AD Response to Gordon Sanchez, Editor at Large Gospel Coalition

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is well worth your time as I prove beyond all doubt, that I'm an ethnic minority.


If you haven't seen it, I've been called out and I want to respond to it in this video. We are also praying for the people of Puerto Rico.
We love Puerto Rico. And we also love Puerto Rico. I'll tell you what, yeah,
I got called out by the editor at large of the Gospel Coalition. That's right. They normally don't talk about personalities.
They normally don't call people out directly. That's against their winsome strategies. But I must have done something really wrong.
In fact, not only was I called out, but I was challenged and I was asked a question. I want to show you what that question was.
But here is Gordon Sanchez talking about yours truly. Mr. Robles, I really think that it is very, very serious to culturally appropriate if that is what you're doing.
So if you are actually Latino and you are using that as a as sort of a place to stand that gives you credibility, right?
We might need some evidence of that because it would be very damaging to the gospel if you would be appropriating.
I agree. It would be very damaging to the gospel if I was pretending to be Puerto Rican, but instead I was
Italian. That's what he said in this. He said I looked like I was from Italy. But anyway, I felt like maybe
I should give some evidence. I mean, I say I'm Puerto Rican a lot. I'm Puerto Rican. I'm Puerto Rican. So you should listen to me because you should listen to your brown brothers and sisters in Christ.
So you know what, Gordon? Here's some advice or here's some evidence, I should say. Number one piece of evidence.
I currently own a Bronx jersey. Now, in case any of you guys don't know, like the
Bronx is like the epicenter of Puerto Rican culture here in the United States. Maybe not the only one, but definitely a big one.
This is straight out of that video, Uptown Baby. You know what I'm talking about? Lord Tariq and Peter Gunn's Deja Vu.
So riddle me this, Gordon Sanchez. If I owned this Bronx jersey, if I wasn't
Puerto Rican, how could I own this Bronx jersey? Furthermore, I was thinking, how else can I prove it? You know, the Bronx jersey, it convinces a lot of people, but maybe not won't convince everyone.
Maybe you haven't seen that video, Uptown Baby. But if you haven't,
I thought I've got an ironclad way to prove it. Ironclad. I am currently, like a lot of people, kind of looking at my inventory of food because, you know, there might be a reason for me to know exactly how much food
I have in my house over the next month or two. And so I've been inventorying things, just seeing how much, you know, food we have.
And I came across a few items that I think, without a doubt, without one iota of doubt,
Gordon Sanchez proved my Puerto Rican ethnicity. The first thing is a bunch of Goya products.
As you can see here, we've got Adobo. You like, how do you like that pronunciation? Adobo. This is an all -purpose seasoning.
You can even put this in tuna fish when you're making it. And it tastes really, really good. You can put it on chicken, fish, anything.
This is proof, absolute ironclad proof that I'm Puerto Rican. I also have here pique. This is a hot sauce,
Goya hot sauce. There's also here, we've got some arroz. Arroz. Good for arroz con pollo.
Some people know it as rice, but this is medium grain rice. Most of the rice you get in the stores, especially if you're a white man, is long grain rice.
Here we got some medium grain rice. This is good stuff. Last thing in the Goya category,
I've got here some sazon. Now, sazon, if you're Puerto Rican, you know this is used on a lot of different things.
It's used in pork and all kinds of other dishes, beans, things like that. What I find funny about the ingredients of sazon, in case you didn't know this, it's not really that good for you.
Number one ingredient, MSG. Now you might say, well, yeah, you know, you could just go to the store and buy those products.
So this doesn't prove anything. Well, I have here a plastic container of homemade sofrito.
This is the base of any Puerto Rican dish. And if this doesn't prove it, I don't know what will.
But you know, you say, hey, hey, you know, that's not enough. I need more. I need more. Well, I've got more for you, buddy.
Here we go. We've got some cafe bustelo. I did stock up on this because I wanted to make sure to have enough coffee in the corona epidemic.
And so I bought some cafe bustelo, just like any good Puerto Rican would. Also, I've got another Puerto Rican staple, taco shells and taco seasoning.
Also to go along with it, Valentina hot sauce has come straight from Aldi.
You might say, well, that's Mexican, Adam. That's not Puerto Rican. Well, little known fact, Puerto Ricans also enjoy
Mexican food. And so there you go. I think this proves my Puerto Rican heritage.
One more thing. I've got some sauerkraut. How did that get in there? We're making sausages.
I thought you were going to watch a video. Well, yeah, an instructional video on how to make your own sausages.
Anyway, I think that this beyond all doubt proves that I am, in fact, Puerto Rican.
But Gordon Sanchez, a little later in this video, you use a term that I have to say was quite offensive and I wanted to bring attention to it.
Somebody else's culture. So look for that article on how lousy the movie I still believe was.
And, you know, and then and hopefully sometime in the next week, I'm also going to write a follow up piece to Gospel Elements in This Is Us.
So, yeah, Gordon out. Now throw it out there to Mr. Robes or Robless, whatever his name actually is.
Sir, if you really are Latino, then there it is right there. Listen, that is an unacceptable term,
Gordon Sanchez. We don't call ourselves Latinos. We call ourselves Latinx, Latinx, Latinx, something like that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that you're gendering me and I don't I don't really appreciate that Gordon Sanchez ad out.
Anyway, seriously, you should really subscribe to the Gordon Sanchez YouTube channel. It is fantastic and I'm looking forward to the next video.