Superior To Angels - [Hebrews 1:4]

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Please turn your Bibles to Matthew chapter 6 this morning as you know we're working through Hebrews And I'm all set for Hebrews, and it's a very important transitional time in Hebrews verse 4 of chapter 1 and following set the stage for the rest of chapter 1 of Hebrews and chapter 2 of Hebrews and Every year
I have two sermons prepared kind of as backup I call them snow sermons so and not a lot of folks show up I still will preach to you in a vital passage, but I save Hebrews for when we have all the elect here not just some
But seriously, I didn't want to preach the Hebrews passage when many people I knew weren't going to be here
And so today we're gonna look at Matthew chapter 6 and what does the Bible say about worry?
Do you worry? Do you have anxiety? Angst Do you have your palms sweat you have distress in your life fidgeting foreboding
Nervousness I Think that's what my grandmother used to call it. I'm nervous Unease and apprehension
After all I almost don't blame you for being nervous and having anxiety because we've got the politics of the world
We have the terrorist of the world, this is a fallen world and bad things happen all the time when
I look at the word worry in the Dictionaries an antonym of worry antonyms would be calm
Relaxation security Tranquility assurance The good news is let's take a look at what
Jesus says about worry and What he says about the Father's provision in light of that so that we can a think rightly about worry
Confess it as sin and then look to who God is for forgiveness
I Think when people say the Bible is not relevant. I don't think they've ever read it
When you look at Matthew chapter 6 especially as Jesus the master preacher the prophet
Prince of preachers preaches. He just does it in such a way. It's not only convicting. It's not only hope -filled, but it's also very memorable
One man said why has the pulpit for so long maintained a criminal silence?
About worry instead of condemning this flagrant sin So I think what we'll do today.
Sometimes I give out long lines. Sometimes I don't sometimes with alliteration sometimes without Let me give you today
God's prescription for worry God's solution for anxiety and Worry, and we're going to give you probably six charges in light of who you are in Christ not to worry
This is God's over -the -counter Prescription if you will for worry and you do need a doctor though And he's going to be the great physician and for those of you that probably want me to say something about politics these days
Here's as good as it gets right here. You ready? This is better than Obamacare, okay, that's all
I'm gonna say. That's all I'm gonna say simple Before we get into the text as we address
Christians about worry, and what are the solutions to worry? I want to say early on though if you're not a
Christian This is just not going to work for you. These are for Christians These admonitions and these encouragements are for Christians, and if you're not a
Christian in one sense you should worry When that man came into my office and said
I've got all these problems in life And I try to help him with those problems He wasn't a believer, and then
I said to him by the way before you go I have something important to talk to you about and he said yes
I said now you told me you live with your girlfriend. Yes, how long have you lived with your girlfriend? Six years
I assume you're sleeping together. You're not just roommate splitting the rent of course we're sleeping together
I said by the way before you leave I want you to know that first Corinthians chapter 6 is very clear that fornicators those who have sex before marriage
Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God don't be deceived And if you die tonight based on your own profession, you're not going to go to heaven you're gonna go straight to hell
And that particular man looked shocked, and I said by the way there is repentance found there is forgiveness found
You don't have to keep doing this There's the gospel for you and that man walked out of my office
And then he walked into a hospital later that night for an anxiety disorder because of this very fact
In a sense I was glad not because I want anybody to go to the hospital But his conscience was
Convicting him his conscience knew I am unrighteous and the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God And so if you're not a
Christian today You should be worried concerned Fretting foreboding that your last breath will usher you not into Christ's presence of grace and mercy but you will be in his presence as judge jury and executioner and So your only hope today if you're not a
Christian is not well, I'd like to worry less as an unbeliever I'd like you to worry more so that you'll be so concerned you have to run from worry and to the cross so that you
Might believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Today, it's for Warriors as Jesus says the you my children.
Here's how a Christian deals with worry Number one the first prescription
Maybe you like to take a tablet in Germany. I think they're tabletons. Is that correct? No German speakers
Okay, what do they call them in the in Ukraine? All right, let's go open our
Bibles in Hebrews chapter 1 I have another icon right here It'll work out.
Well Number one admit that all worry and anxiety is sinful
Matthew chapter 6 verse 25. We're gonna make these a b c d e very simple there should be six of them a
Admit that all worry and anxiety is sinful acquiring God's perspective on worry now this great preacher
Jesus comes and preaches this message a sermon on the mount his Fame was increasing in chapter 4.
He was healing people here the Messiah Jesus Begins to teach them about Worry in chapter 6 verse 25 and we pick it up here long after the beatitudes
Long after giving to the needy and praying the disciples prayer laying up treasures in heaven
And he says because of the laying up in laying up treasures in heaven section for this reason 625 are therefore
I tell you Do not be anxious about your life
Let's just stop there. Don't be anxious for your life he just got done saying in verse 21 about Treasures did he not verse 21 of the same chapter for where your treasure is there your heart will be also when it comes to choosing between riches and Trusting God, we know we have to make sure we're not serving money not worshiping money
Not being anxious for money and therefore he says do not be anxious about your life
It's a command. It's a present -tense command. It's an ongoing command. It means if you are worrying stop
Never ever worry and that word worry means to be Concerned about it means to be anxious about it means to be divided
I've got kind of divided concern something's broken in half and I'm thinking about how to put the two things together
And as things are divided and broken It almost has a little nuance to it.
And if it doesn't in the Greek it does in your own in your own heart and in your own language It starts to mean choke.
It means to throttle it means to Strangulate Gary Gilley said we've all experienced this strangulation
Those feelings that tie us into knots and dominate us to such a degree that we can think of nothing else
We have all lain awake at night disturbed about something our hands may sweat our
Stomachs may churn we may be unable to eat or worse. We can't stop eating We call this worry anxiety our fear and it is one of the great enemies of joy and contentment in our lives in quote
And here Jesus says Stop don't this is sinful if you continue
Do you notice what the text goes on to say what does our Lord say? Don't be anxious about your life
What you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body what you will put on God has given you life.
God has given you breath. God has given you your body. Won't he give you everything else?
Maybe the Trinity of cares John Stott of the world is what you eat what you drink and what you wear
Aren't those things temporal aren't those things material aren't those things? Physical are they the end all and be all of the
Christian. What about life?
How would we worry about our life? How long I'm gonna live what am I gonna die of what about my health issues?
What about what will I eat? What about food? What about drink and water?
If we're not supposed to worry about what I'm supposed to wear what I'm supposed to eat what I'm supposed to drink How much less should
I then worry about what kind of car I drive? kind of suit I wear less essential things and Immediately I can hear the refrain because I'm part of the refrain
Easy for you to say but you don't know about my circumstance. My doctor said it was okay.
I can't help it I don't worry as much as the other person my support group says it's fine and natural
Friends Jesus said Jesus said don't worry
Jesus said you can see it for your with your own eyes. Do not worry
When David sinned it was a different sin But it's the Lord's goodness when we confess our sins.
He's what? Faithful and just to forgive our sins David said in Psalm 38 for I confess my iniquity
I am full of anxiety because of my sin and let me just confess it God And let me just agree confession is agree.
God. You said worry is a sin. I'm saying it's a sin I'm sinning against you.
I shouldn't you take care of me You've done everything for me if you say not to sin Lord, forgive me.
I don't want to sin anymore. Help me That is so much different than what the society says well, you know what
Have you ever been bothered by any of these for six months, this is what the
Psychologist would say Have you ever been bothered by restlessness? Are you easily tired so far?
I'm two for two Problems concentrating. I'm three for three Irritability me never okay three for four
Muscle tension Trouble falling asleep are staying asleep. I mean they got you coming or going
It's like, you know in the old days you had three categories extrovert introvert and Normal, so how do we make everybody sick?
There's no more normal. You're just either extrovert or introvert Is does anxiety interfere with your daily life?
If you've answered yes to at least three of these questions You may have generalized anxiety disorder
Dad, that's what it's called Anxiety calm says do you have two or more of these symptoms easily fatigued difficult concentrating?
Unsatisfying sleep are you afraid when you speak up when you take a test when you work in public when you eat in public
When you ask someone for a date The world has its solutions and yet again,
Jesus says do not worry Proverbs 12 25 it says anxiety in the heart of a man weighs it down, but a good word
Makes it glad Anxiety wears anxiety corrodes anxiety rusts if you're worrying
As my mother we used to call people probably she even called me this. She called me a worry wart
I Think there's the children's Christian children's Character, and he's worry warthog.
Have you ever seen him worry warthog? Yes, of course you have Lord if you say worry is sinful
I'm just gonna start saying it's sinful and the second I say it's sinful and then
I'll say and Lord Would you please forgive me for not trusting in you?
That's where we have to start. We have to acknowledge that sin is sin Say well is concern okay
Yes Paul said in Philippians 2 for I have no one else of kindred spirit who will generally be can genuinely be concerned for your welfare
There's a concern that's certainly fine. Is there any Anxiousness in the
Bible that's good Well, it's a different Greek word, but Jude verse 21 says keep yourselves in the love of God waiting
Anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. I can't wait for the
Lord to come back That'll be a great day. That's not sinful anxiety Now let's go back to Matthew chapter 6 verse 25
Look at the question Jesus asked at the end of verse 25. I Love it how he asked these questions makes you think
You can feel Nathan's Finger finger on your sternum with questions like this is not life more than food and the body than clothing
ESV says is not life more than food and the body more than clothing
And if the answer is yes is the answer yes Then live in light of that answer.
That's the point One hundred years from now it will make no difference
Where you ate? What you ate? With whom you ate if you drink
Evian water for breakfast Where are money and Kenneth Cole and Calvin Klein?
I don't even know who the new brands are. Do we even know? I don't know 100 years from now.
You'll be clothed with Christ perfect righteousness. I don't think you'll be thinking about clothes God's prescription for worry from Jesus his own words number one admit that all worry is sinful number two found in verses 26 through 32
This is the positive side Believe that your father in heaven is loving good and provides everything you need
Christian believe that all that your father is loving good and provides all that you need
Now the world knows if you're not going to worry you need to do something else I think they see the flicker of Scripture where it's put off and then put on Stop doing one thing and start doing the other
Ephesians Paul would say don't lie Tell the truth. Don't steal Work, and if we're not going to worry we need to do something else instead
Just stopping something isn't going to be enough and that's where we focus in Verses 26 through 32 the world has their stress reducers.
I found a few Here's their put -ons Keep a duplicate car key in your wallet
Not bad 30 minutes of brisk walking put brain and gear before opening mouth laugh
G Gordon Liddy has a different approach Remember he was afraid of heights electricity and rats
So we climbed a power pole and ate a rat at the top of it. You could call anxiety disorders one eight eight eight anxiety
What if I forget the number? Xanax Valium bus bar
Librium Ativan From their own mouths the psychologist and Others say quote medications, although not cures can be very effective at relieving anxiety symptoms
That is very true. Isn't it? That is very true. They're not cure So so but what if I'd like a cure
I want to be cured Meredith Meyer psychologist Christian psychologist said we suggest setting aside 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 minutes in the evening for active worry
We all worry so why not designate a time slot of 1 % of a 12 -hour day and The book is entitled worry free living so just I'd start to worry at like noon.
I thinking I didn't already worry for 15 minutes now. I'm like worried again Among the professionals who can help our psychiatrists psychologists social workers and counselors.
However, it says online It's best to look for a professional who has specialized training in cognitive
Behavioral or behavioral therapy and who is open to the use of medications should they be needed?
Did you know the cure for anxiety is found in doctrine? It's about doctrine and it's about theology proper to be technical
That is who is God who is he? What has he done? What are his attributes?
Who is God when you worry we say, okay worry sinful I'll admit it
But now I need to do something else with all that pent -up energy and worry I have to replace it.
And so now the movement here you're gonna see in this text is look to who God is God takes care of what he's made
Look at the birds of the air They neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your
Heavenly Father feeds them Are you not of more value than They is it really true
Jesus that when you say we worry It's essentially Maligning the character of God Jesus could it be true that when you say when you worry you're saying
God's not good. God's not faithful God doesn't provide God provides for birds, but he doesn't provide for me
Jesus are you really saying that? You know you we question God's sustaining providential love when we worry
I think we know the answers to those questions and Jesus with another imperative look
It's a command look at the birds of the air This word means to look right at it to stare at it
To look directly upon it to gaze upon it So what at you as you look at it you begin to think you begin to ponder you begin to consider when
I sit in the morning in my chair and Have a cup of coffee and I look outside a couple days ago.
I saw Cardinal and This word means to look at the Cardinal and then go.
Oh, it's red. It's cool. Go big red No, it means to look at it and just kind of think wait a second
Look at that made it through the winter God provides for it
Martin Lloyd -jones says the essence of worry is the absence of thought a failure to think and Jesus says look at the bird so you think about it in Luke 12 when
Jesus talks about the same topic He says consider the Ravens God even takes care of unclean birds ritually unclean birds won't he take care of you?
Now when you look at a bird the response is not I'm gonna mimic a bird That's not what he's wanting you to think about but he wants you to observe
God's providential care Birds aren't made in God's likeness birds aren't made in God's image birds.
Don't have souls birds. Don't have spirits Later Jesus says in Matthew 10 are not two sparrows sold for a cent and yet not one of them will fall to the ground
Apart from your father the very hairs of your head are all numbered therefore Do not fear you are of more value than many sparrows
Friends when's the last time you saw a line of birds Outside of Sam's Club stocking up for Y2k you say yeah, but birds stockpile
I know but not because they're worried, but it's by instinct God feeds birds
He feeds sparrows Will he not feed you? You know you can just imagine if you if you've got little kids
And and you you hear some commotion going on in the bedroom and one hour later two hours later
And you go in and why can't you fall asleep? Daddy, I'm worried. Why why are you worried?
Well? I'm worried that you daddy won't provide breakfast for me in the morning I Would think
I've provided breakfast for you every day You've never missed a meal, and if I'm faithful to provide for my own children
How much more will the Lord provide sustain nourish support and feed not just birds?
Psalm 147 says he gives to the beasts its food and to the young ravens which cry
Say well, I'm all worried Okay, get your mind off. You're worried and then begin to think about God his goodness his care his generosity
Those who said God's goodness is what disposes him to be kind and benevolent and full of goodwill toward men
He is tender -hearted and of quick sympathy and his unfailing attitude toward all moral beings is open frank and friendly
Tozer said by his nature God is inclined to bestow blessedness And he takes holy pleasure in the happiness of his people
It is true that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above Coming down from the father of heavenly lights who does not change like shifting
Shadows God is good, and there's nothing about him. That isn't good
Luther you see He is making the birds our schoolmasters and teachers it is a great and abiding disgrace to us that in the gospel a
Helpless sparrow should become a theologian and a preacher to the wisest of men Whenever you listen to a nightingale therefore you are listening to an excellent preacher
I Have told you before I never really wanted to be a bird watcher because I always thought that was for the older generation
When I would watch wrestling on TV when I was a kid they sold something called geritol And I figured that was always for older people
These are they were the ones that were the bird watchers But now that I am old
I can tell you it's true Look at the birds Let's just make it as practical as possible if you're a worrywart, and you're begin to worry
I mean I worry to the best thing you can do if you're able is you just go outside and take a walk
You're at work You've got an hour off for lunch or a half hour and you walk outside and you begin to think and you begin to look
And you think wait a second this whole system the world Ecosystem everything else
God takes care of those birds It's amazing of course. He's going to take care of me
First John 3 see how great of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God and Such we are
See the thing about worry when you begin to worry. It doesn't get you very far look at verse 27
It's unproductive Well, it might be productive, but in a negative fashion and which of you by being anxious?
Can add a single hour to his span? Of life Nass can add a single cubit to his life's span.
Oh There's some arguing about is this about your life or your height? Worry won't help you with either quite frankly
God created you and he will sustain you You didn't make yourself.
He made you no wonder
Stonewall Jackson said is it okay to confo to quote a confederate here Well you either either quote confederates or Americans, so I'll quote a confederate
I Had to think about how to say that before I said it My religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed.
God has fixed the time for my death I do not concern myself about that All this worry will it make my life go longer or shorter of course?
He gives another illustration Verse 28 do you see it, and why are you anxious about clothing?
consider or observe The lilies of the field how they grow they neither toil nor spin yet I tell you even
Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these But if God so clothes the grass of the field which today is alive tomorrow's thrown in the oven
Here's the argument again notice how he preaches will he not much more?
Much more clothe you oh you of little faith
All right, I'm worrying God. I know where he's a sin. I admit it. Please forgive me and now I've got to do something
That's more positive. I'm going to look number one at the birds and number two look at the lilies
This is a different word for look, but it still means to consider it means to study It means more like you take a magnifying glass
I never I never could understand why my grandparents always had magnifying glasses around because they were only good for one thing and that was burning ants to death
Our other game in Nebraska you could tell how culture I was as if you pull the legs off a grasshopper and put it in a spiderweb interesting things happen
Now it's just this right. I have no idea what
I was talking about oh Magnifying glasses this is take a magnifying glass to kind of examine things closely
What are they at least you're listening What do you call those things that they look at diamonds with around the neck of a jeweler a loop?
This is taking that loop out and taking a close look. This is take a picture. It lasts longer kind of thing stare
God in his grace Common grace adorns these flowers with splendor
He goes above and beyond if anyone had a great kingdom It was Solomon if anyone had glitz it was
Solomon if anyone had Glamour it was Solomon and you read 2nd
Chronicles chapter 9 And you see that all the horses he had all the chariots he had
King Solomon made silver as common as stones in Jerusalem and those of you that have been in Jerusalem know how many stones are there he made cedars as plentiful as sycamore trees and Yet these lilies that are here today and gone tomorrow
Show much more God's lavish meticulous care in something that just perishes
When you worry you say God you you provide for the birds you provide for the flowers, but you do not provide for me questions
God's character questions God provision I'd be heartbroken if one of my children said dad
I just don't know if you can provide food and clothing and shelter for me I know you have for the last 20 years, but I don't know about today.
You say how does it question God's character? Do you see there at the end of verse 30?
Oh Man of little faith Mark this down well congregation because I know
I need to mark it down the root cause of anxiety is unbelief
It's unbelief I'm supposed to take you at your word God that you'll provide that if you've given me salvation
You've sent your best you've sent your son You love me in eternity past and so did the Sun and and you you so love the world you sent your son to die for someone like me you gave me the greatest gift as an enemy as Helpless as Weak if God loves his enemies with the greatest
Valued treasure his son, that's Romans 5 Won't he give me everything else now as son our daughter and when we begin to say, you know,
I'm worried What we're really saying is God I don't take you at your word
Oh Men of little faith you of little faith.
You see it there. I could I could maybe translate it this way. I Don't really like it because I know it's directed to me as well
You little mini believer you little tiny believer you'd have greater faith
God loves us if he loves us spiritually by having a son lay down his life for us.
That's how we know what love is Won't he take care of everything else? Mueller George Mueller the beginning of anxiety is the end of faith and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety
Verse 31 gives us a nice little summary Therefore do not be anxious sane
What should we what should we drink? What should we wear? The Gentiles seek after all these things and your
Heavenly Father knows see he knows that you need them all Pagans worried
Gentiles worry unbelievers worry We learned today in Sunday school
God is omniscient he knows exactly what we need I love first Peter chapter 5 humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you at the proper time
Casting all your anxiety upon him because he what? cares for you
And when you walk outside and you see the birds and you see the lilies you go
You know what God cares for his creatures God cares for his creatures And if he cares for them, he's gonna care for me.
I wish it'd be translated differently, but it's not Psalm 23
Yahweh is my shepherd. I shall not what? Want here's what he really means
Yahweh's my shepherd. I lack nothing Everything's provided has nothing to do with I want something.
I'd like an upgrade. I'd like the new iPhone 8 I Know there's not one there will be everything
I need you provided Spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. They've all been provided for me
God didn't spare his own son, but delivered him up for us all how will he not with him freely give us all?
things liberally bountifully completely Number one admit that all sin
All anxiety rather as sin number two believe that your father in heaven is loving good and provides number three see
Chase after God his will and his glory verse 33 All that bound -up energy needs to go somewhere and Here we see in verse 33 of Matthew 6
But seek first the kingdom of God in his righteousness and all these things will be added to you
People are worried and they become paralyzed and they become petrified and then they don't do the right thing
That is seek after God's kingdom You're on this earth not to just fossilize over here with fear
But to chase after God and his kingdom, do you know the kingdom matters more than material things?
Corey ten boom knew it worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows it empties today of its strength
So instead of consuming yourself with you yourself and and I me myself and I I've got to go do something.
I can't just sit here because if I sit here, I know I'm gonna worry God Forgive me for my worry I'm gonna have to look to you and I'm gonna have to go do things for you in the kingdom for others
It's serve not being selfish Track down that word means to seek it means to to follow it means to if I was in England I would say release the hounds
Track them down be absorbed with So so I want to be paralyzed.
I mean I've been there and it's almost like I think I just drank like 90 cups of coffee That's how I feel Short breath instead of that.
It's like, okay, I may feel that way, but now I've got to think differently God I know you're good And now it's all about other people
This kind of this orbit that just cycles into myself and I'm worried and I'm more worried and I'm worried more and more
I Mean, I think my grandparents as much as I love them They used to have the like the weather channel and this little box a little radio shack box and they just push it
It would give them something to worry about that day. I mean, that's how you get people coming back to the weather channel It's just make people worried
What can I worry about today? What can I be concerned about today? Oh, it's the weather it's my kids It's this it's that and friends.
I don't care what the worry is and you say it's easy for me to say But I'll say because it's true my health my mom's salvation my husband's salvation my kids salvation
Every one of those and everything in between if you'd like them to be saved
That's the heart of God if it's I'm gonna worry and fret It's sinful.
You cannot do that. You must not do that This word is used in Matthew later
Listen for chapter 26 and from then on Judas began looking for an opportunity to betray
Jesus Sizing things up. Where's a window? Where's a porthole so I can try to seize
Jesus It means to pursue with preserving effort So much so that you've got to get when it comes to me and and my worry.
I'll admit that it's sinful I've got to think about who God the Father is and then it's time for kingdom business
I'm gonna live all out for the Lord and he's gonna have to provide for me It's in the context of won't he give you everything else if you live as a missionary if you live as a housewife
If you live as an engineer for the glory of God, won't he take care of you?
All these things will be added to you your life food clothing It's all added this is
Philippians 4 language and my God shall supply all your needs According to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
I could put it this way. You should be too busy to worry Or if you're worrying get busy do something get the prayer list begin to read scripture call somebody to try to encourage them number four a admit that all
Anxiety is sin be believe your father's good see chase after God's will D number four don't worry about the future
Don't worry about the future Don't borrow trouble.
I read someplace that these are the common anxieties that people focus on 40 % of things that will never happen people worry about 30 % things about the past that can't be changed 12 % things about criticism by others many of its untrue most of its untrue 10 % about health, which you only get more unhealthy with more stress and Then it said in this particular survey 8 % of what people worry about Actually will be a real problem that the person has to face that day
Therefore Jesus says Matthew 6 verse 34. Do you notice it therefore? therefore
Do not be anxious about tomorrow For tomorrow will be anxious for itself
Sufficient for the day is its own Trouble it's almost like you know
I I have to be anxious about something I have nothing to anxious to be about today, so maybe there's something bad. That's gonna happen tomorrow
So I can do something Lloyd -jones if it cannot get to us to be anxious and burdened and bored down by the state and condition of things that actually are
Confronting us anxiety will take the next step it will go into the future many have
Wisely said things like fears may be liars worry doubles trouble
By the way tomorrow when there is something bad that might happen is God going to be there for you tomorrow as the
Immanuel God with us supplying everything you need yes, he'll be there so maybe the best thing we can do is
Be busy today serving the Lord and not think about tomorrow, and we can be like that African proverb Lord Jesus make my heart sit down Number 5e here's the good news today.
We don't have two services, so I don't have to be done in 39 and a half minutes And if you've braved the weather then we're just gonna finish the sermon so see this right here see this watch right here
I usually have up here. It's going right in this pocket right here Don't worry about it sit
Not worrying about tomorrow not worrying about what's gonna happen in five minutes if you need to be excused you may be excused
II number five and treat God to help you Pray, that's what I want to say, but I needed an e so entreat
But it is easy to remember when you think admit believe chase Don't borrow any trouble and then entreat
God pray This is also part of the positive the putting on where you think okay?
I just need to pray under the Lord. I need to trust God, but I also need to pray you want to worry
Let's pray more now. Let's go to Philippians chapter 4 you probably thought to yourself earlier on you know
Philippians 4 You can hear the echo of Jesus in Paul the Apostle well.
That's true for many reasons But because this is Jesus has sent out Apostle You can be sure you're gonna hear the echoes of what
Jesus taught the other Apostles Philippians chapter 4
Where is Paul by the way as he writes this that might be a good consideration for you to develop mentally
See when I read Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 if you you pick up the put on put off See if you pick up the stop doing one thing and do the other
Notice in the Bible so that we don't get just stuck saying I have to stop worrying I have to stop worrying. I can't stop can't stop myself.
I must stop myself. There's something on the positive side The Christian sanctification is who you are in Christ and union with Christ gives you motivation to obey ability to obey
But then as we see it here is the paradigm for sanctification Be anxious for nothing if I wanted to play a little trick with the
English word nothing no thing There's no thing I should be anxious for Be anxious for nothing
Well, what shall I do instead contrast but in everything you mean my kids salvation, yes
Health issues. Yes. I don't have a job. Yes Yes.
Yes. Yes, but in everything by prayer look at all these different words, he uses for prayer and supplication it's kind of a petition the first words just a
General word of a prayerful attitude a worshipful attitude We were subjects of God and we come to him the great sovereign by prayer.
We have petitions or supplications We have needs with Thanksgiving God wherever you do you do?
Well, I'm gonna thank you whether you Answer positively or negatively Let your request there's another word for things that are asked for in prayer
With Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God Here, we're not talking about objective peace like Romans the subjective peace of God which surpasses all comprehension
Shall guard like a fortress like a garrison your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus Do you notice it you begin to worry and you begin to be pulled away from God as it were
I don't mean objectively but the sense of that I'm drifting and so what?
Paul says what Jesus says what Peter says is then the way back to God is through prayer you approach him
You don't run from him you you approach him It's like Mary Crowley said every evening.
I turn worries over to God. He's going to be up all night. Anyway, okay Lord take care of it pray
And when you begin to pray what happens? Here's the main thing in my life when I pray that I that I notice happens
God I am NOT self -sufficient God I am NOT dependent Independent rather I am dependent on you and in him
I have my being and my life and I am a mortal and I can't do this who is adequate for these things and Lord, you're gonna have to be my sufficiency.
You're gonna have to take care of it You're going to be the one grandma ever used to do this all the time Kim's grandmother who raised her.
I mean It happened so often it was almost I'd have to smile
It wasn't a comedy, but I just smile if we'd ever say to grandma because she prayed all the time About things grandma, you know, we're concerned about such -and -such.
Do you think you'd pray for it sometime and down her head would go Off she'd be praying, right?
Let's just get to it right now because now I've given her something to worry about because it's worrying me the son grandson -in -law
And then now it's gonna be worrying her So let's get to praying in her head would just it was like Jesus was in the room yeah, and Just begin to pray dear
God We know and we could just hear her rehearse the attributes of God and God you're all -knowing and you're all mighty and you understand all
These things and and God the thing is you're so transcendent and holy and other Who why do you even care?
But but you're good and close and you're a father and we're to come to you with these very things when you're worried about your job
You're supposed to run into God's presence and say you know what my resources my brains myself
My my autonomy can't work God. You're gonna have to help me. I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm carrying the burden and I'm gonna just have to give you the burden because I just can't take it anymore
You weren't meant to take it. Neither was I? Okay.
Lastly number 6f Turn to 1st Timothy chapter 6 Forget not that God does not worry.
Don't forget that God does not worry. Is that a double negative? Maybe Forget not
God isn't a worrier 1st Timothy chapter 6 in your mind.
You could probably do this. You could probably say Admit that worries a sin believe that God's a good father
Chase after the kingdom of God and serving him don't borrow trouble Pray and then what's the last thing?
This is a a big deal Ending because I want you to know God's not worried The Sun never worried on earth.
Can you imagine that for a second never worried? Jesus never sinfully worried ever and I guess if anybody had a reason to worry all the pressure on Jesus and all the issues but he never worried and here the focus is
Our triune God specifically the father never worried The world is crazy.
It's upside down It's God worried Yes, but what about the delegate count
God the delegate count, you know,
I know I don't know people literally But I've read about people who are so worried about the future and how they'll die
They kill themselves It's just this unknown and what this
Pastor Paul is gonna do for a younger pastor. Timothy is he's going to say, you know
What you want to get your world rock rock just get into ministry. I Don't think mr.
Johansson knows what he's getting into Talk about worry your own sinful life and then everybody else's sinful life and the pressure in a pastor's life
I'm not here for your sympathy. I'm telling you if you understand this book first Timothy a
Pastoral epistle, what is good for pastors to know in a life of chaos?
I don't know about you, but here's the way I like to live my life when a problem comes up We solve the problem.
We put it over there. We go on today's a nice new day problem free Thing is what if there's like 15 problems in my life, and I'm just trying to juggle them all and there's no resolution for any
Of them that's in my own life alone, and then there's 300 other people There's never a time where you just go finally just done
So what do you need? What do you need to know? It's all back to theology again. God doesn't worry
Timothy God's sovereign He never worries Chapter one. I mean, sorry first Timothy chapter 6 verse 13.
I charge you in the presence of God who gives life to all things and of Christ Jesus Quite the man wasn't he who testified the good confession before Pontius Pilate You can get a sense.
Can't you Timothy the timid one Timothy struggling with issues? Timothy get your eyes off yourself.
You may be weak and timid, but there's one who was not weak and timid He could stand before Pontius Pilate and not back down Jesus won't be on his heels when it comes to Professing faith and who
God is in front of Pontius Pilate that you keep the commandment without staying our approach
That's what our Lord did Timothy. You need to follow in his stead until the appearing of our Lord Jesus He's going to come back.
He said he's going to come back. He's promised that he's gonna come back He is going to appear the Lord Jesus He's not just Christ he's not just the
Messiah he's the Lord which he will bring about at the top at proper time Don't worry be faithful Hunker down, you know what you're supposed to do and then he has to say something
He who is the blessed and only sovereign King of Kings Lord of Lords who alone possesses
Immortality and dwells in unapproachable light whom no man has seen or can see to him be honor and eternal dominion
Amen much to be said here about immortality inapproachable light sovereignty literally the king of The king of those keen and the
Lord of those Lordy, but focus in congregation on the word blessed Timothy let me let me quiet your heart
Let me make your heart sit down knowing that there's one who is blessed Now sometimes we think of blessing like to receive a blessing.
What does this mean? This is not God receiving a blessing. Do you notice the text? He is the blessed
Wow, that's something isn't it? He's the blessed one He is the blessed.
What does that mean? He's happy He's content He's fulfilled.
He's not frustrated. He's not full of anxiety He's not saying I wish this would happen, but I can't make it.
So oh this popped up. I didn't know it would happen What will I do? God reaches over for the
Ativan God begins to wring his hands God begins to sweat
Friends not at all. He controls everything. So a man said he controls everything to his own joyous ends
No frustration, no unhappiness God satisfied God's happy God's content
Everything's going the way he has planned it Everything everything and we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love
God and to those who are called according to his purpose If you can trust him for your eternal life, can't you trust him for today for tomorrow
I Say to myself, you know what? I think I've made it in life in the sense that I might not even have to go to jail for Jesus because I'm 55 and by the time it goes crazy in the next 10 or 15 years.
I'll either be dead or retired or something but then
What's my problem? I? have kids I've grandkids
What's gonna happen to them I Don't know what will happen to them But God is not afraid for them.
God is not having anxiety for them God is when it comes to all these issues while displeased
Because they go against his moral law and his moral character gay marriage presidential elections transgendered issues free speech finances everything else
What I'm to do is to respond with Psalm 55 22 and this is your response as well Cast your burden upon the
Lord and he will sustain you He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
Let's pray. I thank you father for today I thank you that we can look into your word and to see but what an x -ray it is father,
I admit I worry I Worry way too much for someone who knows you and have been known by you and father if I worry
Bethlehem Bible Church, she must be worried, too So prone to wander
Lord we feel it We're thankful that our worry doesn't keep us out of heaven because Jesus has paid for all that worry
All the lack of trust we have in you even as children of God Jesus paid for it all
It is finished done never to be remembered So father that makes it easy for me to say
I worry Lord, please forgive me and it should make the church do the same thing So father, would you help us when it comes to?
important issues even Valid issues about our country our children our loved ones our spouses eternal salvation
Protect us from worry and then may your spirit lead us into worship by prayer
By rehearsing your attributes By obeying Jesus and looking at birds and considering what he has done for them
To look at flowers here today gone tomorrow Father we want to trust in you
Trusting in the Lord with all our heart and leaning not are on our own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge him and he'll make your path straight Lord. We want to do that I'm worried about the weather
Worried about diseases worried about Isis father. It's all sin Help us to grow in you.