4 Good Reasons to Oppose SJW Christianity

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SJW Christianity is poison. Here are 4 reasons why. #MLK50Conference


Response to Matt Chandler ERLC #MLK50 Speech

Response to Matt Chandler ERLC #MLK50 Speech

Here are four good reasons to oppose social justice warriors in Christianity.
The first good reason is that there's usually little to no evidence that there are these racial disparities and that there's some kind of a racism in the church.
A lot of times if you'll ask people to show you evidence, they either won't and they'll just insult you and call you a racist or something, or they'll provide some information about statistical disparities and they'll say like, you know, such and such a church only has 1 % black people or something like that.
But you see the problem is those statistics don't mean anything. There could be a lot of reasons why black people or Hispanic people or whoever doesn't go to a certain church and it might have nothing to do with that church being racist.
So these statistical disparities, this is why people call it cultural Marxism because that's how cultural
Marxism works. Everything has to be specifically, statistically the same according to Marxist foundations, according to their beliefs.
And that's just not how the Bible is. It's not how the scripture is. There's no indication in the Bible that says that your church ought to be proportional to the culture in general, ethnically.
There's nothing in the Bible that says that. So that's the first reason to oppose SJWs in Christianity. The second reason to oppose it is because it divides the church.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to be seen on the last day as someone who divided the church into different ethnic categories and said, the white church, you need to do this.
The black church, you need to do this. The Latino church, you need to do this. I just don't see anything in the Bible that has
Paul the apostle saying anything about that. In fact, I see quite the opposite. I see Paul the apostle talking about the one church that is made up of every tribe and every tongue and every nation, but he doesn't divide the church according to tribe, tongue and nation.
He, in fact, goes through great pains not to. He says, there's no Jew, there's no Greek, all the dividing walls have been removed.
And so I don't want to be that person who's creating those dividing walls again. I think a lot of social justice warriors, unfortunately, when they talk about the white church and the black church and the
Latino church, that's exactly what they're doing. They're creating dividing walls again in the church. And so that's the second reason why it's a good reason to oppose social justice warriors in Christianity.
A third reason to do it is that it's anti -justice. It's actually against biblical justice to say that all white people are accountable for this racism that only a few actually do.
It's against the Bible to say that you can be accountable for a sin just because of your skin color.
And that's what a lot of social justice warrior Christians want to do. Thabiti Ebenwali, I mispronounced that name,
I'm sure I did. But he seems to say that our grandparents, if we're white, of course, and I'm 60 %
European, I'm Puerto Rican. So I've had ancestors that were slaves, but also ancestors that were probably slavers.
So I would assume that I'm 60 % guilty of murdering
Dr. King. I don't know. I mean, that's just a ridiculous, unbiblical thing.
And it's not, it's against the concept of biblical justice. The Bible talks about everyone paying for their own sins.
You're not punished for the sins of the fathers and things like that. And so it's called social justice, but it's not justice.
It's actually anti -justice so much of the time. And if you want to have a standard of justice, because the gospel does apply to justice, absolutely, even social justice.
But it has to be a social justice that's defined by God, defined by the scriptures. And so one of my big hopes for this whole controversy is that people will rediscover the foundational elements of the law of God.
I'm not saying you have to become a theonomist, but your view of justice must comport with the scriptural view of justice.
And that's a third reason why you should oppose social justice warriors in Christianity.
And the fourth reason to do it is it actually hurts the people that it claims to help. Social justice warriors claim to want to help minorities.
They claim to want to help black Christians and Hispanic Christians and whoever other kind of Christians. It's usually a black and white issue, but I think they probably want to help every minority
Christian. And that's the goal of it. And that's what they intend to do. But what they end up doing is they end up encouraging these people to be angry.
They end up encouraging them to be envious, covetous. The whole idea of social
Marxism, and that's what social justice warrior Christianity is. The whole idea is that if you don't have a proportional amount of the funds, of the money, of whatever it is, the cultural influence that another ethnicity does have, you should want that and you should do whatever you need to do to get that.
Even if it means reparations, which is essentially stealing from one group and giving to another.
Even if it means all of these things, reverse discrimination, whatever it means, that actually encourages black and Hispanic people to embrace their covetousness, to embrace their enviousness, to embrace their anger and all of these things, and partiality as well.
And I got to say, that's extremely dangerous. It's extremely dangerous. I know you think you're helping Latinos.
I know you think you're helping black people when you come alongside them in this SJW kind of way.
But what you actually do is you put them in a dangerous situation. You put them in a situation that will eat them alive if they don't repent.
Because this is a never -ending cycle. There will always be disparities. Even in the eternal state, there's disparities.
God talks about in his word that people will have different levels of authority, different levels of reward, even in the eternal state.
So there'll be disparities in the eternal state. And so if you're going to tell them you need to embrace your anger and your covetousness and your envy in order to right these disparities that are somehow sinful,
I'm sorry, but that's putting them in a dangerous spot. I would not recommend any
Latino, any fellow Latino, any black person to embrace this kind of idea. If somebody is wronging you, that's one thing.
But just because you have less than somebody else does not mean that they've wronged you. It could mean that, but you need to have evidence for it.
And so that's the fourth reason, because these guys, I know some of them, their hearts are in the right place.
They want to help Latinos and blacks, but what they end up doing is hurting them. And so those are four reasons, good reasons, why to oppose