Beth Moore Message Review | Our Lives Should be Supernatural?
Beth Moore gave a message on Romans 8:9-11 at the 2020 IF:Gathering conference about the role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives as Christ followers. What is the work of the Holy Spirit according to Beth's message and is it the same work Paul describes in Romans 8:9-11? Let's find out.
How did Beth Moore handle Scripture in this message?
May this episode expose the false teaching entering the church and bring glory to God.
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- I see across the earth, across every different country, from all different backgrounds, all different ages, that we would, for two days, come together and ignore our feeds, ignore all the noise, ignore the chaos inside of us, and listen to the word of God taught.
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- My whole aim is that somehow our appreciation of this treasure that he has put within us would so skyrocket that we would respond in such a way to yield to what the
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- Holy Spirit wants to do. If 2020, we are going to focus completely, entirely, solely on the person of Jesus.
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- About being connected and about being aware, I believe that we were chosen for this generation because of this time period on the globe.
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- So it would be ridiculous not to act like we know what's going on in the world, but at the same time, we're overwhelmed by it.
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- And our minds, I mean, we're just like turning on ourselves and our very, very compulsive kinds of thoughts.
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- And I was always given to it, always given to it. That is it. Every message that you hear, every song that we sing, this is our hope.
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- And we need hope. The world is spinning out like crazy, and so are the insides of us.
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- And we need the thing that's gonna steady us. You will receive power. I wanna say something to you.
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- This is supernatural power. The word of God tells us in a number of different places that we have a power that is beyond us, that is dwelling in us.
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- Because we're gonna preach the name of Jesus. We're gonna preach the name of Jesus. It's the only name we care about.
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- It's the only name that changes lives, the only hope we have to give. After he'd been seen for a period of 40 days, and he had ascended to the
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- Father, I believe that he probably had the welcome of all welcome.
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- And whether you've known Jesus for a long time, or you're just checking him out, we're not gonna water him down here.
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- We're going to Romans eight. I don't know that there's a deeper theological piece of work in the
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- Bible, so we're going here. And what you will leave with, I believe, is more of Jesus.
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- Are you in Christ? Then the very spirit of Christ is in you, with a capability.
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- You're not even capable, nor am I, of fulfilling our own callings, because they must be done in the spirit.
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- What you've been called to do, you do not have the capacity to do. Because we believe there's gonna be people that meet
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- Jesus for the very first time. We believe there's gonna be people that have been far away from God and the church, and they're gonna come back.
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- We believe there are people that love Jesus, but they don't know what it means to live for him, and we're gonna talk about all of that.
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- So Perla and Evangeline are just staring at me, and they won't leave. And I looked at them, I said, well, are y 'all gonna stay or are you gonna leave?
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- Because I said, I'm gonna tell you something. If you're gonna stay, you're gonna praise dance. You're not gonna stand here and watch us. And they said, well, we'll stay.
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- My dream, guys, I don't dream small, I only dream big. And my dream is to disciple a whole generation.
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- And that takes all of us working together. We give you the tools, you all take them and use them in your places.
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- We cannot wait to see what God's going to do. Do not miss. If 2020 will be the best one yet.
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- So we'll just live all of our lives. If we don't get this, we're just like struggle through.
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- And I mean, we'll get to our deathbed and go, you know, he said he had a calling for me and he just never kept his word.
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- He's like, you know what? You tried to do it by yourself. I was trying to do it through you.
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- And you just kept trying to do it yourself. And what you will leave with, I believe, is more of Jesus.
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- Andrew, why is rightly interpreting the Bible so important? Some people might say, oh, just who cares?
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- Just read it. Whatever it means to you is what God wants to say to you. And people who worry about interpretation are just scholars and sticklers.
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- And some people will call you a Pharisee if you're really into what the Bible means. Why is rightly interpreting the word so vital?
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- First of all, because it's God's word. Like he is speaking to us and God does everything on purpose.
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- He knows what and why he does in every aspect of this world. And when it comes to how he communicates to us regularly, it's through a book.
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- He's chosen to give us a book. And so it's to be read and understood as a book. And that means it's so important to hear his words in the context that he has given them to us.
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- It's so important that we would take time to think about what is being said in it.
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- He is a God of purpose and intention. And so everything he says in this book has been given with purpose and intention.
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- So I don't want to impose my own thinking, my own idea. I want to hear what God says.
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- And that means I need to listen carefully. And Bible study, that's really all it is. It's just listening carefully to the word of God.
- 05:07
- That's so helpful. Welcome to the Thoroughly Equipped podcast, where we compare the teachings from popular women's ministry, books, conferences,
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- Bible studies, et cetera, to scripture. Our focus is 2 Timothy 3, 16 to 17, that all scripture is
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- God -breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so the man or woman of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
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- I'm your host, Melba Toast. May this episode bless you and bring glory to God.
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- Hey ladies, welcome back to another episode of Thoroughly Equipped. So glad you have chosen to listen to this podcast or watch this
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- YouTube channel. This podcast is a resource for you guys to help you with discernment, especially the teaching and the teachers that are within the very popular evangelical women's ministry.
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- And we have been doing just that, looking at a very popular women's ministry, the
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- If Gathering. And in discerning this very popular women's ministry,
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- I have taken the time to look at the If Gathering's 2020 conference.
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- And if you're just tuning in, I suggest you go back to the beginning of the series.
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- And the first episode of this series, I presented to you, first of all, the goal and purpose that Jenny Allen has set for this ministry.
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- And then we started looking at the speakers that presented at the If 2020 conference.
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- In this portion, like I said, of the series, we're looking at the way these teachers handle scripture.
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- And the 2020 conference is laid out perfectly for us to do just that, as Jenny Allen set up the conference to be centered on Romans chapter eight, dividing the chapters into sections to which the speakers were to, quote unquote, focus completely and entirely on the person of Jesus.
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- Even though chapter eight is all about the role and work of the Holy Spirit in the life of those who are the children of God, in all truthfulness, drawing out the person and work of Jesus Christ, and even proclaiming the good news, is very easy to do.
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- Christ and his work is proclaimed clearly in the first couple of verses of Romans chapter eight.
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- So that's what we want to discern. Did these speakers handle the text rightly and actually give us and teach us about Jesus as promised?
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- Or did they just give lip service to Jesus and instead chose to teach us what they want, their experiences, what they felt was highly important, you know, their life lessons and opinions on the work of Jesus and the
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- Holy Spirit, et cetera. In the last two episodes, we examined two messages given on Romans eight verses one to eight.
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- One of the reasons I love doing this podcast is the opportunity to look at scripture and really shine a light on how wonderful it really is.
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- And even in critiquing books or messages, I see this as an opportunity to proclaim the beautiful good news of Christ and his work.
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- And in the last couple of episodes, looking at Romans eight one to eight was a perfect opportunity to do just that.
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- Jenny Allen was right in this regard, that Romans eight is just so theologically rich.
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- Really, all of Romans is incredibly filling. In fact, Luther stated in his preface to his commentary on the epistle, this, this letter is truly the most important piece in the
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- New Testament. That's from Luther's preface to the Romans. Unfortunately, what was given in these messages, because they did not draw out from the text, it's rich theology, ended up being jello instead of meat.
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- And meat is so satiating and filling, believe me. I did like three months of the carnivore diet and never has any diet kept me so full for so long that I was eating only two meals a day.
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- I even eventually towards the end there got down to one major meal a day. So yeah, meat is extremely filling.
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- And it's the same with real good, deep theology. That type of teaching keeps you full through life, through trials and tribulations.
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- For scripture even says, man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the
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- Lord. Deuteronomy eight three and Matthew four four. The message we will look at today is given by Beth Moore, who was to teach about Romans eight, nine to 11.
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- But before we get into her message, let's talk a bit about her ministry. Beth Moore is now an
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- American Anglican Evangelist. I keep saying. Beth Moore is now an
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- American Anglican Evangelist. I did that several takes.
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- I did that several takes. Cause that's a tongue twister. American Anglican Evangelist.
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- Anyway, she's also a very popular author and a Bible teacher. She's president of Living Proof Ministry, a
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- Christian organization based in Houston, Texas that she founded back in 1994, focused on teaching women.
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- Moore, who is arguably the most prominent white evangelical woman in America, according to Wikipedia, speaks at arena events and has sold millions of books.
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- While Living Proof Ministry no longer works in conjunction with Lifeway, Moore continues to teach through live events and a podcast radio show called
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- Living Proof with Beth Moore, as well as on her YouTube channel of the same name.
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- Now, there has been no slight drama revolving around Beth Moore and her ministry.
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- Most of it is centered about how often she preaches to men at her church. She has a very weak stance on homosexuality to where she publicly apologized for claiming that same sex sin was particularly satanic, fearing that these words kept her readers from God's words, claiming what she said would become a stumbling block for them.
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- And there's a lot we can discuss regarding the concerns I have with her public statement, but that would be a whole other episode.
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- A small group of women bloggers wrote to her asking her to make her stance on the sin of homosexuality more clear and to be firm and strong in it.
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- Needless to say, she has not. Eventually, she left the Baptist Convention and became
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- Anglican in 2021, a year after giving her message at the 2020
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- If Gathering Conference. So, let's dive into this message. But first, let's read the text she's supposed to teach about.
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- Moore's text is Romans 8, 9 to 11. But like always, let's look at it in context.
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- Paul, throughout the first seven chapters, basically presented the truth that all men are under condemnation and are born children of wrath.
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- Due to their sinful nature. That men are born slaves to sin. Yet those who have been united with Christ are no longer slaves to sin, but to righteousness.
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- And because we have been buried with Christ and raised with him to newness of life, we are not under law, but grace.
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- Because we are under grace, we present our bodies in obedience to God, slaves to righteousness, leading to our sanctification.
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- In chapter seven, Paul describes the battle between the flesh and the spirit within the man who wishes to obey the law of God, which is spiritual and good, yet is living in a body of flesh.
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- It is here that Paul proclaims the good news to those who wrestle with this inner battle. That there is no condemnation for those in Christ because Christ did what we could not do, taking on human flesh, condemning sin in the flesh, so that the righteous requirement of the law would be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.
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- And this is where we'll get into the text. We will read Romans eight, five to 13.
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- For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit set their minds on the things of the spirit.
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- For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law, indeed it cannot.
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- Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Now here's Miss Moore's passage. You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if in fact the spirit of God dwells in you.
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- Anyone who does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness.
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- If the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you.
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- Now I'm gonna read verses 12 and 13 because these two verses will be missing from the whole context of the conference.
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- Both Beth Moore will not touch upon these verses and neither will the next speaker,
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- Joe Saxton, touch upon these verses as Joe Saxton will be teaching about Romans chapter eight, verses 14 to 17.
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- So let's read these two verses to keep them all in context. So then brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh to live according to the flesh.
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- For if you live according to the flesh, you will die. But if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
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- So this text is all about the work of the spirit of Christ in the life of a believer.
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- Paul has been constantly contrasting the flesh with the spirit. And he makes it very clear in verse eight that the flesh cannot please
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- God. Why? Well one, those who are in the flesh do not have faith as Paul describes how people suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
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- Romans 1, 18 to 25. They don't hold to the truth and live in it but in rebellion actually suppress it.
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- And without faith, it is impossible to please God, Hebrews 11, six. And two, those who do not have faith in Christ and his work do not have the spirit of Christ and therefore do not belong to Christ.
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- But those who have faith in Christ were buried and raised with Christ and are indwelt with the spirit who now are empowered to put to death the deeds of the flesh and live.
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- That same power that raised Jesus from the dead is given to us to walk in righteousness, to desire to obey the law.
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- And in that desire, obey the best we can. That is what this text is saying.
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- That is the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Now, is this what
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- Beth Moore will talk about? So let's get into our message. Beth Moore starts out praising
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- Neof Gathering as a work of God because of Jenny's lack of knowledge in what she was getting into and its radical explosion over the years.
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- Knew the spirit of God was on that young woman and that God had sown something in her that was going to produce a harvest.
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- I actually want to address this a bit because in Jenny Allen's introduction of Beth Moore, Jenny claims that before she set out to start the
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- Neof Gathering, Beth told her she had to accomplish this vision, that she knew it was of God because Jenny had no idea how to fulfill
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- God's calling. The day that I committed to the Lord to obey and to do this thing was an hour after I'd spent lunch with her.
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- And she grabbed me by the shoulders and she looked me in the eyes and she said, baby, you got to do this.
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- This is of God. And the reason I know that is because you have no earthly idea what you're doing.
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- I want to make a note of this because this is actually going to be connected with Beth's message as she will go on to teach about the role the spirit plays in our life.
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- But can we know that something is a work of God because of the weakness of someone's ability or the growth in attendance and involvement?
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- Now, I hope to address this type of thinking as it's often point out in the IF ministry throughout the years.
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- Christine Kane even described it as a revival at the 2021 conference. There is this prevailing teacher within the purpose -driven and charismatic theology that you can know
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- God has called you to something by assessing how unlikely or impossible it seems to be to be able to accomplish it.
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- Why is this the main way to determine if something is a move or idea from God?
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- Because the more impossible the goal, the more supernatural intervention is needed.
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- Well, I need you to understand how this goes all the way around because it is overwhelming to me because I'm going to tell you something, this particular event and the size of it, no human being can do it.
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- This can only be God. You can't grow something like this that has this kind of gospel impact and think somebody made it up and I knew that it was so on her, it had to be
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- God. If you watched last week's episode, we got a little taste of this teaching from Jenny Allen herself when she alluded to the role of the spirit as giving us possibility and capacity to accomplish great things.
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- The spirit of God. We have possibility and capacity beyond anything we can imagine.
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- Keep this in mind because this is where Beth will go with her message. So I want us to think about what is the evidence of a work of the spirit of God according to Romans chapter eight.
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- She then begins to talk about her love for the word of God, how it saved her soul and mind. I was 27 years old when a fire was so lit up in my bones for the word of God that I almost could not bear it.
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- And I'm going to tell you how it happened. I saw someone with it. It was my Bible doctrine teacher. She gives a testimony of a
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- Bible teacher of hers who proclaimed the word of God with such passion that she decided that she wanted that same passion, to love the word of God more than she loved her next meal.
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- And like her, she relays that there may be ladies listening in the audience that may see that passion and hunger in someone and cry out for that type of passion.
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- Now let's listen in because this is her setup for talking about the work of the
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- Holy Spirit. I'm telling you, I got in my car. I shut that car door after that class that night. Totally riveted.
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- I was speechless. I couldn't even take a note down. And I said, Lord, I don't know what that was, but I want it. And I've said so many times the
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- Lord took that. It was like he took a match to a stone and struck it and set a torch in my heart.
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- And I tell you this because this weekend, I don't know who it will be. It will be different people for different ones because you have different learning styles.
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- But you're going to see somebody, you're going to know that the Spirit of God is on them and I don't even know how to define it. But Lord, I want that.
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- I want to hunger and thirst after you like that. I want to love your word like that.
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- I want to have a fire in my bones that I would go anywhere in the world you've sent me. I want it like that.
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- One of the things that he's taught me over and over again is what do you lack in the Spirit that I would give to anyone? What is it
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- I've prioritized? You then pray for it. And I constantly ask him, give me a love for your word.
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- Give me a love for your son. Give me a love for people because when we pray in the will of God, we will have what we ask.
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- You ask him to delight you in his word and he will. He will answer that request.
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- There are several things here that I could agree with. Yes, let us have that passion to love
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- God's word, his son, and our neighbor. And yes, when we have that desire,
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- God will answer our prayers because in loving God, we will ask an agreement to his will. In fact,
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- Romans 8 in a way touches on this. Paul indirectly talks about this, that the Spirit not only gives us the desire to see
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- God's will accomplished, but the power to accomplish it. In this portion of scripture, the will of God is obedience to the law and more specifically his will for us to believe in Jesus Christ who fulfilled the law.
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- She talks about getting passionate for God's word and being willing to do anything and go anywhere he sends us.
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- And while I like the encouragement, will Beth talk about how this passage is about the desire to do
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- God's will through obeying the law? Is this where Beth Moore will go? She then lays out the format of the conference, noting how
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- Jenny planned that each speaker should address a portion of Romans 8 to be expounded upon and cohesively come together in the end.
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- For her, she was portioned out Romans 8, 9 to 11, but there are two verses that she says she wants to focus on.
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- What Jenny has done for the conference is that we are concentrating on Romans chapter eight and all of us have been given different segments of it to teach you.
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- And I just love that we were given our assignments. When I saw my verses, I knew I wanted them. So I want you to stand please,
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- I wanna go before the throne of grace with you in prayer and then we're gonna get into these two verses of Romans that are gonna take us a whole lot of places.
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- Now let's stop here for a bit. We have already read the text and context. And if you listened to the last episode,
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- I want to remind you of a couple things at this point. One, that I was acknowledged in the introduction that there are likely unbelievers listening to these sessions.
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- Two, that Jada had opportunity to present the gospel, the life and death of Jesus Christ presented to us as a gift to be received by faith for the forgiveness of our sins and salvation from the wrath to come.
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- Romans eight clearly lays this out for us in the opening passages, and yet it was not given.
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- The gospel was watered down to God pursuing us. So at this point, the unbeliever has been told that we are a mess,
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- God took care of their greatest need, not expounding upon that, but that God fixed our mess by pursuing us.
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- So far, we got Jenny's take on setting the mind on the flesh versus setting the mind on the spirit, by which she interprets setting the mind on the flesh as focusing on worldly pursuits, such as a job, marriage, children, or social media, et cetera.
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- While to set the mind on the spirit is interpreted as thinking positively to pursue peace, kindness, joy, love, confidence, et cetera, and that we must engage in the battle for our minds, that the enemy attacks us with negative thoughts that keeps us from pursuing the spirit.
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- No talk of how one who walks in the flesh is a slave to sin, while one setting their mind on the spirit is to set the mind on Christ, and in love obey the law or Christ's commands by putting to death the deeds of the flesh.
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- It is this dichotomy that Paul presents to the reader so that they may ascertain whether they truly have the spirit of Christ.
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- And that is where these verses are going to go. But for one who hasn't been presented with this dichotomy nor the gospel, they may come to the text thinking they have been given the spirit because they do not pursue success or material things and work their best at defeating negative thoughts.
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- So now Beth goes to pray, then read the passage. And she's going to present to us her goal for the message she's about to give.
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- Romans chapter eight. My verses are nine and 10, and they say this.
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- You, however, are not in the flesh but in the spirit, if indeed the spirit of God lives in you.
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- If anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him. I wanna read that again. If anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him.
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- Now if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit gives life because of righteousness.
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- I'll go back to that one point again. If anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him. I want you to know my one goal for this message.
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- Just one, just one. And that is that it would be used of God, overtaken by God in such a way that every single one of us would far more greatly value that which is in us.
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- My whole aim is that somehow our appreciation of this treasure that he has put within us would so skyrocket that we would respond in such a way to yield to what the
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- Holy Spirit wants to do. Okay, so she reads the text, repeats a couple of times. Anyone who does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to him, and proceeds to give her goal for the message, saying that she wishes for God to use the message to cause every single one of us to greatly value that which is in us so that this treasure that was put within us would so skyrocket that we would respond in such a way to yield to what the
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- Holy Spirit wants to do. Okay, let's look at these two verses again.
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- You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if in fact the spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to him, but if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness.
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- If the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised
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- Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you.
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- So then, brothers, we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh, for if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
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- This is the text she has been given to teach on, and she wants to only focus on the first two verses, and through these verses, her goal is to encourage us to value the spirit that lives with us in such a way that we yield to what he wants us to do.
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- Okay, my question is, does the Holy Spirit through Paul in writing this message have the same goal?
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- Is that what he intended in writing these verses? Paul definitely wants to encourage believers, yes.
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- He wants to encourage them by directing them to observe their walk and assure that if they are in Christ, they have his spirit, which empowers them to walk like Christ.
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- So when Beth Moore says that she wants us to treasure the Holy Spirit so much so that we yield to what he wants of us, does she mean to live by faith in Christ Jesus and submitting to God's law?
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- What is it that the spirit wants us to do? Does she believe it is arrived at subjectively?
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- Let's find out. She uses how women value the life of an unborn child in the womb as an example of valuing the spirit within us.
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- Found out that you were carrying a child. There's a very strong sense of valuing what is in you.
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- And makes the claim that if this passage was an Instagram story, it would be at this point that all sorts of emojis would be placed for it is this passage that reveals whose spirit has been at work all along.
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- If we were looking at the scriptures in such a way that it were an Instagram story and it was embedded in our stories and at this point we would see all manner of emoji, all sorts of fireworks, there would be all manner of thing going on in that story when we got to this point in the scriptures because something huge takes place here doctrinally.
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- Something you need to know, something I need to know and be aware of every single day of our lives because the entire premise of this part of Romans chapter eight is this, a very, very simple kind of equation.
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- The spirit of God equals the spirit of Christ. I wanna say that again. That may sound like, you know what, that's not very exciting.
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- Oh no, this is so exciting. The spirit of God that had been taught all the way through the
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- Old Testament, seen the activity of the spirit from the very beginning of Genesis that we find out through the inspiration of God, through the pen of the apostle
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- Paul, that that spirit of God all along has been the spirit of Christ. Yes, this is a wondrous and glorious thing.
- 31:01
- Paul is saying that the Holy Spirit is God's spirit and Christ's spirit. That same spirit that worked with God in creation worked in Christ a perfect righteousness and raised him from the dead.
- 31:15
- And Paul is reminding us that the same spirit worked in us to raise us to life, to be led by him, verse 14, to walk in him and give life to our mortal bodies.
- 31:26
- At this time, she leaves the text and gives the listeners a bunch of verses that talk about God's spirit being
- 31:33
- Christ's spirit. She lists and reads 1 Peter 1, 10 and 11, Galatians 4, 6,
- 31:40
- John 14, verses 15 to 20, and verses 25 and 26, and Acts 1, 8.
- 31:48
- With each one read, she points to how the spirit written about in these verses is
- 31:55
- Christ's spirit. Now what she's doing here is called proof texting. That's where one takes a bunch of verses out of context to build a theology.
- 32:06
- And proof texting done correctly is good. But if the verses are taken out of context to be given a different meaning than what they mean in the context, then that's a no -no.
- 32:17
- Beth Moore at this point isn't quite mishandling the verses given. She's using them to explain how
- 32:23
- God's spirit was Christ's spirit from the beginning and to inform us that those who believe in Jesus have been sealed with the
- 32:30
- Holy Spirit. How different would our lives be if we really understood, wait a second, because I have trusted
- 32:36
- Christ. In the moment that I did, his very spirit took up residency in me.
- 32:42
- And that the Holy Scriptures say at that point I was completely sealed, you were completely sealed until the day of our redemption.
- 32:48
- That is when we are in his presence. Nothing can get in because the
- 32:53
- Holy Spirit lives in us. We cannot be possessed by any other spirit, but the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit also is not going to leave, nor forsake us.
- 33:02
- And I'm really glad she mentions this, though I'm saddened that unbelievers have not really been taught on what they should believe about themselves and what
- 33:11
- Christ did. But I digress. What she will do is leave out some extremely important details, especially in the
- 33:19
- John passages that actually are important to what it means that the spirit is our helper.
- 33:25
- Important truths that are exactly in line with what Paul is teaching in Romans 8.
- 33:31
- Let's look at what she says and examines how she handles this text. These are huge principles in the word of God.
- 33:38
- And I want you to see in John chapter 14, I wanna read verses 15 through 20, and then 25 through 26.
- 33:45
- 15 through 20, this is Jesus speaking. This is the last evening he will be, later this evening, he will be arrested and he will be crucified and will die on the cross within the next day.
- 34:00
- So it says, if you love me, you will keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever.
- 34:08
- He is the spirit of truth. Now he's talking about himself. He's already said to them, I am the truth.
- 34:16
- I am the way. I am life to you. And so he's referring to the spirit. He said he is the spirit of truth.
- 34:22
- The world isn't able to receive him because it does not see him or know him. But you do know him because he remains with you and will be in you.
- 34:33
- Hold up with that. I will not leave you as orphans. I'm coming to you. In a little while, the world will no longer see me, but you will see me because I live, you will live too.
- 34:41
- And on that day, you will know that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you.
- 34:46
- I want you to also see 25 and 26 that say this. I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you, but the counselor, the
- 34:53
- Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.
- 34:59
- So she read John 14 verses 15 to 20, skipping verses 21 to 24 and picks up verses 25 to 26.
- 35:08
- Let's look at the passage as a whole and see what Jesus is telling us here. We are entering into a conversation between Jesus and his disciples as he tells them for the last time that he is leaving and gives them other important information that they need to know before his death.
- 35:26
- In these chapters known as the Farewell Discourse, Jesus gives the new commandment to love one another,
- 35:33
- John 13, 34, he tells Peter that he will deny him, John 13, 38, tells them that he goes to the
- 35:41
- Father to prepare a place for them and he is the only way to that place,
- 35:46
- John 14, one to seven. He makes it clear that he and the Father are one and that those who believe in him will accomplish the same works that he did.
- 35:55
- We need simply ask, John 14, eight to 14. And this is where Jesus then goes to explain about the works his disciples will do.
- 36:06
- What are those works? And with what power will they do them in? Let's read.
- 36:12
- If you love me, you will keep my commandments. Notice that she kind of slid right past that verse.
- 36:18
- And I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him.
- 36:31
- Paul conveys the same teaching in Romans that the world cannot receive God due to their sin nature and therefore they walk in the flesh, gratifying their own desires, suppressing the truth and unrighteousness.
- 36:43
- They neither see nor know God and his word because they love their sin. Continuing on.
- 36:49
- You know him for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans.
- 36:54
- I will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me because I live, you also will live.
- 37:02
- In that day, you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you.
- 37:10
- Whoever has my commandments and keeps them. He, it is who loves me.
- 37:17
- Jesus informs them of how they can know that one loves him and the Father. How can we know we are in Christ and that his spirit is in us?
- 37:26
- We know when we are doing the same works that Christ did. What works were those?
- 37:32
- His own commands. Commands that he received from the Father, commands that he obeyed perfectly for us.
- 37:40
- And now he gives us the new command to love one another. What does it look like to love one another?
- 37:47
- God's word, which is also Christ's word, shows us how. And he who loves me will be loved by my
- 37:54
- Father and I will love him and manifest myself to him. Judas, not
- 38:00
- Iscariot, said to him, Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world?
- 38:06
- Jesus answered him, if anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my
- 38:12
- Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him.
- 38:17
- Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine, but the
- 38:25
- Father's who sent me. These things I've spoken to you while I am still with you, but the helper, the
- 38:31
- Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
- 38:40
- So notice what Jesus is teaching here, that the disciples of Christ would be given the helper, the
- 38:46
- Holy Spirit, to empower us to keep his words, to obey his commands, to desire to walk in God's law, the law received from the
- 38:57
- Father and the law that Christ fulfilled. If you have listened to the last episode in this series, do you see the connection between what
- 39:06
- Jesus is saying in John 14 and what Paul is teaching in Romans 8? Jesus and Paul are teaching the same thing, that the
- 39:14
- Holy Spirit will empower Christ's disciples to do his works and obey his commands.
- 39:20
- But why did Miss Moore leave this very important teaching out? What is the main role of the
- 39:26
- Spirit in our lives according to Beth Moore? She states that she believes most of us walk like Jesus is next to us, not in us.
- 39:36
- Want to suggest to you, we are walking as those who may be next to him somehow, but do not have his very spirit abiding within us.
- 39:46
- And reminds us from Acts 1 .8, that Jesus promised that we would receive power from the
- 39:53
- Holy Spirit and will be his witnesses on the earth. That if we only valued this that is in us, we would walk as if he resided in us, giving us supernatural power.
- 40:06
- We'll receive power. I want to say something to you. This is supernatural power.
- 40:12
- The word of God tells us in a number of different places that we have a power that is beyond us, that is dwelling in us.
- 40:20
- But so often we're just like reliant on our own natural strength. I've lived so much of my life and I just want, oh,
- 40:28
- I want somebody to get this because I could save you so much time. Because I spent so much of my life trying to live for God.
- 40:35
- I had a heart for God, but I was the biggest mess. I would just like cycle in and out of the ditch over and over again.
- 40:43
- Because I had such a desire to know him and to please him, but I never ever really let him get to my heart and bring healing to my heart, and really tend to the things that were so broken in me and so messed up with me and so depraved in me.
- 40:58
- But when I began to understand the role of the Holy Spirit, I thought all this time I've been trying to live for God when he's been going, you know what?
- 41:05
- Let my son live through you. Well, you surrender to me and let me live it through you.
- 41:12
- You give yourself to me, and I practice this every morning in my life. I'm not setting myself up as any kind of example to you.
- 41:17
- I'm just telling you, I learned everything the hard way, the hard way, and I just put so much effort forth.
- 41:25
- I mean, I wanted to do it so badly, and I'd wanna do it so badly, and then I would blow it so badly. And yes,
- 41:31
- I agree. We have been given supernatural power. We should be desiring to please
- 41:38
- God and be an example of Christ to others. But again, what does that look like?
- 41:46
- How does one please God? By pursuing his special calling, fulfilling our purpose?
- 41:53
- How does one mirror Christ? Is that done by accomplishing our purpose like Christ accomplished his?
- 41:59
- Is that done by performing great signs and wonders in the power of the Holy Spirit like he did?
- 42:05
- Is that purpose and calling subjectively determined? Do I go by interpressions on a day -by -day basis like Beth Moore does, where she's feeling nudged to show kindness to some man by brushing his hair on a train?
- 42:21
- Do I live like Christ by responding to these inner impressions that convict me to do this or that, and then assume that the
- 42:28
- Spirit equips me with supernatural power to help me accomplish it? Or does scripture lay out for us what righteousness looks like, what actually pleases
- 42:38
- God, how we should walk? Will she clarify what it means to be an example of Jesus Christ, the perfect man who fulfilled the whole law, consistently doing the will of the
- 42:49
- Father? I really sympathize with their story because I felt that way too, having a deep, deep desire to accomplish
- 42:56
- God's will, chasing after a vision, though, and some special calling that I believe
- 43:02
- God called me to accomplish it, you know, even supernaturally. And I saw as I read the scripture that I was so very sinful, and so I failed.
- 43:15
- But I failed because I thought the supernatural calling was going to make me walk like a supernatural
- 43:20
- Christian, and yet I found myself still dealing with my sins, sins that made me resent my husband and children.
- 43:29
- They left me in constant frustration. Does she mean that we have been given supernatural power to cause us to walk in obedience to Christ's command?
- 43:42
- And it's real, this is not just theology. This is your reality.
- 43:48
- Are you in Christ? Then the very spirit of Christ is in you, with a capability you're not even capable, nor am
- 43:57
- I, of fulfilling our own callings because they must be done in the spirit.
- 44:03
- What you've been called to do, you do not have the capacity to do. So we'll just live all of our lives.
- 44:10
- If we don't get this, we'll just struggle through, and I mean, we'll get to our deathbed and go, you know, he said he had a calling for me, and he just never kept his word.
- 44:19
- He's like, you know what, you tried to do it by yourself. I was trying to do it through you, and you just kept trying to do it yourself.
- 44:27
- All that good effort, but the supernatural empowerment that he has for you and for me.
- 44:33
- Okay, so without the spirit, we do not have the capacity to fulfill our callings.
- 44:38
- That's a problem. First problem, if one has the spirit of God, he will cause one to fulfill our purpose.
- 44:48
- Ephesians 2 .10 says that we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, plural, which
- 44:56
- God prepared in advance for us to do. This word handiwork comes from the
- 45:02
- Greek poema. It means something crafted with skill and for a purpose by God.
- 45:08
- God accomplishes his purpose through us. Second problem,
- 45:15
- Beth Moore wants to make this purpose some grand thing, such as becoming a speaker, a leader, going on missions, anything extra supernatural, et cetera.
- 45:28
- Some type of career or ministry position, but God's will is broader than that.
- 45:33
- He desires that people love him and love neighbor, and how we do that is revealed to us by his law.
- 45:40
- This is our purpose. These are our good works. They can be performed in our careers and ministries.
- 45:46
- They can be performed in service to our children and husband, to strangers, to a friend, through trial and tribulation.
- 45:54
- It's at this point she starts placing candles in a cake that's placed on a table on the stage next to her.
- 46:00
- She continues by telling the audience to go to Acts 2, verse 32, to talk about how Christ was exalted to the right hand of God.
- 46:08
- He tells us something completely marvelous, but it's so easy to miss.
- 46:14
- He says, therefore, since he's been exalted to the right hand of God and is received from the Father, the promised
- 46:19
- Holy Spirit, he has poured out what you both see and hear.
- 46:25
- Here's what I want to tell you. Now, we're not told this in scripture. Asking us to imagine what type of reception Christ may have received upon his ascension to heaven.
- 46:33
- I think that when Jesus was received back to heaven, after he had been crucified, buried, and raised from the dead, after he'd been seen for a period of 40 days, and he had ascended to the
- 46:47
- Father, I believe that he probably had the welcome of all welcome.
- 46:53
- Turning and talking about the eternal plan of God to send his son. Before God ever breathed a spirit into Adam, the father and the son had already determined, son, you are as good as dead, because there is no way they're going to make it.
- 47:10
- And then she says this. And he came and he said to him over and over again, I came to do the will of my father. I came to do, my food is to do the will of my father.
- 47:19
- And you know, when you're filled with his spirit, when his spirit is empowering you, you will know that satisfaction, because there are things that'll happen when you'll realize you've been used of God, and you'll know that no meal could have done that for you.
- 47:32
- That's something about it, you just say, I can't believe that it just happened. I mean,
- 47:38
- God caused that encounter, and something just happened there that I know could not have been of me, and it's just a work of the spirit, and you'll know that kind of like, man, that's food to me.
- 47:49
- So having certain types of encounters should be our food. Is being used for God our food?
- 47:57
- I mean, Christ said that his food was to do God's will, but what, again, is
- 48:03
- God's will? Jesus elaborates on this when he repeats Deuteronomy 8 .3,
- 48:08
- while under the temptation of the devil. He was hungry, physically hungry, and in his great hunger, he said to Satan, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
- 48:21
- Matthew 4 .4. And Christ was sent to do God's will, that will being exactly what we see in Romans 8, by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.
- 48:44
- So when Christ says, my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work, in John 4 .34,
- 48:52
- he's talking about God's word. To fill God's word is to do
- 48:58
- God's work. While we can experience instances in life that give praise and honor to God's providential work in our lives, what
- 49:08
- Jesus is referring to here is the accomplishment of God's word. We too are well -fed when we trust in that word,
- 49:16
- Christ and the scriptures, and walk in him being led by the spirit to obey his word,
- 49:21
- Christ and the scriptures. Yes, being used of God is a blessing, but ultimately it's really about being a blessing to others.
- 49:30
- We are fed God's word to cause us to walk in the spirit, killing our fleshly desire and being used of God to love our neighbor.
- 49:40
- Purpose -driven theology will tell you that our purpose is what fulfills us. It will be our food, and that is quite a bit different than being fed by the written word of God.
- 49:52
- It will make the daily heart impressions and personal revelations the things we seek so that we can have supernatural experiences, and we will think we are accomplishing
- 50:03
- God's will while our flesh continues to lead us. At least that's what it did for me.
- 50:10
- So we are now seeing a problem here as she's neglecting what Romans 8, 9 to 11 is actually teaching about the role of the spirit in our lives and the power he gives to Christ's disciples to help them obey
- 50:23
- Christ's commands. Instead, she wants to teach that the power given to us is more about being what she states is supernatural and is provided to help us accomplish our special calling.
- 50:36
- We can see now how this connects to the earlier statements made by Jenny Allen and Beth Moore about how they know something is of God because they feel they are ill -equipped to accomplish a special vision, so they need to rely on the supernatural intervention of God to fulfill said vision.
- 50:55
- While I do believe it is true that God works all his will and it builds our faith to see things being provided for in unique and unusual ways, the problem lies with the fact that that is not what's being taught in Romans 8.
- 51:11
- She goes back to imagining how those in eternity observed Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.
- 51:17
- And there's God. You talk about the ultimate ultrasound because he's just staring at that baby just like that. Just staring at that baby just like that.
- 51:25
- They've been together for all eternity just staring at that baby, just staring at that baby, just staring at that baby, just staring at that baby. Even proclaiming
- 51:32
- Christ's sinless perfection in his death. This was the son of God. This was the
- 51:39
- Christ child of the sinless life under every temptation known to man only without sin.
- 51:49
- Beaten, spit upon, slapped, his beard pulled, nails put through his hands and his feet, hanging on a cross, trying to draw breath until his last breath.
- 52:04
- And when he cried out, it is finished, he did not mean it is over.
- 52:16
- He meant it is complete. And it says in one of the gospels,
- 52:22
- I think it's the gospel of John, that he bowed his head and then the spirit left his body.
- 52:31
- Then he breathed his last. Wish she had talked about what
- 52:37
- Christ's sinless life and his brutal death were for, but instead she turns to talk about how
- 52:42
- Jesus bowed his head in submission before releasing his spirit. He drops his head because it's submission.
- 52:48
- Submission, humbles himself. I submit to the will of the Father. So you better believe there had to have been a homecoming.
- 53:00
- And then instructs us to turn to Ephesians chapter one, reading from verse 15 to 23.
- 53:05
- For time's sake and because I don't really see the connection with where she goes next, I will give a brief synopsis.
- 53:13
- She goes into some context of the Ephesians passage, referencing Ephesians chapter three to talk about how we may get a sense that Paul is trying to convey some type of boundless space and Christ is filling all of it.
- 53:26
- There's so much that has a spatial orientation in the book of Ephesians. You're meant to fill the building of it.
- 53:33
- You're meant to sense that there is this boundless space and somehow
- 53:41
- Christ is filling all of it. Then talks about the apostles watching Christ ascend and we read it as if it's something that was just normal, yet the apostles were probably astounded.
- 53:52
- I want you to picture this because we hear this kind of stuff. We've been raised on this kind of stuff and then we think about it again and just try to wrap your mind around the weirdness of it.
- 54:04
- You're standing with Christ. He's told you, you just wait right here for the promise of my father.
- 54:12
- He blesses them and then he just lifts off the mountain. We just act like that's normal. We just read about the ascension and go and you know,
- 54:18
- Christ was ascended. No, like they were like. I mean, there's his feet just like dangling in the sky.
- 54:25
- Up he goes, they're just like standing straight up. We know that because the angel says in Acts chapter one, why do you men stand there and stare into the sky?
- 54:33
- The one who has gone, just as you've seen him go, you will see him come again. It even tells us, Zechariah 14 even says, he will come to the very
- 54:39
- Mount of Olives where he left. That's how specific it is. And just watch him and a cloud enfolds him.
- 54:45
- It just takes him up. So we've got this whole idea. I mean, didn't all of a sudden just like appear in heaven?
- 54:52
- He is ascending because as he is ascending, I mean, it's just all filled up with his glory because he has finished what he came to do.
- 55:02
- And I mean, he's going far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and above every name that is named, not only in this age, but the one to come.
- 55:12
- He put all things under his feet and gave him his head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. And we're meant to be awed.
- 55:19
- We're meant to be awed. We are meant to be awed. And I definitely appreciate the exaltation of Christ here.
- 55:26
- At this point, we are 40 minutes into our message. That's almost an hour long. And really she has been all over the place, pulling out scripture here and pulling out scripture there, scripture that references the spirit of Christ.
- 55:39
- Anyone talks about Christ's authority and references verses to that as well. But here's the thing.
- 55:45
- Do you feel you understand Romans 8 verses 9 to 11 now? Has Miss Moore helped us understand what the author's intent was in writing it?
- 55:55
- She goes back into Acts 2 as it describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the adding of God's people to the church.
- 56:02
- Climactic point in verse 41 of Acts 2, where it says that those who accepted his message were baptized and that day about 3 ,000 people were added to them.
- 56:12
- 3 ,000 people were added to them. Recites lyrics to King of Kings, they sung in their worship time, praising the theology that was given in it.
- 56:22
- I already had lyrics down in my notes to read to you as part of this lesson because I wanted to make a point about it.
- 56:29
- Now, if you were watching this all throughout her message, she would stop and put candles on a cake.
- 56:35
- So at this point that she begins to light them as she describes the day of Pentecost as the day the spirit, quote unquote, lit the flame in the birth of the church, to which the pouring out of the spirit is described as tongues of fire.
- 56:49
- He poured out the Holy Spirit and it was described as tongues of fire.
- 56:59
- Now, it was after this that she goes back to talking about the work and purpose of the Holy Spirit as he causes us to testify of Christ.
- 57:07
- We are to speak with tongues of fire by our lives, our love, and our testimony by the power of the
- 57:13
- Holy Spirit. That we testify with our lives and we testify with our love, but we're also able to testify with our tongues.
- 57:21
- Oh, I still believe in tongues of fire. Oh, I still believe in tongues of fire. I still believe in the power of spoken words.
- 57:28
- Does anybody believe in the power of spoken words? And not the kind of fire that burns and scorches, but the kind of fire that lights up a place.
- 57:39
- In Ephesians 3, 20, oh my goodness, we have all or many of us quoted this verse so many times and we should, it's so beautiful, but I want you to listen carefully to what it's saying.
- 57:51
- Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think according, listen carefully, according to the power at work within us, within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever, amen.
- 58:06
- Listen carefully to me, listen carefully. You and I want miracles, signs, and wonders so badly. I do too, I do too.
- 58:13
- That's not to put any condemnation on anybody. That doesn't make you weak, immature, superficial. Oh, I ask him constantly, renew your wonders in our day.
- 58:22
- But when he is talking about a power that is far more abundantly than all you could even think to ask, it is in the context of a power that is within people.
- 58:31
- I want you to understand because it would be a game changer for us if we understood that the biggest wonder that God wants to perform in this
- 58:37
- New Testament age, in the age of the church, is us, us. It is the transformation of people.
- 58:43
- Yes, he could do all the healing. Yes, he could do all the circumstantial changes. He could do every single bit of that.
- 58:52
- And we might be changed for 10 minutes or maybe 10 years. But what he wants to testify through is the power of a transformed life that you just flat don't make any sense to people.
- 59:04
- Okay, God wants to change us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, he most certainly, certainly does.
- 59:11
- He does a greater work than any physical earthly miracle we could see.
- 59:16
- He raises the dead to life. People dead in their trespasses and sins, and he raises them to newness of life.
- 59:24
- People who used to suppress God's word, suppress the truth, now love God's word and are empowered by the
- 59:31
- Holy Spirit to keep it, not perfectly and with many, many struggles against our flesh, but the desire and the motivation to love
- 59:39
- God by keeping his word is there, John 14, 15. And that is exactly what
- 59:44
- Romans 8 is all about. And Ephesians 3 dived into this as well, that through the power of the gospel proclaimed by Paul to the
- 59:52
- Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ might be made known. Because of this gospel,
- 59:58
- Paul prays that the church be strengthened with power through his spirit in their inner being so that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith, that they being rooted and grounded in love may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that they may be filled with all the fullness of God, Ephesians 3, 16 to 20.
- 01:00:25
- This is the transformation work that the Holy Spirit does. He brings us to faith, to trust in Christ, know and comprehend the love of our
- 01:00:33
- Lord and empower us to walk in his statutes. But listen to what she means by transformation.
- 01:00:41
- Is it the transformation as Romans described or something else? My pastor asked a question about six years ago that I've never been able to get over.
- 01:00:51
- He said, when your life is over, when it's all said and done, when you're gone from this place, do you want there to be a natural explanation for your life?
- 01:01:00
- No, no. I want it only to be supernaturally explainable, that it could only have been
- 01:01:10
- God. Whatever it is he's called you to do is out in the God zone. Okay, so the work of the
- 01:01:16
- Holy Spirit is to empower you for your calling, that your life looks supernatural.
- 01:01:22
- Ladies, when we hear something like that, we most likely go, yeah, that is what I want. Most of us imagine that that kind of life would be full of adventures, risks and successes and would please
- 01:01:34
- God greatly. But I tell you that this is one, reviling the work of the
- 01:01:39
- Holy Spirit, who, like I mentioned earlier, does a miraculous work in the salvation of an individual, bringing one out of darkness and into light, 1
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- Peter 2 .9. This work is not visible. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound.
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- You do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the
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- Spirit. John 3 .8. It is weak, imperceptible and not spectacular in our eyes, yet it is so very, very powerful.
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- Two, this is so very burdensome on women. It makes one look at their life now and doubt if they even have the
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- Spirit. A typical woman working to support and love her family, serving in nursery at her local church, changing diapers, doing her best to submit to her husband is left to doubt the work of the
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- Spirit in her life. Too many women have fallen for this, thinking they're not serving God rightly in these things, dropping them to pursue some higher calling, one subjectively received, instead of merely being grounded in God's word, obeying his commands, being faithful to him in service to those closest to us, family, friends, church, home, et cetera.
- 01:02:59
- For my sanity at this point, I'm going to stop. There's still 15 minutes left in the message, but most of it is her telling the listeners stories about being involved in ministries such as IfGathering and helping women come together to live lives like the apostles, which were supernatural.
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- I'll tell you a story as I close, because if I understand
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- IfGathering that what's been about all this time, and I assume as long as it exists, is us coming alongside one another and giving each other a hand and pulling each other up and saying, let's do this thing, let's do this thing.
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- Because the early church, these were powerhouses of the Holy Spirit, and they had fumbled all over the place with the
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- Holy Spirit in them. They were still very imperfect. They were still flawed, but they lived lives that could only be supernaturally explained.
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- So I'm going to conclude her message with this. Out of the three messages given so far at the 2020
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- IfGathering conference, this message talked the most about Jesus. She mentioned his birth, death, resurrection, and even went and added a little extra with imagination on Christ's ascension, which she was clear to let us know it was her imagination when she talked about it.
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- And so she talked about him with a lot of passion. Also, her message was focused on the third person of the
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- Trinity, the same person Paul was focusing on in Romans 8, unlike Jenny Allen's message who made it more about us and our thoughts.
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- But here's the bone I have to pick with this message. She pulls out a bunch of scripture that talks about receiving the
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- Holy Spirit and basically claims that the Holy Spirit will empower us to accomplish our calling, to testify of Christ's work in our lives, and especially to make our lives supernatural.
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- But Romans 8 to 9 to 11 is explaining that those who are in Christ have the
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- Spirit, which is in stark contrast to those who are in the flesh. Those in Christ do not have their minds set on the flesh, but on the things of the
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- Spirit, verse 13. Putting to death the deeds of the body and submitting to God's law, verse seven.
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- And in one of these passages she presented, the John 14 passage, she could have drawn out similar teachings from Christ on the role of the
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- Spirit to empower us to obey his commands, which would have deepened the teaching Paul was given in Romans 8, connecting
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- Paul's teaching to what Christ taught the 12 disciples in his farewell discourse.
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- Instead, she spent most of the 15 minutes pulling out verses in the Bible to talk about the
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- Spirit of God as the Spirit of Christ in hopes of encouraging the listeners to value what's inside them, claiming that the
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- Spirit empowers them to live supernatural lives. But do we get all that from Romans 8, 9 to 11 when we read it?
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- Beth Moore is a favorite within evangelical circles. She was heralded in her introduction at IfGathering as a great
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- Bible teacher and a spiritual mother to the speakers there. I want you all to understand why she's here on this stage.
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- It's not just because she's one of the most incredible Bible teachers in the world, but it's because she's a spiritual mama to us.
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- And not just us, like the collective us in the world, although almost all of us can say in some way she has been a spiritual mother to us, but specifically this place,
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- IfGathering. She is definitely a great orator. She can tell a story and can quote scripture like nobody else
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- I've seen, but she's all over the place. And for those of us who want to know what scripture actually says, to study it and get in depth the way she handles it causes distractions.
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- You certainly get a lot of information, but are you actually getting fed? This and her example as a woman who preaches to men in the church gathering on the
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- Lord's day and her associations and partnering with other women who do the same should make us wonder about her submission to Christ's command.
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- While the messages she gives at Living Proof Ministry use scripture quite often, and I wouldn't say she teaches clear heresy,
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- I'm not confident in the way she handles scripture. This should make us question just how sufficient and efficacious she believes scripture is to feed and grow those who put themselves under her teaching.
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- And in this message, you can see why. But what did you think? Do you think she addressed the text correctly?
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- Let me know. Feel free to email me at melbatoste at ttew .org.
- 01:07:40
- Here's the thing, ladies. Do you feel the weight of your sin? Have you seen your heart and recognized how your desires conflict with God's commands?
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- Have you cried out like Paul that you're a wretched woman asking God to forgive and make it right?
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- That is repentance. That is a supernatural gift for it is
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- God who grants repentance that leads to life, Acts 11, 18, and 2
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- Timothy 2, 25. Not only that, but your faith to believe in Christ and trust in his life, death, and resurrection and ascension is also a supernatural gift of grace from the
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- Holy Spirit who resides within you by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves.
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- It is the gift of God, not as a result of works so that no one may boast, Ephesians 2, 8 to 9.
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- The same spirit that graciously granted you repentance and faith now sets you apart, aka sanctifies you by working in you to desire
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- God's word and abide in it, to love Christ by walking in his commands as he explained in John 14.
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- You do not need to be searching out for some special calling, something you determined to be from God because there's just no way you can do it without some miraculous intervention.
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- This is a distraction. For even to obey Christ's word, you will need the supernatural help of the spirit to simply love
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- God and love your neighbor. The good works accomplished by obeying Christ's commands are not recognized by this world, ladies.
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- In fact, they despise the perfect good works of Christ. Therefore, they will despise our good works as well.
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- The world hates women who look like Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 women. They reject motherhood, submission, and the beautiful fruits that come from biblical womanhood.
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- And popular women's ministry perpetuates the same contempt by discipling women to be world changers instead of holy women.
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- So ladies, until next time, I pray that as you read Romans 8, you are valuing the work that God has done in you, that you praise him for taking out your heart of stone, putting in a heart of flesh,
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- Ezekiel 36, 26, granting you the faith to believe in the son of God, that you praise him for granting you the
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- Holy Spirit to empower you to walk in his statutes, to love his law and obey his commands.
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- As you rely on the Holy Spirit's supernatural power, I encourage you to dedicate yourself to loving your husbands and children, to be self -controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to your husband so the word of God is not reviled.
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- If you are convicted knowing that you have not kept God's law and are not walking in his ways,
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- I pray that you read all of Romans, and as you do, you're about to love God for sending his son to fulfill the law for you and bear the cross for your sins so you may be reconciled to God and that you are by grace given faith to trust in the work of Christ.
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- When you do that, you are given the helper, the spirit of Christ, to walk in faith and to accomplish the good works of the law for your neighbor that God prepared beforehand that you should walk in, whether those be accomplished in service to our employers, our teachers, our parents, our husbands, our children, our friends, or a stranger.
- 01:11:15
- All of this, I pray, ladies, you are in his word. Ladies, thanks for listening or watching this episode of Thoroughly Equipped.
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- If this episode blessed you, would you give it a rating or a thumbs up? And if you think
- 01:11:32
- Thoroughly Equipped is a much -needed ministry, consider subscribing. It helps spread the word.
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- If you are interested to know more about Thoroughly Equipped, check out the blog, or just find some other great
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- Christian resources, you can go to my website at ttew .org.
- 01:11:50
- You can connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, links in the description below, or email me at melbatoste at ttew .org.
- 01:11:59
- Thoroughly Equipped is part of Striving for Eternity's Christian Podcast Community, a one -stop resource for solid podcasts that can assist you in your
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- Christian walk. Check that out at christianpodcastcommunity .org. I pray that God of all grace grants you more and more knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ, as the
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- Holy Spirit thoroughly equips you through His written word for every good work.