F4F | Phil Pringle the Presumptuous False Prophet


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am a servant in Jesus Christ and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now it's gonna be a little bit of a trick question but do you remember that really huge youth revival that happened concurrent with the
Brownsville revival? I don't either. So if you don't remember that, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video. Ring the bell so that you can be notified when we update the channel.
Today we're going to be heading down to Australia to start off with.
And note that Phil Pringle, the vision casting leader and self -proclaimed prophetic type who leads the c3 movement, he has now officially engaged in giving a false prophecy.
We'll take a look at the biblical standards for what makes a true or a false prophet and we'll note a very specific word, presumptuous.
Yeah, the word is presumptuous today. Today's Fighting for the Faith is brought to you by the word presumptuous.
Yes. Anyway, we'll note that that particular word becomes the key to unlocking one of the ways in which you can identify a false prophet.
But we're going to specifically be keying in on Phil Pringle's 2020 vision.
He had a word from the Lord that he's been making use of for more than a decade, as far as fundraising and activity and getting people involved in c3, and it's their 2020 vision which he claims comes from God.
And so we'll see if the details of the 2020 vision have come to pass, and if we can now say, check,
Phil Pringle is a true prophet, or check, we now can definitively say again,
I have to say again because he's done this before, that he's a false prophet. And again, we're gonna apply the biblical standard.
And just to kind of dogpile on the concept, we're gonna head to the Brownsville revival from the 1990s, and listen to Dr.
Michael Brown give a prophecy regarding a youth revival that was supposed to happen concurrent with or right on the heels of the
Brownsville revival. And we'll listen to the details and see if that prophecy came to pass as well.
So we're gonna start off in the biblical text. Let me do this. I'm going to whirl up my desktop.
Let me pull open my Bible, and we're going to take a look at Deuteronomy chapter 18.
Now real quick here, when you go to Deuteronomy 18, some people who are involved in the charismatic movement or the
NAR will immediately go, oh this is an old covenant standard. It doesn't apply today.
Yes, actually it does. So let me explain why. In the Old Testament, there are two major tests in the book of Deuteronomy that are given regarding testing whether or not somebody is a true prophet or a false prophet.
One is the idolatry or false doctrine test, and the other is the presumption, the presumptuousness, there it is, the presumptuousness test.
Yeah, I'm tripping over my words today. Alright, so let's take a look at the idolatry test first, shall we?
Deuteronomy chapter 13. If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder.
So a prophet or a dreamer of dreams pops up, gives a sign and or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass.
This is a legitimate prophecy that has taken place, it's occurred! A sign or a wonder, and then he says to let us go after other gods which you have not known and let us serve them.
You shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for Yahweh your
God is testing you to know whether you love Yahweh your God with all your heart, with all your soul.
Okay, so prophet comes, gives a true prophecy or performs a sign or a wonder, and then says, and while we're at it let's go ahead and worship
Molech and Asherah. And you sit there and go, wait a second, now one of the tests of the prophet, in fact one of the first, the first test of a prophet given in the book of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy 13, is the idolatry test.
And so this still applies today. So for instance, let's pretend for a second that somebody at Bethel gets up and gives a very detailed prophecy, and the details are amazingly clear and lucid and coherent, and then that prophecy comes to pass.
And then after everyone is marveling, going whoa, I can't believe how accurate that was, and that it came to pass.
Of course Charisma News will be running this front page on their website, you know, this would be the headline for weeks.
But then that prophet from Bethel, if they said well let us then go ahead and worship the deities of Hinduism, people will say no, we can't do that.
Deuteronomy 13 says if a prophet comes and he says something's gonna happen, and it happens, and then tells us to worship other gods, that's a false prophet.
Now note, I'd seriously doubt that people at that point would say, listen, listen, the prohibition against worshiping other deities, well that's just Old Covenant stuff.
Yeah, it doesn't apply today. Yeah, it still does. So you'll note, when we take a look at God's law in the
Old Testament, there are three types of law. The first type is the moral law, and these laws still apply, and have been restated in the
New Testament. This would include the laws pertaining to idolatry, blaspheming
God's name, it applies to honoring your father and your mother, it applies to murder, it applies to sexual immorality and adultery, to stealing, to slandering and bearing false witness against your neighbor, and to coveting.
All of those commands in the moral law have been restated as being binding on Christians in the
New Testament, including the prohibition for idolatry, and the prohibition of taking the name of the
Lord your God in vain. That commandment of blaspheming God's name is still in effect.
So that being the case, no one can sit there and go, wow, prohibition against idolatry, that's in the
Old Testament, that doesn't really apply in the New. Yes, it really does. It really does.
Now all that being said, there's another test in Deuteronomy regarding whether or not somebody is a true prophet or a false prophet, and it's given by Moses in a prophecy regarding Jesus.
Yes, Moses prophesied about Christ, and so let's take a look at the prophecy, and here's what it says.
Deuteronomy 18 15, Yahweh your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers.
It is to him you shall listen. Just as you desired of Yahweh your
God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my
God or see his great fire anymore lest I die. And Yahweh said to me, they are right in what they have spoken.
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.
And whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name,
I myself will require it of him. So you'll note in this particular prophecy, this begins with a prophecy about Jesus, and God is making it clear.
He's gonna send somebody who's a prophet like Moses, and you've got to listen to him.
If you don't listen to him, God is gonna hold you accountable and responsible for not hearing his words, which then kind of begs the question, well how will
I know whether or not somebody is truly speaking God's words or not if they're really a prophet?
So verse 20 now comes into play, but the prophet who presumes, and so here is our
Hebrew word, and it means to act presumptuously.
Okay, it's to assume, to think that that voice that you heard was
God, and repeat what that voice said, but it wasn't God.
You are acting presumptuously. So the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods.
So notice Deuteronomy 13 is re -invoked, the idolatry and false doctrine go hand in hand, and they are still disqualifiers regarding so -called prophets
So the prophet who speaks that I have not commanded him to speak, who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
Alright, so you can note Deuteronomy 18, in the old theocracy of ancient Israel, false prophets, those who broke the commandment that said you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain, who blasphemed. How did they blaspheme?
By speaking and acting presumptuously, speaking words for God that God did not command them to speak.
The penalty in the ancient theocracy of Israel was the death penalty. That's what the text says.
So if you say in your heart, well how may know the word that Yahweh has not spoken?
And that's the question. Alright, so how do we know for sure when Yahweh hasn't spoken?
Because we can eliminate that, we're closer to figuring out when he has spoken.
So when a prophet speaks, and watch what it says, in the name of the
Lord. Alright, and you're gonna know, when we do our prophecy bingo segments, what, whose name do people speak in?
Oh, the Lord is telling me the word of the Lord for this, the word, they're speaking in the name of the Lord, right?
So when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken.
And watch what happens. The prophet has spoken presumptuously.
You need not be afraid of him. In other words, arrest him and have him tried, and after the trial, if he's found guilty, you exact the proper punishment in the ancient theocracy of Israel.
Now, in the New Covenant, we were not required to follow the civil laws of ancient
Israel. So there were three types of laws. In fact, I started this. There's the moral law, there's the civil law, these are the civil laws of the ancient theocracy of Israel that are connected to the moral law, and then there are the ceremonial laws.
So the ceremonial laws have all been fulfilled by Jesus, because they all in one way or another were a type and shadow that pointed to Christ and his vicarious suffering for our sins.
And you'll note, the temple is gone, so all of the ceremonial laws, nobody's obeying those, and the civil laws of the ancient theocracy of Israel, that ancient theocracy doesn't exist today, and so the civil laws have fallen away.
The only thing left, and in the New Testament, the only part of the Mosaic Covenant laws that got restated and were made perfectly clear to be binding on the conscience of Christians were the moral laws.
So this will include not having any other God, not taking the name of the Lord your
God in vain, and I've already stated them all, you know, honoring your father and mother, not murdering, not committing adultery, not stealing, not lying, all of those things still apply today.
So you'll note then that how do you know when the Lord hasn't spoken? Somebody says, thus saith the
Lord, next Tuesday is Taco Tuesday, and you're going to have steak.
Okay, and so Taco Tuesday shows up, and lo and behold, you have chicken tacos.
That prophet hasn't heard from God. Notice what the standard is. How will we know the word that the
Lord Yahweh has not spoken? Well, the word that the Lord has not spoken is the one that when somebody says, the
Lord says, the Lord told me, the Lord gave me this vision, the Lord gave me this strategy, the Lord told me that this thing was going to take place by such -and -such a time.
If it doesn't come to pass, you can say, the Lord didn't say that.
The person speaking those words acted and spoke presumptuously, because we can, according to the biblical standard, just completely rule out that the
Lord told them anything because it didn't come to pass. The Lord has not spoken.
They have spoken presumptuously. A presumptuous prophet is a false prophet.
That's the biblical standard of both the old and the new. Still in effect today.
I mean, can you sit there, oh no, no, no, it's not in effect today. That's, that's a silly, that's just an Old Testament standard.
Okay, so, you know, prophet so -and -so said such -and -such was going to happen, and it didn't happen.
And I'm supposed to believe now that they're hearing from God? Still? Clearly they're inaccurate.
They are presumptuous. They are speaking words for God that are not coming to pass.
You know, a good way to put it is that when you think about baseball, man, if you can hit, get on base three times out of ten times you come up to bat, you got a 300 batting average, there's a good chance you're gonna make it into the
Hall of Fame. But with a person claiming to hear directly from God, they don't have to be somewhat accurate or mostly accurate.
They don't get to have a 300 batting average or a 500 or a 600 batting average.
They have to be batting a thousand. Otherwise, they are speaking presumptuously words that God has not commanded them.
This standard is still in effect today. All right, all that being said, we are going to head over to C3 Church, and we're gonna do a little bit of review, if you would.
The vision casting prophetic type there at the C3 movement is Phil Pringle, and Phil Pringle for practically the entire time
I've been covering him, and I've been covering him for a decade, has been talking up this 2020 vision that God has given to C3 Church.
Let's review the details of that, shall we? Here's Phil Pringle.
My apologies for any dramatic music and cyrillic subtitles. I nabbed this off the internet, so here we go.
In the beginning, God gives us a vision. This vision is to build the church worldwide.
Building the church is God's top priority in this generation. You and I are... So notice he said that God gives vision.
...called to bring people to Christ, to make disciples, and release those people into ministry within our churches and beyond.
And by doing this, we will fulfill the heavenly vision. Heavenly vision.
You know, by doing these things, they're gonna fulfill a heavenly vision. Vision from God always boosts faith on the inside.
Vision from God. So the 2020 vision comes from God, and it moves faith and stuff.
As soon as we hear the magnitude of what God is calling us to do, we find faith rising on the inside that this is possible.
Just like Joshua knew he could take the land of Canaan, so we know that we can build a church around the world.
Alright, so just like Joshua knew he could take Canaan, C3 knows that they can build a church around the world, you know, because...
because God gave them a vision. Every vision is just a fantasy without a plan.
God has given us a strategy. Alright, so God gave them a strategy to fulfill the vision, too.
As we follow that pathway, we will find ourselves expanding right around the world.
We will raise up thousands of leaders. Thousands of... Inegrate leaders, worship leaders, assistant leaders, leaders of churches, people who will work to build the house of God and fulfill this dream
God has put in our hearts. Fulfill the dream God has put in our hearts. So he's coming to us in the name of the
Lord. It's the Lord who's given them their 2020 vision. Faith without action is dead.
Just believing that this vision is gonna happen won't make it happen. This vision calls for action.
It calls... Calls for action. You gotta get busy. Faith without works is dead, you know. ...for people to step out.
It calls for sacrifice. It calls for... Calls for sacrifice. Write big checks. ...stretching.
It calls for raising ourselves up to a level we've never been before. This action...
Alright, so notice the graphic here is talking about their church growth. And those are years.
So when you get to 2020, what's the number that they're... This action's taken us from 71 churches in the year 2000...
...to 1 ,000. That was 1 ,000. Let me see if I can... ...we've never been before.
This action's taken us from 71 churches in the year... Oh, so close. Hang on.
There it is, 1 ,000. See, they're gonna go all the way to 1 ,000. The 2020 vision that God gave
C3 Church, you know, through the prophetic types, prophet vision casting leader
Phil Pringle, is 1 ,000. 1 ,000. 1 ,000 churches by 2020.
...1 ,000 to over 300 today. It's taken us from 5 nations to 35 nations.
And today, we have influence in 200 cities around the world. This momentum turns a small snowball into a massive avalanche.
Small snowball into massive avalanche by the year 2020. Compounding interest?
No. Compounding effort? Yes. Did you see the countdown for the year 2020?
I mean, 2020 is the big deal here. Backing up just so you can kind of see this. Everything comes to that 1 ,000.
1 ,000. It looks 17 years until 2020. How many years until 2020? 14, 13, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2...
Because of this momentum, we are seeing 600 people around the globe come to Christ every week in C3 churches.
Because of this momentum, we're seeing nearly 30 ,000 come to Christ every year. Because of this momentum, each week 75 ,000 people are gathering to worship
God. God in heaven is with us. It's his mighty plan to build his church on the earth.
Together, you and I are going to see this amazing thing come to pass. You are part of a history -making group of people that are changing planet
Earth. History -making people on planet Earth. You're going to change the world, man.
Because we've got a vision from God. We're going to have 1 ,000 churches by the year 2020. As we fulfill the 2020 vision.
All right. So there you got the 2020 vision. There's some other materials. Another fellow put together a video regarding this and noted that they haven't really come up with the numbers.
In fact, let's take a look at the numbers real quick. If you go to C3ChurchGlobal .com. C3ChurchGlobal .com.
Now granted, I'm not that good at math. In fact, I do believe that math is a dark art.
If you were to attend Hogwarts, then you would need to take defense against math class.
Because it's a... Never mind. You get the idea. So all that being said, that right there on the home page,
C3ChurchGlobal .com, there's a map. There is a map. It's at the bottom of the page. Here's their founders,
Phil and Chris Pringle. Events and conferences. And look at this.
There's a map. And the map has numbers on it. You know,
I'm not good at math. But 10 plus 14 plus 5 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 10 plus 3 plus 15.
Yeah. God told them they would be at a thousand churches by the year 2020.
And they've got a few hundred here. Not a thousand.
In fact, significantly short of a thousand. Like, not even close. Let me review our biblical text here.
How may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the
Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken.
So that whole 2020 vision thing that Phil Pringle said
God gave him, God didn't give it to him.
He has spoken it presumptuously. Well, if he didn't hear from God regarding something as core and central and important as C3's 2020 vision, can you trust
Phil Pringle to have heard from God at all? I would say no.
He falls under the biblical definition of a false prophet here.
He has spoken presumptuously. So Phil Pringle is a presumptuous prophet.
And according to Deuteronomy 18, presumptuous prophets who speak in the name of the
Lord, words that have not been given to them by God, are false prophets.
That's kind of fascinating here. So let me come back to here. Yeah, that's not 1 ,000.
That's not 1 ,000. Like I said, some other fellow came up with a video who noted this and has already kind of spoiled the whole conclusion here that Phil Pringle's 2020 vision that he claimed he got from God didn't occur.
We will see ourselves fulfilling the 2020 vision and more as we fulfill the 2020 vision.
C3 Churches, we're heading for the 2020 vision. And so you and I are involved in a breakthrough church, an apostolic church.
A breakthrough church and an apostolic church. There are no living apostles today.
And you'll note that part of the—I mean, why would you go to C3? Well, because they're better than every other church.
They're a breakthrough church. They're an apostolic church. How? Because their 2020 vision.
Now listen to Chris Pringle here. I'm going to back this up. Watch what she does. C3 Churches, we're heading for the 2020 vision.
And so you and I are involved in a breakthrough church, an apostolic church. It's going to actually—
Did you hear that? Yeah, that's gibberish. Now, if that were tongues and it's not.
What she's doing is forbidden by Scripture. 1 Corinthians 14 makes it clear that if somebody in church speaks in a tongue, you can't do it without an interpreter.
I don't see Phil Pringle interpreting here, do you? So not only is he a false prophet, but his wife doesn't abide by the rules regarding how tongues is to be used in church.
Moving into the future and we're on the pointy end of the spear. We're going to see a thousand churches planted.
I'm praying for it and I'm agreeing with God that we— You're agreeing with God because God told you that, right?
No, he didn't. He didn't tell you that. Because it didn't come to pass. Deuteronomy 18 is clear.
You've spoken presumptuously. We're going to see a massive move of the Holy Spirit building our congregations so that we're going to fill the stadiums of this world.
We're going to fill the stadiums of the world. I see thousands and thousands and thousands of people coming into the house of God.
We are heading into the greatest revival we have ever seen. This is an hour when the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God.
We will see ourselves fulfilling the 2020 vision and more. Well, you didn't.
So you didn't see yourself fulfill the 2020 vision, which you said came from God, but now we objectively know didn't.
So you did less. Spirit -powered, connected, living churches. C3 Churches, we're heading for the 2020 vision.
God has given us a strategy. So God gave them a strategy, man. So multiple sources, this has been a key central message of C3 Church for a long time.
And yeah, all it did was prove to be a false prophecy. And as we follow that pathway, we will find ourselves expanding right around the world.
This momentum turns a small circle into a massive avalanche.
It's the power of compounding effort. You and I are involved in a gathering momentum of the great power.
Gathering momentum of the great power of God. Apparently God's great power fizzled out.
It's unstoppable. That's what he said. The video said it was unstoppable, but somebody stopped it.
Together you and I are going to see this amazing thing come to pass. And it didn't.
In the ancient theocracy of Israel, you'd be on death row, dude. You are part of a history -making group of people that are changing planet
Earth as we fulfill the 2020 vision. So apparently he's already started to come up with excuses.
And so together we are building a future C3. And I find the Lord impressing on me how we can renovate and refresh this vision.
Renovate and refresh the vision. The person who put the video together noted that the reason why it didn't happen,
Phil Pringle here is blaming God. We need a renovated and fresher vision.
And even add to it. And then you've got to add some stuff to this thingy that didn't happen.
I love the words here. If Phil's unstoppable vision was really from God, then why would
God get it so wrong? That is my question. Well, actually, Deuteronomy 18 makes it clear that Phil Pringle spoke presumptuously.
That was not a word that the Lord had spoke. Why would he need to renovate or add to the vision? I love the dramatic music.
You know, you have somebody playing the violin really badly in the background. I'm believing for one million worshippers.
You're believing for, why? You're a false prophet at this point. They need to remove you.
Gathering in C3 congregations every weekend around the globe. We will also be 1 ,000 churches.
When? When? When? It didn't happen in 2020. By 2020, like you said, God said would happen.
Our aim is that we would be that by 2020. But if we don't manage to hit that goal by then, it's not a problem.
Yeah, you didn't even come close. No, it is a problem. You said God said you were going to do that.
We'll see 1 ,000 churches planted by the year 2020. It's not a problem. Together, you and I are going to see this amazing thing come to pass.
It didn't happen. It's not a problem. We are heading into the greatest revival we have ever seen.
We will see ourselves fulfilling the 2020 vision and more. But it's not a problem.
It's not a problem. We're going to renovate it and add to it. It's not a problem.
As we fulfill the 2020 vision, it's not a problem.
Not a problem. No, not a problem. Except for this text. So if you say in your heart, how may we know the word that the
Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the
Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. Presumptuous prophets are false prophets,
Phil Pringle. It's a problem. He says it's a problem.
Watch out for those false prophets. Anyway, you get the idea. So whoever put that video together knew what they were doing.
But wait, there's more. I've added some bonus footage here. We're going to go back in time to the
Brownsville revival in Brownsville, Florida. And let me see if I can make that bigger.
There we go. And this is Dr. Michael Brown who was integral at the
Brownsville revival. And he's going to be giving a prophecy regarding that.
Remember the really, really big youth revival that kind of overlapped with the
Brownsville? What was it called again? Yeah.
I'll let him explain what God is telling him. Hang on. We're going to go after God some more. And we're going to do something that I distinctly feel the
Lord wants us to do. Distinctly feel the Lord wants them to do this. We're going to cry out for a move of God the likes of which we've never seen among the young people.
Cry out for a move the likes of which we haven't seen among the young people. Got it?
Because God distinctly wants you to do this. Richard Crisco, the youth pastor here, is on his knees at the altar.
But my heart's just been stirring that God's saying that there's a move coming among the young people. The intensity of which will be such that you won't even be able to compare it to what you've seen up to now.
All right. So the intensity of this youth movement revival will be so off the chain that it's going to eclipse what's happening at Brownsville.
Okay. So in recent memory in my lifetime, Toronto. Then you've got
Brownsville, Lakeland, which wasn't a youth thing.
And then, you know, that.
Nope. Nothing comes to mind. Jesus.
Jesus. Go back to playing, Charlie. Brother Richard, if you could make your way over.
I want us to pray together for you. If you're able to do it, I want you to do it. I want the other brothers here with me.
Faculty from the school that are here. Come on up and join me. We're going to all lift our voices. We're going to lift our voices and ask
God. Jesus, if there are other youth leaders that are here,
I mean, you're seriously actively in youth ministry. Yeah, those. I don't think they'd still be in youth ministry at this point in their life.
How many years ago was this? Twenty five. I want you to figure out a way to come forward as well.
We're going to pray for you now. It's time for breakthrough strength by praying for these youth leaders. It's symbolic.
Mighty God. Mighty God. And then we're going to go after God. Listen to me.
Tonight is the beginning. Tonight is the beginning. Tonight's the beginning.
It's the beginning. Yeah. Tonight is the beginning. Was it a false start?
It's a new beginning. It's a new beginning. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Let me just say this one thing. If you're a youth pastor coming up here and God's convicted you of sin tonight, just in case, make sure it's dealt with and renounced before you step foot up here.
Jesus, just in case. You wouldn't want God to strike you dead or nothing.
Jesus, help him over. Jesus. I don't say these things lightly, friend.
I'd be a fool to. What good does it do to speak empty words? The Holy Spirit's saying it's time.
We've seen awesome things. I've boasted around the country and around the world, boasted in Jesus about what he's doing among the young people here.
And around America, I'm seeing a move among young people. I'm not in youth ministry, but my heart constantly goes out to young people.
He sees a move among young people. He sees it. I'm setting up a Bible college. I'm around young people all the time.
But I've seen things happen in recent years, the likes of which I've wished to see for years and years. I'm so excited and encouraged.
But I tell you, it's been like the trickle's going to turn into a flood. So the trickle will turn into a flood in youth revival.
But we call the flood before we'll call it trickle. Jesus. See if you can bring him over.
Once Brother Richard comes, other youth pastors. Jesus, the Holy Spirit's here, friends.
Calling all youth pastors. Calling all youth pastors. This is the beginning. It's going to start.
It's a revival among the youth. It's going to make Brownsville look paltry, puny in comparison.
It's a night to break through. It's a night to break through. Something snapped in me a week ago.
I'm different. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Jesus. Would you lift your voices for this generation? God. Sounds like someone's passing a kidney stone.
Okay, so what was the name of that big youth revival that eclipsed the
Brownsville? So if you say in your heart, how may we know the word that the
Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the
Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word the Lord has not spoken.
The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. And presumptuous prophets are false prophets.
In the ancient theocracy of Israel, presumptuous prophets under the civil laws of ancient
Israel, of the theocracy of ancient Israel, that was a capital crime.
It's still a breaking of the second commandment. The second commandment says, you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. And that's exactly what you do when you say,
God told me this, or I see that the Lord is saying, and such and such is going to happen. And when it doesn't happen, you are now guilty of breaking that commandment.
You have now blasphemed God. You've spoken presumptuously, contrary to his word.
That makes you a presumptuous prophet. And presumptuous prophets are false prophets.
Hopefully you found this helpful. If you did, all the information on how you can share the video is down below.
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So if you don't already support us financially, we truly can use the help so that we can continue to do what we are doing.
All the information on how you can support us by sending in a one -time contribution, joining our crew, or becoming a patron on Patreon, all that information is down below in the description.
And everybody who joins the crew at Gunners Mate or above, through the month of January, I will send you one of my fine art prints.
It's titled All Things London, and all the information is on our Join Our Crew page.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.