Sundry Laws


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Deuteronomy chapter 22, and once again before we look to God's Word let us ask him to bless our time together.
Our Gracious Heavenly Father we do pray that during this hour you would be honored and glorified, your truth would be made known.
Lord help us to do the work of worship, help us to hear your word. These are some difficult texts that we are seeking to understand, help us that we may understand them are right, we may explain them to others.
All to your honor and glory we pray in Christ's name. For those of you who have not been with us before, normally on in most
Reformed Baptist churches on Sunday mornings there is a exhortation from the
New Testament just as we read from the
New Testament, but as I preach generally just on the last
Sunday of the month and a couple times during the summer as well, we have been doing a series for a number of months now.
We began with, and it's still titled the Holiness Code, we began back in Leviticus and the purpose of our seeking to work through quite honestly some of the most difficult texts in the
Old Testament is due to the reality of the fact that we live in a day when
God's law is mocked and derided in our society openly with impunity and in fact with the great applause and approbation of the large number of people within our society.
And one of the reasons that they're able to get away with this is due to the fundamental ignorance of most of us concerning what is found in the law, specifically the
Pentateuch, the books of Moses, and specifically in certain portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
And when we began this series I did something that I can pretty much guarantee had never happened in a
Reformed Baptist Church before, and that was I actually played a segment from the
West Wing television program during the sermon. I just know that had, in fact that has not happened since then either, and probably will never happen again.
I'm not a prophet nor a son of a prophet, but that's probably how it's going to work. And it was the segment where the president mocked a particular person representing
Dr. Laura Schlesinger. And it was based upon a letter written by a homosexual where you start off looking at Leviticus 18 and 20, and Leviticus 18 and 20 says an abomination, homosexuality is an abomination, and then what you do is you just grab texts.
And well I have a daughter and she speaks fluent French and I'm thinking about selling her into slavery.
How much money should I be able to get in light of such -and -such a text? And you know the
Washington Redskins, they have to hold the pigskin. If you touch the pigskin then you're supposed to be unclean.
And you know, well if they wear gloves can you do that? It was all a mockery, a mockery of Christians for selectively choosing some parts of the
Old Testament law to believe and other parts to no longer believe. And it's highly effective obviously because of the context in which it is placed.
You know you get the right music going and the right actors and camera angles and you can make it look really really good.
But the reason that it's effective is primarily due to the fact that we don't know our own Bibles very well and certainly the audience to whom this material is being presented, they don't know the
Bible basically at all. And so very many Christians have been silenced by this kind of presentation and our whole attempt over the past basically year or more has been to remove some of the restraint that might exist upon any one of us for fear of not being able to respond to counter accusations or counter arguments should we seek to give testimony from the law of God in regards to his moral and ethical commands.
And in so doing we've laid down certain parameters, we've looked already at a number of texts that quite honestly almost never get preached on a
Sunday morning anywhere in the English -speaking world any longer. They may have been preached on in the days of the
Puritans but in our day if you can't sort of match the hymns to your sermon text and if it's not going to fit into a certain movement that you're a certain emphasis you're having right now for missions giving or whatever else it might be then it's probably best not to preach on those texts at all.
And we've worked through some really difficult texts. Now when you enter into a section such as Deuteronomy chapter 22 where in the
New American Standard the subtitle or the title to the entire chapter is Sundry Laws.
That's sort of a road sign that's going to tell you ahead of time trying to come up with a specific theme that's necessarily going to connect these various laws together might not actually be possible.
And I'm not going to try to come up with one, I'm not going to try any alliteration, any poetry, any heart -pulling stories about puppies or anything else to try to paper over the fact that we are looking at some challenging texts through the next chapters.
And I confess I am struggling a little bit with covering everything partly because on one side
I go well we've covered the basics, we've covered the principles and I think it would be good to leave it to folks to apply those principles in some places.
But I also recognize that there are people listening to this series literally all over the globe
I've been informed and if we do skip something I can just I just guarantee that we're going to end up hearing something about ah you don't have an answer for that one and that's why you skipped over it.
And so I'm trying to find the proper balance between those various pressures and looking at what we are covering.
But let's look at chapter 22 and begin our study this morning.
You shall not see your countryman's ox or his sheep straying away and pay no attention to them.
You shall certainly bring them back to your countryman if your countryman is not near you or if you do not know him then you shall bring it home to your house and shall remain with you until your countryman looks for it then you shall restore it to him.
Thus you should do with his donkey and you should do the same with his garment and you should do likewise with anything lost by your countryman which he has lost and you have found.
You are not allowed to neglect them. You shall not see your countryman's donkey or his ox fallen down the way and pay no attention to them.
You shall certainly help him to raise them up. So we'll do one section at a time and try to at least have a topical connection at that point and these first four verses are fairly straightforward.
Life in Israel is to be life in community. The people are bound together by their common covenant with God and this is simply a recognition that when you live in a community that you have certain responsibilities to others.
Now it is interesting in in our land today there are still many people who not knowing this text would live in light of it.
We see the stories about people who find wallets with thousands of dollars in them and and go to extraordinary efforts to find the person whose wallet that was but I have a
I have a feeling then the vast majority of those situations if you were to sort of look back in that person's heritage look back as to who raised them somewhere along the lines you're probably gonna find somebody who had some some religious training maybe grandma you know instilled or grandpa instilled that kind of of thought in the mind even as a as a young person because sadly the reality is most of us know that if you leave your iPhone on a seat and walk away what's the chances of you getting that thing back?
It can happen but we all know that we're hoping against hope that anything like that would actually take place and the same thing certainly with a wallet you might get the wallet back but the credit cards and the cash will be gone and that's why most of us are almost immediately you're you're calling your credit card companies or maybe if you've got one of those protection things you call them and they call your credit card companies because the assumption is in our land today that there is going to be something bad that's going to come if something like that were to happen and of course when we're talking about donkeys or oxen or things like that that wasn't just that that's not that's not putting a picture of a doggy up on the on the light pole in the neighborhood say lost dog please help me find my my my my dear friend you might like the donkey though I've never really met too many donkeys that were overly likable but you might like the oxen or something along those lines but the reality is these were very important tools of life they would be very much used in transportation in in farming in tilling the soil so on and so forth and so you're not just talking about being nice here and returning a kitty or a doggie or something like that you're talking about something more here his garment whatever else it might be the point is you are not to just simply overlook these things you're not to live just for yourself that's what is being said here this is in essence a a basic exhortation and commandment that the people of God should not become self -absorbed but that instead they should be looking out for the interest of those around and of course it's it's not difficult to see that what you in essence have here is pretty much the golden rule
I mean if your ox gets away you would very much like it if it wanders over to your neighbor's place that they would take care of it for you if they happen to recognize it's yours and you know if you if you did the hang over the fence thing and talking with your with your neighbor you get to recognize their ox might even know its name who knows but it even leaves the possibility that hey if it just wanders on your property and you don't know who's it is you don't go aha and hide it away and hope that no one finds it until they stop looking and now you've got you've got an extra ox you know you were saving up for a new one but now you don't have to worry about it no it doesn't doesn't work that way there are certain responsibilities that are to take place and if you're not to look at it as if well someone else's lost my gain no this is someone else's property and we are to recognize that God is the one who gives us things and therefore we are not to in essence steal from others even though we might be able to get away with it we might be able to explain how we did that now you go from general equity in the society to a single verse that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the verse before it or the verse after it a woman shall not wear man's clothing or show a man put on women's clothing for whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh your
God now I will confess that this text was probably quoted a good bit last year when a certain former gold medalist decided to remake himself we all know what
I'm referring to and I think that there would be relevance at that point it's not like the subject of transgender ism is directly addressed in the
Bible positively it is we discussed it at the time positively it's addressed in the fact that God is the one who makes man male and female and therefore it is fundamentally an act of rebellion against God and a questioning of his goodness and a questioning of his sovereignty and a questioning of his kingship to pretend that you can reject
God's sovereignty in your life and say well I'm I may be quite obviously a male but I'm going to act as a female
I'm going to dress as a female or I'm even going to mutilate my body to make it less male because it's never gonna be female no matter what you try it's not going to happen but I doubt that almost anybody who quoted it took the time to look too much of what was before and after it because to be honest with you outside of just the only general theme
I can see here at the beginning of Deuteronomy chapter 22 is that there are the reality is none of us lives on an we've all heard that phrase before right nobody lives on an island we may have the idea in American culture that what
I do behind closed doors doesn't affect anybody else that is absurd and no never has this nation lived on that on that foundation never not once what do
I mean well if I am behind closed doors and I abuse alcohol and become drunk do we really believe that well as long as you do that inside your house you can just get drunk all you want yeah until your liver explodes and then you want us to pay for your for your surgery right or unless you get into a car and kill somebody else or unless you beat on your wife your kids or unless you burn your house down because you're stone -cold drunk and it burns your neighbor's house down then that seems to have something to do with somebody else we've we recognize we don't live on islands and the only thing that I can see that in general caused these particular commandments to be grouped together is that we are talking about attitudes that end up having an impact upon all of us whether we want to admit it or not
I mean it would be a secret thing you could probably get away with hiding that ox that wanders on your property right you know you just sort of put it in your barn and and yet you keep it hidden away there's a certain place in your property it might be good to put it there so when the owner comes looking they're not gonna see it they move on they may not have time to come by figure it you know was killed by predators whatever and you've got in the same way in the privacy of your own home hey you know what does it matter if a if a woman wears men's clothing or or or vice versa and what does that really matter who really cares well there isn't an extended discussion here but when you place this within the context of what we've already seen you should be a holy people for I am holy and who is always described as being the creator of men and women now we don't have to get it
I think it's I think it's silly when people start getting into well you know what men wear today and what women wear today that that's that's that's just a cultural thing you know we know from from paintings and artwork and statuary and all sorts of stuff that that men have not always worn pants with belts and and and you know wore a tie on the
Sunday morning or anything like that there were there was even to this day there is clothing that men wear in other cultures that would really stand out if someone were to walk in here dressed in the same way in in Arab countries men wear the the long flowing robe now they may have pants on underneath shorts on underneath it all depends but if we went to a a
Christian church in Jordan today or in Lebanon today and there are
Christian churches or Christian seminaries in those lands they would not necessarily some might but they would not necessarily wearing pants and a shirt and a tie and looking like us and so people will dismiss text like this based upon that observation and it's a true observation but the point is not exactly what it was notice it says woman's clothing man's clothing so the point is you know which is which you know which is which in your society and there seems to be because of that term abomination a purposeful a purposeful rebellion against the created order in your experience that's what's being referred to it's not just some type of I don't think it would necessarily have had application for example to the theater in old days when very often men played even parts of women it was a natural thing everybody knew who was who so on so forth wearing a mask anything like that something here is to eva something here is an abomination and it's hard not to remember the toe eva abomination is the exact same term used in Leviticus 18 and 20 in regards to homosexuality it's used in elsewhere in regards to causing the children to pass the fire and idolatry and many things like that but there is a perversity a perversion that is involved here and the point is this if you think that you can be one thing in your home and yet still be what
God wants you to be in your society you're wrong you're a hypocrite and we all know that we all we all know how to put on the one face outside of the home but in our heart of hearts we know who we really are and we have seen over and over again and recent history and leadership of our own country has made it clear that you can have people who are one thing in public and there's something else in private and that will end up having a degrading influence upon the moral worldview decisions that they make now
I'm not saying that you know we all know that all of the leaders of the
United States if you dig far enough have had skeletons in their closets they've had foibles and sometimes major issues that ended up influencing them and God continues to rule and reign no matter what man does he uses man is a he's not as as his instrument he's not going oh
I I hope this leader will do what I want him to do or the God is still upon his throne I hear all those things but God's people are not to be hypocrites
God's people in this nation is not to be a nation I'm speaking of the nation of Israel here where you have the in the home type of person and then the external type of person and that is not exactly what ended up happening under the kings of Israel is not exactly what you end up seeing where the prophets have to say
I want a broken heart not the sacrifices that's the very issue that comes up and I think that's what we're seeing here is don't think that because you're in the secret in a secret place that God is not observing your religion is to be a religion of the entirety of your life and that seems to be connected with what comes afterwards though again the description sundry laws does seem to be an appropriate description if you happen to come upon a bird's nest along the way in any tree on the ground with young ones or eggs and the mother sitting on the young or on the eggs you shall not take the mother with the young you should certainly let the mother go but the young you may take for yourself and or that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days now what's this all about well again it is a first of all it has appropriate application regards to allowing you know this this mother is probably going to be able to have other offspring in the future and so there is a reality you know eggs are good
I don't know about the rest you but I I sort of I like eggs eggs are eggs are good eggs and salsa are better and you know so so there's there's nothing wrong with with doing that but if you want to keep having eggs available you need to have the species continuing and so you curb your appetite do what's right in the long term and then there's a there's a promise and or that may be well with you and that you may prolong your days
God blesses people whose attitude in all of life even something as little as the gathering of food as as exercising discipline in little things in life is done in the light of what would
God have me to do how am I to behave because again I mean most the time you wouldn't be out this would this wouldn't be something that you would necessarily encounter when you're out in the middle of a huge public group you're not going to find a bird's nest and necessarily in a situation like that again you're probably gonna be alone here and here's an opportunity hey eggs great stuff will have some omelets for breakfast tomorrow morning this would be wonderful but even in that secluded situation there is to be an eye toward God and an eye toward the future and an eye toward doing what is well in God's sight and a recognition that there is a promise of God that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days
God will bless the person whose heart is true no matter where it is because then outside the temple with the smell the sacrifices it's easy to be religious but does that translate into when you are alone in your own home out in the wilderness there was a lot more wilderness then than there even is now obviously is there consistency in the person that's the question that's the question then we come to one of my favorite verses honestly
I I like this first and you might say why well we've talked about before I think it's one of the best verses for illustrating what
I think is a meaningful approach to examining these and by the way on a very practical level
I sort of have a way of applying this you might find useful verse 8 when you build a new house you shall make a parapet for your roof so that you will not bring blood guilt on your house if anyone falls from it so once again if someone comes along let's say someone wants to be judgmental about something you do or do not do and they want to say well you shouldn't be doing that thing let's say well there are some there are some groups for example that still push the necessity of keeping dietary laws alright let's say someone throws that at you how might you respond well
I know that's one of the things that I've thought through is use of this verse could you could you show me a picture of your house you have a picture of your house you know a lot of us don't
I mean today we live we live in the iPhone generation well most of us with a few exceptions in the congregation live in the iPhone or droid or something at least more than a flip phone generation and it used to be
I'm old enough that I still I found recently remember how you'd carry pictures in your wallet remember the people had the big thing like that you know you had lots of pictures but still
I don't know how many I've got it I've got close to 2 ,000 pictures on my iPhone okay
I did and anybody else okay see there you go now they're not 4 ,000 pictures of my cat but I do have a lot of pictures on my iPhone and so you couldn't carry nearly that many but but I I guess
I might have a couple in there of my house not many not really but but I would ask the person can
I see a picture of your house okay here or or why or whatever else and however that comes out say well let me just ask you what what kind of a fence did you put around your roof fence fence fence around my roof what why what well there it is
Deuteronomy 22 verse 8 when you build a new house you should make a parapet for your roof so that you will not bring blood guilt on your house or heaven falls from it what what if what if your repairman you know we all we've all had to have that box up there that sucks our money out of our wallets during June July August you know we've all had to have that box repaired because none of them you know and they're you know entropy and the laws of physics you know and the heat eventually gets everything so what if he falls off you you will bring blood guilt on your house if anyone falls from and even more and and the same it would be say the blood guilt would be either the person who falls or what if somebody is down below and gets hit by something that falls from the roof you've got blood guiltiness so where's your where's your fence now
I'm pretty certain I'm pretty certain that no one in this room has a fence around the top of your house
I mean I gotta admit that would look a little bit odd unless you have one of those Pueblo type houses and maybe some of you might have so I think those are really sort of cool -looking there's there's one of them up north
I ride by it on my bike once in a while even on their gate it says White House but Casablanca Casablanca you know it's really pretty but most of us we've got the slanted roof and in fact that's probably better I've had flat roofs out here in Arizona not it not a good thing and no fence so are we just ignoring this now you may recall months ago when we first started this series
I went to this as an illustration of excellent illustration of how we can look at these texts in the
Old Testament law and try to discern what was the purpose of these laws and even when much has changed can we still make application of the intention of the law and it's fairly obvious what the intention of the law is and what the modern corollary of that would be in those days you spent a lot of time on your roof it was a floor of the house it was a place where cooking could be done it was a place where obviously in the when it was hot it would be the coolest place when the
Sun started to go down inside it still took time for you know you didn't have a fan you could turn on all the rest that kind of stuff and so a lot took place on roofs and so if you were up there and you didn't take consideration for yourself your family your guests or for your neighbors then you can bring blood guiltiness upon yourself you could have you know one of those you know big old pot with planting or something like that and you know what happens when the seven -year -old start chasing each other around and somebody trips and they they run into the pot and it they knock it off and it it lands right on Imelda's head down below in the street and and poor poor that she's gone it's it's it's done and and and oh what a terrible accident well but there's still blood guiltiness involved you didn't take the precautions you're supposed to have there's supposed to be fencing up there so that when the guys start roughhousing they may run into it but it hits the fence rather than poor
Imelda on on the street down below and so the point was protect life not only yours and your family's and your guests but just a plain old person you know your neighbor next door who might just be walking by your house because that's their way to get home it was being considerate that's where I see the connection to everything else in this text as well is the consideration of those around you so what does that apply to us today well
I think especially I well this week wasn't it the little one in Glendale a little child got away from mom
I guess through the back door straight into the pool eight and a half minutes underwater no fence whatsoever and last
I heard didn't look good and I don't know I haven't had a haven't seen a follow -up I don't know if the child passed away or not but did not sound good you're saying no
I hope so but be that as it may we have lots we should we have to have them
I mean should not there not be a a recognition of the the inherent danger that that big old hunk and the hole in the ground with water in it represent well even without water in it as it sometimes is represents sure it's not it's it's not the exact application but it is the principle we don't live on a ruse anymore can you imagine what that roof would feel like in Arizona it wouldn't be a good place to be does that mean that the principle then is just right we can forget about it no
I don't think so I think we have the goodness of taking those proper precautions in regards the saving of life and especially as how again this speaks to how we have relationship with one another in society is very very important to recognize and there certainly is tremendous well there
I think I'm not certain of this I did not take the time to look into this because I would imagine it would be based upon what municipalities states on and so forth but I I think
I've certainly heard of people who were it was very clear they had not exercised proper caution have gotten in trouble with the law because of people dying or being severely injured in situations like this
I'm not talking about the I would not say that a text like this is the basis for the fact that every time you buy a ladder there are 47 warning signs on it in 15 different languages including graphical pictures you know there is a level of common sense
I mean seriously I don't think every single step should be you could fall the next step you could fall farther at the top step you're gonna die
I don't I really don't I don't think I don't see that that's necessary to have there but there is obviously a balance and I think that this text illustrates what we're talking about very well but then you go from that to the next one and you go yeah good luck making an application here but I think what we have now is in verses 9 and following there is a bit of a shift in the context as far as what binds the next few sections together you shall not so your vineyard two kinds of seed or all the produce to see what you have sewn and the increase the vineyard will become defiled now keep that in mind with you shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together and you shall not wear a material mixed of wool and linen together now what are these all share together what's what's there what's the common thread here there is in Leviticus and Deuteronomy an emphasis upon consistency and purity even when that might cause you to have to exercise discipline and to restrain yourself from greed the idea of doing things in a pure fashion is what is in sight
I don't think that the ground is damaged or you know if you have a row of grapes next to a line of corn that the grapes are somehow going to become poisonous or something like that but the point is the idea of purity the idea of sameness the idea of oneness so an ox and a donkey together
I suppose you could argue the ox is going to be you know might have its spine put out of alignment because the are the donkey is not going to pull as hard I mean again if you want to try to dig down and say well maybe this maybe that it's possible but it seems to me when you put it all together that each of these is saying the same thing about purity and about keeping an eye toward what
God wants you to do in all things I mean you shall not wear a material mixed of wool and linen together well
I suppose you could be really really really strict and say well wool is only this and linen is only this some people actually say that the priests the high priestly garments violated this and that that what it's about is you shut you shouldn't do anything that would imitate what the high priest does
I don't know every one of us in here though I think on a fairly obvious level are probably violating this right now everyone and never gave a second thought because you know
I I'm not I'm not you know I didn't bother reading the tags
I mean half the time I cut the tags off anyways and wouldn't know but I didn't bother in tags but something tells me that you know there's there's probably a mixture in in almost everything that everyone is wearing in this room you might have a 100 % cotton whatever but I bet you your socks have some if your socks don't have some clingy stuff in it some some spandex or some some something you're probably the one that takes ten steps reach down pull up ten steps reach down pull up you know that kind of thing and and I'm I'm I'm not interested in that and I don't think that it's a religious issue to like the fact that my socks pretty much stay where I put them and that's what that's what their job is they're supposed to stay right there
I don't think it's a religious thing I do think that what we have here is religious and why that why
I said because verse 12 on a on a positive thing says you shall well verse 11 you shall not wear a material mix of wool and linen together verse 12 you shall make yourself tassels on the four corners of your garment with which you cover yourself and so here was it seems to me this is all very much has a we might identify it as somewhat ceremonial aspect to it but that it takes us back to the purity that the people of Israel are supposed to demonstrate in their life on the positive side of verse 12 it would be hard for you to hide that you're one of the covenant people of Israel when you have those telltale tassels on that which covers you so in other words if you're along the border between Israel and another country and you just really really like bacon there are a few people like that you really like bacon and so you might leave
Israel and you might go into the Gentile area and you know there's a meat market over there and you might be able to get yourself a slab of bacon but if the garment you're wearing has those tassels on it everybody around you is going to know because they all know
I mean they're not sending people into Israel to set up bacon stands okay they know that that was that's not gonna be a good business plan and so if you are self -identified well what are you gonna do there is a public profession in the positive placement of those tassels that says
I'm one of the covenant people of God and in the same way in a in a negative way the thought is to be well
God wants me to have purity in the sowing of my seeds in my field
I am NOT to try to mix things up just to try to to get some more money for myself
I'm to trust God and in this field I plant only this and that field I plant only that and I'm not to try to mix things up even if it looks like my neighbor over in the
Gentile area is doing well doing that I don't do that and I plow with only two oxen and two donkeys together and when my
Gentile neighbor asks I may not be able to go it's because well
God knows that the the ox is gonna pull harder and so it's going to cause subluxations in the spine if you have a donkey no that's that's that's not what
I say I say I do that because my God has commanded that I do that and my
God has also commanded that yeah that is a that is a really nice tunic that you you got from Egypt there but it's it's made of mixed mixed things wool and linen together and other things like that and and and our and our
God says that were to have purity in our clothing as well and so it may not be as as flashy as what you have but you know we're in covenant to Yahweh and and how you answer that it's really going to reflect your heart yeah
I sure would like to have one of those but our God won't let us yeah there's a witness that's great or you could say well you know the the
God who has covenanted with me to to bless my obedience who brought my my ancestors out of Egypt has provided a way for forgiveness of sins in in the sacrificial system in Jerusalem and and he asks for a broken heart and a contrite heart and walks me asks me to walk and humble obedience to him you know what his commit his commands are not heavy his commands are not heavy there must have been somebody that was doing that because we know there were
God fears you know in the New Testament where did the Apostles go when they went to the synagogues they're looking for those
God fears that found in the law of God a moral and ethical system that was attractive to them there were
Simeon's there were Anna's it's really easy for us to think that all the Jews were like the Pharisees they weren't they weren't
God has had his people and I think the best way to look at these texts is to look at them as as things where I know there are some that would think well there is something you know if you wear wool and linen together it's gonna do something that's going to affect your body
I I don't see any evidence of that maybe so but in many in many of these texts
I don't think you can necessarily say no it's there is something unnatural about an ox and a donkey pulling on a cart but there is something where God has said you're to do it the way that I instruct you to do it and when you do it in that way
I will bless your obedience and I think that's what we have here and the same thing in the positive command in the placing the tassels on the four corners of your garment now what about us today okay we all know that fundamentally the reason we're plowing through this material is so that we are familiar with it if someone says oh well are you wearing linen and wool together it's you're not gonna be going that's in the
Bible you're gonna understand you know where it is why it was there you're gonna be able to ask you know have you ever looked at what that's what that's actually talking about if you looked at the other laws around it and you know about not plowing with a donkey and an ox and as soon as you do that you have taken over the conversation you are now in charge that conversation because they don't know that and you can now direct it the way you want to direct it that's just a really practical thing but it also gives you the confidence to be able to respond to these things so it's good that we we do that but is that the only reason to be looking at this just because we're under attack as Christians in our society today and and the internet allows people to throw these verses out there without a context and and and give people a bludgeon to hit us with is that the only reason
I hope not I hope that when we consider the fact that the Israelite was called to purity of life that a we will rejoice that we don't live under a legal system like that any longer and that it doesn't condemn us that Christ has taken the burden from us he's fulfilled all these things especially those are directly pointed to him but at the same time do we ever chafe under the law of Christ do we ever demonstrate that there were sometimes there were
Jewish people that in their obedience to laws that we hardly even have thought to may have been illustrating more of a humble obedient spirit than we ourselves are illustrating should we not in light of the great light that we have the indwelling presence of the spirit within us that the recognition of the fulfilled prophecy and who
Christ was and what he's called us to be shouldn't it shouldn't it cause us to recognize that what
God has called us to do in our obedience to him is so it shouldn't shape it shape upon us it shouldn't it shouldn't be a restriction it should be something that we rejoice in something that we find guidance in something we find joy in because if the people of God could find a way to in the very clothing that they wore positively and negatively by its purity and by its tassels to find a way to represent their
God should we not in every aspect of our lives be doing even more than that in light of the much greater light that we have in the fullness of Scripture something to consider on this
Lord's Day let's close our time the word our grace
Heavenly Father we are reminded once again of your word that tells us that all Scripture is
God breathed and that that is not a a text that is saying most but all and that our