trying to fight against. All the while, your
Antifa and your BLM are the useful idiots that will one day put in the same corrals as your January 6th people.
And this is what authoritarian tyrannical leaders do.
They get everybody to think, you need us to solve this problem that we created.
And then now that we've got everybody is supporting us, you're all the enemy.
You're all gonna be the ones put into the concentration camps or the prisons or whatever, because now we have the authority.
We now, we don't need you anymore. Once authoritarian control is put in place, everybody who thinks, right?
I'm sorry, if you are a progressivist or a leftist, if you are a Democrat and you think that the government in no way, shape or form would ever use this authority against you, you are a fool.
I'm just gonna say this right out, you are a fool. All you have to do is open up a history book. Oh, I'm sorry, those are typically banned in most schools anymore.
But open a history book of any tyrannical regime. And this is what they've done.
You will have this same authority used against you. You will not be exempt from it because you supported them.
Because the moment you go, hey, wait a second, I don't like, that's it, you're done. They refuse to see it.
And that's why they are called useful idiots. That's the correct term. You know, Chris, I've got a book sitting on my shelf back there.
It's called, They Thought They Were Free. And what it's about is it's about, he was basically a reporter, he's a
Jewish reporter, but he befriended like six Nazi soldiers, former Nazi soldiers.
And he went through just getting their story of what happened and what was going on.
And these are guys that thought they were doing good things. It wasn't later until they, now some of them, they just didn't care because they were promised they were promised houses.
They were promised education for their kids. They were promised money. Other guys, once they started doing it, they started realizing, whoa, this is wrong.
Yeah. This is absolutely wrong. But now they were caught and they could, it was either, okay, you're either gonna do it or you're gonna die.
Yeah. Well, you read Richard Wurlbrown, his Tortured for Christ.
He starts off talking about all those Christians who said, we need to support Hitler. And he said, it was him and others that immediately went to the concentration camps and what happened later?
The other Christians followed. Yeah. You know, there is one Jewish person that was in the
Nazi regime that believed in the theory of what they're promoting and still promotes it today.
And you know his name, George Soros. Mm -hmm.
Now, you know, like why is he, a supporter of Nazism, allowed to be supporting all of this agenda?
Yeah, it makes you wonder. But let's get back to our pillars here. So the pillar two, let's deal with pillar two.
Pillar two now is to prevent domestic terrorism, recruitment, and mobilization of violence.
So that sounds good, right? You don't want, you wanna be able to stop the recruitment of terrorism, right?
You wanna stop the mobilization to violence. The interesting thing is, just because I use a end -to -end encrypted email or messaging, that means
I'm going to be violent? Well, in this document, yes, that is the assumption. Now, not that I've seen this, but when
I talked about this, people started telling me about a movie called, now I'm trying to remember it, Minority Report, I think it was.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so the gist of this movie, and you guys who maybe have seen it can correct me, but the gist of the movie is some guy who is a cop in the future, and they have these sages or whatever that tell them what someone's gonna do in the future, and they predict behavior.
And so this cop arrests people before they commit an act to be able to prevent the crime from actually happening.
And then he discovers that his own name comes up. And so that's kind of the film. And so that's what they're looking to do.
They're arguing, we need to prevent it before it happens. So we need to, we do all this gathering of information to find out who fits in our definition of a terrorist.
And now this pillar is how they're gonna prevent it before it happens. Yeah, now look at something that they do under here, under this first strategic goal, okay?
Well, let me read that goal before you get to that. Okay, go for it, go for it, yeah. Strategic goal 2 .1 is strengthen domestic terrorism, prevent, sorry, let me read it again.
Strengthen domestic terrorism prevention, resources, and services. So this is the strengthening of those resources and the services.
Right, so in this paragraph that's under this pillar, listen to this. It also means reducing access to assault weapons and high capacity magazines and enforcing legal prohibitions that keep firearms out of dangerous hands.
Such prevention efforts must be pursued while safeguarding civil rights and civil liberties, including privacy protections, and while avoiding discrimination, bias, and stereotyping.
There is so much wrong with that statement, those sentences.
Now, let me highlight something very, very important. Again, remember, it's what they classify as domestic terrorism.
And going back to what you guys were talking about with Hitler, okay? And any other totalitarian, tyrannical regime, what's one of the first things they take away?
Guns. These, they take away these. And then, oh no, we're not gonna take them away. We're gonna limit these, 17 round mag out of a semi -automatic pistol.
This would be illegal to buy, sell, or transfer if the House Bill 1808 passes through the
Senate and makes it to Biden's desk. This will be illegal. And so, what's one of the first things that the totalitarian, tyrannical governments do?
They disarm the citizens. Well, they're helpful because if they're the only ones with the arms, you can't fight against them.
That's right. Let's ask Australia about that. Right. Here's the thing that's real interesting because during the
Black Lives Matter protests, I heard something very amazing on CNN.
They had a bunch of people down in, I forget what city, black men that were walking around open -carrying
AR -15s. And they were interviewed. And this is what the guy said, and I'm gonna paraphrase.
I can't remember a word for it, but he basically said, you know, the Second Amendment is not for hunting.
The Second Amendment is to be able to have arms to go against a government, the
U .S. government, if they are not going by the will of the people. He's actually right, right?
Now, they could open carry during Black Lives Matter. No one seemed to care.
In fact, they could say they were doing it to fight against the government. And everyone said, yes.
You know what's interesting, Andrew, is before all of the riots and protests took place, there was actually a rally in Washington, DC around the
Second Amendment. Do you remember this? Yes, I do. You had thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people that were there armed, not one shot fired.
And they said that there was gonna be tons of violence that was gonna happen. We can't let this happen. There's gonna be carnage, there's gonna be chaos.
Not one shot was fired. Here's an interesting thing that folks may not know about January 6th, okay?
So you look at the events that, and this is why I believe it was a complete setup by the
Democrats. Because when you, and you could go see, there's a documentary, January 6th film,
I forget the website for it, but that covers some of this. But what you end up seeing as you look at the timeline.
I got stuck into a phenomenal episode with somebody who's done a bunch of research as well. I'll try to find that and send that to you too.
Okay, because what you end up seeing is, here they are, they move the gates so people can come forward.
As they came forward, they start firing smoke into the crowds. Yeah, tear gas. They're getting people agitated.
You have already that we know that there were known agitators there. And it's amazing because those known agitators have not seen a day in jail.
But other people have. People who didn't plan to go in, there's a woman who she actually has on video.
She's a reporter and she was, she got caught up in the crowd pushing her into the Capitol when they opened the doors. And she's talking to an officer saying, are we allowed to be in here?
She didn't want to go in if she wasn't allowed. And the crowd moved her in and she actually just pushed herself against the wall because she didn't want to go any further until an officer could help her get out if she wasn't supposed to be there.
And she got charged. You know what she got charged for? Keeping the officer from doing his duty.
Now wait, she wasn't looking to be in there and she's got that on film, right?
So you look at this and you go, it's like the comparison. Hopefully you're going like, this is crazy.
But they were agitating it. Now here's something that I haven't seen people talk about, but because I know people who were there.
Once they started clearing everybody out of the building, all of the parking garages locked down.
People had nowhere to go. They had hundreds of thousands of people that had to stay overnight in the mall area because they had nowhere to go.
They couldn't get to their cars. They couldn't get out of the city. And the Black Lives Matter protesters Antifa were coming in, but I think they were just overwhelmed with the number of people, the
Trump supporters that day, and no violence broke out. But I think they assumed,
I think all along that they assumed that Trump protesters were like Democrat protesters and just like to do violence for the sake of doing violence because they're being allowed to do it.
And so the reality is they weren't that way. And there wasn't all the carnage that they expected.
And as soon as people can get to their cars, they went to their cars and they went home. Now it's interesting because the same technology they used to track all of the people that were in the
Capitol that day is the same technology used to track the 2 ,000 mules in that documentary.
Amazing. It only works, the technology only works for January 6th. It doesn't work for - It only works one way, Andrew. Yeah.
One way. Yeah. So strategic goal 2 .2, address online terrorist recruitment and mobilize to violence, mobilize to violence by domestic terrorism.
So what this is, is are you online as a Christian? Are you disagreeing with the, do you think that the government has overreached?
Well, that's one of the signs of a domestic terrorist, that you think the government has overreached.
Now it's interesting because Black Lives Matter was very clear. I mean, that whole protest, right?
They were very clear that they thought the government had overreached. In fact, they thought it had to be overthrown, but yet they're not being targeted in this
Biden administration document. So where was this with the guy, going back to Uvalde, where was this with the guy who was all over social media talking about what he was gonna do, right?
Where was the guy in Buffalo? Yeah. I mean, these guys telegraphed.
They telegraphed and thank God for the law abiding citizen in Indiana, who did what he did.
Otherwise that situation would have been worse, but that guy was the same way. He's posting, you know, look, I don't typically post pictures of any arsenal that I have online for this very reason, but these guys are,
I mean, clearly something's not right. And so where was all this then?
Well, I mean, if you stop and think about, I mean, if your intended goal is to target a certain group of people, you're not using the tools to actually look for actual violent extremism.
I was perusing this document. Thank you, Chris, for sending it to me. And so much of it sounds like standard legalese documents
I've seen, you know, briefings for years. And on the surface, if you read it as an actual, this is a government document on domestic terrorism, you wouldn't think much of it.
It goes back to what Andrew said though. What have they said about domestic terrorism? Go back to Department of Justice classifying the soccer mom who objects to CRT being taught in the schools and is there angry because the school has been doing this for years and has been lying to them.
And now she says, we're coming for you. We're coming for your jobs. Now she's classified as a domestic terrorist. So the point of this document isn't to actually target what is real domestic terrorism.
The point of this document is to say, these are the tools that we have and we're going to use. And we already have, as we have already said, what we have in mind for domestic terrorists.
And if you're Christian, if you're conservative, if you're white, if you oppose CRT, if you oppose
LGBTQI agenda, if you oppose a government overreach, if you oppose any of these things, and you're concerned that because of Google and Facebook and Twitter and all the work that they're doing in conjunction with the government to shut down that speech, you must be somebody that we have to be afraid of because those are the people we saw on January 6th.
People aren't paying attention to this. Most people would look at this and think, okay, kind of some of it goes a little past my head.
I don't understand the legalese jargon, but they're trying to target violent extremists. But what are they classifying as violent extremists?
Not DLM, not Antifa. They are talking anybody that agreed with, even of any principle that was espoused by the individuals who went in on January 6th, that's what they're focused on.
And so that's why they're saying racially motivated. That's why they're identifying LGBTQIA plus,
I'm losing the track of that, sorry. And all - It's easy to do that a lot of letters, buddy. Yeah, they're just alphabet.
They keep adding. Yeah, just give them the alphabet. That's what they want at this point. But you have to recognize what it is they are targeting.
These are the tools that aren't, they're not, when you say, well, where were these things? The reason it's like a cop who can't find a, a criminal who can't find a cop, he doesn't want to find him.
It's the law enforcement, sadly, and I hate to say this because of who
I am, law enforcement has been galvanized, at least at the federal level, for sure, to look for a certain class.
That's what you're looking for. You're looking for a certain class. So all these tools are available to you, but you are told, look for this.
Now, if that's not political, politically motivated enforcement of the law, I don't know what is.
This is what is the problem is that when we give tools to government, we say, yes, please do this.
I would rather have a little less freedom and a little more safety. You've lost it all because once you give this over and you think they're going to use it for, it's like, hold on a second.
Five minutes ago, you were saying you can't trust cops. You can't trust, you know, people with guns who get gunned down people in the streets, but let's trust the people you don't trust with this authority.
Yep. Yeah. And the thing is, is that when we see this, this is our own government doing this.
And this is the problem. Like this document, like you said, it's worded and it should be a fine document if they properly defined what a terrorist is.
That's the problem. And so, you know, let me give you a son, you know, we'll test people's memories.
Valerie Plume, if anyone remembers that name, George W.
Bush was president and there was a woman, Valerie Plume, whose husband was a reporter and he goes out, he goes overseas, he comes up with this thing to say that there was no weapons of mass destruction.
There, the claim that Bush had for about yellow cake, that was the antithesis of him going to war was made up.
He did it based off of intelligence they got from the UK. And what happened was, is a reporter,
Robert Novak writes an article. He writes an article that is, that basically was saying that you had the
Bush administration, or well, he wrote it, so saying that Valerie Plume got to, or her husband actually, got to go overseas because Valerie Plume worked for the
CIA. People were up in arms. Oh, he, you know, someone in the
Bush administration is so upset that this, you know, that their whole argument was blown that they outed a
CIA agent. Well, that was the claim.
Let's deal with some facts, by the way. They said they put lives at risk. There's actually a movie that was done about her.
And the way they did it in the movie was to portray it as if there were lives overseas in Middle Eastern countries, a doctor who is a woman doctor who's gonna die because she was working with Valerie Plume to help against terrorism.
And now she's abandoned. And because of that being abandoned, oh, maybe we should answer this.
Hold on a second. Look, it's Justin Peters calling during Apologetics Live.
Hello, Justin. Oh, are you on Apologetics Live right now? Where are you right now?
Hello. You know, there's an easier way to join Apologetics Live than through the speaker on the phone.
Yeah, okay, well, I was just calling to see how you were doing. Well, I guess
I'll have to call you later for that. Yeah, yeah. Or you could just join us. All right,
I couldn't resist. I'll talk to you later. Okay, I'll have fun.
All right, so - Doesn't he know what time it is? Yeah, he does. You know,
I sent a message saying, hey, who's gonna be on the show tonight? So, all right, so here's the thing.
Valerie Plume was, they claim that Bush exposed a undercover agent.
She was not undercover at the time. Anyone know why she wasn't undercover at the time? No. Okay, here's why.
I can't remember this, I can't remember now. She was taken off cover because she was making out with a boyfriend on her second date in her car and said, oh,
I work for the CIA. Oops. Hmm. Now, you're not supposed to do that when you work undercover.
Nope. Okay, you have certain rules you don't expose. You're not allowed to even say the agency you'd work for.
Okay? These are the rules when you're doing classified work. Well, she was taken off of that type of work because she kept telling people,
I work for the CIA. Okay. That must have been her first job. Yeah.
Yeah, I work for the CIA. Yeah. So, here's the thing. Why do I bring this up? Because when they created, we spent millions of dollars in an investigation and they kept investigating until they got somebody in the
Bush administration that they can say he did something wrong. And they got a guy named
Scooter Libby. Scooter Libby couldn't remember a date. That's what it came down to. I remember that. Yeah, how's our memory?
Can you remember dates and times of everything? He couldn't remember a date, he got a date wrong.
They charged him with lying. With perjury, but he went to jail.
But that's not how it got reported. It was Scooter Libby that supposedly was the kingpin of this whole thing.
And that proved that the Bush administration had done it. Well, here's what ended up happening. The very first interview when they started to investigate it, the very first interview, which makes sense, was
Robert Novak, the guy who wrote the article that exposed all this. And Robert Novak had a gag order until this thing was all wrapped up.
When it was finally released, Robert Novak said, the first thing they asked me was, is
Chris Armitage your source? And he said, yes. Now, once they knew that, there was no need to continue investigating who his source was.
Right? He just admitted who the source was. They knew the source. There was no need for millions of dollars of an investigation.
Who is Chris Armitage? That he had worked within the State Department and was a
Democrat supporter, working against the government that he works for.
He suffered no consequences of that. I bring that up to say what bothers me is we see, if you look at the case with the governor of Michigan, with the supposed threat of her life, the kidnapping attempt, you had the
FBI involved in that. 19 FBI agents that were involved in that.
And the people who they charged, they actually weren't really planning it. It was the FBI going, well, couldn't we do this?
They were undercover pretending to be bad guys and encouraging these guys and getting them to say enough things that they can indict them.
But these guys never actually planned it. People with all the ideas was the FBI. It was a setup.
These are the very people that are writing this document. And so when we look at this third pillar, the third pillar is to disrupt and deter domestic terrorist activities.
So the first goal, strategic goal three, one, enable appropriate enhanced investigation and prosecution of domestic terrorism crimes.
Can we talk January 6th? They went in to look for anybody they wanted to enhance an investigation, look into this, to prosecute what they define as domestic terrorism.
And now by this document, they have the right to do it. These are the same people that won't allow for advanced interrogation of known actual extremists and terrorists of people who have committed their lives to a holy war to kill
Americans. They harp and they whine and they complain about their rights, yet they do this.
They wanna give them rights that they don't have as American citizens. These are the same people that fought to close down Gitmo.
Yeah. Yes. You know, KT says, and people wonder why, people question about Ray Epps, who is encouraging people to go in.
Ray Epps has not been seen a day in prison. Ray Epps is one of those guys, the most vocal guy we know, encouraging people the day before riling people up to go into the
Capitol. We gotta go in the Capitol. Yeah. I've said that the reason I don't, that I believe it was a setup, and I've said this on a previous show, is very simply, when you look at the timeline, the
Capitol police came in and disrupted the Senate hearing just at the time that the
Republicans were gonna call for an audit. When Arizona was announcing that they were for Biden, they had to wait for Arizona to call for an audit.
And before Arizona could get done, that's when the Capitol police came in. You know what the problem is?
Nobody was in the building, but they said that's why they had to come in. How did the Capitol police know that people were going to be in the building?
I think what happened was people didn't get in the building in time, they had to stop everybody, and they had to let, they had to open the doors to get people in the building so that they can march the
Senators and House past so that they could see people in the building. And then they could, because they did a strange thing, they didn't take them to the secure location right away, they took them all to another location and then walked them right past all the people in the building to the secure location.
That was a strange behavior. But how did they know people were going to be in the building?
Just something to think about. So, strategic goal 3 .2.
Can I say something about 3 .1? Yeah, I want to as well. Go ahead, Chris. Okay, so last paragraph.
We've been saying federal, federal. This last paragraph is the one you need to watch for.
In addition to increased information sharing, federal law enforcement is offering enhanced domestic terrorism -related resources and training to state, local, tribal, and territorial partners.
This is where the feds are going to get their fingers into the locals. Correct. One of the biggest defenses we've had against federal incursion has been local sheriffs.
So when you had bad gun laws, you had local sheriffs said, we will not enforce it and any fed that comes into our county, you're out.
We'll arrest you. So this is what you see the feds do. Every time the federal government wants to get its fingers into something that they don't have a right to get into, they offer money.
So, and one of the best examples I can explain to you is remember when DUI laws used to be, you had to be 0 .10
blood alcohol content to be considered under the influence. The fed said, if you make it 0 .08,
we'll give you all money. Every state, every single state, boom, down to 0 .08. This is how, if you want federal dollars, if you want federal grants, if you want any assistance from the feds, this is what you're gonna be looking at.
Oh, we'll train your people. We'll tell them what to look for. We'll tell them what ideologies to be looking for.
We'll tell them what kind of resources they need. We will give them everything they need. This is weaponizing local law enforcement.
This is how the federal government, this is one of the things that I have said for many, many years. The, you wanna get the feds out of the state and the control they have, quit taking federal dollars.
It's the federal dollars that they use. And this is one of the things you're gonna see. They're gonna start attempting to push more and more.
And when some law enforcement agencies don't take it, they're gonna take away other resources.
If you don't do this, well, if you're not accepting this and kind of training, you're not getting trained up, then we won't provide these resources here.
You've gotta be trained up on this to have this resource. Those will be the caveats. And remember not long ago, we had a whole slew of law enforcement retire.
The agencies today are still bleeding because of the defund the police movement.
Suddenly after crime waves break out that they don't wanna admit is because of defund the police, they wanna reinvest and hire new officers.
What did you do with that? You got rid of every old dog. You got rid of every cop who knows how to be a cop.
Now you have the federal government saying, we'll give you money, we'll train you, we'll provide you resources.
And you have a whole new crop of people who have not done it the old style and that you're training them up.
This is again, to use your phrasing, Andrew, that's a setup. Yeah, so Chris, that's exactly where I was gonna highlight as well.
And brother, I'm so thankful for your experience as a law enforcement officer and your ability to be able to speak to that.
So, and then I was gonna just, all I was gonna say with that is this also speaks to why we as believers in the
Lord Jesus Christ and as citizens of the country, we need to make sure that we aren't just focused on the big federal elections, that we are taking a very special interest and focus in making sure that we know our local candidates, city council, sheriffs, et cetera, so on and so forth.
Get to know them, get to know your sheriff and you're in your local town, get to know law enforcement in your community.
Be involved in what's going on there in your area of the country because that's incredibly important.
And going back to what we were talking about earlier, Drew with influence, right? If I'm discipling, if I'm living for holiness,
I'm discipling my family after doing that as well, like then we know that we're gonna be involved with the community around us.
We're gonna seek to have a good reputation with our community and they're gonna know us and know who we are, they're gonna know our faces and know what we stand for and we're gonna be able to have those conversations face -to -face.
It's wildly important for us to be involved locally. Go ahead, Drew. What you're saying reminds me of the documentary
Babies Are Still Murdered Here. And there's a section where Vody is on there, Vody Bakum, and he's talking about the impact that a local pastor can have with the sheriff, the local sheriff.
And it's basically just something simple like maybe once a month or once ever so often, write your local sheriff a letter that says, hey, we're praying for you.
Do you need anything? Let us know if we can help you out with anything.
Your local pastor, such and such. That sheriff gets those letters and they get that.
They know they've got the support of the local church and people in that church so that they can take a stand on things like abortion where if they're trying to codify
Roe and try to make this legal, that local sheriff can go, not in my town.
Well, let me look at MacArthur, look at Grace. Look at what Grace does with the LAPD. And they know
Grace. And so, is that what they knew? I mean, so, because I was gonna bring that example up is what do they do when
COVID, everyone was shut down? We're not gonna enforce it. They ended up opening up a day for the police and their families to come on to the church campus and they serve the police.
They fed them lunch and took care of them. So when it came to the government trying to overreach, the officer said, we're not enforcing that with that church.
Like, sorry, we're not doing it. I've got, oh, sorry, Chris, go ahead. No, no, go ahead, bud. No, I was just gonna say it. Okay, I wanna say one thing that's probably gonna get make some folks angry with me, and I understand why, but I just wanna say it while I have a chance before I get yelled at.
Okay, let me give your email out. What'sTheReasonRadioAtGmail .com.
You're talking to someone that every time I see law enforcement acting in a manner that is inconsistent with the constitution, it angers me.
So let me clarify that. What I'm about to say is not just because of my background or the fact that my family has that background.
Christians, I know, we've all seen it. There are bad cops out there, there are bad agencies out there.
I'm gonna ask you, in fact, I'm gonna beg you, stop, stop labeling every law enforcement officer and agency as some wicked evil
SS trooper doing the worst that's out there.
I understand why, believe me. I see what's going on. I am beyond livid with things like the
FBI and the absolute disgusting behavior that is so politically motivated.
At the same time, not everyone are those agents.
Not everyone who has taken an oath are those agents. Not every officer, and remember that many of the arrests and abuses that we are seeing currently, yes, eventually,
I believe it will happen here, are outside the United States in nations that do not have our existing protections, which
I agree are threadbare at best right now. And I just said, with what the feds are doing,
I anticipate what's about to come. But if you want to be, as what my brothers just talked about, if you want to be an influence in those law enforcement agencies, it's not going to come with you shaking your finger and demanding, how dare you, to every cop on the internet.
Yep. Yes. I'm really glad you said that, because what I wanted to say goes right along with that and compare and contrast with John MacArthur as well.
When the Dallas shootings took place. Oh yeah. Matt Chandler, he had a lot of Dallas PD police officers that went to his church, that went to the village church.
Now, when that Dallas shooting took place, he had a lot of people from the community to do this panel
Q &A thing, and all they did was berate the local police to where all those police officers left the church.
Not once did they have a police officer come up there and say, this is what happened, this is why things happen this way, and this is why we do such and such, this is protocol.
No, none of that. He didn't care about their side. And all those police officers left. There's actually a letter online, a famous letter from a police officer's wife to Matt Chandler that you can read.
Well, there's an entire article that goes behind that as well. There were multiple meetings with Matt.
Multiple meetings. Multiple officers too. And he would say, oh yeah, no, we're gonna address it, or well,
I think maybe you're misunderstanding, and then just utterly ignored them and threw them under the bus. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna post real quick for the
YouTube the link to the rap report. In the rap report, I walk through this document in detail.
It's longer than my normal rap report. It was two hours long. So, and I just want, what
I was trying to do with this one is I knew this would take, we wouldn't get in as deeply.
I wanted to just give the strategic goals on these. And so I encourage you to go check out the rap report.
Just go to rapreport .org and search for counterterrorism and you'll find it.
And if not, go find when this drops on podcast, I'll link to it.
But here's the thing. Strategic goal three two is assess potential legislative reforms.
So this is the idea that how can they now codify in law that any conservative is a white supremacist terrorist that is going to cause violence and we need to shut them down.
And they're gonna use the law now to do this. Goal three three is ensure that screening and vetting process consider a full range of terrorist threats.
This is a really scary section because this is where it basically says, okay, remember this is under the prevention.
This is under the section where they want to be able to disrupt and deter domestic terrorist activity.
So this is, what they're considering a terrorist is you being a Christian. So think about it.
They're gonna consider you sharing the gospel as recruitment. They're gonna consider you going to church that that's an activity that's gonna lead to violence and you need to disrupt that.
They need to stop churches from meeting. Pillar four is confront long -term contributors to domestic terrorism.
So what is this? This is the idea that what this is you got people who donate lots of money to Christian activity, shut them down.
Go after the people that contribute. Then you see this. Nobody goes after George Soros for supporting the
Nazis. No one argues that, no one goes after him. But the
Koch brothers, oh, we got to shut them down. Elon Musk, if he was fine, they were happy with him until all of a sudden he started going, wait, you guys are going too far.
Then we got to shut him down. Got to shut - And they all still drive Teslas too. Yeah, right. Yeah, this whole section,
I'm just skimming it right now. Obviously I haven't read all of it, but this whole section, ladies and gentlemen,
I mean, it starts with individuals subscribing to violent ideology such as violent white supremacy, which are grounded in racial, ethnic and religious hatred and the dehumanizing of portions of the
American community as well as violent anti -government ideologies are responsible for a substantial portion of today's domestic terrorism.
No, remember, son, Chris, this is coming from a group of people that say if you deny you're racist, that proves you're racist.
But it says religious hatred. I mean, if you hate Christians, aren't you exercising religious hatred?
No, that doesn't count. Don't confuse me with that. Only your religion is allowed to exercise -
Because if they're the ones able to set the rules, right? I mean, John said this in the private chat earlier, but we're talking about insurrection.
He says, I've never seen an insurrection without a gun. Right. In the most, you think about this
January 6th, this big insurrection, there were no guns. In a city that says you can't have guns, the
Trump supporters honored that and didn't bring guns. In a country that has the most guns, they're gonna do an insurrection and they forgot to bring the guns.
But we saw the guns on the street every night during Black Lives Matter protests in every city.
And they didn't mind bringing the guns. Then it was a good thing that they had the guns. Unless, of course, you're a 16 -year -old kid who has a gun in his dad's place and go to help protect a garage.
And then they're gonna say that you took it from out of state and you had to run to protect your life.
Then you have to actually shoot someone you feel bad about shooting them. And yeah.
So listen to this. Pre -employment background checks and reinvestigations for government employees is a critical screening process that must account for all possible terrorist threats.
The United States is well -served by a diverse workforce, including military, federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement.
Those who protect and defend this nation should, we've heard this before, reflect, excuse me, should reflect the nation, including its vast spectrum of experiences and viewpoints.
If you are white, conservative, Christian, male, guess what job you're not gonna get?
Well, and the point of this is they wanna re, you have a classified clearance.
You have a top secret clearance. They wanna reevaluate that. Yeah, this is literally taking the people that they've already said are domestic terrorists.
All four of us on this screen would be considered domestic terrorists. They wanna pull you out of any possibility of government employment.
One of the things I know from doing this type of work is I used to work with a lot more
Christians than I did in any other of my secular jobs.
And one of the reasons is is because, I mean, they told me that when you're dealing with Christians, you're dealing with people that have integrity, it's easier to get the top secret clearances.
It's easier to get all the different, to pass it and to be trusted.
And so they would hire more Christians. What's this saying? This is saying, well, you know, we only want people that have our ideology that are willing to ignore anything, make things up if it pushes the agenda and we're gonna get rid of anyone who doesn't.
So, okay, you're in the military, you actually wanna stand up for your health and not get some vaccine that still to this day has not been
FDA approved. As of right now, still today, the
COVID vaccine fits under the Geneva Convention and we shouldn't be giving it to anyone.
When you're forcing someone to take it, that is under the Geneva Convention. Now, I know that there were people talking about that and Pfizer came up with this pill that was a
COVID vaccine that was FDA approved. The only problem is that pill still is not on the market.
And they use that to say, well, see, we're not under the Geneva Convention. Yes, you are. So when you have military standing up and saying, this is wrong because you're violating the rights, this is against the
Geneva Convention, it's, oh, you guys are just gonna have to be fired, okay?
And Chris, it's like what you had said, get rid of the old school folks, get rid of the people that didn't fit with the agenda and bring in a whole new people that we can train and that will be in line with us.
Bring in people that define woman the way we define woman. Exactly. They don't define woman. They can't define woman.
Right, yeah, that's my point. But in reading this section that Chris just read, what comes to my mind is these are crooks looking to hire other crooks, hoping that they won't be crooks.
Yeah. You know, it's like, I hope the crook that I hire doesn't grow smarter than me and overtake me.
They wanna hire a bunch of crooks that will be loyal to them. Yes. It's basically the mob.
You hope. It's the mob. Yeah, you hope because what happens with the mob? Sometimes some guys get out of control and do hits on the big guys.
You know how you solve that problem is you do what Hitler did. When he had the RS and the
SS was its subset, the RS was getting too out of control and they wanted to become the standing military. Standing military said, they're not gonna become the army.
Hitler knew if he didn't have the army, he didn't have the government. So he used the SS to kill off the
RS. That's what you will do. Once you have that position of authority, to Drew's point, you'll just get rid of the troublemakers.
Yeah. And that's what I keep saying when people think, oh, they would never. Yes, they will. They've done this repeatedly.
Do you know who the Clintons are? Okay. You know how many people they've killed. Yeah. It is statistically more dangerous to be an associate of the
Clintons than it is to fly in an airplane. Well, let me just give a real quick, it's time for me to give a shout out to our sponsor,
MyPillow. If Chris hasn't gotten you to a point where he's riled you up and you're gonna be sleeping tonight, you need to make sure you get yourself a
MyPillow so that you can get yourself a good night's sleep. Go to MyPillow .com or call 1 -800 -873 -0176.
And use promo code SFE. It stands for striving for attorney. That way they know that we send you and they will continue supporting this show.
And this is, we don't have a ton of supporters, but go to MyPillow .com. They have some great, great products.
I love their products. That's why I reached out to them to be a sponsor. I don't ask for folks to be sponsors of anyone that I don't agree with, that I don't fully support.
And I really love their products. So want to encourage you to check them out.
So go to MyPillow .com, use promo code SFE. So let me, I gotta find this.
This is, I'll end the show with this. KT says this, and we are talking all this serious stuff.
KT says, chicken man tonight was the highlight of the evening, comic relief.
And I have to agree with her on that. Let me close this out with the way that it closed out the wrap report.
When we went into detail, and I encourage you, if this piqued your interest, go listen to that episode of the wrap report on counterterrorism, where I go through in detail this document and walk through it and the dangers of it.
But here's the thing. I also ended with encouragement. So I want to give some encouragement. Folks, those of you who are
Christians, some people can be very worried that we're going through all this and saying, the world is calling us domestic terrorists.
Are we domestic terrorists? No, we're not. We're not looking to overthrow a government. We're just asking for them to follow the law, the law that's already on the books.
That's all that we're trying to do. We want to be able to share the gospel. Our concern should not be in the government because we serve a higher power.
And so what we need to do is remember that. We have to remember that we serve a risen king.
That's who we serve. That's who we are ambassadors for. And with that, we have to realize, look, there's a lost and dying world.
And yes, they're going to tell us we're a bunch of Christian nationalists and we're the problem for everything.
We need to expect that. Don't be surprised by that. Do not be surprised when a world that hates
Christ calls you an enemy because they're of their father, the devil.
They do see us as an enemy, but that doesn't mean we see them as an enemy. We need to give them the gospel.
And now is the best time. Everybody is afraid. They're either afraid of socialism for the conservatives out there that aren't believers, or they're afraid of a virus, or they're afraid of what
Trump might do, but everyone's afraid and the world has no answers. Those of us who know
Christ, we have the answer. It's the gospel message that even though these people who write this document and want to target
Christians, they who do not know God are wicked, vile sinners in God's sight.
They're criminals. They break God's law. They lie. They steal.
They commit adultery in their heart by looking at someone with lust. They commit murder in the heart when they're angry with someone.
This is what God's law is, and they're guilty in God's sight. They, as you and I, both deserve eternity in a lake of fire, but God made a way of escape.
That's the good news, that God himself, almighty God, came to earth in the form of a human being that he would die on a cross and pay an eternal fine that you and I owe so that we could be set free.
Jesus Christ, who knew no sin, became the punishment of sin that we, who deserve that punishment, can become the righteousness of almighty
God. That's the good news. We have to turn from trusting ourself as a good person or turn from our good works and trust in Jesus Christ and what he did on that cross as a payment for our sin, and with that, we can have eternal life.
So I thank my brothers for coming in and joining me tonight. I encourage you to go check out their podcast at the
Christian Podcast Community. Just go to christianpodcastcommunity .org. You can check out Matter of Theology, Voice of Reason Radio.
Both are excellent. I listen to them weekly. That's how I knew that Drew has multiple times said he's gonna get out of podcasting, but he just doesn't.
He just can't do it. I've always predicted he wouldn't. Just saying, one of us was right.
I'll let you figure out who, but with that, check their podcast out.
Check out The Wrap Report. Follow all of these podcasts. Follow the Christian Podcast Community.
You'll get a ton of good Christian podcasts, and next week, I'm not sure what we're gonna do.
I will be in Idaho at Pastor Jim Osman's church. I will be doing an evangelism training and leading an evangelism team on the 13th of August, so I will also be preaching at Kootenai Community Church on the 14th if you're anywhere in the
Sandpoint area and want to come and join. I will be preaching at Kootenai Community Church on August 14th, and so we'll be out there with him spending some time.
So the week after that, on the 18th, I know that we're gonna have a special guest coming in talking about prayer, and so I look forward to that.
On the 25th may be a no -show. We may not have a show because both
Dr. Svester and I will be flying out to Los Angeles to work with Living Waters. They're gonna be having their
Living Waters Ambassadors Academy, and the two of us lead a team in that, so we'll be out there leading a team, and with Pastor Justin being in school, probably not gonna be able to do that, so we may have no episode or no show that week.
If you're on Facebook, go and find our Apologetics Live Facebook page. Join that. That's how you'll know if we have a show or not.
We put it in there. So until next week, remember to strive to make today an eternal day for the glory of God.