Genesis Apologetics K8 Zone What is a Christian? (3-5 grade)
What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it all about following a bunch of rules? Please join us as we unpack 10 questions about being a Christian. This video is designed for students in 3-5th grade.
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- Well, hello and welcome to the zone. I'm your host big wave Dave today. We're gonna talk about what is a
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- Christian We're gonna look at ten questions. Are you ready? Let's go Question number one to be a
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- Christian. I just have to believe in God. Is that true or is that false? That is false in the book of James.
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- We find out that even the demons believe in God and they shudder Question number two.
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- I've become a Christian when I am baptized. Is that true or false? That is false
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- Now Jesus did say that being baptized is important But it is our faith and trust in him that determines whether or not we are a
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- Christian Question number three. I am a Christian because I go to church. Is that true or false?
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- If you said false, you're right Now when Jesus was here on earth, there were a group of people called the
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- Pharisees now They were religious leaders and they went around and followed a bunch of rules and people said whoa, look at those guys
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- They're so holy But Jesus saw what was on the inside when he looked at their hearts.
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- Here's what he said He said that you look beautiful on the outside You're like a graveyard a whitewashed tombs, but inside you are full of icky things like dead bones
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- You see it's what's on the inside that matters the most to Jesus Question number four
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- Because I read the Bible. I am a Christian. Is that true or false? Well, that is false
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- Did you know that even Satan reads the Bible and I guarantee you he is not a
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- Christian Question number five all Christians believe exactly the same things.
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- Is that true or is that false? That is false You see there are
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- Christians all over the world and they do things quite differently the way that they do their church services
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- And decorate their churches This is especially true about how they worship
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- God check this out St.
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- Augustine reminded us to keep our focus on Jesus and not argue about all the other things question number six
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- You can often tell a person is not really a Christian by the way they act. Is that true or false?
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- That is actually true watch out little guy Jesus said that we will recognize people by their fruit
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- He said that a good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit.
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- Well, okay But what does that mean in? Galatians 5 22 23
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- We learn about the fruit of the Spirit These are the characteristics of a
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- Christian who is living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit their lives will show the following love joy peace
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- Patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self -control
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- Question number seven Being a Christian means that I may not be able to do everything my friends do is that true or false?
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- That is actually true it depends on what your friends are doing. Here's what Jesus said if You love me.
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- You will obey what I command And John said that if we claim to be a
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- Christian but walk in darkness in other words love to do bad things We're not really a
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- Christian Looks like the kitty changes mind yay
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- You know, I often get questions from students about how should I act as a Christian for example
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- What kind of video games can I play and still be a Christian? Can I lie cheat or steal even little things?
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- What kind of music can I listen to? What kind of movies can
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- I watch and still be a Christian? You know, these are the wrong questions
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- Christianity is not all about following a bunch of rules. It's about having a relationship with Jesus Christ You know when you love someone you want to make them happy you want to avoid things that make them sad or angry
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- Well, the same is true about being a Christian. We do our best to follow Jesus because we love him
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- So if you want to make good decisions draw closer to him, well, how do you do that?
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- Well, here are some suggestions Pray every day spend time with the
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- Lord read your Bible go to church and get baptized So as you draw closer to Jesus, you will make decisions in all areas of your life that please him
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- Question number eight once I become a Christian, I will never sin again. Is that true or false?
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- That is actually false, you know, even as Christians we still make mistakes and bad choices
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- Sometimes the good news is is that when we sin? We can ask
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- God for forgiveness and he promises to wash us clean and give us a brand new start now
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- I don't know about you, but I think that sounds amazing Question number nine
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- I Can get to heaven by doing good deeds? Like maybe like that right is that true or false?
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- Well, that is false the Bible teaches that we are separated from God by sin and That all of us are sinners.
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- There's not even one person besides Jesus who is without sin Now some religions teach that you can earn your way to heaven by doing good works
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- But the Bible says that that's not true Hear me out I think it's wonderful to be kind and do good works and I'm sure that makes
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- Jesus happy But those good works are not going to earn your way to heaven Speaking of heaven the last question number 10
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- Jesus is the only way to get to heaven. Is that true or is that false? Well, if you said true you are absolutely right
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- Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the
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- Father except through me The Bible teaches that because of our sin we were doomed to spend eternity separated from God So God sent his son
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- Jesus down here to earth Jesus was amazing. He healed people He did miracles and he taught us all about God the
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- Father in heaven and things like that But then Jesus did something absolutely incredible Jesus Christ took the punishment for our sins by dying on a cross
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- Now he didn't stay dead after three days. He rose again and he's in heaven
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- One day he's coming back and he promised to take all the people that love him to a very special place called heaven
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- Because of what Jesus did for us we can be forgiven and spend eternity in with him in heaven
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- Isn't that amazing? Now that is what Christianity is all about what is a
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- Christian a Christian is someone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and Does their best to live out their faith because they love him.
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- So how do you get started? How do you become a Christian? It starts by recognizing that we are sinners and that we need
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- God's forgiveness again There's no way to earn our way to heaven We need to repent and turn away from our sins remember what
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- John said that if we walk in darkness, we're not really a Christian Number three, we need to place our faith and trust in Jesus as our
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- Savior Realizing that his sacrifice on the cross Paid for our sins so that we can go to heaven
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- Number four, we need to accept Jesus as Lord by making him the boss of our life
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- Number five we should always do our best to follow the commands of Jesus Because we love him
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- Well, I'm big wave Dave and that's all the time we have together I hope to see you soon here on the zone.