Imitate God With Thanksgiving


Scripture Reading and Sermon for 06-16-2024 Scripture Readings: Exodus 20.17; Colossians 2.6-10 Sermon Title: Imitate God With Thanksgiving Sermon Scripture:Ephesians 5.1-4 Pastor Andrew Beebe


Please stand for the reading of God's word. Today's Old Testament reading is
Exodus 20 verse 17 You shall not cover your neighbor's house
You shall not cover covet your neighbor's wife or His male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything.
That is your neighbors New Testament readings and Colossians 2 6 through 10
Therefore as you received Christ Jesus as Lord so walk in him rooted and build up in him and established in the faith
Just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition
According to the element spirits of the world and not according to Christ For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily and you have been filled in him who is the head of all
Rule and authority may be seated. That's a fun hymn, isn't it?
Maybe one day I'll learn how to sing it It sounds great around me though, and I appreciate that. I don't know what part
I'm supposed to be on but Thank you for your singing
Congregational singing is wonderful. It is good There's many churches that sing with a band so loud
You can't hear yourself and to hear the congregation singing it is truly marvelous and good
So I thank you for your singing. I thank you for blessing my heart I'd ask you to turn to Ephesians chapter 5, please
Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians chapter 5
We'll read the first four verses Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children and Walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness
Must not even be named among you as is proper among Saints Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking which are out of place
But instead let there be thanksgiving Thanksgiving let us pray Oh God in heaven.
I pray that you would help us with this word today Lord Help me as a speaker to say of something of value
Help it to be of truth and let it be enlivened by the spirit of grace that you've given to your church and I pray
God that you would help the listeners as well here in a way that is despite the distractions that are always around that they would grab hold of the truth that's proclaimed in and Receive it in grace and and help it
Lord to change them if for those who have never been changed or have been saved let them come to repentance and salvation in Christ and for those who are
Believers may it sanctify them further so that together we would again continue to grow in this land of the imperatives
You so graciously have given to us Lord. This world is filled with brokenness and sorrow and sadness all around But what a light we have that we can look at Jesus look to him each day of our lives and find hope find peace
Find life and find truth So let us do so here now and may it enliven us to worship you
So that we don't waste our lives that we have but rather we would spend it glorifying our gracious Wonderful God that you are in Jesus name.
Amen. I Think he's revealing something very important to to us in our
Society today. I think he's revealing to us just how important fathers in the home
Fathers being in the home how important that is. I think he's he's he's showing us in our society
Just how important that we would have fathers in the home and we would have fathers who love their children in the home as well
I I think it well, it's a it's a it's a very interesting thing and art We really only see this in our
Society today because of how bad the family has fallen to where if you look at the the prisoners in the prisons
If you look at the the drug addict Homeless people on the streets if you if you talk to each one of them
You would see a growing trend among them certainly not all of them But a growing trend that there was no father in the home or if they did have a father in the home
They were not beloved by that father in the home Is it's a serious problem in our society and we see the workings of it everywhere
We wonder why our children are so messed up We wonder why our children grow up to be in prisons or to be on the streets
We wonder why there's something so seriously wrong in our society today that other societies didn't quite look like that and there's a
Commonality that we see that there is fatherless homes in abundance throughout the land and there are homes that if they do have fathers
They are not loving their children as they ought and so I think God is revealing something very important about fathers in our home
Well at the same time we see the attack of Satan Saying that we don't need fathers in the home or fathers are useless or what have you?
I think this is something that is very a serious thing that God is revealing something about the
Importance of a loving father in the home and Here as we're looking at the land of the imperatives that we have before us
We want to enjoy the land of the imperatives just like children We want them to grow up and enjoy the creation around them.
We want them to enjoy the life We don't want them to be addicted to drugs get into crime and get in the prison and there's their life, right?
We want them to enjoy the the creation around them and Christ has brought us his church his people who believe upon him to the land of the imperatives for us to enjoy his commands and his life that he's offered to us and Just like the importance of the father is in the home
It's important for us to understand that we have a father who loves us in our home so we can enjoy this land of the imperatives
Without this loving father that we have there is no hope for us in the land of the imperatives without us
Understanding the love that we have from the father in this land the imperatives We will never truly enjoy this land that we have before us
And so I want to look at this this text that we're looking at today With that in our mind because that's where Paul draws us as he says in verse 1 of Ephesians 5 be imitators therefore of God and notice as beloved children as a father who loves you and Be imitators of God and and that be imitators of God is a very general
Imperative that he has laid out that has all the specifics of the imperatives. We've been going through in chapter 4
Now he generally says it and be imitators of God in other words This is the specifics of be unified with the church body walk as the new man
Help others walk as the new man all these imperatives We've been getting in chapter 4 collects and comes together in chapter 5 be imitators of God imitate
God Now that is a scary Sentence or it should be to you who are awakened to the law of God to imitate
God Or even even you know, if you look at it, it's like God is the great I am
He's the awesome one the one who's outside of creation the one who created ex nihilo of his words
Right the one who created out of nothing and he maintains everything and I'm supposed to imitate that Well, no, you're not supposed to imitate that part
But what Paul has in mind is he sees he's going to the the very Makeup of who you are as a human.
Okay, God made you in the image of himself He made you with the emphasis the purpose that you would image him well in creation.
That's the essence of your existence Oh Christian or all whether you're a
Christian or not That's why he made you so you can image him and and so here Paul is is grabbing hold of this general doctrine of who you are as a person and he says image
God or imitate God and that is scary if you're
Awakened to the law of God because as you're considering in your life right now, just do it right real quick for me
Just think about your week right now You can think of all the different ways that I failed to do the very nature of what of my existence to image him
How many different ways did you fail to image God this week? And as you consider that the list starts to pile up and if it doesn't you're not understanding
God's law good enough And it starts to get a very burdensome sentence right here image
God How can I do that? That's the same issue. We've been having with the land of the imperatives.
It's a scary land How can I do these things? I can't do these things but notice how there's like a little hidden indicative there
We were just in the land of the indicatives there everywhere, right? God has done this for you that for you this for you that for you
He's doing all these things for us predestined right called before time again beloved in Christ before time again
And then in the land the imperatives the indicatives they don't they aren't as prevalent So when we see an indicative in the land of the imperative, it's meant to give us like a footing
It's meant to ground us to help us to remember what he's already told us in the first few chapters of this book
And so did you notice the indicative here in the land of the imperatives? That is do this as beloved children of the father notice
He doesn't say imitate God so you can become beloved by God, right or be
Beloved or be loved by God by doing this right? No, this is indicative. You are already beloved by God Therefore imitate him and and so we had this this little hidden gem of a nugget of an indicative right here in the imperatives that you need to grab hold of in order to make meaning of the
Imitate God imitate God because you are already beloved by God You are already loved by God you that word beloved is like you're special God has it looks at you as a special child of his so therefore you're able to imitate him
The question then we need to ask ourselves here is how is it that having a father who loves us in our home?
So to speak how is it that that empowers us to imitate him you get where I'm getting at here?
What are those just words right? Well, I'm a I'm loved by God. Therefore. I can imitate him. That's all it is
That's just a bumper sticker That's not gonna really get you too far through temptations and everything and so the
Paul is writing in mind of a context here You are a beloved child of God.
So therefore you can imitate him. The question is how am I beloved by God? What does that look like?
Because as we see that we'll see and that's the power to imitate him right there And so how are you beloved or in other words, how does
God express his love to you? We'll look at the context of this verse. In fact, look at chapter 4 verse 32.
He says Forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you so God You're a beloved child of God.
He loves you. How does he express that he is forgiving you, right? And then look at the verse after verse 1 of chapter 5 and verse 2 of chapter 5 of Ephesians and walk in love as Christ loved us and did what to express that love gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God So you are
Through your faith in Jesus. You are beloved by God and he's expressed that love by forgiving you
And by dying on the cross for you and it's with that Expression of love that you are able then to imitate him or enjoy the imperative land
There is a serious problem with humanity and There's a serious problem with humanity that causes humanity not to be able to fulfill
This mandate to imitate him to image him and that problem is is that God is angry with the wicked every day
I know it's not popular to say anymore But it is a truth that God is angry with the wicked with the sinner every day
There's never a moment where God is not angry with wickedness And so there is no possibility that we could ever expect to imitate
God when he is angry with us And so when we see that there is forgiveness found in Christ, and that's how we're beloved by God That is something we hold on to because the forgiveness of God Reveals that he's no longer angry with you if he has forgiven you and so that opens the door of imitation imitating the one that used to be angry with us, but it is no longer and How he has forgiven is not just a randomness
But he's done it in his son who died on the cross for your sins Look at verse 2 again.
Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a Fragrant offering and sacrifice to God you remember what?
Pastor Tim went through in Hebrews 10 in which the writer of the
Hebrews is contrasting the sacrifices of the Old Testament with the sacrifice of our Lord and the
Greaterness of our Lord, and he says in chapter 10 in verse 5 He says consequently in Hebrews when
Christ came into the world He said sacrifice and offerings you have not desired
But a body you have prepared for me and burnt offerings and sin offerings you have taken no pleasure
Then I said behold I've come to do your will O God as is written of me in the scroll of the book And so the
Son of God enters into creation and is given a body so that he could then give it up as a sacrifice to God and That sacrifice he gave to God is a fragrant offering.
You know what that is? It's a well. It's a good smelling aroma to our God now
I want you to contrast that with the fact that he's angry with the wicked every day Now contrast this is pleasing to me with the fact that he hates sin
And he's angry with sinners every day But then all of a sudden a sacrifice comes up to his nostrils in which he is pleased with it and that sacrifice is the
Sacrifice of Jesus Christ that he gave with his body in which with that sacrifice him smelling that he is pleased with the one that the sacrifice covers
Now why is that important because this is why forgiveness is possible And this is why we can when before we were angry or God is angry with us now
He is smelling something pleasing when he considers us It's the same language that you see in Genesis with Noah You remember
Noah gave a sacrifice and in Genesis it says that I will not blot out humanity
I will not curse this world like I've done before even though they're wicked as he smelled the pleasing aroma
And so the fact is is that they're still wicked. They still deserve it. But because of this pleasing aroma
I'm not going to and this is looking forward to the future in which God would smell the pleasing aroma of Jesus's sacrifice and say
I am no longer angry with this people And so the ability to imitate
God in the land of the Imperatives comes forth from the fact that he has loved you and that love is expressed in the forgiveness through Jesus Christ our
Lord There is no imitation There is no ability without this great work that Jesus Christ has done for you this indicative that Christ has done for you
So when you're looking at the imitation of God be imitators of God You need to think consider the fact that that is only possible because you're beloved by God Because of what
Christ has done in forgiving you of your sins Now at this juncture, let's let's let's let's hold a moment because what can we do at this point right here?
Well, if i'm forgiven already, why do I need to imitate God? I can just keep on not imitating
God and he'll just keep on forgiving me, right? That's in our minds, right? In fact, Romans 6
Paul anticipates that argument. He says why not continue to sin? So grace may abound all the more right because there is something that happens when
God forgives you of your sins Um, there is something that happens to you. Oh sinner
When God is no longer angry with you and you become his beloved there is an atmosphere Shift that happens when no longer
Is satan your father? The one who was in the home the one who hated you the one who brought you on to death the one who wanted your worse
When all of a sudden a new father is in the home that loves you. You're beloved by him and he's forgiving you
There is an atmosphere shift Now when satan is in the home the atmosphere is one now look at verse three.
I'm not there yet, but just look at it And he's going to talk about like not imitating God He says this is the way you don't imitate
God sexual immorality and all impurity can't have it But look at what he says with it. He says covetousness
Kind of interesting, isn't it that covetousness would be involved with sexual impurity? But what he's getting at there is that there's this, you know when satan is our father and he's in charge of the home
There's an atmosphere of coveting. I want more. I want more sin. It's not enough.
I want more. I want more. I want more but when christ Enables us to be beloved by the father
There's an atmosphere shift look at verse four when he says let there be no filthiness Nor foolish talk nor crude joking which are out of place, but instead let there be what?
Thanksgiving Now why am I highlighting that? It's because when God the father is our father and we are beloved by him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ There's an atmosphere shift in the home where it is filled no longer with coveting after I want more and more and more
But rather it is a settled conviction. I am thankful When you are thankful you're not grabbing for more.
Are you i'm satisfied? I'm very thankful. I don't need more I don't need to go outside the bounds of what
God has for me I'm satisfied with what I have and so here what happens is when we become a beloved by God And forgiven by sins there is an attitude shift of gratefulness of thankfulness for this forgiveness
There is a grateful i'm grateful for this forgiveness I am thankful for this forgiveness so that when we then look at what
I am to do with my life We in gratitude and thanksgiving say I am going to imitate
God with my life. I'm so thankful I want to imitate him now and when we fail to do it
We then say oh lord forgive me for this We look to the cross we see forgiveness and we are so full of thanksgiving that we say and I just want to then
Obey you now With what I have so there's just like this cycle movement for the believer in christ
That no longer when when satan no longer is your father and the father is your father through the forgiveness of christ
It gives you your heart of thanksgiving that he would forgive a wretch like you And then so it makes you want to obey him with gratitude
Which then fuels imitation of what of god himself This is what happens when we have a father who loves us in the home who takes care of us who applies the work of jesus
To us. He gives us that heart of gratitude for the cross And this gives us the fuel for imitation
And this is what what's going on in chapter 5 verse 1 therefore be imitators of god
As beloved children, how am I beloved child? Well, I have forgiveness by the cross of jesus christ and now
I have this thankfulness because of it because of it which fuels imitation If you are not imitating god
This is a major conclusion at this point if you are not imitating god It is because you lack a thankful heart ultimately for the cross
You need a beeline to the cross If you are living in sin, it's so easy for us to look at the differences
I just need to stop it and just focus on each one but ultimately you need to go to the source and say
I am not being thankful for the Fundamental thing that makes me beloved before god that is the sacrifice of the lord
And so it's always a look to christ when you are failing to imitate god Look to what he's done for you in jesus
And may your heart be so full of gratitude that you don't have time to do those things of sin
I'm too in love with christ to do those things That's always the answer.
There's always a reply. This is what paul's getting at here Be imitators of god as beloved children and that is how has he loved us because he has forgiven us through Jesus that is the oomph of your ability to imitate god
But it's not just the oomph that he's talking about here, but he's he's actually saying and this is the way you do imitate god
How do we imitate god? Well, not only is jesus forgiveness and his cross the oomph to your ability to forgive god
But it is also the example he's giving you to imitate it acts as both things. Does that make sense? I hope
I said that slow enough. Not only is it the power but it's also the example And so we can then look back at these things and say, okay, how do
I imitate god? What am I to do with thanksgiving in my heart for what he's done for me? Well, look at the example.
Look at the example christ has provided for us again Look at chapter 4 verse 32 be kind to one another tender -hearted forgiving one another
As god in christ forgave you you want to be kind tender -heartedness This shows itself in your ability or desire to forgive one another
If you have no forgiveness within your heart for someone you're not being kind You're not being tended tender -hearted and you're not imitating god.
And so one of the examples That we have that christ has done to enable us to imitate him in the first place
And provide the example in the second is we are to forgive one another we are to forgive one another
This is the imitation we are to do All right. Let's look at Um, I know there's probably when it comes to this topic.
There's probably a parable that's on your mind Um with this let's look at matthew when it comes to this importance of following the example of imitating god with how we forgive
Um, look at matthew chapter 18 verse 21
Again, this is the example of those who have been forgiven. We have the power to forgive and that's the example set for us
And look at verse 21 then peter came up to jesus and said lord. How often will my brother sin against me and I forgive him?
As many as seven times that's ridiculous peter's saying there's no way seven times come on And then jesus says to him.
I do not say to you seven times He's like, oh, of course, you know, maybe once twice I say 77 times and that's just you know
Like a like a I can't think of the word endless number, right? You keep on forgiving And he says in verse 23 to give a parable to drive that point that you keep on forgiving
He says therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants And when he began to settle one was brought to him who owed him 10 000 talents
Which is a debt that there's no way he could ever pay back never And since he could not repay his master ordered him to be sold with his wife and children and all that he had and payment
To be made So the servant fell on his knees imploring him have patience with me and i'll pay you everything No, he wouldn't but nevertheless, he's desperate
And out of pity for him the master of the servant released him and forgave him the debt But when the same servant went out and found the one of his fellow servants who owed him 100 denarii
Which is a good amount but not nearly what he owed. He seized him and began to choke him saying pay what you owe
So his fellow servant fell down and pleaded with him Oh have patience with me and i'll repay you
But he refused and he sent him in prison And how that story ends is the master comes back to him and says you wicked servant
I forgave you that huge debt. You can't forgive this guy a little bit of a debt And then he grabs him he throws them in into prison
Now what's the servant's problem here? Well, his problem certainly is he's not forgiven even though the example to forgive was just right there before him
But his problem ultimately is the fact that he lacked a thankful heart right his his heart of His heart should be so full of thankfulness in that moment that he's like, of course i'll forgive you
But the fact is he lacks a thankfulness despite the fact he was forgiven so much And he fails to forgive this servant a little a little issue
And so it's the same thing with us right again If we are people who have been forgiven by christ for our infinite debt against him
And this is a certain uh energy or vibe within the home now of thankfulness for what he's done
When someone then sins against us, which is a minor debt We should be so filled with thankfulness that we've been forgiven to such a massive debt that we say wow
I get to display in little part the forgiveness of god in this moment I I get to display what god has done for me in just a minor part in this moment praise me to god that I Had this opportunity
But how often because we lack the thankfulness of the cross of christ we get vindictive we get angry
We lack kindness tenderness and we don't even consider the forgiveness we have in christ.
What's going on? We do not have a thankful heart for what christ has done for us But we can imitate christ in this way when we are so overwhelmed by the gospel so overwhelmed by the debt
Free free no longer put upon us We're so thankful that instead of saying how can
I ever forget this person? We say wow I get to glorify god by forgiving or having a heart of forgiveness to this person
See how that switches everything And so when you're struggling with forgiving someone you don't sit there say well you should have seen what he did
Right, how easy is that we all been there haven't we? No, no one has ever had it like me
All right, certainly you haven't god The point is we need to reset our mind to look again to the cross that Empowers us for imitation that gives us a delight and thankfulness that oh and I get to reveal that here
Praise me to god. I shall do that imitation So we see in verse 32 one area of imitation.
Not only is it the power but it's also this is how we imitate That is forgiving one another But what's the other?
Way that jesus has showed us how to imitate god and that is again a sacrificial love a sacrificial love
Look again at verse two and walk in love, right? That's the imitation walk in love and what's the example we have before us as christ loved us
And gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to god
So jesus has a sacrificial love that he's given to us Which empowers us to then imitate him to have a sacrificial love for other people
But again, remember how the home of satan works remember how the the father the old father how he works
What does he say you need to covet after your the desires of your heart with everything within you your fleshly desires
You need to go after that and that is the opposite of sacrificial love to others
I will love someone as as long as it gets me something, right? That's the way satan operates i'll show love to that person as long as it gives me shows
I get something for it but the example christ has given to us is a Sacrificial love is i'm willing to sacrifice the desires that I have in order to show betterment or goodness to my neighbor
And that's exactly what jesus has done for us in the gospel hasn't not you remember the um the temptation of christ
Or the satan coming and tempting christ. Remember the the pinnacle of that temptation remember what it is
I'll give you this kingdom. He shows him all the kingdom of the world, right? He says i'll let you have this i'll let you have this if only you bow down to me
And what we got to understand is satan is is offering him a counterfeit kingdom
Certainly some sort of authority, but it wasn't through Christ exhibiting sacrificial love and the betterment of the people
You get what i'm saying? If he would have if christ he never would have so please this is almost blasphemous to even say this
But if he would have taken satan up on that offer Jesus wouldn't have had to have sacrificial love.
He wouldn't have had sacrificed his own desires. Remember what he said in the garden Not my will but yours be done
He wouldn't have had to gone through that And he would have gotten some kind of kingdom in which what he would have reigned over was a condemnation and a guilt and a shame upon the subjects
But instead christ sacrifices with a sacrificial love. He offers a kingdom of forgiveness and love and betterment for others
Uh, you know, I I honestly think satan usually he gives half truths like in the garden He gave half truths to adam and eve.
He didn't get full lies to where none of that came about I think personally I could be wrong, you know, like, you know, maybe in eternity i'll find out
I was wrong about this But I think satan would could have given him some kind of kingdom that satan has here on earth
But it wouldn't have been for the good of anyone else And it wouldn't have been through his sacrificial love christ and it would have been for our good
But jesus sets himself as an example He withholds he he didn't want to suffer the wrath of god
He didn't want to suffer that death, but he gives up himself Sacrificially for our good so that we could have the power and the ability to imitate god
This is the example he's offered to us We are to then in keeping with that example have a sacrificial love for one another to be willing to say
I desire this But I desire to love and and have a betterment for my neighbor instead
I'm willing to love even whenever it is. It might hurt my original desires that I have within me
This is a sacrificial love. It's it's it's kind of uh, interesting to see this played out in scripture um, like for instance, you remember when the the
The apostles came back to jesus after ministering throughout the land and they're all excited
They're saying man You should see what's going on with uh with demons are subjected to our names and they're able to preach and everything
And you remember what jesus says he says let's retire up to the mountain And let's get some rest because they didn't even have time to eat
And then what happens they get to the mountain but not very long before the people find them come and what does jesus say?
Would you just leave me alone? He said he he sees they're like shepherdless. They don't have shepherds and so he ministers them
He gives to them you can imagine his original reason for being up the mountain was to get rest
And some privacy with his disciples, but of course they find them and yet he continues to give But I think what's important here before we move off of this point of sacrificial love is that it's always pleasing to god
So whenever we're considering I need to have sacrificial love to one another It always needs to be in the realm of what pleases god because there are times where people ask too much from you, right?
Or I think one example of a pastor who has his ministry in the home with his family And the the church perhaps is asking too much to where he's neglecting that ministry
But he thinks I gotta sacrificially love. Well, it's not pleasing to god to abandon your family to do that, right?
So there's points and times in our lives where it's like well I need to be pleasing to god in the way I'm sacrificially loving this person and you need to have the discernment to know when that is and when that isn't
But nevertheless, we have an example from christ, right? He sacrificially loved us.
And so therefore it enables us to imitate him and sacrificially loving others Now I want to spend a moment
Looking at verse 3 I'm not going to spend nearly as much time and 4 Because what paul has done here is he says imitate god because you're beloved children, right?
And the way he's showed his love to you is the power behind your imitation and the example of your invitation
But then he goes into the direct opposites of what it means not to imitate god Because if we are to have a sacrificial love for others
A pretty good opposite of that is sexual immorality Of verse 3 right but sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness shouldn't be named among you
You see we are to have a sacrificial love that we to give up our desires to love one another Sexual immorality is the very opposite of that.
I want my sexual gratification now. I don't care who I hurt to get it I don't care who I hurt whether the prostitute or whatever woman i'm having
Illicit sex with I don't care who I hurt. I just had these desires in my flesh that I want to gratify now
And so you see how that's the very opposite of sacrificial love, isn't it? I'm, not willing to sacrifice anything In fact, i'm willing to exploit others in order to get that desire
I have in my in my heart And so here paul is is given like a counterweight, right? We need to by example imitate god's and sacrificial love and then he says but sexual immorality
Which is gratifying the flesh to the nth degree The opposite of imitating god and all impurity or covetousness
Must not even be named among you as is proper among saints He's saying it shouldn't even be
It shouldn't be it's such a wicked thing It shouldn't even be you shouldn't even hear the talks of it happening in the community of the saints um sexual immorality there
That word is pornea A sexual immorality is pornea and it's it started off as a as a word that just denotes any kind of um, uh, it's like fornication any kind of sex outside of marriage or Cheating on a wife or a husband
But really the sexual immorality it's a very general word of just any kind of sexual activity outside of the ordain uh sexual activity of god
That is a marriage that is a husband and wife That is the the way that uh, we are to love one another in that kind of ways between a husband and a wife
Anything outside of that arena pornea is absolutely wickedness is sinfulness, right?
And so here it's a general nature of any kind of sexual immorality any kind of sexual expression Outside of the marriage bed between a husband and a wife and he says in all impurity similar word
And he says or covetousness must not even be named among you. It's absolutely not imitating god to do that It's actually gratifying the desires of the flesh instead of sacrificial love
And what he's saying is is that it's a covetousness, right? You know god has given us sex
God has given us this way to express ourselves and it's a good thing But covetousness is a again.
This is what satan as our father does in the home He just says I want more. I want more. I want more And so it's not enough that god has given us the marriage bed.
I want more. I want to express my sexual passions in other ways And what's interesting here in this context here is that is that paul and sarah and I were talking about this
Paul seems to bring up the sexual deviance thing a lot when he talks when he's in the imperatives, right?
He brings up sexual passion a lot and we're looking at a culture here in the time of ephesus where sexual expression in this way is very dominant and popular you could go to the temple down the street and have
And have prostitutes there and and and engage in sexual activity with them as an act of worship to a false god
In fact to cheat on one spouse was considered no big deal at this point, right? And so it was a very uh open thing to have sexual immoral people
And so you have people coming into the church with that culture And so he has to remind them that cannot even be named among you
Now I think we're in this room here. Probably most of us aren't going to call prostitutes too often
But I think it's interesting that that word sexual immorality that another word for that is pornea And of course paul doesn't have in mind pornography didn't exist back then but the same root issue sin of sexual deviance is found in Pornography and then the secret hiddenness of your room in which you engage in that activity
It's the same kind of heart problem of cult prostitutes and sexual immorality Is found in pornography or in that kind of realm there?
And so it's still a same heart issue and it's still driven by a covetousness to want more than what god has offered with sexual expression
And it's driven by a failure to remind yourself or be thankful for the cross of christ
And so it's very fascinating That as we're looking at what it means to imitate god paul would also label something that many people struggle with and probably in this room
Of sexually gratifying yourself in violence that god has not provided And so it's very easy for us to say.
Oh, I just gotta stop doing it I gotta I gotta stop looking at pornography. I gotta stop doing those things and that's all
It is there but have you ever considered and go deeper? Why would I have a desire to do that?
And it's because I have failed to see that I am a beloved child of god Who has died for me
In which he then gives me thankfulness for that sacrificial love in which I don't have time for sexual immorality
I don't have a desire for it because i'm too too full of being thankful for what christ has done for me And so it's very fascinating in this very common sin of sexual impurity in which we are failing to be by example what christ has provide
Sacrificial love we're doing the opposite The answer is for you to look to the cross of christ and find your thankfulness there
Instead of coveting after all sorts of different things at your disposal Paul says it can't be named among you
In in verse 4 he goes on to the talk of this He says let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which is out of place
The the talk that comes forth from that kind of perverse lifestyle, right? Filthiness and foolish talk there.
Um, it kind of denotes a a a drunken Conversation. I don't know if you've ever been around drunk people, but they have they they love to talk and their conversations are useless
It's vain. It's silly talk. It's always goofball. It doesn't amount to anything.
It's vanity It's just because of their liquor and that's kind of denoting that with that is denoting that with foolish talk
It doesn't have any kind of good Reasoning for it. It's it's just drunken speech
And he says crude joke in there. That's like wittiness It's just simply wittiness, but it's witty jokes in light of sexual perversion
And he says that that kind of talk cannot be on your lips He says they're out of place language if you look in verse 4 again
It's it's out of place And and what should go on in your mind as he says that that kind of language that kind of use of your words is
It's out of place It's not in its proper place What that should remind you of if you look in chapter 4 and you remember in verse 30
What does he say do not grieve the holy spirit of god by whom you're sealed for the day of redemption? Oh, I I went the wrong one verse 29 let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth
But only such as is good for building up, right? You see the contrast there that kind of talk is corruption
It will not build people up in christ at all. It'll only tear them down. And so therefore it's out of place
It's corrupting talk, but we should only talk in a way that will build people up in christ that fits the occasion
And so here we see in chapter 5 this sort of corrupting talk this sort of filthiness foolish talk
Witty joking it is stuff that is out of place. It will not build up properly in christ
I remember having a new believer come, uh to me and he and he says man that you know
I he he was a funny guy very funny guy and he would always have jokes that were funny
But the thing is now he's in christ and he's realizing those jokes that were funny Was because typically they had some kind of sexual perversion or some kind of corrupting influence in him
And he's saying it's a bummer because I want to be funny But yet i'm seeing this and I said you got to make up your mind is it worth
To be witty yet corrupting or is it worth to never make someone laugh ever again?
But yet have words to build up in christ instead now you can have jokes as a christian and make people laugh
But the point is is that you gotta it's got to be worth it Like I want to build people up so much that i'll never say a joke again
If that means that i'm corrupting people out of place speaking out of place Um, and this is what it has to be a dominating desire within us, right?
I have such a sacrificial love that i'm not going to have corrupting talk and make them go down Without christ instead i'm going to have words that will build them up in christ even if that means lacking a certain wittiness
But again, notice how he he kind of gives the contrast of covetousness and we'll end here instead let there be
Thanksgiving let there be thanksgiving It can it's it's like sometimes the answer is always so simple
Because in your mind right now whether you're dealing with sexual immorality right now or not. I know there's again. It's such a such a
Great sin is it's so It's so prevalent that there are people in this room struggling with sexual immorality, right?
But whether that is you or not whether you are failing to imitate god in other ways It can be very daunting and say what do
I got to do here? Right? What do I got to do? And sometimes the answer is just so simple Now sometimes hard to apply but nevertheless simple and that is again.
I've already alluded to it and i'll finish with this that if you are Struggling with sin if you're struggling with imitating god
If you are not doing if you're weak is marked by that The answer is always going to be you have lost focus of the cross
The answer is always in some degree your eyes have grown hazy You can't quite see the the redeeming power and love of christ has for you on the cross
That the fact is is that if you are in christ, that means you have a new father of the household
And he is a father who loves you and he has revealed that love in the cross And in that revealing you see that and it draws you how can you have forgiven such a wicked sinner like me?
And then it drives a thanksgiving in your heart in which then that sin that is causing you not to imitate god
Now all of a sudden you say I just don't I don't want anything to do with that I'm, so it's far too hard of thanksgiving to my god
But if instead that lack of imitating god, whatever that sin is is so Overwhelmingly alluring to you is because that thankfulness to the cross has become this size
And so the answer is always the simple foundational Principles of the gospel
Put your eyes upon christ for that is the expression of the father's love for you today
And with that expression all right there before you say, oh god in heaven. How can you be so kind to me?
With a thankful heart you say oh, I will not lack imitation to you I will not waste my time with these things
But instead I will imitate you today for this great thing. You've done for me being a beloved child of yours
This is why the preaching of the gospel is always so vital always so important That's why when you hear the preaching of the gospel in this in this very room and you say well
I'm not a believer. I don't need to hear that. I'll fool you with that You need to be reminded of the love that god has for sinners
You need to be reminded of that because that drives thankfulness and it drives a holy life and imitating life
We are called to be imitators of god We are called to enjoy the imperative land and this can only be done when we realize that we have a father who loves us
Who has revealed that love and it fills us with thanksgiving in which we follow his example
This is a life laid out for us here. Let us praise god for that Let us look to jesus again afresh and renewed today
And let us live a life in keeping with the imitation of how he is What he has offered to us what has shown us revealed us in christ.
Oh god in heaven. What a What a simple thing but yeah, it is terribly difficult before We do we remember each one of us as christians we remember the life that we had
Before you were our father Lord, whenever you were angry with us whenever we were children of wrath
Whenever our father was satan who did not have our best interests in mind
Oh god in heaven would have been great to have an absent father at that time whenever satan was our father But said he certainly was in the home and he constantly drove us to do wicked things
Pursuing the desires of the flesh while saying he loves us by giving us these sins But we know that those things were corruption and led to death.
But thanks be to god. Thanks be to your great name That even when we were yet sinners christ died for us
And so now we have a new father. We have a new father in the home and this father You have shown you love us not because of anything we've done
But you've already loved us even when we were sinners by offering jesus for us And we see the expression of your love in christ the forgiveness
The offering of himself his body It gives us a thankful heart that you would be so kind to such sinners like us
And then it gives us the power and ability to imitate you in this life To enjoy the land of imperatives that you've opened up in christ and his sacrificial work.
What a great love we have in the father Let us not forget that lord Let us not fall into sin and I think that the only way we can get out is to feel guilty and shame
And just stay there But let us rather know that we are not we're to look to jesus again and surely there's shame and The feelings there that are associated with sin, but god help us to remember that we are to then look to jesus
We are to see him even clearer with that sin And we are to have even growing heart of thanksgiving that you would forgive us even still today
And so let us god let it help us dress for action and imitate you well because of how much you have loved us in christ
Thank you for this love in jesus name, let's stand and sing hymn 374.