HB813 LIVE Feed: Historic Hearing at The Louisiana State Capitol


Stay Tuned! We will be streaming through out the day on location at the Louisiana State Capitol building. Bill HB 813 has been heard and has passed the committee for Criminal Justice in Louisiana. It is now currently being heard on the House floor. We are here with Christians from around the country to support and engage on behalf of the bill. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


I live here in Baton Rouge, I wanted to thank you and your team for coming down here. Saints! Thank you so much for the blessing. Thank you so much.
God bless you. In two minutes, we will go live! Right now, Apology of Studios is live, so go to Apology of Studios' Facebook page and share the live stream.
In two minutes, we will start the worshipful rally. YouTube. Apology of Studios on YouTube.
YouTube! Not Facebook. YouTube. You just have to go grab the link and send it on.
Is that what you want? You want justice as God demands for the pre -born?
This bill is an obedience to God. It establishes justice just like you deserve, and just like I deserve.
And this is what it is to love our neighbor as ourself, to establish justice just for them as well.
We're gonna pray, and if you haven't gone to the website for the worship guide, you can go there now.
Pass around the QR code. I'm gonna pray, and we're gonna begin. God help us to give you praise and glory, and God we ask that you would pass
House Bill 813, that you would ban any confusion that's coming, that you would set minds to clarity according to your word, and that you would do it for your glory, and the joy of the saints, and the future joy of the pre -born who will be rescued from being carried off to slaughter in the passage of House Bill 813.
In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Let's sing together, a mighty fortress is our
God, after we read together. So read robustly, with joy, joyfully read
Psalm 2. Here we go, why do the nations rage in the people's plot and vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against Yahweh and his anointed, saying, let us burst their bonds apart, and cast away their cords from us.
He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, as to me,
I have set my feet on Zion, my whole hill. I will tell of the decree,
Yahweh said to me, you are my son, today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the end of the earth your possession.
You shall break them with the rod of fire, and dash them into pieces like a potter's mouse.
Now therefore, O kings, be wise, be warned, O rulers of the earth, serve
Yahweh with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him. Let's sing, a mighty fortress is our
God. Let us sing to our
Jesus. We will not fear his kingdom.
If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
Rescue those who are perishing. Hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
Little children are being taken away to death in this day.
Twenty babies every day murdered by abortion, and we are here to peacefully call for an end to the bloodshed in our land.
This is the church of the living God, and we come here today to say,
Jesus Christ is the King, and he commands us to establish justice for the unborn, protect their lives.
We are inconsistent if we say life begins at protection, but at conception, but rights don't begin at conception.
Brothers and sisters, they're people too, and they're killing children every day, and it must stop.
May God give us the victory. Amen, saints. Amen. Good news for you.
This is from the book of Galatians. Good news for you. Galatians chapter 4, verse 4.
In the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born of the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that he might receive adoption as Son.
This is the good news. In the fullness of time had come,
God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born of the law, to redeem sinners like you and me. So Jesus Christ became a man.
He became a man like you and me. He entered into the world through the womb of Mary.
Jesus was truly human from the moment of crucifixion. The God -man came to rescue you and entered into the world in his incarnation in the exact place that babies are being slaughtered today.
Christ came to redeem sinners. He was born under the law, and he obeyed the law perfectly for people like you and me, because we have failed from the whole of God's kingdom to justice.
So that everyone who believes on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved.
Jesus became a curse on the cross so that we could be delivered from our sins.
So turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. His death in place of sinners is as bad as me and as bad as you.
And he has redeemed us. He has redeemed you if you believe in him. And if you believe in him, if he's bought you by his own blood, he says,
Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and the
Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I've commanded you.
Do you know what he's commanded you to do? Love your neighbor as yourself. And don't stop until your neighbors in the womb are loved as you want to be loved.
Go in the name of Christ Jesus and don't give up. You guys can be quiet.
I don't have to be as loud. Listen to the word of the Lord. This isn't the word of free the states.
This is the word of the Lord. Proverbs 18 .5 Showing partiality to the wicked is not good, nor is depriving the innocent of justice.
Proverbs 17 .15 He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. Isaiah 10 .1 -2 Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees and the writers who keep writing oppression to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right that widows may be their spoil and that they may make the fatherless their prey.
Channel 6 Channel 6 House Republicans plan to remove language punishing pregnant people from abortion bill.
The word of God is clear. The Lord doesn't like those who defend the guilty or condemn the innocent.
We have in HB 813 a righteous bill that punishes those who choose to murder their children.
Abortionists do not wake up and go out into the culture looking for children to kill.
Mothers bring their babies to them to be murdered.
They are guilty and their guilt has brought them here today to stand up and say don't take away my right to murder children.
These women are not confused about what they're doing. They're not being forced to advocate for abortion.
They have murdered their children under the color of law and the
Lord God hates it. It is an abomination.
The amendment that they are doing is an abomination. We do not support
HB 813 if it acquits the guilty.
We say you're guilty and then we say there is forgiveness.
If you would confess your sin and turn to Christ we know a
God who forgives murderers. Call it murder. Treat it as murder. Proclaim the gospel.
Justice and mercy will go forth. Thank you. Brothers and sisters
I want to thank you for coming here as good ambassadors of Jesus Christ to represent his interest at this state capitol.
My name is Rusty Thomas. I am former director of Operation Rescue.
Operation Save America. And I am here standing in solidarity with our abolitionist brethren and every abolitionist group that is standing in support of HB 813.
In the book of Mark Jesus asked a profound question that is seriously applicable to where we are here today.
Jesus asked this question. Is it lawful on the
Sabbath to do good or evil? To save life or to kill it?
Brothers and sisters this is not just about abolition versus abortion.
This is about life versus death. This is about right versus law.
This is about good versus evil. This is about light versus darkness.
This is about justice versus injustice. Now when
Jesus asked that question anybody with a functioning soul knows what the correct answer is.
We all have that our founding fathers declared.
Listen. We hold these truths to be self -evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Brothers and sisters this is not rocket science. Even a child with a childlike faith can comprehend this truth.
Amen? So brothers and sisters understand why we are here today.
All we are seeking is equal justice and equal protection under the law.
All we are seeking here is consistency that Roe versus Wade destroyed.
The same laws that protect the unborn from being murdered is the same laws that need to protect the pre -born.
God puts no distinction between the born and the pre -born and neither should we.
And we need to pray that these legislators do their duty and pass this bill in the mighty name of Jesus.
Can I get an amen? God bless you. We want to be here for the vote.
So we're going to comply to keep it down and be prayerful. Psalm 110, one of the most popular
Bible verses in the New Testament from the Old Testament. God says that He installs
His King, His Messiah to His right hand to put all of His enemies under His feet. The Great Commission says that all authority in heaven and on earth is
Christ's. That means that this legislature is under the authority of Jesus. This movement is distinctly
Christian. It's the authority of Christ, the law, word of God, and justice that we're pressing them with right now.
Let's ask God to be gracious to the legislators to open their eyes and hearts to the truth.
And let's pray that God would convict our nation of this sin, this awful sin of murder, the murder of the pre -born.
Let's pray. Father, we thank You, Lord, for the grace You've given us to serve You. We pray that You would bless today, bless with victory, bless with justice for Your kingdom and Your glory and namesake.
In Jesus' name, amen. Thank you, guys, for being here.
We're here just to pray. People's House, right?
Hey, guys. Thank you so much for being on the live stream with us. I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with EndAbortionNow and AbortionNow .com.
We're here in Baton Rouge at the state capitol. The vote for HB 813 is scheduled for today.
They go into session at 2 p .m. I'm not even sure actually what time it is right now. In about 20 minutes they go into session.
Our bill could be heard, not heard, voted on within the next couple of hours. We don't know exactly what time.
So please continue to pray. This is definitely an intense moment, an important moment in a spiritual battle.
So pray for the legislators here that God would move in their hearts and minds to be consistent. We've been told by legislators for the last week that they know the bill is right, they know that it is true, they know that it has to be done.
But they're receiving a lot of attacks of course from the pro -aborts but also from the pro -life establishment that doesn't want them to pass it because they do not believe that a mother is ever guilty for killing her child in the womb.
And so they are partial, they have unequal weights and measures, and their whole system is built upon that.
We've been saying it for years, but hopefully now in this moment, it's a defining moment for the church to see that the pro -life establishment is actually, as I've been saying, probably the greatest enemy of the abolition of abortion in our nation.
Hopefully you're seeing that right now in the national media, that it's the talking heads of the pro -life industry that are actually opposed to the bill of abolition.
And so we're here at the state capitol, we have a bill that is just, it is equal protection for all humans from conception.
It is today on the floor, it's unprecedented. In 50 years since Roe vs. Wade, we've never had a bill of equal protection and abolition make it from hearing stage to the floor for a vote.
It's the first in 50 years since Roe vs. Wade. So big praise to God for that, and what's happening in this moment with the church speaking prophetically to the world and to the culture on this.
I want to say a big thank you to all of our supporters with End Abortion Now. This is our ministry together with you.
You are a part of this with us. This is the fruit of your labor, your prayers, and your giving together with us.
So I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for making all of this possible and being a part of this with us.
Please continue to pray. We're here right now, and they're going into session soon.
We don't know what time the vote's going to take place, but we do know for sure that there are lots of people involved in trying to gut this bill and to completely transform it and to turn it into the typical bill of injustice and partiality that is common fair, standard fair within the pro -life industry.
They have essentially plotted to gut the bill and to take away its justice and definitions in order to essentially kill the bill and turn it into something completely different.
Obviously, we're not satisfied with that. We will not accept that. God commands us to love Him and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
This is a bill of love for God and love for neighbor. That's what it is. And so this is a gospel issue.
What you're seeing here in the Capitol today are Christians from across the state of Louisiana as well as across the
United States of America. We have people that have come here, really from all over the country, to be here for this historic moment, to be here to pray and to worship
God in the midst of this evil. And so I want to thank you again for being a part of this with us and praying. Please do share this on your social media.
We need people to know what God has done here, what He is doing here. And so you can be a part of what's happening right now when
I was sending the message of the church in conflict with the issue of abortion under the allegiance of Christ, with the word of God in the gospel.
You can send that message out by sharing this to let people know about what's going on. What took place here a few moments ago was the church worshiping
God, glorifying God. And that's another moment of something that's unprecedented in terms of how this is typically done in fights against the issue of abortion.
Over against how the church does it. This is how the church does it. Worship is warfare. And so we're here to worship
God. We're here to establish justice for the freeborn. So please pray. Pray fervently.
And we'll be back in and out as much as we possibly can today as we update you and let you know what's going on.
So thank you again for your prayers. Thank you for your support. You can go to endabortionnow .com right now. Go to endabortionnow .com.
Sign up with your church. Get free training and resources to go save lives at the mill. And you can go there right now to give financially to this work.
You can see what faithfulness does in this mission. Unprecedented.
Fifty years of Roe versus Wade. Never had a bill of abolition get to the floor for a vote.
That's the fruit of End Abortion Now. Your labor together with us. All the Christians that have worked with us.
And so please continue to give because we're not done. We're just getting started. Endabortionnow .com. Go give there financially because you can see it does actually take support and help to do these things.
We need you to be a part of it with us. We don't have the money, nor do we even want the money, of the major pro -life platforms, but we just need to be supported so we can accomplish this work.
You can do that with us at endabortionnow .com. Thank you guys so much for being a part of this with us today. I'll talk to you soon.
Welcome, everybody, back to the live stream. Thank you guys for staying on and for sharing this. We need to communicate this message to the world as to what's going on here right now in Baton Rouge at the state capitol.
This is an historic moment for the church because this represents the labor of Christians for a generation who have been preaching the gospel in the midst of this
Holocaust and speaking the word of God and the law word of God against this. This is a historic moment because, as I said, this is the first time in this generation where we have had a bill of equal protection, a bill of abolition and criminalization, make it past a hearing stage, going to vote.
It's historic. It hasn't happened yet. This is that moment. And so we're thankful to God for the fruit coming from all of the labor of the believers before us who have prayed for this moment and sacrificed for this moment, and here we are.
This is distinctly a Christian movement in the abortion
Holocaust. This is not a compromise movement. This is not a movement that is self -professedly not
Christian. This is representation of Christians, different churches.
We have Baptists here. We have Presbyterians here. We have Charismatics here. We have believers from all over Louisiana, around the country, who are now here for this moment who want to first proclaim the lordship of Jesus Christ over this issue, who are standing on the authority of God's word in terms of definitions.
What's in the womb is human from conception, and this bill goes farther and says what's in the womb is in the image of God, the imago dei.
So this is a Christian bill through and through. And so what's happening here is believers are gathered to worship
God, to bring glory to God, to proclaim the gospel in the midst of this Holocaust, and we're here to encourage and plead with the legislators to establish justice for the preborn.
We don't want partiality. We don't want unequal weights and measures. We want the image of God in the womb to receive the same protection and justice as every other image -bearer of God.
God's justice demands that. God's word forbids any injustice and partiality.
He calls partiality an abomination. And what we've seen over 50 years since Roe v. Wade is the pro -life establishment, the pro -life industry, the pro -life talking heads have been completely satisfied with denying allegiance to Christ, denying the authority of Scripture on this issue, and they've been completely satisfied with bills of partiality, saying you can kill this human but not this human.
And what we're saying as a church is that we will not stand for that. That is not love for God. That is not love for neighbor.
And these legislators are under the authority of Jesus Christ, and we are pleading with them to establish justice for the pre -born for the first time since Roe here in Louisiana.
They have the opportunity to do so, and I wanted to say, very important, to have you guys speak to this, one of the things that has been most common over the last week since we've been here, really the last couple of months as we've been talking to legislators and we've been trying to be prophetic with the word of God on this issue, one of the things that's most clear is the legislators here who are self -professedly pro -life, they've been saying forever that what's in the womb is human from conception.
So we delivered a bill to their desks that says, here's the bill that represents what you say you believe.
Pass it. And what they've been doing is saying, I know that's true. I know that has to be done.
But what they're being told by the pro -life establishment is this. We've heard it over and over and over again. Now is not the time.
That's what they're saying. Now is not the time. Yes, what you're saying is true.
Yes, we believe that. Yes, that ultimately has to happen. But now is not the time.
That's what they're all being told. So essentially what's powerful here that I will shut up is that you'll notice there's not a lot of pro -aborts here today.
There were two. Not a lot. There are not a lot of pro -choice and pro -aborts here and even opposition to the bill.
And do you know why that is? It is because the pro -life establishment has done the heavy lifting for them in telling the legislators not to pass this bill.
The pro -choice establishment had to barely lift a finger to try to thwart this bill. The opposition to this bill, the ones fighting to stop this bill, are the leaders in the pro -life establishment.
And I've been saying and you've been saying, we've been saying for years, things like the pro -life establishment is the greatest enemy to the abolition of abortion.
And I think a lot of times people have thought we're being hyperbolic. They've thought that maybe we're being dishonest.
And all glory to God, mean -spirited, all glory to God, what's happening in Louisiana has revealed to the world what we've been saying repeatedly for years and years and years, that they have an antithetical worldview to the gospel itself and the biblical worldview.
And that they are not concerned with justice for the pre -born and equal protection. We've been saying that, and now they're tweeting it.
They're acknowledging it. And so I want you to hear that. Please be prayerful against the greatest enemy of the abolition of abortion, which is the pro -life establishment.
They've been working all week against this and trying to tell the legislators, don't pass it. Mind you, a week ago, this thing passed the hearing 7 -2.
That's overwhelming. And it passed 7 -2 because the legislators looked at the bill and said, that's right.
That sounds Christian. I believe that. That's our position. And as soon as it passed, Louisiana Right to Life and other organizations came in and said, no, no, no.
We don't want that. We don't want there to be equal protection for all humans from conception. We want to have partiality and justice.
We want to say this person's guilty, but not that person, even though they're the ones that delivered the baby to the abortionist to be killed.
So what you're seeing is a moment of great revelation. What's our response? Our response must be to them just as it has been to us.
When we heard that the pro -life industry, the establishment, was not doing what we thought they were doing, we thought that, you know, whenever you came in, when
Rusty so many years ago came into longing to fight in this battle, we thought that they were seeking to establish justice.
And what we all came to find out is when you put before them a just bill that says, here's what
God's Word says. God establishes justice in the land. He establishes it according to His Word.
Will you do this? And they say, no, we can't do that. We're like, we thought that's what you were doing all along.
And the distinctions, the dividing lines become so clear, especially now.
We have an opportunity to, for the first time, pass a bill out of, not only out of a
House committee, but off the House floor. And this could be the very last time that a
House in a state votes to defy judicial supremacy.
If Roe gets overturned, the opinion gets overturned this summer, this would be the last time to stand up to that judicial tyranny, which it's been hanging over us since 1973 for nearly 50 years.
It's not because the problem has been with the pro -aborts. The problem has been us.
We haven't bowed to what God's Word says, not once in any state.
Now, there have been bills of abolition. And they've been run. Your organizations, all of our organizations have been involved in seeing those happen.
But not once has the pro -life establishment stood up and said, this is what
God's Word demands. We're Christians. We want to obey King Jesus. And we're going to pass it according to His Word.
And just like you said, they read it the first time here, seven to two, and they said, isn't that what we're here to do?
That's what we affirm. That's our testimony. And then... This person said, absolutely.
His vote was not yes. It was absolutely. He yelled it. And so to go from that to now, we're hearing they're going to amend it to death.
They're going to gut it and maybe shift it back over to a bill, a trigger bill, an old one that only gave one to three years fine.
It's a $1 ,000 fine. Or a $1 ,000 to $10 ,000 fine. And that's just for the abortionist.
That doesn't include the woman. That's for the abortionist. That doesn't establish justice for the baby, whose mother willingly, intentionally brought them in to kill them.
And it flipped just like that. Because that's the power of the pro -life establishment that we're working with.
It's a long -term power of evil. Now, if you're pro -life, we're not calling you necessarily evil.
We were all there. We're asking you. We're trying to expose the truth.
We want to put the works of the devil to open shame, like Jesus did. We have to put it out there and speak the truth to the conscience and tell you what you believe is not what they're trying to do.
It's not what the pro -life establishment's doing. You are probably like us.
You didn't know that that's not what they're doing. And now you know you've got to do something about it.
Stop giving them money. First thing to do is stop giving them another penny. Don't support them.
Don't empower them. Turn from them and do what we all must do.
Repent with us. Not only change your mind, but change your affections.
If you were built into that pro -life system, turn now. Become an abolitionist of abortion.
That's what the abolitionist movement is. It's a Christian, fundamentally
Christian movement. The pro -life movement has, or the industry and the establishment has defined for themselves what they are.
And they're going to get to keep that term. They keep doing it.
If that's not you, then join us. Repent with us. Well, it's interesting too. While you were talking,
I don't know if you were able to capture because you were trying to communicate a message. There's two pro -aborts here today.
You mentioned the murder of children, right? What did that pro -abort do as soon as you said it?
She hooted and hollered and rejoiced over your saying it's women murdering their children.
She was praising her God. Yep, that's right. And what's amazing about that is we're in the house right now where these representatives are being told by the establishment, these women who killed their babies, they're victims.
Oh, yeah, right. And in the very house, the very day the vote is taking place, when this girl shows up, she is cheering for the murder of children in the womb.
That is the pro -life establishment's victim. That's what it means to empower women.
To give them the right to murder children and have no criminal punishments.
It's as though women can never do anything as evil as men can do. The thing about it is, and this applies to those women, it also applies to the legislators, a big mistake
Christians have been making for the last 40 years is to tell people things about abortion that God doesn't say about abortion.
We serve a God that's a holy, upright, just God. His standard of justice is set.
But we're not doing these women any favors by telling them that they're victims when they stand before God as guilty.
What we should be doing is telling them that they're guilty before God and calling them to repent. Yes. It's the same thing with the legislators as well.
For a long time now, we've been telling the legislators, hey, just do this incrementally. Just do it step by step.
And there's the shedding of innocent blood happening in our land. 3 ,000 babies every day.
Millions and millions of children. The blood of those innocent children calls out to God for justice against our nation all the time.
And whatever we do, our repentance of ceasing to do that has to be consistent with what
God's word says or that blood guilt will still be upon us. We can't do this with half measures.
We have to have a standard of righteousness that's consistent with what God's law says. Brothers and sisters,
Martin Luther King is always now.
We are in a time. We are in a generation. What God has done throughout redemptive history, he has drawn a line.
And he who is on the Lord's side, step hither. And so as we're spreading this movement of the gospel of the kingdom, the church responding in the most biblically consistent way to a holocaust, which is the complete and immediate abolition of abortion, we are drawing that line.
And these bills serve a holy purpose because we're in a discipling time.
We're in a mentoring time. We're in a time of education. Amen? And so we have to understand that these bills do separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats, to those who are real
Christians who want to see this holocaust end, and those that are making a pretense, who are using these children as a political football.
So the pro -life politicians get their vote. The pro -life groups get their money. Everybody gets what they want except that child in the womb.
And we are here to bust that unholy alliance up and get back to God, repent, and fight this battle
God's way. And that's essentially what we're saying with every bill. We're taking that bill and we're saying this aligns itself with the word of God.
This is what repentance looks like. We're saying that to the legislators. We're saying it to the church.
We're saying it to the pro -aborts. We're saying it to women that have murdered their children. According to the law of God, this is what repentance looks like.
And then we're saying, we're not standing over you in judgment. We were right there with you. We're saying come repent with us.
We're repenting. This is what repentance looks like. Come join us in repentance and let's honor God with our actions.
And we have to also remember of the stake.
That is to restrain evil. That is to punish the evildoer and protect those who are good in God's sight.
Roe vs. Wade betrayed that sacred trust. And now our government is defending the indefensible.
So this is calling for a reformation in the land to get the state to interpose with their lawful authority and do their duty, which is to protect the life of these kids, welcome them into life, and protect them by law.
That is what has to be done if God is ever going to deliver us from this evil and cleanse us from the blood guiltiness that has brought his curse and his judgment upon the land.
And so yes, we need Christians standing in the gap, making up the hedge, join this movement.
The toothpaste is out of the tube. It's not going back in. This train is leaving the station and everybody needs to get on board.
And please contact Pastor Jeff and Pastor Dusty. We got different abolitionist groups.
Please get a hold of them. Get involved. Our very future and our hope hangs in the balance, brothers and sisters.
Please hear this and act responsibly before God. Thank you, Rusty. So 20 in Louisiana, in this state, 20 are going to die.
20 are going to die tomorrow. Over 7 ,000 children are slaughtered in the womb in this state every single year.
Today the bill goes to the floor that would criminalize that and end that. They could save the lives of over 7 ,000 children in the state of Louisiana.
We went to war under the pretext of losing what was it, 3 ,500 people on 9 -11.
We moved heaven and earth as a nation to say you will not take the lives of 3 ,500 people. More than double that is killed here in this state alone.
These legislators have an opportunity today. The pro -life establishment had an opportunity today to establish justice for the pre -born and to save the lives of over 7 ,000 children in Louisiana this next year.
I want to say, and I'm not trying to be I'm not being hyperbolic here.
I'm not making any threats. I'm just saying it as a minister of the gospel. This is the truth. These men and women are accountable to God for the decision they make today.
There is a day of judgment. They have the opportunity today to obey God, to do what's right before God, and to save these children.
If they vote no on this bill or attempt to gut this bill, then before God in heaven they will be accountable for the bloodshed of every single child that dies after this bill.
It will be on them. Because God has given to them the grace, the mercy, the opportunity to establish justice for these children.
And woe to every pro -life leader who has resisted this bill. And woe to every pro -life legislator who has resisted this bill.
There will be a day of judgment. Our nation loves to ignore that divine truth that there is going to be a day of judgment for every one of us.
There is a final day of judgment where Christ will be vindicated, these children will be vindicated, and the blood of every child who dies after this bill, if it doesn't pass, they're going to be held accountable for it.
Every single child. And that is a terrifying thing to face. And so let's pray for the legislators that God would give them mercy, that God would give them courage and strength.
I know of people who said they're going to vote no because they've been talked out of it by the pro -life establishment, who have told me
I'm going to vote against it or completely amend it, but they told me, but I know the bill is right,
I know it's true, and it has to be done. Ask God to save them from that mindset.
Brother, it's so clear, because we've got to understand, we have failed the
Lord, both the church and the state, has failed the Lord so long in this Holocaust that we are asking them to do something very brave and very courageous, and we need to understand that.
They understand what's at stake here, and there's a lot of pressure put on them, but I know God can grant grace.
I know the Holy Spirit can impart courage and open their eyes and open their heart, open their understanding and open his word to them, and we need to be praying for them, because right now, there's two keys that are going to end this
Holocaust. We need bold, courageous pastors and bold, courageous magistrates, and once the church and the state does their duty by interposition in their lawful authority, then
God from heaven is going to watch over his word. He will perform this, and he will deliver us from this scourge that has just devastated and savaged our nation for so long.
We talk about a lot on Apologia. We talk about a lot. We have to talk about the church, too, and the judgment of God that comes on the church.
The reason these magistrates feel okay voting no on this bill is because they know there should be an uprising in Louisiana among the
Christians in the churches. If they vote no on this bill, they should fear that every single one of them is going to lose their seat come next election.
There should be an uprising, but you know what the problem is? They know that there won't be, and that speaks to the silence of the voice of the church.
We need a revival in the church. We need the spirit of God to blow on the church and to break us of our apathy.
Christians in Louisiana need to repent of their apathy. We need the church in Louisiana to rise up and to tell these magistrates this is not okay, and we will not stand silently and watch you kill a bill that would save thousands of innocent children, and that's on the church.
I'd just like to say something to your viewers because some of them are active people because of the ministry that's been consistent coming out of Apology of Church and End Abortion Now, and what
I would say to you is what has been said to me before. Do you guys know your state
House of Representatives, representative in your district? Do you know your senator in your state?
Do you have their cell phone number? Do you call them? Do you text them and tell them what you want to see in establishing justice for the pre -born or any other topic for that matter?
For those who go to Apology of Church or go to even my church, we are going to be held accountable to a degree for our discipleship over them, and so we want to implore you who have probably been some of the most active, are you letting any apathy or complacency come in?
Because now is the time. It's always the right time to establish justice. When we see, when you consider what
God did to you in your salvation, He saved you, He brought you from death to life, and you were born again to a living hope that does not put to shame.
You received that grace of salvation, Ephesians 2 .10, so that you could, too, be zealous for those good works that were prepared for Him before the foundation of the world for you to do.
And so in our time, in the midst of a Holocaust that is ours to steward, and particularly we're seeing the province of God pinch in very narrowly on this topic, because all the various things that are happening, what's happening here in Louisiana, at SCOTUS, and in all these states now, it's ours to steward.
So brothers and sisters, I'm saying this to myself as well, get to know your local governing authorities.
Call them to come to Christ and do it with gentleness, but also truth, be salty and light to them, but take that burden and that responsibility and that joy upon yourself, because when you see them come to Christ, you will see a new joy and a new hope and a burden released from them.
Amen. Praise God. Amen. Thank you, brothers. All right. We'll end it here, everybody, and stay tuned.
We might cut the live stream at some point and then bring it back on. This whole situation is fluid right now, so we're just sort of here.
We're reporting, and we're going to keep updating. Please be prayerful. God bless you. Thank you. God bless you.