Questioning Latter Day Saints Article of Faith on Freedom of Worship

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Bradley Campbell from the #GodLovesMormons channel joined us for the twelfth episode in our mini-series on questioning the LDS Articles of Faith. Do not miss Bradley Questioning Latter-Day Saints Article of Faith on Freedom of Worship while showing the folly of the article.


The 11th article of faith says we permit people to worship the Almighty God According to the dictates of their own conscience and and we allow this for all men
Let them worship how where and what they may so on the surface This looks like just a general statement about religious liberty
But you have to understand the background to this idea you see in Mormonism this idea of agency is
Core to the LDS Church in the pre -existence before the earth was created the
Divine Council agreed upon this plan put forth to give men agency to Give them the free will to act how they how they will and do what they want to do
The problem with this is that the LDS Church hyper realizes this idea of agency
Let me ask you this question. Do people have the agency to worship by sacrificing their own children?
What about the agency to to worship by self mutilation or what if committing genocide was the way they worshiped their
God The problem with agency is that it often undercuts the idea of God's holiness and justice
Just because people are free to do what they want does not mean they will not be judged
The problem with this idea of religious freedom is that not all religions are created equal
There are true doctrines and false doctrines and the LDS Church teaches the doctrine of demons it teaches worship of a
God who was once a man a God who is no God at all and this will not go unpunished the true
God of the Bible the Uncreated creator who always has been and always will be
God. He is a jealous God He will not allow the worship of Idols to go unpunished and the