Tucker Carlson on Church vs Culture / Fired from Fox News as Network Drifts Celebrating Pride Month

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When an Episcopalian cable news host is standing up for what's right more so than many Evangelical leaders you know there is a problem. -Tucker calls out Tim Keller, Beth Moore & David French:    • Tucker Carlson calls out evangelical ...  


I wanted to cover this story about Tucker Carlson for a couple reasons not to make a political point because if you don't know who
Tucker Carlson is he was the most most watched cable news show on Fox so the reason why
I wanted to cover this story he was just let go by the way I don't know if he was fired or what details are still coming out but I wanted to cover this not to make any political point or even anything that's happening and in the news media but rather to cover his statements on the church because he made some interesting statements about what's happening in this country yes but also
Christians response or lack of response so Tucker Carlson made some interesting statements about his church tradition and he's addressing the morality or the lack thereof in American culture and how many of the churches are let's face that many of the churches are really in lockstep with the things that the government and Hollywood in the media are just pushing down our throats of course there was the bombshell news that came out a day or two ago that Fox News and Tucker Carlson have parted ways that's a big story because he was the reason why a lot of people watched
Fox News and they fired him so that makes you wonder why and Fox News at least
I think one reason if I can speculate for a moment Fox News is at the point where they're now celebrating
Pride Month last year I canceled cable so I don't
I don't watch any of this but it was last year the year before I noticed that Fox News was celebrating
Pride Month they were pushing of course the COVID propaganda in 2020 so there seems to be this from what
I can tell kind of a growing divide between what Fox News now represents and how they sort of drifted and Tucker and his audience how they take more of what you might say a hard line on things and I don't even think it's a hard line
I think that's just what everyone believed 30 years ago so it's more just a traditional conservative view more than Fox is the one who has changed
I think is the point they've just kind of shifted along with the culture or they're in the process of shifting anyways the reason why
I wanted to cover this story is because Tucker Carlson made an interesting comment about his own faith tradition growing up as an
Episcopalian and Tucker Carlson still identifies as an Episcopalian so if you don't know what an
Episcopalian is you add the Catholic Church the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation was in England but King Henry the 8th wanted a divorce the
Pope wouldn't grant him a divorce so King Henry the 8th declared that okay I'm now head of the church and they the
Church of England broke away from the Catholic Church so it was the Catholic Church the
Church of England or the Anglican Church and then the Episcopalians they're the
American version of the Anglicans or the Church of England so that's a little history of that faith tradition so Tucker Carlson still identifies as an
Episcopalian and he in his speech about the growing insanity in the
Western world he said I don't think we're watching a debate over how to get to the best outcome I think that's completely wrong and I've come to this conclusion not and I should say at the outset
I'm an Episcopalian so don't take any theological advice from me because I don't have any I grew up in the shallowest faith tradition that's ever been invented it's not even a
Christian religion at this point I say with shame but none of this makes sense in conventional political terms when people or crowds of people or the largest crowd of people at all which is the federal government the largest human organization in human history decide that the goal is to destroy things destruction for its own sake hey let's tear it down what you're watching is not a political movement it's evil so if you want to assess and I'll put it in non and I'll stop with this
I'll put it in non -political I'll put it in non -political or non rather non specific theological terms and just say if you want to know what's evil and what's good what are the characteristics of those and by the way you know
I think the Athenians would have agreed with this this is not necessarily just a Christian notion this is kind of a would say widely agreed upon understanding of good and evil what are its products what are these two conditions produce well
I mean good is characterized by order calmness tranquility peace whatever you want to call it lack of conflict cleanliness cleanliness is next to godliness it's true it is and evil is their opposites violence hate disorder division disorganization and filth so if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes what you're really advocating for is evil that's just true
I'm not calling for religious war far from it I'm merely calling for an acknowledgement of what we're watching which is not what and I'm not certainly not backing the
Republican Party I'm not making a partisan point at all
I'm just noting what's super obvious like those of us who were okay so in order to fix a problem obviously you must first identify the problem and while I think all true
Christians who have the Holy Spirit within them recognize what's going on what not everyone recognizes is how we should respond what am
I supposed to do about it and more important to this story what not everyone recognizes is how churches are at least partially to blame so Tucker Carlson is blaming his own church tradition the
Episcopal Church the other reason why I wanted to cover the story is because a month or two ago I did a video on this where Tucker Carlson called out some evangelical leaders
Tim Keller Russell Moore Beth Moore either because they support the party or policies that are giving us all of these things because let's face it this is mainly from the top down you know it's being crammed down the throat of the average
American citizen so he's he called out these evangelical leaders either because they support it or at the very least they refuse to do anything about it and they do
I have to say they do seem very sympathetic towards the other side so we're living in a time bottom line neutrality is really not an option if you are not part of the solution yeah
I think you're part of the problem the Marxist crowd often repeats the phrase silence is violence which
I don't think is true but certainly silence could be seen as cowardice
Christian leaders must deal with this and I think Christian parents need to inform themselves on the issues where there isn't a whole lot of people who are willing to stand up and say anything about it now the average you know mother who's just trying to raise her kids and her and her husband is trying to get by you know it's like well what can
I do about it well you know speak the truth when you have opportunity and raise godly children and the nurture and admonition of the
Lord I think keeping kids out of the public school that being at this point you know ten years ago it wasn't this bad it might have been bad but it wasn't like this so there's always something a person can do but Tucker said he's not calling for religious war that's good and because Christians don't fight with weapons you know and I think that's partially what the other side wants they want it they want to do things and kind of push things to the extreme hoping that whatever conservatives or Christians or so you know someone on the other side will do something and that will give them an excuse to kind of crack down so I think they actually probably want a response but Christians certainly
I don't know what the right wing will do or what some conservatives might want to do but Christians at least and you know there's overlap there obviously but Christians do not fight with weapons the weapons of our warfare is what the sword of the
Spirit which is the Word of God so what can we do about it what can we do about the insanity going on out there we can wield our weapon we can take up the sword which is the scripture the
Bible the Word of God what we absolutely have to be doing is bringing the
Word of God to bear concerning the issues that we are facing and God forbid that some evangelicals are
I would say siding with with the enemy because it's true a lot of this is just evil we have to call it for what it is putting children through transgender surgeries is evil and if you're not willing to say that or take a stand on that don't have much hope for you of course
Christians led by the Spirit we recognize that this is evil there's a great darkness and Tucker is saying yes my church tradition is supporting this my church tradition is fully on board with all this and Tucker not only did he say he grew up as an
Episcopalian he still identifies as an Episcopalian which
I he should change that by the way just speaking about the
Episcopal Church locally or from what I know personally the local
Episcopal Church just wrote their priestess you know I'm sure there's some nice folks there but being nice and being led by the
Holy Spirit are two different things but their priestess just wrote an article to the paper where she used a feminine pronoun for God she called
God her or she they also have rainbow banners all over the front lawn so I'm speaking to you as a
Christian and I'm saying we need to recognize this for what it is there is a spiritual war going on every time they call
God a woman that's like taking this that's like that's a shot across the bow that that's an act of war it's an act of spiritual war every pro
LGBT article in the paper every rainbow banner they are swinging their sword of their spirit which is unholy and what do you get from most
Christians in response unfortunately you get silence and when someone does have the courage to say something they often catch heat for it and then when they catch heat for it there's very few people willing to back them up so I think what a lot of what's happening is a lot of people a lot of Christians they're just looking to cover their own tail they're not really willing to stand behind a leader of course many are and God bless all those who are but I just don't see the resistance to Christians agree with all this no so why are more
Christians doing something about it here's the point of why I'm doing this story when you have an
Episcopalian cable news host speaking more truth to these issues bringing the word of God to bear on these issues is calling it evil for what it is when you have to rely when you see an
Episcopal cable news host doing it more than a lot of pastors are that's a pretty sad situation so I don't know if Tucker Carlson is born again maybe he's regenerate maybe he isn't
I don't know but when he's saying more than your average
Christian church we got a problem so what's the solution first of all yeah thing are things really that bad yes yes they are but of course only
Jesus can fix this and I think we have to be we can't just moan and groan and complain about it
I think we need to get in the battle and we need to be joyful warriors you know start singing some of those songs at church about you know being a
Christian soldier some of those songs in your hymnal if you still have them if you still have a hymnal you know sing some of those great hymns about you know onward
Christian soldiers you know because this is a spiritual battle we need to fight the battle obviously only
Jesus can fix this and you say well Jesus isn't here yes he is yes he is
Christ dwells among his people Jesus is here on earth through his body which is the church now maybe
Jesus won't fix this until his second advent which as a pre -millennial is
I believe it it's drawing near it might be closer than some people think I don't know if that's the case we should be a witness we should speak the truth save soul
I think a lot of people they see the insanity of the culture and they're starting some unbelievers are starting to realize hey maybe these
Christians are on to something so I think this might actually work to our advantage but if that's not the case that the last days are not right around the corner be faithful find a church that doesn't just open the
Bible find a church that applies the Bible to every situation not just a church that opens the
Bible reads the Bible or even preaches from the Bible that's all good we need that but you know it's like a car with three wheels we need the fourth wheel to apply the scripture because if churches start applying the
Word of God if rank -and -file evangelicals start knowing the
Word of God and applying the Word of God to daily life we can make a difference let's face it there's a very small percentage of this country that's being overly represented in politics and the media and they're getting their way and they're like 2 % of the population there's more than 2 % of the population that's
Christians if we would just do our part we actually could can and maybe we will
I pray make a difference so find a church if you're not in a church if you're not involved find a church and get involved find a church that preaches the
Bible and applies the Bible making application of God's truth to the here and now that's always what you see in the
New Testament the writers are always doing that in every epistle Paul John Peter Jude they all took principles from the scripture and applied them to what they were dealing with and if the church refuses to do that if we're not willing to wield the sword of the
Spirit and engage in spiritual warfare well if if we do that we'll face the consequences and that's partially what's going on right now
I'll close with Ephesians 6 10 through 17 Paul says finally my brethren be strong in the
Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the